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File: 116 KB, 1024x866, IMG_7257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7109839 No.7109839 [Reply] [Original]

Here is your warning. Nintendo is starting a crusade.

>> No.7109841

>kikes don't want to share
Any other excuse to justify you blond bitch shitting the board like a disease?

>> No.7109852
File: 425 KB, 1280x1280, 1475202185.wolpertingerwhite_copyrightwicker_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heaven forbid you idiots learn the ol "Hey man can I copy your homework" "sure but changes the answers a bit" technique, or better yet just be 100% original

>> No.7109857

Aw crap! All my Nintendo coomer art will be delete-
Oh wait, I don't have any. Nevermind

>> No.7109864


>> No.7109867

but i just finished drawing a 70 page long bowser porn comic

>> No.7109868

Based Nintendo destroying roaches

>> No.7109877

they found out about kingbang

>> No.7109882


>> No.7109930

>coomers get another deserved kick in their balls
Holy Jesus we cannot stop winning puritan bros

>> No.7109937

maybe now all the coomers will finally start drawing things that are actually appealing and not deformed porn garbage
[spoilersdon'tworkon/ic/} I doubt it [/spoilersdon'twokron/ic/]

>> No.7109944
File: 31 KB, 758x440, nientendios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for all the posts whining on why nintendo didn't do anything against palworld but is cracking down on porn of their IPs because oh my god why would anyone hate porn porn is good for you nintendo is just a bunch of old white cis boomer puritans if they don't want to family friendly IPs be flooded with porn

>> No.7110054

So why are you keks still giving Nintendo money if this bothers you so much?

>> No.7110079

this is what sucks about small internet, giant companies have a much easier time bullying a small fish than a giant like meta or twitter

>> No.7110106

On meta or Twitter they send a cease and desist directly to you.

>> No.7110168

Why is Nintendo doing this?

>> No.7110186

Fuck coomer artists

>> No.7110195

>Oh wait, I don't have any
But enough about your income

>> No.7110196

>why does a company not want their characters and IPs to be used by mentally ill coomer artists that draw inflation gore vore futa nigger porn
I wonder

>> No.7110198

>why does the corporation who wants to maintain a family friendly/all ages images on their product try to remove the plethora of porn that floods any searches?
Bro, a new pokemon gets revealed in a trailer and there is already 10 porn pictures of it.

>> No.7110199

its literally free publicity

>> No.7110204

>it ok to advertise games aimed at kids with porn

>> No.7110218

>what is the Streisand effect
Just mentioning it highlights the problem and makes it even worse. You also can't ban porn so they're retarded for even acknowledging it.

>> No.7110221

Wow wow this board is full of puritans artists, i thought this place was more Open minded for artists, i think You are just jelous because NSFW artist make good money, Guess all of You want to be like sakimichan but You can't because You are not good enought, instead of practice to get better your prefer go and suck nintendo's dick

>> No.7110258

Honestly fuck Nintendo
But at the same time lol. Lmao even, newgrounds big draw is its NSFW shit, the artists are gonna shit their pants - I can see Nintendo getting flooded with 8 billion peach nudes in the future

>> No.7110263
File: 368 KB, 1000x1000, 17165898743215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertising games aimed at children with porn is the streissand effect
>no dont talk about the problem because-- just dont ok?
yeah, im done talking
total coomer death is completely justified

>> No.7110270

>Streisand effect
only apply if you want to hide information, this has been known for years (various jap companies also do it) and Nintendo doesn't seem to be bothered by the backlash

>> No.7110399

this place has become a reactionary chrsitfag larper shithole for the last 7 years. where have you been.

>> No.7110403

Don't pretend you're a regular, ESL tourist.

>> No.7110404

almost 8

>> No.7110407

I had no idea we have so many corporate cock suckers here.

>> No.7110410
File: 2.05 MB, 2048x1731, 1659735231285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Fulp is a two faced, cliquey bastard. He'll remove shit that supposedly violates his rules, but won't do the same for his friends that make up the old guard of Newgrounds. Newgrounds jannies banned Skuddbutt and his hentai series Meru the Succubus off the platform for "pedophilia", but anytime oldfag coomers like Speedoru or Spazkid draw porn of underage characters, it's suddenly fine to keep on the website. Keep in mind Zone's Ankha animation is still there and NG had Shadman on the site for years until he drew real actors.
Fulp doesn't care if someone he likes draws something that breaks his rules. (Nightmare Cops has been in development hell for over a decade btw.)

>> No.7110416

Okay Nintentrannies

>> No.7110420

>porntards are a bunch of circlejerking faggots
cant blame people for getting tired with them when they only enforce rules upon others but never follow them themselves

>> No.7110423

>>advertising games aimed at children with porn is the
What's with this strawman? Coomers aren't advertising nintys games they're just making coom for coomers. If kids see it then maybe they shouldn't be on websites that have 18+ content.

>> No.7110426

So you agree that websites who have 18+ content should be regarded as 18+ and not allow minors to register, yes?

>> No.7110430

Last I heard from Skudd himself, Fulp is just getting cucked by the Canadian government and being forced to do all this banning and censoring because they are too retarded to figure out how to move NG to a better place.

>> No.7110438
File: 1.71 MB, 1290x1821, __iono_pokemon_and_1_more_drawn_by_miya9__a625c3f8d2a005b447e32097f7306367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bizarre double standard considering what Nintendo of Japan lets slide. There's a metric fuckton of erotic doujins of their characters in Japan, which are not only sold for profit, but are even sold en masse in a public commercial setting at conventions like Comiket.

It's also worth noting that you can make a direct comparison to Newgrounds with Pixiv and Nico Nico Seiga, which are both online art communities chock full of Nintendo porn. They don't seem to be receiving takedown requests despite essentially being Japanese equivalents of Newgrounds.

It's really weird in that it seems like it's safer for these Newgrounds artists to just post their Nintendo porn on those two sites which are essentially hosted in Nintendo's backyard.

>> No.7110443

Japan has extensive laws that protect derivative/parody/doujin work. The US is the US, so NOA gets to wave their dick around and fuck everyone over.

>> No.7110451

and now use your brain
>japanese doujins are sold on venues where only adult consumers gather and are exposed to
>westerners just spam porn everywhere because they gonna finna grind dem algorithm and get rich and famous on social media
this just not get into the legalities and laws of the countries

I don't think you have adult stuff right next to non-adult stuff on conventions but rather that they have their own corners.
Also, given how Nintendo is litigious as fuck, if they could take the pixiv nintendo porn down, they would.

>> No.7110457

It's funny that you mention that game, I see more porn of that pink monstrosity than any Pokemon nowadays.
Lovander? Lavander? Whatever.

>> No.7110462
File: 27 KB, 526x429, 1688411265758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont understand why everything has to follow rules, except porn.
Porn really is the only exception to anything and shielded from any criticism while people are willing to die on that hill in defense of porn, even if they're being unreasonable.

for fucking porn
holy shit if this isn't evidence that this shit should get banned everywhere and that people get completely get brain rotten over that shit

>> No.7110468

>take down my nintendo fotm coom art
>change colors a little

>> No.7110471

Japan is based and Murica is cuckland.
I almost feel bad for Burguers, almost.

>> No.7110472

>I don't think you have adult stuff right next to non-adult stuff on conventions but rather that they have their own corners.
True, comiket allows and sells both, but AFAIK the NSFW stands have their own corner. Still, isn't that the same case for Newgrounds? Adult content is properly marked and there's a proper adult's section.
I agree the west has too many desperate retards flooding every platform they can get their hands on in hopes of making it, still does suck that even websites that properly segregate that content are getting jewed out by payment processors and other bullshit as a whole.

>> No.7110476

>this shit should get banned everywhere
Christcuck or Feminist?

>> No.7110489
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1412, __lillie_gloria_lana_mallow_hiker_and_2_more_pokemon_and_4_more_drawn_by_tottotonero__32917ba9adb9145e6e324cf5d36abf2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quite the opposite. Japan does not have "fair use" laws. Japan's approach to copyright regarding derivative and parody works, including doujinshi, is culturally lenient, relying on copyright holders' discretion rather than explicit laws. In contrast, the U.S. actually does have a fair use doctrine, legally protecting some derivative and parody works if they meet certain criteria, such as being transformative and not significantly impacting the original work's market.

Japan's leniency is cultural, while the U.S. provides a legal framework for protection.

>> No.7110490

>doesnt NG also have sections
Are you genuinely retarded? Anon, if i'm a minor on NG, i can just set my age to 18+ and have full access to adult content.
Whereas if i try to sneak into an adult convention, i doubt i will get out of it unmolested, i mean, i will probably not be let in.

Segregating on the same platform that segregates simply to not get fucked over by the law, doesn't work.
Same as porn sites having a button that asks if you're 18+.
They also do it only to comply with content distribution.

I mean, what's the harm in platforms that allow minors on the sites, simply not allowing adult content? It makes perfect sense
Just don't allow minors and make the platform 18+ only.
But we all know why they don't, because then they can't run ads that pay on the sites.

>> No.7110498

Anon, stop making his point.

>> No.7110541
File: 295 KB, 700x974, __akari_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_ter_otokoter__3a4eb011d23210782b0d0199b98352bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan, it is true that events like Comiket have designated areas for adult content, which is separated from all-ages material. However, this compartmentalization doesn’t necessarily mitigate the visibility or accessibility of such works. The fact remains that these doujins are often sold in significant numbers and the creators, as well as the platform organizers, profit from the intellectual property owned by Nintendo, albeit with a tacit understanding within the local framework.

On the Western front, the contention that "westerners just spam porn everywhere" is an oversimplification. Platforms like Newgrounds do have systems in place to categorize and restrict adult content, similar to Japan's conventions. The issue at hand isn't the existence of adult content but rather its distribution and the mechanisms in place to keep it from unintended audiences.

As for the argument regarding social media and the grinding of algorithms, it's a valid point that the pursuit of virality can sometimes lead to a more widespread and unregulated spread of content. Yet, it doesn't fully account for the fact that many artists also operate within their communities and adhere to platform-specific rules regarding adult content.

The argument that "westerners just spam porn everywhere" also immediately falls apart when you take Twitter into consideration, which only requires users to be "at least 13 years old" yet is full of Nintendo porn posted by Japanese artists.

>> No.7110543

Why is that anon ESL?

>> No.7110548

>Any other excuse to justify you blond bitch shitting the board like a disease?
nta but does this look comprehensible to you

>> No.7110578

>this compartmentalization doesn’t necessarily mitigate the visibility or accessibility of such works
Are kids allowed in the adult sections and can view that adult content in its entirety?
>the contention that "westerners just spam porn everywhere" is an oversimplification
Still valid.
>Platforms like Newgrounds do have systems in place to categorize and restrict adult content, similar to Japan's conventions
The difference that to access the adult content on a digital platform, i can easily just flip a switch, without risking of getting found out, whereas irl i'd need an id to confirm my age.
>The issue at hand isn't the existence of adult content but rather its distribution and the mechanisms in place to keep it from unintended audiences.
Therefore those who host said content should make sure to enforce that unintended audiences aren't reached with content they cannot legally view or just avoid hosting adult content on sites where minors are allowed to be.
>The argument that "westerners just spam porn everywhere" also immediately falls apart when you take Twitter into consideration, which only requires users to be "at least 13 years old" yet is full of Nintendo porn posted by Japanese artists.
Sure, but we're back at the beginning again.
Relatively speaking, what's the ratio of western nsfw artists spamming all kinds of porn vs nips? 10:1?

Did chatgpt write this shit for you?

>> No.7110584

People are scared to be labeled as a "puritan"

>> No.7110587
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 3d5b1b274d570b6535b9ffbbe4824b33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love fat female Pokemon art, I do think NSFW artists will fare better in the long-term if they draw OCs and the OCs of others.

>> No.7110590

I have yet to see evidence of this
All he draws these days are either milfs or men

>> No.7110593

Japs have to censor their live action porn

>> No.7110596

>Did chatgpt write this shit for you?
The argument is that just separating adult content doesn't always stop kids from seeing it. Platforms like Newgrounds try to keep adult stuff separate, but online it's easier to access without proving your age compared to real life. The real problem isn't the adult content itself, but how it's shared and making sure kids don't stumble upon it. Sites hosting adult content need to do more to keep it away from minors. Saying "westerners spam porn everywhere" is too simple, especially when you see platforms like Twitter where even young teens can find explicit content, including stuff from Japanese artists. It's not just about who shares more adult content - western or Japanese artists. It's about making sure kids are protected from stumbling upon things they shouldn't see.

>> No.7110597

>and not allow minors to register
I'm pretty sure most websites can ask if you're 18+ and it won't affect the user-base at all.
But it's not going to stop under 18 kids from going on anyways unless you make it legal for random websites to steal your identification info.

>> No.7110609

But those two things are tied together, Anon.
>platform sucks at managing content
>users upload way too much shit
>platform can't possibly manage that much content
>users still upload too much fucking content
So, what do you do when it's way too much data to even sort through?
You make sure that content goes where it should and only people who should see it see it.
And having something as just a switch of a button available to everyone, doesn't do it.
To be fair, NG doesn't allow you to browse adult content with a profile, on the other hand, they're just the same as any other site and allow everyone to register and not actually verify their legal age.
I say, it is only a matter of time once lawmakers figure this out and will genuinely introduce government identification.

>> No.7110612

>NG doesn't allow you to browse adult content with a profile

>> No.7110630

The puritans were right btw.
Sexual freedom allows degeneracy to flourish
We must RETVRN

>> No.7110853


>> No.7110861

Is there any proof it's nintendo and not someone sending false claims again?

>> No.7110869

You should learn to express your thoughts better if you want to talk about lack of originality. You speak in memes and catchphrases, it's somewhat concerning, this goes beyond just being a slang-abusing nigger.

>> No.7110877

I agree there are so many baddie OCs on X that I could bust endless nuts to if they only got more art

>> No.7110929

>OCs of others
If you have the go ahead from the creator, nuts out. If not, I'm not sure how that is a good idea with the way shit is going. All it takes is one report to get Trust and Safety in your ass.

>> No.7110945

It's amazing how much damage the Pornhub-Mindgeek debacle did to scare all the major payment processors when Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Stripe, Gumroad and now fucking Nintendo deem NSFW as such a severe liability that they have to crack down on it.

>> No.7110974
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>It's a bizarre double standard
not really there are still a fuck ton of Porn of Nintendo characters on Western sites
we don't know if the "crusade" is really there yet
probably what kind of porn it is that trigger them
I remember some jap authors send cease and desist to the artist who draws gore of their character for example
another is that the horse gacha gave a strict guideline for their fanart
>Japan has extensive laws that protect derivative/parody/doujin work.

>> No.7110987

I'll never forget those angry roasties for the great amateur porn purge. Amusingly it wound up empowering OnlyFans whores.

>> No.7110993

>the Pornhub-Mindgeek debacle
the what the fuck?

>> No.7111059

You really didn't know? Enabling human and child sex trafficking is the whole reason both Mastercard and Visa began the crack downs on Mindgeek and kicked all this off.

>> No.7111069

>white cis
Fuck off tumblrfag

>> No.7111094

>If you have the go ahead from the creator, nuts out.
I should have clarified: Drawings of other's OCs as either gifts, trades, or comms.
Fucking idiots at Mindgeek lmao

>> No.7111224

Reminder the owners are Jewish.
They're literally too evil and too stupid to run anything in long-term. They were set in porn industry with most mainstream porn websites and they still managed to fuck it up.

>> No.7111258

Welp, there goes Newgrounds saving artists
Fuck AiRajeeshs. Had they never forced Aislop into the artist space this would never have happened.

>> No.7111402

>its le joose
you know the more you keep spamming it, the more likely they will get away with achieving a monopoly on adult content, right?

everyone fucking knows
they just don't point it out because then they can't use the anti-semitism card effectively, retard

>> No.7111429

What is "the illusion of choice" for $200, Moshe?

>> No.7111437

the powers that be control america fuck over the american people

>> No.7111439

look at the fucking pretzel you had to turn his argument into so you can feel a smug sense of moral superiority

>> No.7111440

Somewhere out there, a Nintendo employee has to sort through princess peach porn

>> No.7111448


The nips should spend their energy worrying about their nonexistent birth rates and dying culture, not trying to destroy some internet autismos that they could just as easily give jobs to.

>> No.7111470

>4 posts in a row in a lil over ten mins

>> No.7111550
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guess im fucked.
then again, i do this not for a living but kinda sucks you cant rely on it. makes some sense from a profiting over others ips but wow you are literally going to ban the beat to hypnotize people into liking your characters? amateurs.

>> No.7111603
File: 120 KB, 431x415, 1697726535588956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore the stars
>born just in time to witness mass coomer seethings

>> No.7111640

Isn't revenge porn regarded as the one big exception to fair use?

>> No.7111641

don't care,fuck off to /pol/ puritan fags and dilate harder coombrains

>Verification not required.

>> No.7111652

every type of intimate media that is shared without consent of the individuals in the media, is considered illegal. Always was. Since 2018 people who got pictures and videos of themselves shared without their knowledge or consent, can sue platforms hosting that content and individuals sharing that content.

Remember that all this started because there were legit irl cp, rape, revenge porn, hacked/stolen content being sold and uploaded on adult sites with the most known example being pornhub a few years ago deleting a majority of amateur content and only allowing legally verified users to upload.

If you want to blame anyone, it's criminals, not payment processors or the puritans.
Anyone being full on against this, is either a child, a retard or a criminal.

>> No.7111656

let's be real, the vast majority of those supposed rape vids were whores regretting being whores, the same stunt lana rhodes or whatever "the next angilina jolie's" name was after she got shamed for smiling while swallowing a bowl of piss on video that she took money for, only to turn around and pretend she was raped

>> No.7111662

Then you're not being real.
Most of semi-professional, even C list adult content, is done with contracts, never without. And even if there is whores regretting it, they can't do shit against it because they have given legal consent.

It was straight up real shit that got payment processors scared shitless because if it wasn't they wouldn't give two shits about it

>> No.7111677

>they can't do shit against it because they have given legal consent
>It was straight up real shit
so where are the criminal charges?
oh yeah, there weren't any because it was just an extension of metoo court of public opinion handled entirely for publicity, you retarded soinigger

>> No.7111686
File: 69 KB, 803x560, gte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where dem charges at?
>hehe there aren#t
anon, are you fucking retarded or do you browse the internet on a fucking magical tree?

>> No.7111691

>some random faggot
we're talking about pornhub, you illiterate fucking nigger, who you claim was hosting and distributing illegal content, including cp

>> No.7111692
File: 277 KB, 1158x597, first result.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double nigger

>> No.7111698
File: 196 KB, 1033x907, justice.gov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triple nigger

>> No.7111701

>The charge stems from Aylo's websites hosting of content from pornography websites GirlsDoPorn.com (GDP) and GirlsDoToys.com (GDT), whose creators and operators were charged in California in 2019 with deceiving and coercing young women to appear in sex videos
>completely unrelated to pornhub
>no criminal charge, settled with the whores regretting filming porn under contract
do you even read this shit, you fucking retard?

>> No.7111704
File: 126 KB, 765x881, kvetching hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just google pornhub criminal charges
>get 2 billion results
>"no goy it dont happen goy"
pretending to be retarded and ignorant about something that is one search away doesn't make me wrong because you kvetch like the rat you are

kill yourself now

>> No.7111705

lol retard

>> No.7111708

Are you aware 4chan is currently being sued over the Buffalo shooting?

>> No.7111712

>ignores everything else that was posted before
Are you a bot or just mentally retarded?

consneed yourself now

>> No.7111717

I ignored nothing, you haven't posted anything that wasn't twitter drama, you double vaxxed retard

>> No.7111722

>twitter drama
>obvious screenshots of news sites, government sites and the washington post
yeah, anon, you're seething alright

>> No.7111724

Aylo (formerly Mindgeek) is the oarent company of Pornhub and Redtube. They also owned those other websites. Are you deliberately being retarded in running defense for kikes?

>> No.7111729

>itt the joo outs himself as a well poisoning retard by kvetching about irrefutable evidence against his kin's crimes
>literally the rabbi drawing swastikas on his wall and crying about the nazis
oy vey rabbi

>> No.7111739

payment processors targeted pornhub, not mind geek, and the other faggot (You) literally and explicitly said pornhub hosted and distributed illegal material such as cp
where are the criminal charges, faggot? you're telling me the biggest fucking porn site on the planet was distributing terabytes of cp, everybody knew it to the point of the noble visa and mastercard stepping in publicly, and literally NOBODY in any prosecutor's office anywhere on the planet figured it out?

>> No.7111743
File: 311 KB, 449x388, 154874813564646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why didn't pornhub get fucked but their parent company i.e. who owns them
holy fuck you are genuinely retarded

>> No.7111745

they didn't, learn to read
>The charge stems from Aylo's websites hosting of content from pornography websites GirlsDoPorn.com (GDP) and GirlsDoToys.com (GDT)

>> No.7111750
File: 254 KB, 1575x378, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works, though. You'll note nobody from Aylo was convicted of anything.

>> No.7111751

>the jew still tries to argue semantics
Give it up, you made a fool of yourself enough

>> No.7111763

>noooo believe me goyim muh six gorillion revenge porns, remember the whoreocaust
where is the proof, kike?

>> No.7111770
File: 39 KB, 564x594, 1568814297508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally getting sued and forced to pay 1.8 gorillion
>where muh proofs at?
>now you're a jew if you're anti-porn

>> No.7111771

>The charge stems from Aylo's websites hosting of content from pornography websites GirlsDoPorn.com (GDP) and GirlsDoToys.com (GDT)
weak pilpul, moshe

>> No.7111777
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1587327639311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and he's trying to argue semantics again
>if you're not in favor of porn you're a puritan conservative
>if you're not that, you're a jew
thank god porn is getting banned

>> No.7111779

>kike pilpul intensifies
I accept your concession
make like a masada and kill yourself

>> No.7111781

>the jew still cant stop seething
digits have spoken >>7111777
Porn will be illegal by 2025
Mass suicides incoming
Trannies will be no more

I win, Anon.

>> No.7111786

>muh magical numbers
and the qabala kike reveals himself

>> No.7111792

>gets are now jewish
>newfag election tourist
lurk moar, david

>> No.7111796

>newfag doesn't understand what a GET is
lurk before kvetching, moshe
here's a free one, I know that gets your circumcised dick hard: GETs are called

>> No.7111807
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1625288073141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look Ma im trolling im such an oldefagoot
>look LE JOOOSE am i bays and rob pilled yet
>heck yeah how do you do fellow /pol/anons?
you just mad cuz you didn't get holy trips, faggotron

>> No.7111812

>n-no u
poor show, moshe

>> No.7111816
File: 47 KB, 632x623, 12633235644484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more witty comebacks
>"moshe moshe monshe joose jew"
nigger get some better material

>> No.7111818


>> No.7111829
File: 30 KB, 640x694, finally-a-man-figure-v0-8i9rkbu7y0tb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken SAVED...

>> No.7111834

>These days
He drew MHA characters. Either way he's trying to be safe horny so he won't be cancelled before Punch Punch Forever gets greenlit.

>> No.7111839

Skuddbutt should just stop being a pedophile, it's not hard. Stop making porn animations of Gwen from Ben 10 and do MILFs instead.

>> No.7111842

*Buff nerdy girls with dicks
Fixed it

>> No.7111878

>Too retarded to read post
>While telling anyone to go to any social media site

>> No.7111886

>The argument that "westerners just spam porn everywhere" also immediately falls apart when you take Twitter into consideration, which only requires users to be "at least 13 years old" yet is full of Nintendo porn posted by Japanese artists.
You would have a good point if Nintendo ONLY sent C&Ds over Newgrounds.
Brainrot coomer.

>> No.7111902

>You'll note nobody from Aylo was convicted of anything.
To be fair, this type of egregious shit doesn't result in convictions if the defendant is rich enough.

>> No.7112354

This here is the only post that matters in this whole discussion.

Just because some women get beaten by their husbands doesn't mean a woman crying to a police officer should warrant divorce rape onto her husband. Just because a child might get ran over a car doesn't mean we shouldn't have roads. Just because women can't use hijabs and stay indoors under the supervision of an adult doesn't mean the Internet should be full of safeguards about porn. In fact, women and children shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

All that said, I do not like coomers, but I don't agree with censorship. Just as I don't agree with these coomers hiding the copyrighted material they "steal" behind a paywall.
Just let it all available for free, only way to profit from it is charging from the commissioner(s), not the viewers.

>> No.7112664

Giving women rights was the worst mistake humankind could have made.
And for that, humankind deserve erasure.

>> No.7112665

Why were people so focused on Zelda’s ass in Breath of the Wild?

>> No.7115130

Surprises me he still has a Patreon account up with all the pedo shit he does.

>> No.7115134

>worst mistake humankind could have made
Your mother not aborting you

>> No.7115188

>legally protecting some derivative and parody works if they meet certain criteria, such as being transformative and not significantly impacting the original work's market.
Virtually all fanart and parodies that make direct references or direct use of imagery from the original source material do not meet that "transformative" standard. It's generally limited to just critique and examination, like reviews or writing essays about the subject. Even loose parodies have been found to violate fair use, like the Bad Spaniels dog toy brand, which styled itself after Jack Daniels.

>> No.7115499

Save and archive all peach and Samus hentai!

>> No.7115664

you either haven't played the game, or you're autistic and lack social skills

>> No.7117841

It's amazing seeing all the fags who bragged payment processors and major companies wouldn't do anything to them for lewding their characters. Now they're all shitting bricks and shilling ACLU peritions.

>> No.7117932
File: 12 KB, 312x287, 1707406096548942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexuality and it's depictions has been heavily buried under rules of moral and legal laws and ethics for most of history. Of course they'd push back against anything that would try to return to that restrictive period of time, don't play dumb.

>> No.7118157

In fairness, after all you faggots have done to chase and groom kids into porn addicts with your coomer shit on Tumblr, Twitter/X, Meta, and now Twitch after ditching the South Koreans? Those restrictions were a long time coming. It's a direct consequence of your actions, and from your own side nonetheless.

>> No.7118189

As if they have a financial loss, unless they are planning to monetize some NSFW stuff about their stuff

>> No.7118693

I can imagine they'll pull something. They've been zizagging between reverting to a "family-friendly" image and accepting titles rejected by the increasingly woke Sony and Microsoft. Maybe the ESG funds Nintendo has been siphoning off have begun to take their toll, or their lawyers found a way to prove financial loss and reputational damage, with how easy it is to stumble upon the grotesque forms of shit imaginable of their IPs.

>> No.7119256

holy dunning kruger batman
trademark/patent not mentioned once. copyright has nothing to do with this

>> No.7119262

Fuck Nintendo, I'll do whatever the hell I want with Princess Toadstool and Daisy to my heart's content.

>> No.7120153

I don't want Nintendo to win. I just want the faggots who refuse to stay in their lane to lose. Nintendo getting fucked up in the process would be a bonus.

>> No.7120297

>Japan does not have "fair use" laws
Why does everybody keep repeating this? Most of the western world doesn't have fair use laws either, just case law from decades of judicial decisions.