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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 644 KB, 1024x576, Read Loomis you fucking scrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7077754 No.7077754 [Reply] [Original]

To the Loomis-haters turned Loomis-appreciators, what made you finally warm up to to Andrew?

>> No.7077765

I never had a problem with loomis, but trying other methods and judging out which one I liked more actually helped me get his down better.

I'm actually surprised at how many anons think Fun with a Pencil just teaches you to draw old guys, when you're supposed to apply and alter the method situationally.

>> No.7077769

loomis is only relevant to people who want to make artwork that is exclusively commercially used. concept art etc.
there is not a single moment Loomis is ever mentioned in art academia. pretty sure you get salty side-eyes if you mention him as a student.

>inb4 ngmi
Loomis leads to a painting-by-numbers mentality.
if you want to be able to draw characters in all kinds of action poses and save a lot of time, Loomis is the way to go.
if you actually want to create your own art, yeet Loomis and never think about it again.

>> No.7077782
File: 10 KB, 120x120, wp_qoodrinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a funny ass post
"im not being lazy by not reading loomis, im actually avoiding him to reach artistic nirvana, unlike you fools"
get over yourself lol, strong foundations lead to competent representational works. if you see loomis as "paint by numbers" you are just struggling to both practice applying his methods to different subjects and tweak it to your own tastes
loomis isnt required to get good but this post reeks of dork, if youre going to keep this idea keep it to yourself to avoid dragging others down with you

>> No.7077784

understanding that learning to draw is a non-linear proccess that is unique to every individual, he just tried to create some exercises to make it slightly less vague for beginners. i never finished any of his books but they are just something to give you a different perspective and help make it less nebulous.

unfortunately you will always have animals like >>7077769 who are too low IQ to abstract any of the knowledge he tries to teach. but there are at least some people like >>7077765 who possess enough intelligence to be able to abstract information and apply it in different situations, and who also will not take his teachings as law, unlike the other person ITT who is weak minded enough to reach a "painting by numbers mentality" from a bunch of drawing exercises. not being capable of abstraction is the absolute worst thing you can have as an artist.

>> No.7077797

salty Loomisians


>> No.7077801
File: 757 KB, 833x820, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah uh, not looking at that article when picrel is the guy who wrote it lmao

>> No.7077802

>I'm actually surprised at how many anons think Fun with a Pencil just teaches you to draw old guys, when you're supposed to apply and alter the method situationally.
I'm not surprised at all. There's an ongoing learning crisis that has spanned multiple decades.

>> No.7077803
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, 1709075685446491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dislike started after I finished fwap and fdfaiw, any book post 2010 is just better.

Also see pic related for average results

>> No.7077806

and to top it off hes instantly trying to sell something in that link lmao
the state of NGMI loomis crabs

>> No.7077809
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>> No.7077811

picrel looks like something straight from the bottom of hell

>> No.7077813

yeah i take that back. that shit is rancid.

those examples make me physically ill

>> No.7077815

i get his teaching method, but when I actually try to practice it my /beg/cel brain doesn't draw it perfectly and that frustrates me. I also need to master how to use the shapes

>> No.7077824
File: 752 KB, 1720x1644, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filtered by Loomis
>Cherry-picked the worst example and call it average
Yup. I sense the micro-penis Loomis hater from /beg/thread.

>> No.7077833

LMAO. An asian without asian jean, and also a Loomis hater

>> No.7077836
File: 123 KB, 909x1174, IMG_20240228_162838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't express how much i hate this with words so i had to draw

>> No.7077860

>porn addicted anime fan
>perfect for /ic/
>decide to get into drawing
>read up on drawing
>read about Loomis, Reilly, Asaro methods
>see people loosing their shit over what is "best"
>get in on the debate
>feel smart already
>never draw anything, just argue
this is 90% of you /ic/ ngmis

>> No.7077869
File: 302 KB, 564x667, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077872


>> No.7077879
File: 198 KB, 512x768, lumies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077882
File: 408 KB, 834x876, ha ha ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078151

lmfaooooooo haven't seen an anon get this BTFO in a while

>> No.7078159

I never had a problem with Loomis, only niggers have a problem with Loomis

>> No.7078177

Haven't read loomis. All i know about it is proportioning. What is the benefit to reading it over other authors. I don't get it.

>> No.7078261
File: 710 KB, 1366x768, Loomis sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was one of the first to explain proportions and other fundamentals and teach how to do it clearly in a way that's easily digestible for /beg/s. A lot of later art teachers who would print their own books and make their own courses literally got started by reading Loomis. There's really nothing about his books in particular that's unique because a of lot of newer stuff is just copy-and-pastes of his methods. The real benefit of learning from Loomis and all the old masters is that all their shit is free and easily accessible while the new guys who are just repackaging Loomis, Bridgman, Jack Hamm, etc. are asking you to pay for their paywalled courses.

>> No.7078272

Saw Murata and some other japanese artists either recommend or use his method so I just bit the bullet

>> No.7079309

>who also will not take his teachings as law

Yeah, that's another thing. Not just with Loomis but with other artists that make tutorials too. You don't have to take their methods as law and words as gospel. That you can only pick ONE METHOD and stick with it.

A lot of people just pick different things from different artists. They comebine methods. It's perfectly fine

>> No.7079317

>Get parroted Loomis for years
>"Sensei" briefly mentions Loomis
>I want all the Loomis
I hate people like you.

>> No.7079323

>Haven't read loomis. All i know about it is proportioning. What is the benefit to reading it over other authors. I don't get it.
You don't get it? How about you go through it and find out yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.7079368

>enjoy a new artist
>don't enjoy an old artist
>new artist recommends old artist
>now enjoy old artist through new lens
It's the nature of time, unfortunately.

>> No.7079385

anons are smart to not listen to other anons. You should only take advice from established pros

>> No.7079387

>invest hundreds of hours studying a random book
>turns out it was useless and ineffective and now you've sated hundreds of hours of your life
good job, retard kun

>> No.7079389

>has to spend hundreds of hours before they realize a book isnt for them
>calls others retarded
Don't reply to me anymore lest I catch your idiocy.

>> No.7079393

>No draw/pyw anon
>S-tier mangaka that makes shit I like

I wonder each one is more trustworthy...

>> No.7079405

>Get recommended an illustrator that wrote the book on the fundamentals of drawing before the Mangaka was born
>I will not consider the knowledge from said illustrator despite his success in commercial painting until my Mangaka sensei blows his name out of his ass
If the Mangaka told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it too?

>> No.7079418

>i need someone to tell me how to think

>> No.7079443

obviously you've never studied anything in depth, dunning kruger. The best resources take months and years to fully understand

>> No.7079618
File: 138 KB, 655x563, 1688028661539286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079630

american boomer style is really offputting so I'd rather use books other than loomis

>> No.7079639

This is basically what I assumed
I read through fun with a pencil and it was everything i remember from art class in 5th grade and none of it was new to me

>> No.7079708

i'd usually agree, I really hate the western capeshit style.
but I find loomis' style really appealing/pleasant

>> No.7083322
File: 382 KB, 1110x286, Why bother reading the books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what made you finally warm up to to Andrew?
The fact that we live in the internet era and I can skip reading the books by watching someone else reading them on youtube.
It's similar to how kids watch streamers play games all day except I'm learning something.

>> No.7085239
File: 177 KB, 960x1280, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is hard work, also rate my Loomis.

>> No.7085255


>> No.7085273

If he was an expert bridge jumper who made a practice of surviving falls off of bridges, I'd at least listen.

>> No.7085361

Pretty based
Loomis out of 10

>> No.7085393

by learning my fundies from video courses before returning to him
turns out when you're an absolute beginner or a permabeg you'd actually want to see how someone draws to know what they're doing

after that, loomis books are fantastic catalogs of how an artist should be thinking. it makes a lot of sense why pros recommend loomis all the time, they're more like notebooks, rather than teaching books

>> No.7085399

I never warmed up to loomis. His methods are too slow. All i got from him was
>the skull is an orb
>everything on the face is halfway from everything else
>8 heads tall
Let it all go. Draw from observation like a real man. Build a bank of poses in your memory that you can call on sometimes.

>> No.7085411

please tell me this dude is satire

>> No.7085450

Arguing about drawing books is genuinely one of the most retarded things you can do and the true sign of a NGMI /beg/let. If there is ONE thing that's clear about drawing if that doing a lot of it is the best and only way to improve.
You can literally get through a book in a single fucking week drawing just a hour per day. One fucking week of your life. Instead you spend months arguing which book is the best like you can choose a single one for the rest of your lives.

>> No.7086720
File: 76 KB, 1280x766, this_is_what_I_study_for_this_day_84A..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized what beginners are forgoing him for