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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 121 KB, 949x842, pepe_rope_by_sp2c3_dd7v1dm-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7034983 No.7034983 [Reply] [Original]

Art has ruined my life
Anyone else?

>> No.7034984

Thank god it wasnt advanced mechanics or calc.

>> No.7034985

Me, yeah. I’ve never felt so miserable and inadequate before picking up drawing. And yet, I just can’t fucking quit.

>> No.7034986

I'm too retarded for math

>> No.7034988

Or thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

>> No.7034989

Without art I'd just be a 40yo incel but with art I'm a 40 yo incel who can draw and that makes me less prone to off myself

>> No.7034990
File: 36 KB, 712x534, 1654848956590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I would have killed myself a long time ago if it weren't for art.

>> No.7034991

Me too but here I am.

>> No.7034992

Based. For me art is something therapeutic and helped me see how useless worrying about that stuff is.

>> No.7034994


>> No.7034995

computer engineering made me hate life itself, art is so chill and easy to learn compared to that stupid shit full of the worst linkedin brained faggots

>> No.7034996

I guess you both are very talented and made it in a couple of years starting from zero if you say drawing made a positive impact on your mental health

>> No.7034997


>> No.7034999

Nah, Im still beg, but I can do the stuff that I like. And express myself.
You could say "making it" is loving your own art too. (This doesn't mean I'm not trying to improve)

>> No.7035000

I wanted to become a professional animator. But I lack the skills and connections.
I downgraded my goal to just simply being good enough to be mistaken for pro. Now I'm in my mid 30s and still nowhere near that. I wasted half my life chasing an identity as an artist/animator
My drafting skills are shit
I didn't know what fundies were until my late 20s and grinding them bored the fuck out of me.
Probably just going to eat or drink myself to sleep

>> No.7035001

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.7035004

Good for you then. I wish I could enjoy art without constantly lingering thought that I am not good enough

No? But I very well may be though, considering my atrocious progress with drawing

>> No.7035012
File: 176 KB, 1280x960, sheridan_animation_by_owolet_dd8q8xh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about art actually feels worth the effort
>It takes decades to make presentable work
>Even then you'll still dislike your own art
>Even if you want to draw stupid little cartoons, you still have to grind fundies for a decade for them to look decent
>And good fucking luck if you want to make it a career lol. That ship sailed before you were born. Only those lucky enough are able to get that opportunity
>And even if you did get a job, the pay and working conditions are beyond shit for 99 percent of animators and artists
I quit art a while ago because it just wasn't worth it.
Being an artist is poison.

>> No.7035018
File: 686 KB, 800x800, 2023.10.14 22.55 Castle Cat crop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing art for three decades now and I'm slowly not regretting doing it. We're all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.7035145
File: 15 KB, 232x293, 1698682922842548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. I stopped talking to friends, family, and playing vidya. I had to take a step back and manage my time better. I have no plans on doing this as a career, so I just gotta take it easy, baby.

>> No.7035149

Problem is that it takes a lot of enjoyment from it when at start i was just drawing for fun now im learning and when i try to draw for fun im constantly getting angry that it looks like shit so i return to learning which makes me bored and frustrated again.

What i guess is the worst part is that even with 4-5 years of practice your portfolio could be complete and absolute shit with nothing to show for and if you fuck up badly it will instantly chase off potential customers or people who would hire you. Self critique isn't simply working here since you have no idea and if you don't have right groups for art critique it's just "Boo it looks like shit" or "Hmm it looks good" which in both cases are not going to help you at all.

>> No.7035185

The day I stopped drawing academically was the day I finally felt free

>> No.7035214

>It takes decades to make presentable work
You either have sky high standards or are mentally ill

>> No.7035223
File: 508 KB, 1058x1070, 1677035279216826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having fun drawing
>stop drawing for a while
>start feeling guilty that I'm not drawing
>it gets too overwhelming so I give in and draw again
>not having fun drawing
How do I break this cycle? Why do I feel guilty for not doing a thing that I don't enjoy doing? Is it because I've already spent several years building this skill and would feel awful if I let all that time go to waste? Maybe that's it, I don't know. I want to get better at art but studying is so mind-numbingly boring, you couldn't make me study even if you paid me, but then I get annoyed when I don't know how to draw a torso or the head at a certain angle and I'm not having fun. This sucks, everything sucks

>> No.7035225


I wish I had paid attention in art class in school instead of having to catch up now after decades in IT with stupid grey boxes.

>> No.7035232

I dunno about that - everyone making it - since motivation is ultimately a spiritual thing.

By the way, create a signature girl (ala Glenn Barr and Milo Manara and others) along with the spectral cat in order to make your work super marketable. Sex sells!

>> No.7035321

I’ve been drawing for 8 years. Art has become more meaningful, and I can honestly say I’d love to keep doing it until I die. The periods when I’m having fun have also increased - for the first 4 years I was just trying to figure shit out and almost quit several times.

>> No.7035322

>create a signature girl
This is good advice. Even Terada does it

>> No.7035360

its probably one of 2 things still keeping me alive

>> No.7035369
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1644066947083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art hasnt ruined my life (yet?), but studying graphic design certainly did some damage once I had to start lookin into advertisement and marketing. Now those make me want to kill myself.

>> No.7035394

Art has a way of compounding pre-existing social dysfunctions. However Ive done art seriously for roughly 10 years. There's something that happens to you as a person once you've "made it". It's a strong feeling of accomplishment to see random people emulate your style. It's been hard to re-acclimate to society after these 10 years. I cannot communicate with my family normally. Everything has to be a deep philisophical conversation. I feel like Ive really drifted away from being able to enjoy normal people and normal relationships. People have said that I remind them of a serial killer. I just see the world differently now. But art has really been a great opportunity for me to learn who really I am and what Ive been through. The problem is that a lot of artist don't make it that far. Theyre too afraid to really express themselves, so they end up compounding their social dysfunctions without ever getting the positives that only some, and I have obtained. Art is my burden, but it's given me a lot back.

>> No.7035421
File: 2.79 MB, 1593x1800, 1704687431513349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good for you then. I wish I could enjoy art without constantly lingering thought that I am not good enough
I don't know exactly what you're like compared to me in this regard, but I have been drawing for a few years now and still have lingering thoughts that I am not good enough. it makes me angry, it makes me hate myself, it makes me regret my past and my prior laziness - that I should have started sooner and been more consistent - it makes me want to rip my sketchbook into shreds. but over time, through conscious effort, I have come to expect these feelings and thoughts to arise and that I would best to accept them and move past them to the extent possible, because I *know* that ultimately I want to be better at art than I currently am. and over time I have gotten better at handling these feelings and thoughts. I also have consciously tried to lower my expectations and take any sort of progress I can get. one thing that has helped me is to treat myself as someone else whom I love: I would not call them names, I would not tell them they were a lazy piece of shit, I would not tell them that they are hopeless. I would try to reasonably encourage them.
I don't know your relationship with art, but it might be best to (re)consider your purpose for art and whether your ideal self would want to be doing it 5 years down the line, 10 years, 20, etc. if so, then all you can do is as hard as you can and with as many options viable to work through and perhaps get rid of your constant negative thoughts towards yourself.

>> No.7035468


>> No.7035475
File: 84 KB, 837x384, IMG_20240125_231843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting SEA BUNNY and you will be happy!

>> No.7035499
File: 2.29 MB, 3665x3293, 1698925798908259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr: if you ultimately want to pursue art, work as hard as you can to love yourself, work through your feelings of worthlessness, and lower your expectations.

>> No.7036492

Pretty sure that that I would have ended up as a 30yo virgin even if I never got into drawing.
At least I learned a neat skill instead of wasting all of my time with vidya and internet, even if no one irl knows about it.

>> No.7036495

Cool post

>> No.7036505

It kinda... I am keeping this drawing thing hidden, but I know that I will never be skilled either. I will probably die alone. I don't get people saying this is "therapeutic", it's just miserable

>> No.7036506

This picture is amazing

>> No.7036967 [DELETED] 

At least you didn't try to be writer.

>> No.7036971

At least you didn't try to be a writer.

>> No.7036980

>guys please feel sowwy for me!
fuck off. If you don't like art then don't do it. Simple as

>> No.7036997

Do you know where the fuck you are? Nobody on this board draws outside of a select few.
Odds are you don't either