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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7131698 No.7131698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where did all the oldfag gone??
This place is fucking dead

>> No.7131710

either made it or died

>> No.7131711

its ok Im here with you

>> No.7131713
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>6 Chris threads simultaneously
>Soda spamming everywhere
>Botted AI threads
>Wacomguzzler still going
>Board-wide meltdowns over Bridgman

Every artist above /int/ gets bullied off the board the moment they post enough that their art becomes recognisable. The rest just goes on autistic fights over shit like construction and loomis. Life’s too short to get mad over such trivial things, man. No wonder why everyone is leaving

>> No.7131714

AI assassinations, don't put too much soul in your art or they'll come for you next

>> No.7131716

I'd still post despite you guys being mean as shit to me since 2012 but I cannot longer upload images because 4chan got greedy af

>> No.7131717

>7 Cris threads
>Soda spamming everywhere and being enabled by Subu to do it
You are on point though,all of that crap being flooded there but you will get a warning/ban for complaining about the absolute state of the board

>> No.7131718

shut tf up mikufag, you also are at fault
especially with that lolishit thread disguised as yuri

>> No.7131720

Also, it seems that no one is reporting enough
Or the jannies are actively ignoring the reports

>> No.7131721

anons here are also at fault for bumping the spam and bait threads and not ignoring/reporting

>> No.7131728
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Please don't engage with bait thread
Draw and make /ic/ great again

>> No.7131730

this one isn't bait, it will get deleted soon for telling the harsh truth
but yes, let's draw

>> No.7131732

If I make my own art community, I will gatekeep the hell out of it. Any /ic/ schizo will get banned on sight.

>> No.7131737

I swear one day it will be considered cool to be nice to people online again. Let's all be nice and have sex, /ic/~
Disagree with the first part because completelt ignoring the issue will only cause the issue to persist, but YES draw draw draw DRAW

>> No.7131740

There's the drawpile, studies, comic creation, Moai, and figure drawing threads, as well as others. If that's not enough for you, make another thread to replace the shit you're talking about.

>> No.7131741

We can get started by not replying to any of the obvious bait thread and reporting
And for fucks sake, reporting all of the Soda spam, he got bullied out of /v/ because people got sick of his bullshit,let's do the same thing

>> No.7131743

not him but limiting yourself to this threads because of the spamming faggots is ridiculous
those are good threads though, the schizos won't touch anything that demands actual effort to draw

>> No.7131746

Oh sure, but I hardly post in every thread, nor should anyone else. Ignore the shit, go for the cream, or make some cream yourself (this is sounding like a masturbation metaphor now, but let's roll with it).

>> No.7131747
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I have been slowly realizing this ballpoint pen drawing, and was posting the progress I made as I threw a few hours at it. I video myself drawing in hyperlapse, and made a YouTube channel for them. I will see how it looks on a tshirt. It's how one utilizes the finite time one has to draw effectively. I have lots of old work,and am adventuring into new territory artistically. People's output is slow, and having anything done is always a victory.
The oldfags are busy. So should you be.

>> No.7131748

They dont get bullied off, they have better things to do, it's schizoid wishful thinking to believe the retarded crabbing does anything effective against actual professionals, they just view you as dumb fuck chimpanzees flinging dookie

>> No.7131750

>masturbation metaphor
well, limiting yourself to certain threads because you want it is fine, being forced because of trolls is not good
you have a good point on ignoring all the crap, but some anons make a effort to bump the threads and feeding the trolls(i.e soda)

>> No.7131753

There’s an anon that bumpfags bait threads with schizo replies. The “let him cook” retard

>> No.7131755

Is him the same schizo who replies to every fuck off post with "WHAT HE DO??"

>> No.7131756

Yeah, that's lunaticsoda.

>> No.7131757

I hate that faggot so goddamn much. He does it on purpose to piss everyone off and some faggots enables this behavior, especially Subu.

>> No.7131766

he had a meltdown on a thread because some anon called him a tracer faggot and he tried to cope with muh money gains, i'm surprised that he still hangs out there to stroke his fragile ego and dick kek

>> No.7131769
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I mostly just lurk at this point, the board is total shit
t. oldfag

>> No.7131772

I'm a idk at least 5 years old old fag. I barely come here now. I don't see the point: you spend your time helping people for absolutely no return on investment.

Also, I know all the threads, so to speak. It's always the same thing over and over, the same kind of childish attitude over and over, the same people shitting on free advises over and over.

This community just gets what it deserves. Karma, bitches.

> Verification not required.

>> No.7131779

I mean, the board used to be good, people actually laughed at the retards and moved on, as it should be. Now people are giving them too much credit, thus enabling the shitty state of the board.

>> No.7131797

And the jannies won't do jackshit about the spam, Cris can do whatever he wants with /ic/ and /3/ and the rest of us can't get a say without getting banned

>> No.7131805
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all of the good artists left and i can't blame them, if the site got nuked today nothing of value would be lost

>> No.7131819

and now every time he gets slighted he just sends lunaticschizo to shit on the thread, like clockwork.

>> No.7131828

>have chimpouts
>sends other schizos to shit threads
>p-pyw! i have money a-and you don't!y-you are j-just a jelly c-crab!
but he ""made it"" fellas
i don't feel anything but pity on him, about soda, i'd love to see him get the rope for all i care

>> No.7131849

Both of them have so much in common
>can't take critcism
>whores for attention
>drove away all of their real friends
>no one sane wants to associate
Birds of a feather...

>> No.7131860

>where ArE the OOOOLDFAGS???
>get lost 1 of the only oldfags left

And this is why I can't take you people seriously. Also, none of you and I mean >none< of you actually give a damn...well besides the person you're telling to get lost. At least she puts in effort while you people complain about things that are either non-issues or are dragging actual discord server drama to the board. Instead of making /ic/ great again by posting work, you complain about oldies not sticking around.

>> No.7131865

Shut up, (s)he won't fuck you.

>> No.7131866


go back to /vg/, loser

>> No.7131869 [DELETED] 

>spams board with bait
>braindead opinions
>slapfights with anyone better at drawing(anyone)
>10 years without apparent improvement
>can't draw anything beyond stiff loli and yurishit
>sends minions to white knight
fuck off to the sewer where you came from

>> No.7131872 [DELETED] 

>spams board with bait
>braindead opinions
>slapfights with anyone better at drawing(everyone)
>10 years without apparent improvement
>can't draw anything beyond stiff loli and yurishit
>sends minions to white knight
fuck off to the sewer where you came from

>> No.7131875

>spams board with bait
>braindead opinions
>slapfights with anyone better at drawing(everyone)
>10 years without apparent improvement
>can't draw anything beyond stiff loli and yurishit
>sends minions to white knight
fuck off to the sewer where you came from, that's where you belong

>> No.7131886


Why are you still here? /AGDG/ needs you, lolivanianon.

>> No.7131888

literally who? take your meds

>> No.7131892

Some of us are still here, but refrain from posting due to how pointless it is.
Posting work is pointless, if you're good you either get a few vapid (you)s, or if you're lucky you'll motivate someone to work harder, but most of the replies you get is "how do I become as good as you?" To which the answer is always "just draw more" which a lot of people hate to hear but continue asking the same question either way next time someone good posts work.
And on the discussion side of things there's also no point since no one nowadays can accept being wrong and view every little thing in black and white with no sprinkle of nuance.
Always the same drivel
>Why is x better than y?
>It's not it depends on the situation
>omg kys hippe

But it's kinda fun to observe retards throw shit at each other at a distance, main reason I still lurk, I'd like to give feedbacks and paintovers but with a gorillion different generals I just can't be bothered.

>> No.7131894
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This guy.

>> No.7131895

i really don't know who tf is since I don't stick around /vg/, the design looks ok, lolis isn't my cup of tea

>> No.7131896


well don't talk to mikusama that way ever again

>> No.7131897

fuck off dicksucker

>> No.7131902
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it would be pussysucker but I won't correct a lowlife like you again

>> No.7131904

i'm sorry for you, whoever you are
this place is a fucking dump even for the /beg/s