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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 36 KB, 502x283, drawabox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7149124 No.7149124 [Reply] [Original]

There are no amount of words that will let me accurately describe how much I hate drawabox. Yeah, lets draw the same useless cube 300 times. Yeah, lets make my hobby boring as hell by drawing the least interesting shape on the planet.

>But muh perspectiv!! muh thwee-dee forms!!
go fuck yourself and actually try drawing something interesting for a change. I refuse to waste precious hours of my life drawing a fucking box.

>> No.7149128
File: 872 KB, 2743x1917, skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use your new found skills and draw some skulls (inside boxes)

>> No.7149132
File: 998 KB, 953x688, OH MY GAWD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is the crator's art

>> No.7149157

What about the 50% rule?
You can't blame the method if you didn't follow it properly.

>> No.7149191
File: 807 KB, 480x458, PR7LW85vHeQ7aYc0RN-ezgif.com-webp-to-gif-converter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I refuse to waste precious hours of my life drawing a fucking box
Recently I realized that time is the most important thing in life, even more so than money.
I'm 30 years old and most people in my country die from their late 50s to early 60s so I'm already at halfway my life and retirement is a joke here since most people die before they retire so I get what you mean OP.
You don't have to draw hundreds of boxes, most professional artists don't draw them much anyway so it's ok to practice something else.
If you have trouble just use a 3D file of a box.

>> No.7149192

maybe you're just too much of a beg to understand it and are throwing a hissy fit for no real reason

>> No.7149193

Needing to use a 3d model for the second-simplest 3d object would be a much bigger waste of your time.

>> No.7149202

>I'm 30 years old and most people in my country die from their late 50s to early 60s so I'm already at halfway my life
I forgot to say that most of my artistic idols died in their 30s so it isn't looking good.

>> No.7149207

>Needing to use a 3d model for the second-simplest 3d object would be a much bigger waste of your time.
I don't use it because I don't need it, besides I'm a 3D modeler so it's easy to mess with 3D in general, and it's far easier than drawing imho.

>> No.7149246

Only fellow the first couple of lessons then dip into something else

>> No.7149261

guess how many boxes you could have drawn instead of posting this

>> No.7149272

I've been doodling since kindergarden a lot, Drawabox made me lose interest in drawing. I picked the pencil up several years later, but I didn't forget this.
Because of this, drawabox will forever be shit-tier learning resource in my opinion (props for being free though). Also the dude that made the site is insufferable, can't stand his writing.

>> No.7149288

you should be having fun 100% of the time, not 50%. Yes, this includes the way you study

>> No.7149291

Don't draw fucking boxes.

Draw what you want to be able to draw in the future.

>> No.7149417

Don't make me dump my anti-Irshad folder lol

>> No.7149421

I want to draw boxes in the future

>> No.7149420

dump it for funsies

>> No.7149434

the reason drawabox rent free in your head is because deep down you know that knowing how to draw boxes is the basis of learning to draw, and that it's not even that long or difficult, but you have such an aversion to effort, for anything that isn't directly fun that as soon as the idea ofdrawabox pops into your head, a cognitive dissonance immediately sets in, and your lazy but relatively ingenious mind's way of dealing with this cognitive dissonance is to convince yourself that drawing boxes is pointless after all, and that the creator is a devil with a thousand horns. All this mental effort to dodge the work of a few days, at worst a few weeks. And then you're surprised you still can't draw a loomiz head after years of practice. kek

>> No.7149443
File: 22 KB, 884x1072, 1628847204712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the better I get, the less important I think construction and perspective is. More important things are proportions, and shape, rhythm, gesture, composition, and observation. You can have a very flat, but beautiful looking drawing, but too much solid construction will make butt ugly art. People who fetishize construction are really just looking for a fast shortcut, but they don't realize that no theory in the world will let you bypass the 3000 necessary hours of drawing from life and masters. You cannot theorize a human being into existence, much less anything else. I'm not saying construction is bad, I'm just saying the focus of drawabox is totally misplaced. Instead of 250 boxes, you should have students do 250 master copies.

Irshad's art here: >>7149132 could benefit from 2000 more hours of life drawing.

>> No.7149447

250 master copies won't do shit if you can't draw as something as basic as a box. Forget about the retarded meme course, Peter Han was teaching the same thing which is what DrawaBox is stolen from.
> proportions, and shape, rhythm, gesture, composition, and observation.
And do you what to know what a great and simple shape is that you can use to practice all these things?

>> No.7149501

its pretty good if you actually do the exercises and arent autistic moron. its basically cribbing college courses and bootcamp style art books like scott robertson.

>> No.7149721

>Peter Han was teaching the same thing which is what DrawaBox is stolen from.
Is kind of like saying Marcella Hazan was making the same food Chef Boyardee is stolen from. Han taught an 8-week course for intermediate artists, Irshad mishmashed it with ScoRo and stretched it to 8 months

>> No.7149837

Permabeg behavior. You don't want to be an artist, just a graphic designer

>> No.7149857

> how much I hate drawabox.
How you hate it. You aren't required to even open the site if you do not want to.Are you some kind of psychotic robot ? What the fuck is that drivel.

>> No.7149873

It's not your mom, we are not your mom. Do or not whatever you want, no one forces you or cares. Until you realize you can't get anywhere if you can't draw a box.

>> No.7150194

I can't wrap my head around how can someone have so little concept of aesthetic appeal as an artist. I mean i know it's subjective and that the ugliness might be a stylistic choice or whatever but i have a feeling that it's not intentional. I can't even critique art like this because it often isn't even technically badly executed it's literally just ugly. I honestly don't get it

>> No.7150199

>Irshad's art here: >>7149132 # could benefit from 2000 more hours of life drawing.
I still stand by that life drawing is where it's at. Everyone could benefit from 2000 more hours of life drawing. You can gain a much better understanding of 3d space by observing and studying real 3d space than by rotating boxes in your head, or at least that's been my experience as someone who had tried both

>> No.7150210

Put your money where your mouth is and show us then.