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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.16 MB, 1276x1160, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7107897 No.7107897 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck does this happen and how can one prevent this from happening to them?
>inb4 it's because the artist's a degen fag
The art looks extremely gay, yes, but I've seen non-fags have art regression like this, so that can't be it. Is it overconfidence and getting comfortable with where you are skill-wise that causes this de-evolution? Is catering to the wrong crowd like with fetish art that causes this?

>> No.7107900
File: 47 KB, 640x819, losertowm_by_xxangeixx_de5402n-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107901

Is it really regression or is it just more stylized? People here would argue that the guy who drew those images of cats got worse,but others would say it go more abstract.

>> No.7107903
File: 545 KB, 1126x662, tumblr_4430bc087e781d19d95eddba5ada7a8e_4e8a3a41_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107908

stop expecting no draws to understand that
they just think every drawing takes the exact same amount of time
they're still making threads on some fag from over half a decade ago

>> No.7107917

it's a bit like eating. Eating healthier improves your health/physique, eating slop makes you a 600LB blob with heart disease.

Keep consuming and studying good art, don't watch Steven Universe or hang with faggy tumblr cliques, and you won't absorb that into your system.

>> No.7107922

Pretty sure rcdart just had his personality and style bulldozed to dust by calarts courses so he had no idea what to do anymore when he wasn't drawing horny pictures of Marvel characters in accordance with Steven Universe's animation rules. So not going to calarts is a good place to start.

>> No.7107926
File: 154 KB, 480x481, 1686094445940980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pictures were drawn after the artist went to CalArts or some other art college. the point was liberal arts colleges are propaganda hubs of marxist, modernist teachings that value relativism and challenging beauty standards

>> No.7107927

as in trans "man" or actual man? based on the content and style I always assumed it was a chick.

>> No.7107928
File: 338 KB, 542x528, 34565467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7107929

Don't take hormones/blockers

>> No.7107930

Think he's a man, his name is something like Rory Cummings-Disease.

>> No.7107931

also probably had a small group of friends that encouraged bad habits
you can also stop drawing a particular way, but it's a psychological thing
something is causing him to draw the way he does, whether its validation from his personal network, an unwillingness to change or challenge himself, or just the horny

>> No.7107933

>"RCDart is the artist name of Rory Cummings-Dise, an agender fan artist..."
yeah probably a chick

>> No.7107945
File: 86 KB, 800x510, tumblr_782a8ec74af997bb026b86f825ce49c5_cf0e5117_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all of her art problems come down to
1) the content being abhorrent due to her just being an absolutely abhorrent person with abhorrent fetishes and worldview
2) really hamfistedly bad attempts at stylization that fall flat (her taste, as usual, being influenced by her personality as stated in point 1)
3) Laziness and complacency. >>7107903 wouldn't look nearly so stupid if she had just bothered to place the features on the face correctly, she has this problem elsewhere too of trying to cram front facing features off into one sliver of a 3/4 view face.

I'd argue that the top right piece is actually more skillful than its counterpart, it's just so degenerate and disgusting that it becomes abominable to the eyes.

In another universe, her art of "Captain America" is instead an amazonian babe that is portrayed as a secure and mentally sound woman (without stretch marks), and in that universe RCDArt might possibly be seen as based rather than cringe. /co/ would be all over that, just like they were with the girls in OK K.O. and all the other cartoons containing women with watermelon-annihilating thighs.

>> No.7107948

No comment on OP, but I suffer from this. Pretty regularly I just forget how to draw. Not like "ya style develops" change, but like I used to be able to copy other drawings with a decent amount of accuracy to suddenly struggling to get proportions and angles correct, or I used to be able to convincingly pose a character in an imagined 3D space and have them look right, to I struggle to even visualize how to pose them and the results come out looking flat and distorted. I have no fucking clue why this happens and why it takes weeks, sometimes months to recover back to my previous skill. Don't know if this is common or what, because most "regression" that I see is linked more to stylistic change and less due to "did this person have a stroke" type of degradation

>> No.7107965
File: 151 KB, 531x907, Screenshot_20240323_171452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr still seems to be riffing on RCDArt to this very day.

>> No.7107971
File: 199 KB, 1235x1000, WwPgMqA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ya style regresses

>> No.7108102
File: 69 KB, 642x680, puppychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7108134

The art equivalent of trooning out

>> No.7108175

the art was already trooned, it just reached its final form

>> No.7108277

Right is definitely better

>> No.7108424

why does this person still live rent free in peoples heads after all these years
tumblr is dead

>> No.7108425

lol no

>> No.7108426

>how can one prevent this from happening to them?
Just don't become trans

>> No.7108440

>why do people remember really funny things years after they've happened?

>> No.7108453

Just because youre a prude doesn't make it bad, anon.

>> No.7108478

Negative feedback loop, if you draw and show your art in a community (in this case tumblr) that is increasingly degenerate for diversity/victim points, you'll be slowly incentivized and indoctrinated into certain directions. Kinda like how twitters artists fall down a nsfw rabbit hole because a few years back the only work they would get internet points on was the spicy/slightly risque stuff etc

Evolution/adaptation is based on your environment, place yourself in the environment where the greatest/people who get kudos are doing things you want to see or just don't let external validation change your own artistic vision and shut it out (If you don't have a developed sense of style or friends who are normal and honest you may fall down your own special brand of autistic rabbit hole or you might end up being hailed as a genuis, who knows.

>> No.7108500

Art regression is a thing but i'm not sure the op image is representative of that, the art is the same quality it's just that the new style is worse in your opinion (and I agree). Anyway actual art regression is solved by doing more studies since you're probably neglecting them

>> No.7108510

I felt that, poor guy

>> No.7108563


>> No.7108655
File: 160 KB, 694x1234, Olivine Nu Carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I know the type of style they're going for. It's called an "ambush" which is kinda like a fusion between a trap and a beefcake character. They're just really bad at it.

>> No.7108663

>be famous tumblr artist, change up art style after going to school
>art keeps getting reposted by angry mediocre twitter artists almost 10 years later
>hate-inspires them to draw because twitter artists hate that style
>this cycle repeats every few months

RCdart made more impactful art than all of us here and twitter users could ever hope

>> No.7108672

Ambushes are hot as fuck I wish they were real

>> No.7108674
File: 1.15 MB, 1468x833, 1694437529087053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk about regression, but right looks unfathomably worse than left
it has less details and also I hate fags

>> No.7108695

the right is more prudish, left implies a naked ass and pussy under the slit dress, right covers it

>> No.7108696
File: 885 KB, 570x804, cos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously they arent, it's a "non-passing ftm" fetish, not a "feminine-dressing handsome man" fetish
they are but you probably arent gay so you wouldnt find them attractive because they have real flesh

>> No.7108705
File: 852 KB, 570x804, 1711286651052302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not gay, but it's workable

>> No.7108724
File: 124 KB, 979x1507, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt like I've seen tons of guys online like this but I cant find them now
But theres nothing stopping a good looking guy to dress up like a bitch idk why you would say that they "dont exist"

>> No.7108728

It's ego. But probably not in the way you think. There's a phenomenon that doesn't get talked about very much. That most artists tend to draw characters with features that look like themselves. It could just be the fact that they see themselves in the mirror a lot. Or maybe one's own face is hard coded into the their imagination. I don't know the cause. I only know the behavior.

So basically what happens, is that if an artist has a distinctive feature, like lips that push out like a fish, they're going to unconsciously draw that, until they learn better. Until they add more and different features into their repertoire. Which comes form just practicing life drawing and loomis and what have you.

An artist who is in the midst of learning, will put out work, that perhaps isn't totally their own developed style. But they're trying to apply the fundamentals the best they can. Or copy another style the best they can. When an artist gets comfortable however, they can "regress" into their old unconscious biases. Or worse: when they indulge in self-identity stuff like many trans people do, then they will think that their biases are actually very good.

I'm saying all that to say this: I bet if you saw the artist's face, he/she(I don't know which way they transitioned) will have a similar protruding mouth shape.
The trick to avoiding such a fate is easy: Take the objective beauty standards pill.

>> No.7108789

>you probably arent gay
Nigga if you're jerking off to ambushes you are homosexual as fuck. They are fundamentally muscular men.

>> No.7108790

The only reason you think that way is the highlights on her thighs which give them a sense of depth. That's it. Everything else from pose to anatomy is much better on the left.

To be fair, there isn't much regression, nor improvement. But comparing those two and being proud of your "improvement" is really retarded and dishonest

>> No.7108798

Don’t become lazy*
Trans or even feminine-dressing fetish has nothing to do with it

>> No.7108808

Such an odd case. Usually being a coomer makes the art better.

>> No.7108817

im pretty sure coombrain over here was referring to which one hed rather touch with his pecker

>> No.7108887

and also they're drawings
If you aren't attracted to real men, you're not gay.

There was a study that men look at faces while watching porn, while the bodies are a somewhat realistic approximation of irl bodies, the faces in drawn smut are a complete abstraction that don't resemble men at all

>> No.7108890

You're giving them way too much credit. Their way of thinking about the world, along with art, is just a part of their continued infantilization. It's not about "challenging beauty standards", it's that they can't even be fucked to learn it the hard way, because... muh white men, or some shit like that.

>> No.7108908

This. Stop giving them excuses.

>> No.7108911

doesn't really look like he became worse. just became a coomer for trans or w/e the fuck that is

>> No.7109146

>Defending trans headcanons, just to duck on a girl that loves to draw guys with big tits.

It's a 'No' from me, Dawg

>> No.7109151

Those are some really suckable titties, man. Just look at dem nips.

Thanks for teaching me a new term man but I'm not seeing many results in Google.

>> No.7109245

The places she got in had a lot of influence on the final product, though.

>> No.7109969

Mom im gay

>> No.7109988

No shit, have you ever seen an anime face? Not exactly a facsimile of a real person.

>> No.7110034
File: 146 KB, 479x493, 1708014018134165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren't attracted to real men, you're not gay
Who's going to tell him?

>> No.7110046
File: 326 KB, 1242x2048, F5SEeqjaYAA6267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though.
People are attracted to the appearance of a person, not their gender.
Hetero males will be attracted to feminine appearance and faces, despite if the individuals have a dick or not.
Futanari is mostly consumed by straight males. The dick don't make it gay because if we're following that logic, every male would be gay for looking at or touching their own dick.

Gay males are attracted to male appearance.
Most of the pics posted itt would instantly not be gay if you replaced them with female face proportion and aesthetics.

See how pic related, despite buff male like body proportions still retains an appeal to straight purely because of tits and feminine face.

What you're implying is tranny abomination tier gaslighting meant to attacks people's insecurities and groom them i.e. what trannies call "cracking eggs" or something.

>> No.7110053

Show one great, non-cringe trans artist
(you can't, there's none)

>> No.7110057

She is a very ugly chick and she ""detransitionned"" (aka stopped using they/them pronoun)

>> No.7110059

fujoshits leave

>> No.7110068

Grr naughty pitslut needs sniff correction

>> No.7110103

>What you're implying is tranny abomination tier gaslighting meant to attacks people's insecurities and groom them
Imagine saying this in the same breath as this
>Futanari is mostly consumed by straight males. The dick don't make it gay

>> No.7110133
File: 345 KB, 791x720, 1560484014878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art regression thread turned to tranny futa fujo bara and the big gay
Great to know where /ic/'s mind is 24/7/365

>> No.7110148


>> No.7110152

>it has been genuinely studied why futa isn't considered gay
It's just regular porn but without a male image
>but the dick
No, i'm not joining your discord server


>> No.7110154

>fantasizing about sucking gock is straight
>but YOU’RE the tranny groomer here
Alright man, knock yourself out

>> No.7110157
File: 81 KB, 547x531, 1565838248963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if i see a penis i automatically think of sucking it"
By how hard you're projecting you might want to rent a whole cinema.

>> No.7110478 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 952x1200, 1672170481934366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reality is that the majority of the artists going into the industry only really want to show off how much they love the franchises that got them there. they don't bother drawing stuff that challenges them. or stuff they don't like.

they're trust fund fanfiction.net babies that spend their time doodling slash yaoi and fanart in class and thought that being an animator would be the logical extension to that. they don't have the experiences or drive to learn that people like the 9 old men or miyazaki or anybody else that pumps out soulful dedicated media does.

that's not to say that we won't get modern kino, but it just feels like there has been a massive drop in creative souls in the industry. not entirely the faults of the people going in but the industry as a whole desires to ride off of their previous success.

>> No.7110484

yeah man, reacharounds are straight, any bro would do that for his bro

>> No.7110545

I know it's shocking since you don't leave your basement but the real world exists and it's the one that matters not the 15 minutes you goon to anime blobs.
I'm 100% homo and attracted to real men. People who jerk off to idealized yaoi aren't.

>> No.7110552

Oh, so going by that logic you regularly fap to anime girls then, right?

>> No.7110557

>yeah man, reacharounds are straight, any bro would do that for his bro
i mean, yeah, why not? are you being sarcastic?
jerking off a bro is awesome

>> No.7110563
File: 126 KB, 1080x1398, D4389AC9-35A9-4796-9907-A6A91568E67B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no true gayman
You fuckers are the most annoying people on the planet. Back to /y/ retard.

>> No.7110571

Stop posting attractive males you sub-niggers, it hurts

>> No.7110591


>> No.7110594
File: 1.94 MB, 4828x4641, 02bed927c2217720d7111f1c0846adcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you jerk off to chicks with dick, you are gay and want to do gay things to males
>but having random dicks or a male figure present in the picture and jerking off to it is totally fine
Now say how the current porn ban is totally unfair because fictional characters are not real.

>> No.7110598
File: 294 KB, 1405x1982, 2ef6a222d33fe6a264efade396960d8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw according to trannies this is now gay porn and you're gay and you should join their discord

>> No.7110623

>chicks with dicks = straight
Damn… trannies PWND epic style… now they’ll have to give their gocks to me

>> No.7110640

>People who jerk off to idealized yaoi aren't.
So are the weebs who jerk off to hetero hentai not really straight either?

>> No.7110647
File: 263 KB, 2160x1620, 1615767379639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because disgusting trannies delude themselves into believing their women that means that hyperidealized fiction = actual reality
>btw how dare they ask for consent on fictional characters
damn bro, i see futa and pic related, it's the same thing
you got me

>> No.7110651

This response reeks of dumbass, because plenty of people who go to art college still don't draw anything like that and still adhere to current and older beauty standards. It just depends on the person.

>> No.7110653
File: 1.59 MB, 1864x2048, MV5BNWRlZGY2NTAtYmU5OS00ZWJkLTlmMDItYmY5ZDJjNDEwOTc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAyMDk3MTUx._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure

>> No.7110659

Post moar

>> No.7110682
File: 627 KB, 595x842, bb7d17711b594026c14beda8684c840b8104bd66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro.... the resemblance is uncanny

>> No.7110684

I think his point is that being attracted to drawings of "men" with impossibly feminized features due to not being real is not necessarily gay. So like if you gave an anime girl a bara physique and very masculinized face, a gay man could probably find them attractive. (I don't mean muscle mommies because they usually conform to feminine features even if they're muscular).

>> No.7110764
File: 33 KB, 680x510, 1517437361120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ if you beat your meat to a chick with a dick you are fucking gay. No amount of coping will change that

>> No.7110790

there is no such thing as straight or gay and only insecure straggots and faggots argue over what the label REALLY means and how it’s actually (not) gay/straight to be attracted to X because blah blah who cares

Whatever gets your dick hard gets your dick hard, and that’s that

>> No.7110793

Nice try faggot.

>> No.7111088
File: 71 KB, 1024x735, 1596342391959m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good attempt schlomo

>> No.7111302

SEXO (but why are the legs small?)

>> No.7111368

Say what you will about the right, but the left could come from any number of artists. The right has identity. It's a niche of one.
For every explorer who gets their own federal holiday, there are a million who died in a swamp, became lost at sea, or was eaten by an animal unknown to civilization. New isn't always better, but the urge to be new will always be there, and those people make the art world larger. Some find new lands for more artists to populate, while others map out the death traps and the valleys of no return. No one will sing of their exploits, but we all benefit from them.