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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 231 KB, 800x450, 3fc11143838b5b95e610aea0369b94d12a8d3480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7050335 No.7050335 [Reply] [Original]

Are graphic designers too retarded to notice that these images weren't made by humans? This is the whole Wacom thing again.

>> No.7050345
File: 1.13 MB, 471x626, retarded red dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they doing it on purpose? Just google cute chinese dragon ai.

>> No.7050361

It's shit, sure, but how do you know it's ai generated?

>> No.7050370

People use AI because it works, what don't you understand?

>> No.7050372

right? I don't think it is AI. AI would be more consistent in style overall, those eyes don't really fit the style.

>> No.7050373 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 768x1061, lud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7050387

if real then they probably didnt notice. would seriously help if companies just named the artists in the corner.
maybe the cheek fluff? weirdly asymmetrical with the left one going into the head/the white there has a pattern on the head while the right is blank/red. not saying this is proof cause this can be regular mistake but it looks bad. just like how the string on the lantern looks weird to me.

>> No.7050470
File: 225 KB, 1080x1132, Toiletluddite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050471

Yes a bunch of weird imperfections of the sort, like the tail not following the body, conflicting shading being attempted and seemingly random spacing between conflicting lines. It's also describing some random artifact at the top right of the tail next to it's arm. I get the impression that this was a collage of Ai images with maybe some awful human shading on top.
What makes you think Ai is consistent in style? It's fed information from many different artists, Have you seen what Ai creates?

>> No.7050481
File: 2.05 MB, 1024x1024, sketchvet_character_design_of_a_fat_Jedi_swinging_a_lightsaber__d0d087b2-c099-446c-b574-9560bff74082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes you think Ai is consistent in style? It's fed information from many different artists, Have you seen what Ai creates?
Prompt a photo, all parts of the image would be about as photo realistic as each other, in style, not in content or accuracy etc.

>> No.7050499

he's cute :3

>> No.7050944

don't you just love it to hear the "hurr durr it must be AI" meme every time whenever people see anything that looks bad or off to them nowadays.

>> No.7050966

It's clearly from the same ai "vendor" on the Adobe stock marketplace that Wacom used back in December

>> No.7050974

it's not clear to me... I think you are a stinky troll.

>> No.7050995



>> No.7051754

people steal, deceive, and generally abuse and take advantage of other people because it works, what don't you understand?

>> No.7051760

yeah, volvo is definitely stealing from and abusing its customers with an advertisement for sale prices.

>> No.7051764


>> No.7051765

that's not AI but it's likely that it was inspired by AI
all I know for sure is that some troon got paid thousands of dollars to make it

>> No.7051770

no u.
Nobody was adversely affected by the creation of a piece of generic seasonal advertisement art.

>> No.7053262

I don't think this is AI it's just very low effort.
There's thousands of chibis like this in dA from decades ago. And it's inconsistently consistent in a way someone who doesn't really give a shit about their commission would do it.

If it was AI the tail fluff wouldn't be symmetrical. The lines on the tail wouldn't be evenly spaced. The eyebrows would be entirely different blobs not slightly different versions of the same coudy shape. The mane wouldn't be consistently two fluffs.

Basically all the inconsistencies here are shit I do myself when I don't get something right first try and don't care to make it perfect. Not random shit like AI does.

>> No.7053282

There's nothing ai here you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.7053285

False advertisement and deceiving isn't affecting anyone?

>> No.7053315

What I don't understand is why you are a gigantic faggot.

>> No.7053367
File: 245 KB, 1024x1024, 95b1a1acc8a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can create similar images pretty easily so who knows, but also who cares.

>> No.7053840
File: 160 KB, 181x191, sneed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be. Honestly it looked so obvious to me when I made the post but now I'm doubtful. Just a lot of weird decisions but there's no clear cut artifact apart from the weirdness of the tail but maybe it isn't two Ai images put together but 2 low effort images put together.
Fuck it I don't know anymore. You are absolutely right that all this stuff could just be from a human.

Op is a retard once again

>> No.7053844

What do you think these words mean? They're advertising a sale, unless there is no sale, they are not deceiving anyone.

>> No.7054027

>conflicting shading being attempted
>it's arm
>artists, Have
Bot post

>> No.7054036

4d chess schizo
I get what you're saying.