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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7060512 No.7060512 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

Previous: >>/ic/thread/7010221

>> No.7060596
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too much time spent online. not enough time drawring. no wonder i suck

>> No.7060603

Nothing like some warm matcha tea on a chilly day, think I'll spend the day studying and sketching animals.

>> No.7060685
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>that one dude on every single thing you upload
my nigga

>> No.7060987
File: 91 KB, 736x768, so true3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any long term projects you're working on?

>> No.7060993

Not killing myself

>> No.7061011

that's commendable anon. I hope it's going well.

>> No.7061014

I started to realize my social media is not gaining traction not mainly because of the algorithm but because I'm simply not good enough. I have to do skillmaxxing more.

>> No.7061019

I've been digitally drawing and shit for years, yadda yadda you've all heard the same song and dance routine a thousand times before, and like all those others I'm complaining about my skill level. Feels utterly dogshit to see good art and wish I had so much as strand of DNA as good as theirs. It's just embarrassing at this point and I keep wondering "am I missing something? Did I not learn something everyone else did but I somehow missed? What aren't I seeing?" to no avail. I'll probably die wondering why I was so bad at art and respawn as a chicken nugget hoping I get eaten by a furry artist or something so I can at least give something positive to the art world.

>> No.7061106

^artists and a profound melancholic self hate name a better combo

>> No.7061118

>I'm simply not good enough.

I seen someone post a really low effort, 1 pixel, solid fill doodle of a Pokemon character on my timeline last night and it got 30k+ likes. Same character I was drawing and I was putting effort into mine. That shattered every reason for me even posting the art. It's not about skill at all.

>> No.7061121

Btw it wasn't even coom which was even more shocking.

>> No.7061759

sometimes i wonder if i have super autism and my drawings actually look like those from deviantart feitsh accounts

>> No.7061766

there are too many factors in the algorithm to attribute engagement purely to skill
you should however compare your current work to your past, especially if you post in a consistent schedule
a kind of A/B testing for appeal

>> No.7061771

I feel like I'm not doing enough, like I could always be doing more, learning more, practicing more, but it's taken so long and been so hard getting to where I am today. Sometimes I feel like I'll never make it because there's no way what I'm doing now is enough to get me there.

I don't let it demoralize me though, I just keep drawing, but I can't really stop feeling this way.

>> No.7062291
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Anyone else like drawing obscure characters? I know they don't gather as much attention than popular ones but it feels so fulfilling to be one of the few to draw them and introduce them to people. Plus, it really makes my day if someone recognizes them.

Character is Rianne Nicah from Callous if you're asking.

>> No.7062354

Most of the art I do is random /co/ requests or for people's OCs
I really like redrawing characters where the original art is bad or there isn't much fanart - not to mog them but I tend to see a lot of fun design ideas in the original and I'm creatively bankrupt haha

>> No.7062432

if the artist is good their skill will shine through even in 2 minute doodles. putting in effort in yours is good, you improve that way and you should still continue. but if you only care about trying hard to get likes then just quit.

>> No.7062449

>painting is failing, looks boring as hell and lighting makes no sense
>ragemerge all layers and overpaint with a 3d reference
>actually starts looking decent
>commissioner likes the quick new wip more than the nearly finished painting from before
kek im so happy i could cry

>> No.7062479

What is "art is life" supposed to mean? Recently saw this in a comment and it bothered me for some reason
Like I just want to draw hands and feet correctly, not make some kind of political, life, religious, etc statement

>> No.7062513

if you know you know.

>> No.7062694

committing one's self and purpose to the pursuit of art. same as ball is life etc. and usually used by shitters who try to motivate themselves to draw more but are mediocre. the people who actually commit themselves to improving and progressing don't use these livelaughlove ass quotes

>> No.7062723 [DELETED] 

I never should have started drawing. It was a compulsive escape from my real dreams and ambitions it was "easier" and felt good so I turned my back on my true dreams of composing music for video games. I've done nothing but waste my life on an inauthentic pursuit, this dream was never my own. I've wasted 20 years on the wrong side of the industry. I can't stand it anymore. Even if I pivot out I will always feel like I've wasted my life, I can't get those 20 years back and even if I git gud at music, I'll die knowing that I could have gitted gudder in the time I misallocated.

It's too late for me to have a happy ending. I fucked up. Disappointment and regret are my punishments. Don't waste your life escaping from the things that truly matter to you. Goodbye, everybody.

>> No.7062726

Kek, what a retard

>> No.7062798
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>things that excite you about art
not as much as it used to. i prefer painting and drawing, but the galleries and museums are full of period blood, funny interactive installations, photos of some stupid demos from last year and art clichés – portraits with the faces covered with whatever bullshit they can find lying around the studio, black and white unedited portrait photography of people, sculpures of everyday objects that are comically enlarged, badly copied paintings of old masters with some political, contemporary element in it (e.g. feminist agenda).
most of the time, a visit to a museum frustrates me more than it is uplifting. curators these days are such fucking entitled assholes.

>> No.7062801

Are you autistic perchance?

>> No.7063083
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>get back from work knackered, try to draw as much as I can but there aren't enough hours in a day
>so many obligations to tend to it's almost worse for drawing than weekdays
What? What the fuck?
Is this what my life is going to be like now? Just dragging myself to my desk for a measly hour or two while tired out of my mind?

I'm really, really starting to resent being alive these days. The months are flying by and I just can't seem to get any art done...

>> No.7063112

how does someone draw for 20 years and not realize they don't like drawing? what stopped you from learning both at the same time?

>> No.7063497
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I'm rooting around various public domain sites for artwork to look at and absorb.
This is in service of rethinking my idea of art, how it works and how it is learned. Like others, I can to this practice via cartoons, anime, games etc. This of course colors how I view images and what they touch in a man. I want to expand my horizons beyond that, but I'm having a hard time parsing master paintings. Even pieces I do think are impressive, I can only look at in a shallow, surface level fashion. The experience made me realize that I frankly did not understand the meanings of the words "good", "beautiful" and "masterpiece" in the context of art. Does it mean that a piece is realistic? That it takes a lot of skill? That it conveys a message?

It makes me want to go back and really try and understand the craft I've been spending so much time with beyond trying to get good at it. I feel like there's something fundamentally missing from how I experience the arts.

>> No.7063514

I've been having similar thoughts, My art is pretty shallow, I can recognize when a painting isn't shallow, but never find myself putting that depth for my own art. even though I have had a very rough life with heavy subject matter I could express in my way. I never grew out of big robot = cool painting, maybe I don't have to. maybe it's a true escape. I would like to practice making more meaningful work, not sure where to start.

>> No.7063529

I believe even if my work gains that depth I'm looking for, I'll still have a nice little comfort zone with giant robots and anime maids doing stuff. With how little I understand about art, I do at least know a good motivator is having fun with it.

>> No.7063631

portraits (profile pictures) for a friends birthday, because i drew his current in 2017 and it is making me cringe everytime i look at it and he still keeps it.

Oh ye and also a little animation, because i am delusional

>> No.7063966

a comic.
The indiegogo for it reached 106% and now I have a month to finish this current arc.
I am going insane, it's a dream come true for me tho.

>> No.7063967
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>> No.7064230

That's awesome, man! Got a link for your work?

>> No.7064522
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>> No.7064561
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i dont see any confession threads or whatever up and i feel like im going insane so im using this thread as an outlet, i dont want to make a thread all to myself
i finally got enough space in my life to quit drawing porn. respect to you guys who like doing it, but i hated it, ive hated it for years. all i have wanted is to be free of it. now i am free of it, im living off scraps but im working out and eating better. my mental health is a lot stronger than it was, although not perfect. i figured now i can try approaching drawing as if i was a passionate teenager again, given that i think about art all day i would think i havent fallen out of love with it. but i can barely muster 2 hours of drawing a day, maybe a bit more if im rendering. when i sit down and im there to draw i hardly feel any passion at all. gifts for friends, fan art to try and get followers on my new account, work for myself, studies, none of it makes me feel passionate. i cant tell if im supposed to give up on art or what. today i was drawing something that should be pretty fun for me and i was forcing myself to sit down and work on it, i was aching to do literally anything else. eventually i just went to lay in bed. im scared bros, i love art and i thought i loved drawing but now im having second thoughts. i wanted to start doing commissions again, not porn ones, but i can barely produce a drawing in a week now.

>> No.7064598
File: 36 KB, 640x960, happy syrian guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It 9:30 am and I've already drawn and coomed

>> No.7064603

You need inspiration and something that gives you drive again. Pick up a medium that you haven't worked with before, and get dirty. Read something that's very descriptive in strange landscapes, botany, garb, or odd things occurring.

>> No.7064631
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Yup. Working on my second commercial video game!

>> No.7064698

>want to stop being a zogbot so i can pursue a career that would allow me more freetime
>Most American jobs only give like 14 days of leave a year while zogbot gives me 30, so I feel like really I'd just end up losing more time

>> No.7064704

Sweet, I am on my first, hope to finish it this year(lol).

>> No.7064722

What does even "zogbot" mean in this context? Public service?

>> No.7064727


>> No.7064935
File: 299 KB, 830x1180, B7244CFD-505B-402E-A3CE-C24D7AA97F33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Already working on making it look better because I’ll have an entire month

>> No.7065067

Relapsed and came back to /ic/ after years of being sober. Kind of weird seeing myself not fit into /beg/ anymore. Also kind of weird to see /beg/ and /int/ now merged, what's up with that? At least DAD's still there

>> No.7065173
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I think I gave myself a migrane just trying to do a landscape painting.
I've been restarting and repainting it for like the past 3 days I'm so fucking mad.
I'm literally laying on the floor, my head is throbbing

I just don't understand how these people can abstract something to that extent.
Fuck me

>> No.7065177

post it
who do you mean by "these people" and what style are you trying out

>> No.7065393

not bad ideas, thanks for the input. im still going to keep trying to figure this out.

>> No.7066871
File: 878 KB, 1242x1512, 0AA18AA3-0D2F-41A1-904C-ABBAB3154F6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again I overworked myself and I’m too shaky to continue drawing.
I suppose I should at least take today off but I don’t want to get bored.

>> No.7067465

>I just don't understand how these people can abstract something to that extent.
squint more and listen to your heart/cock

>> No.7067592

Do you guys do anything besides draw? I don't. When I'm tired of drawing for the day I just sit and do nothing until I have the energy again to draw. Its like I threw everything away that doesn't relate to drawing. I don't care about rage bait news, team color politics, or even consume any media because none of that makes me better at drawing.

>> No.7067615

you obviously care about posting here

>> No.7067797

Why are there so many Howie/mental illness threads. Why do nodraws have such big egos they make a thread dedicated to their inability to draw on a drawing board. Why do they also never post their work. This place is becoming /adv/.

>> No.7067804

>I don't care about rage bait news, team color politics, or even consume any media because none of that makes me better at drawing.
You sound like a boring person, not because of the things you quoted.

>> No.7067808


I didn't know it's his job to entertain you. Are you a woman?

>> No.7067814

Are you?

>> No.7067820



>> No.7067824

a normal wagie job, run and play the piano and guitar

>> No.7068153
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>people will fawn over, retweet and like kid like drawings with half their titties out
>they get followed and retweeted by big accounts
>i post some drawings that show minimal skin
>1k views on their own
>not even one engagement
>i do not titties and draw like a kid
>10 million likes from the same people that like hardcore porn
i dont fucking get it

>> No.7068237
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I think at some point I'm gonna have to come to terms that art just isn't for me. Me trying to learn to draw has caused me a lot of trouble from my pro artist family too. Problem is that I wanna draw too much to just quit it cold turkey.

>> No.7068243

I actually can't draw, its incredible. I am putting down lines but they amazingly have no form, its like I'm writing, not drawing.

>> No.7068244

Currently shittan my guts out then I'm going to eat a ham steak and draw.

>> No.7068247

That dickhead in picrel is a shit artist, businessman and human being.

>> No.7068249

We're already almost to March and I'm having an episode on the time moving by too quickly. I pulled up an old video I recorded and couldn't believe it was recorded last year at around the same month as now. 2023 felt like a blur. What the hell did I accomplish?

>> No.7068251

>^artists and a profound melancholic self hate name a better combo
I can't stand self hating artists. I used to be one like a decade ago, so I totally get it. But then I went to therapy for 3 years and worked on all my childhood delusions and anxieties. Now I'm no longer a self hating artists. Now I'm just an artist.
Feels good.
I get paid occasionally to draw stuff. And I'm definitely not even the best in my field.
But I feel like self hate must bleed through our skin - people can sniff that out and won't want to work with you.

TL;LR Self hate literally isn't necessary. You don't need it. Just get rid of it. Throw that self hate in the trash.

>> No.7068253

Bro you can git gud at drawing or music in like a year with dedicated effort. It's not actually that hard to pivot. I mean, think of all those solo game devs who mastered both art and music. You definitely didn't waste time drawing. You can be good at both.

>> No.7068260

Time will feel like it's going extremely fast unless you're actively learning or experiencing something new, i.e., draw more and you will feel the length of time

>> No.7068319

Adding onto what the other anon said:
- Try a different medium, or something TOTALLY out of your norm. If you draw characters mostly, try drawing something technical, like vehicles, tanks, airplanes, etc. If you normally draw that stuff, draw something organic like people, animals, etc, or landscapes. Just try something different. It forces your brain to think in new ways and also might make you appreciate your normal work more.
- Go outside. Literally. Go to your nearest park and walk around in the woods. Just take in sights and sounds of birds. Don't judge the experience, just sit there and exist. Notice the wind, the temperature, the rustling of animals in the bushes, or trash blowing in the wind. Look at the way light hits different surfaces, like grass, leaves, concrete, etc. Just observe.
- Go to a museum. Look at other people's art (not on a computer). My local museum usually has a dedicated art gallery for art from grade schoolers. It's inspiring to see what kids and teens are drawing/making.

Also here's a big one: Why do you feel that you "have to" be passionate about art? I'm not asking you because I want your answer; I'm asking because I want you to answer this question to yourself. Where did this assumption that you "have to" be passionate about art come from? Who put that thought into your head? What's wrong with just making stuff for the sake of it, dispassionately?

Every day I have to wipe my ass, and I'm not particularly passionate about that. But I do it anyway. And I don't feel "pressured" to do it, or any need to be passionate about it. It's just nice to have a clean non-shitty asshole. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.

And sometimes it's just nice to make marks on paper and call it a drawing. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.

>> No.7068332 [DELETED] 

So what you're saying is that you gave up trying to be the best you could be and settled for mediocrity instead. Got it.

>> No.7068406

Lol, not even. Hating yourself is literally retarded. It's just self destructive. You can learn and improve without hatred.
Nice attempt at bait though.

>> No.7068420

>gives him a (you)
>n-nice attempt at bait though haha you totally didn't get me to give you a (you)

>> No.7068421

I'm not a fast reader but I'm going to try and finish a book a week and something art related. This year's been just existing and when I get made aware of that, it just causes anxiety and depression which is easily avoided yet is extremely hard at the same time.

>> No.7068425 [DELETED] 

-To improve, one must first recognize they suck.
-To recognize suckage is to acknowledge one is imperfect, weak, inferior compared to others.
-Some artists are narcissistic in the extreme. They refuse to acknowledge that they suck because it hurts too much and challenges their self perception. These artists never grow and continue to suck while singing their praises. The "it's just my style" crowd.
-The ability to critique oneself is predicated on humbleness, a willingness to suffer, fail, and course correct. To do this, one must open oneself to the possibility that their work (and they themselves as the creator of that work) are trash, since the art and artist are linked (the personality of the artist is the biggest stumbling block to the creation of good art, which is why art demands personal transcendence.)
-Weak artists get comfortable with the status quo because they are unwilling to look at themselves objectively. They shirk opportunities for growth because they're lazy, therefore they should hate that part of themselves. Others fail to grow because they've decided they're "fine where they're at." This is because they are cowardly, and should call themselves out for being pussies.

I made my greatest gains when I learned to hate myself more. A lifetime of being told I was special and great by well meaning people did nothing except cocoon me in a delusion. It wasn't until I broke down crying about how much I sucked at art that I finally looked at myself for what I really was: a goddamn piece of subhuman shit that was making subhuman work.

I will never let go of that realization. Without that realization, I would be Chris-chan. Don't give me the 'there is a difference between self-critique and self-hate,' there is no functional difference in art. Someone who won't seek crit should think of themselves as worthless cowards, because they are. Until they acknowledge it, they will never reach their full potential.

>> No.7068541

This is insane.

>> No.7068546 [DELETED] 

Is it insane for a fat fuck to look in the mirror and be disgusted with themselves, thus gaining the motivation to lose weight? Is it insane for an incel to hate himself for failing to get laid, thus inspiring the drive to begin the pursuit?

Insanity in both cases would be to surrender to "self love" and acceptance. This is a coddled culture and hate does not exist in a vacuum without cause. Some people hate themselves because they absolutely should, to do otherwise is true self destruction.

>> No.7068547
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240217_19_31_24_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moment the sun rises on Easter Sunday morning, he gives three joyful leaps, he dances for joy

>> No.7068552
File: 250 KB, 585x520, 1697207626033465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer have dumb thoughts like "maybe I should just quit" before bed. I still stall a bit when it comes to actually starting to study/draw for the day cuz of my shitty adhd, but I have been drawing ever day. i just have a more positive mindset in general when it comes to art now and i've been making decent gains. pretty big win for me

>> No.7068561

Buddy, you're screaming at some phantom you made up in your head. There's a huge chasm between being literally Chris-chan hug box and utter self loathing.
I actually was overweight before therapy too, and motivated myself to get in shape exactly because I learned to care about myself. I realized that I was destroying my body, and out of self respect pushed myself forward to improve my life. No "hate" involved there. Sure, hate and spite *can* get you there, but it's not a required part of the path.
As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
So no, "hate" absolutely is not necessary, and never was. But if you've convinced yourself of that being true, then you've already made up your mind that you can not be wrong about it.
But hey, if that works for you or whatever, then have fun hating yourself.

>> No.7068566
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240217_17_49_13_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then a light among them brightened,
so that, if Cancer one such crystal had,
winter would have a month of only a day.
Very few of Cancer's stars are visible to the naked eye, and its brightest stars are only 4th magnitude. Cancer was often considered the "Dark Sign", quaintly described as "black and without eyes"

>> No.7068572

That's cool. How do you think you got there?
I no longer "think" at all about my art. I just sort of do it. I approach my art with a very "head empty" zen-like state. Just sorta slip into flow. I can't really explain how I got to this point. I used to stress about art a lot, then just stopped worrying so much.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with a massive mental shift due to a near death experience. Life is too short for stress ever since then.

>> No.7068576 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I will. My plan is to get to 100k followers (almost half way there currently) on social media. To celebrate the milestone, I plan to commit suicide live on stream to inflict irreversible harm on the psyches of my fans.

>> No.7068582

Get help.

>> No.7068584 [DELETED] 

They kicked me out of therapy, said i was untreatable.

>> No.7068601
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>get a nerve struck so hard it sends me out of 4chan
>be free from /ic/ for a bunch of days
>actually draw shit for once
>go back to /ic/ just to quickly access another board.
>check on an old post I left on a thread just out of curiosity
>one new reply, it tells me to kill myself
Oh, did I miss being in here...

>> No.7068615
File: 70 KB, 613x680, 1702358151045449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, how do normal people not kill themselves?

>> No.7068617

it's like women asking how men just don't menstruate
not trying to diminish your feels or anything, it's just that they don't got that problem yk

>> No.7068618
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>shitpost reply
Man, imagine if i posted what i originally wanted to post

>> No.7068621

That's rough. All I can really say is to keep trying. Not all therapists are equal. Most absolutely suck. Finding the rare good ones are a diamond in the rough, but totally worth it. Literal life savers.
Its also hard to get to proper treatment if there's any resistance (especially unconsciously) to the process. The old saying "you can lead a horse to water" comes to mind. No one else can "fix" you, you have to really unequivocally want it. For me what worked was that I was at absolute rock bottom. I told myself I would kill myself if I didn't go to therapy and see progress in 3 months. And in that desperation, I committed to it 100% because the alternative was self destruction.
In that sense, you are partly right. Self hatred got me there. It was the motivation for me to seek help - the realization that "anything was better than living like this." But it wasn't self hatred that got me out of therapy, and back into the world, married, and doing something I love.
It's sort of paradoxical because you have to fully submit to the treatment and trust in the process to get results. And of course that same process also leaves you open to abuse from shitty therapists.
It's a gamble, like most things in life.
I do still wonder how much of my suffering was necessary to get where I am. But I'm also grateful it's a part of my past now.
I think to me, suffering and hatred are sort of like old oil in your car. You can keep running your car for years without an oil change, sure. And that can get you far. But eventually it'll start to sludge up, and slowly destroy your engine.
"Self care" (as corny as it is, I mean real self care like the stuff you learn from an actual licensed professional, not Tiktok self-care) is like changing your oil, and doing the regular maintenance. It keeps you running longer, but also cleaner and smoother.
Anyway, I hope you reach your goal. But I also hope you reconsider suicide (been there myself).
What's your channel/username by the way?

>> No.7068626
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240220_16_19_06_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lion's mane and shoulders also form an asterism known as "The Sickle,
Athanasius Kircher said that in Coptic Egypt it was Κλαρια (Klaria), the Bestia seu Statio Typhonis (the Power of Darkness). Jérôme Lalande identified this with Anubis, one of the Egyptian divinities commonly associated with Sirius
In Greek mythology, Lycaon (/laJˈkeJɒn/; Attic Greek: Λυκάων, Lukáōn, Attic Greek: [ly.kǎː.ɔːn]) was a king of Arcadia who, in the most popular version of the myth, killed and cooked his son Nyctimus and served him to Zeus, to see whether the god was sufficiently all-knowing to recognize human flesh. Disgusted, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his offspring; Nyctimus was restored to life.
Mastusius killed Demiphon's daughters and tricked the ruler in drinking a cup containing a mixture of their blood and wine. Upon finding out the deed, the king ordered Mastusius and the cup to be thrown into the sea. Crater signifies the cup.

>> No.7068634 [DELETED] 

You're a real dumb fuck, huh?

>> No.7068640 [DELETED] 

>talks about self care
>posts on fucking /ic/
Kill yourself.

>> No.7068643

ain't a shitpost though i guess it doesn't contribute much.

>> No.7068647

Same, decided to do something about it 2 or 3 days ago.

In my case, it was videogames and youtube that were taking most of my time. I discovered Yt clients (shoutout to NewPipe and Freetube, best shit ever) and I've made the decision to not play games anymore.
I've gotten a lot of shit done, and brought my drawing tablet back to my desk today. Feeling good.

>> No.7068651

>In my case, it was videogames and youtube that were taking most of my time.
Same. I cut those out and went back to art full time. Then got carpal tunnel, and now I'm back to watching tons of YouTube, and can't play games or draw much anymore. It's grim.
You think it won't happen to you until it does.

>> No.7068655
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240218_12_08_38_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yin Force 天陰 Aries/Taurus 5 Overcast sky force, or the shadows of north mountain, or officials of the emperor which hunting together
The Valley of Defilement is a location in the game Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake.012 It is a wretched home for the abused, neglected, and criminal citizens of Boletaria, a dumping ground for the Kingdom's unholy and unwanted.4 The valley is a labrynthine set of criss crossing rotted buildings and bridges, perched on a dank valley wall, filled with diseased, mad beings.
There is no limit to the depth of the Alcyonian Lake, and I know of nobody who by any contrivance has been able to reach the bottom of it since not even Nero, who had ropes made several stades long and fastened them together, tying lead to them, and omitting nothing that might help his experiment, was able to discover any limit to its depth. This, too, I heard. The water of the lake is, to all appearance, calm and quiet but, although it is such to look at, every swimmer who ventures to cross it is dragged down, sucked into the depths, and swept away.
Antartica sucks.

>> No.7068695

After everything all I can draw is cute girls standing still from the ribcage up standing in front of a Sears photo portrait background

>> No.7068761
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20230929_21_23_30_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The expansion of this gaseous ring may be explained by a former binary companion of Meissa that became a Type II supernova. Such an event would also explain the star's peculiar velocity with respect to the center of the expanding ring, as the explosion and resulting mass loss could have kicked Meissa out of the system.

>> No.7068780


>> No.7068841
File: 74 KB, 238x207, 6895747465686796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's important if you're a new account to do some fanart to get your name out there and then transition to some original art but I really am not interested in doing it. Not sure why, there are series and characters I care about but when it comes to drawing I prefer just doing my own concepts and ideas.

>> No.7068897

>drawing looks like complete shit
>scribble all over it with a strong blurry blending brush in a fit of autismo rage
>start painting on top of the blurry mess
>looks much better and more natural than before
Wtf I should have melties more often

>> No.7068908

I've used this process. even just run a big blur filter over it.
It can occasionally backfire and the new version looks worse, kind of a sketch vs finished problem.
I do it trad too, sketch with soft pencil, smudge the shit out of it with a blending stump, draw again etc.

>> No.7069635

I accidentally bought another 12 pack of yogurt without checking how much yogurt I had left and there's about 2 1/2 weeks until they expire... SOMEONE's going to be eating TWO yogurts a day

Will I get double drawing gains?

>> No.7069636

Why buy yogurt when you ca--oh never mind.

>> No.7069804 [DELETED] 

Anyone want to commit suicide together?

>> No.7069812

Post your work and I'll consider it.

>> No.7069839 [DELETED] 
File: 2.73 MB, 2020x3050, dwd23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Your turn. I figure if we hit it off we can exchange discords and go directly to voice to hash out a good location and plan.

>> No.7069855

>those two perfectly manicured fingernails

>> No.7069860

Mix half of them together with fresh fruit and honey, then freeze it in a freezer safe glass storage container.

>> No.7069870

I knew it was you, I've read your little manifesto too. May you live forever.

>> No.7069911

Genius. thanks anon

>> No.7069915


>> No.7069936 [DELETED] 

Thanks, but I'm really trying not to.

>> No.7069973

Do what feels right for you. Maintain your integrity and the practice the morals you maintain. Stay true.

>> No.7070089

I hate answering emails so much. I find it so annoying that most of the time I end up procrastinating.

>> No.7070578
File: 19 KB, 540x351, mo967v20l8461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys I have to throw away my w98 Mercedes, there are too many things to patch up and I have too many expenses already. I have so many memories with that car, it represents the hopes I had back then. I know it's stupid, but makes me so sad. If only I had a bigger income maybe i could had saved her...

>> No.7070580

5 years of pure sub-/beg/ failure.
Maybe year 6 will be different.

>> No.7070598

That's beautiful anon. Please don't kill yourself
Give me your socials, I'll try to give you my support for the little that's worth

>> No.7070604

Anon no, this is clearly an energy vampire. RUN.

>> No.7070662

What makes you think so
Surprise me come on

>> No.7070694

The fact that I’ve known people like this before, they entrap empaths with their fake sadness and then they feed on the comforting they receive.
If this anon wanted to die he wouldn’t be announcing it, he’d just kill himself.

>> No.7070718

Why is this thread gathering so much orphans and mentally ill people? I came to laugh but now I feel for all of you. Are you guys really this bad at life? Or are you pretending. I'm giving you guys the benefits of a doubt. Do the below as if it is a game. Perfect score for 30 days, see how it goes.

1.) Eat 1 meal a day, (clean diet) Eggs, fish, meat, fruits, honey, and seafood if you can get your hands on them.
2.) Sleep 8 - 9 hours a day, quality sleep, no drug-induced sleep.
3.) 1 good poo a day, if you do 1) correctly, your gut health will make 1 smooth poo, no struggle poo.
4.) Exercise, touching grass, unironically, touching grass physically, and being outside exposed to pathogens and exercising help develop your immune system.
5.) Get sunlight, vitamin D helps regulate hormones, lower cortisol levels, regulate heartbeat, and allow your eyes to be exposed to sunlight (not asking you to stare at the sun) it will help with the sleep cycle.

Easy 5 steps, in 30 days, no more mental problems, no suicidal thoughts, no longer confused about gender, no more anxiety, and look better physically due to exercising. Life can be a struggle, stay hydrated, stay safe, and good luck!

>> No.7070726

Are you really that good at life that you're in the position to give advice to others?
Because looking at that " fat teen depressed because the girl he likes won't go out with him" kind of advice doesn't really look so you know
Or are you so deprived of real life experience to think that taking a shit and sleeping is going to solve anyone's life?
>searching specifically something humorous on /ic/

>> No.7070733

Anon does make a good point tho. Doing all these things helps your body deal with emotions better.

>> No.7070734

marcus aurelius aside, got a neat gig today, will be painting a mural for the community centre, i'll make it baller as fuck

>> No.7070745

I struggle with resources and my physical health in life. I am generally a happy and grateful person. Because I used to be jealous, bitter, resentful, hateful, and angry. I have resolved each of my self-inflicted issues, with self-introspection and controlled breathing. My advice is only good for those who want to help themselves.
> Searching specifically something humorous on /ic/
People who have a dark past have a great sense of humor. Which is the only reason for me to come to 4chan. Most people who did it, realize that a good sleep and good shit, can solve half their problem. Apparently, gut health can host parasites that have linked to behavior and brain functions. Scientists recently discover a parasite in wolves that can make them "lead the pack". That is why I strongly recommend eating a good and clean diet.

>> No.7070752
File: 25 KB, 622x503, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at art
>see their process
>all over the place and all different
>absorb and learn new ways to create old things
>learn something new every day with insights into different perspectives
>it never ends
The breadth of creation is so wide

>> No.7070757

That's the fun about creativity and creation, an eternal dance with the gods and muses. That is what the zone is for me, it's a great time, and great time passes so fast when you are having fun.

>> No.7070766

Shut the fuck up retards, go tell that to someone struggling financially or with some actual clinical mindfuck.
It's a good point if your problems amount to "tfw no gf" which I don't really is the case so far from high activity board
If doing a "routine" which is what every adult does then all your issues were birthed exclusively by being a 15 years old that spent too much time on social media. This shit is on the same level of just b urself bro

>> No.7070770

That's pretty great man, maybe they'll call you again to do similar stuff

>> No.7070773

uh-oh, we got a little case of the edgys today!

>> No.7070779

You sound upset, or are you pretending to be? You could try the five steps for 30 days. It will bring you no harm, optimize your diet, and become optimistic. I'm struggling financially. However, i think life is still great, and it can be better if I've have more income to do more art. You will feel better after 30 days. Remember to be kind.

>> No.7070790
File: 292 KB, 952x690, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed an atelier-type process for a long time but seeing new methods made me realize that doing so just leads to stagnation so I changed my method, incorporated new ones, made my own.

I usually get the mental image of Yugi's brain when I see new ways of doing something, you can quite literally feel the neuroplasticity

>> No.7071592

There's just something about art by MTF artists that's just so unappealing

>> No.7071595


>> No.7071602
File: 655 KB, 558x640, AAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a mindset thing. I know anon said "no more mental problems, no suicidal thoughts.." etc but imo it's more of a way to keep yourself sane while struggling. It's not a magical pill to fix all your problems, but does help to manage the stress that comes with them. Plus, there are literally no downsides to doing it.

>> No.7071611

Nah sorry, I feel like posting their art here would be too mean. Also I made a mistake, I actually meant FTM not mtf, as in the butch-lesbian-looking artists

>> No.7071742
File: 310 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_nsv6ae27ky1rfwfq9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a cultural reset

>> No.7071755

Nononon’s been supplanted by the government

>> No.7071783

This reads like some chuuni teenager anime-inspired angsty rant. If you hate what you are doing, you are NGMI hard. I love what I create even with all it's glaring flaws. My love for my creation is what forces me to improve and study every day. Sucks to be (you) I guess.

>> No.7072067

I'm still halfway convinced this trend was an elaborate false flag operation

>> No.7072135

This week felt like it passed by in 1 day, I can't believe it's Friday already, in fact, it's almost March

I hate this

>> No.7072177

by who for what

>> No.7072212

Feels weird flip-flopping between "i want to draw" and "i'm too lazy to pull the tablet right beside me". I know that only I can make myself do studies and put in the elbow grease, but meh.

On a more positive note, I only started drawing again after massive burnout spanning a couple of years and I only now realized how much there is I have to learn-- Line weight, boxes/perspective, et cetera. I even learned new things about the figure recently such as gesture and proportions. Very hard to not give in to the temptation of grinding.

>> No.7072338 [DELETED] 

>Very hard to not give in to the temptation of grinding

I have only but a few followers but the one beg nip artist that follows me back seems rather content with just doodling. I don't know their age but I doubt they're a kid based on the anime they keep drawing characters from but he just doodles and draws and draws. And then there was me who fixated on grinding, grinding, grinding and, like you say, I realized how much there is to learn. Like I kept the car in park while pushing the gas for years.

Then I thought what does it mean to get "serious" about art? Do I even have a right to be serious when I'm still pushing the gas peddle on the fundamentals? I'm not even drawing pictures daily like this one mutual; bad pictures, but they're pictures nonetheless and it's habitual. I don't have the right to turn on the serious switch from the start when I'm not even in that state yet. When I'm just like this guy, just drawing, then I can say "hey, let me be serious and spend X amount of hours over the weekend learning this 1 thing, and then I'll get back to drawing for the rest of the week." It shouldn't be a grind all week long, month after month with nothing to show.

>> No.7072339

>Very hard to not give in to the temptation of grinding

I have only but a few followers but the one beg nip artist that follows me back seems rather content with just doodling. I don't know their age but I doubt they're a kid based on the anime they keep drawing characters from but he just doodles and draws and draws. And then there was me who fixated on grinding, grinding, grinding and, like you say, I realized how much there is to learn. Like I kept the car in park while pushing the gas for years.

Then I thought what does it mean to get "serious" about art? Do I even have a right to be serious when I'm still pushing the gas peddle on the fundamentals? I'm not even drawing pictures daily like this one mutual; bad pictures, but they're pictures nonetheless and it's habitual. I don't have the right to turn on the serious switch from the start when I'm not even in that state yet. When I'm just like this guy, just drawing, then I can say "hey, let me be serious and spend X amount of hours over the weekend learning this 1 thing, and then I'll get back to drawing for the rest of the week." It shouldn't be a grind all week long, month after month with nothing to show.

>> No.7072345


It doesn't help when companies start advertising for Easter and we're not even in March yet.

>> No.7072346

man this takes me back

>> No.7072396

Though I can see what you mean by grinding. Maybe not the best word choice? Like, really interested in knowing more?

>> No.7072436
File: 966 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20240224-064742_X_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded faggot

>> No.7072477 [DELETED] 

I run for 2 hours a day and I still want to fucking die.

>> No.7072481

Yeah, like I really want to learn more but I feel like rushing will only harm me in the long run.

>> No.7072853
File: 44 KB, 701x671, GFow2eqaIAAA43Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I listen to Touhou music and wish I was a musician instead of artist.
Hen I draw a bit and forget that thought.

>> No.7072859

NTA but I think I know what they mean. FTM art almost invariably falls into a super-specific set of tropes that are immediately identifiable if you've seen them enough, and they're so annoying to look at it kills any potential to enjoy their art for what it is.
There's a number of tells for the FTM "style" and >>7071742 hits a few of the long-standing ones really hard, though that drawing lacks the oversaturation and weird flat rectangle button noses most of them have adapted by now.

>> No.7072899

I am still bitter over my friend in school recieving the artistic merit award. My art was and is better. I learned sitting there dejected that most people have shit taste and popularity wins. it doesn't matter how good you are at anything if you are socially inept.
anyway im gonna draw today lol. learning to enjoy art again and I've been at it daily

>> No.7073076
File: 249 KB, 1080x732, 1696430999999726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7073085

That's a he/they ftm anon.

>> No.7073091

You don't get points for being right.
Good luck having the most correct opinion in the world and being broke as fuck because of it.

>> No.7073757


>> No.7073948
File: 39 KB, 716x723, smugfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been on this board for many years, the /ic/ archives still have some of my crappy art saved, last time i checked, and looking at those drawings from back then, and seeing what i'm working on right now, i made minuscule amount of improvement i am sad i go to sleep

>> No.7074020

damn i don't see it the same way cause i'm like man i used to be shit and now i'm not as shit. skill issue

>> No.7074027

I think Pricklyalpaca is just a fem to them. Isn't this just par for the course tumblr style? A lot of her other art has normal not-dorito noses.

>> No.7074042
File: 380 KB, 320x481, d59b8b_7177fbcc419e433c9e5558d3b09ecf80~mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, she's just a tomboy.
I don't know, if anything it looks like she's versatile and switches around through different styles.

>> No.7074196

How do you force yourself to start drawing for the day?
>just do it
doesn't work, I'm way too smart to just do something without question. I have to convince my brain that its a good idea with perfect arguments.

>> No.7074209

Arguments are shit because you can always argue back with ewually as strong ones.
I just go
>I have to draw once a day
>Idk i just have to
>Its the rule

>> No.7074211

thanks, this is a good idea. I wont argue with myself

>> No.7074216

>doesn't work, I'm way too smart to just do something without question
Clearly not smart enough to understand that not everything requires a logically sound answer, sometimes you just do it. STEMfags are insufferable.

>> No.7074537
File: 420 KB, 588x615, edmond honda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post oc art
>average upwards of 1000 likes most posts
>post fanart
On one hand, I'm glad my oc stuff gets a lot of recognition for the amount of work I put in to it. But I also put a lot, if not equal, effort into fanart as well, so it baffles me to see it not do as well despite being much more recognizable.

>> No.7075500

Wait lol I'm finally working a day job at least semi-related to art and not for a company I don't give a shit about. The universe is funny like that.

>> No.7075541

i hate SJWs…

>> No.7075546


>> No.7075561


>> No.7075589
File: 415 KB, 1500x2000, 1707628308064315 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am i doing

>> No.7075688

oh my god you're that pooner from last year arent you

>> No.7075725

I assume so.
I've improved somewhat I hope.

>> No.7075726

Looks more like mtf

>> No.7075728

How come?

>> No.7075764
File: 383 KB, 2500x2500, 1679902271272020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the last two days it's felt like i'm starting to forget all i've learned, which i'm not saying is a lot since i'm still relatively new to this art thing, but it really sucks because the day before this started to happened, it felt like I finally made a break through with my figure drawing. I was nice and flowy, but now it's like I'm fighting with my god damn pen. .

>> No.7075772

It's a rollercoaster. Even pros go through this at times. Not forgetting everything, but you know, redo a mouth 10 times and still not be pleased with it.

>> No.7076030

>feel my art is still at /beg/ level, want to study to get better
>college classes keep swamping me with work (can't exactly study art when I'm given some retarded 2-page writing assignment due in a few days, repeatedly)
college fucking sucks, you essentially piss away 3 months of your life being chained to monotonous academics for 4 years, while anything not related to the classes you take suffer
and god forbid you take your attention off it for even a day

this is probably entirely my fault but it doesn't make me any less upset
I focused on studying perspective for almost a year near-daily and ended up failing a class

>> No.7076055

How does one make art friends? I understand that people feel very onguard against new people but surely they feel they would like to make a new friend? Just hoping that someone will DM "hey man really cool art, i like the same thing, wanna be friends?" Is too passive and, to this date, never worked. I suppose I should actively reach out to artists with similar taste to me. Do you feel you'd be fine with someone reaching out to you this way? Another problem is that I'm mega introverted, I'll wanna talk and then I become quiet for days because I am content. Do you think this is a big deal?

>> No.7076518

I think maybe discord or through other friends. People can tend to get disinterested in keeping things going if there isn't a consistency in contact, but that's not always the case.
I really wish that I had better advice for you, but all I can do is wish you luck.

>> No.7076770

It's fucking tough anon : (

>> No.7076792

90% of my time spent drawing is CTRL-Z. Not during studies, but when trying to complete something. I brute force every limb or element in the drawing. And I can't thumbnail or plan it out first because I can't come up with good ideas or visualize anything. I just draw something, see if its good or bad, and then fix it from there.

>> No.7076795

indicator of poor fundies, go to the courses general, you're sitting on gold

>> No.7076797

oh never mind, didn't notice this part>>7076792
>I can't come up with good ideas or visualize anything

>> No.7076802

do your drawing on a sketch layer, lower opacity, play around without much undo, scribbling lines etc, and then above that do a more refined drawing, but not the final, then above that refined one, a third and final pass. some artists even do a 4th/refined inking pass. use reference if you can't think of good ideas, look at 4-5 images and combine parts from them.

>> No.7077346

How do you cope with long term experimental failure?

I've spent the last 3 months or so learning how to do pixel art since I want to get into game dev and I learned a few things but I spent the last 3 months in first gear instead of fifth.

Anyone have any resources for 2d game asset creation? The majority of my skillset lies in background art

I can post some of the pixel art I created in the last few months but the shit is bordering on ironic SOVL tier bad

>> No.7077508
File: 189 KB, 892x1610, 1709106068649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired literally all the time. Yester day I slept 8hrs at night, spent 5hrs at work (was an event), then came back and slept for 6 until midnight, had dinner, then slept again until this morning

Doctors have been fucking useless. Blood tests came back "normal" whatever that means, and they won't do anything else.
I'm at work now, and all I can think of is going back to sleep.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.7077514
File: 688 KB, 800x768, 321098764956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate chasing my money from my job
Like, we're meant to be public sector. Reliable payrolls, right? They keep trying to delay or stiff me on my rights and I have to chase the Finance guys down to get it done.

Now they're trying to stiff me on my bonus too the cunts

>> No.7077630
File: 254 KB, 1080x830, Screenshot_20240228_052926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to join the Krita forums this week, began posting a little and... well, see this response to something I wrote on on my post while posting art. Not replying to someone, a comment on my own work on my own thread topic. I really do not know what to make of this. I read the TOS, guidelines, FAQ, everything, and did my utmost due diligence to not be a shitter, and I still got some zealous mod working my motor over.
None of this shit is listed as being haram anywhere. I did a search of all the posts and everyone and their mother uses the term "screw" as liberally as you please. Even a person that the mod in question quoted their friggin' post for cryin' out loud.
It's so weird how borderline hostile this sounds, too, immediately threatening punitive action should I DARE step out of line and say HECK in the CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER one more time. It's really baffling. I figured that it would be a little starchy in forumlandia but, uh, holy shit folks. This one will stand up without you wearing it. What even is this shit?

>> No.7077634

>users age 13+
lol don't they know 13 year old swear the most of all ages?

>> No.7077635
File: 1.44 MB, 1125x1326, 1679484853890627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what the fuck, this is so hilariously over the top that I'd believe this was a shitpost if you told me so

>> No.7077637

that mod has non life and his only life's purpouse is correcting posts according to his holy bible of accepted speech, psychotic behaviour

>> No.7077647

guaranteed it's a tranny jannie

>> No.7077692
File: 500 KB, 1120x1600, 1675552216252352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that uh sucks?
wanna swap with my anxiety induced insomnia?

>> No.7077702

>silenced, suspended, and deleted capitalized
Not only a trannyjanny but an Indian one as well.
Also wouldn't "cripple" be even more offensive to actual cripples? Who cares about the word gimp? Unless they want to connect it to gimp suits which...

>> No.7077723

>wouldn't "cripple" be even more offensive to actual cripples?
Generally, yes, though both words can be looked at as equally offensive ("cripple" is just more obvious in comparison).
Late reply, but I can kinda-sorta see why you got pointed out as a pooner so quickly. It's something about your body shapes and line weight that's (potentially) interpretable as a female artist who's diversified into a grungier style. It's a style that's harder to clock which makes it less offensive overall.

>> No.7077875

You could work on your typesetting more, make the text tighter and slightly smaller, but otherwise interesting work

>> No.7077905

what is this from? it looks cool

>> No.7077914

Yu-Gi-Oh manga

>> No.7077938

ah shouldve known from the hair, thanks!

>> No.7077966
File: 167 KB, 1816x761, Untitled10_20240228094305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see why you got pointed out as a pooner so quickly
No that person knows of a history and I am literally directly replying to something tranny related.
>It's something about your body shapes and line weight that's (potentially) interpretable as a female artist who's diversified into a grungier style.
Everything is potentially female because it's half the population. Saying that my style is inherently forced through 'diversifying' is retarded and assumes my previous style was woefully female. My previous style/art was so ugly it cannot be rendered male or female in my opinion. No I will not post it.

>> No.7078180
File: 123 KB, 1200x985, aw mah gah bruh _VINE BOOM_ HEEELL naww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, this is the last straw. I am 2000% done with this godforsaken dystopian daycare of a forum. The absolute (nanny) state of that place. I can hardly believe my eyes.

>> No.7078200

They should be capitalized, anon. They are specific actions that are defined elsewhere.
They are not silencing you, they are Silencing you. The difference is one is an actual crime and the other is a computer command.

If you want any hope of it ever changing, send a complaint to the highest level of management they have. Simply:
>While as an artist I intended to help other Krita users out, your forums' moderation is overzealous and hostile, as shown by this screenshot. Your moderator was unprofessional and I will discontinue using these forums for the time being. I understand the need to keep the forums family-friendly but edge-cases like this should not be met with threats.

do it, because I'd like any chance they kick this reddit mod out as well.

>> No.7078201

Wht did they even pull? Blood panels are worthless if they just ran them for tests that aren't related to the problem, and there are a shit ton of possible problems.
Did you use "gimp" in the context of the program? Either way, it seems no percent worth it to keep using their forums if they're going to be this weird about words that aren't even offensive. You're not attending pre-school. What was your question there?
Captcha: Ga Twat

>> No.7078204

I'm getting better at conversations but they tend to end up dead and I feel like I'm trying harder than I should to keep it going . I guess it doesn't help that most of my current friendship circle is mostly made up of people I met online. But since I have a history of being shit at talking, it's hard to tell when or when it isn't my fault.

Grinding can get pretty lonely so having someone on the sidebar helps pass the time. If it's my fault then I could correct whatever's my problem, if it isn't then I just can't tell.

Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.7078212

I've been dealing with bipolar disorder and ADHD screwing me over hard for a really long time. Took me forever to figure out that I had ADHD (then found out that I was diagnosed with it as a child but I hadn't really been informed or had forgotten about it and my parents, well, lets just say they're a bit old fashioned and skeptical about that sort of thing), and while I haven't bothered to get a BPD diagnosis I'm pretty sure that's what it is since AFAIK there's no other reason that I would consistently be going from listless and apathetic to hyper and passionate from week to week. In my case, I'm mostly depressive and unfocused and my manic states are mild and only last a few days at most. However I've been having a *lot* of success lately stacking l-tyrosine with choline supplements, caffeine, and l-theanine. When I feel a depressive episode trying to encroach on me I can take a dose of tyrosine and almost immediately feel my mood and cognition lifting and leveling out again.
One thing that I know about myself is that if I'm in a healthy state of mind then I absolutely WILL be drawing, and I've been drawing fit to burn a hole in my tablet lately. In just the last two weeks I've blasted through 70 sketchbook pages, 40 or so alone in just this last week. I've even been making comics, something I haven't done in literal years! Sure, it's all a lot of feverish scribbling but it's something, and I'm getting pretty excited about it.

>> No.7078219

>In just the last two weeks I've blasted through 70 sketchbook pages, 40 or so alone in just this last week.
as a fellow ADD/ADHD haver, god I wish that was me. I can barely even get an hour of studies and/or doodling done. Either way, that's good to see you found your groove!

>> No.7078220

Not really. I just don't drive conversations if I don't have anything to talk about. That's pretty lame and makes it hard to form deeper connections or start more conversations but it ensures I'll never be annoying. That's my problem, I don't want any chance of rejection.

So my focus is on having something to show, especially art. Draw stuff and post it to get interest. Find stuff they like and post it. Ask about their OCs.

>> No.7078224

>bipolar disorder
Anon, we get the hyperfocus superpower sometimes (and never when convenient), but bipolar disorder stacks the mania buff that can let them grind the fuck out of something.

>> No.7078230

I can't guarantee any miracles but it can't hurt to try taking some supplements to boost your levels of dopamine/serotonin. The reason why I really twigged onto tyrosine and choline supplements to begin with was because I tried out the C4 "Superbrain Performance" (i know, it sounds cringe) drink and noticed that it immediately lit my brain up like a christmas tree, whereas before when I was trying to alleviate the all-encompassing soul crushing fatigue with heavy doses of caffeine it completely failed to budge me. Try some drinks or energy shots with those ingredients in them first, see how they do, and then if it works buy some standalone supplements.

>> No.7078247
File: 22 KB, 324x324, IMG_20240226_015034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manic episodes are great (or more accurately hypomanic since I don't go totally bugnuts during those periods, just feeling really bright and active if ever so slightly unhinged) but the depression+lack of ability to focus/perpetual dopamine starvation+the temporal myopia inherent in ADD made it stupid hard to get it together to any appreciable degree for literal years. Pretty much half of my life has been stolen from me because of this shit.

Interesting bit of trivia that I found out when I was researching ADHD is that it's actually characterized more by an extreme level of focus in all the wrong places and an inability for the ADDtard to tear their focus AWAY from whatever easy dopamine farm that they've latched onto at the moment. When I'm in a low state I'll obsessively scroll through YouTube for hours and can't rip myself away from it until I'm too tired to go on. It got to the point where I could hardly even focus on playing vidya anymore, I'd get bored and go back to scrolling BoobTube again because it offered zero resistance or need for investment.
BPD is also similarly characterized by the high states rather than the low states, cuz, yanno if you were just depressed all the time and were never manic you'd just be depressed, da-doy!
Also, COOL TARD FACT'S, ADHDers have a high rate of developing BPD in their adulthood, wouldn't you know it.

>> No.7078292

"crap" is a hard word filter that will prevent you from posting at all. I'm pretty sure this place is too far gone to save.

I used "gimp" as in "cripple". Funny you mention that though since some super politically correct wingdings tried to "rebrand" GIMP by forking the thing wholesale, slapping a generic logo on it, and calling it "Glimpse" because GEEMP IS HOR-FEEN-SEEVE AAAAAIEEEE.
It got dropped and no one cares about it, of course.
Of the posts in question, the first was just me rambling about nothing in particular on my own sketch page thread. Nothing offensive whatsoever. The second, I was simply answering a question and when I tried to post it I got the "ERMMMMM YOU CAN'T SAY CRAP THAT'S A BAD WORD" popup which prevented me from posting.
It's utterly bizarre. People were saying "shit" and "fuck" all the way up until around April of last year but I guess not anymore.
But it gets better. Check picrelated, people are just throwing the word DAMN around like confetti and no one is having an issue with it, not even the super anal retentive mod who jumps at the chance to rap people's knuckles for breaking DA RULES. Yet I got jumped on for... screwed, and "fluffyducking", and "GNU Image Manipulation Program".
I should repeat that absolutely nowhere is it mentioned that you can't say naughty words, except for a vague "please be civil", anywhere in the rules.
This place is just nuts.

>> No.7078295
File: 220 KB, 1200x1492, IMG_20240228_173021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078640

>not teaching little shits how to behave

>> No.7078704

>you can't say fuck but you can say xi/xer and hop on blockers and HRT and destroy your body/fertility.

>> No.7078824

If that's the case then start spamming the management

>> No.7078865

Does anyone else hold themselves to professional standards even though it only makes the art process more time-consuming and miserable?
My favorite part of drawing is sketching and cleaning that sketch up, adding details and more precise forms like a sculptor would. But the most disliked part of art for me is the inking process. It takes the longest to complete and is the least fun. And in the end, it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference, considering the time and energy invested. I see all these popular artists that have scratchy and sketchy line art and clearly their audience doesn't mind it at all.

My pride and ego for some reason can't accept my art being 'finished' if I haven't given 120% of my time and energy into it. I have so many different ideas that I want to complete as soon as possible which would be perfect for a refined sketch-like artstyle but a part of me still sees it as incomplete and unfinished compared to professional and published work. I'm a random artist on the internet, why am I comparing myself to published artists?

>> No.7078886

The things you described about your condition fit and resonated with me 100%

Thanks for the recommended supps btw. I'm feeling a bit manic right now, so I just said fuck it and bought Tyrosine and Choline supps. I will visit your house if they don't have an effect on me.

>> No.7078891

Just adopt an art style that doesn’t require you to ink the whole image.
Excessive refining makes your art worse in the long run since it causes you to lose the forest for the trees. Work quickly.

>> No.7079025
File: 46 KB, 700x517, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got a longass way to go, which is both terrifying and also exciting. Is this what most /beg/s feel like?

>> No.7079037

If you think about how long it takes and you drop a gigantic list of to-dos before you, of course it's going to be terrifying. I've heard some stories from mountain climbers where they don't think about how tall the mountain is, they just climb, or something to that effect, the same can be said for all daunting endeavors, you just move one foot at a time or in this case, one mark at a time.

>> No.7079038

start at your goal. don't let study or waiting until you are 'good' to get in your way. (do those on the side)

>> No.7079046
File: 1004 KB, 2019x2427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admittedly i have been a tad too focused on "getting better" to the point of not drawing for myself much, so you guys are probably right. Just afraid of stagnating too much or falling out of my passion every few months again. Thanks, anons.

>> No.7079455

I wish you the best of luck, anon.

>> No.7079472

What a fucking edgelord, holy shit. Yeah, you are untreatable, and it's entirely your own fault. How does it feel knowing that you're the architect of your own suffering and no amount of blame shifting will change that?

Scum. Just hurry up and kill yourself so the people around you no longer have to put up with you.

>> No.7079557 [DELETED] 


>> No.7080179
File: 162 KB, 868x519, FREDGETSDEHUMANIZED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like everytime i do a study it comes out bad, and it causes me to just auto delete it instead of saving it, idk why but i've just been feeling like shit about that aspect of drawing. As if in barely getting better despite knowing objectively i am.

To some extent, at the end of the day you gotta change your mindset to that of having fun, the art of drawing comes not from the mind but from the soul muh fren.

>> No.7080184

I completely forgot you existed. Worlds most random human return.

>> No.7080200

I haven't been doing the usual fred schtick for some time now, i'm too caught up with shit irl to actual spend time fredposting; plus i've been spending most of the freedom time ingot just doing hobbies and talking to frens on the 'cord.

Ahh /ic/ like old /cgl/ but for art.

Thats more progress then most make anony, keep going, i believe in ya.

>> No.7080218

Not sure what you're expecting, are you new?

>> No.7080226
File: 244 KB, 587x569, 1688086359054392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to the conclusion that anime characters in a void are enough for me. Drawing backgrounds would probably make me quick from how boring it is.

>> No.7080298

Draw more interesting backgrounds.

>> No.7080942

gfxhub took the courses i ripped and put up on cgp and watermarked them with their own logo lmao the lengths people will go for a quick buck

>> No.7080950

>kicked out of therapy
The reason you are kicked out is because you are a psychopath.

>> No.7080977

thank you anon for uploading in the first place

>> No.7080991

o7 someone's gotta do it
I figure since I'm paying for some of these anyway, might as well make them available for other people, the money was spent either way so might as well share it

>> No.7081007

Maybe it's time for a new desktop. Mine is over 15 years old. The problem is that I won't be able to afford a new one until around May.
I really lost my inspiration to draw. I know I can draw in traditional but I want to be able to work in colors, digitally.

>> No.7081233

did I die and God put some new spirit in me today? It’s like knowledge is flowing into my brain that is not of my own

>> No.7081241

I upgraded my desktop after 12 years. It's been long enough, it's time to lay the old friend to rest.

>> No.7081329

>Get into the zone
>magic ideas
>magic skills
That feeling you get from the gods and the muses, yeah, it only gets better anon, keep at it.

>> No.7082049

I think I'm finally reaching the end of my 4chan journey. At this point I've spent more of my life here than without it, having picked it up in the late 00's. I remember secretly browsing gurochan in highschool because I was an edgy fuck.

but really the only thing that keeps me coming any more are drawthreads and the periodic /a/ thread. but all the drawthreads are filled with garbage, and the /ic/ ones are even worse, having devolved into some weird twitterdeviantart circlejerk and dramafags.

the site has been freefall in terms of quality for years now, but without the drawthreads i just feel like there's no point coming.
but drawthreads were probably the last thing that were actually keeping me drawing and keeping me consistently outputting drawings.

now it just feels pointless.

>> No.7082079

You take this website too seriously.

>> No.7082091

see you tomorrow

>> No.7082137 [DELETED] 

Life is pointless.

Embrace it. Post a picture of your penis.

>> No.7082139 [DELETED] 

You're in luck, because almost no one looking at art of anime characters cares about backgrounds. They are a waste of time.

It's part of the genre. Only hustle bros care about backgrounds in anime character art, the point of the drawing is to focus in on the character above all else. Needing backgrounds in that kind of art is like trying to squeeze 4 part polyphonic counterpoint into a folk rock song, it is not at all necessary and might actively undermine the work.

>> No.7082165

what the hell kind of cope is this?

>> No.7082170 [DELETED] 

You mean to tell me when you're wanking to a close up of an anime girl with her legs spread, you're beating it to the quality rendering on the bedsheets? Just imply that shit's there and move on, literally no one cares about backgrounds in weebshit.

>> No.7082200

You need to either refresh your eyes with better porn or you need to stop following white background "animators" on twitter

>> No.7082204

>Just go deeper into your porn addiction to find better porn artists
You guys are so funny

>> No.7082209 [DELETED] 

Better porn? That's an oxymoron. Porn is bottom of the barrel trash for trash, you utter retard. Whatever gets the job done is all that matters.

Don't deceive yourself into thinking anyone cares about the quality of backgrounds in their disposable cum rags. Imagine having such a gigantic need for perceived "artistic superiority" that you grind studies of environments just to put a technically marvelous background in a fotm drawing focused entirely on the gaping cunt of some 70 IQ autistic retard's favorite waifu. It's a waste of time, a waste of energy, and it will be appreciated by no one.

What are you trying to fucking prove?

>> No.7082213 [DELETED] 

Apparently, and this is backed up by studies, porn addicts not only have worse impulse control over their actions, but lessened empathy, ability to feel pleasure, and an inability to regulate their emotions. They suffer from frequent mood swings as a result.
They are literally addicts.

>> No.7082214

What are you even trying to prove here? You sound brain damaged.

>> No.7082217 [DELETED] 

That it is completely accepted to draw weebshit without backgrounds.
This is a fact.
Coomers do not care.
You think it's a cope because you're a faggot that thinks porn needs to be good.
You're not an artist, you're a pornographer. Act like one and stop deluding yourself into thinking your disposable coom slop needs to be an artistic masterpiece.

>> No.7082218

It’s not gay to lick another dude’s nipples, is it?

>> No.7082220 [DELETED] 


>> No.7082227

Yeah, you lack imagination and that's okay. It's okay to be a white voider.

>> No.7082228

You need to take your meds and lighten up you psychopath. I can see the foam bubbling between your lips. People like what they like but to say backgrounds don't matter is actually braindead. I'm not even sure you yourself actually believe that, if you do then you're either clinically insane or it's terminal grade coping, no middle ground. I'm not going to write an entire spiel as to why backgrounds have validity in art because I don't feel like educating the special needs beyond this post.
Now shut the fuck up and stop shitting around the watercooler.

>> No.7082229

On what?

>> No.7082230

>Hating yourself is literally retarded. It's just self destructive. You can learn and improve without hatred.

I think it's more like self-realization, because you're realizing what's wrong and trying to correct mistakes, which might lead to one being overly critical and stressed out about the quality of work. This can be mistaken for self-hate if the person voices out their concerns in a disdainful and off-putting way according to the audience.

There is no rule about the kind of attitude a person needs to get better.

>> No.7082235

What is so boring about backgrounds? I have a lot of fun doing them. Maybe you just aren't good at them. I don't blame you for avoiding them, I usually don't like doing things I'm not good at either. But once I really understood backgrounds they felt less like a chore and more like a fun exercise. Just practice them more, do more landscape studies, and you'll have fun in no time.

>> No.7082240

I'm trying to write a seductress character. But I don't know how to flirt with strangers.

How do you seduce people?

Aside from subtly touching someone and complimenting then and going, "Ooo~ you're arm is so strong."

>> No.7082246 [DELETED] 

They don't matter to the audience.
Why the fuck should they matter to you? Porn is for making money off retards, save your best efforts for art that matters.

>> No.7082247 [DELETED] 

The only thing I hate more than drawing is dealing with the other retards who draw.

I am trapped and I am going to take as many of you worthless faggots out with me when I finally go.

>> No.7082251 [DELETED] 

Read between the lines man. Dude wants to draw anime girls in a void. He's been shamed by idiots into thinking that there's something wrong with wanting to do that. He has no interest in backgrounds, stop trying to convince him he needs to make shit he doesn't want to make out of some misguided need to force growth in a direction that doesn't even interest him.

>> No.7082253

Who the fuck was talking about porn other than you? You weird ass nigga. Go away.

>> No.7082257 [DELETED] 

No. Suck my two and a half inch gook dick, you unmitigated genetic disaster. Wipe the smell of your mother's cunt off your face, first.

>> No.7082261

Not if they're my nipples anon

>> No.7082311
File: 28 KB, 327x392, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but that's so lame. I can't imagine not having fun learning new things to draw, or at least being somewhat inspired to learn new techniques and fundamentals. Art as a whole would be so dull drawing the same thing over and over and over again. What even is the point of practicing drawing if not to improve? There is literally no harm in learning backgrounds, or anything new for that matter. It's not like it would make your art worse. If he wants to ONLY draw anime girls, ONLY in white voids, then I guess he can... but unless he's making money off of it he's eventually going to feel frustrated with his stagnation, simply because he refuses to learn new things if they're too hard or too boring.

>> No.7082330

I want to want to draw, but it's just not fun for me.
I feel like I'm losing interest in other hobbies as well; getting bored and tired usually after 20 minutes of an activity.
I'm wondering if anyone has advice on getting that spark back.

>> No.7082334 [DELETED] 

The problem with your mentality is that mindlessly pursuing new things for the sake of them being new is its own kind of hell.
Artists get caught up chasing after shit they find out they never wanted to do all the time. If your goal is to draw EVERYTHING then by all means, go right the fuck ahead, draw everything. Draw the stinking smegma on your cock, shade your shit stains, draw every piece of roadkill you come across. More power to you.

Artists who have a goal set out that goal from the start and work towards it. Stagnation is only stagnation if you're not achieving what you want to achieve.

I draw monsters. I have no interest in drawing cars. I have in fact drawn cars, but I found it boring. Why? Because they weren't monsters. Boring is relative.

Have a goddamn personality.

>> No.7082347

>for the sake of them being new
You're not getting it anon.
It's about broadening your abilities, looking at things differently than you had before.
It's not "chasing some new high" it's a craft. It's not about a particular object.
>I draw monsters. I have no interest in drawing cars. I have in fact drawn cars, but I found it boring. Why? Because they weren't monsters. Boring is relative.
No one said you needed to keep drawing cars. But yeah you'd be kind of retarded and I'd respect someone less as an artist if they never at least tried, in their own way.

You're being retarded on purpose.

>> No.7082363 [DELETED] 

No, you are just trying to justify time spent wasted drawing things you don't care about.

No one is obligated to "broaden their horizons," you feckless stain. The fact that you phrase it that way betrays your elitism.

Do you have less respect for artists who chose not to draw coom because they weren't willing to "broaden their horizons?" Do you think someone like say, Steven Zapata, who despises anime style art, is worthy of less respect because he doesn't lower himself to the level of copying generic anime faces in an attempt just to prove he can do it?

I'll say it again, because maybe this time it'll etch itself into the turd you're carrying around in your mongoloid skull, but have a goddamn personality. Just because it's a craft doesn't mean you have to explore EVERY facet of it, that's for spoiled sheltered dilettantes who need to try everything to feel like their lives have any meaning. Music is a craft. Should every composer force themselves to compose in EVERY genre? Should every piano player force themselves to learn guitar because it's part of the craft?

Spin your wheels. Keep broadening your 'horizons.' Go nowhere. Achieve nothing. It's what you're clearly good at.

>> No.7082368 [DELETED] 

Do drugs. Failing that, kill yourself, you will never feel like a kid again.

>> No.7082386 [DELETED] 

Oh shit you caught me.

So how about it? Want to commit suicide with me?

>> No.7082388


>> No.7082399 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1333x1200, Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fine, you want to compare art penises here.

Your turn, faggot, let's hurt each other.

>> No.7082409
File: 152 KB, 850x850, 1696736203888997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but what the flying fuck am I looking at KEK

>> No.7082413 [DELETED] 

It is in you now.

It will always be in you. Screaming. Drowning in a mother's love.

>> No.7082414


draw monster trucks lol

NTA but

One way of getting good at drawing anime girls is using the environment their in to denote lighting, White voids aren't great for creating believable atmosphere so it might be harder to pick the right color tones etc you can apply skills you learned to further your ability to draw things you ARE interested in (note this wont apply to everything all the time but definitely good to mix and match concepts and techniques for interesting believable results) I agree that your focus should mostly be what you're aiming for but studying things you normally wouldn't can help

Of course you don't HAVE to do anything or draw anything you don't want to, but to post on a board about critique and improvement with "I don't wanna improve or try new things" is a great recipe for getting replies you wont like, simple as that

lol gonna be honest bro what the fuck

>> No.7082418 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck

I actually gave this to my mom as a mother's day gift. She said she loved it and was going to frame it, but it's funny, I haven't seen it on her wall yet.

Anyway, monster trucks. A+ Real game changer.

>> No.7082420

>It is in you now.
>It will always be in you. Screaming. Drowning in a mother's love.
Bitch, please.

>> No.7082421

It's not about hurting eachother. I've posted here already >>7075589
>No one is obligated to "broaden their horizons," you feckless stain.
No one is. No one is obligated to make art, no one is obligated to improve, no one is obligated to draw in any particular genre. If someone never wants to learn to render, if someone never wants to draw people and prefers to draw animals, who cares.
You're being intentionally retarded. No you don't have to be a master to be an artist. You don't have to be able to make every single possible conceivable thing, and well, to be an artist.
I'm not even the original person you were replying to (I'm not the touhou poster). I tend to white void.
Maybe I have a personality you dislike, but that doesn't mean my opinion of other artists means I have no personality.

No one has to be a master. No two people have the same goals. No one is obligated to do anything.
However, I do think differently about people who don't "at least (are) somewhat inspired to learn new techniques and fundamentals"
It's not about genres. It's not about fucking anime. It's not about Things. It's not about cars and it's not about species of fauna. It's just being open to the idea to learning. I find many things to be boring to draw, but i don't find the act of drawing to be boring. I'd be bored out of my mind if i had to draw cars for a living, but even then there would still be love for the techniques, the learning, etc.

You're acting as if this is completely black and white. Chill out.

>Do you think someone .. who despises anime style art, is worthy of less respect because he doesn't lower himself to the level of copying generic anime faces in an attempt just to prove he can do it?
Symbolic drawing is not confined to anime, if someone literally never ever wanted to draw symbolically and wanted to only do realism, i simply wouldn't believe them because everyone does it. Everyone goes through it.
I don't know what else to say.

>> No.7082422 [DELETED] 

I can't fap to this. Where's the infant?

>> No.7082425

**However, I do think differently about people who aren't "at least somewhat inspired to learn new techniques and fundamentals"

>> No.7082427 [DELETED] 

I'm not reading all of that because I was never invested in this conversation to begin with. Thanks for the supply though. You took that bait and ran with it hard, huh?

Cool drawing. You should still kill yourself, though.

>> No.7082429

Hey man, you do you. But once again, there is virtually no downsides to studying something new. Not arguing that you should completely change your style, or completely switch to different subject matter in your art. Nor am I saying you need to learn EVERYTHING. If you want to stay in your niche and draw just what you like, then that's fine. But to suggest that simply "broadening your horizons" leads you nowhere is just flat out wrong. You don't try new things because you might end up wasting your time, you don't do anything different because you fear you'll do it wrong. Not experiencing new methods and techniques is just a disservice to yourself. There's a reason why /mg/ studies planes, vehicles and perspective, not just mechas; the knowledge they gain from it enhances their art of robots. A musician may not need to compose in every single genre of music, but a psych rock guitarist could still probably learn a lot by playing some jazz.

At the end of the day, you get to decide what you want to draw and what you don't. I just find it a shame that people don't want to learn something new because they just don't like it. Maybe that's due to the fact that there's nothing in the world I don't want to draw, and many people don't think that way. idk.

>> No.7082431 [DELETED] 

Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Very interesting opinions, concise, to the point, convincing, you've got me, I'm on your side now you're right totally right silly me.

What do you think about suicide? Do you think it's ever justified? Do you think a person's right to commit suicide is outweighs the grief it will cause other people? Do you think suicide is better alone, or with a group?

>> No.7082441
File: 94 KB, 354x443, DILATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the concession bub. nice talking to ya.

>> No.7082447

That's... oddly sweet of you anon lol your mom seems nice

Respect for posting your work but do you have any other pieces? I feel like it's not the best goto if you wanna flex your skills

>> No.7082605

Can you have too many artists you like? I have some 20 artists that I like more than others, I keep saving pics from them, I keep trying to draw and learn from their art, but of course they don't all have the same artstyle. Initially I was thinking that maybe I'll just end up taking my favorite elements from all of them and combine them in my own artstyle, but lately I've been wondering if this isn't actually hindering me from learning art properly? A too many chefs in the kitchen situation? Chasing too many rabbits? When learning did you guys try to emulate just one artist or many?

>> No.7082621

worst bait chain of replies in a while for this place

>> No.7082797

That wasn't bait, just a schizo. They are real, the non-meme variety. I've known one personally.

>> No.7082804

>I've known one personally.


>> No.7082807


while working, i listen to interviews on the Louisianna channel on yt, it's fucking great. i don't like some of the artists, but they still often have good things to say. "advice for young artists" is esp encouraging


>> No.7082847

I don't think it's inherently bad, but it does make it harder to pinpoint what you like about their art. Just study them in batches, ie if you have 20 artists you want to emulate, study 4 of them, make a finished piece with the new knowledge (or some other application of knowledge), then move on the the next 4 and repeat. If 4 is too many, then cut it down to 2 or 3 at a time. That way you can focus on a few artists' main qualities at a time rather than all of them.

>> No.7082942

LOL so true, btw who would be your rival who's always ahead of you in this situation?

>> No.7082951

I don't think it matters as long as you're having fun
boredom is the real enemy of learning

>> No.7083230

Anyone else feeling a sense grief with the deterioration of this board?
I remember there was a time where the generals, especially /ALT/, moved significantly faster. It just seemed like a much more vibrant place back then.
Now we get to monitor the generals with no activity for hours or days. There's hardly a point in posting here anymore; it's a void, a skeleton of what it once was.

>> No.7083261

yeah kinda. /i/ feels more active than /ic/ now.

>> No.7083268

nobody here draws

>> No.7083431

/ic/ if playing minecraft was drawing

>guys how many blocks of wood should i break before attempting to build my first house
>watch hours of wood mining tutorials
>i keep collecting stacks of wood logs what now? craft wooden planks?
>no one told me there are other wood items now i need to learn to use all of them
>i build my houses out of dirt anyway who cares about wood. i just like how dirt looks better

>> No.7083603

>Just use redstone to automate building your house

>> No.7083606

>using a crafting table is cheating. if you can't craft with your 4x4 square, you're a hack and a fraud.

>> No.7083608

I'm trying to attract more posters that gave a hint about learning how to draw onto /ic/ but ultimately they are either experiencing a short lived infatuation or just give up immediately after being intimidated by the sticky. Learning to draw is difficult and most people have a very short attention span and cannot dedicate at least an hour in studying. Drawing is not for everyone, very few commit to the craft because it demands a lot of time and effort for very little or no reward at all. Worst of all, nobody gives a shit about your work except for you and that alone takes will power to finish a drawing that no one will see anyway.

>> No.7083626
File: 1.15 MB, 700x1000, mfw_genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at my schedule today and realized that I don't even have enough time to draw for an hour...

I'm going to go fucking batty. When do I get to spend time on MYSELF, doing things I want to do??
All I fucking do is MAINTENANCE. Work, eat, sleep, chores, obligations FUUCK.

>> No.7083633

Welcome to being an Adult.

>> No.7083638

sacrifice sleep

>> No.7083736

I would like to think the oldfags who used to post here all got jobs but I look at their accounts on Twitter and it's ???? random anime girl sketch or some of them are still working on a "game" they mentioned years ago and no product yet. I think they're just complacent about it being a hobby while they're trapped in a day job they don't like...like >>7083626

such is the fate of many

>> No.7083743

Especially the anons who tried so hard to make it in conceptart but still don't have jobs. They got better, but no work. There are only a few success stories here.

>> No.7083757

>have no confidence in governments
>have no confidence in women
>have no confidence in society
>have no confidence in job market
>have no confidence in fiat
As an artist, I'm pretty much gave up on everything. I got one commissioner, I barely have any food. I live with my parents. The only reason why I haven't leave and gone into the forest is because of my parents. Is there a way to make a lot of money, I wanna give my parents some and then I leave.

>> No.7083761
File: 6 KB, 222x227, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't come to question
All that you've drawn.
Remember, you are not alone.
I will be here,
Drawing beside you.

There is no thumbnail
Too hard to overcome.
We will be as one.
You will draw again...
This is your legacy!


>> No.7083763

ship your grandparents to argentina

send them 3 dollars

congratulations they are now the richest people on the land

>> No.7083770

Terrible idea.

>> No.7083884

thats true of humans at large. only a few will ever have the wherewithal to make it in whatever they pursue, the rest compromise

>> No.7084217

I do like comforting people in bad places but it's not like I'm a well of kindness, if the guy gets whiny I have no problem in making his life even more miserable by describing how much he sucks. Also I have literally zero energy to steal, I'm a walking corpse myself that feeds exclusively on frustration and my wife's fat tits
What happened to the post anyway?

>> No.7084220
File: 521 KB, 1698x1850, 0jrys3oqmb021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna die on this hill motivation man

>> No.7084232

I'm probably one of those oldfags, the first thing I posted here was like in 2007
Did I got an industry job? Took me more than a decade because I was busy being a hobo and doing drugs to be this close, I'm literally touching it with my fingertips
Am I trapped in a day job I hate? Not anymore, it lasted only long enough to save money
Are my socials fucking pathetic? Yeah absolutely, I doubt my actual skills every other minute but I got lucky enough to impress a couple humanitarians in the industry that pass me jobs irregularly
There's a huge number of people that just gave up though, exactly like I did, multiple times, but always came back because I'm absolutely fucking obsessed. If you have some type of rationality you just don't throw away a stable job to maybe eventually become a pro artist if you get lucky like I did

>> No.7084264

sorry to hear that, man
lose all time wasting activities (including ic) and go around asking for free positions in person. sending emails and CVs around has a low success rate, at least giving them a call + the cv already improves your chances and going out there in person talking to people directly is t. best way, always was.

be confident, you got nothing to lose in being earnest and motivated. you have a goal, get your own place, move out and give your parents something back. persue that goal!

>> No.7084557

good to see you around

>> No.7084560

I just got a $100+ commission and I got tipped an extra 20! :D

>> No.7084845

Does anyone else only create total dogshit work when they are having fun and feeling happy?

I know the whole tortured artist thing is a faggot meme but I genuinely have never gotten money or likes out of a drawing I did while happy and experiencing genuine motivation. The only work that has ever gotten me paid is stuff I hated doing and gritted my teeth through and suffered greatly over.

Any time I approach anything from a place of genuine interest and joy, it seems to end up being complete and utter dogshit garbage that nobody likes.

So many artists say that you need to be calm when you work, that you should take care of your mental health and attitude, et cetera, but hating myself and my art is the reason I always improve, the reason I mercilessly use every tool available to me, and the reason I can actually earn a living off this. If I go down the uwu kumbaya mental health my skills stagnate and my work almost instantly becomes trash.

>inb4 blah blah ignore likes money doesnt matter
Almost all the work I do is for people who pay me to do it so I owe them good work, and also if I make dogshit work I will literally starve and have to sell my house and rent out so I have quite the fire under my ass.

>> No.7084873

always come back to drawing when im manic. wish i could just quit instead, or find a different creative outlet. nothing hits quite like drawing but its impossible to improve at this rate. /blog

>> No.7084881

It's good that you still have fun with your own personal work to help balance things out. I believe that knowing these type of things about yourself is half the battle. You just always have to maintain a balance between the good and bad aspects of drawing, i.e. if you're feeling more frustration than joy, then you might want to change some things.
It's no mystery that the moment we have to do something for someone else it becomes work. However, if it's a pressure that pushes you forward and makes you some dough, then more power to you. Just make sure you're not constantly miserable in the process.

>> No.7084925
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1476705516155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you people would put up with this autistic shithole forever?It's not 2013 anymore. You can just use discord if you want to be an art community and twitter if you want to see some art. Blame nonexistent moderation for why /ic/ is dead, they let it rot and now there's just no point in stomaching /ic/ anymore.

>> No.7084928

*What did you think

>> No.7084929

i don’t want to scroll past anime episode spoilers or look at blue troonhive art for the millionth time and discord is its own issue with “did my art get more emoji than this guys art, oh it didn’t, that means I suck” etc.

/ic/ is not dead, it’s more annoying seeing people like you taking about its dead by creeping in generals to say that rather than going to your pastures. And when this is mentioned you always say it’s because you’re here for “the resources “. no you’re not, you already were told the links and proper channels on where to go. Nobody even uploads pirated content to private trackers anymore exclusively, it’s just 4chan reuploads or reuploads from OCC/telegram. The entire art community has an issue, not just this one little board.

>> No.7084930

What would you do to improve things, or rather what do you think should happen that would make them improve?

>> No.7084965

At this point I’ve shown my work to various teachers online, all notable in the industry, and they all say my studies are “good enough” and yet I keep telling myself I’m not good enough and there is something missing or my trust issues got so bad I keep dismissing when people are being truthful. I share in discord, people say it’s good. But I keep not believing them. I put out youtube video and it does well, but I take it down but I’m not satisfied. I have no idea what I’m chasing after anymore—that idea of mastery or whatever. I think at this point if the damn teachers are saying it’s good enough I’ll just settle with it and give up on whatever cloudy idea I had of being God.

>> No.7085049

>estate bubble is controlled by government
>250k for 36 sqm flat
>can't afford public housing
>can't afford to rent
>choose between eating and rent
>live with parents
>wants to live in a forest like a hermit
>can't live in forest have no basic survival skill
>has some understanding of world order
>has some understand of history
>has some understanding of game theory
> Has some understanding of geopolitics
>has some understanding of the art of war
>has some understanding of seduction
>learn social skill
>learn leadership skill
>learn management skill
>learn Japanese and Spanish
>get a job as a diplomat for foreign affairs
>move to Japan
>become rich???
>Give parents money
>leave society
>train for survival skill
>enter suicide forest
>make friends with suicidal people
>becomes Buddha
I guess that is the route I have to take. Also, that 1 commissioner has been keeping me alive for months now.

>> No.7085059

not really, i didnt have much of an attachment here anyways and im an oldfag, i only miss when there were more quality posts, you still had shitposts but people didnt fall for them as easily so they quickly died off, now you faggots do anything to not draw like responding to clear board tourists inciting drama for 300 posts
you fuckers need to shut the fuck up and hide posts but you fucking dont, its your own damn fault. stop trying to find comfort on 4chan, this website has never been for that

>> No.7085076
File: 597 KB, 803x554, mandatory post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board is experiencing philosophical death
>you can't talk about art in any way without getting accused of things if you do what the board is for i.e. discussing art
>most posts are bait, insults and trolling about memes or AI
>the rest is just discord drama, genuine schizos farming attention or marketing geniuses coming here to network for imaginary numbers and groom their next victims
>porn and ecelebs is the only thing anons want to talk about
Doesn't help that AItrannies are here 24/7 waiting for any chances to jump in and epic troll everyone and other tourists and ill intentioned faggots doing the same thing as this board and 4chan in general has become a twitter extension with the exact same lingo and retardation and mindset about "ratio'ing" and insulting everyone for clout or other meaningless shit.

It doesn't make any sense to post anything but shitty scribbles if the tourists and shitposters are going to put it in the art machine and try to interact with you and how epically they will make you seethe and shit.

But on one point i do second it; It's really not only this board, but the internet in general has become an absolute cancerous shithole.

>> No.7085086

I've been saying this by almost a decade now, and yet i still come everyday to 4chan because its still the least cancer place on all the fucking shiternet. It's just a matter of time thought as decent threads and interactions keep becoming rarer every year
Without 4chan i might just stop using internet outside resource search. And/ic/ nowadays can't be used for anything else than that

>> No.7085096

>I have no idea what I’m chasing after anymore
I reached that point too when I realized "what's the point of doing art when I basically loathe and find disgusting anyone that can possibly look at it" and i still struggle with it every day
The thing is i also realized i just can't exist without drawing, so I'm basically forced to do it
>pros tell you you're good enough
I learned the hard way that pros and (potentially) paying public have different ideas of that, and you have to take in count also the biggest lies on the art industry, that meritocracy beats everything in this field and that pros and teachers are immune to jealousy and "imma ruin this guy career cuz I don't like his personality" moments.
The only person you can trust is yourself, for fucking everything
I'm gonna inb4 you already, no, you can't just give up drawing. The only thing you can do is go on

>> No.7085101

>you can't talk about art in any way without getting accused of things if you do what the board is for i.e. discussing art

Like what? Who would be accusing (you)?
>most posts are bait
Only a fish notices what bait they’re attracted to. Would it truly be bait if it speaks to you?
>insults and trolling about memes or AI
AI is still a popular topic.
>the rest is just discord drama

Like what exactly? Fred stuff died down in the OC thread and very rarely does discord stuff from asg leak out anymore. So what could you possibly be talking about?
>genuine schizos farming attention

Who? You’re making shit up.
>marketing geniuses
You know what to do if that happens.
>porn and ecelebs…
meta thread
>Doesn't help that AItrannies are here 24/7

They aren’t in the generals and if they are, you know what to do.

Believe me, none of you dudes who are complaining about this actually give a shit. If you did, it would show. Here is the thing; nothing is stopping you from posting your work and give back critique.

You’re scraping the tub for stuff that are non-issues. Or you yourself were a troublemaker.

>> No.7085102

Or you yourself were a troublemaker* but now regret what they turned this place into*** according to your reality in your head, that is.

>> No.7085104

I can't tell if this is bait or unintentional bait

>> No.7085140

>"no u lie no it isnt true"
>"well if you gave a shit you would just pretend this issue didn't exists because if you notice them then you're actually the problem"
>"No actually it's you who are the schizos"
This is the exact retarded underage shitposts i am talking about

Don't you get tired of spamming like this?

>> No.7085141

man, this is watercooler, not /vent/

fuck off with your board complaints

>> No.7085158

>remember when this board was better
>you have to realize responding seriously to shitposts is why this place sucks now
>shitpost appears
>dumbfucks respond to it
>why is this board so bad now
god. I looked into the archives the other day and noticed a post that stuck out to me saying that threads like watercooler were enabling the worst kinds of retards: shitposting retards, mentally ill retards, tourist retards, actual retards
used to think this thread could be an ok place to wind down for offhours when you were taking a break from drawing but it's just enabling all the worst types, probably 10% of the posters in these threads actually use it for its purpose. instead it's more like a light fly trap except for retards, it just signals all the pests to gather

>> No.7085168

>it's all shitposts and bait no matter who you respond to
>if you're not responding to bait, it will turn into bait and trolling
Might as well cut the middle man and not post anything anymore
What's the point? No matter what you post, you're always doing or get accused of doing something wrong.
There is really no benefit in contributing here.

But yeah, the 30.000 IQ epic 4channers just say
>hehe he who smelt it, akshually dealt it
And there you have it.

Seriously, what's the point anymore if there is no room for talking but only to grind dem numbers so you can get rich and famous? Because most of the retards here are only here to do that hence why this board and the internet in general is in its absolute current state.
Seriously, what even is the fucking point anymore? Might as well just run scams and get as much money from retards as possible since you really can't do anything else.

>> No.7085200

Yeah, this. Honestly, we shouldn't be making a big fuss about struggles in life. The struggle is a disposition everyone faces. Someone can have it harder but everyone is struggling with something somewhere. How are you doing? Drawing and painting I hope

>> No.7085212

>cry because the board is bad
>cry because the other guy said the board is bad
>cry because the other guy said the board now is bad because the internet is bad
>cry because the other guy said the internet is bad and this is not the place to cry
The point here is that everyone thinks he is in any position to tell others what's right and wrong, and that's because everyone, specially on /ic/, is over stressed by the internet at large
>what's the point
There is no point anymore in posting art on the internet or trying to appeal to mass markets with it. You could argue that there isn't even a point anymore in wanting to learn art.

There is no fucking point anymore in anything on this board. It might as well be deleted and our lives would only improve

There is no fucking point in anything anymore

>> No.7085217

Who is he, buddy? Why don’t you just name them?

>> No.7085288
File: 912 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20240305_204734_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about something constructive. I feel as if people who lack art inspos, such as me, have a harder time actually getting good due to them not really looking around and seeing what others are doing. It doesn't help the only artist i study off of is bridgman, any way my kind can get better?
Make your character tell a lot of shitty jokes, irl suductive people break the ice by using comedy and having semi serious moments.
For the rare actual human interaction, it makes it worth it in the end imo.

Art not mine but from a fnf fren, got a gold mine for fred fnf fanart rn, including a animation.

>> No.7085387

One of the best books I’ve had that talks about observation is Jon Muir Laws’ book Nature Drawing and Journaling. 10/10 would reccomend.

>> No.7085442
File: 13 KB, 649x308, image_2024-03-05_175246607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when artists become e-whores for attention when they have more than a solid following.
Meanwhile I have like 180 followers at best and get 5 likes on average.

absolutely fucking kill yourself attention whore.

>> No.7085622

Being popular online ≠ making money with your art. I don't know why people on this board conflate having lots of followers with the idea of "making it", there's absolutely no guarantee that you'll make enough money to stay afloat just living off of patreon bucks.

>> No.7085877

you need 100k followers with a 1% conversion rate into $5/month paypigs if you want to live the patreonbucks life
17k is more the grinding commissions kind of life

>> No.7085927

I’ve seen a creator make $900,000 per month. Like, even the lowest was like $20k per month and i’m sitting here thinking there are people out there earning what i earn in a year in a single month times 4. I know, they offer something to the world that people want to see but i’m tired of being a slave.

>> No.7085930

and mind you these are just people talking into a microphone. a podcast. that’s all it is. nearly half a million per month just to shoot your shit into a microphone.

>> No.7086045
File: 407 KB, 1536x2048, 20240219_125910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching some gardening videos on youtube
>begin to wish I could ever afford to buy a land that big, where I can grow my own garden, raise my own animals
>or any land really where I can grow and decorate a small little plot with herbs and flowers
>feel envious about it
... think, readjust. What am I even going to do with it? Just look and take care of it?
Wanting beauty is only natural, but I need to reassess it when it tries to detract from my life.

How is wanting a beautiful garden any different than someone wanting a luxurious sports car or yacht? I thought of them differently, but they're just different flavors of the same materialistic illusion.
Really, they're just distraction from my ultimate goal.
I'm feeling a bit better now.

>> No.7086272

That's a terrible way to reverse fox and grapes man. There's nothing wrong in wanting a piece of land to work on
If this is your deep dark fantasy, then you're a fucking angel. Leave before you stain your wings with the corrosive grime that flows here

>> No.7086314
File: 1.56 MB, 1161x1740, 20240304_174143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else can we do? Yeah it's just a "cope" or "fox and the grapes", but this sort of thing is outside my power.

If I was a millionaire, maybe. I could buy a plot and plant it without going far off course. But I'm a normal guy, with just an above-average job. I'd have to dedicate 5-10 years worth of income just to buy the land- forget building the domicile, water, electricity, irrigation- just the land.
I'd rather put that money into investments that might let me retire early.

I'm envious of a lot of things; rich people who can actually live life, skilled people who made it, people who had the opportunity as kids, people who live in a country with actual nature and clean air instead of just endless roads and smog.
It's all envy in the end, it's an unproductive emotion.

Just illusions in the face of me wanting to achieve my final goals, I sometimes get led here and there, but I always have to find my way back.
I'd feel way worse if I didn't draw for a few days than if my Azaleas died.

>> No.7086326

bring back bullying people for not doing at least 10 hours of drawing a day

>> No.7086331

Well. Apart the fact that buying land as a goal is probably much more achievable and have more potential to change your life than drawing and hoping you'll become able to pay rent with your art, there is a number of things you can do ,but like you say you have to pay in discomfort and risks. I want to say "yeah we can't do nothing" but that would be just accepting the part of truth that makes you feel safe, which is something I despise and try my best to push out of my life. Nb I'm not saying you're wrong
I just feel kinda bad when people has this kind of wholesome desires and can't achieve them, often because they're (understandably often) deeply discouraged by status quo shit.
If anything, rest assured that "rich people" "people that made it" etc. very rarely have existences that have anything to be jealous of beyond the surface. I lived in both rich and poor families and I can tell you without any risk of being proven wrong that both fucking suck, it's really not how much money you have that makes you have a good life, it's simply the choices you make
I don't know why but I'm having a hard time expressing myself in english today but I guess that's the gist of it

>> No.7086341

just be neet brah

>> No.7086740

I'm a neet and i do <1 hour a day.
My schedule is free as fuck but i just wake up at 4pm and then jack off for two hours and then stare at the wall and then maybe read/game before drawing for 30 mins before bed.
Being a NEET will give you permanent brain damage that i'm not sure can even be cured/avoided.

>> No.7086759

If I could go back to being a neet I would just tell myself don’t draw, go through your anime/game backlog. It’s pretty much futile to be productive but it’s even worse to be paralyzed by wanting to be productive but it never happens every single day.

>> No.7086765

>but it never happens every single day.
I might genuinely kys if nothing changes soon. That part has been killing me.
Idk what's even the issue. I COULD do it for 8 hours a day. I literally have nothing better going on.
Do i just no want it? Is it the work ethic?
Knowing that i could change it at any given moment of any given day including rn but never actually doing it has been hellish.
I need to get my shit together man.

>> No.7086789

you're probably not retarded, you just sound depressed and 8 hours is not easy, its a lot easier said than done. wagecucks if given that amount of time wouldnt be able to do even 3 hours a day

>> No.7086790


I couldn’t figure it out, either, other than having a job forces you to allocate your time better because obvs don’t have unlimited time anymore. I could point to maybe perhaps being in grade school all your life gave you structure similar to how a job gives you structure. We’re all just programmed by force that way.

And then there is environment, of course. You’re not going to be productive if your room is always a mess and even if it isn’t a mess you’re secluded in a room all day as everyone else drives off to work one by one. With nothing to do, nobody around you just jack off to pron. The environment isn’t a productive one surrounded with other students or a mentor behind your back.

And then maybe your parents are constantly nagging you to find a job. Then depression creeps in from all the classmates you once knew graduating and sharing their lives on Facebook while you rot away in your room. Oh yes, “ you can draw for 16 hours a day” you say, but nothing happens. You’re not even keeping up with new shows anymore. Doing anything at this point would be better than nothing…you blink and you’re in your late 20s.

I honestly think you’ll never get your shit together. Such is the fate of every neet.

>> No.7086794

pardon me I was side ranting

>> No.7086804

>I honestly think you’ll never get your shit together.
I have got to.
It's my life mission to get good at something even if i do neet.
I might have to bruteforce it, but the thought of everything staying the way it is makes me furious.
Depression is not a good excuse for laziness.
There are some things you just have to do it and any if or but is a fuck-up on your part.
Idk as i said above i might have to bruteforce it. Either that or genuinely rope.

>> No.7086887

So I've been working on a commission piece and really feeling good about it, thinking I was kicking ass and breaking new ground for my skill level. Then today I see an artist way better than me casually drop a WIP with brilliant anatomy, pose, clothing, rendering, etc. and it's amazing in every way I wish my work ever was. I know I shouldn't compare such different skill levels, but now I hate everything I'm lacking and it's like pulling teeth to finish my commission piece. I genuinely feel like shit that someone paid hard earned money for my slop.

>> No.7087366

>want to stop being a cripplingly depressed wagie who draws on the side
>became somewhat cozy zogbot who draws on the side, with more money/etc to boot
idk maybe your doing it wrong