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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 316 KB, 1400x1843, mtg it's ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7115849 No.7115849 [Reply] [Original]

>all these MTG cards were done by different artists
reminder that you can be technically skilled and still not have a style aka. AI tier

>> No.7115854
File: 278 KB, 827x1024, Free-Printable-Notebook-Paper-827x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's artstyle

>> No.7115860

>reminder that you can be technically skilled and still not have a style aka. AI tier
Or artists are required to stick to a certain style when working for a company.
Just to point out the obv, but I believe Nintendo would have a hard time marketing anything if their character designers produced inconsistent artworks going from hyperrealistic western painting to abstract compositions

>> No.7115875

Very 'diverse'.

>> No.7115880

Just to compare 2, I looked at Brian solas artstation, and got a sense of his style, then looked at Aurora Folnys and got a sense of her style, and think that while they both work in the "digital art realism" style, they are distinct from each other. We stopped getting cool art movement names like "Baroque" to describe shit. you could quite easily do your op image with your favorite artist and 3 others with similar styles.

>> No.7115892

kind of my point.
Are they really "artists" in the full sense of the term?

>> No.7115895

Are you?

>> No.7115901

You don’t understand what being an artist means.
Being able to produce consistent artwork for a company, paid work is something.
However if you wanna go full Picasso retarded while working for Fromsoftware, they will just hire a more serious man for the task

>> No.7115904

What I mean is you are trying to say they don’t have a style while you conveniently didn’t put any of their personal work up there in your little image.
Stylistic exploration won’t make you unable to hold yourself to the commissioner’s standards.
If you can’t it’s because you either lack the skills or the proper tools.

>> No.7115906
File: 94 KB, 796x798, 095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they do weird shit their customers hate it.

>> No.7115908

Mtg got all kinds of styles though, they hire very different artists, some are artsy af some are realistic. What's your point? A lot of different things can work in the industry.

>> No.7115911

yeah are you OP? pyw, if you don't then we know the answer anyway.

>> No.7115921
File: 80 KB, 563x681, amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but I'm trying. They stopped long ago.
but we are not talking about me or you.

you talk like there isn't a in between.
Picrel is the in between. The industry changed for the worst. It flew over your head.

bullshit. Plenty illustrators have done MTG and their style still comes trough. Dave rapoza comes to mind.
Don't try to come at my point like that.

that's the thing,I'm not seeing a lot non stereotypical fantasy art styles but I remember seeing way more of that. That's my point.
Their fanbase is also retarded neckbeards so it figures.

>> No.7115925

Guess with ai we are going to see so much original stuff, right?

>> No.7115933

a competent artist can have any style

>> No.7115935

to play devils advocate, humans in this industry haven't done shit either in the past 10 years. And all these digital artists created this shitty AI look in a way. That's why they shat their pants, unlike a lot of traditional artists.

>> No.7115938
File: 1.52 MB, 1383x787, mtg plagirism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't need ai for that

>> No.7115943
File: 311 KB, 1280x1916, mgs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find me any major company/studio/magazine who presently has the balls to hire bold artists such as Yoji Shinkawa or Yoshitaka Amano back in the day. I will wait.

>> No.7115947

dry brush technique is pretty awesome

>> No.7115952

Every company has an in house style, they hire competent artists that can replicate that style. Everything looking like it was drawn by the same person is the whole point.

>> No.7115957
File: 1.69 MB, 3235x2229, wp2187262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7115959

>Yoji Shinkawa or Yoshitaka Amano
exceptional artists who came up in a time when game studios didn't even know what they had or needed, they just hired cool artists. notice how none of the games they worked on resembled their art styles? they didn't hire them just for their style, but the ideas, the style was actually in the way, as they had to have other artists do further drawings to make sense of them for the modellers once they reached the 3d era.

>> No.7115989

>And all these digital artists created this shitty AI look in a way.
People prompt trad artists that are long dead too. Also make no mistake, trad artists aren't safe from being slopified in the future, and I mean physically, not just digitally.

>> No.7115996

>And all these digital artists created this shitty AI look in a way.
Whatever art style is popular at the time is what generic AI art would look like. if AI happened in the 80s it would be Frazetta/pulp looking slop(not saying frazetta is, but his imitators)

>> No.7116012

>People prompt trad artists
picture me this: there will be "trad-promt artists", as in, prompt artists using prompts from early 2022-2024 era holding keynotes and early prompt optimization like Brothers Grimm stories.

>> No.7116021

thats just a printer, also it wouldnt be able to replicate layers and especially glazes

>> No.7116033

I mean we’re already at the point where people are saying “traditonal cg techniques” thanks to ai slop so you’re probably not wrong

>> No.7116037

>thats just a printer
No, I'm talking about printers who replicate brushwork on canvas. There's nothing stopping whoever from doing it, and if it looks good enough, that's all it really matters. Even digital artists would benefit from something like that if you were able to customize said printer to fake a certain amount of brushstrokes from an original digital painting, at this point I'll not be surprised if it happens.

>> No.7116044

I guess that would “benefit” them as in making it easier for them to scam people lmao. There is literally no reason to do this unless your goal is to trick people into thinking you actually painted it

>> No.7116052

> nu-MtG
They used to have style guides and standards.

>> No.7116060

>Normalfag can print his vacation or family picture pic on a textured, painted canvas instead of paying a real artist to do it
>Digital artist can get fake brushwork on top of his digital paintings to sell his printings
>AI slopper can get some semblance of realism by getting his ideas to look they were real paintings, even make 1000 shitty Rembrandt coomer looking paintings and sell them for $10
>Autists start to improve upon these tools when they realize the potential because making something look like the real thing is a challenge and their high is overcoming it
It's pretty simple, you've got something that will save you money while someone who can exploit it will get his scraps, specialized artists would benefit from it in a few ways too.
There's no real scam, just a company that found a "problem" and banked on a solution while exploiting the already devalued art market, unless you're an artist there's no reason not to do something like this.

>> No.7116062

Have you considered the possibility that they were asked to draw in a certain style?

>> No.7116087

Normalfag, digicuck and ai troon can already print whatever on canvas. The only purpose of adding the three dimensional brush stroke effects is to try harder to fool people into thinking it’s handmade. Ai scammers already try to do this with flat printed canvases. Normalfag would be the only exception here as he just wants a cool picture for his house. Not saying that this technology won’t happen, because it will, just that it’s not truly adding any real value to anyone’s life

>> No.7116088

>aijeet frothing at the mouth at imagining his effortless future

>> No.7116090
File: 49 KB, 344x505, 1613803959000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they used to have style guides
You mean like in the OP?

>> No.7116106

is that what that is? im not sure if its a style issue. ai images can have a 'style'. this is just boring and very diverse.

>> No.7116238

For at least the past 10 years WOTC has been known for autistically micromanaging card art to make sure it fits pozzed DEI guidelines and follows Hasbro corporate standards for being inoffensive.

>> No.7116248
File: 162 KB, 2160x1206, ebf9798e-343e-4185-9aff-2aad76c57384_2160x1206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ermmmm are they really Art™ists unless they're a special snowflake individualist who makes art with heckin' deep meaning???
Uuuughhhh could you stop being so GAYYYYY
Stop ascribing some mystical status to us monkeys scratching in the dirt with sticks.
Yes, they're artists because they create visual art. Taping a banana to a wall and calling it art is art. Asking if something is Art™ is THE most inane thing you could possibly ask.

>> No.7116296

So I'm an actual MTG artist and you're full of shit. They're one of the coolest clients I have in terms of revisions and edits. You should intuitively understand what is apropriate and what's not. The general guidelines are literally just a few points with obviously inaproptiate things like armored bras, coom, slavery and stuff. Other than that they give you a lot freedom and don't load you with revisions, they really trust your judgement a lot. I got more revisions from FFG who paid like shit than from WotC.

>> No.7116298

a mtg artist? what are you doing in this den of miscreants?

>> No.7116302

Do they tell you not to literally copy paste from other artists paintings in the guidelines? or is that so basic it doesn't need to be mentioned?

>> No.7116319

Well, I've been coming here once in a while since when I was a beg like 10 years ago. I'm mostly read only though, because I'm not posting my work.
That goes without saying, like in any illustration job. It's impossible to defend those who plagiarize, because they pay very well, they should be buying your real and best effort. I saw statements by those who got caught and they usually say that they were overworked, which is bullshit because you yourself determine how much workload you will be taking on. No one forces you to do more than you can handle.
Also, they do specify in the guidelines not to use photos (at least don't make photobashing obvious) and AI in any form.

>> No.7116360

they look that way by design

>> No.7116412

Karla Ortiz quit when the AD threw a fit and had an intern edit her art to make Liliana fatter. Steve Argyle was reprimanded and suspended for drawing "inappropriate" art on his own time. Brom, Post, and other old guard artists are soft banned for making art for the "wrong" clients like Heavy Metal. And Nielsen got outright banned because her wife retweeted wrongthink.

If you find the AD at WotC agreeable, it's because you're a far left drone yourself.

>> No.7116429

are you retarded? your job as an artist is to do what the AD says, not muh stail whatever the fuck you feel like, retard
that's the fucking thing that makes AI garbage

>> No.7116430

I strongly suspect they used AI for these, what the fuck is wrong with her eyes in the lower right corner.

>> No.7116446

if there's one thing AI doesn't do, it's fuck up the eyes like that.

>> No.7116469

>Karla Ortiz quit when the AD threw a fit and had an intern edit her art to make Liliana fatter.
>Steve Argyle was reprimanded and suspended for drawing "inappropriate" art on his own time
When? Source? He got cards released this year, how so? Also, Rapoza's Garfield comic is still up on deviantart and he was never suspended.
>Brom, Post, and other
You're delusional if you think you know why anyone is stopping doing cards. Brom did a break in mid 10's, but then returned to do a couple of cards which were released in 2022. You don't know if he or anyone else was banned or if they themselves declined an inqury for whatever reason. MtG cards are not the only job and project out there, btw.
>And Nielsen got outright banned because her wife retweeted wrongthink.
You see, that's just dumb to publicly affiliate yourself with qanon and things like that when you're working for any corporation, not only WotC.

>> No.7116471

whoa, are you saying the wife should have been kept in the kitchen and not allowed to have political opinions? what did you say your name was again?

>> No.7116477

Blah blah blah blah I'm fucking tired of this board. /gif/ is really the only good 4chan board.

>> No.7116478

What wife, retard, she herself followed alt-right schizos and liked some questionable posts. It was a witch hunt, sure, but again, don't be stupid - you're working with corporations. People get cancelled for all kinds of reasons. Btw, she didn't do cards for them for a long while, so they "ended" an already non-existent relationship with her to deflect negative attention. Blame social media, not spineless corporations that bend under any shitstorm.

>> No.7116479

>Karla Ortiz
which is crazy because Ortiz is very far left.

I agree. People don't talk about "AI assisted" enough, and I think these reveal exactly that issue.

>> No.7116590

>You are not an artist if you don't have 100% creative control

>> No.7116628

retard coomer

>> No.7116634

Not what you're asking for at all but Fromsoft's concept art is very unlike most other AAA work.
It's all super rough but very to the point and the leads have faith in the 3D artists when in comes to translating the concepts to 3D models, as opposed to most other AAA or big western studios where the 3D artists are expected to copy the concepts 1:1 without any sort of artistic freedom or interpretation.
Which also means the concepts have to be polished and explained super thoroughly so the 3D artists can just build it and move onto the next asset, which leads to the concepts being stale and soulless.
I can't think of any western AAA studio that operates the same way Fromsoft does and don't think it will change given how ingrained the workflow is at this point.

>> No.7116653

theres a lot of companies that take on so-called "bold artists" all the time. maybe try stop looking at the obvious triple a titans? there's a lot of game companies out there brainlet

>> No.7116690
File: 1.25 MB, 1195x1500, 24_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's obviously more art done behind the scenes that never see the light of day, but if you turned something like this in as a final to one of your 3D artists at a typical AAA studio you'd get a meeting invitation from one of your leads or HR hags the next day

>> No.7116710

>They stopped long ago.
You know, most of these artists have art blogs where you can see their actual personal style

>> No.7116738

artists make slop because the industry demands it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYbYvImd7Bw photobashing was just ai lite

>> No.7116850

One artist can only be proficient in a limited number of styles.

>> No.7116852

Why do they all look like they're straight out of metahuman? That slimy gay DEI look is so horrifyingly unappealing

>> No.7116921

thats not how it works you absolute beglet, if you'd ever worked for a studio as big as this, which you haven't, you'd know these people work under strict guidelines and there's multiple steps in creating something like this.
they don't just get a prompt from the studio and tell them "uuuhm make it look like the other cards" and they all magically look similar.
they have multiple steps, presenting sketches, choosing the one that represents the card and style better, going over composition, colors, rendering and mood while abiding guidelines, all under the guidance of a supervisor or art team, theres multiple sessions with feedback on the piece from beggining to completion, it's never done in isolation, but that just goes to show how clueless and confident you are in spouting bullshit while simultaneously having 0 knowledge of what you're talking about.