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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 942 KB, 1000x846, teal guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7085192 No.7085192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come there aren't resident teachers on /ic/? Too much crab mentality?

>> No.7085237

Ask yourself why someone, who can actually teach any aspect of art, would spend their effort on this place. Even ignoring the shitposting and howie bait this board doesn't foster much of a community.

>> No.7085238

would you teach for free?

>> No.7085240

and there goes debbie doomer right on queue from the wct thread

>> No.7085247

I'm not who you're talking about, but go ahead, tell me what a hypothetical teacher would get out of it.

>> No.7085251

I already said why teach for free? If I’m personally going to give any kind of lecture it would be on my own marketplace or Youtube to incentivize would be students. It has nothing to do with “howies” or “my boyfriend left me” or whatever trauma you keep spilling from thread to thread.

>> No.7085260

sounds fun but i dont think a lot of high int or professionals have the time or attention to be on this board all the time...

>> No.7085267


>> No.7085268

Paweł is our resident teacher

>> No.7085293

The posts on this board that are most likely to be ignored are the ones giving good advice. You can hear crickets chirping. The drama queens and schizos don’t actually want to learn anything.

>> No.7085383

pawell is a hardstuck beg shitter who can't actually apply the fundamentals to save his (beg) life

>> No.7085392

>schizo thinks everyone is a single boogeyman

>> No.7085395

I don’t consider things beneath me of individual consciousness. You are all one of the same.

>> No.7085400
File: 86 KB, 512x512, 1687281538600771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it's flaws I like this place, why the fuck would you spend time here if you didn't? Are you retarded or something

>> No.7085412

What's a crab?

>> No.7085424

A tasty meal

>> No.7085449

Silly creatures that walk sideways.
If you want an actual response: It's people who subscribe to the crab mentality, dragging others down because they hit a plateau and feel miserable about it.

>> No.7085468

People don’t know what they don’t know

>> No.7085477

I still think Simon is hampton.

>> No.7085489

Hampton would make way more money teaching people how to draw anime girls than whatever robotic monstrosities he's shilling now

>> No.7085494

You need to know how to do the monstrosities to draw cute anime girls.
Bet you don’t know about Pewdiepie’s secret sketchbook?
Man has been drawing 100 Bridgman figures, 100 Hampton constructions and 100 Force figure studies every single day.

>> No.7085510

That’s true but Simon’s skill is just too good it’s unusual. There is just too many coincidences, too.

>> No.7085541

why would you bother teaching a bunch of literal retards and schizophrenic people? this board has more resident schizos than fucking /x/

>> No.7085543

simon is a better artist than hampton and it's not even close

>> No.7085685
File: 20 KB, 640x340, 1683603261447975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace thread with website and you have an accurate description of most posters here.

>> No.7085746


>> No.7085823

I thought this until I spent a week on Busuu.
Teaching online for free is for housewives and retirees. You have to make money when you're 20-60, and if you have the skill to teach, you have the skill to charge.

>> No.7085862

Don't even think of this as a teacher teaching. /ic/ should be a place for students of all levels to compare notes. /ic/ is in the state that it is in because there are too many people who are not serious, or have too much ego to allow it to be bruised by sharing their own notes. That passive-aggressive kind of arrogance is the worst state of mind a student could have.
Post your work. Reply to people who post their works. Don't wait for a teacher, receive one or be one to someone else.

>> No.7085887

nta, I like posting my art here, but don't delude yourself into thinking this place is a good learning environment, especially for people who are absolute beginners. There's so much conflicting advice, so many Dunning-Krugers and crabs, and an unhealthy amount of just plain bullshit that most people even somewhat interested in art are driven away immediately. I pretty much only keep to generals where people actually draw just because I don't want to deal with the average nodraw d/ic/k.

>> No.7086542

I teach people to leave /ic/ one at a time by being the biggest schizo imaginable.
You single out your prey and batter them with pointless hostility, contradictory advice, a mixture of positive and negative feedback masquerading as posts from multiple anons, then you stick the knife in and hurt them so deeply they don't know what happun.

Over time, this creates chaos in the mind, a feeling of constant uncertainty and in turn produces a highly conflicted internal monologue inside the mind of the student. "Is /ic/ useful? I mean, some people there are nice, others are terrible. Some advice is good, others bad, I don't know, who am I even, what do I even want to do anymore?" And so they keep coming back for another dose, unaware that it was all just one schizo poster all along, keeping them trapped and dependent on a dopamine treadmill with diminishing returns. As a result, they stop drawing and waste more and more time on things that don't matter.

Eventually, when they reach rock bottom, they either neck themselves or they see past the illusion and leave. They turn away from this shit hole and go on to make things, which is exactly what they were supposed to do.

/ic/ is a zen koan. The purpose is to disengage. Those that can't will remain trapped here forever and let's face it if this is you, you were destined to die from the start.

>> No.7086548


You are to dance like a monkey. Dance for your master.

>> No.7086563

Most just ask meaningless questions on how to get good without giving any context or posting their work. There's no portfolio discussions or people asking for feedback anyway. Generals and crabs killed this board. Even if professionals show up barely anyone puts up their work for critique and the rest clowns them until they leave.

>> No.7086570

keep dancin

>> No.7086573 [DELETED] 
File: 1012 KB, 3072x4080, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent 4-5 hours on this, think it turned out great. Hopefully when I'm more experienced I can shit out a drawing like this in under an hour.
One thing I've noticed, is that I have a bad habit of making the limbs too small/short. Luckily I caught myself this time, and corrected it as best as I could

>> No.7086576

ops, wrong thread

>> No.7086584
File: 226 KB, 938x587, e81669b0c1e4cf12c23707e50e688adb-3160880368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Then I told him, to reach enlightenment, one must first understand that understanding construction is not the same thing as understanding perspective! That they are two entirely different fields of study!"
"Which they are. I mean, let's be serious here for a minute."

>> No.7087622


>> No.7088065
File: 3.10 MB, 3086x2657, 1678407727561473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was birth from a thread in early 2022 where a supposed professional artist made a critique thread and some schizo tried to pull some gay fucking GOTCHA by tracing an image badly to prove their advice couldn't be trusted. The thread imploded into chaos and despite defending the Pro Artist the damage was already done and they never posted again. Shit like this is why there are no resident teachers on /ic/. this board is a parody of an art community and doesn't deserve the time and effort people would put into it making it good.

Just take the resources and run.

It's always amusing to see these villain speech posts because people like you always fail to realize that you too could be doing better things with your time than elaborate troll campaigns to " turn away from this shit hole and go on to make things." You're not some vigilante, or an evil mastermind leading people to ruin, you're just some delusional nodraw wasting his own time more than anybody else doing fuck all.

>> No.7088069

a classic

>> No.7088079

>It's always amusing to see these villain speech posts because people like you always fail to realize that you too could be doing better things with your time.

What could possibly be better than baiting retards like you into making holier than thou speeches of your own?
I am saved!

I will definitely change myself for the better, and dedicate my time towards making the world a better place.

It never crosses your mind that I might actually just be unironically evil. If I could cut your face off I would.

If you hate this board so much, fuck off. Oh right, you won't, because you're a whore like the rest.

Stay here and die with me. I appreciate the company. Thanks for responding, I will cherish your wise words.

>> No.7088084

I help people learn to improve and all of a sudden I have some secret god complex. People on here are so worried about intentions of the help they get rather than the help they received in the first place. Some people like to help others with no strings attached but this board is so fucking bitter. It does not encourage people like me to stay and help others out. Not to mention, basic advice doesn't get listened to, how many times we gotta say use a ref, learn about 3d forms, and stop drawing with your dick, use your brain instead.

>> No.7088085


>> No.7088086
File: 182 KB, 1200x810, pinku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few have tried in the past, like the redline anons. Some of them have decent advice.

Part of the problem is the culture and anonymity of the board tends to devolve those threads into crabbing.

Other part is it's hard to give constructive feedback on just a single work, when a more holistic approach is necessary. I always suggested portfolio review style feedback. This would give a better idea to the anon on what they should work. Maybe even have weekly check ins to see progress and course-correct their improvement.

Kind of true, really depends on the post though. I notice the mog posts get more traction, even if they don't explain anything or give constructive feedback.

That proanon was okay. Their work was good, but feedback could have been better.

pic rel, pink anon gave some okay advice

>> No.7088087

It's almost like /ic/ isn't a real art community at all and the people here are actually just trolls who feed off of others' suffering.

Maybe we should go somewhere else, join discords, check out youtube art mentors, and stop feeding our addiction to manufactured drama? Do you think if we all did that we could die without regrets?

>> No.7088090
File: 3.63 MB, 2684x2413, Berk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used the symmetry tool because I'm a lazy and worthless tranny.
Your turn.

>> No.7088093

I never saw this thread

in the traced photo the line quality is garbage, the rendering is ass, their shading is inconsistent, and they pick and choose seemingly randomly where to add details. It adds up the a shitty composition.

Tracing a reference of a real life person and styling it as a 5th grader-level cartoon makes the drawing look bad and distracting.

The person replying saying the perspective is off might be incorrect but the OP was so bad at turning form that it actually made the perspective look bad so i absolutely don't blame the person responding. It's extremely clear that the responder understands how to compose an image.

>> No.7088094

Who are you kidding? You post to other boards.

>> No.7088097

I just use japanese and korean discords and everyone is thankful and kind about the help they get. People are too sensitive about criticism and worried about stupid shit. I found a place to aid people even if their English is not that great.

>> No.7088100

Uh huh. Sure you did buddy. I'm sure the kind of retard that talks like a cringe villain while making it his life's purpose to troll the art forum of an anime imageboard draws like this and didn't just grab the pic off google images or from an AI.

>> No.7088101

Exactly. We're all trapped by social media.

I've given up trying to be better. The only thing left to do is feed the addiction and keep posting until I expire. If I can drag down some retards with me and inspire some naive kids to quit or neck themselves, that's just a bonus.

>> No.7088102

Yet you keep responding. Why is that, I wonder? It's a mystery.

>> No.7088103

No you see the thing is you are to dance like a monkey for the amusement park. Never forget your place.

>> No.7088104

I'm trans by the way.

>> No.7088111

Wow so enlightened and nihilistic. You are really cool!!!

>> No.7088113

Thanks! You wish you were me.

>> No.7088114

I figured you were. Now don't respond back to me, monkey.

>> No.7088116
File: 85 KB, 680x445, 34528w-1876470929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I...? Oh shit. Well played.

Anyway, back to hurting artists.

>> No.7088122

Blog or not your work.

>> No.7088231
File: 991 KB, 878x946, Untitled 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conceptually, I taught /ic/ everything that are now routine bait threads

>> No.7088246
File: 49 KB, 653x564, 1706474591024789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a boobie drawing board on an anime website. Why do you retarded sociopaths/schizos take yourselves so seriously.
It's embarassing. Grow up.

>> No.7088258

stfu newfag

>> No.7088278

>boobie drawing anime board
>Grow up guys

>> No.7088287

Trolls and schizos are not the problem. People who are led astray by trolls are one of two things. They either have poor judgement, in which case they shouldn't be on 4chan period, or they aren't actually testing the recommendations and exercises they were given, which means they would likely fail anyway.
A dearth of instruction is clearly not a problem on /ic/, since terabytes worth of books and videos have been posted here, with most of them covering the same topic with minor variations. You cannot blame instructors at this point, and you cannot blame a lack of instructors either. Just use your head and do the work, and stop trying to win pointless rhetorical arguments on a board practically designed for them.

>> No.7088709

>Trolls and schizos are not the problem
Unequivocally false. This board would improve 1000 fold if 5-6 specific people fell off the face of the earth.

>> No.7088856

hidoi desu

>> No.7089029
File: 399 KB, 128x128, eat chip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might just be unironically evil
>If I could cut your face off I would
>Stay here and die with me
Woah 2edgy4me slow down there. Remember to thank your mom when she brings you your tendies today.

>> No.7089477

Didn't some Discord gay ops get outed several months ago where they bragged about stalking a bunch of anons and Twitter random? All right in the middle of shitting up threads in real-time? No, we absolutely have a tranny schizo problem and the sooner these fags are permabanned the sooner the board improves.

>> No.7089496

No, we didn’t. Man this is literally Tonyo trolling all over again.

No discord like that exists.You may have had discord wars that leaked into generals, and mild skirmishes between a few clowns, but nobody wastes their time doing what you mentioned.

>> No.7089512

Somebody pointed out that the toilet tracer is the cat schizo that doodles stick figures with the :3 face, he miraculously disappeared after that revelation. The problem with /ic/ is you don't have to be an artist to get to post here, it's been mentioned by other posters many times that they themselves do not draw and are just here to gossip about their favorite artist. Unless somebody takes the time to redline you should question every single post.

>> No.7089565

You're also not a teacher. Someone with the skill and desire to teach probably wouldn't like it here very much cuz everyone's a dickpinching crab

>> No.7089818

>disappeared after that revelation
Toilet/cat mouth nigger is likely the schizo troon going on about how evil he/she/xir/xhem it is here.

>> No.7089826

I pray the gospel and punch faggots and women for free, so teaching what I know shouldn't be too much of an issue

>> No.7089869

Because /ic/ is like herding cats

>> No.7089880


>> No.7089924

yes we did
shit went on for years until delta/cheen/whoever fucked up and got their habibi pedo den leaked
its bad enough delta stalks underagers on alts for years and made servers to target drawfags like kott on /i/ and other shit
how bad is it gonna have to get to get the mods to do anything?

>> No.7089932

>got their habibi pedo den leaked
Not reading the entire thread, but from what I gathered off the OC threads there's unbridled autism that spilled its way over to /ic/ from other boards. I don't get it.

>> No.7090323

>OC thread
Who cares lol

>> No.7090628

The fact that wasn't even rock bottom for the OC threads proves could get even worst and the jannys will do nothing.

>> No.7090691

I bet you’re the same idiot who kept it up with tonyo posting. Knowing how that went, the whole shtick is to keep denying it until people chime in their schizo delusions and then you run with whatever they said as factual testimony to run a narrative.

OC thread stays in the OC thread and does not impact the entire board.

>> No.7090703

I used to do a lot of redlines way back in the day, though I'd often throw in an ahegao just for the hell of it. Granted, that was back when ahegao was still a meme, and you didn't have literal e-whores doing it unironically.
That said, it was more like fun shitposting with a little bit of help on the side.

>> No.7090709

That's not a very good example, given that the style is inherently flawed. The far eye is too heavily recessed and angled in most of the 3/4 pictures, with the nose too far back from the line that makes up the contour of the face. He's literally incorporated a flaw into his style, and while that's fine, it shouldn't be used for a tutorial or as an example to follow.

>> No.7090715

I’m not really an illustrator so I don’t like to try and teach something that at least 25% of the people here can do better than me. I also come to this board maybe twice a year. For reference I teach animation at a college level, which tends to overlap with figure drawing and character design, but digital painting is still something I’m learning.

I like coming here to give people advice and to learn things in kind, but >>7085237 is sort of correct. I think the whole gmi/ngmi mentality is a little off-putting. I understand why it’s there, since making money off your art is likely the ultimate goal for a lot of people here. College courses can become a little bit of a hugbox so the blunt honesty is refreshing, but it’s also just as often used as a cudgel to put others down.

Idk, I haven’t sorted my thoughts on it. I do genuinely like this board.

>> No.7090725

If I recall, the whole thing began on several different threads before making its way to the OC threads. They were trying to get revenge on a shit-ton of anons for some retarded feud and paid the price.
It was surprisingly one of the brighter moments. Everyone was pretry much unified in shitting on these faggots, and the next couple of threads were pretty cozy.

>> No.7090755

And sorry for the double post, I had no idea what this Tonyo shit was or anything about it until it was mentioned in this thread.
The difference between these two is there is next to no evidence of this Tonyo shit beyond speculation.
The autism that spilled all over the board from that server? And the consequences those autists reaped? Caught in 4k with archives on different dating back years. Look up Delta aka AviDraco in the articles for this board, as well as /vp/, /i/, and /aco/.
His retardation would be hilarious on its own, but I understand why anons are concerned he found a group that share his retarded vision. And with several anons that have their own histories of being insufferable faggots going after anons for retarded shit as well.

>> No.7090778

Listen you queer of the underdeep, this is exactly the same step by step gimmick the tanyo spammer did. Me even responding to you is giving your narrative a bigger flame but I need to say it in order to set the record straight for the archive.

It starts like this...
1. Monkey retard (that's you) makes up shit that doesn't exist
2. Schizo from another thread responds to you about something that actually happened
3. (you) steal their testimony and run with it while injecting your """reason""" why that particular thing happened to the Schizo and that reason is
>a boogeyman or group of shadowy boogiemen

Last time the made up boogieman was the reason for the video thread being in chaos. But once you pumped enough chaos there you intentionally made it spill to /dad/, then other generals. Basically a narrative that "some evil force" is running the board when the board is fine as it is in its present moment aside from AI posters coming to dunk on us every now and then.

>no the board is not fine!
You are in control of posting work and giving critique. A shadowy boogieman from a fictitious discord isn't stopping you.

There are more bullet points I can provide you but by doing so that's exactly how you can branch off my post and start a narrative.