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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 290 KB, 652x703, fdhetj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7092665 No.7092665 [Reply] [Original]

You know you made it when reposters put their own watermark on your work.

>> No.7092669
File: 65 KB, 1500x842, shining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steal like an AI tist

>> No.7092673

So pretentious, so retarded, so... fruity
Calling yourself or someone else an "artist" when all they do is illustrate should be a death sentence, no, you're not an artist, you're putting lines and shapes into a piece of paper or a screen.
Kill yourself, homo.

>> No.7092693

What's an artist? Who is an artist?

>> No.7092695

You don't get mad at a carpenter for calling himself a carpenter do you?

>> No.7092726

great artists steal

>> No.7092862

Smart artist put watermark where they can't get cropped out.

>> No.7093105
File: 42 KB, 280x263, crop gag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea.

>> No.7093141

I've had a feeling similar to this my entire life. Whenever I hear someone like defining themselves I just get the cringe for some fucking reason. Like guys that call themselves "weebs" or shit like that. Hell, I can´t even hear someone who calls himself an atheist and take him seriously, even when I don´t believe in god myself. I know its fucking retarded and irrational but what tf am I supposed to do about it?

>> No.7093152

>You call yourself a woodworker?! How pretentious! All you do is cut wood in to shapes!

>> No.7093156

Ugh. Gross.

>Reposting someone else's dragon ball proompt and put your own watermark on it.

>> No.7093165

this is a symptom of autism, just so you know.

>> No.7093168

get cancer and die retard

>> No.7093176
File: 75 KB, 322x302, cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7093408

I subscribe to the non-pretentious definition of artist. Which is merely someone who practices a craft. I do take pride in being a practitioner. But not because I'm some high minded fella. No, I take pride in being an artist because I put a lot of time and work into developing a difficult skill. And that has to count for something.

>> No.7093415

Same, brother. Hopefully this can become a movement

>> No.7093454

>check out their twitter
>filled with nothing but tweets about palestine
twitter as a platform for artists was a fucking mistake

>> No.7093457

No, I'm a shaman, like the cave painters. I bring numinous things across from the astral plane into our mundane world.

>> No.7094079

No, faggot
In that case it'd be like calling yourself a "creator" or maybe "crafter" instead of wood worker or carpenter, yes, you technically did create something but the term creator is so ample and PRETENTIOUS it becomes retarded
Artist covers basically everything under the human arts, writing, painting, illustration/drawing, singing/music etc, when you call yourself an "artist" when all you do is illustrate you are displaying to the world you are an attention seeking homosexual or dim witted fool
Do us all a favor and change your Xitter description from "artist" to "illustrator" or "painter" then swiftly blow your brains out

>> No.7094127

you've made it when you can no longer post your work here because it will negatively impact your brand on other sites.

>> No.7094148

does anyone even care
like who goes around keeping track of where a person posts

isn't it just paranoia

you know what I'd never do? join an art discord
now there's something you'll never come back from

>> No.7094154

whenever I'm asked, I just say "i'm a graphic designer"

>> No.7094225

Patreon literally banned hundred of accounts because their linked Twitter accounts had loli on them
And this isn't even new news, this is old news from like 6 months ago (but they keep doing it)
It must be nice living under a rock

>> No.7094233 [DELETED] 

ohh, sorry, I'm not a degenerate, so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing

>> No.7094241

Ahhh, I see, sorry, I'm not a degenerate, so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing

>> No.7094255

You know you've made it, when you're browsing Rule34, and and you notice someone copied your work.
I'm going to let it slide though, because he's still very much a beginner.

I'm a degenerate, and I stopped posting here too for the same reasons. Being known as a 4chan artist can only serve to burn bridges, and cause problems. You also attract the crazies on 4chan, and who know how they'll decide to make your life worse, by pretending to be you(I've personally had that happen), or falsely reporting your account. Or leaking your work. Or they treat you like a "lol cow", forever trying to elicit a reaction out of you, and being condescending pricks.

Discords are sketchy too. Because if you let your guard down and believe you're really part of a community, and express your true opinions, you can find yourself burning bridges with the whole server at once. I know that from personal experience. Luckily, I use an alternate name while on discord, and the only person who knew I went by the other name, was the guy who invited me in. I think a couple other people figured out my art name, but I doubt they retained that information, because I never talked about my art while I was there. It was one of those situations, where "if you knew, you knew", and most of them didn't know. So when they labelled me as a troll and banished me, I doubt many of them will associate that negative impression with my art.

Still, it was a crappy experience, because I really wasn't trolling. They just didn't like some of my political opinions and got irrationally upset when I debated them. If you don't want people debating politics, then don't put a political channel in your server.
Anyway, discords aren't bad, if you just avoid being totally open. Stay a little detached. Say nice things, make lighthearted jokes, post your work, take commissions, and that's all.

>> No.7094264


> Stay a little detached. Say nice things, make lighthearted jokes, post your work, take commissions, and that's all.

that's how I deal with social media in general
it works well enough, no one bothers you, but also, you're so alone lol

I'm lucky to have made friends outside art because I don't think I could be friends with anyone I met through it

kind of a tragedy innit

>> No.7094332

this, any retard that says other wise. either got nothing to lose, draws loli shit, or have a sub triple digit follower account. find it surprising that even coom artist don't want to be associated with this shithole. Remembered a few anons that use to post here a lot and stopped once they got big.

>> No.7094688

I draw political art, I don't do art for money, and I don't give a shit who doesn't like it.

>> No.7094695

It's a good approach. Social media in general should only be used for business. The internet is a hellhole designated to polarize people and dehuminize them. The best place to make friends and buil real connections is still irl.
And yeah while there are good and talented people ITT this place is also filled with spiteful miserable schizos who loathe anyone or anything popular. There isn't a single good reason to associate yourself with 4chan.

>> No.7095400

I thought you were exaggerating.
he hasn't posted any of his comics since august. You have to scroll for a solid like 2-3 minutes before hitting any art, it's literally ALL palestine.

>> No.7095403

this is literally the same as any other instance where someone adds a joke over top an existing picture

>> No.7095410

how is changing a watermark on a picture and pretending you drew it the same thing as adding a meme to a picture?

>> No.7095422

The fuck I'm supposed to say otherwise? Illustrator? Comic creator? Animator? Saying artist just seems like the easiest way to save time.

>> No.7095424
File: 819 KB, 1919x1282, 1708853788040384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call myself a Graphics Engineer

>> No.7095426

The text. It's obvious that he replaced the text and used the original image as a meme template.