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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 273 KB, 1774x844, fmD7uDW0A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7053935 No.7053935 [Reply] [Original]

Then how would you fix them faggot

>> No.7053945

give them something to eat aside from ibuprofen and anti depressants

>> No.7053958

Remove the furries.

>> No.7053966

The people that complain can't draw better designs.

>> No.7053973

>Thigh gap
Who the fuck are the naysayers?

>> No.7054022
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1746, wp4265405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see Vizzie's trash, I get reminded of The Grimm Troupe. I believe Team Cherry got what Vizzie tried to do significantly better: A fun, albeit sinister and chaotic cast of loonies having fun with their madness; also red and black.

I think what Vizzie's major flaws with her design philosophy are:
1. Designs are so full of stuff to the point of irrecognition, which is specially bad when the artstyle is so cramped and crooked.
2. It has a crippling lack of direction, like you couldnt tell what some of these characters are supposed to be or do in the story, where you should at least have an idea just by looking at them.

How could I fix it? Give the characters small visual cues that connect them to one another while retaining their uniqueness, something that tells the viewer they belong together. Also reduce the amount of elements on their designs and give more spaces to the remaining items.
I dont do much of character desigin job myself, but I've studied it enough to have a clear idea of how to do things right in theory.

I refuse to pronounce Vizzie's name right, whatever it is.

>> No.7054039


>> No.7054044

>make up something no one said to get angry at

>> No.7054045


>> No.7054049

>Goat (I dont see it)
>Moth (I dont see it)
>Dwarf cyclops?
>SIx legged Spider

I fucking hate these designs.

>> No.7054077

ou know what, you may not like it but she did a style a bunch of people like and a niche that wasn't exploited yet.

>> No.7054118
File: 282 KB, 960x870, Dood359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I dont draw better than Vizzie, so feel free to ridicule my insight based on an ad hominem and not because of the argument at hand.

Either way, I believe what I said holds some merit regardless of how I draw, it's what I've seen from other character designs and artists making good practice of it.

>> No.7054132

Less red
Fuck off

No emo hair
No 504049 different patterns
More emphasis on their character motives

Vivzie CAN do good designs just as she did on helluva boss, the issue is hazbin and its obvious these characters are her childhood ocs that she refused to change

>> No.7054157

Nah these are shit. Might net you 10 followers on Newgrounds though.

>> No.7054179

Are you really seething over at his art just because he criticized your pretty princess

>> No.7054183

Looks cool and you're right btw

>> No.7054196
File: 1.13 MB, 1774x844, IMG_0146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t watched the show so I don’t know the lore, all I know is Husk has something to do with cards so when I got rid of his wings I changed some random spots he had on him into card suits. I think the wings could work if they were colored not to clash with his body. Maybe solid red or white. I’m not a character designer, I just did this for fun.

>> No.7054207
File: 543 KB, 552x417, 56785865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez pz with the calarts bean.

>> No.7054209

I just don't like Vaggie's design, it's so ugly with that weird-ass nose.

>> No.7054214
File: 1.31 MB, 1536x1024, def3zzn-5deb00e8-826d-4053-a615-ce5278720ce4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's unappealing because the artist is unappealing as a human being

When someone is a genuine likable person, their art will reflect that aesthetically like

>> No.7054278
File: 44 KB, 978x640, 1703137562279980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7054283

90% of people only cares about the blonde slut btw

>> No.7054303

the remaining 10% only care about the deerfag

>> No.7054315

>Designs are so full of stuff to the point of irrecognition, which is specially bad when the artstyle is so cramped and crooked.
That's why I found the pilot unwatchable, she just had to cram every nook and cranny with "detail".

>> No.7054317

I think they are one of the best designs i've ever seen

>> No.7054320


>> No.7054351
File: 314 KB, 646x919, CharlieLingg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of people only cares about the blonde slut btw
Not that I blame them, desu.
Blondies are top tier.

>> No.7054353

unsalvageable, throw em in the TRASH

>> No.7054374

Love Grimm Troupe; though I think everyone in OPs image except for Angel meets your second criteria (visually conveying their character/role).

>> No.7054382

>its obvious these characters are her childhood ocs that she refused to change
If ur unconventional childhood OCs get 100M views on youtube and a production deal with A24 you're based for refusing to change them.

>> No.7054395

this is better than the artist's style

>> No.7054671

pic not related?

>> No.7054683

By tossing them in the garbage and coming up with something better.

>> No.7054686

Post YOUR work

>> No.7054694

Why bother? You have to change so many elements in these designs that they will become completely new characters, and wouldn't fit the fujo furry deviantart world viz created.

>> No.7054708

this. all these years and people still don't get why style wins over substance.

Lukas' art is appealing, but don't pretend helltaker doesn't play too safe. Again: I like those designs but come the fuck on, the target audience is the wholesome chungus redditor who watches anitubers and never hid their powerlevel.

>> No.7054739

I have the same issues with helltaker than I do hazbin desu
it's very hard to tell most of these characters apart. You can keep a 'theme' with your characters and still do different color hues

>> No.7054830

I ship the Mary sue MC with the deer faggot, seething guaranteed

>> No.7054836

This is actually neat, it feels less cluttered

>> No.7054864

I don't think these designs are bad but overall this show is a pander-fest manufactured with mathematical precision specifically to attract hordes of mentally ill trannies, furries and tumblr girls who will project their sexual deviations and fantasies of social life on these characters. Which is awful and disgusting.
Also it's basically another "adult cartoon". There's a whole fucking generation of clinical retards who unironically consumed media designed for little children over a decade, but they gradually complained about this media made for kids not pandering to freaks of nature in their 20s and 30s which resulted in a birth of media for kids being hijacked from them to please 30 yo coomers who think they are either women or pony. Or both. This is why kids are so fucked up these days, they are raised on crap like OP post and elsagate youtube videos and the communities on the internet are filled with groomers. I really hope we can reset civilization soon.

>> No.7054876

hahahaha the troon vanished.

your work is excellent btw and your critique is thoughtful and well crafted.

>> No.7054923

Husk having bird wings is pointless and dumb and that one green dragon thing from the overlord meeting doesn't need to exist at all other than that though who cares, it's the fucking deviantart OC show, deviantart OCs should be expected.

>> No.7054942

kill all the characters

>> No.7054946

>NOOOOO you can't say the furry shyguy is shit!
Derivative, safe designs like this net you handful or so downloads for your metroidvania on itch.io but they are a dime a dozen. There is no style to it.It's just regurgitated assets from other better designs organized in a palatable way. Its boring. If you're afraid to take risks with your art because "it's not good design", your ngmi. Adhering to character design rules is far less important than having a strong creative vision that appeals to an audience. It's why vivzie gets her show about faggot spiders getting raped picked up by Amazon and A24, and boring shit like furry shyguy is posted on /ic/ for an audience of 4 people who played Hollow Knight one time.
This is the truth.

>> No.7055043

You never posted your work

>> No.7055062

>go on Google Images
>look up “Hazbin redesign”
>find 10 billion alternate designs, many of which are much better than the originals

>> No.7055096

Post some then you smelly little penis toucher

>> No.7055100

>freaks of nature in their 20s and 30s
Most of those people are freaks of nurture actually
A lot of them had the chance to be normal or normal adjacent and then went off the rails somewhat
Ironically Vivzie (the one who made this show) is one of the more normal ones, which explains a lot about how she manages to generally cope with being alive and get shit done, such as her silly demon show about perverted imps

>> No.7055110
File: 621 KB, 1804x992, Hazbin redo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had this thread 2 yrs ago

>> No.7055128

okay, but why the heck does that tall guy have fox ears?


>> No.7055129

Why can Vivzie only make two types of characters, sulky edgelord and le wacky crazy smiley man

>> No.7055130

This, there’s a reason why those fans aren’t designers or writers.

>> No.7055131

I got 50k for you

>> No.7055143

helltaker was expressly made to inspire more demon girl porn which is why it's so simple

>> No.7055146

where's the loomis? Why are their eyes deformed? Why are they all twigs? This isn't how people look. I thought you had to study loomis and anatomy and construct bodies properly to draw? Where are their feet? why is this okay but anime isn't?

>> No.7055168

wat? they're great, it's the writing thats cringy and soi as fuck
the dude with the radio voice is great though love him

>> No.7055176

That one's suppose to be a Deer Man, it's just hard to tell because his Antlers are hidden like that and his hooves don't look like hooves

>> No.7055210

... i thought he was wearing high heels (which wouldn't have been surprising either, to be honest)

absolute garbage, this show

>> No.7055453

>Might net you 10 followers on Newgrounds though.
That... doesnt sound so bad when you think about it...
I was THIS close to mentioning Helltaker, but despite I have no issues with these designs, I didnt think they were worth mentioning as a comparison point for Hazbin and Vizzie.
>she just had to cram every nook and cranny with "detail".
I think giving room to elements is important for both reading and understanding a character. You can put a lot of elements in, but if they arent properly spaced, chances are your audience is not going to have a good time trying to make sense into them.
As someone who doesnt know much about the show, I dont really see the roles or characters that well, I could make speculations, but nothing really concrete; also because you can see a clear line of correlations with the character designs of Hollow Knight despite the uniqueness of every character. In Hazbin you see none of that, you could place any of these characters on that other Vizzie show and it wouldnt pose any issues, in my opinion that's a problem.
>Love Grimm Troupe
And I was forced to love it. NKG became an aquired taste during the Pantheon 5 grind lmao.
Wouldnt call it "Excellent" myself, those were just rough sketches of a silly proof of concept, but I appreciate the compliment.
I just love how the number "Fifthy Thousand" became such a powerful meme, always gets me for some reason.

>> No.7055501

>If you're afraid to take risks with your art because "it's not good design", your ngmi.
>Adhering to character design rules is far less important than having a strong creative vision that appeals to an audience.
And who implied otherwise? I sure didnt and if you thought so, Let me clarify.
Im not advocating for strictly following design "rules" in spite of the artistic vision and design choices, Im advocating for taking in consideration design "guides" to make the most of your works while still supporting your artistic vision. The critiques I made to Vizzie's designs were refering at what could be improved upon if some of those design guidelines were taken in consideration along with the design choices.
I didnt say Vizzie should make her character simple and boring, just reduce the amount of details to the essentials and give things space to breathe.
I didnt say Vizzie should make her characters samey and in-your-face, just make sure to tell something concrete from their visuals and give them all a sense of cohesion instead of.
Contrary to your apparent belief, design guides are meant to support the artistic vision of a work, not stand against them; you just have to be both smart and creative just so you get the best of both worlds. Vizzie only seems to favor one, which is why she gets so many critiques.

>Derivative, safe designs like this net you handful or so downloads for your metroidva-
>and boring shit like furry shyguy is posted on /ic/ for an audience of 4 people who pla-
Are these supposed to be some insults of sort? Cause they come so out of place they kind of fail at making me mad and just make me kek. Careful with the ad hominems, though...
More importantly, the fact you regard that silly little guy as a "shy guy", now that kind of annoys me because that looks far less like a shy guy and more like a damn vessel LMFAO. Kind of want to ask why or how you think that's a shy guy, but I dont know if you're going to give me an insightful answer.

>> No.7055517

He is not wearing shoes?

>> No.7055631
File: 510 KB, 1556x2124, IMG_0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these characters conceptually. Here’s my Alastor. Missed opportunity to make his hooves look like 1920s shoes

>> No.7055640

see, this is a much better concept. He actually looks like a deer and even has something of a wendigo look to him, which I like. If they'd have made him more of a licquer/cigar guy or a casino guy they could've made him a more native american wendigo, though that definitely wouldn't have sat well with Vizzie's woke zombies lol

>> No.7055744

I really like what you did with his shapes and motifs. The additional straights and angles make him look less soft. And, the emphasis you put on things, like the eyes and bowtie looking like radio dials, or the antlers framing the pentagram on his wand and not just being on his head, make what he's supposed to be much clearer. While I can't say whether or not he'd be easier to animate, he definitely looks more like a wendigo radio demon.

>> No.7055755

Thank you! Who do I redesign next?

>> No.7055802
File: 154 KB, 1542x2048, IMG_0718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this one on twitter, I liked it some. I don’t know anything about the property though

>> No.7055830

I think you should redesign someone people like - the wolf girl thing, perhaps - and make her an actual accurate person who'd be in hell. Like a pedophile or a nazi or something.
that would be funny

>> No.7055838

Either Vaggie, Husk, Angel, or Adam. Take your pick.

>> No.7055876

honestly for what they are and the look she’s going for, they’re all fine. other than the cat, who looks retarded no matter what way you spin it

>> No.7056090
File: 616 KB, 802x1124, d3bvghl-1d42271e-9480-476b-8b73-7944c6f069a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like strange designs.

The show amused me,and I am still interpreting what the various demons represent in her personal mythology. A little too much homoness,but why quibble? At least it ain't anime.

I just watched this video about a Tim Burton version of Hansel and Gretel,and it looks deliciously batshit insane. So was pic related:Stainboy. Hunt them down.


>> No.7056116

>serial killer who died in the 30's
>radio broadcaster
>high hierarchy in hell
>some sort of deer human
What a weird character...
Nice. It looks great and conveys the character's personality quite well.

>> No.7056119


>> No.7056206

>let me clarify-
You are not in a place skill-wise to be giving critique. Back to studying with you.
Alastor over the course of the show gains those demonic features that highlight the deer aspect so it's a conscious decision to leave those aspects out of his design when he's walking around a hotel. Additionally, instead of a pentagram, I would focus on something influenced by voodoo. I do like the skull.
I like this one a lot but the removal of Husk's wings feels egregious, just a signal from the artist that they don't even want to try.

>> No.7056228
File: 182 KB, 708x848, kdlkfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, I actually think they are kinda ok for what they became. Anyways here is some Carmilla WIP

>> No.7056268
File: 22 KB, 565x566, 33b8c6eba23df0ca151a8fb8ebc4553d2b6cee2b97e8fbfa32b10c4049222ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-y-you dont have your own show!! YOU HAVE NOT RIGHT TO-
Calm your tits with your ad hominem, faggot. Even if I had my own show, better designs, and an idiot paying 50K for a selfship music video with my blondie, you would still call this nonsense,

More importantly, would you mind to pyw? Im beginning to think this thread is nothing but a /co/ tourist seething at people critiquing Vizzie's Deviantart-looking ass designs. And here I thought I'd have a decent discussion...

>> No.7056345

You are that type of guy who would puts a backpack on Sonic, with SONIC REDESIGNED intention.
The contrast between the suit and the scary head would work in an entirely different show. You combine the disturbing with a normal-ish exaggerated body. You either go full disturbing from a normal form or back. The best way to make this is to show his fully demonic figure for a few seconds or gradually transforming into it. This technique is used in the show itself when he transforms and it works. it has been used in many times in animation or cinema for a reason.

The show also did kidn of transforming lot better when his mouths sewed with a green thread in a way forcing him to smile, also still resembling the character. This will instantly trigger a question in the viewer: why is it like that, why is he forcing a smile, who made him do that-> I wan to know more.
And (You) don't get this, amongst other people itt.
You just took the vendigo's head and put it in a suit, which is a boring. Again this would work in something like in dorohedoro or something, but that is not the point here. The contrast is quickly visually exhausts the viewer.

This guy >>7054196 has a lot better grasp on appeal, and clarity, as he takes something and imrpoves it. The deer antlers should come out only when the aforementioned transformation occurs. Due to the hairstyle its hard to see, therefore its cluttered, or it should be a different color.

>> No.7056346

This could just be his full demon form. Maybe his normal one is more simplified with smaller antlers and regular 1920s shoes that turn into his demon hooves

>> No.7056356
File: 1.35 MB, 2070x3506, IMG_0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. I just drew something based on the prompts 1920s-30s, radio, demon, cannibal, and deer. I mainly thought that Alastor’s face was a generic Tumblr sexy man. I have a shittier sketch in my college notes that’s more humanoid

>> No.7056395

Sexo dancer latina milf. Just make her hands longer, and the hair wilder.

We can smear a lot of shit on vivziepop, but her artstyle is very attention grabbing, and the animation is fluid.
Its really probably my favorite part in the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Anpfp_S8s0I
It's just really nicely animated, and a joy to look at. Little things like when she steps closer and the camera shakes a little, and how it fits the music drumkick, or when she walks away at 0:08 the hand, and shoulder gestures are really good too.
It's only rivaled by the best dad of hell part visually and song-wise.

This works better because its still humanoid. Even when you do something scary like that it still needs to have human familiarity because the human part aka the thing you are familiar with is being twisted, therefore it becomes unsettling. If something is scary all the time it quickly becomes boring.

>> No.7056424
File: 1.80 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20240211_213939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool anon
I was inspired by it and tried making my own version. It ain't much since i'm not that good of myself

>> No.7056449

I think they look okay. Not my style but I presume this show is for people who frequent Hot Topic. Bad is kind of the point.The cat is retarded though and the monocle on the first one looks really bad. I guess I don’t know the designs original context either, they don’t really communicate anything to me in terms of occupation or personality. Not sure if they’re supposed to though.

>> No.7056451

Oh fuck, that’s cool! It looks decaying and gross (in a good way).

Reminds me of the bear from Annihilation:


>> No.7056476
File: 1.98 MB, 2091x1509, Hazbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p-pyw!!! pyw!!!
Here's my St.Peter redesign. I gave him a nose and ears since it looked weird he didn't have them as one of the more human characters of the show.

>> No.7056477

Vivzies designs are great for what she's trying to accomplish, you wouldn't use her designs for apps or architecture but her work serves it's purpose and intent. Cartoony/edgy, maybe there are a few too many elements and overcrowding here and there. Could be simplified for animation but in terms of character design, there's nothing particularly wrong about them.

To be honest I only really like the designs for the radio demon and the wolf girl but it's just not my thing I can't say it's bad because it's not meant to appeal to my sense of style

>> No.7056491
File: 482 KB, 1024x717, beelzebub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is definitely better, but honestly St. Peter's is one of the weakest designs, and very miss next to something like Sera or Emily, who are simpel too, but visually more interesting. Maybe he should have been an old man or something.

I like the hellhound Loona too. Its ismple and does the job. Or even this Beelzebub's, as its visually very eye grabbing and fits this "bubbly rave mom" type of persona, but holy shit I bet animating her, especially her hair was a nightmare.

>> No.7056505
File: 161 KB, 828x1025, 5758885E-E167-48C6-869A-28175C2672F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to google “alastor redesigns”, took two seconds

>> No.7056698

Not bad. Still too complex for animation

>> No.7056736

That is not a good design. It's jarring and garish and all over the place. Also, only bottom-of-the-barrel people do "sparkledog" furries, it's the try-hards that try to be unique and what better way than to make their sona or mascot be a rainbow colored canine with six arms and an aura?

>> No.7057074
File: 3.24 MB, 3600x1709, 1596675483225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen Hazbin Hotel and don't really have a stake in this but this is a cool Alastor redesign I saw on here in 2020 (yeah, you guys have been having this conversation for at least 3.5 years now)

>> No.7057234

Damn its been a while since I've seen this drawing, time really does fly. Honestly still kicks ass even if it doesn't fit the base show, hope the artist is doing well

>> No.7057278

i like this designwise desu but it’s a completely different character. it looks more like he would be his bodyguard

>> No.7057288

I'm not familiar with the show and when I opened both images and flicked between to see the differences, I forgot which one was your edit. I found myself preferring the OG, just more interesting designs I guess. some of your clean up was good though like clothes details, but the eyes and colors etc was a step back.

>> No.7057314


>> No.7057757

Damn the arms were longer before but I shortened em lol, I'll try some things thx!

>> No.7057867

Ty for the feedback, this is a very interesting opinion because it is the polar opposite of what I got from a fan of the show. They didn't like that I removed details, because they were part of the lore (even if we only see it for a second) but they liked what I did with the color palettes.

>> No.7057910

Thank you. I agree that he's one of the weaker designs, but I still like his look, even if it's plain compared to the rest of the cast. I don't think he should be changed or anything, it's just something I made for the thread.

>> No.7057947

The designs themselves are ok. The only issue is color palette. I can barely distinguish one body part from another. This is definitely the case of artist working on some high-end display with great color accuracy and not thinking about the audience.

>> No.7057952

>Works on my pc

>> No.7058023

Her characters become easier to draw once you learn some basics of anatomy and using 3d shapes.
There are much difficult things to draw, such as Godzilla's face

>> No.7058063
File: 488 KB, 593x661, dgs2azg-705f77fc-361f-4441-b495-7c92d4004663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but i wanna bang Niffty

>> No.7058069
File: 197 KB, 729x867, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update on the sketch

>> No.7058083

I mean a lot of them are pretty overbaked and awful, especially considering they need to be animated at 24 frames per second for several 20 minute episodes. That's a lot of stupid fucking heart markings to draw on catfaggot's donut steel wings.

>> No.7058101
File: 945 KB, 804x842, Screenshot_2024-02-05_at_11.53.29_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely understandable

>> No.7058131

We are brothers

you and I

>> No.7058373

>Then how would you fix them faggot
Vivzie already fixed them, that's how you know they were bad

>> No.7058378
File: 204 KB, 312x391, 1444383548895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then how would you fix them faggot
Gaymoids seem to be fixing themselves.

>> No.7058567

To be more specific he's a
>Cannibal serial killer from the 30s
>Radio Broadcaster at that time
>Has Cajun blood in him so he's partially black
>Has Voodoo powers but it's extremely surface level
>Has Wendigo motifs going on like the cannibalism and the deer parts
>Just showed up in Hell and immediately started a pecking order with the OverLords that were in power at the time

He's a weird cobbled together mix of different things that don't mesh well

>> No.7058596
File: 26 KB, 1774x844, 1707513164546330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you fix a steaming pile of shit?

>> No.7058990
File: 142 KB, 1541x2332, IMG_6491-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters are obviously sparkledog sequence but desu I'm just glad am adult cartoon isn't defaulting to the ugly family
Guy style, breathe of fresh air. The animation helps a lot, they look good in motion
This is based

>> No.7059020

Never understood why most of the adult cartoons had a strange style, for a while I thought it had something to do with not attracting kids, but now we know how well that went.
Also, nice drawing anon.

>> No.7059031

Are you the anon that drew the dragon ball art in other thread?
Just curious
Your line art looks edible

>> No.7059070

Yes and thank you!

>> No.7059127

>same color scheme as your avatar

>> No.7059565

Niffty is her only cute character ever.

>> No.7059575

The thing I hate is that she does ugly tumblr/dA OC art style so organically. I have a webcomic and made a race that its based on the concept of base art and recolors. I didn't grow up in that fandom so my donut steels come out feeling forced, lacking, inorganic. For her, since she learned art by participating in that culture, it comes from the heart. I can try forcing vibrating colors next to each other on a fox girl who looks exactly like every other fox girl, but that's as dynamic as I can go! For Vivzie, she doesn't understand this style of design, she' LOVES it, it's her art style. "I was raised in the darkness, blah blah..." I genuinely want to know how to design things like she does, but it never actually comes from the heart and everyone who follows my art can tell. They can all fucking tell.

>> No.7059607


>> No.7059742
File: 354 KB, 728x1174, Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 5.29.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally made myself a base to try and replicate the mindset. As you can tell the palettes don't feel like honest OC eye scald. It's more like someone trying to imitate or even mock it.

>> No.7060453

Not a bad idea, but it lacks basic character design principles that even good OCs must abide by. The silhouette is readable enough, but I’d push the shape language

As cringe as this video is, it teaches some good stuff

>> No.7060811

The only art “rule” is that great art is honest. This applies to all art forms. Say what you will about Vivziepop, but she’s unabashedly true to herself

>> No.7060846

yeah, and that's what makes her so cancerous. I don't know if she had a dad or not but I'm leaning towards no

>> No.7060878
File: 84 KB, 941x778, GENRryzWwAAQf9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an artist but I think a lot of people that watch the show have similar feelings. The designs are hard to read, overcomplicated, and you couldn't identify them from silhouettes. The more human characters are various shades of ok to good but once you start bringing the furries in vivzie goes full sparkledog.

You can't even tell alastor is supposed to be a deer until he starts transforming. some elements should be more obvious even if they are not menacing at first.

Nifty has the best design. relatively clean and there are lots of little elements that clue you in on the character.

I like the show but it has a lot of problems. Writing, pacing, and character design fall short in places but it is fun, novel, and does enough things ok to work, which is why I think it is so popular. Like this screencap is so fun, the realistically rendered deer clashes with the character designs makes it unsettling and interesting.

vivzie needs to get off twitter and touch some grass though.

>> No.7060881

Controversial opinion: I fucking love sparkledogs

>> No.7060913

I still respect her infinitely more than any corporate or AI slop

Honestly, the character designs look so much better on contrasting backgrounds. I have no idea why Vivzie crammed so much bright red in. I get that it’s Hell, but there are so many missed opportunities to add color variety. Is she doing it to spite her critics?

Good for you

>> No.7060922

Vivzie has a genuine, legitimate fetish for red. She legit wants everything to be red.

>> No.7062280

Me too, maybe not as much as you love but I still like seeing well done sparkledogs

>> No.7062344

I wanna go balls deep into Beelzebub. I'm not a furry btw.

>> No.7062510

I think the spider has 2 extra arms hidden. To be accurate but its way uglier when animated so they appear like once

>> No.7062512

7 of these looklike the same person if you zoom out a little

>> No.7062646


>> No.7062650

He's supposed to be a shitskin not white with darker skin.

>> No.7062704
File: 710 KB, 947x1243, updater 2 electric boogaloo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 3 electric milf bogaloo

>> No.7062716

Can't be fixed. Most visually repugnant shit I've ever seen, and I've seen my art.

>> No.7062735

2, 3, and 5 are fine, decent palettes and shape design, the other 3 are a clusterfuck of details, noise, and lack of direction.
The rightmost one is by far the worst, every time I see images of that character it takes me a few seconds to get a fucking read on how their body is supposed to go, or the shape of the head.

>> No.7062778

There's this weird thing going on with "almost" tangents. It's like every line and detail is right on the cusp of being a tangent, or implying one. Character on the far right looks like an arm is coming out of her ass. Her hands all fuse into the lines of her body. The rest all suffer from the same problems. There's not a single pleasant space for the eye and the designs are so counter intuitive I'm not even sure how to begin decoding them. What a pile of vomit.

>> No.7063924
File: 104 KB, 606x719, des.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a shitty style mimic sketch

Essentially, when you analyze it she uses a lot of outer and inner C curves constantly, to the point of confliction, and tends to use long flowy lines. She doesnt care much for anatomical accuracy save for hands and has very exaggerated features in her work.

My little mimicry here is only about half way to what vivz does because its not just the designs, but the linework, certain proportions and as you said the vibrant color picking. If you want to mimic her style really try to break down what goes into it.

>> No.7063985


>> No.7064080

I have a stupid, what do you mean by tangents?

>> No.7064084

Have you tried channeling your inner cringe?

>> No.7064579

There's no fixing it.
They aren't awful like they are drawn poorly, they are awful in that the concept itself is bad.

>> No.7064690

>portrait shot, no arms, legs etc, wings are cropped and simplified
just a signal from the artist that they don't even want to try.

>> No.7065516

I thought the opposite. Couldn't stand the designs and eventually got used to it
Got invested in the characters and had a good time despite the cringe

>> No.7065523

This isn't a redesign though, it's the same design just drawn in a different style
Get it together man

>> No.7065537

>W*stoid art

>> No.7065591

>off model bimbo body with character's head
Guaranteed 20k likes first half hour on X and r/rule34

>> No.7066453

maybe even 50k perchance

>> No.7066694
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x3000, vaggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never watched the show and only read the fan wiki for vaggie. i always had a few issues with her design and character in general. All i learned from this is that character design is harrrdd but phun

>> No.7067188

Love it

>> No.7067920

I would repeat the blue of her hair elsewhere, but it’s great otherwise. I love the bun theme that most of the angels should’ve had. The color scheme is nice. I like that she doesn’t have cape-like hair. Vaggie should’ve been a disillusioned Joan of Arc

>> No.7067927

*nun theme

Also, the shade of purple on her boots should be the same as the inner fabric of her head piece