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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 476x744, 1703806243766440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7072407 No.7072407 [Reply] [Original]

I've quit thrice in the past and i havent made that much progress during either of my attempts so i feel stupid trying to get into it again.
I do want to it just makes me feel a ton of shame and anxiety whenever i do.
I'm not asking for advice because there's literally nothing here to adviae upon other than
>Just draw
>Power through
>Set a minimum of one minute
Sry a good thread had to die for this.
I hope i'll finally get through this and start working tomorrow.

>> No.7072408


>> No.7072410


>> No.7072415

Forget about progressing or getting better,
Just draw what you like, when you want.
Do what you feel is engaging.
Don't torture yourself with practice schedules.

>> No.7072417

>when you want
I would do 0 work then because its a dopamine deficient hobby and i get anxious just thinking about it.
It may become fun in the future but i need to power through at first or else i'll never do anything.

>> No.7072421
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>> No.7072423

Won't happen again. Sorry.

>> No.7072425

We need to bring back the vent/confessions threads. So people had a place to post their thoughts that really doesnt need a new thread.

>> No.7072429
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>> No.7072430

I will change it up starting tomorrow. This is the last whine thrrad i'll ever make.
I'll just stfu and draw

>> No.7072431


>> No.7072432

technically that’s wct

>> No.7072433

This time i mean it for real.
I can swear to you this is the last time.

>> No.7072440
File: 380 KB, 854x480, cat licking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better

>> No.7072442

Have we met before off 4chan?
I recognize the catposts.
If we did then this is really embarassing because you would've seen me say the exact same shit five months ago.
I'm so glad this is the last one.

>> No.7072443

Why would you even want to do something that;s not engaging to you?
That's some dumb shit like forcing yourself to play a game or something.

>> No.7072447

>Why would you even want to do something that;s not engaging to you?
My head gets ideas that i then want to realize.
Idk if this is passion or whatever there's just like four things that i'd really like to draw and to learn how to do that i'd have to learn the skill in general.
Also it is engaging it just loses when compared to how easy it is to extract dopamine from beating off and family guy clips.

>> No.7072448
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>I'm so glad this is the last one

>> No.7072450

Its gotta end someday and i'm choosing today to be that.

>> No.7072452
File: 3.24 MB, 343x498, 1645657372837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been cat posting since the beginning of time, whoever you're talking about was copying ME.

>> No.7072454

Thats a relief because if i were right i would've gotten ridiculed and shittalked for not having done anything for the past half a year.

>> No.7072455
File: 339 KB, 1536x1536, FGsUFrnXoAYIlW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of making a thread you could've picked up the pen and the paper. But you didn't. Therefore you won't do it tomorrow. If you had wanted to do it then you would've done it tonight.

>> No.7072456
File: 8 KB, 445x582, just draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been catposting since the beginning of time. We are many.

>> No.7072461

I was going to but it was far too late to do anything of substance.
I decided to postpone it till tomorrow.
Also that's a defeatist attitude.
>If you were to do it you would've already done it
Basically means thst
>You'll never do it unless you already have
I can also make it s reality by judt drawing tomorrow so it doesnt matter what you say
Closing the thres now sry for shitting up the catalog.

>> No.7072462
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>but it was far too late
How convenient. Just like all the times ever when you made these threads.

>> No.7072464

Doesn't matter so long as i break do it tomorrow. Nothing stops me from being able to do that

>> No.7072466

Do it NOW. You are trapped in the forever loop. Do it now or do it never.

>> No.7072467
File: 102 KB, 718x854, 1687384868726066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think less about what people think about you and more about how you're actively sabotaging yourself.

>> No.7072469

2:30AM and i'm in my bed
All i do is think

>> No.7072470

>2:30AM and i'm in my bed
How convenient.

>> No.7072473

Its the facts. I'll do it literally the first tging tomorrow. Nothing stops me from that

>> No.7072475

>Nothing stops me from that
You're going to stop yourself. You will find a way. You always do.

>> No.7072478

Closing thread now. Gn and sorry.
WILL do it tomorrow.

>> No.7072479

Sure, buddy.

>> No.7072486

Ah yes, the vent threads. The ones regularly over taken by the most pathetic suicidal faggot crabs trying to talk as many other people as they can into killing themselves with them so they won't die alone.

I do miss those.

>> No.7072489

Well then what am i supposed to do? If i just do nothing then i'll do nothing and there won't be a way or hope for sny other outcome.

>> No.7072490

Shame? Why shame?
Do you draw porn too?
It's okay to be a piece of shit. I've thrived on being a piece a shit for the past 20 years. The only thing you have to sacrifice is your dignity. Once it's gone, you will never miss it trust me just draw.

>> No.7072491

That's pretty much water cooler at this point but tards like OP want their own special thread because they want attention. Actually, seems like there's been more whining attention seeking crybabies in every thread now.

>> No.7072492

>said he's closing the thread
>doesn't close it
>says he will do it tomorrow
>doesn't do it

>> No.7072499

>Do you draw porn too?
No. I'm just ashamed of procastrinating fot several years and no good reason.
My skills are still at a pre,-beg symbol drawing bs so i don't even feel like i havent made any progress despite tormenting myself with this maybe-working for a long while.

>> No.7072501

I will and am

>> No.7072659

> because there's literally nothing here to adviae upon other than

There is. Life is grinding. Simple as.
Your anxiety is irrelevant. So what if you feel it? If you're afraid of feeling emotions you're already dead.
I'm getting into it myself and I haven't really drawn since childhood lol. I've improved massively on various features (eyes, lips, hands, etc), but rn struggling with skulls, but I'll get that done as well with practice + various approaches. Stop avoiding it and just do it.

>> No.7072663

Ai makes drawing pointless. It's a dead skill.

>> No.7072664

A.I. is soulless

>> No.7072678

I'm not going to convince you otherwise. Less competition is good.

>> No.7072988
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pyw at least? If you quit 3 times then you should have made significant progress 3 times.

>> No.7073073

I said in the op that i havent made significant progress during any of my attempts.
I dom't wanna post my work because it'll be associated with a whine thread forever. Sufficiwnt to say i'm not very good, basically a pre-beg level.

>> No.7073075

I miss x months schizo

>> No.7073089

I will be drawing shortly.

>> No.7073092

They said the same thing about martial arts when guns were invented
"Its a dead skill"
Like you know shit AIjeet you can't even make a toilet

>> No.7073096


>> No.7073099

>dopamine deficient hobby
stop playing video games for like 5 days and don't watch internet media
you'll stop making this dumb excuse and find drawing fun just from the sheer boredom alone you had before

>> No.7073102

The >>7072415 anon is right.
>I would do 0 work then because its a dopamine deficient hobby and
You make it diamine deficient by having unrealistic expectations and pessuring yourself for not meeting then
>i get anxious just thinking about it.
exactly because of your perfectionism and expectations of result and not doing what feels fun at the moment
>It may become fun in the future but i need to power through at first or else i'll never do anything.
again - that's your perfectionism and unrealistic expectations speaking
they mask themselves as a solution but they're the cause of the problem

>> No.7073103

Still not drawing but i will.
I have 8 hours left and my goal is to do at least two.

>> No.7073105

if you actually have a desire to draw, you will draw eventually

>> No.7073107

Or i never will and keep bitching until i'm a hundred and two years old. That's a possibility as well.
I guess it's up to me to avoid that though.

>> No.7073113

Your rational brain has a very bad idea of what really should be done to actually learn.
Would a child plan their language acquisition curriculum?
Be like a child, dumdum, see that your strategy failed three times and learn at least for the fourth time to do things differently - to do what feels engaging and not what you think is right.
Your ideas about what is right clearly failed you, time to do it differently.

Be compassionate towards yourself, be humane, do not expect superhuman feats and dont beat yourself to the level of dirt. Dont be neither ubermensch nor untermensch. Be a human and remind yourself every time you'll have perfectionistic tendencies that you're only human. You're limited in both good and bad. You're imperfect. And it is absolutely alright. Let yourself be imperfect, give yourself the right to be an imperfect human being.

>> No.7073127

All of my previous failures didn't lie in strategy but personal failings(inability to stick around without instant success)
Humans can do a lot and i haven't sone nothing at all.

>> No.7073147

It's 6 PM.

>> No.7073163

I woke up three hours ago so its not that late.

>> No.7073173


>> No.7073188

Will do but i'm not posting my work becaue i don't want it to be associated with my whine bullshit.
If i stop replying you can assume i've drawn and its all over.

>> No.7073229

I hate jannies more than anything

>> No.7073241


>> No.7073356

did he draw?

>> No.7073359
File: 18 KB, 1200x630, hitogami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like art. You like the idea of making art. But you are creative. You want an outlet for your creativity. Fear not, child. For there are many other outlets to display your creative talents. You just haven't found the right one. Give up on drawing. Pursue another creative medium, if just as much creative freedom. Like writing. Go pick up a pen and paper and begin writing. If you start learning now, you'll become a best selling author later. Continuing to pursuit aren't further will only cause you to regret it later. Become a writer, anon.

>> No.7073366

He didn't. As always. He never draws.

>> No.7073413

Tried writing and it went even worse than drawing lol.
Also none of my art issues are with the medium itself. Its all about work ethic and mentality which do not change with time at all.
I did but nothing worth showing. I'm just going through Loomis again so i did the goofy heads from the very beginning. On a break cureently but i plan to do an hour more for today.

>> No.7073416

>nothing worth showing

>> No.7073419

I don't want anything i draw to be associated with a whiner thread sorry.

>> No.7073544


>> No.7073547

i just sat down to it but my pen is out of charge due to the fact that i haven't touched it in months.
I'll draw an ant 20 mins from now when it has some charge.

>> No.7073560


>> No.7073591
File: 121 KB, 1024x565, Shitty ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i'm bad as fuck at this.
Back to Loomis. Not gonna post anything like that ever again though seeing as my procastrination streak is done.

>> No.7073600

I should postpone anything digital this feels like shit to work with.
Idk its way harder to put stuff where i want it to be when i'm not physically touching down on a piece of paper

>> No.7073604
File: 37 KB, 864x861, 1538805300215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted something! Nice. :) Good job!
Yes, just grab pen and paper. It's much nicer anyways.

>> No.7073827

No, and you're going to learn it the hard way or not learn it at all.

>> No.7073831

>I'm just going through Loomis again
Must be so enjoyable.

>> No.7074076

I thought this was a good Kaguya thread.

>> No.7074168

It is