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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 543 KB, 1080x1711, X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140219 No.7140219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Popular 'pixel artist' who has insane form shading gets outed putting AI slop and other artist's work through PixaTool or some other method to pixelate it

>Another popular art account from Japan who used to actually work on their art has now endorsed AI and no longer posts OC but at least he admits it's AI I guess

I think the worst part is both of these examples used to legitimately do art but gave in to the 10 second generations that would take them 20 hours to make. This guy even made mockup WIPs to try and cover his tracks for fuck's sake.

Is it truly over? Sure this guy got outed, but how many are still hidden? Plus many people are posting 'idc still looks cool'.

>> No.7140221
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>> No.7140224
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>> No.7140229
File: 105 KB, 1200x1087, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what's you goal?
What do you want to achieve with those threads?
I don't care about AI art and AI prompters and I'm sure most anons here think the same.
So what's it? Art is cool and AI sucks so fuck off.

>> No.7140231
File: 200 KB, 523x546, image-151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a shit. You draw because you enjoy drawing. If all you care is likes and social credit then use AI because you'll get better and faster output everytime and no one but bitter artists gives a shit

>> No.7140235

>Another popular art account from Japan who used to actually work on their art has now endorsed AI and no longer posts OC but at least he admits it's AI I guess

>> No.7140238

>Suddenly art is like totally just for fun breh!
Funny how that happened right as AI got good.

>> No.7140239

AI is cool, though. Especially now that Pony has enabled me to generate my fetish in 20 seconds instead of paying an artist $300 for it. It's only getting better.

>> No.7140241

The girl on the right looks ugly. If people had standards these AI scams wouldn't be making ground

>> No.7140242

People have been saying that since generative AI first hit the mainstream. You're either dishonest or not paying attention

>> No.7140253

What is it about social media (Twitter especially) that brings out the worst in artists?
I'm willing to bet this isn't the only popular artist proompting.

>> No.7140268

>Anons find out most artists, even the good and successful ones, don't actually enjoy the entire process and will try to take as many shortcuts as possible

>> No.7140281
File: 594 KB, 920x635, the future of humanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the blackest of pills?
No one cares, they never did.

Humanity is going down the idiocracy timeline so no amount of effort, honesty, wit, skill, integrity or anything will ever be relevant again.
It's all about delivering content to the masses;
You are a content creator, and if you aren't, you're worthless.

People won't care if it's AI if they can jerk off to it and retards believe they're going to make money off of churning out AI slop.
Creativity will most absolutely die and no one will care because they're busy consuming or trying to make a buck.

In 2050 we will all be watching ai generated videos of ass cheeks jiggling, on a holoprojector while listening to podcasts of ecelebrities tweeting insults at each other and other content creators reacting live by either laughing or saying "Famzan!" "trased!" "brunge!" "steaming!" "they b uncanonical for cappin!", while being attached to a masturbation machine and having porn running directly into our brains through the neura link chip.
Well, at least the robussy in bio bots gave me a like on the picture i generated on my AIfon69
lmao lol

>> No.7140410

The era of genuine digital art is over. It's going to become nothing but grifters. But even with trad you have people tracing AI generations lol

>> No.7140479

Not shocked.

>> No.7140491

Nah. We get to make fun of these shitters for being worthless grifters and weak-willed bitches.
That Sasha guy couldn’t even prooompt his “OC” from a different standing angle. Embarrassing. His process video gets a HMMMM from me.

>> No.7140495

>plus many people are posting 'idc still looks cool'
These gooners are literally cooked bro, their opinion literally does not matter and you cannot save them.
At least bugmen work to sustain their consumer “hobbies,” these dweebs are jacking off to AI generated hentai while they sit on an eviction notice.
Shame them not to save them, but to save those who are watching.

>> No.7140500

>10K followers as of recent
Man if you stand up to fast you’ll bump your head on the ceiling around here….

>> No.7140507
File: 8 KB, 214x236, images (71).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan ic is not a hivemind.
Its made up of different people.
Different people have different experiences, so they have different opinions.
But it does kinda make sence.
>HURR DUUURR Im Gonna spend a fiew years leaening something that is Very hard to make money out of despite me not enjoying it, while also attending school and college.
No, you draw because you like it, maybe ypu earn money maybe you don't

>> No.7140508

10k for an account that started Oct of last year is pretty successful.
Had he not been caught he would've grown even more

>> No.7140510
File: 74 KB, 482x427, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is so heavily botted I'm not sure if I can buy the "4chan is more than one person" line anymore

>> No.7140519

>maybe you earn money maybe you don't
I always feel like the "draw because you like it" line has this huge asterisk attached to it

>> No.7140524

Yes. Yes it does

>> No.7140544

I always thought it was weird people fap to their own drawings, but doing it from generating prompts is even weirder to me. More power to you but I don't get how people actually feel anything when you know it's just been prompted.

>> No.7140547

It's kind of sad to say, but pretty much every AI shill out there is just trying their best to milk it since everything nowadays is about making content to capture your share of the profits as everything in life gets worse.

>> No.7140555

It's just a coping mechanism

>> No.7140557

Yeah but no one ever wants to admit it

>> No.7140581

Here is a red pill for you, that guys account will probably just keep growing after he ducks down for two months then blocks the few people still coming after him.

>> No.7140622

That's a shame, they actually seem to have some talent in pixel art. I'm guessing they're using AI to try and post more work?
Maybe they're the type that leans too heavily on references?

>> No.7140673

The girl's face on the OP is one trillion percent AI, and if you spend 10 seconds on any /b/, /g/, /aco/, or /d/ or any other board that has an AI general, you would know this
The fucking thumbnail avatar is even a variation of the prompt, not having the same face/hair on the exact same angle/clothes
It's not about "normies caring", is about the blatant deception, it's the 15 years old 4chan/reddit meme
>Haha that's great, did you made this?

>> No.7140907
File: 1.52 MB, 974x957, imagem_2024-04-21_160821792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI= bad sure, but I don't get why no one bats an eye when there's people selling stuff like picrel. A bunch of filtered, pixelated jpeg's vidiya screenshots with photoshop layer FX and calling it "muh" artwork.
"digital art" was a mistake.

>> No.7140911
File: 289 KB, 598x336, digital art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7140914

It's just a hobby for me. Don't understand why people pursue it as a career when they know their chances of finding a job are close to 0

>> No.7140925
File: 310 KB, 1152x1536, 3646413253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy to do, of course people are going to do it.

>> No.7140926

learning to draw has only solidified this opinion. reject digital slop.

>> No.7140928

> normies only want digital slop and AI tracing
> art chads retvrn and only share their creations with each other.

so excited for the next couple years.

>> No.7140929

I don't care if it's prompted, but I agree with you that I need someone else to prompt it. If I do it myself it loses some of the magic.

>> No.7140931

based brother. very happy to hear. 10 years ago I begin as a (predominatly) digital artist, but last year. I was done.
It really led to slop. I also started noticing all my favorite artists were trad.
Ai is just a symptom.

>> No.7140937

mastering different mediums is where all the fun is, i doubt many digital artists on here could make a perfect 9 value charcoal scale using the same pencil or ink with a brush.

>> No.7140941

Wanna know what's the real blackest pill?

Nobody fucking cares about pictures. You can mass produce AI shit or paint a Last Supper 2 but the average watcher will not care and put your cool ideas on par with an ad he saw on YouTube.

It's all fucking meaningless. Its always been meaningless. Sharing art with non artists is a behavior born from a centuries old misunderstanding

>> No.7140950

As long as the career exists people will pursue it.
No one actually likes working day jobs, it's just cope. Many "hobbyists" would commit murder if it was guaranteed to get them an art job

>> No.7140953

yea ... no. working 10-12 hour days with tight deadlines or a workflow that leans heavily on 3d tracing (concept creation) sounds like shit to most people.

Many hobbyists would probably like to be fine artists but that is like winning the lottery.

>> No.7140965

the only good thing about a.i is it might be able to satisfy my infinite craving for gardevoir pussy

>> No.7140997
File: 267 KB, 433x577, 2198893660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well good for you for looking at the bright side of things, also praying for you.

>> No.7141087
File: 274 KB, 836x1736, i generated this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr brunge but uncanonical
cans I's git sum likes, nonbinary sibling?

>> No.7141094

Come out irl and generate that on a fucking paper with a pencil
Wanna try?

>> No.7141103
File: 434 KB, 1024x1536, elvussy in bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da fuck is pepar? das steaming bruhnge, boomer
canonically s-word yourself, sibling

>> No.7141104

1. No one cares about art but artists
2. The artists that turn to AI never enjoyed the creative part of drawing in the first place.
2.1. That, and/or they value numbers in a website more than being truly authentic and creating something by themselves
3. A.I. art will always be perceived by non-artists as more impressive than art done by a lot of artists because A.I produces professional looking finished pieces, even if it has flaws like characters with weird fingers.
3.1. Only artists are anal about said flaws. Non-artists just see "pretty thing" for 3 or 4 seconds, tap the like icon, and move on
4. Given the ease and speed with which A.I generates art, it is obvious that corporations will use A.I to generate images for their content instead of paying an artist and waiting for the art to be done. AI will be used whenever it's viable to do so.
No one will even consider the hassle of dealing with an artist when they can easily get something very close to what they want fast, for free, and "on their own".

TL;DR: If you don't ENJOY drawing, quit.

>> No.7141126


>> No.7141142


>3. A.I. art will always be perceived by non-artists as more impressive than art done by a lot of artists because A.I produces professional looking finished pieces, even if it has flaws like characters with weird fingers.
Nice delusion peejeet, even normies are starting to point out slop with ease now and are already associating it with low effort ads & scams. If anything the "high quality trending on artstation" style will go out of fashion much like the pulp art of the 60s. Oversaturation of one thing makes people crave something different. Art always has and always will evolve with trends of the era.