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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7141172 No.7141172 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any use in even TRYING to pursue an art career considering how unlikely it is?
Even trying while maintaining a day job still feels pointless. I already work full time so what's the use in chasing some impossible dream?

>> No.7141173

>Is there

>> No.7141174

if life is bad either way, what do you have to lose?

>> No.7141175

wrong mindset
do art because you like it, if it turns into a career that's just a bonus

>> No.7141177

No, your life as a Mc wagie is permanent so you better get cozy for the next 40 years.

>> No.7141185

You already have the mentality of a loser and NGMI, keep flipping burgers and regret not trying at all in 50 years.

>> No.7141201

just stay in your cage wagie, its your destiny

>> No.7141203
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I don't know why but try to get a career in storyboarding or animation has always felt like a more "productive" goal than say, trying to get 100k Twitter followers or a patreon.
Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.7141229

It's over

>> No.7141661

>impossible dream
It's only impossible because you're a dumb faggot that can't figure out a path towards your goals nor research how others did it.

>> No.7141721

OP gets gaslit into pursuing an unstable, unreliable career: the thread

>> No.7141761

Honestly, what do artists get out of the constant lying and gaslighting?

>> No.7141792

To pass on the abuse to a new generation. Duh.

It's called memetic reproduction. I was gaslit into thinking I could make it as an artist, so now I try to convince others they can make it, too.

I want them down here wallowing in the pig shit with me.

>> No.7142137

>Honestly, what do artists get out of the constant lying and gaslighting?
Less competition.

>> No.7142155
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I spent most of my high school years and early 20s chasing the dream of working as a professional artist. I got some work doing comms, tried doing some freelance here and there with indie game devs, etc. I listened to late 40-50 year old artists on YouTube and read interviews about how they made it in the industry - but it never occurred to me that one thing they all had in common was both luck and connections. They were lucky to be in the right place at the right time, lucky to have a great education and money, and to have connections with people in the Industry who valued their work enough to open the gate for them. That opportunity was never coming for me, but narcissists like Trent Kaniuga told me that employers hire based on merit and that if I just worked 10x harder than the last guy then I would get in. Steven Silver still gives that same boomer advice, not because he's arrogant or prideful, but just because he's out of touch with the Industry. So I gave up. I still love to draw, but it's just a hobby. If you want actual advice, get a job that people need. People need plumbers, electricians, auto technicians, networking engineers, etc. We don't need art and we certainly don't need more entertainment. But that's just me.

>> No.7142173
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I'm fucking tired of reading these thread every single fucking day goddamn

You know already your fucking answer op, no, fucking no, if even having a regular job is without risks nowadays do you think that buying a a art career lottery ticket, paying with your future for the remote chance of working underpayed, with absolutely zero job security, in a professional area where nepotism, politics, manipulation, fraud, hearsay social media based company decisions,
workforce exploitation are everyday happenings, with the fucking added bonus of AI looming over everything and the beyond banality demonstrated fact that nobody, not the editors, not the audiences, and often times not even the artists themselves give a single fuck about the artistic part is a good choice (you don't fucking think that the people with the positive conditions to do it don't fucking ruminate on it, they just do it) then you deserve to end up working at McDonald's at 35. To give you a fucking comparison on how bad it is now, most boomer comics artists were barely over the line of poverty when they died, and they fucking built the industry, in the richest period the west have ever seen

You need completely autistic to throw yourself into this ravine op, these doubts are your non faggot part of brain telling you to not ruin your fucking life.
Now go back your normal job and be thankful you have it. And don't fucking worry, we all know how it feels

>> No.7142178


That’s the thing I noticed with youtubers very lately. And it’s the same handful crop of people in every single category (not just art) being propped up handing out advice. One period they make an advice video and flash forward they make another advice video that contradicts what they said before. That and then they make videos about how they’re leaving youtube or abandoning what got them subs in the first place or just pushing stuff that starts to make you doubt every single popular youtuber. You come to realize nobody at the top actually knows anything.

And it’s not just the people at the top but even people in the middle who popped off during the pandemic but dipped in views present day. At this point you can only trust yourself

>> No.7142185

+ it’s like the matrix is being cracked open when it comes to social media. The veil is rapidly being lifted on all the bs.

>> No.7142188

As an extension to the previous post, you faggots that go on and on about "nah you can do it, you're just lazy/bad mindset" like Walmart positive mindfulness influencers, post your fucking work
Come on, show me

>> No.7142190

What anons fail to realize is that "real jobs" will also be fucked and there can only be so many plumbers before the supply outpaces demand.
Keep working your job (while you have it) but try anyways.

>> No.7142195


Nobody wants to work in a sewer or drive a garbage truck or work in a water treatment facility. Those jobs will always be in demand. Immigrants that come here quickly build up their own businesses; they don’t flock to trades.

>> No.7142197 [DELETED] 
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I just hate seeing professional industry artists achieve what I couldn't
>inb4 "grow up"
I just want them all to get prostate cancer and die. If I can't achieve happiness, noone cane

>> No.7142199

They will when it's the only option

>> No.7142202
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I just hate seeing professional industry artists achieve what I couldn't
>inb4 "grow up"
I just want them all to get prostate cancer and die. If I can't achieve happiness, noone can

>> No.7142204


If and when that happens there will be a lot of work to go around. Especially with the need to rebuild a lot of infrastructure. Then there will be a need for every mom’s dog to be a piper fitter and welder.

>> No.7142208

Do tradefags just not understand demand and supply? Wages will be tossed in the dirt.

>> No.7142210
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>people who show they're worthy to me don't know what they say
>stop saying things unless you prove yourself worthy to me
A full on display of cognitive dissonance coming from someone who doesn't know shit, isn't able to practice critical thinking and wants the solution and secret recipe to his own wants of becoming rich and famous served on a golden platter.

If i were some yt eceleb shit, i would also stop trying to give advice and just farm you faggots for ad revenue
holy shit

>> No.7142214

Yes, if you were. Thankfully you are incapable of.

>> No.7142217

>as if being an eceleb and having your face on the internet is a good thing
>hehe gotcha!
This site is 18+, buddy.

>> No.7142218

High demand, low supply. Everyone here wants to work in the Industry. There are thousands upon thousands of young people that want to work in game dev, animation, illustration/concept art, etc. We're not special or unique. That auto technician at Autozone is more valuable and provides more to society than the majority of porn artists on Twitter. I'm not saying we all have to work in the trades, there is a demand for accountants, healthcare workers, truck drivers, IT professionals, etc. I'd much rather artists have a stable job that can also provide them with insurance rather than having to rely on freelance gigs.

>> No.7142221


The thing is, the guy at Autozone working 8 hours a day, driving to and from work 2 hours a day gets no time to work on his craft compared to the student at Art Center. It’s basically over at that point.

>> No.7142222

I don't care about opinions
Where are your fucking drawings?

>> No.7142229

The Autozone worker has an income, a really good one at that compared to some hopeful student who doesn't have a job and a useless degree. There's no guarantee that the student at the Art Center will get hired. The vast majority of companies that would employ artists are only going to employ artists that already are established. Why would Wizards of the Coast hire some kid when they can just hire Chris Rahn again? AI will make the majority of concept art jobs vanish, so there's really no point in trying. I'm not trying to say that creating art is pointless, but I'm trying to be realistic and say it's not worth putting all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.7142230

Show yourself worthy to me, then i will care to show you my fucking drawings.

>> No.7142231

>concept art

That ship has long sailed. The student will find work and the most important thing here is they got competent in the skill while the 37 year old pushing 40 mechanic with a wife and kids still has a long way to go and may never make it.

>> No.7142232

AIjeet demoralization thread #83202

>> No.7142399

Why not try?

>> No.7142428

Its even observed by King Solomon in the Bible. He said that he would often see very skilled men not given work that idiots would get because those idiots were at the right place at the right time.
Should have read that scripture sooner and taken it to heart.
You gotta make connections.

>> No.7142433

Get back in the cagie wagie, dreams are for humans not golems.

>> No.7142456
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It really does seem pointless doesn't it
The biggest problem with letting it just be a hobby isn't necessarily the money aspect but the feeling that your art is inherently valued less because you aren't a professional.
This feeling just doesn't go away.

>> No.7142492
File: 234 KB, 1062x590, Screenshot_20240422_135118_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats more of a product of our society. capatilism is good and all, but it doesnt allow art for art sake. people skate to skaet, fish to fish(people rarely eat their catch now a days) or surf to surf.

>> No.7142499

People say art isn't a competition but it really does seem like one
Even putting stuff online, your a blip in a sea of millions trying to get eyes on their work.

>> No.7142501

lol, as if becoming a professional changes anything.
Every professional artist (literally every fucking one) is depressed and miserable and feels like they don't matter. It's always been this way.
I remember loving a pro artist back in the day before I learned how to draw. They told me they were depressed as hell and being a pro didn't change anything for them internally. I thought "that's crazy, how can that be possible?" Then I turned pro and I told this dude that likes me that I'm depressed as hell and being a pro didn't change anything for me internally, and he's like "that's crazy, how can that be possible?"

There's a paradox in art where the simplest questions and answers are the only ones that really matter:

"Do you like drawing? If yes enjoy, if no, quit."
"Do you have passion that goes beyond the desire for numbers, money and ego validation from the faceless mass as a means of soothing a narcissistic wound from childhood? If yes, keep at it, if not, you'll never be satisfied."

>> No.7142513
File: 256 KB, 1200x1000, 09CCB8D3-7C29-4DAD-A685-73655086CABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this quote in an article about Imposter's Syndrome aka the tendency to feel like someone else did it.

>> No.7142583
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hmmm i just realize every time i try to post art online, that's it's genuinely pointless;
If you ain't selling anything and not making numbers, you are simply wasting your time and screaming into the void.
And to reach anything you also need a network or something outside of the platform and your skill.
But skill and subject matter is also highly debatable.
Big accounts can post farts and everyone will be sniffing them, but a nobody needs to already master the craft, but no wait.. also have appeal.. but no wait... people dont care about skill... but no wait... you aren't getting anything because you suck.. but no wait.. you have to network.. but no wait.. you also have to be in all the discords.. but no wait.. you also have to keep up with all the trends and draw the flavor of the week the split second it gets announced... but no wait.. it's also pointless if you don't meet all the aforementioned criteria...but no wait.. you also can't draw anything that deviates slightly from the """content""" you decide to provide...and if you say something negative you're complaining and if you're complaining you're literally hitlers and if you notice something that isn't flattering to the ecelebrities or if you posting the letter P makes someone insecure and their schizophrenia act up you must be worse than Satan and a homophobe right wing albino supremacist jew schizo cope and seether...etcetera

It's just, why the fuck do i want to deal with this mentally ill shit dictated and preserved by even more mentally deranged and brain rotten children and faggots who shouldn't be allowed to be around people in the first place?
It's just tiring and only invites misery and "content" for these deranged non-people.

Still gonna draw for my own fun and i dont have to answer to anyone.

>> No.7142609

Nta, you would be 100% right... if there wasn't a child that wants to be complimented for his drawings behind every single person that kept doing art for years.
What you describe is one side of the solution of the paradox that is being an artist, meaning it's as utopistical as you can get, specially today where apparently the worth of the self is determined by how many people click the buttons under your name and type you half hearted formulaic messages

>> No.7142618

every person I come across working in the "art industry" don't even have great technical skill. Your problem isn't that you can't make it, your problem is that you're not autistic enough to not give a fuck and try like all the other autists I see on social media.

>> No.7142623

I'm going to draw weird fetish porn for free and tweet it at payment processor accounts.

>> No.7142628

Holy based

>> No.7142629

Trying is not enough man, these aren't the 2010 anymore

>> No.7142641
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>if there wasn't a child
>specially today where apparently the worth of the self is determined by how many people click the buttons under your name and type you half hearted formulaic messages
But that is exactly the root of all problems; it is because the internet is full of children who tyrannically pushed and keep pushing the mentality and culture into this retardation.

Why aren't people allowed to do anything anymore except "deliver content"? Why do you need to "network", stream, write half hearted messages, draw the fotm or just do anything to gain attention?
Because it's kids who are allowed to take part in and flood spaces they absolutely should not have any say in.
Why do things get more extreme? Because kids who want to chase clout always end up one upping each other and pushing it to the extremes.
Why is social media fake? Because kids are borderline sociopaths and they become adults who more or less resemble and behave like animals and will absolutely do and say anything as long as they get what they want, while in the process fucking it up for everyone else.

Personally, why should i force myself to participate in this asylum? For likes? Approval of some literal underage fat and autistic retard? As an artist, there is really no point in social media unless there is money involved. and even kids start opening comms the nanosecond they can because the cat of the friend of the uncle of the cousin of their mom got stung by a bee and they need 80 bucks to buy the new video game-- i mean, for the vet.
Nowadays the kiddies all know you can make money off of this shit and how easy it is to get it, so they mostly dive with the intention of earning shit.
You'd be right 20 years ago.

>> No.7142671

This is because art doesn't function like most hobbies.
Regardless of the cope many will say, what others think of your art absolutely matters, hence why critique is a thing.
There is no "drawing for yourself"

>> No.7142679

*Well, I guess I should clarify that this applies to when you're actively sharing art. If not, then that's the exception.

>> No.7142728

Yeah, but art doesn't souly exist to be critiqued. A light bulb produces heat, but that wasn't its purpose. you can critique someone's skate boarding as much as you can someones drawing.

>> No.7142740

Sincerely I'd like to keep going on the conversation since it's become kind of uncommon even on 4shin and specially on this sad carcass of a board to meet people with a brain and a point like you and (I hope) other guys in this thread, but this is getting too fucking depressing. I'm already trying to cope with the fact I have to withdraw from professionalism because it's literally a household suicide despite having spent the vast majority of my life preparing for it, so these exchanges of hard facts, ring surrounded by retards and sacks of shit turned nihilistic out of boredom and immaturity feels like lemon juice in my dickhole

>> No.7142862

Art is unironically worthless
Proomptfags won

>> No.7142874

Back in the day I argued that putting all of humanity in one collective place and forcing them to interact across all age groups would ultimately rob everyone of their mental health. The child would be robbed of a healthy upbringing among peers their own age, and see shit they shouldn't see from random adults and strangers who shouldn't be interacting with the kids of others at all. The adult would reduce themselves to fit in, dismissing their own individuality and uniqueness and sanding down all of their edges to latch onto trends perpetuated by children, thus becoming infantile. The old person would become a victim of endless fear and scams and become highly reactive. Every age group suffers, and the collective platform of "knowledge" that is the internet just becomes more and more of a wasteland that devours the spirit of mankind and shits sterility.

Like you said, it only gets worse over time. The young people who grow up in this environment just end up psychopathic. They then inherit control of the system and further pollute it. Then the effects spill over into the real world and ruin entire fucking governments and cultures.

But yeah no, every parent was just like "but the internet is fun and exciting, Ima buy my kid a phone and give them 24/7 unsupervised access."

>> No.7143921


massive rambling here, but hard agree. I remember the times where places like Youtube didn't cater to kids and try to censor all its creator filled spaces for swearing and being "not family friendly" because it was a space previously only aimed at teens/young adults. Though it's deterrences were always pretty shit to keep kids out, it was a clearly defined social thing at the time that was meant to tell kids to fuck off and go to their own spaces as it wasn't meant originally for them. The whole Youtube kids thing and COPPA legality hits on it just ended up obfuscating the spaces more and more to the point it just feels normalized to have kids on spaces like it when they really shouldn't have been on in the first place.

fuck I remember when kids actually had their own spaces as well with stuff like club penguin, toontown, wizard 101, animal jam, etc. And yeah of course there'd be freaky as hell adults on those sites too, but at least kids weren't as frequently on Xitter or any other social media platform not meant for their undeveloped minds to be on. It was THEIR spaces, and now stuff like that no longer exists, so where else do they go except for sites like that?

>> No.7143923

(cont) It feels like the educational parts of that type of content that kids consumed too has been completely evaporated and mushed into just pure entertainment for the sake of entertainment. I remember when a lot of kids content was a mix of both entertainment and learning but now I really don't see many things trying to get kids to think or learn more about their world now. Obviously it's not all slop, but thinking mainly to Youtube stuff, it just feels like noise and colors seeing a lot of content being produced now to get the most kids clicking on it for that sweet sweet ad revenue. Fuck I just remembered them having such a high emphasis in the past as well on teaching cybersecurity to kids as well too and how it also strengthened the age division stuff, I don't think they even teach much cybersecurity nowadays with everyone always online and therefore assumed to already know it since they grew up with it.

I'm just sounding like an old man bitter at the changing world here, but honestly it just feels sad to look at all these divisions start to congregate into one. It really feels like things have massively devolved with the unification of age groups.