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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 292 KB, 598x480, Screen Shot 2024-04-22 at 23.41.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7142808 No.7142808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7142847

what "we"?

>> No.7142923

eh, the 2019 one was just a copy of mead schaeffer anyway, for "ooh look I've done golden age artstyle" internet points but it's just a 1:1 imitation lmfao

they never applied that "study" in their 2019 art anyway so not impressive zzz

>> No.7142929

>makes a post that will guarauntee a response, thus generating clicks
He knows what he's doing

>> No.7143026

Not only a retarded loli shitter, but a d/ic/k as well. His post got some fucker to delete her twitter account https://x.com/keareshinei/status/1782504946060927234?s=46

>> No.7143049


>> No.7143053
File: 12 KB, 184x184, Pixel222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry he's a child fucker
Liked a loli (oopsy)
anti seethe
Delete account.
What a bitch

>> No.7143056

improved shape language and sovl
amazing progress

>> No.7143065
File: 3.77 MB, 338x610, 1660946793959043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love to see it
Based orenji exposing frauds

>> No.7143075
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do lolifags constantly throw each other under the bus like this? It's not even the whole "anti Loli likes the real thing" they're both into Loli drawings.

>> No.7143078
File: 1.00 MB, 1100x2200, akko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was 2019. Dude regressed

>> No.7143080

Infighting happens a lot in loli shitter and furfag communities.

>> No.7143082

It’s too late for me I was already told I was NGMI.

>> No.7143100

Based orenji making the mentally ill seethe.

Soft tummy and butt.

>> No.7143142

Lol Twitter is such a hellhole. It's a shame Elon didn't fumble the deal and cause its collapse. It's like the only artists who are GMI are the ones that are passively on the internet in some dusty corner or completely offline. Niggerfication of the internet.

>> No.7143163
File: 350 KB, 3400x2400, GKzzvOlbIAAaSAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still draws like that albeit

>> No.7143229

You must first do this before you can do this.

>> No.7143377

A lolicon artist going viral on twitter is obviously a good sign, but never underestimate how much people here want to black pill. Doomerism was never meant to make sense. It's closer to a fetish than a perspective.

>antis getting caught liking loli is "lolicon infighting"
new cope

>> No.7143387

lolicon is really popular, that has never been up to debate, but the problem is the legality of it and the moral brainwashing around the topic.

>> No.7143510

Hiding your art unfortunately doesn't prevent moral busybodies from going after it.
The moral brainwashing by retards who can't tell fiction from real life will only be stopped when the average normalfag is aware that this type of art exists and that a lot of people like it. Normalfags' morality is based on whatever is popular.

And if you don't believe me look at what happened with LGBT art. Anime traps did more for it than decades of political activism.
It's actually quite simple. X appeals to normies' dick, normies become more tolerant of art like it.
The most recent example being HMOFA making furry art more tolerated.

>> No.7143519

Kowtowing to people who want your art destroyed never works. The only way to win is by fighting censorship, and you do it by making your art popular enough so that it becomes "legitimated" in people's eyes.
You won't move the overton window in your favor by letting dipshits shame you.

>> No.7143524

Most antis are lolicons in denial or attack it as virtue signalling to try to hide the stench of the skeletons in their closet.

>> No.7143527

The most recent example being HMOFA making furry art more tolerated
Kemono too. Japanese style furry is more visually appealing to more people compared to regular old furry in the same vein that japanese tyle loli art is more appealing than the western (pre-00s cartoon) style one.

>> No.7143543

>Normalfags' morality is based on whatever is popular.
>It's actually quite simple. X appeals to normies' dick, normies become more tolerant of art like it.
It was literally the same with hentai regarding cartoon porn.

The average normalfag laughed at the mere idea of people masturbating to drawings back then because all they knew cartoon porn was was abhorrently drawn Simpsons and Flintstones porn.

>> No.7143547

And sex dolls are the next on the list.

Until up about a decade ago sex dolls were either prohibitively expensive or they were those nightmare inducing inflatable blow up dolls. Now they look out of this world.

>> No.7143554

Fuck it, it was the same with anime!

>"Watching cartoons as an adult? Lol, what a loser"
>Toonami makes it popular
>"Anime is okay if it's mature like Berserk and DBZ"
>the internet promotes more good anime outside of Toonami's scope
>"Oh and X and Y and Z are also fine, etc"

The only way to cure normalfags' ignorance is by putting your art everywhere and letting them know it exists and can be appealing.

>> No.7143672

Why do you dipshits want normgroids stinking up your hobbies and interests?

>> No.7143762

Normalfags' ignorance enables the censorship of loli. They fear what they don't know so when the censors lie to them about the dangers of fucking cartoons they believe it.

If they realized loli is just another fictional fetish and its characters look nothing like human beings then the censors would be screwed.

>> No.7143794

Attacking cartoons, anime, video games, (insert any mildly non-mainstream hobby) etc and blaming them for society's ills has been political grifters' old crutch since the 90s.

>"Rock music/D&D is satanic"
>"Mortal Kombat creates murderers"
>"Those violent chinese cartoons are demonic"
>"Video games are racist and sexist"
>"Anime is problematic"
>"The entire internet must be 'sanitized' so it's family friendly (according to California's standards)"
You're now here.

>> No.7143796

>since forever

>> No.7143806

As far as I'm concerned any artist that worries about appealing to normies isn't an artist at all, they're a manchild that never developed an identity that exists independently from the "social consensus" or group.
It's exactly this kind of fuck that poisons culture as a whole by chasing after clout above personal expression.
"But what if I personally want to appeal to normies so they'll love me?! Isn't that personal expression, too?!"
Yeah, but of the worst kind.
Needing validation from the outside is, has been, and will always be pathetic behavior.
I'm convinced that trend chasers and artists who want to be "accepted" by the mainstream are the ones who are killing entertainment as a whole. Social media has sanded down all of their edges and domesticated them into pliant little content generators.
Since the 90s? Oh mein negro, they've been at it since the dawn of time.

>> No.7144021
File: 274 KB, 453x532, 14569865165445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded lolishitters giving normies a lot of reasons to introduce internet ID verification and the banning of porn
>they do the slippery slope but god forbid anyone would do the slippery slope on them
>Today they try to normalize loli
you are here
>tomorrow they're going to demand parents let them fuck their kids or they're bigots who hate freedom of expressions or whatever shitty excuse they need.
if you were actually honest about loli and not with the end goal of wanting cp to be normalized, you'd go protest this shit

>> No.7144023

Japan has normalized loli since the 80s and none of that happened. Meanwhile, in the West...

>> No.7144031
File: 652 KB, 543x733, sugoi loli uoooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in grorius nippon you can find roripornu eberywhere! eberyuan roove rori! uooooh daga shikashi whitu piggu haetu sexy childu berry oh kami i wishu i wasu japanesu!
nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.7144062

mental illness

>> No.7144080

>get blown the fuck out in his supposed prediction
>acts like a retard to deflect
LMAO, it's amazing the retarded shit you fags come up with.

>> No.7144084

>the little japanese loli drawings ...
Just stop consuming their shit holy fuck

>> No.7144091

In fact it's proven loli and gravure diminish demand for cheese pizza. And it's not hard to figure a lot of the money pushing Master Card/Visa to fight against porn online comes from traffickers.

Loli makes the kids they buy worth less, OnlyFans makes less desperate teens seek them out.

>> No.7144102
File: 165 KB, 282x284, 1649817653024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard tries to tell the weeb about how loli is perceived and consumed in japan when it's no different than in the west except for the nsfw sphere which basically means fuck all
You absolute ningen

>> No.7144104

if you are against loli you are against SOVL and Shape Language

>> No.7144142

Haha fuck that Abstract faggot.

>> No.7144144

>I'm convinced that trend chasers and artists who want to be "accepted" by the mainstream are the ones who are killing entertainment as a whole. Social media has sanded down all of their edges and domesticated them into pliant little content generators.

Exactly why I stopped trying to engage with art communities online. It's every artist's opinions (both visual and linguistic) all the time all at once. It's an eventual obliteration of your own creativity when some unknowable math equation is constantly force feeding it to you. Even worse that it's gamified with shit like followers and upvotes so you're incentived to conform to the most point-earning works. Numbs your mind to where you can't make your own creative decisions and just make what everyone else makes or you quit all together. It sucks having missed out on the golden era, when being online was so much smaller and had actual potential to be personally rewarding.

>> No.7144937 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 2068x1225, satomi rentarou and aihara enju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing a Rentaro and Enju edit if anyone here's read Black Bullet. The text should be:
>listening to Kisara on comms
>backpack filled with Erosion Resistance Shot
>Varanium arm fits in big pocket
>cheap civsec suit
>cursed child initiator (gf)
It would be greatly appreciated thank you so much!

>> No.7144999

Some people just don't like what you like. No amount of arguing will make them like what you like. Somethings are niche for a reason.

>> No.7145049

>In fact it's proven loli and gravure diminish demand for cheese pizza
This isn't true, and if it were it would prove the anti-lolicon people correct (that lolicons are pedophiles)

>> No.7145196

You need to be 18 years or older to use this site.

>> No.7145277

>child gf
Not helping the pedo allegations

>> No.7145318

to this day I don't know what the fuck an "anti" is, or what it's short for

>> No.7145321

Just some zoomer garbage

>> No.7145323
File: 622 KB, 1012x1401, resettheclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not lolicons, at least not exclusive lolicons, it's real pedos who try to throw loli under the bus
There are hundreds of examples of this happening

>> No.7145326

>pedos exposing each other
Good. Let them kill each other.

>> No.7145331
File: 88 KB, 750x755, 1610170746360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the new "hater"
It is mostly used to describe anyone who expresses anything negative towards consumer products and media.
But it is mostly used as an insult/buzzword towards anyone who dares criticize anything without engaging the speaker directly and divert/deflect any criticism

Factual statement
>Doing drugs is bad for you
Or another example
>this ecelebrity is using his influence to get kids to drink bleach, this person should be arrested
And there you go. The discussion has been poisoned, the speaker deflected and branded as irrational and the threat of the truth disposed of.
Ultimately, it's a censorship tactic to demoralize any future truth speaker and for others to not engage in the message the one branded as an "anti" delivered.

Usually, when you hear/read anyone say "anti" against any and all criticism, nigga they're guilty as fuck.

>> No.7145399

Much of the nuance of his forms has disappeared. He's gone down the same "promising beginner -> comfortably sucking" pipeline every popular social media artist eventually becomes a victim to. When you have a large following that will cheer even if you ooze out literal feces, there's little motivation to improve.

>> No.7145507

Unironic zoomer brainrot that came from old tumblr. There's proship that used to mean "I'm okay with any character pair shipping" and anti meant you were opposed to that. Nowadays who fucking knows what any of these terms mean the way people use them now.

>> No.7145565

Anyone who says anti is 100% a pedophile.

>> No.7145723

This is... just sad... American education really isn't going against the allegations against itself with shit like this.

>> No.7145777

All humans must die. There is no true improvement besides the improvement of your mortality.

>> No.7145784

Do you literally not know what the word "anti" means or are you just playing dense so you can feel superior to zoomers again?
It's incredibly easy to figure out what it means via context. You don't have to act retarded for no reason.

>> No.7145812

>so you can feel superior to zoomers again
if he wanted to feel superior to zoomers he could just write a single word in cursive

>> No.7145937

You have 2 options as an artist.
A smaller but more internally intimate art practice that you spread out across a lifetime. Youre less likely to be "successful" within a zeitgeist and material rewards are a far less likely outcome, but the trade off for honing your patience in this way will be rewarding on a deeper level. You'll have a higher skill ceiling and youre more likely to make something of deep meaningful expression.
The other option is making art for others. This has a higher chance of getting your skills up quickly and the obvious benefit of material/cultural success that is more likely with making art for an audience. The downsides are the potentially practice-long stagnation that comes from the stress of relying soully on external validation and the apathy from not connecting deeply to your work and more importantly, your process.

>> No.7146058

>If they realized loli is just another fictional fetish and its characters look nothing like human beings then the censors would be screwed.
The use of "loli" (mispronounced as "lolly") as a non-sexual term by ironic weebs started after Google started censoring it
>DBZ is mature

>> No.7146340

Did he just get his account suspended?
Why? After all these years of posting, why now of all times when he didn't post anything out of the ordinary from his usual posts?

>> No.7146346

why do you think

>> No.7146365

What is the correct pronunciation? Rori? Lowly?

>> No.7146374


That sucks but he has other socials, so he can rebound all over again.

>> No.7146383

You don't get mass reported until your art leaves the target audience and attract the mentally ill teenagers

>> No.7146401

I’m wondering how Twitter’s review process works. Musk got rid of Twitter’s security team (allegedly) and account suspension only seem to happen when lolicon is involved. My guess is anything that involves children or business impersonation is escalated to their US branch and everything else is dealt with overseas. So all loli accounts are getting hit by the a team of 4 or 5 people.

>> No.7146402

Stealthy secret Steven Zapata post.

>> No.7146463

Kek, Deserved for putting his work next to Mead Schaeffer's.

>> No.7146488 [DELETED] 

Good. Pedos and gurries get the rope.

>> No.7146489

Fucking deserved. Furfags and pedos get the rope.

>> No.7146490

Nah, not really.

>> No.7146494

Yeah, really. Suck it.

>> No.7146497

In this scenario I can't imagine it being anything other than tripping an auto-flag for spammed reports.

>> No.7146498

No, never. I spit on you! Pfhtu!

>> No.7146503

I don't have anything against lolifags but I strongly believe that if you are an artist picking up random fights with people on social media you deserve to get banned.
Just fucking draw, I subscribed because of your art, not your shitty memes.

>> No.7146505
File: 24 KB, 416x286, funtimewithfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking up random fights
Is that even what happened. From what little I saw, he just posted drawings and the silly "child gf" meme that happened to reach critical mass popularity gathered enough attention for a bunch of 17 year old thought police to organize a mass report accusing orenji of advocating for raping children or whatever zoomer brainrot excuse they came up with.

>> No.7146508
File: 144 KB, 507x407, 1684926201930950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme made it into the mainstream, but he started picking fights with the retards calling him a pedo on twitter feeding the fire. It was a matter of time before he got banned.
The main reason why antilolitards fail to get loli artists banned on twitter is mainly because they just ignore them and refuse to interact with them.

>> No.7146509

The main reason why antilolitards fail to get JAPANESE loli artists banned*

>> No.7146540

Lmao, retard had it coming.

>> No.7146549

no because they can't read fucking Japanese and you actively have to follow/find loli jap shitters. You can follow hundreds to thousands of jap artist, and you won't be recommended loli shit, even if those artist follow many of them. because the retarded loli shitter orenji speaks english, his post are more likely to reach outside his target demographic.

>> No.7146670

it comes from proship vs. antiship
literally shit nobody cares about

>> No.7146676
File: 247 KB, 734x1108, 1703357687479920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /v/'s favorite drawfag is a /ss/chad

>> No.7146691

>/v/'s favorite drawfag
>a board full of shit taste having coomers likes pedoshit
What a revelation

>> No.7146696

do i smell jealousy in the room?

>> No.7146700
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 16562662656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146702

based and true

>> No.7146721

because he post that on discord only. He won't be next to get his account nuked , but he will get some form a push back if that got out on twitter.

>> No.7146723

Didn't they chase him out?

>> No.7146724

he got chased out? explain

>> No.7146735

4chan literally chases anyone with a modicum of success out because ultimately the entire site is just one big crab bucket. And then you have people wondering stuff like why there's no good artists on /ic/

>> No.7146736

nah, they just fabricate the drama themselves

>> No.7146737

You are just generalizing. There might be variables you haven't taken into account.

>> No.7146738

+like, youre forgetting you’re all cut from the same cloth. You honestly believe one day overnight that anon who reaches some tiny bit of success just changes from inside out and becomes a humble, well respected individual? Get real.

>> No.7146781

I think you're right. The last post is the only one I kind of regret since I started embracing the drama. I think I got a bit full of myself and learned a lesson in humility.

>> No.7146822
File: 74 KB, 500x489, when-mrs-tweedy-raids-your-house-and-catches-you-nutting-6798892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because like too many non jap lolicons, he took the bait.
This is the real reason why I have little sympathy for them. I don't give a shit they jerk off to drawings, it's that too many of them are insecure about their fetish and will feed the trolls. It comes off as obnoxious to anyone looking in. Just draw and jerk off.
And for the record, I don't think most lolicons are actual peds but mainly just pornsick and need taboos to get off to and that's just fine.

>> No.7146832

I don't think Loli is immoral/bad and it should be legal but I feel like too many lolicons get surprised that their fetish is seen as weird. Especially on a normiefied site like Twitter.
It's best to stick to more niche places for that. You're putting a target on your back when you try to get mainstream

>> No.7146836
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1612267795307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like too many retards, he took the bait
>they're just so insecure they need validation
Holy fuck how based are you, Anon?

>> No.7146841
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 1689981715531725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a shit they jerk off to drawings, it's that too many of them are insecure about their fetish and will feed the trolls. It comes off as obnoxious to anyone looking in. Just draw and jerk off.
Problem is Twitter forced every subculture to compete in their clout chasing game so everyone baits each other to farm karma.

That and anime is mainstream now so when normalfags are exposed to the more otaku elements (such as fanservice, loli/shota, doujinshi) they want the medium to change to fit their needs. You see this when they leave the shonen bubble and dip their toes into entry-level shit like Evangelion or Made in Abyss.

>> No.7146845

Twitter is shit for art in general

>> No.7146853

Doesn't make it any less correct.

>> No.7146861

How about you don't get a twitter.
People don't need twitter, twitter needs people.
It's the shittiest social media, for most of it's life it had less traffick than us.
But for some fucking reason people act like it's the fulcrum of culture.
Leave twitter already for fucks sake.

>> No.7146863

he said "an anti", you illiterate niggers. anti isn't a noun

>> No.7146864

>Leave twitter already for fucks sake.
Tell that to the millions that still use Muskrat's sinking ship because artists and their followers are addicted to validation and clout.

>> No.7146878
File: 1.43 MB, 320x240, PfsGyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first antilolicon purges his account out of embarrassment for being secretly into it
>The original loli account gets his account purged by janny after repeatedly taunting others
>Both accounts gone
Don't fling shit, fellas. The smell will come back to both of you. Whether it be by hypocrisy or pride

>> No.7146892
File: 61 KB, 1322x826, Screenshot_20240426_191700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, pedos.

>> No.7146899

>anon doesn't know how to scroll and read the thread

>> No.7146915

What site to use then? Don’t give retarded answers like insta, make ur own website, pixiv, or deviant art

>> No.7146921

I watched an artist try to call out the OP for regressing and then get ripped to shreds by lolifags finding some young-looking sexualized pics in their likes from ages ago.
There's obviously no point in even engaging in this shit, I dont know what they thought they stood to gain from kicking the hornet's nest. Though I was surprised how many people I follow also follow the guy in the OP because loli seems to be basically his only gimmick these days.

>> No.7146923

Lolifags made their own Mastodon instance just for this purpose

>> No.7146926

I'm sure they definitely aren't going to use that to connect with each other and start sharing "the real thing"

>> No.7146935

Why do you like to always keep bringing up the extremes? Nobody is going to fuck themselves in the law on the surface internet.

>> No.7146941

Cheese pizza is shared in twitter while they pontificate about how evil and dangerous lolisho artists are.
It's been proven again and again, anti-loli talking heads are all pedos and traffickers.

>> No.7146949

>"no u"
can you, like, get a personality?

i knew society was fucked when made in abyss became mainstream

>> No.7146950

This position is also moralfagging btw.

>> No.7146951

Anti-loli talking heads are all pedos and traffickers.

>> No.7146954

I don't even like loli but all censors are cunts so I support any and all fights against them.

>> No.7146955

What about normies outside of the internet that just think it's weird?

>> No.7146958

Anyone who dislikes it is a trafficker that needs to be shot

>> No.7146962
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, waitreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fetish artists should leave mainstream social media and post on actual fetish themed websites
This would solve nearly everything. Twitter is and always will be a normie mainstream place that will never accept fringe fetish material. Not saying lolisho is immoral/pedo or should be criminalized but you have to realize that people will think it's strange.

>> No.7146971

>ur... le jealous
Tired old shitpost

>> No.7146976
File: 74 KB, 482x427, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be accepted
Every time I look in the mirror after beating it to them I feel a sense of shame. If Loli were accepted I could finally feel like a normie

>> No.7146992

Didn't say it did.
But the effects of the Zapataborne semantic virus are just so readily apparent it's kind of amusing.

>> No.7147015

Kys. Imagine needing permission to jerk off to something. Kill yourself

>> No.7147016


>> No.7147018

>Dude regressed
No he doedn't.
That is the most soulless way ever to draw an ass

>> No.7147196
File: 66 KB, 900x876, 1709967408847473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedo banned while other pedos pearl clutch about moral stances they even don't believe in
What a bunch of retards

>> No.7147390

Lolicons are incredibly sheltered, dare I say spoiled. They have this idea that they can silver tongue their way out of criticism, or even convince people who hate their kink to flip their opinions, but that's just not how the world works. Even Furries had to learn this lesson, and Lolicons are fixing themselves up for an even ruder awakening since they think they can meme their way to being accepted.

>> No.7147391

twitter should ban NSFW
it would literally solve everything

>> No.7147403
File: 560 KB, 567x800, 1b1a2650c1649523faa29a6ae64f677cf83ca684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn should belong on porn sites
I jerk it to absolutely plump anime moms but you don't see me go on twitter asking for permission to jerk off
or seeking people with the same fetish

I mean, why the fuck do i need to care about this shit? I jerk off and that's it. It doesn't influence my personality or behavior, which seems to be the core issue with everyone nowadays that they make their fetishes their entire personalities i.e. the whole alphabet soup.

>> No.7147416

it would lose most of it's traffic just like tumblr did

>> No.7147419
File: 156 KB, 1466x2048, db54ec067086d4691c8798fd26e5eb84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if people were starting to flood every space with something like pic related and when people complained about it you just would say
>yo wtf liking fertile women is completely natural whats your problem lol
>yo wtf she's fully clothed there is no nudity so it doesn't break the rules lmao
>omg why do you hate sex so much
>yo wtf what do you mean i can't post this in a discussion about the story of the anime this character is from? you just hate me for no reason! puritan!
>it's just what i like so you need to accept it, bigot
>wow nobody is flooding spaces with these pictures lmao fucking schizo
>omg you say you dont have the EXACT SAME FETISH as ME???!?!! wow i take it as a personal attack and you deserve to make space for MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

>> No.7147420

Tumblr was paradoxically made better by this.

>> No.7147422

I mean the only people who'd complain about posting that are giant faggots

>> No.7147425

nah, the political users are still there, being umbareable, and they'll still be on twitter too, no matter how much you ban porn

>> No.7147426

You've been at this long enough that I can recognize your posting style and word choice. This subject seems to have really gotten your goat.

I don't disagree with you, mind.

>> No.7147430
File: 98 KB, 810x1200, d936aeae09a4aa01fb7380b70ecefd6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted, yes, but do you not see what you're doing?
>if anyone doesn't like and validate what i like while i do and spam this shit everywhere and where it doesn't belong, they must be the "enemy"
>This subject seems to have really gotten your goat.
Bro, i'm just making conversation on the internet. The fuck?

>> No.7147433

Goat fondling is serious business.

>> No.7147436

my enemies hate big bosums, tummies, and bush, yes

>> No.7147438
File: 236 KB, 1406x2048, aff9b84aaa196e015f661e1c6d765cea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine if i were to go into a loli thread and started spamming pic related
And if anons complained about me being off topic, it'd just say they hate me for no reason and they MUST let me post the milfs in their loli thread.

This is the exact same irrationality nsfwtards have while posting on normie social media platforms.
please speak english

>> No.7147465


>> No.7147468

that's the point retard

>> No.7147469

>it would lose most of the traffic made by bots and of whores
oh no

>> No.7147511

He learned to draw with appeal instead of putting a filter over a photo.

>> No.7147559
File: 906 KB, 1460x2000, child gf fart edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147565

this character is 15 years old

>> No.7147583

His point is less about morality and more about spamming
Don't do the reverse moralfagging

>> No.7147586

I don't care nigger.
You faggots just need to shut up and let us spam if we want. We deserve visibility

>> No.7147604
File: 625 KB, 629x1014, 168b2de80bcbec15a42473d39760e052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with these constant desperate attempts to get a "gotcha"?
>you just need to shut up and submit to us
and there you go
then they cry when people do the same to them.

i just reported a loli account and one other acount for posting shota and i've received confirmation that they are under investigation.

>> No.7147607
File: 73 KB, 585x603, 1709644500018802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MILF enojoyers

>> No.7148090

The artist you just posted probably has drawn straight shota at one point

>> No.7148114

genuinely disgusting images, you need to rope NOW.

>> No.7148124
File: 267 KB, 1488x1984, 387de1b9bb09772175a34cecfb21ad58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's good

>> No.7148184

Why did this post in particular set off the samefag?

>> No.7148194

Shotafags are far more based than lolifags.

>> No.7148209

Lolicons have a weird smugness to them that shotchads usually don't

>> No.7148418

Because they're loser women

>> No.7148454

>Lolicons have a weird smugness to them that shotchads usually don't
Loli is more popular and has more notoriety so there is more of a community
Shotasfags barely exist or usually bow down to twitter demands

>> No.7148495

Lolicucks seething over shotachads

>> No.7148512
File: 161 KB, 700x715, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli vs shota
Shota only good if straight shota + older girl
Everything that deviates from that is degenerate

>> No.7148534


>> No.7148537

keep posting anon, I'm saving them pics

>> No.7148598

Gotta clutch those pearls, you know what they say about those who scream the loudest.

>> No.7148606

They were on those social media sites before they became mainstream though. Maybe the normies should fuck off?

>> No.7148842

You're lucky Twitter even allows porn at all

>> No.7148845

LARPing as a normgroid on 4chan of all places is the most nodraw thing I've ever seen

>> No.7148846

I don't mind Loli I just think lolicons are as annoying as furries

>> No.7148850

I agree entirely, especially with the furry comparison, but I'm talking about the guy insisting on some non-existent pornban, which is contrarianism for contrarianism's sake

>> No.7149490

I very strongly believe that you're wrong. If someone picking fights is less deserving of a ban over an artist doing the same thing, that implies that being an artist is morally wrong, which is not true.

>> No.7149522

>being an artist is morally wrong
It is
That's why drawslaves are destined to starve while us ai lolichads win

>> No.7150684

Faggot vendettafag got LSG nuked but the shota study thread is still up.
Just so you know what's really happening. It's faggotry, not morality, that's anti-loli.

>> No.7150706

No, that's not really it.

>> No.7150716

It's...it's truly over...

>> No.7150719

Shotachads win again
Seethe lolitrannies

>> No.7150730 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vendettafag got LSG nuked
I didn't know it's that easy. Lolicon is over, a lot of you guys are broke mentally. Losers.
Better quit now, there is no future. It only gets worse for you, for your mental health. Forget about lolis.

>it's truly over...
at least some of you understand.

>> No.7150735
File: 565 KB, 704x860, 1713531983646475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's really happening
The thread shepherd went a bit too far off the deep end this time... Basically, /lsg/ spun out of a /DAD/ gay lover's quarrel 4 years ago, and he's been schizophrenically fixated on his ex since. Said ex hasn't been confirmed on /ic/ for the past 1-2 years (although he frequents /v/ and /vg/), but his associates do swing by /lsg/ sometimes, so I suppose his fears aren't completely made up. Either way, he thinks /lsg/ has been twisted into some kind of demoralization-driven discord tranny recruiting ground for his ex's personal army, so he decided to call it quits. Or nuke it, if he's really the janitor. I don't know.
This is the 'troll' he (and only he) kept engaging in question, since insists on shadow-boxing this ex all the time.

>> No.7150738

As stated, faggotry is the enemy.

>> No.7150739
File: 23 KB, 674x648, 1687304518753645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, perhaps. But it's not like we're on bad terms... Or at least I'd like to believe that. So I do have some sympathy for him.

>> No.7150740

and where did you learn of this information?

>> No.7150745

A few namedrops and the archive is all it takes. I'm fairly new to /lsg/ all things considered and have nothing to do with this, obviously.

>> No.7150749

>schizophrenically fixated

nice, I'm not even surprised

>> No.7150752
File: 157 KB, 730x556, 1709155868454204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not completely unrelated. He believed I was his ex for a whole 4 months until that was cleared up... All while another schizophrenic (from /biz/ of all places) entirely believed I was their nemesis and abuser too... Is my personality that bad?

>> No.7150754


I will correct you. /lsg/ started out as a safe for work thread intended for dressing girls in cute clothing. It was /psl/ at first. Then the acronym changed for 2 reasons; 1) to accommodate shotafags and 2 with the inclusion of shota the hope was that it would boost thread activity. As you can see present day, shotafags are still a stark minority on the board with their thread over 100 days. What was the fix? To include the perverts that wanted to draw nude characters. But as you know, that wouldn’t work outside of /b/. So the workaround to that was to use cat box links. That was not a very favorable idea with the loli community on /ic/, the artists like Wyst (most notably) demanded you see his art without a link along with Miku (who tried to rogue the thread into “petanko general”).

All in all, the motivation behind making the thread was because /fag/ was created first and 2) the desire to put clothing on girls. It has absolutely no stemming from some 3000 year blood arc war from /dad/ and some long lost boyfriend narcissism. Where THAT comes in, is due to sabotage from those people. When they could no longer get their way, they “fucked off” to /vg/ like you so claim. Although this is not true, because that individual comes in the thread from time to time to redline work when not asked.

Their presence in the thread from what I can gather based on research has no barring on the foundation of that general.

>> No.7150756

>Is my personality that bad?
Post your work and I'll tell you

>> No.7150761

That was someone completely different talking to you. But that is my guess. I don’t know anything.

>> No.7150768
File: 735 KB, 752x1062, 1699950164213590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess 'spun off' was the wrong word... Rather (presently) most influenced by, as no one and nothing you mentioned in the founding days are relevant today.
Plus all my bitching and whining. I already know the answer. It was purely rhetorical.

>> No.7150771
File: 1.08 MB, 1186x1716, 05be9e4f99c5edb93f02f982a7e033cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the problems and schizos on this board is because of middle school discord tranny gay lover squabbles
>somehow all lolishoshitters are either involved into drama or generate it
The obvious solution is to not enable those genres on this board anymore.
They can't be trusted, they can't behave themselves and are overall just a net negative on the board as a whole.
It attracts too many retards who are still mentally stuck in middle school.

>> No.7150774

Based on your art I was going to say no but then I saw your other posts, seems like your a attention/drama whore directly contributing to the awfulness of that place. You're such a faggot even if you draw nice ruffles.

>> No.7150775


It is very relevant today. I’m clearing up some misconceptions for archival purposes. You should know, when the threads leaned on using a link to hide the NSFW art, the entire thread HATED that idea. It took a long of slapping from the mods to get all the people who didn’t want to follow global rules in line. The old people all left, and the remaining people (who did come from /dad/, not many btw) lingered around out of vendetta. Again, when they could not get off on the trolling that they used to do back in the /dad/ threads THAT is when they figured out it’s no longer fun and left to /vg/ and /v/.

Now the people you’re talking about…”x” associates, are leftovers from the slapping they got in those correction days. They’re the people who, like mikufag, refused to use catbox links. They are the biggest retards because without the simple fucking guidelines put in the macro the thread that THEY demanded change for would not exist. As stated previously, /lsg/ or /psl/ was originally a SFW thread. You might as well say it was a pre-cute girls thread before cute girls thread was a thing for a short bit.

>> No.7150784

Anime in general just attracts mentally ill people.
It's an uphill battle you never had a chance to win in the first place.

>> No.7150786

>The obvious solution is to not enable those genres on this board anymore
the solution is to ban nsfw on twitter

>> No.7150787
File: 2.01 MB, 3200x3200, 1690059725344354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he, I, and they are all coincidentally /jp/ spinoff shitposters (small world), and that's just characteristic of us. I did try to keep it down, but I had a lot of crabs and haters on my tail...

>> No.7150789

>avatarfagging this hard
I would rather you just stopped posting.

>> No.7150791

Now that I have you here I wanted to ask you, did you ever post jp /ghost/ back in 2011ish?

>> No.7150792

I've been there and the /jp/ draw threads are relatively drama and faggot free

>> No.7150793

If you ban all fags and trannies shitposting goes down by 99% sitewide.
If you ban LSG the shitposters just go trash another thread.

>> No.7150797

I’m talking about the old days when /jp/ would talk in the archive before warosugirl closed ghost for good, forcing people to /ota/. Or are you only a /ota/fag and not that far back?

>> No.7150800
File: 9 KB, 606x530, 1686504214245012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm basically a newfag. I'm not bringing this up for cred or anything, it's just funny how small the world is. By the way I meant to ask you this earlier: Are you pni-?
It's fun doe.

>> No.7150801

Oh I was thinking you were from way back then. That would have been nice, on well.

And no, I’m not.

>> No.7150820
File: 1.55 MB, 2006x2833, 2b8d645b51a7fbb9cdac39697676005d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy access to porn has rotten the already low functioning minds of these creatures.
Then i think this ^ Anon is correct.
Just ban any adult shit everywhere so these animals just kill themselves.

>> No.7150821

sane pedos don't exist

>> No.7150827

pedos don't exist

>> No.7150831

You got the /lsg/ thread deleted you avatarfagging, attention whore. You just can't stop talking about yourself and starting off topic shit.
No one likes you, everyone is worse off for having you here, please, just go away, you are unbearable.

>> No.7150838

Did you ever receive a DM on twitter or pixiv from someone asking you to join a discord or was that all just the equivalent of “blog?” shitposting? And if you did, could you take a screenshot? Blur out the name if you want.

>> No.7150843

>just go away

no, the boogeyman won't go away if you just say "go away, go away" kid.
lolicon will go away, that's for sure.
now close this thread and delete all loli images you've saved.

>> No.7150855

stop digging

>> No.7150860


>> No.7150861
File: 113 KB, 624x347, 1704157006858416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7150865
File: 22 KB, 300x460, 1710653427983061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're giving me too much credit. All the people who actually wanted to destroy /lsg/ would cry if I really did it so nonchalantly.

>> No.7150874

Yeah now they're gonna go destroy another general. And so on, so forth, because jannies are faggots who can't do their job right.

>> No.7150877

What the fuck happened?

>> No.7150902

Everyone loves you, everyone is better off for having you here, please, stay forever, you are the best.

>> No.7150907

This is why I don't post in /lsg/ despite it being my only place to post art on this board

>> No.7150910

jannies had implemented the Final Solution to the Loli Question

>> No.7150925
File: 1.05 MB, 1562x1114, 1696668669569279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this always goes back to crabs and shitposters. They picked a fight they couldn't win and made me this way. Sorry for not being an easy mark.

>> No.7150967

>me me me

>> No.7150968

the Loli Question is finally solved

no more lolis

>> No.7150972

All generals deserve to be destroyed anyway

>> No.7150973

>They’re the people who, like mikufag, refused to use catbox links. They are the biggest retards because without the simple fucking guidelines put in the macro the thread that THEY demanded change for would not exist.
I unironically loathe this about lolifags on 4chan. They always make everything in their power to push the boundaries people give them. Loli nudes are a bannable offense in every single board except /b/, and even with that mods still give them a chance to post them as long as they don't push it too hard.
Of course they always end up fucking up because for some reason they can't just enjoy loli for themselves, they HAVE to force their fetish everywhere they can. Even fucking furries learned to keep into their own circles (mostly).
If shotafags can do it why is it so hard for lolifags?

>> No.7150974

Thanks for making your intentions clear you degenerate drama whore

>> No.7150975

Shota can be posted with just a pixel of black bar censor and jannies don't care. But loli gets deleted even when wearing one piece swimsuits.
It's impossible to do anatomy studies and redlines like that.

>> No.7150976


>> No.7150983

>one piece swimsuits.
I got banned because of this

>> No.7151013

i liked you there anyway. But you better finish that drawing or else! it was pretty cute.

>> No.7151059

based orenji
rip orenji

>> No.7151080

wrong again. Anything short of banning trannies will solve nothing

>> No.7151112

shotafags took the hint that they were unwanted from /cgsg/ and rather than burn down their general with discord/ board drama they shutted the fuck up and stuck to there own threads since the split. Lolifags should just raid the Yuri thread or fuck off to /b/ or/trash/

>> No.7151115 [DELETED] 

This should be more normal
Christcucks, mudslimes and kikes should be drowned out of every discussion by classical, naturalistic ideal of women

>> No.7151117

calling for a raid is against the rules

>> No.7151129

>it's just a 1:1 imitation lmfao

>> No.7151132 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 2800x2800, 2023_08_24_mesugaki_crotch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Much of the nuance of his forms has disappeared.

>> No.7151138
File: 94 KB, 845x344, Screenshot_20240430_083927_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant raid in regards to squatting in the thread not sabotaging the general.

>> No.7151155 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151157 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 732x1024, 1713807700257721m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna raid the board with loli, who’s with me?

>> No.7151173

It's the same little study assignment in the first week of Noah's art camp.

>> No.7151224

>Shota can be posted with just a pixel of black bar censor and jannies don't care.
Shota has been experiencing this limbo effect
Where you have artists trying really hard to make shota unbannable by masking them as twinks/traps and femboys etc
It's easier to pretend they aren't kids because of that
Lolicons don't try to do that most of the time
They actively try to make the characters look young, so they get banned more often

>> No.7151271
File: 153 KB, 971x777, the end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making loli threads guys
it's over
it's dead

you have no rights to post lolicon anymore, or even think about it

accept the reality, stop being losers!