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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7129876 No.7129876 [Reply] [Original]

Art hot takes that you would never say in public?

I`ll start: Kim Jung Gi is not THAT good, also his books are way too expensive

>> No.7129887
File: 49 KB, 449x642, 1710816055647012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in public
Let's be real OP you never go outside.

>> No.7129922

>also his books are way too expensive
not a hot take.

>> No.7129932

To achieve being a popular artist, you have to be attractive and actually have a good personality. skills comes in last.

>> No.7129948

This is true, I want to suck Alex Ross' caucasian cock because he's so charming.

>> No.7130023

you don't even know what most of the popular artists look like

>> No.7130039
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that's not a hot take. That's fact.
>best artists of our generation!
>all "artworks" look like a random collage of doodles that don't read as a thumbnail
he had a very poor sense of composition.

>> No.7130044

Pretty easy to look up. Look jaidenanimations, the odd1sout, samdoesart, sr pelo, akane_ko. People know about them. Nobody cares or know about your favorite anime/league of legend fanartist. Personality and looks > skills. You can find more on others u mentioned on social media like tictok, insta, and so on.

>> No.7130057

hes a fucking busker you find in the street. does a performative dance to impress passer bys while someone robs them and then charges them $20 for a shitty doodle. hes produced nothign of value in his entire life. no lasting work. nothing at a technical skill level or artistic. just ugly, grotesque deformities doodled out for degenerate smut images.

>> No.7130068

Women shouldn't create art because they do not have a soul and they dilute the community by turning it into constant attention seeking

>> No.7130075

Very true look at the state of this board for example

Not true unless youre Only talking about the social media artists in which case those people make shallow and vapid (((art))). It's more fitting to call their work; product. And I'm proved correct by googling the first few names mentioned by this anon

kim jung ji Is very good youre just upset with how much you see normies circulating his art now youre butthurt,

>> No.7130090
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>> No.7130096

mostly talking about social media, but it's a lot worse for industry artist, because you get one chance basically to make it big and once you fail, you'll be stuck with grunt work forever.

>> No.7130121

lalalalack, demizu posuka, ask, hungry clicker, umishima senbon, guweiz, zeen chin, they're all huge and no one knows what they look like. Also, you think people like Katsuya Terada and Murata got to where they are because of their looks? It really doesn't matter, I didn't even know Yoneyama Mai was a woman until recently

>> No.7130138


Go outside of twitter and mention their name and no one will know who they are, but mention any of ones i said, people will easily know who they are anywhere else. Those people are nobodies outside of twitter/pixiv

>> No.7130140

People who strongly hates artists like Kim Jung Gi can't draw that well and should quit art or resort to AI.

>> No.7130142 [DELETED] 

Artists with normie tier ideas pursue faggot fields like design.

>> No.7130157

you're absolutely delusional if you think someone will know samdoesart and not katsuya terada, and he's the only one I've heard of from your list

>> No.7130168

Anon, you’re just being delusional now and live under a rock. The people I mentioned on the list are known outside their main platform, but the same can’t be said about yours. Put their names on the search engine on youtube, tiktok, insta, and see they won’t even show up. The only actual well known artist on your list is murata, despite i’m mainly talking about social media.

>> No.7130257
File: 66 KB, 735x524, Men vs Women Photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many female artists draw themselves, or take selfies of themselves, and place it in their art gallery. We all know what they're doing - they're trying to gain popularity by reminding us that they're a woman, and it seems to work, unfortunately.

Just look at OP's pic, why did she need to be in frame too? There's far too many cases of this.

>> No.7130260

If it works, it works. I'd probably do the same if I were an art hoe.

>> No.7130265

"AI art" is just art

>> No.7130268

on nvrmind i would say that in public

>> No.7130279

Trying to teach yourself art is an effort in futility for most people

>> No.7130295

Different genders attention seek in different ways.

>> No.7130316

did you have a stroke in the middle of writing no?

>> No.7130323

>you had a stroke in the middle of writing, no?
>did you have a stroke in the middle of writing "no"?
which one did you mean

>> No.7130331

Fucking around with AI image generator is kind of fun.

>> No.7130356

A buncha known artists have already started using AI for testing ideas, quick background, color picking and other shit like that. They just aren't retards so they don't get caught and just paint over it properly (me fr fr)

>> No.7131469
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Shes not that cute we are just lonely

>> No.7131507


>> No.7131508


>> No.7131509

Your work sucks tho ( I know)

>> No.7131585

tomfoxdraws style is unappealing and his anatomy doesn't look good

>> No.7131810

Proko is a good artist

>> No.7132139

it's all empty, shallow meaningless garbage. Would anyone have given a fuck if KJG had done pencil underdrawings?
there's your answer normies

>> No.7132156

When did /ic/ turn into a Kim Jung Gi hate circlejerk?

>Kim Jung Gi is not THAT good

Couldn’t disagree more. His perspective, anatomy, rendering, and form knowledge was amazing, made even better by how much of it was drawn from imagination. I understand it may not appeal to anons here because it was just a lot of “collage” based art, but to look at his work and think it’s not that good is bonkers to me

>> No.7132568

The people you've mainly listed as popular are youtubers or highly attached to social media.
It would make more sense to say social media is the determining factor rather than attractiveness.

But I guess you need a reason to blame.

>> No.7132579

>When did /ic/ turn into a Kim Jung Gi hate circlejerk?
When he died and got stickied and children who didn't know who he was got upset.
>Waaah He didn't make my favorite manga so he left nothing of value
>Noooo, his 1200 page comic doesn't count cos it's korean and not what he was known for outside korea

>> No.7132786

Oh, do tell.

>> No.7132807

She has big tits thick legs wids hips and probably a fat ass, my eyes are drawn to her rather than the mediocre clown zombie she made

>> No.7133116
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, KJG doing Chainsaw noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kim Jung Gi is not THAT good
I just watched a video of him "teaching" how to draw a human figure.
He doesn't use a preliminar drawing like shapes or form and he goes straight to contour.
He said that it took him from 10 to 13 years to reach that level, then what's the point of teaching that?
When he started doing chainsaw noises like a kid, I just closed the video right there.
>KJG's a terrible art teacher

>> No.7133133

It's okay to hurt your fans. Your followers are your followers precisely because they are less than you. You're "special" and "important" to them, and that's how hierarchies work.

It's okay to isolate one and psychologically torture them from time to time. If you can drive a few of them to quit art entirely, even better. You've just offed some potential competition in the future.

Moebius knew this. Great artist. Great crab.

>> No.7133134

Women instinctively know to objectify themselves because they are objects.
What incredible insight.

>> No.7134218

Your opinion is shit but it's unlikely anyone would have any idea who KJG is anyways. Like most Gods, normal people have never heard of him.

>> No.7134222

Men tend to attention seek by committing mass murder

>> No.7134524
File: 1.07 MB, 4026x2961, o1zlf4siznb81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional art jobs and the "industry" shouldn't exist. Neither should patreon.
If I have to have a miserable dead end job, everyone should.

>> No.7134556

>why did she need to be in frame too

It increases their view counts and thus potential income by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.7134620

Rundown of what Moebius did?

>> No.7134625

He used to off his competition in various ways. When others came to him asking for advice, he gave bad advice on purpose, telling them things that were right were actually wrong, or ignoring massive problems deliberately. He withheld with the express intention to sabotage.
He did this especially to artists who he felt would surpass him eventually because he didn't want the competition.
Man was the original crab. Highly successful, yet also depressed, cynical, narcissistic, and generally disliked by those who worked with him.

>> No.7134973

The view count would be even higher if she was completely naked.

>> No.7134986

all men are brothers actually, this makes reactionaries like you seethe.

>> No.7135070
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>> No.7135937


When i donate enough im gonna get to try her awesome pussy and prove you guys wrong, you`ll see

>> No.7136745
File: 1007 KB, 802x1060, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> draws everything with ink large scale so you assume he has bad composition
> actually has really good composition and shape design

that pic you posted is like you picked his worst most generic shit I couldn't even find a worse piece he did, and forwhatever reason you defined him by it.
he bodied the fuck out of jim lee in an art show in his own genre, think that says enough

>> No.7139284

Fun with a pencil is a terrible book, and I will gladly say it in public.

>> No.7139407

Beginner artists should be shamed more to spare everyone of their dk effect ridden minds/art

>> No.7139409

Good one! This would be top comment if 4chan was good and had up votes like reddit!

>> No.7139431

Calling yourself an "artist" is
cringe unless a reasonable amount of people agree you're one first.