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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7050424 No.7050424 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wanting to draw for my entire life and I was doing writing instead because I thought I'd never be good at drawing. Now I'm finally trying to draw and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. All I can do is bring myself to do is line exercises from my shoulder. I can't do geometric shapes or really anything else. I haven't done a single actual sketch yet. I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most.

>> No.7050426 [DELETED] 

start with observational drawing

>> No.7050427

oh no not you again
everyone that replies to this thread after me is a bbc loving faggot

>> No.7050428

I don't know what that is.

>> No.7050438
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>I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most.
Did you watch the pewdiepie video? consistency is the most important thing. 30 seconds a day is probably not going to get you anywhere though. set a timer for 10 minutes. maybe even make it a routine for a certain time of day(set an alarm, drawing time!)
You have surprised me with some cubes, which is quite a step up from the lines of your previous thread, definitely better than I was at cubes when I started drawing. To boil the pot(get better) you need to keep the flame on, not just hold a match up to it periodically.

>> No.7050441 [DELETED] 

Don't waste your time

>> No.7050443

Draw something in front of you. to start, put a box in front of you and draw it, or a chair, or your phone(or the box it came in). pick something with simple regular shapes. or go more 2d shapes, go bring a flat leaf inside and draw it.

>> No.7050453

I don't know what I even want to draw to begin with, let alone trying to get myself to draw in the first place. I can't ever get the energy or motivation to even when I'm feeling the absolute best on my stimulant medicine. All of my motivation and ideas drop the moment I actually sit down and start doing it.

>> No.7050463 [DELETED] 

I don't know what I even want to draw to begin with, let alone trying to get myself to draw in the first place. I can't ever get the energy or motivation to even when I'm feeling the absolute best on my stimulant medicine. All of my motivation and ideas drop the moment I actually sit down and start doing it.

>> No.7050475

shoo shoo schizo

>> No.7050477

I hope another anon struggling, but doesn't have the same mental disorder as schizo, can take something good from my time I wasted here.

>> No.7050478

Stop with the canned responses and give me actual advice.

>> No.7050483

no. go away.

>> No.7050484

my response is kill yourself. Genuinely. The world would be better with you gone. Go slit your wrists with a can lid.

>> No.7050485

Stop with the canned responses and give me actual advice.

>> No.7050495

literally draw what you like lmao, I started at age 30. Sure all my shitty anime girls are worse than /asg/ but I on track to somewhere.

Literally start drawing anything don't get stuck on the drawing manuals lmao hahaha

>> No.7050497

Didn't like my advice to use a can?

>> No.7050500

emotional vampire
fuck off

>> No.7050504

I was going to say stop being be a miserable failure of a man, but you can't fail if you don't try, so you're not even that...
tell me your whole life story and maybe we can get to the bottom of this. I don't mean your attempts at skills/hobbies, I mean tell me about your mother.

>> No.7050510

she fucked a dog and gave birth to me

>> No.7050514

take photos of yourself and use it for furry ref.

>> No.7050517

but how

>> No.7050519

Just photograph the dog (You)

>> No.7050529

how though

>> No.7050537

>he draws boxes now

>> No.7050589

You need to draw vertically instead of horizontally

>> No.7050668

>wants to draw
>Doesn't draw
>Dreams of drawing
>Draws for only 30 seconds at most
>Spends his day crying and shitposting
You would probably be unable to kill yourself even if I give you comprehensive guide

>> No.7050683

troll post and not advice

>> No.7050823

shoo shoo schizo

>> No.7051027 [DELETED] 

I don't know what to draw.

>> No.7051101

I can't figure out what I want to draw and even when I do, I can never make myself do it.

>> No.7051825

howie pets a dog

>> No.7051843

Draw one of the simplest pokemon. a fucking voltorb, a ditto, or a diglett. Then tape that to your wall. Then do it again but dofferent. Or else, you dont want to draw.

>> No.7051865

that's really good advice. a ditto works best since you can't really go wrong with the shape because he morphs, just gotta draw the :3 face.

>> No.7051869

I've been using the goal of "fill a page with drawings daily" as my rough plan for a few years now. Getting frustrated at your skills, especially when you're starting out, is normal

>> No.7054468
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>> No.7054552
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hey OP this was my exact case a couple years ago. didn't feel confident, drawing these fucking boxes wasn't rewarding, if I tried drawing something else it looked like shite so I was basically afraid of practicing, since making mistakes would hurt my self-esteem.

after i got rid of that bitch mindset I started improving a lot and now drawing is fun and easy to do on a daily basis even if I'm still no michelangelo, and I have hopes of improving further.

what I recommend you do to get some confidence is get a high-res photo reference (preferably of a face) and draw that on paper (no tracing). first attempts will come like shit, keep comparing what you're drawing with what you're seeing and correct accordingly. match every line angle and proportion as best as possible. will take hours at first especially if you have ADHD like me but it gets faster and more enjoyable as you go. And use a harder pencil, I like H4 or even H7 to construct the lines. They're more forgiving of beginner fine motor skills. I then fill them in with B pencils.

you're gonna have to stop depending on "motivation" to achieve your dreams. Motivation is better, but often missing. Discipline on the other hand will always be there for you. Stick to drawing faces or figures for now, the observational skills you gain from it will be applicable to any other thing you decide to draw.

PD: I know this might be one of the board's resident schizos throwing a pity party for himself, but I post this just in case there's other anons lurking with the same problem and an actual will to improve

>> No.7054564

Why can't mods ban this thread? It's spam at this point

>> No.7054574

It's not a giant conspiracy! He is looking for help!

>> No.7054587

yeah you are spamming. Stop posting this thread. Go pay for a class or fuck off

>> No.7054592

learn to copy

>> No.7054651

Why are you doing boxes when your lines look like this ? Go back to lesson one and start with your lines this isn't good... practice your line you can do lines in 3 days and move to boxes. Also don't forget to draw for fun. Just drawing boxes will burn you out but if you will draw incorporate what you have learn.... i seen some retards going trough the whole course and then its like they learned nothing.

>> No.7055697


>> No.7055719

Draw the god damned voltorb, howie! take you seconds.

>> No.7056196

Here, have some wisdom


>> No.7056199

Yes! keep trying every day, it gets easier. the hard part is committing. once u start feeling yourself have fun just doodling you've made it.

>> No.7056305

I just a want to say that every one who takes howie's bait and gives genuine advice is a good person and don't let the schizo get you down. He may have stolen some of your psychic energy, but having a good heart will let you regenerate it and more while howie will always need to lurk in the shadows to try and feed off of that which he can never truly understand or use. He only ever hungers for more sympathy and attention his own nature a constant agony to him that he can never overcome or change.