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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7091666 No.7091666 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping (you) from making your own indie animated series, anon?

>> No.7091667

I actually did make one but lost motivation to make a 2nd episode

>> No.7091670

Let's see it

>> No.7091705


>> No.7091711

I tried animating and it was ok but i think just my idea of indie series wouldn't apeal to anyone but me

>> No.7091733

calm down lucifer
i'm not retarded, i realize how much time animation requires

>> No.7091736

What are you currently doing with your precious "time"?
Speedo did all of the animation work himself minus backgrounds

>> No.7091758

my penith not gonna stroke itself

>> No.7091762

This animation would have been way better without the try hard quasi-anime wannabe

>> No.7091771

>He doesn't own one of those electric cock strokers to use while drawing coom

>> No.7091796

Because I'm making a comic instead.

>> No.7091893

because I don't have money to pay VAs

>> No.7091917
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I'm tired and i doubt any amount of work will pay off in any way
i'm also not """"friends""" with big animators so they can shill it to their audiences

Worst of all i'm not a mentally ill porn addict so i already lost and won't be able to """network""" with anybody

ah, im so fucking tired

>> No.7091919
File: 491 KB, 1217x1723, xZ61uHvsnpaU34poqGYBS-b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh who, me? nothing good. posting in /trash/ mostly, but the best general is, at the moment, on "page 12"
i'd have to pan out to 3dcg if i'd be ever to live up to my own expectations

>> No.7091936

Toonboom Harmony costs like $300 a month. I can’t afford that right now.

>> No.7091993

my brain decides it wants to go to sleep whenever I try doing anything thats not browsing 4chan.

>> No.7092006


>> No.7092030

>how much time animation requires
I heard pro animators say that animation is tedious and boring, specially if you're doing it frame by frame instead of puppet or 3D.
If your goal is to tell a story and time is a concern then you're better off doing webcomics.
With that said, indie animation will get more people attention a lot faster than indie comics, there's a reason why manga become anime.

>> No.7092109


>> No.7092114

I'm busy making vidya. Making a series could be good for fun(and hey, extra marketing for the game) after it's done though

>> No.7092157
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finding the right voice actors has kept me from releasing a single thing. at least i can work on the second episode in the meantime

>> No.7092180

Animation is too big for me! Too busy with my comics, work and other irl shit! If I had the chance to do it, I'd just use rigs with maybe one or two really squash and stretch moments per episode

>> No.7092325

Animation is the most tedious and soul-sucking path you can choose as an artist. You could put thousands of hours into a single episode for a year and there is a big chance it will do poorly. All that effort and for what? Want to tell original stories with original characters? Create a webcomic. Still is tedious but not as destructive as trying to create an original animated series as a literal who.

>> No.7092330

To play devil's advocate here:
There is a better chance of a 1 minute animation on youtube seeping into the public consciousness more than 100 chapters of a webcomic.
In the western world the demand for webcomics is way, way, waaaaay lower than animations.

>> No.7092333

Autism. The bad kind, the one that keeps you from doing anything because if it isn't perfect because you don't' know how to start or how to do it right, you can't do it at all.

>> No.7092433
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my lack of motivation, Passion, Drive. Ambition. Self-doubt in my skill to create quality illustrations.

>> No.7092511

Currently making an 11 min animation and I'm absolutely miserable. It's going to be shit and wasn't worth the effort in any way

>> No.7092516

post and get feedback anon

pyw, if you have preproduction done you could put out a casting call for amateur work/ people doing free stuff for their portfolios. or do the voices yourself/ with friends

this is the worst reply in this entire thread, this is the worst crab mentality
>nooo im tiiireddd nobody will caaare im sooo tiiiired no its just so haaaard
>sees someone else actually put in the effort into a passion project
>continues to post on 4chan and cry instead of actually drawing
art is hard work, no shit, you think other animators arent tired and unseen? but they get shit done because they like it dumbass, if youre making art because its easy/ to be popular you're doing it wrong

look in animation general, tvpaint is an option, also the toon boom basic package is more like 20 a month. it does you fine for hand drawn 2d animations (if youre rigging, look into a crack)

>> No.7092575


>> No.7092584

It takes a lot of time and effort, the internet doesnt give a fuck unless its memes, porn or something retarded I dont want to involve myself in, theres usually drama that ends with the animator getting fucked over.
No Thank You.

>> No.7092700

im tired retards like you are allowed to exist that believe they can dictate others what to do, believe and say

Why the fuck would you go out of your way to try to deny me my expression?
If you already do this with simple text, how can i be sure it won't happen with anything else i do because your mentally ill ass has to damage control everything?

You are a waste of space and unless you're paying me, you should kill yourself now.

>> No.7092713

utterly wrong, you stupid nigger

>> No.7092744

Too critical of my own work that I spend too much hours on a single tween and end up frustrating and demotivating myself

>> No.7093094

Haven’t learned the basics of animation

>> No.7093110

>Implying that has stopped people

>> No.7093494

>16 years ago
>2 videos
sure stopped him

>> No.7093526

Not much is stopping me, but I'd consider 1 episode and a detailed story bible "done"

>> No.7093576

thats what test screening is for

>> No.7093603

So many excuses.
You know the only problem is that you are not a good artist, period.

>> No.7093607

You are a joke.

>> No.7093610

That guy has has had 2 separate TV shows with 3 seasons a pop
Genuinely some of the funniest shit I've seen too - the animation is hot garbage though

>> No.7093621

like what? I'm not seeing anything on the channel identifying him or linking to anything

>> No.7093853

Shitty weeb trash

>> No.7094682

I have aphantasia

>> No.7094691

>"I don't think it's possible to be a top notch animator without being an excellent draftsman. You have to try for the whole thing, you know, got to know the figure. Know the figure well enough so that you can concentrate on the particular person - on the difference - why this person is different from somebody else. The ability to draw and be able to turn things and the ability, the knowledge that enables you to caricature and to exaggerate in the right direction and emphasize the differnce between things is what you're doing all the time. Any time you're doing a strong drawing of anything well, your drawing is strong because you're depicting why this is different from something else. You need that figure-drawing background in order to sharpen. Every animator should have this background and unfortunately they don't! You just can't know too much. If you're going to lampoon something, or do a satire - you have to understand the straight way. It gives you a jumping-off point. It gives you a contrast. you just do it and do it...and do it!"

>> No.7094700

Because I often get stuck at very specific poses that I can't figure out how to make work

>> No.7094710

Animation has never been worth the effort

>> No.7094713

Wanted to, and still planning to, but the app I was going to use was Procreate Dreams and it was half baked and missing basic features like a lasso tool, or even moving a layer around.

>> No.7094718

why do you think that is for yourself? because, while I don't make animations myself (atm), I imagine that there are some who get more satisfaction out of their animations than they otherwise would *because* of the effort it took them. like other things, the harder the task, the more meaningful it is/can be.

>> No.7094727

Not always true
Sometimes things just aren't worth doing regardless of how much effort has been put in
I wasted over a year of my life animating an 11 minute animation and regret it completely. It was a miserable experience.
I have decided to give up on the hobby and stick to drawing.

>> No.7094732

>Not always true
>Sometimes things just aren't worth doing regardless of how much effort has been put in
that's why I said
>"the more meaningful it is/CAN be"
as opposed to something more one-dimensional.
>I wasted over a year of my life animating an 11 minute animation and regret it completely. It was a miserable experience
yes, but why do you regret it? because it was miserable? why? did you at least like how it looked?

>> No.7094734

>did you at least like how it looked?
Not one bit
I have been animating for years with shitty results.

>> No.7094741

care to pyw (drawing or animation)? just curious. I'm a /beg/let, so no judging here. I initially got into art because I wanted to do animation but am waiting to get a solid foundation before pursuing it, but have come to appreciate fine arts quite a bit. so should animation not pan out for me, I will probably still draw. but I have heard of others have a similar experience to yours and am always curious about their work. afaik jung gi wanted to do animation but realized he didn't like doing it.

>> No.7094771

There's a reason many newgrounds animators gave up and became let's players
They knew deep down the payoff wasn't worth it

>> No.7094773

I am rigging unfortunately, and finding a crack for Harmony is hair-pulling. I’m honestly just waiting for more rigging or teaching work to open up so I can mooch off a studio license.

>> No.7094774

this thread reeks of painters

>> No.7094775

>There's a reason many newgrounds animators gave up and became let's players
because their type of content became the worst in terms of revenue: it took take them months to produce something halfways decent and it would only span a few minutes.

>> No.7094809

i can do much more pages without animating

i wish i had a teammate for this

>> No.7094813

First off, don't fucking do that.
Make a webcomic, first.
Second off, drawing a character consistently is one thing, animating is a whole new bitch.

>> No.7094831

Gotta do it first thing in the morning, before brain has time to resist change.

>> No.7094838

And the general audience only cares about getting free shit

Someone like speedo can allow himself to animate because he makes money selling coom and those animations are just the way he advertises to minors so the minors will go crazy and spam it everywhere until it reaches those who have money
Alternatively those same kids just use their mom's paypal accounts to donate to 18+ patreons.

if you really want the magic formula; it's this:
>be into porn
>make silly wacky lol so random animations
>don't forget to put thirstbait in it
>make drawings of the thirstbait
>don't forget to also grind the anime fotm
>finish animation
>always release the censored version so that you can post it anywhere and make sure to link your patreon everywhere and MAKE EXTRA SURE to say you're allowing access (not selling) the uncensored version
This still requires you to suck dick and work your ass off and only then, MAYBE you will be allowed to make something out of it if the ones who were before you don't try to sabotage you
btw the dick sucking and cum sniffing is required, there is no other way

>> No.7094906

I kinda am
But starting with episode 2 I'm gonna have to simplify it to South Park levels
The shit I was doing was far too tedious

>> No.7094927

animating was never worth the effort in the history of mankind, that's why animators decided to just do keyframes and let some monkeys fill in the gaps

>> No.7094983

that is my work.

>> No.7095269

I started one years ago, but progress on the second episode stalled due to college and trying too hard on what is essentially a shitpost.

>> No.7095291

>that's why animators decided to just do keyframes and let some monkeys fill in the gaps
depending on the scale and complexity, it's not feasible to do an animation by yourself; that doesn't mean it wouldn't be gratifying in the end. and not every animator is part of a studio with a divided load.

>> No.7095316

worthless statement, there are literally people who find having their tits nailed to a board gratifying
you being autistic to the point of feeling achievement and satisfaction for spending 3 years recreating enterprise in full scale in minecraft doesn't make the effort worthwhile, it makes you autistic

>> No.7095318

>stopping (you) from making your own indie animated series
>animated series,

oh boy. what's stopping me? hm, let's see. not having 500 hours of spare time to make 2mins of decent animation??

>> No.7095322
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I get ignored in everything I do, so why bother

>> No.7095323

>you being autistic to the point of feeling achievement and satisfaction for spending 3 years recreating enterprise in full scale in minecraft doesn't make the effort worthwhile
to you
>there are literally people who find having their tits nailed to a board gratifying
yup, people have a different sense of what is worthwhile

>> No.7095326

never reply to me again, imbecile

>> No.7095328


>> No.7095329


>> No.7095332

>ACKSHOOYALIE everything is worthwhile because ummmmm it's le subjective
Why even engage in discussion if you're going to reduce everything muh feefees, you colossal faggot.

>> No.7095336

>Why even engage in discussion if you're going to reduce everything muh feefees
because what makes something worthwhile is muh feefees

>> No.7095341

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.7095344

it doesn't matter to me much either way, but I would be willing to hear an actual counter-argument, not just an adhom, if you really are interested in a discussion.

>> No.7095351

There's no discussion to be had with postmodern niggers that subjugate everything to their inane refusal of objective reality.
Your entire fucking "argument" is that [thing] is worthwhile because someone thinks it is, I'm not going to sit here and argue about whether talking to an ai chatbot for 20 years is worthwhile because some basement dweller got dopamine out of it. Fuck off.

>> No.7095355

>There's no discussion to be had with postmodern niggers that subjugate everything to their inane refusal of objective reality.
I am confident generally-regarded postmodernists would not call me a postmodernist. and there is discussion to be had (at least in part) to the extent that one is willing to engage in good faith. we obviously disagree, but I would maintain that I am open to a convincing argument from your side; I have had my mind changed about more serious matters.
>Your entire fucking "argument" is that [thing] is worthwhile because someone thinks it is, I'm not going to sit here and argue about whether talking to an ai chatbot for 20 years is worthwhile because some basement dweller got dopamine out of it.
no worries.

>> No.7095356

my flipnote hatena miniseries when i was like 11, the itch is scratched and ive peaked

>> No.7095362

You're not listening, retard. You're not worth wasting time on. You thinking otherwise doesn't change that. Last reply.

>> No.7095365

all the best, anon

>> No.7095420

who needs a team when korean sweatshop animators exist

>> No.7095534

>just do it
>for fun
>even if its not worthwhile
ok but then i dont need to share it with you or anyone for that matter
i'll do it for myself
and if you want to see it you have to pay me

Seems fair to me

>> No.7095575

> waaah porn
Kys you fucking failure

>> No.7095693

>waaah dont badmouth porn i love porn wtf fucking failure
since when is being addicted to pornography a virtue?
lmao what a fucking npc

>> No.7096087

Safe horny

>> No.7098524

Skills, i want to be able to animate more than just a ball bouncing

>> No.7098780

I you actually cared you could easily talk to fellow animators on twitter and easily get a big following, assuming you're good enough. At that point you could collab with big youtubers (like rubberninja for example) no problem. It's 100% your shitty attitude holding you back

>> No.7098990

In the words of the great CWC "I'M WORKIN ON IT!"(Its still in my head because I'm lazier than Chris somehow)

>> No.7099350

The return on investment (both time and money) for animation are absolutely not worth it unless you basically have your own studio and employees

>> No.7099742

I don't draw

>> No.7099779

wow that sounds like an attitude problem
just go out there, shake big animators dicks assuming you're good enough and just collab with big youtuber

>> No.7099813
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I've always thought a gundam-style animated series based on shmups instead of giant robots would be cool. Maybe one day I'll be good enough.

>> No.7099822

Animating fucking blows.
>hurr draw a 1,000k images of a ball bouncing for 1 nanosecond of animation

Yeah no thanks bro. I'll stick to single drawing masterpieces.

>> No.7100925
File: 46 KB, 720x720, 0014533043_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animations get people on the map (good animations). if you make just 1 good looking short, the exposure you get is so much bigger and faster than any picture you will ever draw. it doesnt even need to have good writing, internet freaks will eat up fotm waifubait shit like candy every single time

>> No.7101259

>I dont anmiate because.... ITS TOO HARD AND WONT GET ME ATTENTION!!!
You shits are embarassing
Granted animation is pure miserable tedium but you guys have such anti-artist mindsets, its clear you all just want quick validation and cant fathom someone wanting to do something challenging for love of the craft
>why should I waste months making a marble sculpture when i can just use blender???

>> No.7101260

This, anyone can do appealing static drawings, but most people can't animate or make games due to the difficulty and time consumption. Not only moving/interactive images easily releases dopamine FAR more than static images, but seen as more valuable due to how rare those are. Why online artist should strive to make animations or games. Who knows, you might find those fun.

>> No.7101964

Animation is absolutely not worth doing unless you have a team to help you.
The "challenge" becomes meaningless at a certain point. You have to weigh the possible pros/cons/payoffs or else you would have just wasted months if not years of your finite time

>> No.7101980

Not sure why people deny this.
Sometimes hard work simply doesn't pay off
>T. Have made animations, absolutely regretted it.

>> No.7101990

>Not sure why people deny this
maybe because for them doing an animation by themselves is worth it, even if it is difficult

>> No.7101993

Hence why I said "sometimes"

>> No.7101997

no, because it's boring
I like drawing characters and backgrounds
I don't like the idea of drawing the same shit with slight variations over and over

>> No.7101999

if you recognize that sometimes hard work *does* pay off, then why would you say
>Not sure why people deny this

>> No.7102081

I'm bad at drawing but I like designing. I've been trying to delve into 3d animation for that reason. 2D animation just doesn't appeal to me anymore, I want to create worlds and have characters live in those worlds. Also I want to be a totally solo animator and with 2D, that's a pipe dream.

>> No.7102166

cuz child-brains want to get into arguments and try walking back what they said without admitting they are wrong

>> No.7102182
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>greed and materialism runs so rampant that zoomers cant comprehend the idea of doing anything without monetary gain

you all make me ill

>> No.7102213
File: 68 KB, 1400x1400, homestar.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they do it bros

>> No.7102243

nu-ground niggers

>> No.7102246

whadda bow 'dem?

>> No.7102249

they lost all their edge and pander to millennials

>> No.7102251

per example?

>> No.7102252

look up any "parody", there's bound to be cancer

>> No.7102260

you can't give one example yourself? I don't have a particular affinity for newgrounds btw, just curious exactly what you have in mind.

>> No.7102261

>What if Sonic was actually good?

>> No.7102262

i also forgot to add
>everything flashgitz has ever made
>everything meatcanyon has ever mase

>> No.7102268

in general I'm not a fan of that kind of content, so I don't know that I'd say they really had any "edge" to begin with. and perhaps some do pander to millenials, but I don't see why it couldn't be true that most of them just enjoy that sort of content and are naturally inspired by what they like.

>> No.7102274

you bring up a good point, must be my personal preference getting in the way of enjoying things

>> No.7102389

You'll never animate anything because you know he's right

>> No.7102391

>How dare you want something to be worth your time!
Even KJG knew animation is a tedious endeavor not worth pursuing

>> No.7102394

im doing it right now kid. it doesnt matter how long it takes, i do it for the art not for money. you would understand if you werent a talentless poser

>> No.7102399

Nta but I "did it for the art" too
All throughout I was absolutely miserable
The end result was garbage and there was no sense of fulfillment
All that happened was that I realized I wasted 3 years of my life

>> No.7102493

it took you three years to realize you don't like drawing? are you stupid?

>> No.7102498

Never said drawing.
I meant animating. Animating is a whole different beast

>> No.7102923
File: 306 KB, 694x561, Screenshot_20240304-180222~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing something for the art doesnt mean miserably forcing yourself to do something. if you dont have the passion to see a project through, then it isnt art anymore.
I dont expect everyone to love animation, but not everyone has been able to get as far as I have. actually having a completed script and storyboards makes all the difference. even something as simple as full color, shading or voice acting gets me hyped. of course conveying a story that I want to tell is itself enough motivation

>> No.7102955

its this, please dont be mean

>> No.7102997
File: 192 KB, 1200x900, eggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i read is
>pls give me free content at your own expenses
>that i can also put in the epic magic art machine
lmao get fucked retard

>> No.7103375

are you accusing me of being a AI shill? i really dont know wtf youre saying

>> No.7103623

i have bad news

>> No.7103625

this looks like dogshit coomer rot, i wouldn't watch it.

>> No.7103661

Google elevenlabs.

>> No.7103750

I made a bunch of animations years ago but they got like no views and were animated like shit. My most popular one i think was a wallace and gromit parody where wallace nuts and then kills himself.

>> No.7104346

AI text to speech is good for animating over voice lines, but as a director it will never do what want even with the fancy voice settings