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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.16 MB, 498x373, digimon-digimon-tamers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059595 No.7059595 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get good at drawing? I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. 24.

I've wanted to get good at art since I was a teen but I've lacked the motivations, resources and teachings to get started.

I don't know
>which brush size to use
>optimal size to draw digitally
>good pressure curve to start out with
>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
I legitimately don't even know how to do sketch lines. My coordination is so fucked thanks to my autism, I can barely even sketch without even the most basic lines fucking up. I can't visually imagine stuff in my head when I'm actually drawing, and my ADHD just wants me to finish as soon as possible. I can barely decide on something as basic as what model to use when trying to sketch a head.

>> No.7059597

is this a bot?? this retard literally has made these threads in the exact way HUNDREDS of times

sage report hide niggers (and fuck kikes)

>> No.7059598

You expressed yourself with a digimon image. DRAW A DIGIMON. Trace it if you must. Nobody should reply to you, unless you post the digimon drawing you did to prove you actually want help.

>> No.7059600

have you tried drawing

>> No.7059605

Yeah. All I can do is THINK about drawing but not actually doing it. Anything more difficult than getting out of bed feels impossible for me no matter how much stimulants I'm on.

>> No.7059609

just draw. there is no wrong way.

>> No.7059612

Just use fucking AI jesus christ, you don't need to ask us.

>> No.7059620

But I want to learn to draw. The only reason I stuck with writing was because I thought I'd never be good at drawing.

>> No.7059622

I don't get it. You drew a cube the other week, better than my attempts starting out(I'm pro now). so that should encourage you, but here you are whinging again? Draw a digimon or I will put a vile curse on your body.

>> No.7059624

I don't know what to do beyond a cube.

>> No.7059641

Draw or trace a digimon. I'm building a voodoo doll of you as we speak. I will print and wrap this thread around it and set fire to it if you do not draw and post a digimon within the next hour. Choose your fate.

>> No.7059667

>left handed
that alone is a guaranteed ngmi

>> No.7059681

<10 minutes to go.
You thought shaky hands were bad, wait til you experience perpetually shaky heart.

>> No.7059684

Can't your left hand function as well as your right anon, that's really sad.

>> No.7059685
File: 2 KB, 283x97, 1561981981981980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7059687
File: 183 KB, 150x200, profile3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out he was right handed all along, he just forgot. that explains why drawing is so hard. LOL

>> No.7059689

>a learning disability
Not crabbing, but this will make your journey quite harder than most. If you find yourself repeating the same basic concept with no progress then you've hit your limits. Keep going though, don't give up.

>> No.7059692


> I'm left handed
who cares
> have perpetually shaky hands
> ADHD, autism and a learning disability
less coherent people than you have made it
> 24.
better start before you're 25

> which brush size to use
anything will do. hard round brush is probably the best
> optimal size to draw digitally
as big as your ram can handle
> good pressure curve to start out with
default is probably fine
> how to find a comfortable pressure curve
irrelevant distraction
> how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
practice dynamic figures
> how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
practice better lines
> how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
draw more

> My coordination is so fucked thanks to my autism, I can barely even sketch without even the most basic lines fucking up.
> and my ADHD just wants me to finish as soon as possible.
learn some discipline. come back to old drawings if you have to

i've got a bizarro severe adhd diagnosis that legally bars me from having a drivers license (lmåo) but i figured out my goal and i tryharded through these challenges because like if im not gonna draw the shit i wanna draw, nobody is, and i cant let that happen

> resources and teachings
the internet is out there my friend, infinite content (you literally can't watch it all before you die of old age) for free
> lacked the motivations
that one we can't fix for ya. find your fire and nourish it, you can't get good without a lot of work

>> No.7059698

Not even crabbing or anything but if your start was even worse than Howie's somehow and you're a pro now, that's a hell of a whitepill

>> No.7059709

My age at the time was a big disadvantage though, this was in the 90s, I was trying to draw Mech Warrior stuff and my sense for 3d was almost inverted, lines diverging instead of converging to a vanishing point. Howie had shown he understands some 3d.

>> No.7059736

>better start before you're 25

>> No.7059739


>> No.7059740

because by the time you're 25 you'll have already been drawing for at least several months

in terms of skill, studying for 6 months > 0 months

aint a high iq statement

>> No.7059749

This is what it's like for literally everything that I've ever tried doing. I've never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby, ever. All I can do is type and that's it. I've never finished writing a single story in my entire life. Now I want to try different hobbies. Every single one of them when I was younger, I gave up on.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to
do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing.

>> No.7059751

How do I get past my executive dysfunctional and actually do it?

>> No.7059758

get yourself half of the way there (like put paper down and get some mindless scribbles going) and the rest is easier. gotta learn to cope with it, figure out some mechanism to get around it, fuck it even just use a coin to decide for you instead of you

>> No.7059760 [DELETED] 

I don't feel like I have anything to actually express.

>> No.7059763

I can't bring myself to start.

>> No.7059765

well figure out a way to trick yourself to do it, we can't draw for you anon

>> No.7059766

I don't know how.

>> No.7059769

yes thats the point of figuring it out, you dont know how and then you eventually do

>> No.7059770

It's been 12 years.

>> No.7059773

don't know what you want me to tell you? give up if you don't wanna fight for it, geez

>> No.7059776

I think that just makes your progress more impressive. Besides, mech stuff is impressive to me because I suck at anything detailed like that.

>> No.7059778

Read this >>7059749

>> No.7059779

If you're gonna shoot everything down and mope about it, go to a professional that's paid to listen to that, don't kill a thread just to talk about how helpless you are

>> No.7059781

I'm being genuine when I tell you that I don't know what the fuck to do. Even when I take people's advice, what's that supposed to do? There's a difference between taking it and actually doing it. The latter I can't do.

>> No.7059783

It's over

give up and never pick up a pencil, you probably can't even make a head

>> No.7059785

>he still gets serious replies
How many newfags we keep getting? Sometimes I think it's just a few of us guys here, but apparently we still keep getting people who do not have a clue about the vampire

>> No.7059788
File: 3.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20230604_122437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to give me actual advice?

>> No.7059790

he's samefagging. just hide the thread

>> No.7059791

nigga i can't even make a head using the loomis method, it looks like a fucking cartoon

i also started yesterday

>> No.7059793
File: 51 KB, 374x896, god i wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god if only, i just took the bait, the retard is me

>> No.7059794

Go to a doctor if you need medical advice. You aren't asking about making art you are asking about solving mental health and personal problems.

These daily threads are obviously just a cry for attention.

>> No.7059795

I would assume you don't have a degree either? If you do then you're definitely smart enough to figure something out for yourself.
Idk man, I hope you find something that works for you.

>> No.7059797

I don't have a degree.

>> No.7059798

All they do is change my medication and I haven't been able to find a therapist.

>> No.7059800

Trace a bunch of shit

>> No.7059811

Same. Not an excuse.
>shaky hands
Same. Not an excuse.
Will actually make you better at drawing, autists generally have higher spatial intelligence. Also same, not an excuse.
You and every other low-attention-span zoomie. Stop playing videogames and scrolling social media sites. Not an excuse.
>learning disability
Potentially the only valid challenge in this list. This will make learning to draw harder, yes, but not impossible. It may just take you a little more practice to learn the same concepts as someone else.
>age 24
I started drawing at 21 and firmly believe there is no age at which drawing becomes impossible to learn. Not an excuse.

You know what will 100% make it impossible to learn to draw, though? If you just complain online and never sit your ass down to do it. Everyone sucks when they start drawing and has to get out hundreds of shitty drawings before they can make something half-way decent. You’re on the first mile of a 1000-mile trip and choosing to give up there, and that’s pitiable.

>> No.7059817

Ah, of course

>> No.7059857

Where digimon drawing :'(
Please draw me a digimon OP.

Step 1: take a blank paper and a pencil
Step 2: Look at the Patamon
Step 3: Observe it's main shape (a bean)
Step 4: To draw a bean shape you will want to maintain proportion by measuring the height and width of patamon first and putting dots marking the height and width on the paper, use a ruler or your pencil to mesasure.
Step 5: Bean time, draw it, no wrong way, scratchy is fine at this stage
Step 6: Eyes, simplify them to circles or dots, ditto style.
Step 7: Wings, this is tricky, but you need to think of the shapes not as wings, but as positive and negative shapes,observe the "M" shape below the wing and the "N" shape above it. draw those. measure with your ruler or pencil.
Step 8: draw "U"s for feet, with 3 little "0"s for each toe.
Step 9: add the smile, a wide shallow "U"
Step 10: Now you smile, you did it!

Feel free to go over the lines with a thick pen for a cleaner look and erase the pencil, if you like.
Follow these steps, one at a time, check off each step as if it is an achievement system.

This will be a measure of progress, as when you've drawn digimon for 30 days in a row, you can come back and see how far you have come, so the worse this one looks... the better (but try your best)

What is stopping you from taking step 1? nothing, step 2? nothing, step 3, nothing, step 4? up to you, but imo there is nothing. I'm telling you to do this now, so do it.

>> No.7059920

This thread again.

>> No.7060070 [DELETED] 

Inattentive ADHD is my problem. I can't even play video games anymore.

>> No.7060072 [DELETED] 

Even when I'm on a ton of stimulants and I feel my absolute best, I still can't bring myself to draw or do anything other than lay in my bed and do nothing.

>> No.7060077

You seem very capable of making 100 fucking million threads about not being able to do anything. you've cumulatively sapped hundreds of hours of anons time away for nothing. nothing. nothing. nothing. think about that. Give up. don't draw. don't ask about drawing. you are not going to draw. the desire to draw is a curse for you, reject the curse or continue to suffer.

>> No.7060079

My inattentive ADHD is not an excuse. Even when I'm feeling my absolute best and on a shitton of stimulants I can't bring myself to do literally anything, not even play video games.

>> No.7060082

Then am I not interested in anything? Because this is what it's like for literally everything that I've ever tried doing.

>> No.7060083

>I don't know what to do beyond a cube.
Draw a circle. Then a semi-circular line down the middle, and so on. The Loomis head.

>> No.7060086

Why do you continue to make threads? do you think a golden nugget of wisdom will one day shine out and reach you? that you will be able to grasp it and use it? It already happened, these threads have been filled with a lot of wisdom, some from professional artists who've seen it all, but you picked up nothing.

>> No.7060088

There's a difference between hearing the advice and actually being able to do it. The latter I can't do.

>> No.7060089

>Then am I not interested in anything?
You are afraid. You are not comfortable sucking. That is why you drop everything. Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something. sometimes that suck takes hundreds of hours of effort to get anywhere. You didn't put in the time, you get no reward.

>> No.7060092

I literally didn't know how the UI worked, I get overwhelmed by basic shit and then I drop it. Then I just sit in my room doing nothing like always.

>> No.7060094

You're overthinking it. Literally just sit down and draw. You figure out stuff as you try different things out. There's no secret recipe or perfect brush settings or whatever.

>> No.7060096

Whenever I sit down, all the ideas about what I want to draw just leave my head and I just draw circles boredly before laying down on my bed and looking at my phone again.

>> No.7060101

>I literally didn't know how the UI worked
Stop trying to do complex stuff? start with the basics. you wanted to animate in source film maker? why not try your hand at stop-motion instead? that's as simple as taking a photo and moving a thing. software for that is so simple that 5 year olds are doing it.

>> No.7060102

I don't even know what I'd want to animate in source Filmmaker anymore. I just want to try regular drawing now. I've thought about doing stop motion as a kid, but lost interest.

>> No.7060111

I've spent hundreds of hours writing and Role-playing, but that's it. And the only reason I stuck with writing was because I thought I'd never be good at drawing. Now I actually want to try drawing.

>> No.7060113

>I just want to try regular drawing now.
Why? lets say you have god tier skills, what will you draw? and why?

>> No.7060115

Anything that I happen to be hyperfixating on at the moment. Last time it was robots and megaman, now it's alien creature designs. Eldtritch creatures. Etc etc.

>> No.7060118

Write ideas down first, or open any social media app and draw the first thing that comes up, or Google figure drawing sites for example? Is this an elaborate troll?

>> No.7060121

Then why do you assume that hearing more advice would change that?

>> No.7060124

>now it's alien creature designs. Eldtritch creatures
ok, so that's a good starting point. find art you like and make an inspiration board. think about why you like each image, write about those aspects. combine a few of these things that could be the image you would create, you could number these things and roll a few dice to pick some. if it's an eldritch creature, I might even grab some blu-tack or clay and make a little maquette to draw from.

>> No.7060131

there is no medicine that lifts the pencil for you OP. you just do it. stop being a fuck retard.

>> No.7060136

This is what it's like for literally everything I do. Even getting out of bed to brush my teeth is a chore.

>> No.7060139

Yes. The more chores you do the stronger your mind and body becomes.

>> No.7060180

God, people like OP really grind my gears. I would feel bad for them if it wasn't their fault, but it absolutely is.

>> No.7060185

He's a pain, but I do come away appreciating that I get to draw, that's pretty neat.

>> No.7060191

Us daily self hypnosis to motivate yourself, pop a couple of devil pills if all else fails and do exercise to strengthen your will

>> No.7060192


>> No.7060193

He needs to be sent to art boot camp with a tough drill singer sergeant

>> No.7060206

Howie, I'm going to hold you down and finger your asshole so good that you'll never be able to cum without my meaty fingers penetrating your tight sphincter, but I won't do out unless you can show me a week's worth of hard practice. If you agree to this situation keep making this thread over and over to keep up appearances while I finger blast you every week.

>> No.7060223
File: 159 KB, 3000x2000, smiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so retarded. I'm fucked up and extremely ADHD too but it's still possible. Your defeatism is making things worse and giving you excuses to post on social media for dopamine hits about how your life sucks instead of doing literally anything about it.
I can relate to picking up a shitton of hobbies and not going far with them. It's time to stop picking up retarded shit like SFM and FireAlpaca.
You can draw a smiley face, can't you?
>inb4 "omgggg ur so much better than me I can't draw lines that straight"
I have stabilisation on. You don't need it, but I decided I want it. Do NOT fucking tell me you're going to set up stabilisation first.
Draw a smiley. Then draw a basic-ass window. Whatever the fuck, just draw something. I don't give a SHIT if you think it's bad, you just need to DRAW. And if you really can't make yourself draw these things, draw another smiley. Keep drawing basic stupid shit until you get over yourself and decide to go for something more. Every time you feel like not drawing, draw a smiley. Stop stopping.
>which brush size to use
4 pixels. your only brush size is 4 pixels from now on.
>optimal size to draw digitally
3000 pixels by 2000 pixels. that is your resolution from now on.
>good pressure curve to start out with
>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
disable pen pressure. no pen pressure.
>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
draw. draw again. draw again. if you're still not less stiff automatically, change one tiny thing about how you draw. change tiny things, anything. ANYTHING. don't tell me you don't know what to change. change ANYTHING about how you draw and see if it changes anything.
>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
I can't help you here because I'm still shit. One thing you could do is trace art you like until you've memorised the lines. Just don't show off traced art as if you did it. Delete it when you finish.

>> No.7060252
File: 137 KB, 1279x1173, ngc1097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060261
File: 3.84 MB, 4032x3024, 20240202_102850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060263
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20240201_153543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what some of my cubes look like.

>> No.7060272
File: 19 KB, 500x375, Tourterelle_turque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060293
File: 2.32 MB, 4080x3060, Sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same issues as you I have ocd and ADD I think it's called? Like adhd but you are a couch potato instead of hyper and was 26 when I started, what helped me was starting really basic like just lines ,spirals and geometric shapes like squares and stars then things around me like glasses or a phone charger then I moved on to drawing things I liked a lot like Digimon, pokemon and now I'm doing studies of art books so you could try that too. You could try something like that too. I'm still /beg/ but I have had some wee bit improvement.

>> No.7060718

it's something. keep going. what interesting shapes can you make with cubes? can you make a machine or structure using cuboids? show me more.

>> No.7060890

I don't know how.

>> No.7060892 [DELETED] 

All I can do is draw circles until I get bored and stop.

>> No.7061000
File: 195 KB, 1115x627, narutaos freind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give up already and get a job at walmart. I did and let me tell you, moving carts all day sucks , but at least I know my place.

>> No.7061197

All I can do is draw circles until I get bored and stop

>> No.7061220

CY Twombly made whole career out of that.

>> No.7061352

didn't I already tell you how?
draw one cube touching another cube. does it look better? worse? keep drawing cubes near other cubes until you find ways that you do and don't prefer it. you just need to keep doing stuff. anything. why have you stopped? the fact that you would come here and reply to me that you "don't know how" without attempting to even just draw two cubes touching each other is exactly the problem.

>> No.7061357
File: 197 KB, 680x278, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061361

the reason these threads gain traction is because you retards keep bumping and taking the retard bait
fucking 4chan is just a tourist magnet now

>> No.7061831

Because I never have the motivation or energy even on stimulants.

>> No.7061837

just hide threads you don't want to see. I for one like the fact this guy has gone from not drawing at all, to lines, to cubes. whatever these threads are, they are technically working. in a year he might have shaded a sphere.

>> No.7061840

what? you can draw a god damn cube. if you seriously won't draw a fucking cube or a smiley face (as i told you to do whenever anything else feels like "too much") then it sounds like you would just rather watch TV or whatever you do instead.
maybe it's a pro illustrator larping as a retard so actually my words have meant nothing

>> No.7061848

>maybe it's a pro illustrator larping as a retard so actually my words have meant nothing
I think the words might be wasted on him, but advice given may reach other anons in similar positions.

>> No.7061872

Why won't mods ban this spam bot thread?

>> No.7061890

I do legitimately nothing all day except look at my phone, jerk off; lay in my bed and go to sleep. I don't even play video games anymore.

>> No.7061895

who pays for your life?

>> No.7061970


>> No.7062263

I've literally been doing exercise for 3 years and lost 20 pounds. It did not help me focus at all.

>> No.7062281

Forcing yourself to draw when you have ADHD won't work. I'm a professional artist and yet it takes me immense effort to sit down and start with every new canvas. Once I'm in the flow, time flies by and I can concentrate for hours. The only thing you can do is just starting, but start small. If 10 minutes a day feels like too much of a commitment, start with one. If drawing digital hits you with analysis paralysis, use pencil and paper. If you don't know what to draw, get an art book to copy from and place it at your work space. Stop finding excuses and instead accept you can't do things other people can and use that knowledge to create an environment that makes it easier for you to draw.

>> No.7062319 [DELETED] 

I don't know what will and what won't work.

>> No.7062411



>> No.7062593

I guess so. Thanks, anon.
there was a time where that was me (minus the jerking) I don't have anything motivational to say about that nor do I know why I have recovered slightly but you should get your blood tested and start taking vitamins. You probably have some kind of chronic fatigue disorder and though it's not guaranteed, there are still plenty of people whose problems get solved by something really simple like B12 supplements, methylfolate, vitamin D (take 6,000+ IU per day, not the baby doses in most supps)
I also relate to not playing videogames anymore but even when I do wanna play games I just guilt myself about all the projects I haven't finished. idk man, going back to gaming isn't really necessary nor will it help your situation.
>get an art book to copy from and place it at your work space
like what? a famous artist's art? or an art tutorial book? any specific books you recommend?
>I'm a professional artist
what kind of art?

>> No.7063412

nta but I'm almost the same and the government does, but I try to draw at least half an hour to an hour a day, I downloaded a short blocker for now and try to restrict my 4chan usage by a programm soon too.

>> No.7064449

Another day where I couldn't bring myself to draw.

>> No.7064473

I drew in your stead. I actually stole your talent and am using it to draw silly things.

>> No.7064576

>which brush size to use
Idk, but use [ and ] keys to quickly change it in photoshop. Learning this made things so much easier for me.

>optimal size to draw digitally
Like how zoomed? Start zoomed all the way out, figure out the basic composition, move your way inward.

>good pressure curve to start out with
This has basically no effect on anything.

>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
Seriously this doesn't even matter.

>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
Work on seeing the line of action, and pushing the pose. Draw from life, your imagination probably sucks.

>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing

>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
Draw more and stop bitching so much.

By the way, the secind you think about ADHD or autism, its OVER
I mean OOOOVVVVEEEEEERR youre DONE you will get NOTHING and NOWHERE even thinking about that.

>> No.7064580

i don't get these threads like this. The op always wants people to convince him or give him a reason to draw. holy fuck

>> No.7064582

It's an interactive meta performance art piece on the themes of futility, learned helplessness, and examining the primordial will to be, will to create, and ultimately will to live in spite of knowledge of our mortality.

>> No.7064600

He's been at it for more than a year. Will shitpost for hours and hours yet I think genuinely the accumulated time he has spent with a pencil touching the paper is less than 1 hour total

Just take this thread as some sick, performative act that lets you delve into the mind of someone genuinely mentally ill

>> No.7064645

Just grab a piece of paper, a pencil and draw. If you can't even bring yourself to draw for a minute, maybe just give up at this point. It's not going to get easier and you're gonna suffer every step along the way. Why not focus on something that you're genuinely interested in?

>> No.7064788

Then you might as well say I'm not interested in anything because I can't do anything.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to
do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing.

>> No.7064805

What do you want from these threads? tell me what the perfect reply would contain.

how much money would you exchange for the ability to draw?

>> No.7064810
File: 262 KB, 910x910, 16324564656518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow gaise i dont know how to do anything i gave up on everything because i wasn't instantly a master at it and people wouldn't give me unlimited attention and money pls reply
OP should just quit life at this point

>> No.7065259

Draw that digimon with a huge penis and then learn to draw digimons with huge boobs and you'll make it indiferently from your quality, and maybe the popularity or the pressure of messing up your commissions will motivate you to improve.

>> No.7065284

I actually might do that, but I don't know how to start the drawing

>> No.7065751

I'm literally trying to feel suicidal over the fact I can't draw.

>> No.7065805

Study dropping the meds and get /fit/. Come back in a year when you're not retarded and read the beginner sticky.

>> No.7065817

Try to recreate OP pic but with a giant penis as a headstart.

>> No.7065868

You can draw, that's not the issue, you wont draw. to draw well takes mileage and thought. executive dysfunction is rough, but not insurmountable.

>> No.7065870

So then what do I do?

>> No.7065936

write a list, detailed, every step of the process from putting out the paper, picking a pencil, opening a guide book or finding a reference. each very small step and action should be listed as if guiding a robot who has no idea what drawing is. as you complete the actions, tick them off.
beginning the drawing is best done lightly, focusing on the overall shape as if it is wrapped in a net(just the outside lines).


>> No.7066020

AI is literally made for disabled retards. Just use AI.

>> No.7066047

you're fucking retarded if you have genuinely been sitting on your ass just THINKING about how to get good at drawing, and thinking you'd never be good at drawing.
just fucking draw, idiot

>> No.7066430

Draw what and how?

>> No.7066432

AI art looks fucking disgusting and I won't use it.

>> No.7066436

unfathomably based. now use that attitude to draw a Digimon. How you may ask? wallah! >>7059857

>> No.7066821

I'm not the anon you seem to think you're replying to. I do art every day.
I'm not >>7064788/OP, I'm >>7060223 >>7061840

>> No.7068035

>left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism
I'm all that and older and I go with doodly looking style without using pen pressure for linework but that's just me
>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
By making loosey ones. Learn line of action, try to exaggerate pose a little more than you actually see it and try to understand it
>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
By forcing yourself to make good ones. You won't get comfortable with longer, more precise lines if you don't draw them
>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
Draw more

>> No.7068545

I still have no idea where to even start.

>> No.7068648

Don't need ideas, just actions. Lift the pen, put it on paper, look at the shape of something in front of you and try to put the outline on the paper. That's really all you need. Give your brain a chance to make neural connections, do it more to strengthen them.
Draw something you see, anything, and it will immediately make your neurons begin to grow axons and dendrites, the structures that will eventually allow them to form synapses, Which will make you better at that thing the more you grow and reinforce those connections. Right now by doing nothing, you are weakening any and all synapse connections in your brain. You have to do. It's just physics.

>> No.7068652
File: 3.15 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240221_002736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but I will post today's scribbles because you should just draw. Pick up the pen and draw. it's fun. Billions must try.

>> No.7068757
File: 3.93 MB, 318x250, 1 bLmrUckGTFzgwyF2nZBdsA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Do it for this little guy, draw, and he can hold hands with his friends, and make a strong bond

>> No.7068895

That looks cool

>> No.7071303

Ur so fucked u have no idea

>> No.7071462

I can't fucking do it

>> No.7071480

Call your mother

>> No.7071693

Just give up.

I'm not saying this with any malice, I genuinely believe that you're making yourself miserable if you continue down this path. Accept your inability to draw and leave that burden behind.

>> No.7071695

just plug an ai into your ass

>> No.7071763

But how

>> No.7072052 [DELETED] 

Every time I think about giving up it makes me feel suicidal.

>> No.7072054

Then should I give up every single hobby, ever? Because this is what it's like for everything I've ever tried doing.

>> No.7072061

Yes. You can't do it.

>> No.7072063

Can't do anything? Literally anything at all? Because this is what it's like for literally every single hobby I have.

>> No.7072064


>> No.7072079

If you are not willing to even start then yeah

You want to be good with 0 practice? You want some magical post with a magical answer to give you the skill? Well that doesn't exist.

You can only do something well if you are willing to put in the effort, and suck, and endure the boredom and suckiness for a greater goal. Since you are unable to even do that then yeah, enjoy not being good at anything, ever. It's 100% your responsability to nurture your own skills

>> No.7072092

I've been writing obsessively for the past 12 years and worked on my skills on that. Now I want to draw. The only reason I stuck with writing was because I thought I'd never be good at drawing.

There's obviously something more at play here.

>> No.7072096
File: 39 KB, 1600x1200, image_processing20211206-11201-1n8utsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write your way into drawing. if you don't want to use japanese, think of ways you can use english letters to make faces. just start expressing something visually like that, doesn't have to be hard. you might think it trivial, that this isn't the drawing you want to do, but can you actually do it? you have to start somewhere.

>> No.7072111

>There's obviously something more at play here.
Like some kind of a conspiracy you say?

>> No.7072114

This board is clearly gatekeeping the secret to drawing from OP. It's clear as day he would be able to draw really good if they told him, but artists are gatekeeping bastards that want to be the only ones able to make art. Including me.

>> No.7072118

Writing by typing on a keyboard I mean.

>> No.7072121

You might enjoy prompting. :)

>> No.7072173
File: 18 KB, 480x480, cat_down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dejá vu.

>> No.7072261

You're not even drawing. Like you haven't even started putting pen on paper for a fucking minute. Just give up or draw something, anything and prove me otherwise. What the fuck do you even want out if these threads? Pity? You're actively making it harder for yourself to start. I legit believe you'd do better to just let it be and focus on something that brings you joy, like writing. Maybe try sports or learn a musical instrument. Go out, live life, don't be so obsessed with something you haven't even tried. Drawing isn't even that great, it's just another thing people do.

>> No.7072267

How do I even start drawing? I have given up on all my other hobbies. Sometimes I just stare at the wall for a few hours and do nothing.

>> No.7072301

Just give it up, dude. Get into video games or something

>> No.7072363

I literally do nothing except sitting in my room, laying in my bed, jerking off and going to sleep. I don't play video games, i don't have friend groups, I don't have hobbies, I don't do anything else except typing.

>> No.7072366

>like writing. Maybe try sports or learn a musical instrument. Go out, live life, don't be so obsessed with something you haven't even tried. Drawing isn't even that great, it's just another thing people do.
Nothing gives me joy, even writing. Every hobby I look at as work instead of something fun to do. I don't do anything or enjoy anything.

>> No.7072387
File: 46 KB, 580x435, coon puppy stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop masturbating

>> No.7072397

>I don't do anything else except typing.
You don't do that either

>> No.7072398
File: 98 KB, 960x953, 1603629216151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel exactly like that
>go outside
>want to learn shit? have to write a full ass report on why you want to and you can't just learn for the sake of learning
>also if you have no ambition to sell your skill or become famous you're seen as weird and will not be taught
>no, fuck you you can't just go learn things and hope something lits up your passion
>also fuck you if you're passionate about things
>also fuck you if you're trying to learn but not worship your teachers or the celebrities

>stay online
>it's the same fucking thing
>everyone is on a 24/7 personal crusade to warp reality so that it aligns with their own mental illness
>you want to talk about thing? no fuck you, we must all market ourselves like big company on twitter does so that only one of us can get money while pretending we're in this together
>also no, fuck you, you can't just do the thing for the sake of doing the thing you also have to suck other people off and employ marketing strategies so that people like you and consume your content... to give you money
The most reasonable thing to do is resign yourself to watch porn simply to cope with being alive because the alternative is going insane and consuming until your brain goes to mush like everyone else anyway.

I fucking hate other people being alive because they don't let me enjoy things but then the same people have the fucking guts to say
>"like uuuuuhm the human species is a social animal"
fuck you
what's so social about breaking my balls when i just want to do shit on my own or don't do shit that makes your balls tingle like a fuckin faggot on pride parade day, you fuckin animals?

>> No.7072591

This thread still up? Op still not drawing

>> No.7073790


>> No.7073830

At least we got the other schizo excooser to draw. :)

>> No.7073999

I know this will sound like I'm attacking you. It honestly sounds to me like you have a lot working against you and that it's been a struggle. I don't really know how to put it but like, in your case I think creativity is kind of like a raid boss and like you need friends to help you. I don't think whatever path you're walking right now is one you can go at alone and I also think finding people you can call friends is going to be extremely challenging.

>> No.7074000

talk to gigachad

>> No.7075047

I legitimately have no idea what I'm doing the moment that I start drawing. I don't know how construction or any of that shit is supposed to work. Every guide looks incomprehensible and I can't read more than a single paragraph before getting distracted.

>> No.7075060

Go to the doctor.

>> No.7075064

I have been and been taking ADHD meds. Still nothing.

>> No.7075066

Then go back, and keep going back until your symptoms are managed. No one can do anything for you here until then.

>> No.7075078 [DELETED] 

It's been like this since I was 12. Nothing has fucking worked.

>> No.7075081

Then you do not have ADHD, you have something else that's giving you inattention problems. Seek help, unironically. Make them do blood testing for thyroid panels.

>> No.7075082

Then should I give up on literally everything? Because this is what it has been like rinse repeat since I was about 12 years old. Nothing has worked and nothing will work. Give me actual advice.

>> No.7075085

>I know you better than you know you
I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was really young and that's how I went to go to a pediatrician for medication to help with it. I've also had a thyroid condition, but I've gotten it treated and the test results show as normal every time I've gotten my blood taken now that I'm on synthroid.

Give me actual advice.

>> No.7075098

To seek professional fucking help because you have unmanaged symptoms. Literally no one can do shit for you until you fix your problems at the baseline of extreme inattention.
>I've also had a thyroid condition, but I've gotten it treated and the test results show as normal every time I've gotten my blood taken now that I'm on synthroid.
Your blood levels are probably just enough within a range that they're getting lazy about it. People can still have shitty symptoms even at higher ends of normal range. Your normal might need to be lower than what they say is fine.

>> No.7075133

>People can still have shitty symptoms even at higher ends of normal range. Your normal might need to be lower than what they say is fine.
How the fuck am I going to convince my doctors of this? I'm still feeling completely fine even with my levels being on the higher end. I have been able to focus on some stuff intently but nothing that I actually want to do, like drawing.

Stop coming up with excuses to engage with me and give me actual advice.

>> No.7075161

I am literally seeing a psychiatrist and all they're doing is changing my dosage of medicine. I went from adderall to Vyvanse. I am on 70 MG extended release every single day and it doesn't help me focus on drawing or doing anything I actually want to do.

>> No.7075163

>Then should I give up on literally everything?
>Nothing has worked and nothing will work.
Correct. Nothing you do will work.

>> No.7075169

I'm looking for actual advice. Not excuses for not wanting to engage with me.

>> No.7075172

>I'm looking for actual advice.
There's no advice for you. You've tried everything and nothing worked.

>> No.7075455

Clearly not everything if there's advice that I haven't received yet.

>> No.7075458

what makes you think there's advice left for you? you've clearly got learning disabilities. hundreds of million of people coast through their lives, only worried about consumption without a care in their lives. they don't even need an excuse for it, you've got the perfect reason to waste your life away. why look a gift horse in the mouth?

>> No.7075532

It doesn't have to be the choice between lead or graphite. Plenty of other things are out there or ways to make art other than drawing.

>> No.7075533
File: 49 KB, 787x1015, my_digimon_x_scarmon_by_superaustin15_d5a1rfv-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What advice have you tried so far? because it looks to me like you didn't take any at all. why?

The next time you think about posting in this thread(yes, that means after reading this), stop, before you post, draw like you are a child on a piece of paper. no care for any "skill" just draw. replicate the experience a child gets from drawing for fun. did you miss out on that? you stopped drawing and never got into it before you left childhood? there's no reason to keep missing it, do it. do it every time you think you should ask for advice, the answer to your questions lie in the act of drawing itself. that act is transformative. let it transform you.

>> No.7075537

Nothing has worked and nothing will work. Give me actual advice.

>> No.7075560 [DELETED] 

>give me actual advice
When you want to kill yourself with a razor blade, follow the vein on your left arm or just cut in the middle of your forearm, on the left side of your body.
You must cut horizontally. This ensures you pass out before dying.

If you don't want to make a mess, sit in the bathtub.
If you don't have a bathtub, do it in the shower.
If a shower isn't available, do it in any type of container where you arm can fit like a garbage can.

>> No.7075564

>Give me actual advice.
how was what I said not advice? I was advising you on what to do to break your curse.

>> No.7075567

By the way, you don't have to use a razor blade, you can use a knife as well.
You can also break any mirrors or glass to obtain a sharp object you can then use to make a deep enough cut if you put in some force.

If you follow my advice, all your problems will be fixed instantly.

>> No.7075569

This fucking thread again

>> No.7075628

Fuck off Howie

>> No.7075630


Example of his past exchanges:
>Yes. Your drawings are careless and rushed.
>Google "How to Draw Freehand Straight Lines"
>I'm drawing with my shoulders and elbows. This is the best I can do.
>Then you're resistant to advice that already helped hundreds of thousands artists world wide aka retarded.
>What other "advice" is there? I Googled exactly what was asked and that's what came up.
>Sigh. No anon. You don't skip and jump from one technique to another until it works. You pick one and grind it until it clicks.
>What other techniques are there? You haven't told me a single one. The arm and elbow is literally what every fucking piece of advice tells me to do.

Every reply by this mental case is designed to foist the burden of improving onto the other person. Note how he always vacillates between begging for advice, then finding a way to disregard advice.
Whenever you give him advice, he will whine about how he can't do it.
If you follow up, explaining how to do it, or challenging him, he will whine about the explanation not working for him. He will make excuses and ask for explanations of more and more basic things beyond the point of absurdity.
He will insist he wants to do something, then turn around and claim he doesn't know what he wants to do.
He will never post examples of his attempts, or post scribbles done with minimum effort.
He will try to bait you into meta-discussions, about himself and why he sucks.
When you eventually give up, he will start whining again that there is no good advice.

STOP giving him attention. He is mentally ill and has remade this same thread over and over, because HE IS NOT LOOKING FOR ADVICE. HE WANTS YOU TO ENGAGE IN HIS PITY PARTY.

>> No.7075666

Nothing will ever work unless you start drawing. This thread's full to the brim with advice on how to make starting easier for you. You're simply refusing to even try. I'm happy to give you an in depth critique, advice on affordable tools and programs, as well as free learning material and resources to cover the next three years of your art journey. All I want in return is this:
1) A one minute, five minute and ten minute drawing (quality doesn't matter)
2) A long term goal, as well as a short term one on what you'd like to accomplish next month

If you cannot even put that minimal effort in, I genuinely advise you to just seek out a therapist to either come to terms with your inabilities or learn how to overcome them.

>> No.7075773

This is what it's like for literally everything that I ever try doing.

>> No.7075776

Whenever I start drawing, I literally can't make sense of something as simple as drawing hair. I can't understand 3D perspective nor make sense of it in my brain.
The biggest problem for me is literally getting up enough energy and motivation to even do this at all. Remember how I said I couldn't even play video games? It applies doubly so for artwork and doing literally any practice of this. I want to try, but I can almost never actually make myself do any of it.
I don't know why these seem so daunting. Literal 14 year old kids become masters at these all the time, and yet I can't do it for the life of me. I've never been able to actually commit myself to doing any of this. I quit SFM because I literally couldn't understand it and didn't bother watching any tutorials.
Not even mentioning the fact that reading these books is incredibly difficult for me to begin with. I don't know if I'd want to draw something that I don't want to draw, but then I don't even know what I want to draw to begin with. Just random things that I'm hyperfixating on at the moment.
m literally too retarded for basic trig. Even took a math placement test recently and fucking couldn't remember how to figure out the perimeter of a square or find the lengths of certain sides of a shape. I want to be able to do literally anything else except sitting in my room, jerking off and going to sleep. I want to give myself a year only because I've procrastinated on making my own artwork for years and years since I was a teenager. Now I'm 24 and have made no progress

>> No.7075777

You have not even done that for drawing though. Where is your attempt? Lines, circles and 2 cubes is not an honest attempt. Actually try. Draw a digimon. You never know until you TRY.

>> No.7075805

You could've spend the time typing all of this with drawing some sketches. You seem to misunderstand that it's not even about how to get better, for you it's literally about you sitting down for a fucking minute and making some marks on a paper.
> I want to draw to begin with. Just random things that I'm hyperfixating on at the moment.
Just do this. Pencil on paper, five minutes, allow yourself to mess up. It doesn't matter if it's the shittiest thing ever, it's still infinitely better than the purgatory you're in right now.

>> No.7075808

It makes me sad when I see people engaged in the same circular conversation with OP over and over again. But I guess they are getting what they deserve.

>> No.7075816

I'm a newfag here and this is like, my third or fourth thread by this guy
I got wise real fast and now I just come along to exchange information with the other people who use these threads as an excuse to hold valuable discussion and/or leave bait lying around

>> No.7076285 [DELETED] 

I don't even know how to sketch anything. I don't know how to do basic construction. All I do is draw circles until I get bored and stop and stare at my phone again. I don't have anything to actually express.

>> No.7076295

You expressed yourself with a digimon OP image looking bored. "nothing to express" so you are a liar too huh?

>> No.7076302

I don't even know how to sketch anything. I don't know how to do basic construction. All I do is draw circles until I get bored and stop and stare at my phone again

>> No.7076310

So you're telling me you're physically incapable of drawing anything but circles? Then draw circles and make the most out of those round bitches. Unless you start drawing something, anything, you won't be able to move past this stage of inactivity. Like I said, it doesn't matter how, our first priority right now is to set you into motion. No one's expecting you to use construction, literally just make some funny lines. Or circles, in your case.

>I don't have anything to express
I've seen you talk about wanting to draw stuff that interests you, so which one is it? You don't need to express anything grand, especially not when you're starting out. Explore possibilities and enjoy the process of drawing.

You also still haven't answered my question about your goals. What do you want to achieve through your art? Where do you want to be in a week? A month? A year? Knowing where you want to be and why it's important to you can help visualize your path to success. I believe in you, anon.

>> No.7076321

You've ignored months and months of advice on this

>> No.7076325

This post ended the discussion and no one else should reply this faggot OP

>> No.7076330

>i've got a bizarro severe adhd diagnosis that legally bars me from having a drivers license (lmåo)
What third world shithole are you living in?
Where I am barring someone from holding a driver's license because of ADHD (or any mental disorder or brain disorder of any kind for that matter) would be super uber mega illegal

>> No.7076350
File: 31 KB, 335x642, 1694621476701245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how I can just copypaste a past Howie post and Howie will just pick up with the next reply again. Howie is literally a human chat program.

>> No.7077014
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 20230910_114312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already filled up a bunch of pages with circles and have posted them here multiple times. I want to literally achieve anything in drawing. Anything at all. I can never do anything.

>> No.7077016


>> No.7077022


>> No.7077038

Excellent practice for big booba. Your future is looking bright. Coom on!

>> No.7077058

We can work our way up, anon. Try drawing some lines next. With a bit of persistence I'm sure you'll be able to draw a circle with four lines and create a stick figure soon. If you're feeling saucy you can even add two circles for booba hehe

>> No.7077064

>>I've already filled up a bunch of pages with circles
>four pages of scribbles done over the course of many months
That's more drawing than the average /ic/ user. Good job. :^)

>> No.7078646

Still nothing done today

>> No.7078651

Thanks for keeping us updated!

>> No.7079911


>> No.7079924

All these days and no one has given OP the magical answer to finally make him draw. Why are artists so greedy?

>> No.7079925

we see his potential and don't need the extra competition.

>> No.7079933


>> No.7080642

I don't have anything to draw.

>> No.7080738 [DELETED] 


>> No.7080748

just don’t draw

>> No.7080803

But I want to draw.

>> No.7080866

Not my problem.

>> No.7081182

But I'm on a board for drawing.

>> No.7081205

>I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. 24.
Embrace yourself.
With your characteristics I would start a career in abstract art. There is money to be made with woobly and meaningless lines. Good luck.

>> No.7081296

And you don't draw. You won't draw. You just like the idea of being able to draw so you make thread after thread about it without ever actually doing anything

>> No.7081762 [DELETED] 

Hitler was right about everything.

>> No.7081784

except perspective.

>> No.7082032

take 9001mg of lsd to reroll your set of mentall illnesses

>> No.7083520

>You just like the idea of
Yeah, I like the idea of doing literally anything other than laying in my bed and looking at my phone. This is what it's like for literally every single thing I ever try doing. Every single creative hobby I ever try, is like this. I've tried SFM, Fire Alpaca, game maker, and gave each of them up immediately because I couldn't understand them.

So yeah, all I do is THINK about doing things, because I can never actually do them.

>> No.7083529

Wow, that's so sad. You never do anything.

>> No.7083530

Yeah, so any advice?

>> No.7083535

No. Nothing has worked for you and nothing will work for you.

>> No.7083538

>He's now making excuses to avoid an actual discussion.

>> No.7083542

>he thinks anything will work for him when nothing has ever worked for him

>> No.7083543

Those two things are mutually exclusive.

>> No.7083547

We've given you advice for months and years now and nothing worked for you.

>> No.7083549

Stop avoiding discussion and give me advice. I will not respond anymore until then.

>> No.7083553

I've given you advice for months. Nothing worked. No advice will work for you.

>> No.7083568

Why are you in the thread if you believe talking to me to be a waste of time?

>> No.7083575

Because you are so sad and it's funny. No one on this website will be able to help you. It will never happen.

>> No.7083699

You are a funny punching bag and source of stress relief at this point. Like a class clown. It's my only reason to keep visiting these threads by someone so entitled and incapable

>> No.7083722


>> No.7083836

>I will continue talking to someone i believe is a waste of time for no reason

>> No.7083936

Not OP but knowing that there's ADHD people that managed to get into art gives me so much hope, you have no idea.
oh fuck yeah, shakkoumon is based
it did :)

>> No.7084024

I will talk to you until you yourself believe it as well. Nothing and no one will be able to help you. You will never be able to draw.

>> No.7086043

But Anon how will you ever fulfill your dream of drawing lolis and furry porn?

>> No.7086076
File: 2.03 MB, 1242x1547, 1693296710872383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>howie thread reaches over 200 replies

>> No.7086077

Howie threads are the midwit trap.

>> No.7086090

Was going to read this thread, decided to hide it after seeing your post, thanks

>> No.7086167

you're already making excuses, you've mentally doomed youtrself. there is no hope for you, not only will you never make it, but you dont even have any belief in yourself. best case for you is to just give up and go get a minimum wage job

>> No.7086169

OP is /ic/'s certified pet. We feed him (You)'s here for amusement.

>> No.7086197

As someone who got filtered by daily drawabox before even getting to the 250 box challenge, is there another path I can take or should I just give up now?
I also failed the 50/50 drawing for fun/lessons requirement, because drawing badly wasn't fun so I tried just focusing on the lessons.

>> No.7086199

Just get some pencil and paper and copy anime until it clicks

>> No.7086200

>because drawing badly wasn't fun
try a different hobby
there's no point in torturing yourself if you don't like the process

>> No.7086201

>if you don't like the process
But I like the result. In theory, anyway.

>> No.7086202

Then just carry around a sketchbook and copy anything you see until drawing clicks

>> No.7086204

>But I like the result. In theory, anyway.
since your eye usually improves faster than your skill, this will rarely be the case
again, there's no point using your little time on earth on something you dislike

>> No.7086226

>there's no point using your little time on earth on something you dislike
That's how you end up a hedonistic slob without any skills or creative hobbies who is addicted to easy instant gratification.
t. a hedonistic slob without any skills or creative hobbies who is addicted to easy instant gratification but is trying to change his ways
>your eye usually improves faster than your skill
This is the main issue that I have, besides the lack of discipline. But even now after some sketches I think to myself "huh, this isn't good, but I kind of like it". Those are few and far between though.

>> No.7086237

you sound white and unemployed

>> No.7086244

I'm an off-white wageslave, actually.

>> No.7086353

Draw more content you enjoy and learn things that are directly tied to making your art better. Real life drawing lessons might help. A couple of weeks/ months are enough to get decent results. After that you will probably stagnante and plateau if you don't enjoy the process. But as long as you're complacent, who cares. Generally I find result oriented artwork lacking, as it often relies on the use of tools such as 3-D, photobashing or even AI, making the artwork feel artificial and meaningless. But if you're a good storyteller you might still create something worthwhile.

>> No.7086357

>A couple of weeks/ months are enough to get decent results
At how many hours per day, on average?

>> No.7086369

You're asking the wrong questions. In the end, it's like anything else - the more you do it, the faster you get better at it. That said, the amount of hours doesn't really matter. I've been forcing myself to draw 12 hours a day for two months. I could've achieved the same in under 3 hours. When it comes to drawing, observe carefully and draw with purpose. Half an hour of intense focus is worth more than grinding all day. It's not an XP bar you fill by drawing boxes. Draw stuff you like, consume bite-sized tutorials and advice and try to immediately apply it. Be willing to make mistakes and smart enough to learn from them. Make it a habit you look forward to.

>> No.7087235

Literally everything about drawing looks too complex and impossible for me.

>> No.7087245

Its all about conning yourself and everyone else into thinking that a bunch of lines actually look good your gonna make it just do a little bit of sleight of hand you catch my drift

>> No.7088494

No I don't get it.

>> No.7088587
File: 2.11 MB, 2692x2518, cyvuhg7f8gohuif78ui;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw bro, im just tired bro

>> No.7088858
File: 716 KB, 3102x2249, Furbitten catgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically no drawing is a complex object in the grand scheme of things there all just colors and lines compiled on a canvas to look a certain way basically don't draw the object draw the necessary lines marks and colors(unless doing monochrome) to make up that image (Picrel is just the work toll)

>> No.7090974


>> No.7091009

Nah my art is ripping off Law of Ueki

>> No.7093046

Every tutorial and guide looks too complex for me.

>> No.7093227

Just watch videos/streams of people drawing or video courses and draw along with a sketch pad.

>> No.7094249

I still don't understand it even with the videos.

>> No.7096138

What do you even want to draw when you finally make it?

>> No.7096344

if you don't like drawing don't do it wtf. it clearly is something that brings the OP incredible amounts of stress, as do any hobbyist activity where progress is measured, probably because progress in something real can't be measured in seconds so they start drawing, there's no vine boom and punchline after 10 seconds, and they can't regulate emotions after being denied the dopamine. which is fine dude, you don't HAVE to do things.
>but i want to!
no you don't. it's too hard. get your mom's credit card and doordash some cinnabon and scroll reddit for a while, you'll forget all about this.

>> No.7096576

You dont. You pick something youre not retarded at or you live off of government checks and play games. If you cant even pick up a pen and doodle, just quit.

>> No.7096604

All of the stories that I want to make would require a visual medium more than a literary one. It's impossible for me to actually write about any of the ideas I want to write about since they'd all fit something visual. I also want to draw things that I happen to be hyper fixating on. Robots, aliens, mecha, just anything.

>> No.7096606

>if you don't like drawing don't do it wtf.
Everything that I want to write about would require a visual medium. I'm basically stuck where I am with writing because I want to write about things that would need something visual.
I'm not retarded at writing, but I can't write about anything I want to write about because a literary medium isn't suited for what I want to make.

>> No.7096609

It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?
Answering the question will give you the most self-help you could ever receive.

>> No.7096650

Stop spamming.

>> No.7096667

Answer the question. Don't avoid the question.
It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?

>> No.7096676

Ironic seeing this from you who has been spamming the same thread and the same replies for months on end.

>> No.7096684
File: 113 KB, 400x300, 1654895590185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you were as motivated to draw as you are eager to list off your munchausen mental disorders, youd be a pro by now.

>> No.7096743

Stop spamming.

>> No.7096870

>Everything that I want to write about would require a visual medium.
written words ARE a visual medium you fucking howard

>> No.7097029
File: 21 KB, 468x60, c9f654f60d7cace3d19f809aa6a60d7c3af2efaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then draw Robots Aliens and Mecha, don't worry if some stuff seems complicated or if the drawings are shit, just do it hit the grind any way you can (And try writing prompts to help plan things like the drawings it doesn't need to be complex or good just something) just keep going and don't give up. Part of learning is sticking to your guns and doing some problem solving when you hit a wall, and figuring out what your doing wrong and what you can change to make things look better, the reason people say to just draw is partially so you can fail more and identify your mistakes and therefore find a a method to fix them.

>> No.7097220

Stop spamming this thread every day or answer the question.
It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?

>> No.7097616

It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?

>> No.7098744

Okay now how do i physically get enough energy and make myself focus instead of pacing around and laying in my bed?

>> No.7098914

Stop spamming this thread every day or answer the question.
It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?

>> No.7098931
File: 578 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7099247

I've been working out for 3 years and have lost 20 pounds and got into shape. Still didn't help me.

>> No.7099558

read the whole thread, here's my advice:
you have way bigger more fundamental issues that need addressed than drawing. if your doctor really only diagnosed you with adhd you need to get a new doctor. you're clearly severely depressed and aren't going to be able to do anything until you deal with that. i was in your shoes, maybe worse and managed to get out of it. you need to sort your mental/physical health first and everything else will be easier. you look around and wonder why nobody else struggles how you do and this is exactly why.
I literally do nothing except sitting in my room, laying in my bed, jerking off and going to sleep.
and stop fapping, at least for now. you're wasting the tiny amount of energy and motivation you have on that. depending on how stuck you are you might just write this off or ignore it but maybe somebody else is in the same place. gl.

>> No.7099748

>you need to get a new doctor
NTA but what if I'm in a similar situation and can't get to a psych doctor anytime soon? Am I just fucked?

>> No.7099840

Autism as well as a learning disability.

>> No.7099843


>> No.7099864

But how

>> No.7100390

what would you like to draw, if you could?

>> No.7101817

>left handed
Git gud
>perpetually shaky hands
Git gud
>learning disability
Drugs/Git gud

>which brush size to use
Whatever feels comfortable
>optimal size to draw digitally
>good pressure curve to start out with
Whatever feels comfortable
>how to undo bad habits
Git gud
>how to fix shitty lines
Git gud
>how to get better
Git gud

>> No.7101840

Stop spamming this thread every day or answer the question.
It's been a year and no one has been able to help you. Why do you think that is?

>> No.7101851

You’re asking the wrong question here. Work on yourself first before pursuing drawing; go outside, touch grass, etc etc. It’s clear that you’re looking out for something that can only come from within.

>> No.7102245


>> No.7102247
File: 879 KB, 1022x1428, uytfygyjk;l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102248

to make it to the border of Mexico.
So I'll draw, like the wind.
Draw like the wind.


>> No.7102250
File: 488 KB, 850x798, kjmk,lmji9ybun1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7102283

no joke, mental illness is the key to being a great artist

>> No.7102355

Only when properly harnessed.

>> No.7104799

Howie has managed to bate some people on his current thread over on /adv/ with 150 replies so far: >>>/adv/30934246

>> No.7105385


>> No.7105391

Hp;y based kino