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File: 261 KB, 487x402, Wil Weston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7093378 No.7093378 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he insist students learn his complicated proportion system for drawing the figure? Like what's this shit about a 3-finger gap? He doesn't even explain what the fuck this is supposed to be.

>> No.7093388

I had a quick scroll through his insta and didn't see a single finished drawing. Has he been just drawing body parts and half finished figures his whole life?

>> No.7093514
File: 428 KB, 510x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like what's this shit about a 3-finger gap?

>> No.7093516

he did explain the gap though
and if you don't like his system then use something else

>> No.7093517

Also if you think his measurement system is complicated you're retarted.

>> No.7093519
File: 81 KB, 625x625, 1703455295596417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is based and you guys are cringe. You're supposed to feeeel the form, not measure it!

>> No.7093542

no rules just tools

>> No.7093546

Not OP but I still don't understand, excuse me for my retardation. Is it pretty much dividing the lower torso in 1 thirds?

>> No.7093550

dunno what this 3 finger thing is or who that even is, but the rule of thumb is there's enough room between illiac crest and the ribs to fit your fist, so I'm assuming his version is 3 fingers

>> No.7093552

you'll have to pay me $585 if you want that knowledge, bud

>> No.7093593

>he did explain the gap though
Not in the video I watched, at least not in his opening lecture/demonstration (Will Weston – Figure Drawing (Summer 2021)).
The three finger gap thing just comes out of nowhere. He didn't even specify a measurement for it like he did with the hand length and the head length. It sort of just comes out of nowhere.

>> No.7093597

He explains it in lesson 2, but it's essentially just an area at the top of the hips that's 3 fingers wide and a lot of things attach there

>> No.7093651

He's still clearly extremely skilled and knowledgeable. His art lies in the learning and the teaching of knowledge, not in the creation of finished illustrations. Is that really a bad thing?

>> No.7093652
File: 55 KB, 791x378, Weston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, bros?

>> No.7093656

I’ve been meaning to ask for a while why are almost all “anatomy teachers” bad artists?

>> No.7093676

because unironic autism
the only teachers that are good artists just teach painting as a whole
the type to get autistic about one aspect of it always suck at actual picture making
yes, that includes vilppu

>> No.7093686

How is he a bad artist?

>> No.7093701

teaching itself is also a skill
meaning their attention and time and passion is split
your favorite artist might be good but is likely a bad teacher

>> No.7093710

honestly, is there even such a thing as a good (art) anatomy teacher? all they do is regurgitate an anatomy book for brainlets who can't read so the whole thing takes even longer

>> No.7093725

Because they get good enough to be complimented and paid, and have no personal incentive to push things much further.

I mean, how many of you guys would stop drilling if you'd reach idk 100k followers and 40k/y (EU, say)

>> No.7093742

the entire reason they teach is that they haven't reached a level where they can be paid what they want, though
not necessarily in terms of skill, but for the vast majority yes
watts is probably the technically best artist among the teachers by a good margin, and the guy cried about being broke because covid killed the school business
guys like the force guy, proko, etc never came close to eking out a living with their art
basically all of them were career instructors their whole career with a brief stint in some niche art-related field for street cred in their teaching business, like borenstein doing forensic drawings or the force guy doing one term in disney as a trainee inbetweener iirc and the just going around telling everyone he worked at disney for the l]rest of his life to get them to pay him to talk about ferrari metaphors
huston's been a teacher literally out of art school, last time I checked he never sold a painting above something silly like $500

>> No.7093768

Says the guy who pirates courses without getting taught by the art teacher directly.

>> No.7093777

How is paying the teacher going to make the teacher's art look better?

>> No.7093820

Now I'm convinced you faggots are actually retarded and not baiting

>> No.7093831

Tbh it wouldn’t make any difference to me

>> No.7093842

An anatomy teacher who can draw where and how a muscles inserts and works in several different angles while conveying the information in a concise yet full manner, making it easier for the students to grasp is a better anatomy teacher than someone simply drawing each muscle on top of a skeleton, list their names and hand out medical texts on said muscles after class.
Will weston in particular used to be Art Centers most reputable and liked anatomy teacher because he taught simplified anatomy that was easy to understand and execute while still getting across the most important anatomy lessons, perfect for students at ACCD given the majority of them want to work in entertainment and a super solid grasp of simplified anatomy is all you'll need in that industry.
Plus it's just faster than learning actual medical tier anatomy like the old masters.

>> No.7093856

maybe I came off the wrong way, of course there are better and worse teachers within the context of anatomy teachers, my point was more that an anatomy teacher is a pointless and ineffective alternative to a book written and illustrated by the same person
it's different when there's an actual process involved that a book never fully conveys, but artistic anatomy isn't complex enough to need an instructor, waiting for him to present the information is just a waste of time
hell, I knew a good 80% of it just from exrx and /fit/

>> No.7093858

that's constructoids for ya

>> No.7093859

>His art lies in not producing art
mine too

>> No.7093861

Slight correction. Weston was never an anatomy teacher, he taught entertainment design and at most teaches figure drawing which is not as involved. Art Center's anatomy teacher is Rey Bustos who followed after Burne Hogarth. Actual anatomy teachers are much more involved, the degree of which varies but Rey has you do things like ecorches and tracing old master drawings/paintings

>> No.7094015

this. Art schools only have anatomy classes to make their curriculum seem full.

>> No.7094631

so he can sexually abuse them

>> No.7095177
File: 176 KB, 472x407, vlc_0n2s3oMJVq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> about a 3-finger gap
Lol i just googled 3 finger gap because what the fuck is this and there you are, a thread created day ago in the first google line.

>> No.7095221

all of his classes online seem disorganized and it all feels supplemental to his in-person classes

>> No.7095232

>Why does he insist students learn his complicated proportion system for drawing the figure?
because, as you might have already noticed, he's selling books, lectures and video courses.
don't fall for the "artist gone capitalist" drawabox-gurus.

>> No.7095233

steve huston could hold you down and skullfuck you both in artistic capability and also physically