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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 203 KB, 587x1226, 1698059817276054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7042122 No.7042122 [Reply] [Original]

Holy gains check out Shad M. Brooks' latest art progress!

>> No.7042130


>> No.7042137

so have you guys decided if prompting is hard or easy yet?

>> No.7042142

Real artists write several paragraphs every month justifying why they should be considered real artists.

>> No.7042145

I think it depends on what you want to do just like drawing, it can be as easy as you want to

>> No.7042147

Genuinely confusing to me why he chooses to die on this hill while his much more attractive younger brother who is far far better at art cringes to death in the background

>> No.7042153

>his much more attractive younger brother who is far far better at art
this is why

never forget

>> No.7042156

Drama generates engagement and drives monetization. OP is literally helping to line Shad's pockets by spreading this shit online.

>> No.7042159
File: 118 KB, 630x354, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, assuming the weight of that blade given its lenght and width, as well the poor grip on the handle and the fact the blade is resting on a naked shoulder, it's safe to assume that blade should perfectly slice her right arm off.

Goddammit, Shad. Not even AI can improve your common sense.

>> No.7042165

hes clearly a loser and severely mentally retarded

>> No.7042176

At the end of the day Shad was right and touching up AI is the future of the industry, the 500 riot game concept artists that got fired should listen to him, sadly

>> No.7042178
File: 137 KB, 542x449, 26235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being Jazza
>Imagine seeing your brother posts online shilling AI art
>Imagine him shitting on you to make himself look as a legit artist
>Imagine clenching your fist so hard so you don't tell him off unless you want to have a 45 minute long argument about why he's a real artist and people don't understand his vision and refuse to swallow the AIslop
>Imagine loving your brother but knowing you can't do anything about his embarrassing behavior both irl and online
>Imagine knowing that everyone knows he's an asshole and have no other option than stand by his side because that's what a good brother would do

>> No.7042180

I am aware that unironically enjoying art youtubers is basically haram here but I love Jazza so much I'd voluntarily lick his feet

>> No.7042183

Unstoppable as it may be, something has to be done to these AI shitters. I just can't sit around and watch the world of art devolve into this artificial garbage. Imagine the future who don't value hand-made work. I have to do something, God forgive me.

>> No.7042185

I miss when drama was met with social opprobrium, ruthlessly suppressed by moderation in online communities and people who admitted to enjoying it were rightly looked down upon as degens

>> No.7042196

>find something divisive and topical
>take an inflammatory stance
>high profile artist and influencers engage with you directly in arguments
>social media algorithm associates your account with everyone responding to you
>your audience grows exponentially

Shad's a smart boy, he's going to be able to shill so many scam products and mobile games off the back of this.

>> No.7042199

it's gay faggot shit just like your post

>> No.7042202

Causes me physical pain to imagine being him
I'd have socked Shad in the throat by now the way he's carrying on
Family feuds have started over less than this shit

>> No.7042217

Me if I were a mental defective

>> No.7042221

What is his obsession with girls in mini skirts holding big swords

>> No.7042225

He is a man

>> No.7042229

he's an anti-lgbt, racist, sexist, Christian fundamentalist alt-right who hangs out with Sargon of Akkad. most of sword tubers and medieval history youtube channels already blacklisted him so now he's focusing on art.

>> No.7042231

>he's an anti-lgbt, racist, sexist, Christian fundamentalist alt-right who hangs out with Sargon of Akkad
Ngl that is based

>> No.7042235

>some of you may not know this about me, but I can draw on a professional level. I just don't like drawing

>> No.7042236
File: 90 KB, 712x503, Dood356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042238

Im a man too. It was fine once but ecerything he makes is te same thing, and it is kinda tacky and not fun like the dresses and weapons in Kill la Kill for example

>> No.7042252

Wasn't there some shit about being a pedo too or is that a different shad

>> No.7042264

she single?

>> No.7042270
File: 424 KB, 425x470, 1514982307424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or is that a different shad
You're thinking of shadman

>> No.7042273
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 1497534083051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's looking for a right hand, man.

>> No.7042279
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>> No.7042282
File: 4 KB, 366x347, cat with sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of art you can make with MS Paint still blows me away.

>> No.7042288

None of the above are true
He's an AI slopping cringeball but he is not racist, not sexist and
actually you know what, he's probably anti-LGBT but then again so am I, and I'm bi. Fuck LGBT
Seen him repeatedly state he doesn't gaf about homosexuality, but LGBT is not really the same thing
Can we please stick to the topic (his AI art blasphemy) and not have me defending him in a thread about what a huge idiot he is? Id be thankful

>> No.7042291

It is also a categorical error to define a Mormon (Shad) as a "Christian fundamentalist" especially when we're talking about an Aussie Mormon, who tend to be slightly different in a few ways to the breed you meet around Utah etc
Similar gene profile, entirely different species

>> No.7042324

That part of the sword is dull actually, used for what's called half-swording.

>> No.7042328

it's hard when I'm arguing against actually skilled artists so it sounds like I'm not a talentless loser, but it's easy when I'm trying to shill it to failed artists and coomers so that more people pick it up.
simple as.

>> No.7042332

>Imagine loving your brother but knowing you can't do anything about his embarrassing behavior both irl and online
easy, I just don't love my brother at all.

>> No.7042336

Wait this lolcow is Jazza's brother? Holy kek I don't like Jazza but he unironically doesn't deserve this

>> No.7042342
File: 700 KB, 2158x800, 61347981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done some of this, don't see the big deal. If the word "AI" wasn't involved it'd basically just be photobashing.

>> No.7042349

Holy shit he should just stick to making youtube videos about castles and swords.

>> No.7042354

Post 2020 everyone is a pedo if you dig reeeeal deep enough. If not, you just make it up.

>> No.7042353

Why do you not like Jazza? Seems like something wrong with you ngl

>> No.7042358

It is kinda sad that he wants to be an artist so bad but after months of his AI crusade everything "made" is half a dozen girls in skirts holding swords and a picture if his wife in a super girl costume
That is the extent of his imagination

>> No.7042359

I mean isnt the biggest argument in favor of AI is that it will make your imagination go crazg, and he prompts is the same girl wearing a skirt over and over

>> No.7042361

Photobashing is putting up references from different sources so you draw with your own skills. This is just Photobashing but you forgot the important bit which is you drawing over it yourself. This is like photoshopping a wedding picture with painterly effect and then replacing the grooms faces with orcs and then calling it an orc wedding paint.

>> No.7042363

the result looks like dogshit, anon. it's an even less skilled version of photobashing that looks even worse.

>> No.7042366

Unfortunately, it's not that much different from actual skilled artists. I am in no way an AI faggotshill, by the way. But, well, all that training data of glossy anime girls in a 3/4 view standing in a void had to come from somewhere, right?

>t. draws expressionless anime girls in a void for fun

>> No.7042368

he just like me fr

>> No.7042371


>> No.7042374

Oh. I didn't know that was his brother. Is this what happens when you have a sibling that's more successful than you, but you still want recognition for things in that industry? I feel bad for Jazza.

>> No.7042389
File: 1.29 MB, 4000x1024, 27511823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's some minimal amount of painting for it to be considered photobashing, it's digitally bashing photos together either way. I'm pretty happy with the result considering the amount of effort, but ofcourse it's not for everyone.

>> No.7042407

jesus fucking christ LMFAO

>> No.7042409

the funny thing is you might as well just go 100% AI instead

>> No.7042414

I've said this before but I'm also an adult perma/beg/ who's harboring a secret resentment for my younger brother who's a pro artist and I thank the lord in heaven that I didn't become a lolcow like Shad.
It honestly hurts seeing his antics and realizing that I was (this) close to turning out like that if only I hadn't decided to revive my dream and learned to draw again earlier last year.

>> No.7042419

Hard to get that sort of specificity with 100% AI at the moment, but it'll get there probably sooner rather than later.

>> No.7042439
File: 756 KB, 638x825, 1690640781205007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based workflow schizoid

>> No.7042445

Yes, it's called writing grant applications and proposals.

>> No.7042451

I'll wait you cook, patiently

>> No.7042457

Omg what is this

>> No.7042469
File: 988 KB, 638x825, 1689727594428252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042483

Holy shit that cock is fucking that ravioli hard

>> No.7042489

kek even

>> No.7042502

The fuck is this oompa loompa looking bitch?

>> No.7042505

Your mom

>> No.7042514

My mom's fat, but she didn't swallow a beach ball.

>> No.7042520

> being a cunt to your own brother on a livestream
> 2 unrelated parties in the crossfire
> over an RPG stat
What a piece of shit.

>> No.7042524

Jazza said he has self-esteem issues. Wonder what the cause is.

>> No.7042630

The reason is because he's naturally tilted towards being quite anxious and sensitive and one of their brothers had a hearing problem, which resulted in p much all the attention being on him and Jazza in particular vanishing into the background
He explained in a video that he started drawing because it was something cool he could do that made other kids at school more interested in him

>> No.7042720

Good luck with the return, anon. We all have a lot of different ways we can choose to handle things, but you went the smart route instead of letting your soul putrefy like that sad, narcissistic shart.

>> No.7042744

Yeah, like I don't know much about Shad outside of "youtube sword guy" but after finding out about his history with art and his brother, I had to take a step back. It's like looking into a mirror from a different timeline. I'm not proud of being a jealous fuck, but I'm so glad I'm trying my best to learn again. He can't say the same.

>> No.7042760

Pure drawn art
>drawing purely from the mind
>drawing with inspiration images
>drawing with direct references
It's lazy but whatever
>drawing on top of your own photos
>drawing on top of your own 3D renders
>drawing on top of copyright free photos or renders
>shooping/editing and claiming as your own
>photobashing with somebody else's photos
I've just given up
>slapping your name on unsigned works
>posting AI generations
Eat shit
>making a LoRA using an actual artist's works

>> No.7042771
File: 54 KB, 631x662, Dood357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You inspired me to do my own kek

>> No.7042792


>> No.7042804

so cute, I want to give her millions kisses

>> No.7042808
File: 1.03 MB, 1479x978, Imaproffesionalartist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win?
Shad, an artist with years of practice, and professional level skills in character design and anatomy, or a silly swedish lad who drew for 100 days?

>> No.7042825

i thought this guy was one of those historical sword autism youtubers
why is he obsessed with this shitty stupid anime massive sword bullshit?

>> No.7042839

good question. maybe it's too hard to make historic armor with AI due to overabundance of fantasy armor in the datasets, so why try? a comprised artistic vision emerges thanks to AI.

>> No.7042847


>> No.7042968

Probably something to do with Jazza. His entire foray into AIshit is rooted entirely in his inferiority complex brought on by his brother being a better artist

>> No.7042988
File: 512 KB, 900x1011, 1615238619901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artistic intent
>pls computa generate "generic bimbofaced anime girl with giant sword over her shoulder but in semi-realistic render"
>wow guys i can't believe how much hard work i put there gaise wow being an artist is such a thing

Honestly, if he just was straight up like
>guys, i am an armorfag and i generated this shit because i like it
No one would have a problem with it.

There is nothing creative about what he did, just bullshitting with extra steps lmao

>> No.7043001

There is a lot of artistry and intent in what he did though, it's pretty evident.

>> No.7043003


>> No.7043016

Fucking based

>> No.7043082

I dont know why everyone is sweating so hard on this. You completely redrew, repainted and redesigned the reference. Approached it like a vfx artist.

>> No.7043086
File: 166 KB, 1445x1179, Battletits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This list doesnt taste too bad. Nice job chef

>> No.7043114


>> No.7043133


I don't give a shit for AI fags who just want to fiddle around since these people were never going to comission an artist anyway since most people who do comissions want a very specific image. The problem is when those AI fags want to pretend their efforts are in anyway similar to that of an artist. They do this shit constantly because of the inferiority they have to artists. It's never "hey look at this sick ass generation", it's always "look at ME, look at MY creation, this art is MINE"

>> No.7043144
File: 2.95 MB, 4976x6936, justatool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043147

>it's always "look at ME, look at MY creation, this art is MINE"
Pretty much.
You can explain that by realizing that we're in the era of ego-substitution where anything that is pursued and done, is purely and foremost to generate a feeling of self-worth and social validation, with the thing being done/pursued being simply and purely a tool to achieve that.
Everyone is guilty of that to an extent, but social media and the premise of fame+money+social validation does indeed make this worse that most never realize or choose to simply do what they truly want, but chase what makes others accept them or generates social/material wealth.
How many artists have you seen that just draw the fotm porn fanart because it always gets the most engagement? How many have you witnessed only going into the art to draw porn and get money?
How many threads on social media have you see where the OPs say how surprising it is that their posts blew up and instantly use the clout to shill themselves or similar acts?
People like that will grow miserably and only perpetuate misery, if they don't develop a genuine personality.

>> No.7043157

Jazza feels like a real creative. Dude just wants to try and experiment with stuff which is what makes me respect him.

>> No.7043208


>> No.7043209


>> No.7043210

Holy buzzwords. Booster time!…

>> No.7043214

Same with all the “muh alt-right” labels too, I’d say

>> No.7043275

>self-proclaimed alt-right.
>be the 5oyjak they accuse the left of.

>> No.7043309
File: 1.51 MB, 256x320, 1684479176807370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's an anti-lgbt, racist, sexist, Christian fundamentalist alt-right who hangs out with Sargon of Akkad
holy BASED!!!

>> No.7043452

jazzas brother and another youtube grifter that uses ai to make homoerotic comic books.

>> No.7043487

He experiments but they're all half-assed that I'm certain they are clickbait for begs who are even more clueless. The kind whose artistic influence are mostly tiktok/youtube shorts. Even just a small amount of research into the topic he's experimenting on shows how flawed his approaches are. I understand he wants to just wring it an figure it out for himself, but he could also have reviewed any basic tutorials on the topics after experimenting to improve upon his first tries.

>> No.7043496

He's an entertainer. If you watch his videos for genuine artistic education, you're beyond saving and deserve whatever comes to you. I just like him because he tries, he fails, but he's enthusiastic and enjoyable to watch.

>> No.7043529

It really is insane the depths of artistic achievement this technology gives us. Permabegs there is a light at the end of the tunnel for us.

>> No.7043555

He makes it seem as if his vision is fully realized by pulling some image slot machine while calling himself an artist. Even concept artist acknowledge a good portion of their work is just about communicating the idea as efficiently and quickly as possible and that requires making art pieces that will be directly tossed into the trash bin, they don't get personally attached to it, you're just trying as many ideas out within a limited time frame so stuff like photobashing, pulling 3D ref or premade assets to trace from becomes a necessity, also they adapt to the art direction of the project, so it becomes less about themselves and what they can do to help the project come to life, any of these artist when interviewed always say that they learned a lot or about how cool working with other skilled people was but it always ends up in "I didn't have time to do my own projects, you know, things I really enjoyed", Scott Flanders comes to mind but there are a fuckton of them feeling like this.
Shad is basically wanking off to a cheap knock off version of CA while having minimal input and writing 300 word essays on why his shit doesn't stink, you don't need to think too hard on why people dislike it.
At this point someone could automate what he's doing with iterations of "cute medieval sword girl in x style" or "generic superwoman" x 1000 and he and "his vision" wouldn't be needed, and no one would be able to tell the difference, he has no style of his own (anymore), he vaporized it just so the AI can give him one he believes it's his because he's an entitled egomaniac.

>> No.7043562

See that sword?
I prompted that.

>> No.7043565

Being an entertainer is not an excuse for not getting anything right, especially when it takes so little effort to go into the right direction. He has a platform that could educate beginning artists about the things he experiments on, at the very least not mislead them, yet he doesn't educate even himself.

>> No.7043572

>Being an entertainer is not an excuse for not getting anything right, especially when it takes so little effort to go into the right direction

Yes it is.
>Hmm is the opportunity cost by doing this project perfect worth more than the opportunity cost of doing literally anything else with the time and money, like say...making another video and producing more entertainment content? No? Okay fuck it then.

He doesn't make guides. He doesn't make educational content. He makes entertainment. He presents his project, he presents his process and presents his result. HE is the entertainment.
> that could educate beginning artists about the things he experiments
And? He could also turn his entire channel into a charity for starving artists but he doesn't because that's not his goal. His goal is to entertain whilst creatively fulfilling himself in the process.

>> No.7043576

Shadi and Jazza are related? That is so unintentionally funny to me and idk why. You'd think Jazza would be interested in setting his bro along some kind of realistic path to making discernible scribbles if he wanted to do art, I bet they fight about it though.

>> No.7043641

shad's actual art is at least low-/int/ but he doesn't like doing it and he's not interested in improving

>> No.7043654

post his actual art

>> No.7043659
File: 196 KB, 804x1300, d2umc2f-a8113fd3-6993-4355-aa47-96cf1fec8ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043662

I love your style

>> No.7043691

he has nothing to be ashamed of other than getting to a point and stopping there. if he wanted to be better, he clearly could be, and doubly so since Jazza is right fucking there. but this still isn't bad at all. unless i just can't recognize what is AI generated and what isn't.

>> No.7043695

Permabeg. He went too far the wrong direction and ingrained the beg, it's part of his very being now.

>> No.7043775

I think you're reading too much into it. The way I read it he's just saying "Look I can use these tools to visualize my idea with greater levels of precision and intent than simple txt-to-image, isn't that cool?" which is evidently true. The reason he writes it in this pretentious way is probably because it drives the twitter retards mad and they boost his engagement 100x.

>> No.7043912

His problem isn't AI. It's bad taste.

>> No.7043938
File: 460 KB, 804x230, Screenshot 2024-02-02 174513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does every deviantautist do this?

>> No.7043949

It's a combination. The ai is enabling his delusions and his ego.

>> No.7043954

Shad is a better strawman than I could have ever created in an argument. He is a blessing to us.

>> No.7044028
File: 139 KB, 700x394, url(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Words words words
>My artistic vision
>My artistic intent
>My skills

If he just said "I drew that bitch, AI did the colours because fuck it, anyway the nudes are on my patreon" he'd get a third of the bullying he currently gets.

I don't think most people even give a fuck anymore, YouTube thumbnails are AI, stock photos on SEO clickbait are AI, sometimes even actual articles by reputable journals are based on AI images of shit that never happened, shitposts are AI, album covers for small indie bands are AI, and nobody goes nuclear like they did last year. I don't even know if they even notice.

>> No.7044030

Got a good laugh out of him taking up resin casting but forgot to install the vacuum pot before making the molds.

>> No.7044031

> but he is not racist, not sexist
Alright fair but where do I file "whines about woke shit that isn't even woke" like the Mario movie. I heard he thinks AI will make art conservative again but I have no proof he said this.

>> No.7044046

I think people who care are worn out at this point. Not that they've accepted it but they just don't have the energy to raise a stink every time they see it because they'd be mad all day. I will say I have made a new hobby out of taking down flyers and posters I see with ai shit on it. I don't even care if they didn't have money to pay an artists in the first place, it's eye rape levels of tacky and signals poor taste

>> No.7044071

His artistic vision is basically what anime has been producing for 30 years?

>> No.7044084

>Alright fair but where do I file "whines about woke shit that isn't even woke" like the Mario movie.
You can file that under "culturally right"
There are a lot of normal people who are broadly ok with same-sex relationships and don't think wammen and nonwhites are essentially talking animals but they still want to put miles of distance between themselves and left wing excesses
The Mario movie may not be woke, but there's definitely a girl power element in it bc Peach is classically the damsel that Mario rescues, but you can't show a strong wammen getting rescued by a dude this year, so in the movie she shows Mario the ropes and handles herself all the time instead of needing anyone's help (very toxic message everyone needs help sometimes)
You are right that's pretty minor, and desu it would have gone without even a raised eyebrow like 15 years ago, but now there's a growing social backlash against lefty culture, so even small details like that that are played down heavily so the movie can be good get called out.
Overall he's a pretty milquetoast individual in every topic except AI art, which he has decided to become a fanatical zealot in favor of for reasons that defy my fucking imagination but probably have a lot to do with Jazza (his younger brother btw) kicking his ass out of the ring in all matters artistic like others ITT have already mentioned

>> No.7044089

He's milquetoast on AI too, you just find yourself on the other side this time and are blinded by it.

>> No.7044101

>it would have gone without even a raised eyebrow like 15 years ago, but now there's a growing social backlash against lefty culture
It is funny noting that, if you did this stuff 15 years ago people wouldn't have suspected it of being some ideological psyop and just gone "cool but not for me" but now it is actually confirmed companies like Netflix and Disney intentionally put political and ideological messages into their products which makes people absolutely rabid about any level of left wing messaging when movies like Top Gun despite it being literally just military propaganda was widely loved. Everything is tainted with that same dirty brush because the one thing people dislike most of all is being deceived.

>> No.7044102

I feel like he'll be knocking on our bunker door and trying to buy his way in with MREs once AI progresses to the point it auto-writes full novels effectively (not long now) and his writing career goes down the drain

>> No.7044104

He writes multi-paragraphs tweets regularly defending AI and praising his own work whilst ravenously deriding any naysayers as 'gatekeepers', 'jealous' or 'luddites'. If that's milquetoast to you, Hitler must be just slightly uppity.

>> No.7044106

You'd need to be blind to not see the seething delusion in him posting pics he proompted and claiming his skills are getting better when it took 0 skill and literally anyone can do what he did effortlessly and the models have been improving, not him
I think a lot of people find his sheer bluster more irritating than any substantive argument he tries to make for AI art being legitimate
He really thinks he's doing something as difficult and skillful as painting by proompting his wife in 12012843124 different costumes and poses and it's almost unbelievable that he can actually fool himself into thinking he accomplished anything here

>> No.7044114

Gives me a vivid mental image of a deformed time traveling cripple zooming around in a motorized wheelchair and a suit of armor shooting at Spartan warriors with spears using a machine gun controlled by one of those Stephen Hawking machines bawling in a high-pitched retard voice that the Spartans are "gatekeeping" strength and health and the ability to do violence
How dare we gatekeep by being good at art when he's so shit he has to resort to computer-assisted help and then try to convince himself that what he's achieving is equivalent to the work of even a permabeg digital painter

>> No.7044115

>If that's milquetoast to you, Hitler must be just slightly uppity.
To be fair Hitler was chill as an iced vanilla latte in person apparently.

>> No.7044117

>a deformed time traveling cripple zooming around in a motorized wheelchair and a suit of armor shooting at Spartan warriors with spears using a machine gun controlled by one of those Stephen Hawking machines bawling in a high-pitched retard voice that the Spartans are "gatekeeping" strength and health and the ability to do violence

Now draw it.

>> No.7044120

I'm angry enough already, I'm going to draw Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai instead. I don't need to feed negative feelings

>> No.7044141

Case in point. The human condition is a hell of a drug.

>> No.7044143

I wonder if he realises that people who liked him previously for his medieval larp bullshit now dislike him?

>> No.7044154

Nigger, if you want to practice that Buddhist "we are all the same, we are all just blind monkeys" bullshit go find a zen garden
AIfags are wrong, artfags are right, your money is no good in this saloon

>> No.7044161

That's not what I'm saying, but don't worry about it.

>> No.7044184

Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, shad is acting like a loud and obnoxious idiot and people are not just being tribalistic for the sake of being tribalistic or are you simply 2enlightened for such plebeian pursuits?

>> No.7044192

>bro I'm so like, above you all, because like, I don't take a stance, I just criticise your stance because like, I'm so superior to you all haha bro, like, it doesn't matter to me, so you look silly caring at all, huh? what? you want me to provide my opinion? nah bro that would open me up to intellectual criticism and i'm insecure so I'd rather just sit on the sidelines and yell at people

Suicide. Now.

>> No.7044415

Case in point.

>> No.7044420

>rather than addressing the criticism I'll just mock that I was ever criticised in the first place


>> No.7044439

Quod erat demonstrandum
Don't drink the AI propaganda, fellas. Lest you become this

>> No.7044449

Yeah I agree with the other anon, you should seek Canadian healthcare post haste

>> No.7044476

The memes write themselves.

>> No.7044486
File: 78 KB, 500x554, 6klatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That they do

>> No.7044505

You speak like someone who just became self-aware and realised that you have independent thought

>> No.7044514

Many such cases

>> No.7044723
File: 19 KB, 420x270, F9427329-0890-468D-815B-2273D82F1695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But who his zis man stealing your birthright, Shad?

>> No.7044728

so his problem is AI

>> No.7044932

>In a completely oblivious way, to counter the negative feelings about herself that Lily struggles with, she is very prone to over exaggeration, particularly in regard to herself. Her self confidence is so fragile that she instinctively tries to build it up in any way that she can take advantage of. These over exaggerations can grow into full blown lies, a common one being that she’s the long lost daughter of the king.
write what you know

>> No.7045055

There was a thread on /g/ a while back asking why writers weren't having the same meltdown over AI that artists were. The general consensus was:
>It's impossible to reliably make a living writing fiction unless you luck out.
>Being able to throw an outline in and get back 100k polished words is a writer's dream.
Maybe /g/ is dumb but it's true there haven't been any major novelists screeching about AI writing books.

>> No.7045063

And he's the older brother? His delusions are probably keeping him from killing himself. Being that full of yourself is probably the best safety net for depression and self-harm.

>> No.7045269
File: 351 KB, 1300x817, BMI-Chart-Printable-Imperial-no-logo-grey-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s five foot tall, cute, sweet, naive, utterly ruthless on the battlefield and very very strong, like unnaturally strong for her size. She also weighs 330 lb, something she’s extremely embarrassed about.

>> No.7045505

>obese class 3
sounds like a type of warship or something

>> No.7045516
File: 37 KB, 750x422, Tamara-Walcott-Deadlift-Total-ATWR-750x422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tamara Walcott weighed in at 134.4 kilograms (296.3 pounds)

>> No.7045539

remember to always hit "do not recommend this channel" on any ai youtube thumbnail

>> No.7045547

use filters

>> No.7045567

I want to hurt them through the algorithm

>> No.7045578

At what poing do I stop feeling embarrased about what I'm drawing?

>> No.7045672

Your drawings are an accurate representation of your skill level. You have to learn to accept that and come to terms with it. There is a narcissistic Shad inside of you that will rebel against that. Put him into his place. That's when you feel ok being shit and care less.

>> No.7045675

If I wanted to see humans putting themselves to the limit, endlessly brainstorming ideas and honing their skills with countless hours of mind numbing repetition I would be watching speedrunners

>> No.7045690

>AI retard can only make video game analogies
Makes sense.

>> No.7045820

Trump lost, sweatie

>> No.7045827

Not even american, hun

>> No.7045864

Reminder, he didn't draw that, the AI did. It's not his, he just commissioned it.

>> No.7045867

It's worse than that, the right leg implies no firm support on the ground, implying even less weight from the sword. The sword is literally made of aerogel.

Also the heels aren't even the same shape, so much for "polishing".

>> No.7045914


>> No.7046064

I would be inclined to agree with you, but it's become pretty apparent that he just couldn't compare to the success of his brother's art and can finally use this as a way to validate his lack of effort and skill in pursuing drawing. That and the pretentiousness makes it pretty easy to dislike him.

>> No.7046523
File: 29 KB, 680x622, 4b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My baby brother is 8 and he just made his first comic book (folded printer paper and two nonsensical stickmen on each page). I'll fully support him if he gets really into art and I'll help him out, but if he ever ends up better than me I'll probably just end it all.
I can't imagine slogging through all these years to finally start making money from my art only to get surpassed by my own brother when he's fucking 15.

>> No.7046529

You know its not art when the poster writes 4 paragraphs explaining how it's art

>> No.7046530

>if he ever ends up better than me I'll probably just end it all.
Why does it bother you so much?

>> No.7046542

This is the perfect comparison of a talentless artist grindan vs a naturally talented artist.

>> No.7046545


>> No.7046778

haha, that takes me back. i used to make those little printer paper leaflet comics too. i hope he keeps at it.

>> No.7046785

if he starts at 8, he WILL be better than you by the time he’s 15, be happy for him, faggot

>> No.7046797

Not if they bully him. You can stop him from overtaking you if you destroy his self-esteem now before it takes root. Tell him he's shit, mock his subject matter, invite your friends over for a 'viewing session' and then have them all relentlessly bully him until he cries while laughing at his art. Tell him to kill himself repeatedly, spit on his best work, post it on /ic/ and schizo post to tear it down, then show him the thread and say "look what everyone thinks of your garbage, faggot. See? Everything that matters to you is shit because you are shit. All those people can't possible be wrong, can they?"

It's the only way to secure your future. If not, he'll be better than you and how will you tolerate that? How will you live with yourself knowing you could've destroyed this pathetic child to secure happiness for yourself, but you threw it all away out of a misguided sense of moral duty to a blood relative? He is your competitor, your enemy, fighting for control over limited resources and sources of artistic satisfaction. Treat him as such, you fucking pussy.

>> No.7046814

and then you make yourself his only source of affection and validation and slowly convince him to wear a japanese school uniform and pretend to be a japanese schoolgirl on pixiv for likes, and you put him on your lap while giving him crits until he gets comfortable with exchanging physical contact for praise and it escalates into him blowing you with a wig on while you give him head pats haha just kidding but it would be pretty funny not that I would do it or anything

>> No.7047883
File: 2.27 MB, 2891x2904, shadiversity_ready_to_fight_by_shad_brooks_dgtmzpw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original character donut steel

>> No.7047921

>you and the guy she told you not to worry about

>> No.7047956
File: 59 KB, 474x474, tjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's better to bully your 8 year old brother cause he can potentially git gudder than me ;( It's a cutthroat world making tiddied anime babes

Holy fuck dude, you're such a complete insecure faggot.

You oughta get over yourself if he does get better than you. So what? Does that suddenly make your art skills worst? That unironically makes you like Shad, who in this case has to keep coping with AI. Everyone who wants to do art does it for their own enjoyment first before all this crap about chasing internet points or whatever. Still assuming this is a separate anon, don't fall for this bullshit competitor nonsense this other faggot is saying. You can build each other up, learn from each other, your fucking family for fuck's sake.

>> No.7047982

Kill yourself obese schizo

>> No.7048236

there is nothing wrong being sexist and racist

>> No.7048276

This thread was so confusing, I thought we were talking about Shadman

>> No.7048277

fucking kek

>> No.7048398 [DELETED] 

>You now realize the AIs scraped his stuff too.

>> No.7048409

oh... oh no

>> No.7048716

kek Fine-arts-sissies BTFO

>> No.7048792

>If not, he'll be better than you and how will you tolerate that?
This kind of mentality creates crabs and ngmi losers

>> No.7048794

no duh, it’s literally a post about making the little brother ngmi, you idiot

>> No.7048805

Says a lot about you.

>> No.7048812

You aren't looking hard enough. Besides, AI shits itself when trying to write a story, chatgpt really loves its metaphors and most people don't seem to care too much about literature.

>> No.7048977

Yeah pretty much me. I always found him kind of cringey but in a fun, older brother kind of way I guess? I used to enjoy listening to his ideas on 'more realistic fantasy' and stuff. He was a goofball that seemed to be enjoying himself.

But his art takes are so bad and on top of that he's acting like a complete tool that's too far up himself. It's all been very disappointing.

>> No.7048991

And it's one of the most toxically feminine posts I've ever seen in my life
There is nothing more repugnantly female than thinking "I have to tear my little brother down to make sure he's never better than me" that's such a woman-minded thing it's mind-blowing, this is how intra-sexual competition between sisters works
The correct male attitude is:
"I will lift my little brother up even if I die trying, as long as he makes it"
"I will let my little brother stand on my shoulders even if I have to smell his feets"
Some of you have been sitting with your legs closed cooking your testicles for too long and it shows

>> No.7049022

The arts in general always does attract the most effeminate people who cannot belong into any other group no matter how much they try, because they're either kids, women, highly estrogenated males and/or otherwise legit mentally ill and low IQs who will say and do anything for "success".

I'll give this anon >>7046797
the benefit of the doubt and assume he was being ironic and edgy to make a point, because you know that shit that anon illustrated would be very much likely to happen in the arts, and with the unhealthy obsessions normies and fags have with "making it" and comparing dicks for no reason instead of genuinely lifting others up, that they would go that far as destroying a child's future or potential because of the straight up delusion that it will magically make them "win" or succeed at life.

Maybe the moral of that story that anon made is
>Everyone is your enemy and your competitor, kill them and you'll win.
It's not nonsensical because there are artists and people who seriously subscribe to that mentality, which only creates misery and the result is our current landscape of hugboxes that hide the most insane drama and social media that only posts and push the fotm garbage and magically makes anyone with a huge following an authority on anything or as an infallible example one must follow or be considered dumb, jealous and envious if they do not worship the big account.

Everything bad that happens, is a reflection of that mentality.

It's the equivalent of dealing with wild animals; they wouldn't hiss, attack or bite if they did not feel threatened.

>> No.7049030

Look at all the seething replies.
Sorry kids but you were lied to. Art is in fact a competition

>> No.7049035

This >>7046797 anon obviously jk. Don't know why people itt took his words too seriously.

>> No.7049051

I get the feeling a lot of people here are new and do not mesh well with the site culture.

>> No.7049058

Artists are gullible

>> No.7049269

/ic/ has a massive rotation of newfags and is predominantly too autistic to learn to draw

>> No.7049420

is it just fear? Being afraid you'll never feel that satisfaction of looking at something you made and explaining it to others? Is that why they use AI?
All this stuff he said could apply to a normal drawing, what did the AI actually allow him to do?

>> No.7049442

My brother is way more successful than me and I have nothing but support for him. I can't even fathom being jealous because my life is the result of my own decisions.

>> No.7050000

>wall of text sucking his own dick
I don't think even real artists could get away with that...

>> No.7050011

nice quad of truth

>> No.7051677

It's like watching retards pilling up plastic plants on their appartments and calling themselves botanicists.

>> No.7051686

And people will say black people are destructive and evil.

>> No.7051690
File: 11 KB, 171x201, Winner Amazing Incredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally understand what women mean when they talk about the ick.

>> No.7051776

4chan is ultimately poe's law in action. People pretending to be retarded end up replaced by retards being retarded, Ironic posting turns into unironic posting and edgy humor turns into /pol/ - politically incorrect

>> No.7051780
File: 3.24 MB, 1344x1728, 1696291191104215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI just looks good. it's really that simple.
all the mental gymnastics people come up with here is amusing.

>> No.7051790

If he put this much effort into learning to draw he'd be Andrew Loomis by now.

>> No.7051819

whose work was this trained off of?

>> No.7051830

Well no shit it looks like high quality drawings, when it's trained off of ...high quality drawings?

>> No.7051867

when I see high quality ai art i am only interested in who the lora is.

>> No.7051874
File: 1.23 MB, 2688x3456, 1685227314868336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no character or artist lora was used here.

>> No.7051880
File: 1.41 MB, 2500x2300, 1703236978406591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither were any used here.

>> No.7051953

You never know if the person posting is funny or just genuinely retarded.

>> No.7051969

haha wouldnt it be funny if we started using AI to deepfake him into really racist scenarios and started spreading it around?

>> No.7051980

I know right?

nigga could be spending tmie learning to draw like PDP, had he started drawing when he started simping for AI he would be mostly decent by now.

Plastic plants, some look almost like real plants, still I am not going to a garden to see them just because they are cheaper to mantain and faster to grow.

>> No.7051985

>man holding a girl with the wrong hand as if she's an ice cream cone

>> No.7051987
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x2800, 1701776458857455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that close to none of these have been inpainted

these two also have not been inpainted, but they have been color graded by me.

>> No.7051995

No, tbqh anon I think that would not be funny at all

>> No.7051998

Sure looks AI generated alright.

>> No.7052002

these aren't bad looking, but they still feel hollow

>> No.7052009
File: 2.50 MB, 4250x4137, 1707206334209220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but that also is a pretty difficult subject imo. and some of those still came out pretty well.
again a reminder that these are raw outputs.

>> No.7052011

What's stopping you from making a Patreon account for cum bucks?

>> No.7052015
File: 124 KB, 1152x896, 1684731300169988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, i was having thoughts about this.
but dunno, it's not really what i want to do.
or at least i was thinking of putting some themed galleries on exh or something.

>> No.7052017
File: 3.42 MB, 4000x4000, 1679002680688039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resized this a bit

>> No.7052030

just what the world needs, another 1 star ai gallery taking up server space on exhentai

>> No.7052143 [DELETED] 

>no character or artist lora
And? I'm still only interested in the artists combined to make that style, even if it's 100 different ones. though in this case you could probably point to one or 2.

>> No.7052254

what's to like about him? he's just another youtuber (not a good person by default) and a shit artist

>> No.7052255

I first encountered this guy when he said retarded shit about history.

>> No.7052270

>practiced drawing art for 10 years
>it's worse than what the AI can spit out
Oh, why should I care, right? I can continue drawing by myself with no interactions for hours a day and show it to no audience. It's fun, right?

>> No.7052381

>practiced drawing art for 10 years
>it's worse than what the Asians can spit out
Oh, why should I care, right? I can continue drawing by myself with no interactions for hours a day and show it to no audience. It's fun, right?

>> No.7052385


>> No.7052403

> I have been a mediocre gardener for 10 years
> My plants look worse than plastic plants that you can buy at the dollar store

>> No.7052423
File: 70 KB, 800x300, 2008-05-03-03-BossFight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're worried about an audience artistic skill isn't the factor to keep in mind.

>> No.7052430

No. I can't dunk on AI fags if I'm dead.

>> No.7052689

AI or not, you had "no audience" anyways. Your art is the same whether or not AI art exists. The main issue is you need to like your own art.

AI "Artists" are often people like you who are frustrated with their skill level, and think AI art is somehow elevating them. Its like someone unhappy with their basketball skills going home to play 2K. You're not playing basketball anymore, sure you're having fun, sure you are getting hundred point games on 2K, but you're not playing basketball.
This whole thing is about ai artists insisting they're still playing basketball and that their point average shot up ever since they use the 2K tool to improve their accuracy.

Do you want to draw? I'm sure you do. Do you want to create beautiful art? You can do that with AI and with drawing. But if you stop drawing in order to prompt, then you're giving something up.

>> No.7052724

Based and reasonpilled

>> No.7052796

>Do you want to create beautiful art? You can do that
Doubt it.

>> No.7052812

There's thousands better than you already, probably hundreds of thousands actually if you're this insecure.

>> No.7052826

I already know that

>> No.7052832

so what artists did you put in the prompt?

>> No.7053159

Reminder he calls himself an enthusiast and not an expert so he can deflect people calling his bullshit.

>> No.7053161


>> No.7053253


>> No.7054416

When you put it that way, it made me realize why I hate proompters: they are liars. I had someone share themed donuts but did not disclose that they were AI and someone thought they were real; proompter didn't even try to correct them and tried to be cute when called out on it. I place them in the same category as tracers and those losers pretending to be Japanese hoping no one would notice their Babelfish translation on deviantart.

>> No.7055010


>> No.7055553

Yes, seeing that sort of non-realism offends my STEM mind also and breaks the at least partial suspension of disbelief required to appreciate fantasy/scifi -themed art. Furries, for example: attaching non-human animal parts to a human body for no sound evolutionary, biomechanical reason.

>> No.7055637

As no less a personage than the president of Russia said in his recent interview, the Allies forced Hitler into war.

>> No.7055664

You are a pompous dickhead totally devoid of any sense of humour, unable to recognize when someone is being blatantly ironic.

>> No.7055670

>Artists are gullible
Not only that but I get the distinct impression that their IQs follow the same distribution curve as the general population - which is to say, a ton of morons (e.g., coom hacks), Dunning-Kruger midwits, and a small number of geniuses.

>> No.7055682

No, it's jews that are said to be, and in fact are, destructive and evil. On the other hand, blacks are rightly considered to be stupid, dangerous animals.

>> No.7055684

and /pol/ turns into Hasbara.

>> No.7055695

>Plastic plants
>faster to grow

Where might I get some of those fast-growing plastic plants?

>> No.7055706


>> No.7055915

If you want any picture that kinda looks ok it's piss easy.
If you want a specific composition with very specific details that have to all be following a design doccument it's actually way harder and slower than just drawing the picture yourself.

>> No.7055933

We do give a fuck, we just realized this is like the mark of the beast. If the cover is AI the content is worthless.
So you get the good shit by finding the covers with human artwork.
It's even gotten somewhat fun like looking for the weird shit at the music store back in the day.

>> No.7055936

It doesn't happen that the man who created the ESG score all these companies are forced to follow ruining our products and services, is also the cunt who caused the '08 market crash.

We're literally getting our lives destroyed by some Lex Luthor wannabe motherfucker and we're told we're the bad ones for complaining about it.

>> No.7055950

>I can continue drawing by myself with no interactions for hours a day and show it to no audience. It's fun, right?

No wonder you hate drawing

>> No.7055960

It's so sad. He was better when he was just a castle autist screaming about machicolations.
Now he's coping with AI slop because he never took the time to learn to draw properly.

>> No.7055967

He did take the time though, he's drawings are alright.

>> No.7055969

>find out Jazza extended to sculpting
I want Jazza to take up swords and beat Shad at his own game so we can point and laugh.

>> No.7056087

You can't eat plastic you fucking physcopath. Not a correct comparison
ai has no sentimental value, unlike real art. All AI is for is profits like you always keep thinking about whenever you support AI.

>> No.7056095
File: 681 KB, 687x699, warhol_marilyn.jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the sheer volume of AI slop creates diminishing returns on every additional image. This shit just makes me think of Warhol duplicating Monroe until her unique aesthetic value became worthless.
AI will absolutely oversaturate it's own market with sheer volume because AI niggers can't help themselves. Anything impressive about this has been eclipsed by how unexciting it's become. I look at this shit and feel nothing.

>> No.7056104

It's like a supply and demand situation where the supply is infinite, it leads to a value of 0.

>> No.7056122

We've been saying this on here since the beginning.
It's like with smut and porn having reached critical demand and oversaturation that now it's shifting in the opposite direction, only leaving the same porn addicts to consume and pay for that content.

If anything AIslop will become a self contained niche within a niche that will only be taken seriously by the same autists and failed artists.

>> No.7056140

Do you upload these anywhere?

>> No.7056177
File: 27 KB, 651x655, 2b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i draw knights a lot and even used some of this guy's old videos to research when designing characters. the fact that he's happy with a design where the armor looks like that sickens me.

>> No.7056178

AI won't put regulaar artists out of work, but it will put porn artists out of work which is based

>> No.7056191

Why are you posting all this slop here instead of at /hdg/? I don't know why AIfags are so intent on pushing their trash onto /ic/

>> No.7056197

regular artists? you meant the artists that companies are more than willing to use AI in place of instead? if anything porn artists will last longer because of how parasocial people are on the internet

>> No.7056201


>> No.7056209

You got a problem with steel high-heels and no shoulder protection, arttranny?

>> No.7056280

i've come to expect that from low-effort coomer fantasy, but things like that belt just sitting there is what really gets me.

>> No.7056294

Yes, what are you gonna do about it fag?

>> No.7058089

Shad is basically right , he just has shit tastes.
Imo Ai might give everyone draftsmanship, but it didn't give anyone creativity, that's all that's going to matter from here on out, so no more boring anime girls or coomer stuff ,ai can handle all that, hell I stopped seeing porn artists now that I can generate all my porn, now I'm just looking for creative stuff online I don't care if it's made with ai or actual drawing, just give creative art.

>> No.7058130

>Ai might give everyone draftsmanship
Draftsmanship is literally hand drawing lmfao

>> No.7058135

I don't think it diminishes the skill needed for drawing and the like. Things are still amazing if a piece is drawn, and creativity within the art has always been the hardest part anyway.

On a side note, idk how people unironically use gen AI to filter their shitty drawings it's like the ultimate imposter syndrome you're bringing to yourself

>> No.7058176

Definitely, creativity is the hardest thing to pull off in art.
Here's a metaphor, ai art is like if everyone suddenly got a good radio voice and good podcast set up, now the podcast is useless if the person speaking is not an interesting person , I think only interesting people can make interesting art. I find that the problem in art is that a lot people are just obsessed with skills and draftsmanship instead of creating something with personality and interest, ai can be useful but it depends on the artist using it and of course the majority is going to be shit as usual, and ai right now has a distinct style, but probably in the future its going to be more controllable.

>> No.7058196
File: 3.33 MB, 2658x2480, 22wc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7058206

trip living the good life eh? no way his traps are that big though(though maybe one side...)

>> No.7058207

lmao even

>> No.7058239
File: 3.90 MB, 2658x2480, Untitled2_20240212191928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7058283

>one brother is attractive and good at art
>the other brother is ugly and uses AI
there is a tradgey about to happen, a murder suicide maybe. Something worthy of a play

>> No.7058290

Neato my nigga

>> No.7058399

shad has a successful youtube channel he should be happy with that.

>> No.7058405

>It's fun, right?
Yes, actually. If your only motivation for drawing is to get likes on Twitter you should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.7058410

If only humans didn't have this pesky need for social validation hardwired into their brains, imagine what we could accomplish!

>> No.7058429

>AI will absolutely oversaturate it's own market
Already did. In deviantart where you can't bot interactions even really good looking high quality AI art has less than 10 favorites.

Only bots are "liking" AI.

>> No.7058433

I do have a problem with one heel being a wedge and the other being a spool.
Unfashionable and uncouth.

>> No.7058436

Fundamentally inferior people can have the whole world cheering for them and still feel unbearably slighted.

>> No.7058439

I get social validation from being handsome and good at my job. I draw because it's fun.

>> No.7058440

To be fair dA is a dead site

>> No.7058444

Don't be retarded, it's got 700M active users and hundreds of thousands of HUMAN INTERACTIONS a day.

Without the bots twitter is smaller than 4chan and linkedin. Stop living in the simulacrum and come back to reality.

>> No.7058448

You should kill yourself.
>Verification not required.

>> No.7058458

It's a wasteland website full of Sonic feet porn and there is no amount of cope from you that will stop me knowing this

>> No.7058485

Your feed is based on your favorites
I had to scroll past 700+ pixel art, 3D modeling, sculpting, nature photography and paleoart pics to see one AI or shitty fanart post
Meanwhile you have to comsume botted twitter propaganda designed to piss you off
You deserve your internet experience

>> No.7058592

>a murder suicide maybe
I feel like Jazza would beat him 1v1

>> No.7058593

I don't go on twitter
At all
I don't go on dA either
I am very happy with this situation

>> No.7058594

I feel like Jazza wouldn't fight back

>> No.7058683

but the giant sword is fine

>> No.7058696

I see AI art with hundreds of favorites on dA all the time though. Most of them are pretty banal too.

>> No.7058882

He always had a martyr complex. I remember a couple years back he was really anal about bows & arrows. Might have something to do with his upbringing.

>> No.7058897

I thought it's because people read books because of the authors, not the work itself. Like it's the reason Stephen King's name is bigger in the cover than its own title and how Sanderson fans eat his slop up no matter the genre.

>> No.7058898

I've seen begs with way more T B H

>> No.7058900


>> No.7059100

I like how you stole that one sword from adventure time, so anyone who sees this knows you're creatively bankrupt.

>> No.7059334
File: 44 KB, 447x446, 1283130204382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, reason why Pewdiepie managed to improve so fast because, unlike Shad, doesn't have ego size of a black hole and manages to see flaws in his workflow and goes on to improve upon them. He's humble enough to self reflect and it shows in his drawing process.

Shad, on other hand is just vapid tantrum throwing child that cries when he doesn't immediately get result that he wants and would rather blame everyone else and ''MUH GATEKEEPERS'' than realize flaw in his thinking process and have at least some of self reflection, but he doesn't. He reminds me of Andrew Dobson, also man-sized child that never managed to improve.

And that's it. It's not about size of a wealth, it's their character that either allows them or blocks them from improving. And same goes for everybody else.

And fun tidbit if I'm not wrong, Pewds picked up pencil and started drawing so he can one day share his skill with his son. That's pretty fucking cute, ngl.

>> No.7059337
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>There is nothing more repugnantly female than thinking "I have to tear my little brother down to make sure he's never better than me" that's such a woman-minded thing it's mind-blowing

Shad is a woman?????