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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.20 MB, 540x540, 5555.mp4_20240305130814.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7085006 No.7085006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's so fucking over

>> No.7085016

what's over? proompter's careers? looks like now they need to have at least enough skill to doodle silhouettes

maybe in a few years they can finally catch up and learn a skill

>> No.7085019

who cares lol. you'll get bored with it in an hour or so. There is no enjoyment in this

>> No.7085022

We have drawing tools that artists could only dream of few years ago how horrible

>> No.7085024

It's Over season 14 episode 239 HD remastered

>> No.7085025

If you're an artist who only draws figures,, you can at least appreciate the ease of which you can add a background

>> No.7085026

It's Over, Finale Finito, For Real This Time, Part IX Second Season

>> No.7085027

>"drawing tools"

>> No.7085028

AI generated backgrounds ruins drawn pictures as well.

Either you do it properly (use the AI as color reference,but draw the whole thing yourself) or don't do it at all

>> No.7085030

the blank prompted image probably looks just as good(bad) as the drawn assist one.

>> No.7085033

this is not even new, this shit already comes out since last year and nobody cares

>> No.7085039

I've never touched AI and never will. Do I feel threatened by it? Not in the way the AI shills assume all artists feel threatened by it. It is only a threat to those who use it. It robs them of their agency, individuality, pride, creativity, the joy of learning a skill and improving over a lifetime; meanwhile, it inculcates laziness, conformity and mediocrity. I feel sorry for everyone who gives in to the temptation of letting the machine draw, or write, or compose the work he might have done himself. Once down that path it will be difficult if not impossible to find his way back.
Fools believe they are using this technology, that they are the masters. But they are, in fact, the product, the one that is being used in this relationship. It's sad. I feel bad for the effect this will have on others, and society at large. That is all.

>> No.7085040

Thanks for your input, chatgpt.

>> No.7085066

lol retard

>> No.7085067

>see the comments
>everyone is shitting on him

>> No.7085069

what's this? that krita plugin? seems like a way to save time but you still need to be skilled enough to touch it up and fix any errors

>> No.7085074

What program is this I need it

>> No.7085081


>> No.7085082
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, TheRatKing-1764251063190786102-01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you posted this
Because fuck Aishit
It will never do real art. Anime is now a literal curse that isn't real art.

>> No.7085085

it's called akuma in the screenshots

>> No.7085087



>> No.7085149


>> No.7085160

What does ai have against sanic?

>> No.7085171

I'm glad Japan will have to adapt and finally evolve from moeblobbed trash or else they will die out while the west stays untouched forever.

>> No.7085179

>come to /ic/
>ai threads
>come to /v/
>ai threads
>come to /tv/
>ai threads
I'm having flashbacks from all the pony and rozen maiden posting, AIshitters is the very new kind of spammers, 4chan has to start banning it outside /g/ or it's gonna become unbearable to sit here

>> No.7085198

ai sloppers might as well just trace

>> No.7085202

They need to just make /ai/ and ban it from being posted elsewhere

>> No.7085216

This doesn't matter anymore, brony shit has long stop being the kind of force Moot would care about to stop and culturally relevant enough to spam all over the site like back in the day.

The truth is Moot failed us all and allowed the site to rot because they just don't care anymore. The efforts that would have been done back then is nothing more than a distant dream and the kind of people that spam this dogshit aren't the people that even used 4chan for more than 2 years max, they are normalfag parasites that never once grew up on 4chan and valued it to keep it form being destroyed with trash.

>> No.7085220

perfect example of an artist's poor relationship with their craft. If this worries you, you really need to rethink your priorities when it comes to being an artist in general.

>> No.7085222
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 1702588884653104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai sisters... our response?

>> No.7085228

The practice to draw isn't threatened, but the integrity of the craft and the opportunity as a job is wholesale because it's incompatible with creatives and only validates the evil corpors and fills their pockets deeper for free.

>> No.7085243

Is that doc venture?

>> No.7085246
File: 22 KB, 910x512, 1703263020217450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the average Ai user.

>> No.7085252

this was bound to happen for years. im sure hundreds of trades with tradesmen who are just as passionate as an artist have had their jobs taken from them and automatized by corpos. it can't be helped, and for that, i am really sad too. But when things like this are so inevitable, you need to re-evaluate your relationship with art and the act of creating. Artists whose relationship with art are purely financial are going to sink, while artists who have a deep connection with their own work are going to swim.

>> No.7085263

the only jobs getting replaced are graphic designers, corpo art and other shit that was already souless

>> No.7085276

> you need to re-evaluate your relationship with art and the act of creating
At this point just outright wish for the death of humanity if it's not going to get better. Stop allowing people to live since it's better to kill them all now to avoid a future of being connected to the grid with zero free will.

>> No.7085281

welp, i guess thats the reality you afford yourself.

>> No.7085285

retards like you are the reason why gatekeeping is actually beneficial.

>> No.7085290

Yes, now gatekeep Aislop from degenerating the craft.

>> No.7085297



>> No.7085305

>gatekeep Aislop
Communism can't stop it.

>> No.7085328

Of course, /a/ jannies are the only people smart enough to care about their board culture.

>> No.7085332

Draw for yourself retard. Stop caring so much about what others do. This has never been more true.

If you care so much, quit. Doing it for profit or clout was never a good reason to start and if some faggot prompters bug you.. you werent gonna make it anyway.

"but muh soul and hard work" world doesnt care.

>> No.7085334

Nice "tool", I can see that it's very "helpful" to "artists"
how "revolutionary"

>> No.7085335

Its just a tool. Its not "robbing" anyone because those who use it never wanted to learn traditionally in the first place.

CTRL-Z robs you of creativity, pride, and a lifetime of whatever other faggotry you said.

That can be applied to everything.

I feel sorry for those who take it so seriously while using digital software. When in reality it means nothing to artists other than faster iterations. It only affects you if youre a sheep following the herd.

>> No.7085336

imagine our jannies and other ones in different boards do the same thing, for ai slop threads/post. board quality would immensely improve

>> No.7085337

they did it for the thread being a twitter thread however, not AI
not that I'm against banning twitter threads

>> No.7085338

>CTRL-Z robs you of creativity, pride, and a lifetime of whatever other faggotry you said.
>youre a sheep following the herd.

>> No.7085341
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, Will18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CTRL-Z robs you of creativity, pride, and a lifetime of whatever other faggotry you said.
nigger wat

>> No.7085347

>another AI doomer thread
Lmao, I read an article about it a couple days ago and you know which industry is more at risk of massive layoffs? Banking. Multi million dollar tech companies are also firing people by the tens of thousands and Sam Altman talked about coding becoming utterly irrelevant in the next few years. And that was THE easy mode comfy career until a couple years ago.
What I'm trying to say is that AI is going to fuck over the whole economy while retards ITT are freaking out about the equivalent of photobashing. You have more chance of a complete economical collapse or a nuclear holocaust in the next few years than Twitter coomer artists losing their Patreon buxs.

>> No.7085354

>CTRL-Z robs you of creativity
Erasers robs you of creativity. After all, doing anything by hand is cheating if the end result is all that matters.

>> No.7085355
File: 1.79 MB, 500x361, 1709003095801320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly though that thread is a nightmare of AIshills trying their hardest to spin a narrative and demoralize anyone who loves or wants to do creative work. And spamming their crappy coom gens, of course. Evil, mentally ill people fueled by hate and envy, the lot of them, so enraged because no one is impressed with their borrowed fire and esteem human creativity and artistry instead. Must feel bad to know that you're a useless parasite that no one wants around and that your own people barely cares about your "work" either. How miserable!

>> No.7085374

I struck a nerve because you know it's true. Learning to draw requires sustained effort and patience. How many people, given the option to push a button and get an image, will still be willing to put in the time and effort to learn, especially if they perceive the AI's generations will garner them more praise than the amateur fruits of their own labors? And yet, how does pushing the button affect the prompter — his manual dexterity, his knowledge, his understanding of optics, his appreciation for subtleties of light and form, his judgement, his creativity and ability to visualize, his self-esteem? Is that "result" the same as the result of decades of earnest practice and study of art? Go use AI, then.

>> No.7085397
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 1463610653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't nothing wrong with a little AI

>> No.7085414

Why do liberal Democrats oppose AI?

>> No.7085427

Why do the Republicans think they are correct?

>> No.7085434

closer to my ideal but still a long way, I just want to rough sketch a background and render it for me in multiple layers.

>> No.7085436

not gon buy critp
not gon buy nfts
not gon use automatic photoshop machine
simple as

>> No.7085448

Who cares, this garbage doesn't matter and never will matter. All distraction

>> No.7085453

this is what the CSP AI update could've been if you guys didn't kill it pre-launch
They even had it working but cut it

>> No.7085462

I thought you retards like hard work?

>> No.7085465
File: 79 KB, 250x206, proxy-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is HECKING BASED because it paints IDEAL WESTERN BEAUTY (as in BIG FAT JUICY TITTY) which the LOOBERAL fweakin' HATES, all hail the machine god!

Sometimes I really hate having to be associated with these retards who claim to be "conservative". If they were real conservatives they would make their own art instead of suckling the teats of silicon valley bug people.

>> No.7085471

Everyone opposes ai, retard. It has fuck all to do with politics. Stop viewing every single thing in life through the lens of the American political party system

>> No.7085472

>Make a rough shitty doodle
>Robot shits out a picture based on shitty doodle
>use picture as a reference
Wait, what's the issue here?

>> No.7085480

>Sometimes I really hate having to be associated with these retards who claim to be "conservative"
I'm a nazi and I agree, conservatives are retards who conserve nothing. Indeed, they are subhuman.

>> No.7085482

What reference is needed if you are cappable of doing the right slop?
If the right is your caapablity, you cannot recreate anything on the level of the ai by your own hand and if you could, you'd never use AI to begin with

This shitpost is always mentioned when it makes no fucking sense, if you had skill you wouldn't use AI and if you didn't you'll never ever improve yourself to get as good as AI for reference purposes since you wouldn't use Ai to begin with. It's a complete oxymoron. It's like ordering a 5 star wagu steak to learn how to proper how to make one yourself but you cannot even operate a stove, or outright rather only limit yourself to a microwave because it's "the faster option".

>> No.7085484
File: 376 KB, 1170x1808, gemini founding fathers_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do liberal Democrats oppose AI?
really? I guess "conservatives" support pic related then. American politics is retarded.

>> No.7085490

What a non-event. Ai gens are always instantly recognizable, like celebs plastic surgery. I'm only a beginner and even I can see that, and like celebs plastic surgery, my visceral reaction is to be revolted.

>> No.7085493

I honestly don't have a problem if people use something like this, but shit's boring. It takes all the individuality out of art. But if one's goal is to just churn out generic animu, I guess this is the next step.

>> No.7085495

I like to compare it to fake tits

>> No.7085498

Why is AI "art" always instantly recognizable as such?

>> No.7085499

Math is hard.

>> No.7085512

I think it's the fact it picks between what looks "aesthetically correct" based on the internal biases set by the techbros and what actual artists styles look like which makes this uncanny between of a style no human would realistically do themselves. Not because they can't, but because it looks like shit.

>> No.7085513

skill issue

>> No.7085515

They are. Democrats are as a rule either highly motivated midwits who are twice removed from reality that think they can CHANGE DA WORLD or cattle who take Blue Team's surface level values of HECKIN EQUALITY AND FREE CANDY FOR EVERYONE at face value and think that they're GOOD FREAKIN' PEOPLE, and Republicans are a heckin' SILENT MAJOORITY of cattle who moo and bawl when said highly motivated midwits come around and kick over their sand castle and knock the ice cream out of their hands. Red, blue, just two different flavors of retard, and I say this as someone being nominally aligned with Red Team. Doesn't help that Red Team's got barely an artistic bone in its body and the touchy feely i'm-just-bein-a-good-heckin-person-uwu types make up a large part of artists and are aligned with Blue Team with all it's insanity. The absolute state of it all.

>> No.7085526

This would take at max one minute for an extra quick n dirty visual reference picture, like I get why this shit is ethically bad but you're being disingenuous about it

>> No.7085531 [DELETED] 

You're completely missing the fucking point, speed means nothing if you cannot deliver anything of quality yourself if you cannot draw at the level what the Ai is shitting out, it's fucking pointless.
If your skill is about them time doesn't matter, time only matters to the unskilled and uncaring.

>> No.7085532

You're completely missing the fucking point, speed means nothing if you cannot deliver anything of quality yourself if you cannot draw at the level what the Ai is shitting out, it's fucking pointless.
If your skill is above what the AI can output time doesn't matter, time only matters to the unskilled and uncaring.

>> No.7085540

Kinda the same thing with tracing.
If you're crap, then your trace will still be crap and tracing is pointless.
If you're good enough to make a flawless trace then you're also good enough to just draw something yourself, and it's still pointless.

In short this tool sucks. It's a toy, really.

>> No.7085542

>You're missing the point
Ironically I think you are, like have you not been going around collecting references when you want to draw something? You're talking as if the AI picture is meant to be traced, which if you don't understand why that's bad ...

>> No.7085545

too bad these are trained on millions of anime drawings so you get the most soulless generic faces imaginable

>> No.7085548

skill issue

>> No.7085550

>Ironically I think you are, like have you not been going around collecting references when you want to draw something?
Only because I know I can draw this myself, I just need an unfiltered guide to remind myeslf how to do this

If you need to keep relying on a reference to "help you improve" then you're not actually improving. You're basically saying the point of Ai is to help the bad artists when it currently has a barrer between those that would rather use AI as a reference for leanring over using pre AI era materials and those that would use AI just to skip all of that learning and process for clout and instant gratification for the bare medium. Again, it's nonsense. It makes no sense to think AI is this net positive instantly without realizing the more realistic reaction to it "Why should I do anything when the bot can do for me?" It's not a real tool. A hammer isn't hoing to build a warp drive by itself for you.

>> No.7085552

the data is le bad
the labels are le bad
it is stolen pics from danbooru mostly

>> No.7085556

I'm quite literally just saying it's an extra reference picture like I don't know what's clicking here

>> No.7085637

drawkeks have graduated from Nervous Stage they are now in SHAMBLES Stage

>> No.7085639

This is so fucked. I finally saw some real progress today with figure drawing and then I see this shit.

>> No.7085646

tradchads stay winning
digitalkeks stay getting raped and debased by tech peons

>> No.7085649

>You're talking as if the AI picture is meant to be traced
why wouldn't you trace it? it's completely original and unlike any of the reference you collected you wont get caught for plagiarism of you 1:1 trace or copy an AI image.

>> No.7085650

ACKSHUALLY, it's been how long now? And we still haven't seen a single noteworthy work of art made by an AI shitter. But you guys have been good for laughs (Shadiversity, lol).

>> No.7085652

stay shambled
art finally proven to be a giant pseud jerkoff session
like practicing autistically for years to draw a perfect circle when lasers and computers do much better and faster.
art was never special, just like you

>> No.7085655

Just consoom slop since you don't value yourself as a human being. Stop bringing people down to your level of self hatred.

>> No.7085661

>nooooo if you use calculators and micro precision instruments you're not a real human scientist noooooooo
Lol. Lmfao.
So much shambled.

>> No.7085668

That one person on Twitter who used ai to finish that one homo artist who died gained a lot of traction

>> No.7085672

A real scientist don't need a fucking tool to think for them, they think for themselves, nigwit.
A tool to operate on a patient is not what the AI is doing, it's "healing" the patient instantly only for the body to go into shock because the end result is "good enough" for the bot and the retard looking at it from the out side, but the body on the inside felt like it was attacked and had a stoke from said operation. That's what happens when speed > quality. You lose souls from that.

>> No.7085677

>muh soul
>muh soul
>muh soul
Make sure to put that on your tombstone you box grinding autist
>nooo i practice swinging a golf club every day for 30 years this makes me art and "special" REEEEEE

>> No.7085682

you don't even know his name, kek. shows how insignificant you shitters are. Even random coom artist are remembered more.

>> No.7085683
File: 504 KB, 588x792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one sends ic and multiple anime artists on Twitter into a complete spiral

>> No.7085684

> art finally proven to be a giant pseud jerkoff session
like practicing autistically for years to draw a perfect circle when lasers and computers do much better and faster.
art was never special, just like you

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

You are crying inside. Imagine you, a non-artist (nay, a hater of art by your own words) spending your free time on a board for artists, typing furiously on your sticky keyboard about how art is dead. That’s a new level of sad. Kek

>> No.7085686

>Let me just regurgitate my post again, then I'll win the argument!
Pathetic. If you're just here to shitpost then I'm done giving you (You)s you're clearly seeking. Just know being a corpo drone won't give you the happiness you think you're getting letting the Aislop do all of your living for you.

>> No.7085690

not surprised tourtist would invade this board, the jannies do fuck all.

>> No.7085691

lmao cope, I finally got a semi-NAI like SDXL setup and iut's the most fun I've had, I haven't slept in 2 days.
I'm a drwfag so I can take the most advantage of it and it really beats the tedium of coloring a single image for 8 hours.

>> No.7085698

you constantly have failed-nodraws constantly shitting up the place now and using AI to troll. it's an epidemic

>> No.7085705

Why does /a/ have good mods that ban AI jeets publically, while the mods here do fuck all regarding the blatant AI shilling and baiting?

>> No.7085707

pyw before ai, cripple

>> No.7085708

Let 'em debate. Not like bad art is banned on /ic. Far from it.

>> No.7085710

I'll never ever pyw on /ic/, I was a very known artist 10 years ago and I know you fucks would lit me up, even if I wasn't pro AI. So kiss my ass, crab sissies.

>> No.7085712

/a/ is literally 30 times bigger than /ic/, we have no mods

>> No.7085713

Post one of your goofy duds just for fun.

>> No.7085714

No-draw nAIgger confirmed. Kick rocks pajeet

>> No.7085716

oh look another AI falseflagging troll

>> No.7085717

I made the mistake of drawing ONE silly thing on /i/ and schizos still recognized my style and I got lit up for being unmasked as a 4channer. Never again.

I ain't falling for your provoke lmao.

>> No.7085718

Why are people that shill AI programs always talking about how things are "over" non-stop? I'm not even against it morally, but it doesn't do a lot to convince me that it's more than just another attempt at a golden goose for silicon valley

>> No.7085723

ai slop is like shitcoin/nft horseshit.

>> No.7085726

>ai slop is like shitcoin/nft horseshit.
Found the guy that invested in NFTs. Come up with a new angle. AI is improving. You should too.

>> No.7085732

Wake me up when it stops drawing slop
>There's already models that perfectly imitate artists with an unique artstyle!
Ok but I don't want to imitate people I want to draw for myself

>> No.7085733

keep shilling ai slop, i'm sure you'll get it.

>> No.7085734

>keep shilling ai slop, i'm sure you'll get it.
Ok. Stop whining to the jannies, deal?

>> No.7085742
File: 3.55 MB, 2047x1920, king arthur bleeding on a battlefield starring Keanu Reeves directed and filmed by MidJourney, commissioned by Edward Denton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way that an image generating algorithm works is to reconfigure itself to copy an image fed into it, and it does this for each and every trained image.
The end result is that for every trained image there is a coordinate within the algorithm's latent space that corresponds to it, and will regenerate said image if that coordinate in the latent space is chosen.
The space between those points are all interpolations between the original images.
When proompting, the image generator picks bits and pieces from the image space and arranges them in the generated image. Which is why when this faggot Edward Denton waxes lyrical about how AI is a REVOLUTION that's going to CHANGE HOW ARTISTS WORK FOWEVEW, posting his proompts of "king arthur bleeding on a battlefield", he has what looks like a badly photobashed picture of KeanuReevesOnABench.JPG with armor bits pasted on.

>> No.7085744
File: 507 KB, 1414x724, Screenshot from 2024-03-05 20-11-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially all that image generators can do is interpolate and photobash. No matter how well it can do it, that's all it can do and all it will EVER do. The total set of generateable images based on the training data is finite, and the total set of *usable* images that doesn't look like trash is a smaller subset of that set. Any "good" "art" that it generates are single instances of good fortune fished out of an ocean of garbage.

This implementation of image generation was DOA and in reality has no future if all it can do is just regurgitate remixes of the training data. It will reach a point in where "progress" stalls completely and utterly as that reality comes to fruition.

Picrelated: Bloodborne Guy straight from the cover of CD case continually popping up in generated images.

AI image generation is not a tool for artists, it is a tool for scamming cockroaches who used to have to put the work into photobashing and tracing themselves but now have the process automated.

>> No.7085748

Why do you even worry when you don't even draw at all?

>> No.7085752

Holy cope. You clearly don't know shit about anything, and unlike normal tech ignorant dumbasses, you do it on purpose. You must be a descendant of the people who 100 years ago were lecturing about how cars suck because horses have soul.

>> No.7085756
File: 31 KB, 500x450, 1707845555685710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why and how I'm wrong then.

>> No.7085759

>It will reach a point in where "progress" stalls completely and utterly as that reality comes to fruition.
AI will collapse in two more weeks! Please ignore the exponential improvent every AI company is making and trust the plan! Crust is kang!

>> No.7085763

can't wait till all these retarded aibros fuck off to video genning

>> No.7085765

so much cope
AI art experts leaving your mid drawings in the dust

>> No.7085766

The only TWO MORE WEEKS I'm seeing is you faggots trying to FUDpost that it's FREAKIN OVER MAN AI IS GONNA REPLACE ARTISTS MAN YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO GET IN ON THIS RIGHT NOW MAN, and you've been doing this for what? Two years now?

>> No.7085769

AIGAWDS are so fucking powerful god damn

>> No.7085770
File: 2.31 MB, 2047x1025, king arthur bleeding on a battlefield starring Keanu Reeves directed and filmed by MidJourney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still cannot deboonk KeAInuReevesgate

>> No.7085775


And gee, look what happens when you train Stable Diffusion on a small set of data. Whaaaaddya get? A bunch of interpolations and cut/pastes of the original images. WOOOOOW!

>> No.7085776

>left: soulless photograph in dreary modern burgerslop city
>right: SOUL painting perfectly blending medieval with modern digital lighting techniques including subsurface scattering and tasteful brush textures
more like proving our point lmao

>> No.7085783

You're never going to have absolute control of what you're generating because it's eternally going to be held back by the fact that It's still just automated photobashing, lmao. The only reason any quality exists in that image is because it had quality data to leech off of, i.e. from a human painter. This implementation will be forever be beneath the level of skilled human artists.

>> No.7085784

they've really been ramping it up lately since AI is killing their programming jobs

>> No.7085786

>circles drawn by computers will forever be beneath the level of skilled humans
more proof that d/ic/klets have low IQ

>> No.7085788

Guess they gotta fellate Roko's Basilisk right now so that it won't eternally torment a digital copy of themselves in a hypothetical future scenario lmao

>> No.7085791

Ironically, the AI is waaaaay worse at programming and text gen than making art lmao

I tried to use the AI to code but even the most advanced one (GPT-4) is clueless and even imagines functions that would be perfect but don't actually exist. It's only good for optimizing existing code that already works.

>> No.7085794

but that looks very AI, huge flaws that no human would make. western anime artists are an odd bunch.

>> No.7085795
File: 30 KB, 189x215, 1707886739397265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tech illiterate are you to mistake an automated photobashing program with CAD software, you goofy goober? You're so funny. Such a silly lil' guy.

>> No.7085800

yeah and just look how bad image genning was a few years ago. AI is going to take over anything that can be done digitally.

>> No.7085803

What would be the point? Your mind is already made up and no amount of evidence or explanations would matter.

>> No.7085805

No no, really, you're the expert here. I came to this conclusion after trying to wrap my silly little wacky noodle artist brain around the big hard math computer numbers, and wow am I so flustered! I would really love if a big strong strapping STEMchad would explain how this magical thing works to lil' ol me!

>> No.7085810

NTA but going mindlessly consoom isn't really doing shit for a purpose and really it's comparable to distracting toddlers with random noises or colors as it goal.
I don't know of much thinking you actually do when it's design to be automatic

>> No.7085811

>am I so flustered! I would really love if a big strong strapping STEMchad would explain how this magical thing works to lil' ol me!
as a STEM student who also draws
you have no idea how hard I got reading this
please, give me your tight bussy NOW!

>> No.7085816

looking at that .webm I can only think...
>they would be advertising it's loli making capabilities

>> No.7085821

but are you ESLkun

>> No.7085822
File: 6 KB, 672x166, Screenshot (171).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085824

Like what? Looks fine to me, also post your work that have 40k likes on twitter please

>> No.7085829

>western anime artists
he is a nip tho
also if you scroll down there tons of gook laments in the QRT

>> No.7085830
File: 3 KB, 495x70, 1709654317931288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but why don't you go back

>> No.7085832

how do you know it's not a westerner larping as a nip while prompting in a nip art style? if you go to his twitter there's no indication that he's japanese lol

>> No.7085837

they want culture appropriation to non issue when larping anon.
pretty sure you getting a free N-word pass as well when pretending to be black is also A-OK as long as their not caught

>> No.7085838

I was referring to the artist that quoted repost the AI post and got sad. He lives japland, speak nipnog and livestream drawing
no idea where the prompter is from tho

>> No.7085841

my bad for being a retard then