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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 114 KB, 1300x861, 62978696-man-bored-at-work-sitting-in-front-of-a-large-pile-of-files-staring-straight-ahead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7104890 No.7104890 [Reply] [Original]

>Make a drawing, charge it 50 bucks
>It's some fetish I don't want to draw
>Another client, same fetish, I said I'll make it for 100 bucks
>Another client, same fetish, price it 200
>"Seems reasonable, let's do it!"
>Another client, another, more disgusting fetish, charge it 400
>"That's cool! Sure, let's do it!"
>the first drawing took me a day to finish
>the second one took me 3 days to sit and do it
>the third one took me a week
>It's been 2 weeks now, the client is asking for updates or something, I don't even want to do it the 400 one
This is an extrapolation of a couple years of work
I used to draw every single day
Now I draw once or twice a week and I hate it.
This is such a monkey paw wish, I'm making tons of money on drawings, it's just drawings I don't want to do and it's hurting my soul, money is no longer an incentive for me

>> No.7104893

So don't. Why on earth did you make this thread?

>> No.7104898
File: 133 KB, 1070x629, Contemplating_Beach_Dog-Anjuna_Beach-Goa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So don't
I gotta eat pal
I'm just venting a facet of the art life, there's no need to be anal about it

>> No.7104900

At least tell us what the fetishes are. How low did you stoop, anon?

>> No.7104901

You are what you draw. Id be cautious, anon.

>> No.7104908

You dug your own hole, anon. When you do fetish shit people will predictably spread the word about you that there's an artist who accepts their commissions. It's an endless loop. At least you could've made it more enjoyable by drawing fetishes you DO like. I'll never understand why would anyone draw something they are disgusted about. I know you need money but wouldn't it result in a bad and half-assed output of your commissions making clients less likely to reach out to you?

>> No.7104911

I've done everything lad, everything


> I know you need money but wouldn't it result in a bad and half-assed output of your commissions making clients less likely to reach out to you
No, I still put out some quality to it. Not liking the fetish doesn't mean I'll do a half-assed job, I'm still getting paid after all
Is just something everyone should be aware off, and I wish somebody had told me that
Just taking "any commission" can set you out on a bad career path later on and it's hard to make a turn around

>> No.7104921

>No, I still put out some quality to it. Not liking the fetish doesn't mean I'll do a half-assed job, I'm still getting paid after all
Not him but I can respect that.

>> No.7104932

Anon. That's a job. You've essentially turned your hobby into a job and your dopamine system is normalizing with it. Pick up another hobby and put drawing down as a job in your schedule. You'll find that you'll want to draw related to that hobby (like videogames) and do a little project for yourself.

>> No.7104955

blah blah
you don't hate drawing you hate your audience of coomer retards
slow down your comm intake, make an alt, draw sfw or start some project, go on a hiatus, idk, just stop being a slave to chronic masturbators for a second and you'll feel a lot better

>> No.7104963
File: 219 KB, 495x749, 1708298770109894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw fetish shit you hate for cash
literally prostitution

>> No.7104986
File: 78 KB, 828x968, 1655979913593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomers are the definition of pathetic. hopelessly enslaved, incapable of deriving dopamine from any other source outside quick, instant gratification. with no one and nothing in their lives to teach them self control, discipline and self reliance.
utterly sad and pathetic wastes of space and time

>> No.7105119

>literally prostitution
ACKSHUALLY, you should learn the meaning of "literally."

>> No.7105121

This is an anonymous board. Kindly tell us what fetishes you were asked to draw. I want to know if I can stomach this work.

>> No.7105163 [DELETED] 

> when you haven't the slightest understanding of how dopamine works

>> No.7105289

Scat and Piss porn
Women shitting up the toilet

>> No.7105390


>> No.7105398

Don't really see the problem, say you don't do ABC fetishes and whatnot and draw what you love and make money for it?

>> No.7105404

I'm literally homosexual and I kinda want to kill people who are into this
(no I don't have or have ever had anal sex. Penis good, poopoo bad)

>> No.7105509

>will draw anything. at all.
>pretty good at it, too
>no one wants to hire me for any commissions at all
>OP swimming in requests he doesn't want
Literally fuck this gay earth

>> No.7105590

> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/prostitute#English
> From Latin prōstitūtus, past participle of prōstituō, from prō̆ (“for, before”) + statuō (“to set up, to erect”).
> (kek)
> (transitive, reflexive) To offer (oneself or someone else) for sexual activity in exchange for money. [from 16th c.]
> (transitive, derogatory) To sacrifice (oneself, one's talents etc.) in return for profit or other advantage; to exploit for base purposes.

nta but fair for him.

>> No.7105626

The act of pooping is sexually stimulating, especially when she is half naked, gasping to relief herself and in such a position of submission.
If you aren't into this you are either a faggot or a jew

>> No.7105660
File: 835 KB, 149x181, 1668887829366921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The act of pooping is sexually stimulating

its time to get off the internet

>> No.7105667

Just draw fetishes you're into nibba

>> No.7105670

How is that any different than any other job in which you hate but you do it for cash? You're just selling your body with more steps in the middle.

>> No.7105688

you're using your skills to create depictions of sex-related fetishes that you yourself hate or find digusting. you do it for money.

>> No.7105788

>Implied whores don't like dicks
In this era women have the easiest time to find a job. In my country, all easy job with high salary only hire women and faggots, yet whores floods the street at night.

>> No.7105824

What country is that?
I can be a faggot if I put some effort into it, might move to your part of the world

>> No.7105828

>The act of pooping is sexually stimulating
NTA but it is.
I don't get why you push your neo puritanism when you choke on reddit femdom updoots faggotry, you are no better than the people who have strange kinks.

>> No.7105855

Have you guys ever smelled shit?

>> No.7105881


>> No.7105896

Vile that someone is going to be jerking off to it, but drawing it is just drawing the same figures that you would usually be drawing with added splashes of brown and yellow. If anything, it's just kind of funny. You're only conveying the visual stimuli, there's no sounds or putrid smells to deal with. Just put on some music that's distracting and a little chaotic, and roll with it.

>> No.7105902

>I'm a homosexual
>anal is bad
Isn't that what homosexual sex literarily is?

>> No.7106144

"people" like you were thrown in asylums and you still ought to be

>> No.7106149

This, except I only draw fetishes I like, so I'm not sad and jaded. I only wish I was motivated to work more. I don't think the fetish is the problem per se. It's just that turning your hobby you did for fun into an obligation, robs you of a lot of motivation. Not everyone is cut out for the professional life. I'm only now starting to learn how to "just work" despite how I feel. It's tough keeping that discipline. But it's also satisfying when you get stuff done.

>> No.7106222

Anon, you are a scat-fetishist.
You are the LAST person to have the right of defending yourself or your fetish. Go drown in a septic tank, shitter

>If you aren't into this you are either a faggot or a jew
Well, shit does come from ass which is very gay, so I don't see your point.

>> No.7106330

Not necessarily
Some of us are grossed by anal (which is always disgusting and dangerous fyi) and stick to frotting and cocksucking
Look up frotting, there's a weird trend where a lot of straight guys are turned on by it, you might find out you have a new kink

>> No.7106364

The word "porn" comes form the Greek word for prostitution

>> No.7106694

Why is scat fetishism so demonized?
As if it was worse than child pornography.
I don't truly understand.....

>> No.7106798
File: 183 KB, 1125x1544, 1666053121894181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found Mr Brown

>> No.7106988

Answer the question you dumb nigger

>> No.7106997

Not them, but it's demonized because it's disgusting. Human shit is colonized with microorganisms that can cause fatal illnesses, it's digested squishy leftovers of food, and it reeks. If you want new textures in your foreplay, just purchase some fucking Play-Doh.

>> No.7107001

>because it's disgusting
>implies that scat==shit eating
fuck you

>> No.7107006

I didn't imply that at all. It's mere presence in an area can spell out an outbreak of illness.
Explain what scat means and I'll tell you why your fetish is a health hazard. Go on.

>> No.7107013

Because it’s extremely unhygienic. It’s shit. It smells bad, it looks gross, it carries a shit load of disease, and people don’t want to be around it. Before modern medicine was invented, people who didn’t have that sense of disgust towards shit (you) got sick and died. Shit is not something you’re supposed to be attracted to.

Nobody is telling you that you can’t roll your shit logs around like the disgusting child you are, but holy fuck you can’t sit here and patronize others while gargling diarrhea.

>> No.7107602

>It's mere presence in an area can spell out an outbreak of illness.
You don't feel this concerned or haughty around janitors, fucking hypocrite.
>Being close to shit makes you ill
You are implying that scat is always about stroking shit, but there are instances of the fetish where you are turned on only for the act of defecating i.e voyeurism
>bu-bb-but it's unhygienic and brings you illnesses!
Then how come you are not fucking dead from wiping your ass and the fact that you have to defecate assumably on a daily basis.

>> No.7107717

>You don't feel this concerned or haughty around janitors, fucking hypocrite.

NTA but janitors use chemicals to kill the bacteria and viruses present in shit, and to de-odorize places that have been stunk up by shit. Janitors are fucking heroes because, like the street sweepers of medieval times, they are on the frontlines of the battle against disease-carrying shit. And yes, people wipe their own asses and then the normal ones WASH THEIR HANDS thoroughly so as not to spread illness — salmonella, e.coli, norovirus, etc.
Speaking of e.coli, did you know it is spread more often by people who don't wash their hands after shitting than by people consuming raw meat? Shit-handers are a fucking menace!
All of which is to say, shit is the revolting by-product a bodily process, like snot, pus and puke, and, like those, is best kept out of sight and cleaned up quickly and thoroughly. This is known and understood intuitively by everyone who isn't a disgusting, retarded ogre.
And as for voyeurism, what does one get from looking at something if not memories of the associated smells, sounds and feelings? So you are turned on by imagining breathing in fecal spores in an enclosed space. Best keep this information to yourself!

>> No.7107731

so you get off watching someone shit. theres a reason people wont make distinctions or sympathise with you. it doesnt matter its all demented and sick and something is wrong with your brain

>> No.7107764

This >>7107717 anon pretty much summed it up. Ever had food poisoning? And I mean that real solid food poisoning where every hole that you excrete waste from becomes an RNG fountain of shit and/or vomit that you can't control? I'm sure the imagery is just going to give you an erection, but most people don't enjoy being in pain or vulnerable from that, nor enjoy shitting themselves. Especially not because they ate at a restaurant where staff didn't wash their hands, were served vegetables that were fresh that didn't get washed well enough, etc.. Hepatitis A? Yeah, that mostly comes from feces, and outbreaks happen even on frozen products that have made contact with an infected person's improperly washed dookie hands.
Like I said before, if you want interesting textures for your sexual endeavors you can buy Play-Doh. The spectrum containing Nothing but Bile Yellow, My Liver is Failing Clay, and Do You Remember Eating Beets Red Brown, it's holding you back.

>> No.7107770


>> No.7107998

>Best keep this information to yourself!
>Kindly tell us what fetishes you were asked to draw
Single brain cell mollusks

>> No.7108003

How is it more disgusting than handling little children, honestly your morals are retarded

>> No.7108016
File: 1.00 MB, 618x640, 1685822860141282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to ridicule OP for being a bitch but uh.. I'd probably hate drawing too if I had to draw fucking scat

>> No.7108037

>arguing about morals

better than having none degenerate

>> No.7108081

Dear moron,
One post was asking OP what fetishes he was asked to draw. OP doesn't share those fetishes himself, and hates drawing them.
The other post is a response, not to OP, but to a different anon who pitches a tent to the smell of diarrhea.
You are equating these two posts because you are, to use your own words, a "single brain cell mollusk." Stop attempting communication with others on the internet until you have acquired basic reading comprehension.

>> No.7108104
File: 49 KB, 565x532, FEDBD65C-A819-4DE5-A650-823E10C83A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least I’m not a pedo!
That’s a low fucking bar you’ve set for yourself.

>> No.7108113

do you at least draw fat bitches

>> No.7108120

Faggot I am the OP.
You trannies don't even draw

>> No.7108152

If you get off to people smearing turds all over their genitalia, why is it a problem to draw the scat? What was the point of this thread at all?

>> No.7108154

>What was the point of this thread at all?
Do you want another AI thread you nigger?

>> No.7108162

Do I want another thread that I can just ignore v. a thread where someone is asking about a legitimate concern that I made effort to provide advice for?
You gooning, shit-eating homogremlin. Do you like attempting to provide comfort only to find out that someone is just full of shit? I hope you shit yourself both audibly and visually in a densely populated public place.

>> No.7108163 [DELETED] 

Is it vore? I could do it for you instead, gimme that fetish money

>> No.7108165

This, it's not the shit I find sexually arousing, it's the cute girl's asshole stretching open and unleashing a horrendous substance made by her sexy body that makes me hard.

>> No.7108166

Get a different job you fucking whiner

>> No.7108168

Honestly thought it'd be worse than that. You faggots are on 4chan and fart poopies shock you? It's not even coprophilia art OP is drawing, it's just women using the bathroom

>> No.7108189

If you think this is bad, never go on eka's portal because you might just end up going insane.
Maybe that would make you glad you draw female scat instead.

>> No.7108190
File: 527 KB, 700x701, 1698004197070940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds to me like you are more attracted to the sphincter's contraction/dilation than you are to scat. Why not simply change the tag on your fetish instead of trying to find a way to make a case for it? Its just as if you tried going into a black neighborhood dressed as a klansman head to toe and tried to convince them that the Klans really arent that bad. You can try that too and see how it works wor you.

>> No.7108199

Because I'm not making a case for it, I know it's weird and I don't care.

>> No.7108228

yeah man, money is nice but like, you gotta have boundaries. have a list of stuff you dont want to do anymore and be upfront. in my experience, everyone ive worked with has been very respectful and understanding when i declined to do an idea or part of it that made me uncomftorable.

>> No.7108230

Pick another career and leave art as a hobby.

>> No.7108276
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1696622939290053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i want a good thread. which is something beyond your capacity. now go jerk off to shit nigher

>> No.7108372

>no, i want a good thread.
You are not entitled to anything you incel piece of shit

>> No.7108436
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1676839911194014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahahahhajhahahah what a faggot. the shitlover is name calling. the only people who consider that an insult are hambeast women.

>> No.7108680

>OP files picrel away in his fap folder.

>> No.7108686

>doing work for someone else is prostitution
Guys, guys, everybody is prostitutes!

>> No.7110874

It basically is, idiot cattle

>> No.7110879

>Guys, guys, everybody is prostitutes!
so what do you call that when you are forced to draw fetish shit that you yourself find revolting but you do it for cash?

>> No.7110882

I'm fine with whatever, what I don't like is when people just want inordinate detail, weird posing which defies the character anatomy of the character models, or features generally unappealing characters. For once I'd like to get a comm which involves an interesting idea with a character I like, as opposed to weird nonsense. Probably my favorite commission was several years ago, which involved drawing people in a certain cartoon style.

>> No.7110885

what is this thread

>> No.7113048

Nigga whores be sucking homeless cock on the street for 20 dollars and you made about thisshit?!

>> No.7113086

>I find 99% of males repulsive, therefore I only fuck them when they give me money
>Teehee society!

I want to stab you furiously and feed your body to the dogs, you fecal piece of loser

>> No.7113149

answer the question

>> No.7113155

You entitled woman, go eat glass and die

>> No.7113185

don't you have some disgusting fetish commissions to work on? you're procrastinating bc you don't want to sit down drawing bowser eating peaches steaming fresh turds

>> No.7113398

>disgusting fetish
>I am le saint
you small, pathetic incel

>> No.7113865

how many more times are you going to avoid answering a simple question?
i accept your defeat. go back to your fetish commissions that you depend on
i'm out here getting artist grants with no strings attached

>> No.7114508

The problem with fetish drawing is that you will have to study the fetish's subject.

>> No.7115235

shitting dicknipples is the most money i ever made drawing... and i'll never do it again

>> No.7115239

I never really understood this, but am aware of it... bottoms that won't actually bottom for real, but they'll suck you off like no1 else