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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 310 KB, 736x977, 93f3a016c52987f55cc6f37817445210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7039343 No.7039343 [Reply] [Original]

Good luck with soulmaxxing

>> No.7039344

imagine not using ai in 2024 if you're a digital artist working professionally, i can't they got fired

>> No.7039345

Good luck when the power goes out

>> No.7039351
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 8777777777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039356

lol that's cool, who's the artist? got it in a higher resolution?

>> No.7039357

why are ai trannies like this

>> No.7039359
File: 346 KB, 1080x715, shadBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039360

What am I looking at

>> No.7039361

Being annoying is just how they roll. And if you are annoyed, they fill the emptiness inside for a moment. It doesn't last, so they'll keep coming back.

>> No.7039364

A still from a video where world famous ai artist shadiversity claims his art, pre ai, is on a professional level and his strengths are anatomy and character design. He is delusional.

>> No.7039379

have fun retards i'm hiding this

>> No.7039382

>basically floating head with pigeons copy pasted
Meh...was this your example of "soul" maxing with AI

>> No.7039386
File: 914 KB, 1374x2048, licensed-image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Floating torso with dull background scenery

>> No.7039389

So anon are really better Da Vinci

>> No.7039396

This but ronically

>> No.7039397

Quite literally free money at this moment and it's so easy to pass as non AI to the general public

>> No.7039398

The Mona Lisa is an iconic masterpiece that has captivated audiences for centuries. Its brilliance lies not just in its technical execution but in its nuanced portrayal of emotion and mystery. Critics who dismiss it as overrated often fail to appreciate its historical significance, innovative techniques, and enduring cultural impact. Its enigmatic smile, subtle use of light and shadow, and meticulous attention to detail make it a timeless symbol of artistic excellence. It's essential to understand the context and significance of the artwork before passing judgment.

>> No.7039399

Critically acclaimed prompt engineer Shad Brooks DESTROYS liberal artoids with overwhelming logical prowess

>> No.7039404

He seems to be doing better than most liberals in most parts of life

>> No.7039406

The Mona Lisa? What's the big deal anyway? I mean, come on, it's just a painting of some lady with a boring expression. I don't get why everyone goes crazy over it. The background looks all smudged, like the artist got lazy or something. And her smile? It's not even that impressive. People need to stop hyping up this overrated piece of art and appreciate something more modern and meaningful instead.

>> No.7039407

You got me until something more modern

>> No.7039412
File: 373 KB, 576x1024, Leonardo_Kino_XL_1940s_Dieselpunk_Mona_Lisa_mysterious_faint_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mona Lisa is an iconic masterpiece that has captivated audiences for centuries. Its brilliance lies not just in its technical execution but in its nuanced portrayal of emotion and mystery. Critics who dismiss it as overrated often fail to appreciate its historical significance, innovative techniques, and enduring cultural impact. Its enigmatic smile, subtle use of light and shadow, and meticulous attention to detail make it a timeless symbol of artistic excellence. It's essential to understand the context and significance of the artwork before passing judgment.

>> No.7039425

this isn't even on the same order of magnitude

>> No.7039426

>those lips
god y u tempt me

>> No.7039432
File: 135 KB, 498x880, shadiversity-farming-more-ls-by-saying-his-art-skills-are-v0-u39k5snmz4tb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's literally just some trannies seething because their heckin social status on xitter is in danger
everyone else is using AI like just another tool

>> No.7039433
File: 85 KB, 531x1062, 20231219_140703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I add, it's also because the average internet idiot cant help but interact with what outrages them, perpetuating the cycle of the ""trolling"" because, lo and behold, the """trolling"" actually works better than initially intended.
As long as imbeciles keep engaging with this threads instead of reporting and/or using the sage and hide, they will continue to thrive on the board.
Pic related, It's from twitter, but it applies to this site as well. I might as well make a 4chan version.

>> No.7039451


>> No.7039491
File: 35 KB, 565x425, 1685464486543800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If artists want to win cultural war on AI they need to switch the "AI art is shit" argument to "AI art is just photobashing with extra steps" even if it's not technically true the fact that AI is trained on real drawings and the fact that average normalfag won't bother understanding how AI image generators work is enough to make "AI is photobashing" a 100% fact in the collective consciousness. There will be some cringe DEBOOONKERS who will try to stop this narrative, but it won't be effective.

You need to force an idea that when you see a good AI art it is, in fact, just a copy of a real existing drawing made by human with minor adjustments a.k.a direct stealing with no redeeming qualities. Also always remind normalfags that people make child porn and deep fakes of celebrities with AI to keep social activists hot. Also force the idea that AI fags just use it to make money, show they millions pajeet videos on yt like "MAKE 100/SEC MONEY WITH AI", show the amount of spam social media receive and how AI pollutes search engines. There has to be a strong image of AI having no good sides whatsoever. After that there will be a small opportunity to even force a law that will ban commercial usage of AI. This is the ultimate goal artists should pursue. If AI fags won't be able to make money on it, it will die within a week.

>> No.7039497

Seems like AI is everywhere already, if anything it's just normalizing cheese

>> No.7039507

>Seems like AI is everywhere already
it is not

>> No.7039515

If social activists are involved then it's big enough that normies took notice, no one was talking about it 5 years ago despite it being a thing since then already

>> No.7039523

spbp stupid retarded "prompt engineers" can neck themselves and stop stealing oxygen from actual productive humans

>> No.7039529

that would kill the entire 4chan

>> No.7039534
File: 364 KB, 828x1118, IMG_3371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiktok, ai shitters

>> No.7039540

Holy shit imagine posting dfs on the open web after 2016(?), you deserve to get sued for being this retarded

>> No.7039546

>just lie bro and keep lying until it becomes reality

>> No.7039548

>hermione deeps
she killed trillions

>> No.7039557

Well it's not a lie, more like exaggeration, so don't cry AI fag. Also it works fantastically, yes.

>> No.7039564

>still no talk about ai cheese
Well, well, well, is the world getting based again? Took a century

>> No.7039569

it's a lie and you know it too, as opposed to the braindead sheep you're misinforming with your activism.

>> No.7039582

>It will essentially eliminate most current b&t and spam threads

>> No.7039586

so you're okay with one new post every few months? why haven't i seen you on 8ch? no ai thread there

>> No.7039592

>actual draw threads have more a chance because since there not getting moved down by bait threads
again good
>every few months
Its not /gd/ slow nigga

>> No.7039593

you assume draw threads are filled with productive members of society, i don't

>> No.7039601

soul is a meme

>> No.7039636

>AI is photobashing with extra steps
It has some amount of "agency" in generating images so it's not strictly photobashing, but photobashing is a big part of the process so it's not a lie, just not complete truth. But complete truth is even worse for AI fags because it takes "muh creative direction" from their "AI is art" argument.
>pedos use AI to generate child porn
>AI is used to generate deep fake porn
>AI is generally used to make money schemes
>AI is flooding social medias with spam
>AI pollutes search engines

stop seething AI fag, the very fact that you are here 24/7 is an evidence that AI fags are either pajeets who want to make money or attention-whoring schizophrenics who failed as an actual artists like you

>> No.7039651

Jazza bottom right?

>> No.7039652

someone referred to it as algorithmic photobashing, I like that. I like the phrase data laundering as well

>> No.7039654

holy shit ai is everywhere, we need to stop it reeeeee, pls bannerino ai and hunt the dark web filled with more ai, someone call the cyber police and clean this mess

>> No.7039658

mentally destroyed

>> No.7039662

nigga my jazz is his fr brotha form same motha fr no cap no dog

>> No.7039668

Do you have a proper refutation or are you just going to be a little bitch? AIfags are terrible at arguing

>> No.7039671

those birds do not match each other. and do not resemble real bird classification.

>> No.7039672

I'm agreeing with him, tf?

>> No.7039676

What the fuck? How did Shad turn out such a retard then?

>> No.7039677

>but photobashing is a big part of the process

>> No.7039680

If you mean one is pro ai and the other isn't, jazza is ok with ai, he just doesn't do it anymore because it's controversial and his channel is filled with artists wannabes/enthusiasts

>> No.7039683

I mean because jazza can actually draw

>> No.7039716

>I'm gonna pretend like I can argue that by replying with mysterious "lol" without providing anything else to the conversation, I hope other anons gonna think I'm really smart just don't want to talk!

>> No.7039723

then why did you make an ironic sound sissy bitch post instead of conversing like a normal human?

>> No.7039790

>expecting to see productive members of society
on my basket weaving board
on 4chan no less

>> No.7039918
File: 2.50 MB, 4250x4137, 1694664686301566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i'll humor you. how is it supposed to be "photobashing"?

>> No.7039936

Ai stored billions of images, cuts and pastes parts using algorithmic lasso tools, then removes digital infeterance, averages the pixel displacement, tunes some of the cadence, and wallah! ai art.

>> No.7039947

man, what model and lora's are people using to get this? When I tried SD a few months ago you couldn't even generate a dick.

>> No.7039958

Why are artists so jealous of AIfags?
It's like they secretly want to use AI so bad, but they can't because it would ruin some made up sense of morality they have, so the best thing they can do is despise those who aren't burdened by those moralities.

>> No.7039963

>Ai stored billions of images

>cuts and pastes parts using algorithmic lasso tools

>then removes digital infeterance
that's not a real word. also what?

>averages the pixel displacement
what's that supposed to mean? it takes different images and "averages their pixels"? do you think that would do anything?

>tunes some of the cadence
tune what? and how does it know to tune that, whatever that is?

>> No.7039968

I'm not nAIgger but this is a fundamental misunderstanding of how those souless machines work

They take a data set and use a complicated set of statistical probabilities to determine which pixels would go next to eachother (Or which are most likely based off the prompt)


>> No.7039979

>What what what
Scanning each image it trains from individually removes digital infeterance.
I though ai guys were supposed to know technology

>> No.7039985

Yeah, that's what I said, it's basically pixel enmilligation. Photobashing by any other name would smell as sweet.

>> No.7039986

is this bait? try harder.
and again, that's not a real word.

>> No.7039993

>tune what? and how does it know to tune that, whatever that is?
Cadence from the noise, noise is sound.

>> No.7039995

Are you are new to the internet? Infeterence is from a copypasta

>> No.7040064
File: 217 KB, 1187x1005, 1698210734052637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that video is surprisingly well informed.
what you said is also correct in its essence, but i get the feeling that you and that youtuber lack some of the nuances in understanding how it works if you think this is just about about pixels.

take this screenshot from the video. it shows how the AI learns about things.

in this example it's about the hypothetical dimension of "chairiness" or "glassyness" but what this really means is that we are talking about elements and an understanding that goes BEYOND just the pixels on the screen.

beyond just what you see as a 2D image. it's similar to how when you and i see a ball, you can think of it as an actual 3 dimensional object, you might even be able to guess what it is made of and how it feels in your hand. as a human you might even have specific memories or feeling associated with it. all of these are bits of information that you get that goes beyond the simple pixels when you see an jpeg of a ball.

AI also has an higher understanding of images through learning. not all of what a human has (like those memories or emotions i mentioned), but some of it.

>> No.7040094

NTA but do you have concrete evidence of this «higher understanding» or are you just pulling buzzwords out of your ass? This feels just like the God’s Design sperging from creationists, attributing false complexity to concepts that you don’t understand and thinking the only way it can be solved is through this kind of abstract, higher understanding mumbo-jumbo that you then refuse to elaborate upon. It’s like tripfag claiming it totally learns like humans and then showing three-headed cats as examples.

AI is currently incapable of understanding objects in 3D space because it’s not what it was designed to do or how it learns. It’s only good at trying to mimic the final results of what an human can achieve through their own understanding and deformation of the world. Without the artist, there is no AI. The only reason it has gotten «good» is because of better datasets and having to rely on external tools like 3D or Cnet krav maga to make it look even passable to a wider audience. But then what’s the point?

>> No.7040123

i am tripfag. (also no, this is not my thread and it's been a while since i last posted.)

AI literally has limited understanding of 3D space and there have been papers on this.
and it is established fact that AI works by moving in a high-dimensional vector space (even language models). this is just what it means in reality.
those dimensions might not all be as simple to understand for explain as "glassiness", and some of them will just be about edges, shapes, colors or textures.

and beyond that, the AI outputs themselves are proof enough. but i've gone into that countless times in the past already.
of course if you're a retard, you can just handwave it away with "muh algorithm" or "photobashing", but if you put some real thought behind how this shit can actually function at all, you'll be forced to confront the stuff i'm saying here.

>> No.7040152

NTA but I wonder when petulant retard himself was gonna show up. I thought a different AIfag was copying words I said before but than again y'all hardly no different than bots anyways

>> No.7040153
File: 141 KB, 896x1152, 1677994823116681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was all made with ponydiffusionXL.
and no, i'm not joking. the damn furries know what they're doing i guess.

some very solid XL models have come out in the last month. this is one of them. animagineV3 is another one. i found that one to be very good for cnet stuff btw.

also that collage was made with only a single detail lora. otherwise it's all the model and the prompt.

>> No.7040186

you keep saying the word photobashing but I don't think you know what it means...

>> No.7040201

>hiding hands, eyes still fucked if you zoom in
Why is it the it seem there's a random curry call cente popping up with a "I couldn't believe it's not butter" "concern" post

>> No.7040222

Good enough to make normies pay to coom, they are that desperate for pussy, first world problems I guess with all the feminism thing

>> No.7040224

Where the fuck did I talk about photobashing nigger? I’m not the same anon as above.

>AI literally has limited understanding of 3D space and there have been papers on this.

I literally have a 14 inch cock and there have been papers on this. Where are they, you say? I don’t know, fuck you too.

>The AI outputs prove themselves

See my post above. It’s a common logical fallacy and just because (you) believe it MUST be because x or y doesn’t mean it’s right. This is why I used the creationists as example. Look at any debate with those guys where they put forth their point of view concerning evolution and godly design, and you’ll quickly understand what I mean. What you’re doing is the AI nigger equivalent to «Explain this, atheist!»

>It’s an established fact that AI works by moving in a high-dimensional vector space

That is not what understanding 3D means. That has literally nothing to do with it. I mean I get why it can confuse you since you seem ESL and it uses similar terminology?

Data points are represented as 3D, yes- but it’s only a way for US humans to represent, in abstraction, the mathematical data which is very hard to interpret and WHICH IS NOT EVEN 3D BUT BEYOND THAT. They do not denote actual understanding of spatial 3D, it is just how we humans have decided to abstract that complex math. It’s not the same as what you and I would call «intuitive visualisation», aka, how I would perceive an object and understand it’s geometry even when some planes not visible. I repeat- I GET why you’re confused, it’s not me trying to diss or shit on you, but please do not confuse these two because they’re fundamentally not the same.

I’m not english myself and my explanation is probably not great, but if you can stomach the complexity, I’d recommend these reads:

>"Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms" by David MacKay
> "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop

>> No.7040245 [DELETED] 

>Doing this garbage with fkey's art
What a disgusting nigger

>> No.7040254


honestly, you've proven time and time again that you're literally too retarded to have this conversation. so i'll keep it short.

what those dimensions ultimatively mean is that the AI understands things beyond just what you're seeing on the image.
like with that hypothetical "glassiness", when it makes a glassy object, it would actually have an understanding of what glassy really means. and how the object might look like under different lighting, even if it's not perfectly accurate. it will still try.

since it has that understanding, this means it can also CHANGE the images by moving along these vectors.
>to make something less or more glassy
>to make something less or more round
>to make something less or more fuzzy
>to make something less or more distant/close
>etc, etc
and within that, there is also going to be dimensions for spacial stuff, depth and 3D related elements.
this is why what it makes are ultimatively new images and not just collages, this is why it's not stealing, but just applying learned concepts.

again, you FUNDAMENTALLY don't understand a single thing about how these models work.

>> No.7040260 [DELETED] 

>to make it more like this exact image
And it gets worse and more obvious with loras, you disingenuous nigger.

>> No.7040285

just prompt anon, stop wasting time arguing. the time you spend arguing, another anon is working on prompt gains. just prompt

>> No.7040294
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, 1689806480130105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to make it more like this exact image
lol what?
see? you don't understand a single thing. it's honestly incredible, after all this time.

let me ask you this: do you think it is EFFICIENT to have an entire dimension reserved for a specific image? to make something look more or less like one specific SINGULAR image? the AI only has a few hundred of dimensions in its latent space iirc. it only has that many nodes/neurons. you think it spends all of them memorizing specific images?

this is exactly why the model will focus on figuring out deeper and more useful patterns from its training data. that's how these dimensions of "glassiness" are created.

i already prompted. don't you see? unfortunately i can't show a lot of the actual fun stuff i make with my own art.
have some more random ponyshit instead. this time non-porn.

>> No.7040298

/ic/ knows about pony? damn maybe the tides are turning. there should be an /ai/ general. im keen to hear what reel artists have to critique/ideas they have. nice gen btw

>> No.7040302

Fuck off tripnigga your about an equal schizo to Cris T B H

>> No.7040305

saved, got more like these?

>> No.7040306

/mlp/ is old as fuck now retard. Your AI discord troons are not subtle
>Inb4 it's just tripnigga again

>> No.7040308

pony is a new checkpoint you retard lmao learn2prompt

>> No.7040309

noreply faggot lmao kek tbqhngldesu

>> No.7040311

Pony shit belongs on /mlp/

>> No.7040317

i could go to great lengths to explain what im talking about, but it will most likely go over your head.
its actually good at nonfurfag shit

>> No.7040319
File: 1.43 MB, 3072x3072, 1678472951808632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ doesn't know much about anything.

as a matter of fact, i do.
i was trying to see if i could make it output a barfight between a little girl and a dude. actual contact was still difficult. but it feels a bit like dall-e already. XL has come a long way.

not me btw

>> No.7040322

>5 fucking threads
You wonder why it should not be on a slow board

>> No.7040328

i with baraag would allow ai already, fucking pixiv killed ai lolis

>> No.7040329

wish and thanks for the post

>> No.7040332

what's that? mastodon? people actually use that?

>> No.7040335

Baraag is very active, you got 3d animators to thank for, they are carrying all the 2d artists

>> No.7040364
File: 1.23 MB, 2500x645, IMG_6012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why you read your «papers» carefully before posting, nona.

> The high accuracy of linear probing classifier indicates a high mutual information between the model's internal representations and the scene property of its generated images. **However, whether this mutual dependency implies a causation between model's output and its internal representation or merely a strong correlation needs to be further tested.**

What this paper demonstrates is that they raped SD to attempt to make it identify foreground from background- It has little to do with geometric understanding of the thing in question and required literal hijacking of SD for… Questionable results. There is literally 0 consistency between any planes or geometry in every single example they have shown, Which I don’t think was even the intent of this paper- It’s only about how they could make it hallucinate a cutout of the object and separate it from the background to try and make SD more consistent. The depth prediction is also lulzy. I invite any anon to take a look at the provided demo reels I found on Yida Chen’s github because it’s meme-worthy. I mean, pic-related is enough to seal the deal I think.

> https://yc015.github.io/scene-representation-diffusion-model/

The second study also admits and shows completely failed attempts, with fucked up perspective and non-euclidian geometry. The last car test even shows the generated car floating above ground and reiterating the EXACT SAME geometry and color of the unmasked car behind it. What a shitty fucking test, even what they call good results show baffling errors and they’ve used another model to score it rather than actually look at the things, and only cherry-picked some of the results.

>«The reason we do not study the generated images directly is that there are no annotations available on different properties for these synthetic images, so it is expensive to get qualitative results.»

>> No.7040406
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1504, 1701874186848844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post is so nonsensical that i think you just fed some shit into an AI and threw that at me. it kinda aligns with this post >>7039491 you retards will literally just say anything as long as it seems like you actually have something to say.

are you trying to be disingenuous?
it is very clearly not just trying to separate foreground and background. there is depth involved.
and how are these examples inconsistent? what failures? are you unable to understand these simple color maps?

>7 Conclusion
>Our experiments provide evidence that the Stable Diffusion model, although trained solely on twodimensional images, contains an internal linear representation related to scene geometry. >Probing uncovers a salient object / background distinction as well as information related to relative depth. These representations emerge in the early denoising stage. Furthermore, interventional experiments support a causal link between the internal representation and the final image produced by the model. These results add nuance to ongoing debates about whether generative models can learn more than just “surface” statistics.

and from the other paper:
>We compare the state-of-the-art pre-trained large-scale models’ representations on various downstream tasks in Table 4. It can be observed that the Stable Diffusion representation outperforms all the other models for all properties and achieves the best performance, indicating the potential of utilizing Stable Diffusion representation for different downstream tasks with the optimal time steps and layers found in Section 4.2.
it says that parts of SD areis better at this than other AI models specifically trained for vision.

>> No.7040433

NTA but tripfag your shilling ass needs to fuck off already if your gonna be no (you)ing everyone even slightly disagreeing with you

>> No.7040445
File: 229 KB, 720x662, IMG_20240131_181627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again it wouldn't surprise me your some sort of curryfag by the way you act, though I find /pol/ opinion of y'all funny to happen also helping spread the word

>> No.7040447
File: 1.11 MB, 2903x3871, fhzmo28dc8w71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you spent the enough time prompting there's a 90% of chance of start wearing the programmer socks and becoming a femboy.
at least you're gonna get the enough anusmaxxing for opening an onlyfans to pay your gpu/pc maintenance, electricity and Internet bills by your own.
Good luck!

>> No.7040449

>gpu/pc maintenance
lol, lmao even. Is this what AI chads sound like to Art bros when they talk about art?

>> No.7040516

>actual contact was still difficult
It's extremely easy if you could just draw.

>> No.7040518

>saving tranny pic

>> No.7040536

yes. now you get it. or do you...?

also there is still benefit in learning how to prompt purely with text, as that is how you learn the limitations and quirks of the model.

>> No.7040541

honestly shill elsewhere tripnig... It mostly sounds like you just want people to prompt instead of drawing

>> No.7040548

>people are incapable of doing both

>> No.7040551

are you taking off your trip again

>> No.7040567
File: 3.92 MB, 1496x1144, dinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on this lately.
What color would be good for the plates? I'm thinking red but I'm not sure.

>> No.7040568

>It mostly sounds like you just want people to prompt instead of drawing
>>people are incapable of doing both
Even I understood what he meant

>> No.7040583
File: 186 KB, 859x1024, 161660962387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now tripfag is here.

You faggots are stupid, all of you. Not a single soul in this god forsaken thread isnt a retard idiot.

>> No.7040584

pretty sure your in the wrong thread but you could try hue shifting from red to orange/yellow with the top being red to signify the danger level increasing

>> No.7040589

I'm pretty sure he was always here just taking off his trip at times since the dumb ass likes to repeat phrases or shit you tell him.

>> No.7040600

I sure am. But that's a groovy idea, I'll give it a go. Thank you!

>> No.7040606

do not know tripfag...or is it another random "new" here fag

>> No.7040608


>> No.7040616

well if you don't know tripfag all I'm gonna say about him is that he has written no less than an actual book length shilling before.

I think his word count on a couple threads reached 4,000 before arguing with people about AI, and I wanna say he did that for near the entirety of last year for 8 months or something

>> No.7040618
File: 439 KB, 719x1425, IMG_20231130_184002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7040625
File: 96 KB, 720x223, this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7040634
File: 140 KB, 1057x463, God chosen tool2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is adored by Conservatives.

>> No.7040635

>blocking the name

>> No.7040636

Weird how that worked out, you'd think progressive would be more interested in AI and conservatives would be more, well, conservative.

>> No.7040642
File: 198 KB, 494x376, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define "conservatives" anon
and I swear if that's Gebbit post from r/singularity or other equally retarded one

>> No.7040659

Art is filled by liberals leeches, conservatives now want to play the leech part too because at the end of the day everyone is really fucking lazy

>> No.7040777

So what i gathered from reading this whole thread is that AI is photobashing images it memorized, and it memorized them so well it learned 3d. So it's like photobashing over Daz3d models. ick.

>> No.7040780
File: 14 KB, 1022x107, Screenshot 2024-01-12 034301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget

>> No.7040816
File: 1.17 MB, 960x768, 2217603373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, but it can be used for photobashing pretty effectively in my limited experience.

>> No.7040825

>Not really
trips of truth tho. It might not be photobashing so much now, but it will soon. Imagine just feeding it photos and prompting like "put that guy over there" "wrap this texture over that statue"

>> No.7040868
File: 1.39 MB, 768x1152, 1334390379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would probably be easier to control with something other than natural language, but otherwise sounds pretty cool.

>> No.7041018

>AI learns which pixels to put where based on analyzing billions of images.
So, photobashing with extra steps? You can write another article it won't change the simple truth that AI is just a copy paste of real art with a sprinkle of some random seed generator to change angle(which was stolen from other real images), colors(which were stolen from other images) and minor details(which were stolen from other images). Also your collective seething over this post >>7039491 shows a lot. Also, again, why AI fag is 24/7 on the board for artists? Are you "identifying as a real artist? Well, you will never be.

>> No.7041019

bait someone else with your low IQ posts. i'm done with you. try harder.

>> No.7041022

>mentally destroyed
>behaves like trannie
>lives on board he doesn't belong to 24/7 just to read insults about himself
>runs away in tears when defeated in the argument
there's literally nothing else in this world for you little bro, you should just kill yourself now, completely failed human being

>> No.7041024

I don't want to share my lolcow that easily. Only reply to him nonce and his tweet keep appearing in my TL.
More like cuckservatives. Their opinions are easily controlled because of how tribalism they are. I used to pander to Conservatives because I hate faggots and commies until AI became a thing. They quickly labeled me as "leftist" because their influencers told them to.
On the other hand, after being pushed to the left, I learn that not all of them are faggot trannies like the right portraited them. Some even strongly opposed faggot agenda. Some are more conservative than cuckservatives. I joined a hand writing letters club hosted by such people and it brought me a peace of mind.

>> No.7041029 [DELETED] 

you're legitimately mentally ill.
no, i don't live on this board just because you are a shizo and see me everywhere 24/7.
and you have no arguments. you are just well and truly too dumb to have this conversation.
seek help.

and >>7039491 just shows what i already knew about you subhumans. that you believe this to be a """"""""""""""""culture war""""""""""""""""" it's the same with your obsession over trannies, pajeets and all that jazz. it's the sign of a terminally online manchild who has lost sight of reality.

>> No.7041035

sure buddy

>> No.7041092

This reads like chatgpt

>> No.7041133

>Lawmakers haven't read the Falwell vs. Hustler case, or literally any other case involving use of celebrity likenesses
sued for... what, exactly?

>> No.7041159

I don't know, just because I wouldn't post generated lgs doing porn doesn't mean I wouldn't be persecuted by the law if I did despite the lack of laws on fictional characters. But in this case the person's right of publicity since it covers likeness and the harm it can cause to ones reputation

>> No.7041170

AI nigger having a mental breakdown and coping in front of his successful fartist brother

>> No.7041207

>parodies of public figures, even those intending to cause distress, are protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments
she can cry all she wants but drawing mean pictures of people is legal and Taylor Swift is not above the Constitution

>> No.7041209

Parody doesn't cover porn, give your thanks to Disney

>> No.7041212

To explain better, it does but in most cases it doesn't end well for the guy doing the parody

>> No.7041498

Endless examples of artists recognizing their own signatures bashed in generated pics.

>> No.7041502

such as?

>> No.7041510

not reading allat troon
rope seethe dial8

>> No.7041554


>> No.7041565

Trannies are annoying regardless of what shape and form they come in anon

>> No.7041566

thanks for the resource

>> No.7041595 [DELETED] 

>If artists want to win cultural war on AI they need to
Start pipe bombing AI conventions, violence is the only actual solution. Anything else is copium. Normies do not care about the quality of art and Companies don't care either as long as they can x10 their investment

>> No.7041617

welcome to the terrorist list

>> No.7041624

those are artist tags. at most it is the rip off of a style, not the images themselves, unless that artist is massively overfitted.
you did not answer my question about signatures btw. and fyi, signatures are not a sign that the AI is stealing images. the signatures are made in the same way as the rest of the images: hallucinated out of noise.
the AI got the pattern that signatures, watermarks (like the stock photo ones), are a part of certain types of images.

>> No.7041629

>no that doesn't count!

>> No.7041635
File: 85 KB, 800x800, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041636

once again you are under the impression that i am justifying something.
no you retard. i am explaining to you how it works.
you can see that smarter antis than you have figured this much out a year ago already (see >>7039968). yet here you are, still spinning your wheels.

>> No.7041645

no one cares about your justifications or explanations. you asked for evidence and it was presented. nobody likes you aitards yet here you are, still spinning your wheels

>> No.7041656

Based bird chad

>> No.7041669

no human looks like that either, im human would know can confirm 99% of board draws alien people, are u alien too bird mr?

>> No.7041690

bravo! another incredible feat of mental gymnastics.
i asked you about the signatures, you gave me something entirely different and now you think you presented evidence. lol.

it works in your mind because in your empty head, you believe that the AI is copying images. this is why this line of logic makes sense to you. but it's just your delusion.
>look, the signatures are copied!!!! (not true) i saw countless artists recognize their signatures!!!
>ok, where?
>nevermind that! look at these artist tags! their existence must mean that the AI steals from artists images!!!
no, actually it only means that it trained on them. the artist tag is just the end result of that. it's no different from the AI training on on a bunch of "chairs", seeing countless examples of them and gaining a general understanding of chairs through it.

>> No.7041715

so again
>no that doesn't count!
i never mentioned anything about stealing yet here you are being ultra defensive about it

>> No.7041734

This is the sole reason I'm not on social media anymore, but its effects still trickle down into forums like these. I wish there was a way to fix human brains.

>> No.7041738

What I dont get is why you fucks want US to accept it so bad. You got the normies lapping it up, why the fuck do you care if artists, see you faggots as artists (you're not)

>> No.7041748

Meanwhile unironic loli communities are doing great, we just need a common goal to unite all

>> No.7041750

It doesn't matter how it works or it's process. All that matters is the end result image right?

>> No.7041773

>All that matters is the end result image right?
t. AI jeet

>> No.7041776

Yeah that was the point, I was being ironic

>> No.7041782

So AI basically just remembers the color and position of every pixel of the image then creates pattern out of it and "hallucinates" images through noise?
So it's not a copy and paste of an image. It's a trillion copy and pastes of trillion different images with a little amount of random seed generation on top so brainless retards like you can do mental gymnastics?
>ummm.. excuse me???? I didn't stole your image, I just LEARNED and ANALYZED your image???
Can I also ask why are you even hear? If you are afraid of answering this(and you are) you can ignore the question, I understand.
Here's a few examples of AI generating signatures as you wanted, retard.

>> No.7041834
File: 90 KB, 896x1152, ComfyUI_00165_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to me how this is offtopic, janny.

but it's not trolling.
it is just something you don't want to hear.
to the point where you will lie to yourself to make it go away. see >>7039491
i'm not trolling in the slightest when i say you're a bunch of fucking retards who are sticking their heads in the sand. in turn you are actively making things worse for the future of artists.

because this won't ever go away. do you know that just yesterday, i saw random coomers in /hdg/ trying to make an artist lora (for tekuho)? this has been going on continuously.
THIS is what people mean when they say the genie is out of the bottle.
you do not need any company to do this. random dudes from godknowswhere will do it, because the technology is out there. the ABILITY to AUTOMATICALLY learn a style from a set of (or even just one) images is out there.
the ability for a machine to learn, this is the genie that will never go back into the bottle.

because you're delusional about it.
even right now you're spouting this black and white attitude that you either
>use AI art and cannot draw
>or never use AI and draw ("muh pencil")
meanwhile i'm sitting here looking at you like you're fucking retarded. because you people refuse to believe i can draw at the level i'm at because in your delusional mind, AI = nodraw.

even if you want to force this right now, what do you think will happen in the future?
some AI tards will naturally want to learn drawing.
and some artists will naturally start using AI.
i even already know of one finetuner who left the AI scene to start learning how to paint.

>> No.7041838

it's what it comes down to, and you already know that so don't play stupid. but then again it's all you can do. or what else do you mean when you say "artists recognize their signatures"?
this is what it all comes down to and it is the fundamental error that antis make and are delusional about. believe me, if you were right, i would not be pro AI in the first place.

i know this is difficult for low IQ retards to understand, but you said "artists recognized their signatures". and yet you cannot show me that, because this ain't it. it's the same shit as always, and the same thing i already explained to you.
idiots like that twitterer believe that these are
>mangled remains of existing signatures
but what they really are are
>random signatures the AI made up based on what it learned
and ONCE AGAIN you cannot comprehend the difference here.

>> No.7041843

put your trip back on
/ic/ never has to accept AI when will you understand

>> No.7041847

god those lips

>> No.7041860



>> No.7041861

I've never said anything like this fucking brain-rotted retard, do you start hallucinating like AI as well?
>and ONCE AGAIN you cannot comprehend the difference here.
because there's no difference, AI cannot generate anything without a data from real art, AI generates images, creates patterns and makes your loli coom art based on real art - it copies it, it steals it, it doesn't matter how many layers of production you will put in-between, if AI could do this without ever looking at any real art there would be no problem with it. But it can't, it needs real art to exist in the first place. It is a tool for copying and stealing. It doesn't generate anything new, it photobashes in patterns. It is the same thing, you just too low IQ retarded gorilla to understand what I'm saying so I'm not angry.

>> No.7041864

>because you're delusional about it.
huh? have you considered that all /ic/ wants to do is draw and not play about with AI, just find some AI community to talk about it with instead what's your problem

>> No.7041865

Schizophrenic tripfag is now even afraid to put on his trip. You will never be a real artist. The fact that you spend your life spamming /ic/ trying to justify your existence is a sign of it. Kill yourself worthless piece of shit. Even your mother never loved you, why the fuck do you think we will?

>> No.7041869

kys faggot

>> No.7041875
File: 169 KB, 1121x725, Screenshot 2023-10-04 173415a_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So AI basically just remembers the color and position of every pixel of the image then creates pattern out of it and "hallucinates" images through noise?
>So it's not a copy and paste of an image. It's a trillion copy and pastes of trillion different images with a little amount of random seed generation on top so brainless retards like you can do mental gymnastics?
also have you ever though this through? next time you spout this dumb shit, think it through, yeah?

i'll help you through some of it:
>So AI basically just remembers the color and position of every pixel of the image then creates pattern out of it
what do you call this? what do you think a "PATTERN" is?
a shape is a pattern. a line is a pattern, angles are patterns.
colors have patterns, values are patterns.
the way light interacts with things, that's patterns
and these are just the simple things that we can put to words.

you know what these are not? PIXELS. because they are concepts that go beyond just pixels. they are things that can be adjusted. any curve can have a different arch.
the other thing here is: do you think any artist can take claim on these kind of things? these are things we take from each other all the time. we literally study each other to gain new insights into how things can be done.

what the fuck do you think
>It's a trillion copy and pastes of trillion different images
actually is supposed to work? have you EVER truly thought this through?
maybe try to. or maybe all of these are beyond you. i can see that being the case if you are a permabeg. in which case, shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

>> No.7041892
File: 609 KB, 947x1024, 5db8d327b756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with that, but also nothing wrong with talking about and using AI on /ic/, just don't open the thread if you're not interested.

>> No.7041893

>bro it's not a copy because I just copy shapes, lines, angles, light and all other things that your image consists of bro
Another utterly retarded idiotic completely brainless low IQ gorilla argument from AI degenerate, do you use chatgpt to reply to me, fag?
Is this just another form of

>> No.7041899

lol the meltdown

>> No.7041902

there's also nothing wrong with telling AIfags to fuck off. It's 4chan after all and self-moderation has always been a thing on boards

>> No.7041905

>no argument
I guess this AI fag is done. Get me the next one

>> No.7041908

i draw, i dont know how to ai

>> No.7041911

stop crying faggot, you gonna be reminded to kill yourself in every thread you make, retarded tripfag

>> No.7041917


>> No.7041920

>nothing wrong with talking about and using AI on /ic/
It is literally violation of off-topic rule since AI is not art and you are not an artists and you will never be one

>> No.7041924
File: 901 KB, 1024x1024, ecc892722515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.7041931
File: 524 KB, 555x874, 12d547a53f10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true.

>> No.7041934

Why do you always reply with AI image? What's the point of it?

>> No.7041935
File: 2.41 MB, 2165x3305, 1680564160343446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if AIjeets would continue trying to shill their software here if /ic/ became traditional art only

>> No.7041944


>> No.7041949

*clap clap* monkey brain, you're getting closer!

now onto the next part:
once you have the shape of a specific cat, or a chair, what happens when you study the shape of thousand other cats or chairs?
the answer: there is a pattern in that too. eventually you see what the shapes have in COMMON. like the protrusions that are the ears. the proportions between the head and body.
and this is only for the shape, there will be other relevant patterns in color, in texture etc etc.

now the prize question: what do you think is more valuable: memorizing a specific image or having this general understanding?

what do you even hope to do with one singular image? you just take the shape of a cat from one image and paste it into another and fucking HOPE that all the elements fit together?
because if not, what needs to be done?
i'll tell you what: the AI needs the ability to adjust things. to work with the elements in an way that goes beyond copy and pasting.

>> No.7041963

It would devolve into AI "trad" looking art bait threads.

>> No.7041973
File: 497 KB, 1103x885, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard you are repeating yourself, I told you like 3 times it doesn't matter how many layers of production or how much mental gymnastic you will do to justify to process of taking existing work of real people and making copies of it. Regardless of the process of copying or how you, in your retarded low IQ schizophrenic brain, will define copying the end result is the same and it's stealing, copying and photobashing with extra steps. I don't know literally how fucking stupid you have to be to not understand. Did you even finish school, retard? Maybe you should go back to it or did you not finish it YET? Another AI argument is destroyed. Next one?

>> No.7041978

Stealing what?

>> No.7041984

YOU define it as copying. it is not copying in the first place. NONE of the images are in the finished model. the only thing that remains is what the AI go out of those billions of images during TRAINING.

and what it got out of it is not a fucking copy of every image so it can photobash shit together, you braindead mongloid.

you cannot even photobash two cats of the same fucking color together if the lighting is slightly off. and there will always be many other differences.
copy and pasting is not a real way to do anything. if you had any understanding in art, you'd understand this without me having to educate your worthless ass.

>> No.7041986

>I rewrote this novel in shorthand so it's not copying or stealing!

>> No.7041991

If the novel story is different then it wouldn't be copyright infringement

>> No.7041997

Literally this AI retard started to go around in circles, maybe I should train my own AI so it can reply to you with all the things I already said. Maybe in 10 years of constant arguing your miniature brain will TRAIN and understand. Who knows.

I guess it is official now. Gigachad artists - 9999, AI trannies - 0. Was fun, bb. Also kys AI trannie.

>> No.7041999

You said something about stealing something, who is stealing from who or whatever you wrote there, it's been a minute so I forgot what you said

>> No.7042000

>maybe I should train my own AI
lol someone should train an AI on the tripfag and invalidate his worth being here

>> No.7042001


>> No.7042004

You I think

>> No.7042007


>> No.7042009

It was this anon then >>7041973

>> No.7042011

it's not

>> No.7042015

i don't think it matters

>> No.7042016
File: 581 KB, 1536x768, dfb682cfc7d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an image board.

>> No.7042018

What it's not, are you that anon or not talking about something stealing?

>> No.7042020

people have literally done this. stolen plot points wholesale and make new books from it.
in the end it would depend on how much was taken from a singular source. how much it differs. how much else was added.

and in the case of AI, once again, the sources are already gone after the training finishes. what is left is a mixture of understanding that is gained during training.
there is no singular source unless you REALLY force it with a lora after the fact.
and in those cases, it is the lora makers and the lora users (depending on how they use the lora) who are coming close to plagiarism.
other than this you cannot reasonably claim that the AI is copying anything from artists.

>> No.7042021

>it copies
>it just doesn't copy THAT much because it's copying from everyone just like artists do!

>> No.7042024

correct, and you are a schizo retard and has to kys immediately
>you cannot reasonably claim that the AI is copying anything from artists
I can, retard. Already did. AI is not art. You will never be an artist. AI is a copying tool, stealing and photobashing.

>> No.7042028


>> No.7042029

Are you that anon saying something about stealing

>> No.7042030


>> No.7042032

I draw, I'm not him

>> No.7042033


>> No.7042036

lol, bro, AI is like the ultimate content thief but without the sneakiness. It's more like a really confused parrot that overheard a bunch of random convos and is now trying to make sense of it. You can't blame it for not citing sources – it's got amnesia on steroids! And let's be real, who's gonna remember where they got every single idea during an epic training sesh? It's like expecting a blender to know which fruit came in first for your smoothie.

But seriously, when it comes to stealing plots, it's like a remix culture on steroids. Did AI just drop the sickest mixtape or commit literary grand theft? Depends on how much it remixed, mashed up, or straight-up stole. If it's more of a Frankenstein's monster than a photocopy, we're kinda cool, right?

And don't get me started on the lore-makers and lore-users – they're the real puppet masters. Pulling AI strings like they're playing a 4D chess game with creativity. Just hope they're not turning the next Shakespeare into a Shakespearean tragedy.

Bottom line: AI's got no memory lane to stroll down and point fingers. It's like a content DJ, dropping beats from everywhere, and no one's the wiser. #AIDJ #RemixNotCopy

>> No.7042037

Yeah, I'm asking you if you're this anon >>7041973
Are we on the same page now?

>> No.7042039

what anon?

>> No.7042041

I'm out of the loop, are we just supposed to pretend that decoy non profits scrapping images from all across the internet for for profit companies isn't stealing?

>> No.7042043

The one who created this post >>7041973

>> No.7042044

Did he?

>> No.7042045

I want AI to triumph and nobody to ever draw again, fucking accelerate baby. I want shit to go full Idiocracy so I can have a laugh before I die

>> No.7042046

we're also meant to pretend that companies using and selling our internet data in general isn't a massive issue these days. we're meant to pretend that ai learns organically like a human so it's all ethical and fair

>> No.7042047

I don't know, that's what I've been asking you

>> No.7042048


>> No.7042052

Oh, ok then. I thought you were the same anon, my bad

>> No.7042053

>because you people refuse to believe i can draw at the level i'm at because in your delusional mind, AI = nodraw

>> No.7042054

Wow, OP, you're acting like you've cracked the Da Vinci code of AI. Newsflash, genius: just because the images aren't directly copied into the model doesn't mean it's not drawing inspiration from them. It's not rocket science, but apparently, it's beyond your comprehension.

You can defend it all you want, but claiming it's not copying is like saying a chef who learns from a recipe book isn't actually using the recipes. Wake up, smooth brain. The AI is essentially a sophisticated copycat, and no amount of your pseudo-intellectual ranting changes that fact.

And spare us the condescending art lecture. Maybe if you could appreciate the nuances, you'd realize that creating something original requires more than just regurgitating a mishmash of pixels. But hey, keep living in your bubble of ignorance. It's almost entertaining to witness.

>> No.7042057

it's ok

>> No.7042060

>it's stealing
Hey anon, can you explain what it's stealing?

>> No.7042062

who? me?

>> No.7042063

Yes, please

>> No.7042067

I didn't steal

>> No.7042071

I didn't ask if you're stealing

>> No.7042073

I hope a trillion kiloton nuke hits India first

>> No.7042074

ah ok

>> No.7042077

So, can you explain what you meant by
>it's stealing

>> No.7042085


>> No.7042089


>> No.7042119

are you talking to me?

>> No.7042126

Yes, if you're this poster >>7041973. No, if you aren't that poster

>> No.7042151

why the fuck is a board about drawing clogged with AI shit?
I don't wanna bother posting gore but just do that when an AI faggot makes a thread
gore spam and ban evade and the threads will get removed

>> No.7042177

I hope someone unironically murders you OP. I hope you die violently soon.

>> No.7042198

What's with that temper good sir? Is it because you can't draw? ;)

>> No.7042315
File: 59 KB, 1024x1024, ac74c5e0f02d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is cool and all but I prefer photobashing and ai

>> No.7042370
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, 80957957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042391

photobashing is more /gd/ nigga same to be honest if all you to talk about is filters

>> No.7042403


>> No.7042406
File: 3.03 MB, 2311x3378, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It finally happened. I saw art and thought it was legit and wouldn't have known it was AI if the account behind it didn't state it.
It's so over

>> No.7042408


>> No.7042411


>> No.7042429

I find it funny that they're making use of filters to try and mask the AIness now

>> No.7042431

been doing it day one

>> No.7042436

>I prefer
Dou you mean to say "I resorted" to AI because you can't draw? ;)

>> No.7042443

lol this retard started ignoring me after I completely smashed his face down the grown in the argument but he is still monitoring thread 24/7 to shill AI because /ic/ is literally the only place in the world that gives this faggot any attention. even his parents don't give a fuck about him and probably would feel a lot better if he would step our of the window right this moment. maybe try?

>> No.7042444

I've seen people working on concept art giving interviews and saying they couldn't draw, just photobash and 3d. That was mid 2010s

>> No.7042470

No, I prefer it. I also can't draw(well), probably because I don't like it. Drawing's not for everbody but there's more than one way to skin a cat.

>> No.7042485
File: 129 KB, 985x576, Screenshot_20240202_022524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. it looks like shit (would still look like shit if someone drew it) but it will make a fine product for some korean mobile game i'll never buy

>> No.7042503
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, 7f1781b26988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you too.

>> No.7042507

kissable face

>> No.7042510


>> No.7042516


>> No.7042576
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x2000, 1706759661946136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might get deleted or banned but honestly what AI nigger made the stick comic thread.
>"imagine" artists use racists to fight AI
and not
>racists "artists" want (YOU) to expand the cause and normalize redpilling

>> No.7042638

AI learned to just hide the hands?

>> No.7042659

why are you so insanely homosexual

>> No.7042676

>(((god’s chosen))) tool

>> No.7042685

>doesn't say gay
Why are you a curry

>> No.7042688

It learned from the best ;)

>> No.7042991

>probably because I don't like it
or you liked it but you just can't. ;)

>> No.7042993


>> No.7042995

mc dot

>> No.7042997

Gods speed /pol/ tards

>> No.7042998

Couldn't say, since I don't like it I never tried that much.

>> No.7042999


>> No.7043000

come again

>> No.7043002


>> No.7043004

wasted trips

>> No.7043007

fuck off tripfag

>> No.7043012

Why are some of those lolis anon

>> No.7043020

"chairyness" and "glassyness" are not words I'm pretty sure web search data factors more in than what ever the fuck your getting at on it learns like people
>then again its tripfag

>> No.7043023

I wonder if you'd attempt to use elbow grease or headlight fluid as an example next for hypotheticals

>> No.7043025


>> No.7043027

it be how it is

>> No.7043029


>> No.7043032
File: 114 KB, 317x256, 1633987456465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm going to senselessly question what you said without offering any answers as to imply you know less than what you stated as to heavily imply you're wrong without me needing to argue against you
holy shit
peak intellectual dishonesty at play right there
You just know that other anon >>7039936
is completely and absolutely correct and hit the mark just by virtue of shills always reply like this

>> No.7043033


>> No.7043038

best post in this gay thread

>> No.7043040
File: 148 KB, 1188x1186, p1xrweqhnu1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being racist truly is the only way to handle life

>> No.7043042

wonder if this was the reason that one nigga made that gay ass stick figure comic thread that get deleted

>> No.7043043
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ its actually over

>> No.7043045

>he Mona Lisa? What's the big deal anyway? I mean, come on
>appreciate something more modern
>get banana on wall

>> No.7043046

what was the comic about?

>> No.7043047

>you've said this already samefag

>> No.7043052

>generic anime girl in the generic anime rendering every jap and their shiba inu do
>ai manages to replicate it by stealing the countless works that exist
>wow its over
this type of work was always creatively bankrupt nor was it worthy of praise
it's just the weeb equivalent of cal arts beanmouth spaghetti arms

>> No.7043053

every /asg/'ers wet dream

>> No.7043057

stick figure comic of "artist" use AI to make racist stuff to "attack" AI
though OP in the thread comment section basically wrote why are anti-AI like this
>even though most that stuff is /pol/ being /pol/ they act like /ic/ is the one making it for some reason

>> No.7043065

more or less I could only guess it was made after their toy got hurt a couple times by /pol/ shenanigans.
>or its a butthurt Indian mad about the poo in loo stuff
They want to assume it's /ic/ in particular or something responsible. Even though honestly I find it kinda retarded for them to promote it on /pol/ and not see that coming

>> No.7043066


>> No.7043067


>> No.7043069

>hands again fucked

>> No.7043070

post it or archive link?
>its poltard being poltards but they shift the blame to ic
well, many of the shitposters here are unironical poltards who lurk and post on all the high traffic boards because it's """based""", so of course streetshitters and discord troons are going to blame the art boards for not making them feel heckin valid

Smartphones really were a mistake

>> No.7043097
File: 26 KB, 720x136, IMG_20240202_005953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should of saved it but honestly it wasn't surprising it got deleted

>> No.7043115
File: 263 KB, 589x1131, IMG_20240202_014340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I say it's hardly even wrong assuming it's Indians since they be making shit like this on /pol/

>> No.7043220
File: 515 KB, 2127x1277, the duality of -pol-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny part is /pol/tards are both the pajeets and producing over 9000 ai images of pajeets covered in shit a day

>> No.7043842

>muh corporations
you are a special kind of ignorant retard.
see >>7041834
you don't need any corporations for this. random coomers will make these loras.
random groups will make models now. i don't even know what group of furries made the pony model (see >>7039918), but it's one of the best we have currently

>just because the images aren't directly copied into the model doesn't mean it's not drawing inspiration from them.
yeah. exactly. now explain to me why that shouldn't be allowed. do you think certain ways to draw or paint should be protected?
should i be able to sue you if your style resembles mine? even though my own style also takes inspiration from a handful of artists, and those are in turn inspired by others?
>b-b-but it's a machine, not a human!!!!
doesn't matter anon. you are still advocating for the exact same thing. that styles should be protected.
and don't get me wrong, they ARE protected to a degree. it's called plagiarism. and you know what that fucking requires?
because with almost any degree of transformation, it becomes something else, and is no longer YOURS to be claimed

no, it does not copy at all.
you still don't understand. it does not make images by copying.
no, not "copying a little here and there" no copying at all. it generalizes from the database and tries to discern patterns.
loras are a different issue. artist loras are made by people with the intent to recreate a style.
since it can learn, it can obviously learn to various degrees, and at some point it can get close to plagiarism, if people make it that way. but that is not what AI fundamentally does

it's embarrassing that one whole year ago, antis would understand this (see >>7039968) and yet things have only regressed since then. to unbelievable degrees. you people only get more and more delusional as time goes on.
this is also exactly why i felt the need to post about AI here.

you really, really wish that were the case.

>> No.7043975

lol mad