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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 168 KB, 585x995, 1706292550131643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7066513 No.7066513 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on tracing?

>> No.7066515

more like gaycing

>> No.7066518


>> No.7066523

Tracing is a tool.
Copying is a tool.
Referencing is a tool.
Prompting is a tool.

>> No.7066525
File: 22 KB, 480x497, 1638044897037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking 2 drawing of people living in sin and turn them into a wholesome family

>> No.7066528

can you get aids from tracing gay stuff?

>> No.7066529

What do you expect? It's a chinese brand.

>> No.7066534

I thought you guys said you preferred human art over AI? Well, here you have it.

>> No.7066544

No, none of those are tools. They're all actions, you tool.

>> No.7066545

I actually half suspect it is AI, to be honest.
If they're going to draw some elements, why trace/copy others?

>> No.7066546

I do prefer getting mad at humans

>> No.7066549
File: 90 KB, 588x575, 1702893876702353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7066554

>someone copies or references your work
>people exstatic, love it. "Inspired by [my favorite artist]!" gladly announced below the piece of work
>artist usually comments on a "job well done! Love it too!"

>someone even remotely slightly inspired by your work
>gets fucking witch hunted and torn a new asshole because he dared to use the same brush as you did

conceptart.org was right all along and crimson daggers was right too. we don't need to gatekeep less, we need to gatekeep FAR more

>> No.7066557

>family day
stop making holidays up wtf

>> No.7066561

tracing is literally illegal

>> No.7066562

Holidays are very good for the economy and social upkeep actually. We need more holidays, not less.

>> No.7066563

>someone even remotely slightly inspired by your work
Did you even look at the images?

>> No.7066567
File: 81 KB, 946x720, 5906559548547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing in art is a topic that evokes strong opinions and can be seen as controversial. Some artists view tracing as a tool to save time and speed up the art-making process, particularly when working with detailed subjects or when time is a critical factor. They argue that tracing can be used to establish the basic structure of a piece, which can then be enhanced with the artist's own skills in composition, color, and treatment of the subject.

Others believe that tracing is cheating and unfair to artists who draw and paint freehand. They argue that tracing can be seen as a shortcut that undermines the value of an artist's own drawing skills and originality. Some artists feel that if someone traces an entire piece, they are not truly creating art, but simply reproducing another artist's work.

There are also those who feel that tracing is not inherently bad, but it should be used responsibly and not as a substitute for learning and practicing drawing skills. They suggest that tracing can be a valid part of an artist's process, especially when used to establish the basic structure of a piece and then enhanced with the artist's own skills.

In summary, the use of tracing in art is a subjective matter that depends on the artist's intent, the context in which it is used, and the community's perception of what constitutes art. It is important for artists to consider the ethical implications of their use of tracing and to understand that while it can be a practical tool, it should not be seen as a replacement for the development of personal drawing skills.

>> No.7066570

Whoa there xir, we its currently Black history month, then after that we have
>Agender Pride Day
>Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
>Asexual Awareness Week
>Bisexual Awareness Week
>Day of Silence
>International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
>International Pronouns Day
>International Transgender Day of Visibility
>Intersex Awareness Day
>Lesbian Visibility Day
>LGBT Pride Month
>National Coming Out Da
>Non-Binary Awareness Week
>Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
>Transgender Awareness Week
>Transgender Day of Remembrance
>World AIDS Day
>tf when these are all real

>> No.7066572

thank you, chatgpt

>> No.7066587

But it's clearly not traced, they are not the same images

>> No.7066589

Kek, the copied version is nicer to the eye and less cluttered

>> No.7066590
File: 274 KB, 585x330, They're the same couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that they're the same couple before the woman became a man, so instead of dumping her gay ass, he became gay which is why he painted his hair and wear pink now.
Basically he loves her as a person instead of her gender.

>> No.7066591

Nothing in there is traced though

>> No.7066593

Yes, a traced image is not the same image as what it was traced from. What's your point?

>> No.7066599
File: 1.32 MB, 1510x816, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7066604

I heard T makes woman extra horny, so I don't exactly blame him for staying.

>> No.7066605

at least there's no niggers
so I'll let it slide

>> No.7066606

hello retard. what the fuck do you think you are showing here?

>> No.7066615

You can quite literally see the traced/copied elements next to, and overlapping, each other. You're only proving that you're wrong... and retarded.
Wrong and Retarded.

>> No.7066623

Damn, didn't know you could copyright an entire style
I guess all anime is just traced from eachother and anything made with paints on canvas is just traced work

>> No.7066645

are you retards seriously replacing your own opinions with chatgpt copy pasta?

>> No.7066654

Overall, the argument against not using AI revolves around the potential benefits it offers in terms of efficiency, insight, innovation, safety, and accessibility. By embracing AI technologies responsibly and ethically, individuals and organizations can harness their transformative potential to drive positive change and unlock new opportunities for growth and development.

>> No.7066675

your brain is also a tool so please use it before posting

>> No.7066682
File: 58 KB, 1079x798, 658799766e3348060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem, friendo

>are you retards seriously replacing your own opinions with chatgpt copy pasta?
why should i even waste brain power aswering dumb questions?
you're the retard

>> No.7066687

>nooo, you have to answer all the 50000 threads abotu tracing, all the 100 gazillion "how do i draw" and "how do i improve" threads, you have to answer seriously to every dumbass thread made for the gazzlionth time!!! REEEEEEEE

pls learn to use more than 3 brain cells anon
and touch grass

>> No.7066695

NPC detected

>> No.7066697

are you an idiot?

>> No.7066706

>why should i even waste brain power
>Implying you had any to begin with

>> No.7066709
File: 137 KB, 720x688, 1707905377267068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I see, so you're suggesting that I should just let my brain mold in the corner, never to be used. It's like telling a violinist to stop playing. I'm not sure how that's any better for anyone involved."

>> No.7066761
File: 178 KB, 478x531, IMG_4435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks at xp pen unironically based for this

>> No.7066778
File: 837 KB, 872x828, Screenshot 2024-02-19 142746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's clearly not traced
That is true...

>> No.7066782

>mixed media is now tracing
lmao you guys are so far up your own ass it's no wonder why AI is taking over and here to stay

>> No.7066799

don't care adapt or get out the way

>> No.7066804

>nooooooo you're stealing my lines. Only I can draw those!!
the whole concept of intellectual """"property"""" is fake and gay

>> No.7066813

according to the people itt it's far worse of a crime
if you've ever looked at anything before and felt inspired to draw it you should be fined and your hands cut off
forget rape, murder, infanticide. imagine being inspired. thats the real crime right there

>> No.7066815

Now I want to buy an xp-pen

>> No.7066816
File: 88 KB, 531x633, 1707068609393040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol xppen got community noted

>> No.7066825

Tracing is sampling but with drawings

>> No.7066829

that’s not mixed media

>> No.7066832

surgery is tracing but with scalpels

>> No.7066842

>follow burger recipe
>accidently use the same amount of pickles as mcdonalds
>readers added context: this person has been sentences to the death penalty and has since then died.

>> No.7066852
File: 714 KB, 1105x1079, 1692012818908162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad at this?
Is it because you do this and you're uncomfortable that other people don't like it?

>> No.7066853

after reading the comments I have to agree with 2hu AI reply anon
giving AI replies to dumbass threads is best compared to this level of retardation shown by those commenting

>> No.7066879
File: 11 KB, 533x221, tmp-1708376384133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care

>> No.7066914

It's a tale as old as time, just now with AI to make things more "complicated." It's not complicated it's morally wrong to take advantage of Artists.
Art thieves and AI users are the people who never loved art to begin with and always saw it as a cashcow. It's just now they don't even have to put in the effort anymore. People will find anyway to get out of work and somehow manages to make things way worse for everyone.

>> No.7066927

Me beating you with a lead pipe until comatose is a tool

>> No.7066928

Retarded monkey people were complaining about tracing since the genesis of deviantart stupid ass baboon

>> No.7066931

(how come I can see this reply on the catalog but not in the thread??)

because it limits what people can create and makes the world more boring. it's an idea invented by you-know-who's who turn everything into financial instruments and make people afraid of litigation

of course people will respect artists who draw better. but this is just a company wishing a happy made-up holiday and not wasting a bunch of time needlessly

>> No.7066934

> t. le clever plebbit logic

>> No.7066946

Are you implying that originality and respect for others is jewish?

>> No.7066957

>Now that's what I call revisionist history!

>> No.7066973
File: 235 KB, 730x1024, 1707560427361307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, revered by all but one. Michelangelo, Raphael’s famous rival, did not pay tribute to Rome’s golden boy. Instead, he composed a letter accusing him of plagiarism.

>> No.7066981

no. You can respect people without trying to control what they can make.

in this narrow case, maybe they SHOULD tag the artist out of respect. But you know they don't, because others believe they CAN'T trace ever and would seethe regardless.

What makes me seethe more is copyright of names and concepts that last like 100 years and get bought/sold by big companies. I don't think people would seethe about tracing a few things if not for the culture of fear and mind control they live in, regarding what they are ""allowed"" to make

>> No.7066991

why would you want to trace?

>> No.7066996

He should stop crying. At least they didn't use AI

>> No.7067004

to save time

I don't do it myself because I'm focused on learning

>> No.7067022

This is the level humanity has sunk to. I get tired of reasoning with people with their head shoved up their ass shouting, 'I can't hear you!' like they're so fucking intelligent as they eat their own shit.

>> No.7067040

To save time really? Or to make up for lack of creativity and skill? You really can't tell me the one in the OP example is to save time on those extremely basic shapes and rendering

>> No.7067046

It baffles me how these companies are so slow to respond to these fuck ups.
Especially the tech companies.

>> No.7067048

>because it limits what people can create and makes the world more boring.
Yes, I wish the world was full of stock vector looking images of couples on lounges surrounded by cats. I love copy cat redundant things! I read only cliche isekai! I'm just like you my fellow brain dead loser!
Fuck originality and creativity! We me coonsoom! I love AI!

>> No.7067054

No, the example in OP's picrel is more like lifting entire sentences, word for word, from someone else's novel. Clear, and legally actionable, plagiarism.

If the family day artist had simply used observation skills on the complaining artist's work to learn his techniques of composition and colouring (which would be analogous to learning a new word), no-one would care or even be likely to notice.

>> No.7067059

If it's so cliche then why blatantly copy so many elements from one artist's work?

>> No.7067063

people are forced to make generic crap BECAUSE so many good concepts are already taken

>a hero with spider powers?? No you can't do that!!
>uh ok then generic high fantasy

The reason there is so much globohomo art is because it's quick and easy to make without being accused of stealing anything. That's what anti-tracing seethers get us IRL.

>> No.7067066
File: 923 KB, 2657x1997, 1686705452178633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else remember Gene simmon's son creating his own comic by tracing bleach?

>> No.7067106

>The reason there is so much globohomo art is because it's quick and easy to make without being accused of stealing anything.
Take a look at what the tracer copied again. Are you really saying tracing elevated the art here? They might as well have traced a piece of globohomo work.

>> No.7067115
File: 262 KB, 332x824, Screenshot 2024-02-19 185559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my new character arachnie :)
what do you mean "make something original"?? >:( do you just want globoslop?!

>> No.7067122

what are the ethics of using spiderman and other characters kids love to market and sell alcohol?

>> No.7067139

even an original take on spider-man and calling him spider-man would be better than most generic stuff.

but that is "le stealing" from some 90 year old or dead person

mythology is good because people can build on it with their own ideas, but we are not allowed to do that with stuff from last 100 years because richfags want to own ideas and milk for profit

>> No.7067145

Good afternoon, Chiang.

The best part of that AI post is there is someone itt who "was inspired by" several of these points.

>> No.7067149

looks more like an homage tbqh

>> No.7067155 [DELETED] 

the artist only draws LGBTQMAP++ shit and their entire catalogue portfolio is filled with g4m3r garbage zoomer pop cult references
what IC thinks happened
>hey steve can you take these 2 drawings, crop parts of them together and quickly paint over them?
>train an AI on his art while you're at it, and make sure you blacklist him from our sister companies. maybe make up a rape story or something
what actually happened
>hey bob i really like this style but we've worked with the lgbtqmap++ artists before and i'd rather not burn my fingers on them again. it's family day after all, and by family i mean a normal family. could you work something out before tomorrow morning?
>damn bob this one turned out really great. I like your personal touches and in general the execution is way better then the original while keeping it clean and simple instead of crowding the image with random pikachu dolls.
>you really saved us a lot of money hiring this weirdo and saved me the trouble having to explain that it's not a sin to not want to have a gay white asian couple with a black child on a family day illustration

>> No.7067157

You just want non-stop Chinese bootlegs. And guess what? It's still going to be generic stuff because they're going to copy what sells

>> No.7067159

>to draw their families
two faggots aren't a 'family'

>> No.7067230

I rated the community note as false

>> No.7067251

I think they removed their tweet anyway

>> No.7067261

This would be entorely different ifthe ripoff image wasn't an advert for a big company. It's also such a direct rip that nobody could honestly say ots mere inspiration. I couldn't care less if ot were traced or not, and that wouldn't give you an identical style. It was either handed out to a 3rd worlder for a couple of bucks, or AI'd and then edited by said f 3rd worlder for even less. XP Pen obviously wanted that exact scene and art style to promote a cozy veneer and weren't willong to pay, probably a very modest, price for it. All anons arguing otherwise are nonhumans.

>> No.7067290

Very important tool for when just suck

>> No.7067291

>gay interracial art
nothing of value lost

>> No.7067322

Stealing poses from LGBT
Every time they get mad, I feel compelled to trace even more, even if I don't need to, lmao, I want to steal more to piss them off. It is only worth doing if some LGBTQ+ nigger get upset.

>> No.7067323

it's photobashed
there's specific portions of the image that are clearly copied (the cat, the bookshelf, the couple's pose, the plant, the cat tree, the wall shelf, the diploma, the hanging plant)
you can't be this stupid

>> No.7067352

Shit taste?
People generally hate the globohomo style, and yet companies keep using it.
I think the better question is why a tablet company used traced art? At least it wasn't AI art, but the bar is pretty low for these companies now.

>> No.7067375

Kill yourself fucker

>> No.7067401

>It's AI
>No it's not AI, but it's traced
>No it's not traced, but it's heavily referenced
Why can't y'all just be happy.

>> No.7067413

Just don't take other people's work and claim it as your own dipshit, it's not complicated.

>> No.7067432

good in this case because the artist is a big faggot loving cunt

>> No.7067461

She's still a woman no matter how she dresses or how much she mutilates her body

>> No.7067549
File: 5 KB, 200x200, youblewit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's clearly not traced

>> No.7067563

it was photobashed

>> No.7067566


>> No.7067577

??? how is that wrong? woman = adult human female. her biology is geared toward baking maybies.

>> No.7067580

kill all gay people

>> No.7067600
File: 783 KB, 1339x710, 1706402799769956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trace correctly generated Ai art no will know. Also avoid the fags with 1000 following accusing you of tracing because his twitter is dying and wants to start drama

>> No.7067607

You're wrong, multiple people have proven you're wrong.
Move on Iayssa. Your art was not appealing because it was hyper political. If you're gonna brute force your world views and market towards the 0.5%, don't be surprised you don't get hired by the 99.5%
The worst part is that the guy who was inspired by your work did a better job at the execution

>> No.7067617

>Move on Iayssa.
No one who is talking to you is talking about them. They're just shocked that you (and I honestly believe it's only you, because I can't believe there'd be multiple people in this thread this retarded) can't see how blatantly they've taken from someone else's work.
It'd be fine if you at least said you don't care that it's traced, but that's not what you're saying. You are saying that it's outright not traced.

>> No.7067619

he's the guy who did the trace lol

>> No.7067631 [DELETED] 

I am 100% certain you're going to try to shift the discussion into discussing what tracing means.
Not falling for it
There are 3 simple truths
>The images are not the same and even your own attempt at showing this proved yourself wrong
>People like what the inspired artist made more than the original
>He got paid and you didn't

For everyone here it seems like the case is closed and as clear as day besides you simply because I swapped out the mixed family for a classic white family

>> No.7067656
File: 275 KB, 1338x1338, 1690583437353951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of posts ITT have never played a spot the difference game in their life.
Must be tourists without a single creative bone in their body.

>> No.7067670

you forgot the pillow on the right

>> No.7067886

traced image just makes me reaslise how busy the two original pieces are. Holy fuck we get it you are a gamer

>> No.7067921
File: 297 KB, 1083x836, tracers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hate these tracers

>> No.7067990

What does anything in this image prove? Where did it come from?

>> No.7068005

Why hasn’t anyone mentioned that ‘original’ looks like AI slop?

>horrible hands and feet
>monotonous repetition of small line patterns to create objects e.g. the man’s eyes, his pant cuffs, the book spines, the kids ears, etc

>> No.7068034

It's the new resident psychopath

>> No.7068199

>a-actually its tracing!! THEFT!! illegal!!
>>but its not tracing
>yes it is!!! if you turn the picture 42 degrees, overlap it with 9 other paintings, then add magenta yellow ontop of it, download it 4 times, zip it, torrent it to koala lumpur, then download the same image again through a VPN, mint it as a crypto, then print it under the shine of a japanese half moon it will light up around 2% of the image!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA
>>still not tracing
>actually it is still tracing, let me redifine what tracing means
>>still not tracing, even by your definition
still not tracing

>> No.7068203

isn't that just photobashing. i bet these type of people just use ai now

>> No.7068221
File: 1.10 MB, 4096x4096, 1698139187864338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire point of this person's sofa template commissions seems to be jamming as much personalized clutter as humanly possible in a roughly circular area so all of her clients wind up looking like hoarders.

>> No.7068254

aside from video game merchandise and cat accessories, it looks like a typical house in europe imo
generally only single men have cleaner spaces than that, women always keep a bunch of potted plants, pillows, etc everywhere, and older people always have a bunch of paintings, decorative plates and stuff like that on the walls
big empty space is mostly an american thing

>> No.7068348
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, thisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying too hard.

>> No.7068353

>get caught using ai
>fake apology
>just trace some shit instead
why is every single tablet manufacturer so fucking awful at advertising? you're a company that exclusively makes products for drawing, hire ONE fucking artist to actually draw for you.

I do like that they cut the gay and interracial garbage out of this loser's work at least

>> No.7068488

Make a model based off yourself, hook it to the internet and kill yourself, there's your logical conclusion.

>> No.7068514

an empty room is an empty mind and an empty soul

>> No.7068515

looks comfy to me

>> No.7068524

All creativity is built off the work of others. Originality is a fucking meme.

>> No.7068525

It's not traced, and you don't know what tracing means. Proportions are completely different in a lot of places.
>But the poses are similar!!
Do you have ownership to a pose? That's still not tracing btw.
>But the art style
Oh, it was definitely copied. But that's not what tracing is. Learn what words mean.

>> No.7068542

The only reason anyone's defending xp pen is because it changed the gays to heteros, if it were the other way around the rhetoric would be "kek look at all these things the fag traced"... The plants are in the same position with the same amount of leaves ffs

>> No.7068556

Xp pen immediately took it down and basically said they paid a third party to draw something and that's what was submitted, so xp pen terminated their contract with them and are trying to make it right with the original artist.

Basically a retard traced art to get a quick paycheck and got caught

>> No.7068559
File: 706 KB, 1439x1243, Screenshot_20240220_182828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not traced
Do you just like... not have eyes?

>> No.7068567

Another Switch in full display.
These lesbians are in an open relationship arent they?

>> No.7068596

It feels like some elements have been photoshopped together with whomever who worked on this making slight adjustments? It's way too close for comfort despite it being the easiest style to emulate.

>> No.7068622

He even traced the concept of light and shade from that shade a sphere tutorial. Fucking hack.

>> No.7068663

It's not traced. You're retarded. It's actually copy pasted, which is honestly fucking hilarious.

>> No.7068664

>slight adjustments?
calling anything here an adjustment is an interesting take

>> No.7068670

What's funny is that the copy is unironically better than the originals.

I also don't see what's worth getting upset over desu.

>> No.7068690

Stealing isn't a good thing, even if you don't like the person being stolen from. Don't become a shitty person just because you don't like someone's art or lame ass politics, anon.

>> No.7068693

Actual theft, but people like in the OP deserve it.

>> No.7068712

>Don't become
Motherfucker. Don't tell me how to live my life.

Starting drama over a complete non-issue is also shitty. Get the fuck outta here, you vagina.

>> No.7068714
File: 118 KB, 1860x704, WIN_20231218_18_30_13_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068715

whats with all these tracing threads

>> No.7068718

>complete non-issue
stealing someone's artwork and profiting off of it isn't a non issue, smooth brained one

>> No.7068724
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20231213_17_24_54_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068725

>Don't tell me how to live my life.
Advice isn't an order, ya bean.
Take it or leave it, no need to spazz out.

>> No.7068726

Then the person affected should contact the company who contracted the artist directly, and inform them of the affect, or, file a lawsuit if they feel the deserve compensation and have a copyright infringement/plagiarism case on their hands.

Raising up a stink on Twitter, and then coming here looking for validation deserves to be rightfully mocked for exactly the sort of witch-hunting behavior that Twitter is so awful about.

Fuck off.

>> No.7068729

Ok. I ADVISE you to suck my nuts.

How's that?

>> No.7068730
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240217_17_49_13_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crater was recognized as a constellation called Moana-'ohu-noa-'ei-ha'a-moe-hara ("vortex-ocean-in-which-to-lose-crime")

>> No.7068735
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240217_14_01_26_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068736

Companies often wont give a shit about your problems with them unless you disparage them on twitter these days. It was literally the most effective thing to do in his case

>> No.7068741

Nah, I'm good.

>> No.7068770

>exactly the sort of witch-hunting behavior
what witch was being hunted exactly?

>> No.7068772

What a strange time we live in

>> No.7068777

people just like being contrarian retards for the sake of it these days

>> No.7068791

That's always been the case. People think that by having a unique position, they themselves are unique, or somehow more intelligent than others (because they apparently see something that others don't).
It's particularly bad with teenagers (but that's just part of being a teenager). However, you sometimes end up with idiots arguing that the sky isn't blue, despite what everyone else can clearly see.

>> No.7068829

>Being so narrow-minded you can't see the big picture
Tell me, what exactly was accomplished by this nonsense discussion?

What, you wanted us to circlejerk and praise the brave Twittertard for starting drama? The thread is about "tracing" and the narrative surrounding it. People are going to have knee-jerk reactions to the usual drama and witch-hunts when 99% of the time it's complete fucking bullshit, such as >>7067066 but people feel the need to feel indignated over someone else.

No one is defending the corporation. Their rightfully telling the retards looking for drama to fuck off.

>> No.7068833

I would say I hope your original art gets stolen and someone makes bank off of it but I doubt you actually draw

>> No.7068838

>99% of the time it's complete fucking bullshit, such as >>7067066 (You)
Except that whole thing wasn't bullshit.

Of course there's going to be drama when accusations are thrown, I believe that's sort of the meaning of drama no? There's been no witch hunting in this thread so I have no idea why you're being so uppity

>> No.7068840

he probably traces

>> No.7068845

>such as

>> No.7068847

>No one is defending the corporation
We have pretty much an entire thread of someone arguing this isn't a blatant example of tracing/copying; which is defending the company (for example >>7068525 ). So Fuck off retard.

>> No.7068852

>separating art from monetary value

>> No.7068855

>Tell me, what exactly was accomplished by this nonsense discussion?
The artist got xp pen to take down the post, cancel their partnership with the theif, and are in contact with the artist to make things right.
Not everything has to be some huge groundbreaking change for it to matter. You giant fucking faggot

>> No.7068865

This whole concept of property in general is fake and gay. You know what's not fake and gay? Communism.

>> No.7068869

A room filled with worthless sentimental garbage is [...]

>> No.7068871

Communism is probably THE most fake and gay ideology out of them all. The entire thing is just a jealous kike's lies and cope.

>> No.7068872


>> No.7068914
File: 190 KB, 554x2048, 1605809414518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone does it!

>> No.7068918

This looks like more effort than it would take to just draw something,

>> No.7068921

This art pisses me off because I am a virgin and using 4chan alone in my room at midnight instead of drawing.

>> No.7069139


>> No.7069180

only trace amounts

>> No.7069910
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x988, 1681722330497289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people ITT are blind lmao

>> No.7069966

>the one major original addition (the kid) has wacky proportions compared to the proportional changes made to the adults and one of his legs is a weird detached wedge
>forgot to draw the small hip area on the woman so her torso looks like it's floating
>stole images where the entire point is people sitting on cozy sofas and moved the figures to the floor in front of the sofa for some reason, maybe so they didn't have to put the effort into tracing a coffee table to fill that space
>stole one cat's pose and inexplicably copied another cat's colors and markings as if they couldn't even come up with that on their own
>tweaked the colors of background items but not the central figures
Some fascinating decisions made in the creation of this forgery

>> No.7070097

what's with drawing tablet companies being total retards recently?

>> No.7070149

marketing teams replaced by ai

>> No.7070223
File: 44 KB, 740x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coincidentally it's always the least original people who say things like that

>> No.7070436

>Picasso: the guy who literally started an art movement
>Not original
Lmao. So many people on here love to talk put of their ass about shit they know nothing about. Stick to collecting Twitter screencaps kid. Art isn't for you.

>> No.7070515

keep it up anon i'm sure you'll become the next picasso if you mindlessly regurgitate enough aphorisms

>> No.7070516

I'm not the one hampering my own creative process with arbitrary rules.

Go ahead and continue to pretend creativity exists in a vacuum while placating to the mouth breathing masses on Twitter.

>> No.7070518

>hampering my own creative process
i draw for myself and i've never felt compelled to trace anyone else's work or use AI. maybe that's just a you problem

>> No.7070776

Who said anything about AI. Tracing copying, referencing. If you're not looking at other people's work, finding inspiration, and learning from it, you're not creating shit. Even if you're not aware of it, the very ideas within your subconscious are an amalgamation of other content that's influenced you and embedded yourself in your psyche. Difference between you and people who openly embrace copying as part of the creative process is that the latter aren't in complete denial and acting like total hypocrites.

Your ability to grow as an artist is fundamentally determined by your willingness to accept that taking from others and redoing it with your own personal spin is exactly what creativity is all about.

No man is an island.

>> No.7071210

So is no one going to point out how straight propaganda is literally real since they made it about two hetrosexuals being happy with a child instead of not making it about family like the original images?

>> No.7071213

try harder.

>> No.7071273

OP isn't original, your shitpost isn't comparable.

>> No.7071294

>>a hero with spider powers?? No you can't do that!!
You can. It just can't look exactly like fucking Spider-Man. There's literally hundreds of spider species on Earth, do all of them look the fucking same? No? No. Does any of them even look like Spider-Man? No? No. if you're so fucking stupid you can't make something inspired on the real thing or something not based on the same fucking color pallet of Spider-Man, then, plain and simple, you're not a real artist.

>> No.7071326

this doesn't even make sense. spider-man looks like a man in costume because he's a human. it hardly matters what """"species"""" it is. any superhero shooting webs to swing around would get accusations of infringement

also, in any fictional universe, it would make sense to call a superhero like a spider, "spider-man" yet the appropriate name is already taken. So you are forced to dance around that issue and make a lesser work for no good reason.

many generic and broad words and ideas are simply taken because powerful people use their influence to create more rights for themselves than others. Many times the original artist is not even involved any longer.

>> No.7071364

We really do live on a site raided by 10 year old Alphies.

>> No.7071431

Hi, I stole the skin off of your shitty ass limp dick, hope you don't mind! After all, fuck the original owner of your foreskin, the edit is objectively better for you!

>> No.7071442

>spider-man looks like a man in costume
>All men look identical
> """"species"""" it is
Why the quotations? You so fucking nigger iq you don't believe in species now? lmao

>any superhero shooting webs to swing around would get accusations of infringement
I used a gun, so now I stole from CoD? Or Doom? Or the Police? After all, only a gun using man fighting off crime has to be a cop now. Fuck off stupid motherfucker..

>it would make sense to call a superhero like a spider, "spider-man"
Or, maybe, you could name them based on what they can do. "Web slinger? Net Wrapper? Sticky fingers? Maybe actually be creative and think outside of "THE FIRST EXAMPLE THAT MADE BILLIONS MEANS I CAN NEVER DO ANYTHING ORIGINAL NOW!!!"
Never ever procreate, no one needs more subhumans like you on this planet. Fuck off.

>> No.7074023

its so crazy how the dumbest motherfuckers on this earth will say the stupidest shit imaginable and walk away thinking they’re the smartest in the room

>> No.7074047

I am American and my spouse is Swedish and we legitimately struggle with my autistic need for big empty spaces. There are pictures on the walls for example but I get stressed with her need to place an object on every surface, it's true.

>> No.7074303

Still not traced
It's called transformative and, popular to contrary belief here, is not illegal

>> No.7074570

Photobashing is cool though

>> No.7074574


>> No.7074576
File: 2.16 MB, 2140x2556, 1626716907522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I think it looks cool when done well

>> No.7074578
File: 56 KB, 780x345, Untitled29_20210630092149_compress41 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7074591
File: 56 KB, 705x540, 1610301026448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wah! Someone took my ideas and made something else without my permission!
Realistically, what would you do? Bitch on social media and post "uuuhhhhh?!?!?!??!?!" Grow up.

>> No.7075840

at least AI didn't stole it

>> No.7075844

Probably get drunk and get over it. Maybe realize that my skills have value and try to capitalize on them myself, but probably not.

>> No.7075854

that only works if you're the multitrillionaire equivalent of artists with 100k+ followers
this happens all the time and it's only bad if the trillionaire gets affected by it
alas such is life

>> No.7075923

on one hand tracing and then publishing is not ok but on the other they turned that cringe empty consoomer catlady manchild shit into a nice family. idk who to support here lmao.

>> No.7075942

>It's called transformative
no it's not. you're fucking retarded.

>> No.7075975

This. People have been complaining about people tracing their work for a long time. Referencing and being inspired by, though, artists generally respond to this favorably.

>> No.7075979

That isn't photobashing. That's a meme image meant to mock unfounded tracing accusations.

>> No.7075980

The only cute girls who go tranny are underages who are doing it for clout and wind up regretting it.