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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 98 KB, 735x853, inbound6565876321679306151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7073605 No.7073605 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to draw black people?

>> No.7073606


>> No.7073611



>> No.7073612

Start with the sticky. Welcome to /ic/, friend.

>> No.7073613

Bottom right is the only good potion

>> No.7073615

Post your attempts at drawing black people so far.

>> No.7073617
File: 64 KB, 1024x498, black_woman_by_cleneman_dgdzo93-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my only attempt

>> No.7073622

>How do I learn to draw black people?
>posts a tutorial on how to draw black people

>> No.7073626

Why would you want to

>> No.7073631

The only reason to draw black people would be to bait twitter retards into thinking you're racist(which you should be)

>> No.7073632

i just draw a white person but give them thick lips

>> No.7073636

just draw a shaved gorilla

>> No.7073641

yet another howie thread

>> No.7073645
File: 96 KB, 858x1200, IMG_3301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw anime women
Give them dark skin
Don’t even label them as black because you’ll have a whalefat negress accuse you of incorrectly drawing the obese form of black women, but it will be okay because if you don’t say what race they are and just have them brown skinned (even in the slightest), black people will eventually declare that the drawing represents a blackfrican american

>> No.7073647
File: 7 KB, 318x159, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't draw them. Good luck getting cancelled just because you choose the wrong skin tone.

>> No.7073651


>> No.7073656
File: 87 KB, 512x512, 1706925464154717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Mr. Popo, he always puts a smile on my face.

>> No.7073658 [DELETED] 

Wasn't there an art youtuber that was like a weird midwestern white guy that virtue signaled all the time while drawing gigantic, ultra fetishized black asses?
I think his name was Ethan Becker.
Imagine being white and being obsessed with black people's asses. What a grotesque traitor.

>> No.7073661

you could just say they're indian if they kick up a fuss

>> No.7073667

honestly i dont draw black people i make all my characters copy and paste paper white and let the people who know how to draw poc better than me choose what to make them i just kinda say what i think they would be and let people who care decide

>> No.7073669

not worth drawing blacks, you can't even use good lighting because mongoloids will be crying whitewasihng.

It's sad because there are some tribal gems out there like hair clay and ankle straps, but again meso and andean america has way better folklore to inspire from.

>> No.7073670

Just don't draw mr popo/ jynx lips no?

>> No.7073683
File: 503 KB, 591x1083, problematic-kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek no

>> No.7073686

I have seen censored 11 before

>> No.7073688
File: 194 KB, 1204x818, Big-lipped black chicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is that this shit is unintentionally racist because there are plenty of black women with lips more like the two no's than any of the other four, but because they aren't conventionally attractive enough, wokie artists (even the black ones) won't draw them because they're too much like racist caricature. Imagine how you literally look being considered "racist." Reminds me of that one female Asian artist who said it was racist to draw yellow Asians with chinky eyes and then it turned out that she looked like the chinkiest, yellowest bug woman on Earth.

>> No.7073689
File: 54 KB, 452x450, cho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073694

Isn't this only an issue with symbol drawing? You should be able to look at a black person and draw lines and values same as you'd draw anything.

>> No.7073703

I don't know if you're memeing, but their lips don't extend horizontally out from the corners of their mouth. That's what the OP is referencing, not fullness of the lips.

>> No.7073740
File: 1.28 MB, 1153x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently thread related

>> No.7073745

copy the morpho books

>> No.7073751

any good artists who draw or paint lips like that?

>> No.7073776

They do if they open them, look at that chick to the left.

>> No.7073802

Her mouth isn't fully open and the line created by her top and bottom lip meeting still extends all the way to the outer corners.

>> No.7073805
File: 127 KB, 800x800, 238A3912-D593-4B5A-AE8C-E77471CC48B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

john zylstra?

>> No.7073848

what about the massive air-stealing nostrils they all have????

>> No.7073870

cool, I think it would be a nice exercise for you to try to solve the "simplify" version without inverting the iris and sclera colors

>> No.7073880

They don't have donut lips. They're big and pink but they don't look like the last 2. Get it together, /beg/

>> No.7073889

The examples have their mouths closed tho

>> No.7073897

It's in the rendering. Dark colors absorb light, so there isn't a wide range of values. The form is mostly defined by colors from bounced light instead.

>> No.7073904

>drawing black people

No thanks.

>> No.7074043 [DELETED] 

Blacks aren't people and shouldn't be represented in art.

>> No.7074052


In the event that this isn't yet another bait thread, this is a useful tutorial. But nothing you couldn't figure out if you were /int/ and had a reference.


>> No.7074056

Drawing bp isn't worth the risk of cancellation imho. Even if you're good all it would take is one person to inject you into the cancellation pipeline and get you shared across a dozen accounts who just live to stir shit up. Inb4 paranoid, I have watched this happen in real time, and irl.

>> No.7074063


>Never draw something because someone somewhere might not like it


>> No.7074066 [DELETED] 

Why would you draw blacks? Are you a niggerlover?

>> No.7074074

Whenever I look at an artist and see a nigger in their gallery, I just mentally brand them as a nigger-drawer and dismiss them regardless of how well they draw.

>> No.7074077

>some art styles are racist and they have to be banned
Ficking xitters.

>> No.7074078

>Why would you draw blacks?
Because you are black yourself? Why should a black draw whites?

>> No.7074087

Nobody cares

I sure am
Literally just finished sucking 3 bbcs in a row before writing this. I'm autistic btw.

>> No.7074098
File: 349 KB, 581x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks nothing like the mr popo donut lips
racism rots your brain, makes you see shit thats not there

>> No.7074102

brb saving random photos of blacks people to my computer to argue about racism on the art board

>> No.7074105

God gave white people talent in many fields including art. If you're white, you are only obliged to draw your fellow whites. Any attempt on learning to draw humanoid creatures outside of maing fun of them is an attempt on defiling God's gift to our superior race, thus turning you a race traitor. Non-white "artists" don't exist btw, they're just white traitors that helps the devil into tricking our people into believing that these subhuman creatures are "equal" to us whites.

>> No.7074108
File: 248 KB, 796x1234, IMG_1163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you be racist to her, anons?

>> No.7074115
File: 1010 KB, 2511x1338, Golliwogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golliwogs are cute damn it! I don't get why anyone outside of whiny Americans give a shit about this stuff?
You guys can ban it, but let us have our fun!

They're cartoons. The shapes are simplified and abstracted. Not thinking critically also rots your brain.

>> No.7074118
File: 36 KB, 532x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shapes are simplified
No, the shapes are stylized to achieve a certain look (racist donut lips that makes them look less human)
Stop being deliberately obtuse, why are you doing mental hoops against this self-evident shit?

>> No.7074124

Blacks shouldn't draw. Who's going to pick my cotton?

>> No.7074126

>I'm autistic btw
Yeah I can tell

>> No.7074132

Okay so you know how a lot of /begs/ symbol draw according to you they're now racist, you americans are literally brainrotten.

>> No.7074138

>Draw normal human
>Add stupid baboon hair
>Make the skin BLACK

>> No.7074150

It appears anon’s answer is yes

>> No.7074158

Anon, I agree with you but this is clearly a bait thread to giggle about lel blacks yucky. Your effortposting is misplaced.
Hide thread and keep it moving.

>> No.7074159

Why do you draw anime? You’re not Japanese.

>> No.7074174

>makes them look less human
they're literally not even 100% homo sapiens
so they're doing the whole "look less human" thing themselves pretty well

>> No.7074178

Anime isn't based on real people though anon

>> No.7074222
File: 263 KB, 758x1646, How to draw Asian characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically said "more like." Neither of the negresses look exactly like any of the heads posted, and the person who drew them knows that. They just used the bottom two as extreme examples to validate them drawing black women without extremely black features. Like a Chinese person drawing a Chinese character with lemon-colored skin, slits for eyes, and buckteeth and then drawing a white girl with blunt bangs and saying the latter is the "correct" way to draw Asians. Obviously, neither is really the correct way to draw Asians, but there will be Asians who look closer to the caricature than to the idealized anime waifu version.

>> No.7074262

I will never understand this
What's wrong with the one on the right
Like fundamentally what is wrong about it
I don't see the point in being offended by this

what a weird hill to want to die on

>> No.7074270
File: 396 KB, 598x783, Garnet_GTTCG_Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SU did it and nobody cared lol.

>> No.7074273

Her lips are the top right method. What's your point?

>> No.7074277

The endpoints of the middle line don't meet with the top and bottom lines. They're donut lips.

>> No.7074278

nta but you're wrong

>> No.7074279

You're the only one that sees the donut
if it means that much to you, you can have it
your secret donut lips that nobody else knows about

>> No.7074317
File: 585 KB, 906x529, popo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, when you draw things in straight lines, they will look less donut shaped.
I'm glad you're learning a lot in 2nd grade

>> No.7074328

how are you so beg even your tracing looks bad

>> No.7074329

Because it's ugly

>> No.7074331

Yeah, it really just shows the retards that make these threads are retarded /beg/ shitposter. What the fuck is this?

>> No.7074349
File: 29 KB, 503x483, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7074362

>No, the shapes are stylized to achieve a certain look
Oh... so you could say they're Simplified? Abstracted? Rephrase it however you want, it's the same fucking thing. Even in your picrel, just go clockwise from top right and you'll see the shapes becoming simpler.

>racist donut lips that makes them look less human
Yes, and stick figures don't look human. Most cartoon characters don't look 'human'. The reason I mentioned the Golliwogs is because they're iconic cute characters, that are very simple designs (circle eyes, simple lips, almost like ginger bread men in shape but with hair).
Just admit it, the only reason you say that the 'doughnut lips' are bad is because of either America's history, or your arbitrary feelings. The Characters designs with them aren't automatically bad, and in fact, can be great, you're all just to butt-hurt to see that.

>why are you doing mental hoops against this self-evident shit?
Since I said I liked the golliwogs, it's apparently self-evident that doughnut lips rule and they should be the style of lips we exclusively draw from now on.

>> No.7074369
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1915, 2560px-Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_Four_Studies_of_a_Head_of_a_Moor_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7074377
File: 24 KB, 1500x1500, 186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER use these lips on black characters

>> No.7074383
File: 42 KB, 916x971, Theyronee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did i do :)

>> No.7074385
File: 908 KB, 602x702, 1619546313218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, >>7074317 much worse than
Tell me you're black without telling me

>> No.7074495

Every time I look at a nigger I think about that "SHIEEEEEET" meme, that's the correct way to draw niggers
Thankfully I refuse to draw shitskins so I have no problem getting things wrong

>> No.7074506

The caricature one looks cuter and has more personality

>> No.7074509

>being a /beg/ means you’re not black
Holy Based

>> No.7074514

>god really gave an entire race DSL

>> No.7074515

There is a huge difference between someone saying "I'm not fond of your style," and the slavering mob that the online sort of bp will whip up when they're bored and want to invent a racism. Just do not interact with them is all I'm saying.

>> No.7074517

no black person looks like this unless their genes have been dilluted

>> No.7074519

I don't have yellow fever but I find the asian eyes with their weirdly puffy eyelids hot as fuck. they give them this mysterious, sort of otherwordly stare you just don't get on caucasian women
I always draw a couple marks for the eyelids
Either way this kind of twitter post is just coded attention whoring, nothing in it has any meaning it's literally just CAW CAW GIVE ME LIKES but it's not polite to ask directly so they make shit up
Just the same as when some faggot acts all upset and claims he's closing his account over policies or some dumb shit, it's just CAW CAW to get more attention, the words in the posts mean nothing

>> No.7074524
File: 189 KB, 1000x1000, 1551810642648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skull structure of different races are different.
this cursed knowledge will let you draw other races but now you are racist.

>> No.7074533

I bet they just picked ugly white skulls for the afros just in case

>> No.7074538

where side view

>> No.7074541


>> No.7074663
File: 428 KB, 603x317, abo_vs_european.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aboriginal skull VS. European skull.
Same species btw

>> No.7074664

jeezus christ the one on the right
give me her @ please

>> No.7074697

god they have so much more space for brain.

>> No.7074700

It's why abbos are considered the smartest people in the world

>> No.7074702

the differences are quite subtle
i think the bigger differences come in when you have a live human

>> No.7074708

Anti-east Asian propaganda depicted them as being yellow and having slit eyes. You may not see anything wrong with how it looks today but its historical context that makes it racist. That being said, the one on the right has less appeal than the one on the left. Significantly less effort went into the eyes and the skin color is ugly. The one on the left also barely looks asian. Problems all around.

>> No.7074735
File: 1.84 MB, 1736x1019, skill eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry couldn't fine my good one.

>> No.7074765
File: 518 KB, 1224x1584, color and light (charlie pickard) p201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a guide to visualize the effects of dark skin on rendering technique

>> No.7074777

That bitch has a duck beak for lower lip. What an obnoxious design

>> No.7074791
File: 109 KB, 1754x744, 1708231477856200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op posts a guide in racial sensitivity that doesn't describe how to draw characteristics or skin tone
>Anon mistakes it for a how-to
The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.7074795

I don't draw black people because it's racist according to the wokes.

>> No.7074802
File: 702 KB, 577x1280, 1708311136957780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but genuinely that shit is just unnerving, I bet there is at least like 40 influencal abolitionists who came to oppose racism just because how fucking creepy minstrel and blackface shit looks

>> No.7074804

She is also a space rock with RED skin
>But she's voice by
Doesn't matter

>> No.7074806

I'm a nigger and I'm in your walls

>> No.7074807
File: 2.42 MB, 630x469, 1708355613011764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these all look the EXACT FUCKING SAME

>> No.7074808
File: 39 KB, 540x367, 638-642526934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7074814

I'm fused with the concrete.

>> No.7074825

Bottom left nigga is BUSTED

>> No.7074856

Americans and american-brained people are all mentally ill and will be killed in the incoming war.
If this is not a bait thread, to draw a black person you just need to learn to draw faces of existing people (like caricatures but not so heavily stylized). Something i see with alot of /beg/ /int/ artists, especially the ones that only draw anime, is that they can draw the face of characters that do not exist but cannot turn a real person into a cartoon, which is also why alot of times they develop same face syndrome.
By doing what i said you will notice easily what makes the face of a black person feel different than a white person.

If you want a easier responde however, its mostly the nose, the face structure and the lips, but you can draw black people without those features.

>> No.7074860

I wonder if face blindness extends to the skulls

>> No.7074864

animatrix's depiction of a black man in this edit is a good example of how to do stylized while retaining racial differences, imo. Thought it might be helpful as extra context.

>> No.7074870

Dude exposed himself as a beg, if you've been drawing a lot you train yourself to notice that kind of stuff

>> No.7074875

loomis teaches exactly this lol

>> No.7074883

>like caricatures but not so heavily stylized
The issue at hand is where is the line between stylization and a caricature, as a caricature portrayal of a black people can be taken as offensive. The fact that it appears to be arbitrary/different for each person complicates things further. I've witnessed online witch hunts on artists that drew blacks like the top right of the OP as well as sjw artists that draw blacks to look like Garnet steven universe get cancelled by other sjws. After that one artist from tubmler got harrassed to suicide I honestly chickened out and didn't draw blacks for years after that lmao. so the thread might as well not be bait

>> No.7074935

It heavily depends on the style, the video you posted skews a little more on realism so its easier to draw it since you just need to base it off on a real black dude
If you are making it more on a cartoonish way you will need something else, my solution was to make the faces slightly more squarish but that again depends on your art style
What you are thinking when i say caricature is those drawings that exaggerate some person feature to the extreme, what i mean is a basic cartoon
You will not be called racist for turning a black person into a basic cartoon character

>> No.7074939

Eh, it like hating a kewpie doll or something, it's personal taste. I can see why people might dislike the designs (outside of racial reasons), but I think they're cute.

>> No.7074941

bro have you never heard of Gloss

>> No.7074962

The real answer is that you have to draw them as really tanned white people with afro hair. Do anything else, and you're getting canceled.

>> No.7075045

>How do I learn to draw black people?
There is no reason to unless you're training to be a police sketch artist.

>> No.7075058
File: 177 KB, 829x570, Everything is Beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conventionally attractive

>> No.7075072


>> No.7075089

>Just do not interact with them
Absolutely. They're just dangerous animals to be avoided until ZOG is gone, then we get rid of them.

>> No.7075191
File: 64 KB, 409x428, Indignant ukiyo-e lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7075218
File: 843 KB, 1702x1778, redrawsuitguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I learn to draw black people?
Just draw a bunch of black people

>> No.7075259

Top jej

>> No.7075262

Man these Japanese are so racist against the Japanese

>> No.7075264


>> No.7075307

I refuse to learn on principle. If someone ever asks me why I don't draw them I have the excuse that I never learned to and don't want to be wrong/offensive, so even wokies leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.7075353

those are nothing alike retard

>> No.7075354

even the pastiest gooks don't have piss yellow skin like that

>> No.7075359

They're Simsoons.

>> No.7075362

Ironically abos might be more closely related to Europeans than certain other groups I could mention
It is not impossible that their current mental retardation is the product of acute dysgenics. Basically they went to Australia and they were fine for a while but eventually selection pressures straight up killed everyone with two brain cells to slap together
Evolution is not linear, and even outside of civilization it sometimes decides to flow backwards

>> No.7075372

Don't. You can do everything flawlessly, put insane amount of effort into being considerate and tasteful and get canceled by twitter mob regardless, losing prospects for work in the industry

>> No.7075496

>retard tries to fish for hypocrisy

>> No.7075499

>/beg/ can't understand how to use it as a how-to

>> No.7075515

What if I don't give a shit to work under some wokie corpo?

>> No.7075517

What? Do you want my approval or something? Retard

>> No.7075526

I didn't even think it was about lips for black characters until the last few words. People are insane.

>> No.7075527

>just draw a shaved gorilla
That's how to draw humans overall.

>> No.7075668
File: 26 KB, 826x1169, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all publicity is good publicity :^)

>> No.7075699

I will say a saving grace of Elon buying twitter is that getting canceled and getting banned are no longer synonymous

>> No.7075706

the yellow skin I can understand because it's just not true. By all means meds also have the 'yellowish' tone. But eyes are just true, and they draw those eyes themselves

>> No.7075712

You are a nobody nigga no one gives a shit about cancelling you

>> No.7075723
File: 313 KB, 1000x806, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begs symbol draw like lips on the right because that's a natural simplification of the lips, only boomer racists draw black people lips like "fish lips" on the left
>Even in your picrel, just go clockwise from top right and you'll see the shapes becoming simpler.
No you can't, the lips on the left and the lips on bottom right are both at the exact same level of complexity, the only difference is a conscious choice to make one of these look less humans by forgoing the distinction between the bottom and the upper lips. This is a completely erroneous counter-intuitive choice which is why you never see children draw this type of lips and is only an extremely informed choice by racist cartoonists

>> No.7075974
File: 1.02 MB, 985x739, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 17-50-00 Lascars (Round Da Way) Full Movie - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't do this don't do that blah blah blah
don't listen to anyone, ever, about anything

>> No.7076089

Just don't draw them.

>> No.7076187
File: 147 KB, 1326x854, races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Loomis

>> No.7076336

Thing is, blacks come in all shapes and sizes.

>> No.7076362
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, 1630980534828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7076415


>hurr durr, just draw whatever you like!!1!
Would you post loli/zoophilia/scat drawings on your facebook, where your family can see it?

If someone is serious about art enough to think about making money with it, then they'd be stupid to draw controversial subjects. Your art skill isn't the only thing people look at when hiring or looking to commission someone. Your reputation matters. It's much easier and safer to just avoid drawing negros instead of dealing with those overly sensitive and racists to other races people.

>> No.7076420
File: 25 KB, 480x360, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't see the difference between loli/zoophilia/scat and black people as subject matters?

>> No.7076424

Mister African American, care to explain to use why would you find this type of amusement worthy of wasting our intelligence and time?

>> No.7076432

I was replying to people who think you should draw whatever you want. Those extreme example shows that's not the case.

No, drawing your fetishes isn't like drawing blacks. But both can yield you negative consequences, just to different degrees and in this sense they are similar.

>> No.7076435

>I was replying to people who think you should draw whatever you want.
No you weren't.

>> No.7076436

Read this post again, slowly: >>7074063

>> No.7076439

>never draw something (innocuous like blacks) because someone (unreasonable) somewhere (america) might not like it

>> No.7076446


>> No.7076450
File: 129 KB, 1374x819, Screenshot 2024-02-27 003926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accentuating a person's unique features slightly above their racial characteristics helps keep the "omg racism" crowd quiet imo

the answer is always "just draw" though

>> No.7076460

This, because you're not going to have sameface determined by race. Some black people will have fuckhuge lips sure, but some have lips that are paper thin. Typical racial phenotypes are not a hard rule, just an average common grouping of features. Even that changes when you start to group them by region.

If you're doing fanart, you won't go wrong staying true to the shapes of the source material

You could also just not do it to not make an ass out of yourself if you really can't help making a Sambo character every time you force yourself to try. Some sjw types can nitpick and whine but nobody is losing their livelihood by simply not drawing blacks.

>> No.7076461

>the lips on the left and the lips on bottom right are both at the exact same level of complexity,
Now you're the one being obtuse. Clearly an oval and a line are simpler shapes than drawing the contours of the lips and such.

>kids drawings
Using kids as a source for anything is retarded. Stop.

>> No.7076467
File: 1.01 MB, 2539x1080, Champions_TLA27102021_still_4-min_2021-11-19-154929_rydy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7076496

most people here can only draw doritos chip anime girl face even if they wanted or not wanted to draw black people or any race for that matter

>> No.7076500

>killmonger hair
This is the black male equivalent of the generic dyke haircut

>> No.7076510

And it still looks tf good. Cry about it, nigga.
It's the one hairstyle the cumskins don't fuck up in character customizations and I'll be damned if you contrarians make them take it away.

>> No.7076527
File: 191 KB, 810x1200, 1619517428489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7076532

>entire troonime about a nigger who was nothing more than a slave and nobunigga's pet monkey

>> No.7076543

>You are a nobody
Projecting? Not everyone on this board is a nodraw like you, I live off of my art

>> No.7076555
File: 52 KB, 540x405, fuck_off_i_am_a_painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your reputation matters
lmao, only woke murrimutts care about this shit. Draw whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7076557

Good for you, keep living in fear of your "online friends" not paying you anymore because you choose the wrong tint of transparent.

>> No.7076564

HMMM: >>7076555

>> No.7076566

Alr bro

>> No.7076568

No, they're similar but not exactly the same. If you really see it that way you literally may have some sort of mental problem, solving it or at least being aware of it may help you descarcinize.

>> No.7076623
File: 185 KB, 1080x789, Toonari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it still looks tf good.
It's shit. Even other blacks are tired of seeing it everywhere. What we need is to bring back the Jerry Curl.

>> No.7076629

>One black said a thing you agree with so now they are the nigbassador™ of the internet
lmao even

It looks good, idc.
Jherricurls are for old people
styled locs are where it's at currently

>> No.7076631

Don't draw niggers, simple as that

>> No.7076644

very unique and witty
nobody else in the thread has said this

>> No.7076650

You sound like an NPC, bro.

>> No.7076689

You would have zero issues if you knew how to draw black people. That's just a clear skill issue on your part.

>> No.7076701

Nigga was 100% right though, I too have NEVER seen that hairstyle in real life. Atleast people wore jheri curls and all the various other hairstyles for blacks, noone wears that cut of dreads.

>> No.7076713
File: 47 KB, 822x856, nog08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7076718
File: 1.54 MB, 1385x924, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an anonymous forum user, I very well could just be a very ambitious cat-bot for all you know.
Idc if it helps but I'm inviting you to my genitals behind my keyboard btw.

No shot
I see it all the time with young people highschoolers to college age kids. I have NEVER seen a Jherri curl in the wild outside of a 80's movie. Picrel is the fate you're trying to sentence niggas to. I won't go back. I will take the killmonger drip every time over this greasy shit. If this has to be our version of the cumskinned, brown haired soldier mc then so be it.

>> No.7076732

I'm not black, so any product I make (drawings,cartoon) wouldn't feature blacks.
I have no desire to please blacks by drawing them in my products or drawing them in the "correct" way they order people to.

>> No.7076742

To draw blacks, draw blacks from reference.
If you get accused of racism for using medium-brown when the Xitter mob wanted you to use medium-dark-brown, reframe your accusers as your advertisers and ride the publicity wave.

>> No.7076751
File: 36 KB, 602x400, sideview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the coolest experiences I've had with learning anatomy was learning how different skull shapes really are.
no wonder asian faces look the way they do when the cheekbones and eye cavities are that far forward. with blacks, the brow is generally less pronounced, the top of the head is flatter, the overall skull shape is more elongated and the mouth bulges out in front more.
all on average, of course. there are differences between the skull and skeletal structure between individuals as well.

>> No.7076785

>or drawing them in the "correct" way they order people to.
you realize most of the people yelling at artists on twitter are bored white "allies" right?

>> No.7076788

need the girl on the right's @

>> No.7076803

>theres no difference between drawing zoophilia, lolis and black people
Brain damaged

>> No.7076886

>theres no difference between drawing zoophilia, lolis and black people
>implying there is

>> No.7076908


>> No.7076909

Americhimps when they havent chimped out over black people on the internet for more than 2 hours can show clear signs of distress

>> No.7077128

>scat and black people
Same end result

>> No.7077141
File: 115 KB, 1600x900, FvdtQzxWcAEm6yS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077142
File: 3.41 MB, 2550x3150, MEL STANDALONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lips/Nose/Hair + also be mindful of how you apply shine/shadows in certain places
>pic related 2021
Most recent 2024 example I have of my own is Rule34 so this'll do for now

Don't let faggots/black-twitter scare you, draw.

>> No.7077144
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, FvfBHdgXoAAGSO-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077151
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>> No.7077175

Shinda I haven't seen you post in a while. Have I just been going to the wrong threads or what?

>> No.7077181
File: 93 KB, 827x827, darius rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy bro I literally JUST came back to /ic/ like an hour ago after being away for what, 2 years?

I'll try to post more often/consistently here now, but yeah bro I was gone and just came back today!

>> No.7077185

>Draw normal human
Anon, do you think you look like an anime character and not an ugly sack of shit?

>> No.7077199

Ah shit, I fucking KNEW you weren't posting, but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of my head like "maybe you just keep missing posts or something" lol. Good to see you back, were you just crazy busy with commissions?

>> No.7077220
File: 85 KB, 722x800, FvdNVveXsAAZbaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077255
File: 23 KB, 275x300, Jynx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't call them black as other anons have suggested.

>> No.7077260

Becuase your telling me not to do it. The only reason to draw is to rebel against the status quo.

>> No.7077267

A lot of it is young leftie blacks girls and zestalicious black men as well.

>> No.7077283
File: 319 KB, 1600x1248, coony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw 'em in an interesting way.

>> No.7077286

No they don't. If they look similar then you are too fucked in the head for us to help you. Also, plenty of artists draw black female character with lips like related. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.7077294

Quite a bit of them may have been fans of those things/that look.

>> No.7077309 [DELETED] 

Less ugly than a fucking NIGGER

>> No.7077335
File: 109 KB, 1125x965, Fvdg5qXWAAAWHOq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077380

Sounds like cope

>> No.7077381

s*mbo lips are really cute desu

>> No.7077384

the top two look more like dark skinned asians than black

>> No.7077409


>> No.7077412
File: 96 KB, 600x1000, NWordPassRevoked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I was thinking. If you can change the hue, and it changes their race, you aint black!

>> No.7077420
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1651521886303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077519

Gross! What a scary thread when I am forced to keep looking at niggers! Crazy how even the art world would benefit if they did everyone the courtesy of ceasing to exist.

>> No.7077570


>> No.7077744

>that virtue signaled all the time
I must have missed that video. He seemed pretty non-politically-correct to me when I watched him. Guy does love drawing niggers though

>> No.7077760

Almost all American illustration instruction default to drawing Blacks now. The fuck does OP want? Get all Japanese Korean drawing manuals to draw black people??

>> No.7077890

Just draw actual people from africa from different African countries. Then stylize it how you want. Not hard. Do a caricature for all I care. Just apply whatever your style logic is to black people.

It's when you try too hard to fit what 'black' is that you end up with caricatures. You can try looking in various black fashion trends in the past and present from both indigenous and diaspora african cultures.
There isn't a right way to draw black people, same as there isn't a right way to draw Asians or whites.

>> No.7078074
File: 1.63 MB, 1500x1941, BLACK PANTHER THOR jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL all good brother and thanks it's good to BE back <3

And yes, both commissions and growing my Patreon/Twitter, I'm pretty much never NOT drawing since it's also my career now. About to reopen comms again in a few hours but for Patrons only so I don't get swarmed lmao, been good overall though brah hope you're also drawing and doing well!

>> No.7079576
File: 322 KB, 458x310, Screenshot (571).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it fit the style no one will complain

>> No.7079615

This anon is correct, there is a huge difference.

Doesn't generate offspring, just a fetish, might even look nice if it's lightweight furshit.
Doesn't generate offspring, sexy.
>black people
Generates dysgenic offspring, looks disgusting, a very dangerous fetish to indulge.

>> No.7079622


Ignore all of those retarded tutorials by faggots and fat bitches and learn human anatomy, which means the names of the muscles and bones

>> No.7079681

idk I hate drawing ugly things

>> No.7079729

You are not funny

>> No.7079731

I agree with you, he isn't. Nothing funny about miscegenation

>> No.7079734

how is middle school going for you?

>> No.7079739

You think they teach that word in middle school? I work in IT my friend. Reminder to not use company property to watch your cuck porn.

>> No.7079741

Thats tough buddy, being 12 sucks for everyone

>> No.7079946

I'm not trying to be funny, I'm merely stating reality.
But sure, anything that isn't black worship is a shitpost in your coon lobes, must be tough to reconcile it with rational thoughts.
All three anons (plus another dozen ITT who stated the same) are merely joking, you enjoying ugliness are the actually serious person.

>> No.7080107 [DELETED] 

Being 12 sucks much worse when you're 12, White and in a school full of half-feral niggers with room temperature IQs that have been six foot since they were 10, smell like a morgue where the power's been out all morning and the only thing stopping these fucking animals jumping on you is that they're more interested in being aggressive to the morbidly obese retard-colored hair teacher running the shitshow she calls a classroom, so you take every possible opportunity to fucking escape and spend your time drawing in your sketchbook hidden under some fucking stairs (until you have to move because one of the ferals wants to film some fucking CP starring himself there!)
Not surprised you wouldn't get it! Few! Few!

>> No.7080117

>doesn’t realize that he hates poors, not blacks
living in a shitty neighborhood means that you’ll interact with shitty people. mid and upper class blacks don’t like them either

>> No.7080122

>Doesn't realize this "they need education and economic opportunities!" spiel has been comprehensively debunked a thousand times over already
They're poor because they're black

>> No.7080125

I don't consider mid and upper class black "niggers". They certainly can be, but the same reason I see a difference between white trash Billy Lee in the trailer park, and Chad and Thad Worthington playing polo.
They have the potential to be white trash if something goes awry, much like blacks can revert back to niggers.
Also why are we arguing? Unless you're a nigger who cares, we should be drawing

>> No.7080261

Trying too hard

>> No.7080394
File: 40 KB, 200x240, Shaka_(Middle)_(Civ3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread OP mentions black people
>200+ replies
How did they cause so much seethe?

>> No.7080413

The white savior artists need to defend the 1 or 2 black people on /ic/, who aren't even in this thread
But I think the bigger issue is, no one wants to draw

>> No.7080426

americans get really mad and distressed when black people are mentioned

>> No.7080964

Half the thread is people getting pissed about racism like you

black people are fine but it should be fine to be racist too.

>> No.7081458

As i said, mad and distressed

>> No.7081529
File: 92 KB, 620x712, 51ca175cb0714.preview-620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think donut lips are inherently racist. But they're SUUUUUPER lazy, and unnecessary in most cases. They don't even look good, and typically those rounded lips are meant to appear clownish. It's one thing to draw a character with big lips, and another thing to draw them looking like literal clowns.

I think the old show fat albert finds a nice middle ground. It's cartoony-goofy without relying on lazy blackface symbolism.

>> No.7081741

hey what is a beg

>> No.7081760

funnily enough people who draw loli and scat shit probably make more than those who only draw white aryan shit

>> No.7081769

>people who draw fetish coom make more money than people who dont
You subscribe to Duh magazine?

>> No.7081774

nobody is losing their job over a cub rape drawing Nigger

>> No.7081973

pools closed

>> No.7081984 [DELETED] 

I think it's hilarious that the wokies have destroyed all good faith depictions of black people in media to such a great extent that I can't even LOOK at drawings of black characters anymore and feel like I'm not being preached at.

It's actually kind of tragic how far back the left has put race relations. I used to draw black characters until all this shit kicked off, now i just stay away from them. They're a forbidden subject now.

>> No.7082039

Exactly how I feel and I'm not even white.

>> No.7082048

There are ton of insecure losers on this board who have take it on somebody in order to not feel so shit about themselves.

>> No.7082050

>I can't even LOOK at drawings of black characters anymore and feel like I'm not being preached at.

You know you felt that way before, stop bullshitting.

>> No.7082083

>tfw you project onto an entire board on a finnish sauna forum

>> No.7082152

youre fighting invisible people schizophrenic bitch, nobody whos well-adjusted cares if you draw a nigger or not

>> No.7082166 [DELETED] 

You wish. I don't fit in racially, I'm one of those mixed mongrels, Thai and spic.
I grew up loving characters like Blade. Some of the earliest art I ever drew was of Barret from FF7. Almost all of the stand up comedy I watched was black comedians, most of my friends were black. The shift from seeing black people as multidimensional people with a distinct history to an amorphous blob of political signaling was engineered. I can't even depict my own fucking race in my drawings without feeling dirty. Where did this shame complex come from? It wasn't there before the "culture war."


Nobody online is well adjusted, least of all artists and the people who follow them.

>> No.7082194

nta but I'm with you. I'm a happa, I just draw everyone white. Anything diverse these days feels forced, I'd rather just not deal with it.

>> No.7082278

Donut lips are pure soul.
So are squinty never-opening eyes.
I love both but I just put them on white characters these days, avoid the trouble.

>> No.7082312 [DELETED] 

White is definitely safer. Most demographics will accept white characters without a fuss, the only ones screaming about them are extremist minority groups who despise whites and actively undermining/warping the perception of non-whites in the culture. You don't want them as your audience because they will treat you like garbage.

White characters = for everyone.
Minority characters = only for the insane, and they will eat you if you fail to depict them perfectly, so don't even fucking bother.

If they wanted more minority characters they would stop telling people who draw them to kill themselves for daring to draw lips too big. It's like you have to go down a goddamn checklist with these insane fucks.

Is she black? Well then, what kind of clothes does she wear? It has to be *just* the right kind of clothing. IT can't be too sexual or you;re sexualizing her, it can't be too baggy or you're implying she's poor and plain and that normalizes the perception of blacks as impoverished second class citizens. If her skin tone is light brown, that's racist, because darker skin tones are the only ones that should be represented due to a history of oppression against darker skinned blacks. Make sure all accessories are accurate to her heritage, don't overplay her African-ness, don't under play it either. Make sure the character's lips are precisely [insert absurd measurements] here otherwise you're a racist. Don't draw her chin too big, but don't make it too pointy either, that can be seen as racist! Make sure her forehead is [insert phrenological reading of black people's skull structure here.]

It just goes on and fucking on and fucking on. Can't give them a big ass, can't give them a small ass otherwise you're warping "black beauty standards" by "whitewashing proportions."

Just say no to black hoes.

>> No.7082432

Donut Lips are better then Duck lips, there.

>> No.7082436
File: 505 KB, 504x650, gary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just say no to black hoes.
Words to live by

>> No.7082496

You're being a bitch. There's pretty much 1 rule they enforce: and that's don't draw blackface. Other than that, you can get away with pretty much anything.

>> No.7082500


>> No.7082508

Why are you directing me to the asian issue, when I was commenting on the black issue.

>> No.7082509
File: 528 KB, 1200x1200, Esvfp4JXYAowYEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7082510

Some characters are allowed to have the lips

>> No.7082513

>there's only 1 rule they enforce
>here's another
>hurr that doesn't have to do with niggers so its not a rule
I'm tired, you're a nigger, goodnight

>> No.7082518

Obviously my statement made toward the post complaining about black characters, and what you can or can't get away with involving black characters, was about black characters.

All you have to do, is remember 1 rule for black characters. So what if other races have different rules? You can't remember more than 1 rule? How do you manage to draw anything, if you can't retain more than 1 scrap of information?

>> No.7083505

Slave mentality, we're artists, not employees.

>> No.7084086

he looks dope
would hang with/10

>> No.7084215

honestly as a black person i kinda like the sausage lips it depends on the design and art style

>> No.7084219

Noooo! You cant say that, I've been in this thread giving (you)'s to everyone who said that! I'm defending your people, and your internalized racism! Delete this post and let me do the talking

>> No.7084275
File: 433 KB, 900x1200, a009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw them like this

>> No.7084282

I’m like the only black guy here on this board and >>7073612 was my only post before ignoring it on the catelog. I reopened it expecting what I expected. I don’t know you people bother making fun of blacks when you’re just talking to thin air and a brick wall. The small amount of blacks here (me and literally probably 1 more) only care about cute anime girls and if they happen to have dark skin, cool.

It’s the same with /pol/ when they argue about ghetto thugs. The thugs aren’t in the same room as you, they’re too busy banging your high school crush. You can be as racist (although you shouldn’t because that’s against the global rules) as you want, I and Steve over there don’t care.

>> No.7084294

Hello my highly estimated, melanin-rich fellow, could you introduce me to you female friends? Only the cute ones, of course

>> No.7084295
File: 197 KB, 676x537, B_art009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7084311

I have no friends in general.

>> No.7084319

Don't worry about it my nigga, if it wasn't black or whatever they would pick some shit about chinks or kikes or crackers or whatever fuckin' else

>> No.7084322

Don't worry my nigga, we can be hommies and go fuck some hoes

>> No.7084338

>they’re too busy banging your high school crush
Lmao even the weeb nogs have the same mentality as regular nogs. Cant take the monkey out the jungle

>> No.7084452

>only care about cute anime girls and if they happen to have dark skin, cool.
i want cute black anime boys

>> No.7084479

if you ignore the history entirely, it looks kind of cute.

>> No.7084484
File: 3.12 MB, 1500x3325, Keesha Concept 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only post this because I think it would be a good idea

>> No.7084501

nigger there are zero black features on either of those faces. At the very least they're flat and round like real asians are

>> No.7084512

would hang/10*

>> No.7084595

>racist, caricature eyes
>the cunt has the same eyes, if not even
I will never not laught at this

>> No.7084685

Back to meds, 18yo.

>> No.7084691

you don’t. I had a friend who studied native, American history, and I want to ask them how to write a Native American story, or draw Native American. He said there’s absolutely no right way to do it because some native or not will take it offensively. It’s absolutely impossible. alternatively, and probably the best thing to do, is to just draw a black person or whoever you want to draw, do it, how you think you should do it, and not worry about how others will perceive it, because it will be impossible to appease everyone

>> No.7084737
File: 48 KB, 299x272, 1700823699745645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7086738

kys disgusting underage nigger lovers

>> No.7086797

Its good, i like it quite a lot
Great job

>> No.7086970
File: 99 KB, 600x513, bigbonyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7086999

hey darius anon whats up

>> No.7087030
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, 1696710736021908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the red donut lips were made specifically because niggers have giant lips that were coloured differently than their face. they also gave them pitch black skin. it was a comedic exaggeration in the olden days and it made everyone laugh because everyone knew the reference

>> No.7088627

>unless your character is wearing make-up this can give the illusion of ashy/unmoisturized lips

yeah and? I've known people with those lips.

>> No.7088963

I have never seen so much criticism on how a race should be represented other than from blacks. They are so particular about their "repruhsentashun" that they have fully convinced me I will NEVER draw them if I can help it.

>> No.7088964

i will rape all of them and make them my boy sluts

>> No.7089041

it's because she's smiling. when you smile your eyes get scrunched up and become smaller.

>> No.7089065

And in the two drawings, the girl is smiling too.

>> No.7089587

The guy from "Keesha Concept 1" here, One thing I will admit, I don't say much for things like >>7088964 said, but for creative reasons I end up refusing to draw not only black men but other genotypes that honestly, aren't really in my interests when it comes to representing a male figure, I'm "democratic with women and bishonen only"

>> No.7089595

Not my eyes chang, in fact my brow raises.

Laughing is different, I def get chink eyes when laughing, that is universal

>> No.7089598

Are you sure it’s actually black people and not some white girl from Boston speaking on behalf of black women*? I use * because I highly doubt black men give a shit.

>> No.7089603

What’s wrong with Donut lips?

>> No.7089645

>What's funny is that this shit is unintentionally racist because there are plenty of black women with lips more like the two no's
yes they are so plentiful you had to go to some obscure fetish website specifically designed for that niche to find an image of one.

>> No.7089663

Honestly, even if you disregard the racist history, its just fucking ugly. And nobody likes to look at ugly shit

>> No.7089668

We wuz kangz

>> No.7089700

Jesus Kristus big lips are ugly.

>> No.7089715

>disregard the racist history
How dare you! We can never disregard (certain) history! Everything humanity ever does needs to be viewed through a historic lens. If it offends any proud BIOPICs, then it must be fixed

>> No.7089726

Trying too hard

>> No.7089846

Nigger, finding pictures of people who aren't either models or grotesque Quasimodos on Google in 2024 is not an easy task, if you type black woman or black woman lips or man holding cup or any fucking shit, all you'll get are boring Shutterstock corpogay slop pictures, there's no way to get a sample of regular, plain people from search engines anymore. It's all symbol thinking and products for sale.

>> No.7089848

It's used for comedic effect, people love looking at Shrek despite him being ugly, for instance.

>> No.7089921

Yes they are blacks typing this entitled shit, because I see it coming from their accounts. Not everything bad is white people you little drone.

>> No.7091000

>tf good
What the fuck does "tf" stand for in this context? Stupid nigger.