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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7030215 No.7030215 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7030231
File: 10 KB, 96x96, 720648237546995833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, for the gorillionth time.
A lack of intelligence = ngmi
Average intelligence = you can become a skilled and successful artist
Above average intelligence = you have the potential to become a great artist
Fuck off

>> No.7030239

Yes, obviously.

>> No.7030241

I look forward to you remaking this thread again in a few days to once again settle it.

>> No.7030242

It's hard to accept but yes. It can be countered with hard work, but a talented guy with the same mindset and training of a non talented one is going to sprint ahead and become unreachable at some point
It's pretty pathetic how this thing is denied so hard, and it's also tragic how it shifted the goalpost of "being a good artist" from creating engaging or interesting stuff to a meaningless quest for technical perfection, thing that only artists themselves give a fuck about

>> No.7030244

No, but awareness is. Being aware is more important than any talent. Being aware means being able to adjust your mind, and body. You could have a 240 iq, but if your not aware how your arm and hand move across the page your shit out of luck. All talent is just potential, but if you don't know how to tap into it your fucked. Now go be aware of the world you inhabit and draw fag.

>> No.7030255
File: 961 KB, 717x717, dfk70od27k4a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idonno man
you get hit in the head and suddenly can draw photorealistic shit with a ballpen. is that talent?
you are good at figuring stuff out, you try art and quickly produce stuff that is above average, is that talent?
regardless of your background, you work on art your whole life, study it, do it over and over and over again, and can now produce good art, is that talent?

I would say art is a process, some people develop a process faster than others, some people fall ass backwards into one, some people "steal" it, some people settle on one and have no desire to improve, some people work really hard on it for a very long time. from the outside, you have no idea which is which. it probably doesn't matter

for you, personally, things aren't going to change. unless you get hit in the head, all you can do is draw. focus on the process and not on polished end results

just draw, etc.

>> No.7030265

Yes. It's just another word for genetics.

>> No.7030278

yes, but it's actually called Genetics.

>> No.7030290

Most definitely.

>> No.7030298
File: 322 KB, 1066x1600, One Punch Man (Official) - Volume 3 Chapter 20.2 _ Bonus Chapter_ A New Wind Blows - 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but don't let it deter you

>> No.7030299

Talent is something we tell people have only after they've done something good, you have to believe you have talent and start making things until you get good (or stop believing talent exists, your choice)

>> No.7030322

Yes. Does it matter? No.

>> No.7030334
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>it's also tragic how it shifted the goalpost of "being a good artist" from creating engaging or interesting stuff to a meaningless quest for technical perfection, thing that only artists themselves give a fuck about
Artists tend to live inside their own bubble and quickly forget just how low the bar for "acceptable/appealing" art actually is.

>> No.7030336

I don't really care about what is acceptable or appealing art. I just do art and if you fuck with me, cool. If not what am I suppose to do, draw some trending bitch spreading her legs? To get some internet points and digits? Soulless as fuck.

>> No.7030357

I draw to show my friends and family
And (you)s

>> No.7030363
File: 126 KB, 580x828, 1603597705615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talent for what?

>> No.7030365
File: 206 KB, 754x575, caramello - image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and draw.

>> No.7030406


yes buy talent is just basically being able to learn x faster than the average joe (either due to physical or intellectual superiority)

a non-talented person will learn x in 40 years what a talented person will learn in 3-6 months

>> No.7030672

Middle Ages soul

>> No.7030701

Countless scientific research say yes.
Your feminine emotions say no.
In the end talent is real and that just means that you have to work harder to catch up in case you're a talentless hack.

>> No.7030702
File: 258 KB, 545x601, NewCanvas3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030768

Lmao you don't have friends. You on 4chan.

>> No.7030770

So what you're saying is we shouldn't help or encourage people to learn to draw?

>> No.7030776

No, go pay for a tutor if you're too retarded to know what to do to improve

>> No.7030777

Talent isn't real.

But willpower, motivation, positive reinforcement, hope, passion, and perseverance are real. It takes me 10x the energy to get up and take a shower than it takes the next guy, but he doesn't have a talent for taking showers.

>> No.7030778

It's like the concept of God. Does it codify some real phenomena? Yeah. Is there inherent magic that makes things independent of real world practice? Fuck off, no it doesn't.

>> No.7030780

Good job. Some people never shower. :)

>> No.7030793
File: 5 KB, 220x218, images (45) (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want anyone else to see me failing to draw furry porn

>> No.7030799

I feel like a lot of times people conflate talent with passion. Unless you’re actually retarded like chris chan anyone can do a lot of things with enough hard work. (Obvious exceptions but ykwim)

And who can work the hardest? People who are passionate and love what they do. Sure people can have talent but nothing will come out of it if they don’t do anything about it. Someone could have photographic memory yet just don’t like drawing at all so they just don’t.

>> No.7030942

Retardation is low IQ and IQ is how talent is measured.
You can't change IQ
Therefore I am untalented

>> No.7030947

You can always do worse in IQ tests, you can change IQ

>> No.7030949

Yes, obviously, I'm talented myself.

>> No.7033162

Is talent real?
Is talent greatly exaggerated?
Because talent is a real thing, does that mean I should quit?

Talent is this:
Early Competency Development (i.e. Drawing a lot in your younger years 10-20)
Intelligence or Savantism

Talent could also just be luck in some cases like industry plants. They have "talent" but not real talent, just nepotism.

In short, talent is real, but it's a not a binary thing that determines your artistic growth.

>> No.7033164

it's integer

>> No.7033180

People have different genetics, different brains and different motorics. Of course some people are inherently better or worse at some tasks, it is common sense and something you will see proof of all the time if you go outside.

>> No.7033194

talent is good habits built at an early age with also the access to support and good resources
sorry your parents sucked, mine did too

>> No.7033281

Yes. Among many other things, people are born with different body types, energy levels, natural inclinations, brain power, ideas of fun, senses of humor, maturity potential, and curiosity. There are people who are natural artists in the same way there are others who are natural businessmen or athletes.

>> No.7036508

I wish I did more than just doodle when I was in my teens but I guess that's better than no practice

>> No.7036510

That's what talent is.

>> No.7036556

First, talent for what. There's a million ways to do art, and even to do art succesfully (ask Modernartchads)

>> No.7036577

You already asked this go fuck yourself

>> No.7036595
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1693410575635603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Talent" is just a fancy word people use to describe the "esoterism" of art and the creation of it without needing to explain or prove anything. The words people look for are affinity, skill, ability and similar actions that describe our inputs in pursuit of a desirable outcome... but people dont like to use those for a myriad of reasons: Whether it's boring to boil art down to our own physical and mental inputs, it's hard to explain how our actions lead to specific outcomes... or in the case of 90% of this board, they are too afraid to accept our results are a directly caused by their own actions and they are in full control and blame for them.

When I hear a normie talking about talent, I know they just dont know how it works, they think art is like magic and I cant blame them for this belief.
But when I hear you faggots talk about talent, I know you're avoiding accountability, it's easier to blame the random number generators than blame yourself. You're pathetic.

>> No.7036601

Talent is intelligence and intelligence is real
Some people are more intelligent and will rapidly and ably grasp art much faster than others and even invent skills independently instead of needing to learn them from somewhere else
Talent is a word we use to say "this person is very intelligent so they are better at X and get better at it faster than others" without admitting the reason is because that person is just more intelligent
Interest also has something to do with it however, since it is very hard to be "talented" in things you have 0 interest in and that your brain automatically refuses to process when you look at them

>> No.7036603

>since it is very hard to be "talented" in things you have 0 interest in and that your brain automatically refuses to process when you look at them
It's like how some straight guys would give really amazing blow jobs, but they'll never know cause they won't try

>> No.7036609

Beautiful example

>> No.7036623

yes but you still need to practice a lot to be able to do anything with your talent even if you have it

>> No.7037379

Yes, its evident for me, but it's more like "attunement". I've spent a lot of my childhood just being sucked into doodling. I'm clearly the most invested but all my siblings, and relatives from my mother's side seriously impressed me, my mom and stepmom would do damn near disney quality wall decor paintings, and my twin sisters both do tattooing on the side

>> No.7037412
File: 316 KB, 1131x944, Alissa chung professional NEET artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, its real. while you retards are scribbling boxes and struggling at it, my waifu Alisa Chung is creating masterpieces with ease.

>> No.7037707

Yes, and it goes beyond just talent to the ability to self motivate and not tire out from working.
The luckiest people are talented, have near unlimited energy, and are always happy/motivated.
The worst part is they often think everyone else has it just as easy as them

>> No.7037758

Why call it something else when it's simply intelligence though?

>> No.7041614

post literally one.

>> No.7041639


>> No.7044785
File: 66 KB, 564x897, 7177e12a7e3ba6985af8f971ffbb5247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely real.

Tatyana Kupriyanova picked up a pencil for the first time in her life in 2010. By 2012 she drew picrel, and by 2016 she would be co-opted in the concept art industry. Getting to work for Elder Scrolls after only 6 years of drawing at all is an insane accomplishment and it requires winning big at the genetic lottery.



>> No.7044790


source for the pic

>> No.7047556 [DELETED] 

Basically this

>> No.7047568

>Tatyana Kupriyanova picked up a pencil for the first time in her life in 2010.
I call bullshit

>> No.7047571

Talent is:
-a stable home environment
-peers that support/motivate/compete with you, -GOOD TEACHERS and GOOD RESOURCES

oh, and an early start. but don't let that get you down, there's always next life :^)