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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7011408 No.7011408 [Reply] [Original]

Will these books help me craw out of mediocrity?
I am tired of my shit looking flat and boring

>> No.7011415

have you done keys to drawing and/or drawing on the right side?

>> No.7011416

The perspective other English books are fine, I don't know about the Japanese ones.

If you want to splash more money:
Drawing from the Right Side by that whore Betty Edwards is a very good introduction to drawing but can be skipped.

I'd also suggest Loomis' Creative Illustration for general tips and Force: Dynamic Life Drawing by Mike Mattesi for a beginners introduction to gesture.

It's important to learn gesture before anatomy as a rule of thumb as otherwise you are just copying muscle groups in the book poses. Especially if you think your work is flat and boring.

James Gurney but it's not vital

Color and Light is good for well.. Color and light
Imaginitive Realism is good for composition and general advice

It's also important to actually read the books and not just copy the pictures in them, Good luck.

>> No.7011420

just have fun bro

>> No.7011422

Those are good books so if you draw and apply the teachings wisely then you'll get better

>> No.7011437

All drawing books are universally terrible.
If I ever make it I will put out my own video series that actually breaks it down for retarded talentlets like me and explains how to learn from the ground up.

>> No.7011438

Everybody says this and then they do one 1 hour long YT video intro to the series and offer the rest via patreon/gumroad/whatever.

If you actually cared you'd do it for free in the future when you make it.

>> No.7011448

Yes it would be for free. I don’t want to be a pro art teacher I just want to help people.
tl;dr is that Loomis/Hampton/etc style construction actually works but you have to learn how it works by taking apart a lot of reference examples and learning what shapes they’re ACTUALLY made of, you can’t just draw random boxes and spheres and then get surprised that it’s not working. Different poses and angles may call for different shapes, treat it like clay rather than rigid boxes. Tracing simple shapes on top of references has been a big help for me.
I’m still bad but if I ever get good I want to make videos that explain the thought process step by step. I’ve never seen a single art book that actually explains it like this.

>> No.7011454

What are the korean ones? I don't recognize them

This, before learning anything else, learn to see and copy accurately, otherwise you won't get much out of any other sources

That's what every single book and video course has tried to do, and every single one has failed. All of them are always missing vital info you only get from other sources, even the ones claiming to be complete or w/e. I think the biggest issue is that by the time you "make it" so much essential info has become intuitive and muscle memory, that you forget to actually teach that shit or explain it, and that's why so many brainlets get filtered by the first chapter of shit like FWAP.

>> No.7011461

I agree with what you’re saying about how hard it is to teach people as an expert. I’m a professional programmer and I first learned how to code over 15 years ago. If I had to teach a complete beginner I’d have no idea where to start. I would just tell them “eh just start fucking around with stuff, you’ll figure it out eventually”.
I’d like to believe that I have some ideas that are helpful to other people who are struggling though, and I’m writing them down so I don’t forget.

>> No.7011465

the korean ones are from taco, it says so on the cover

>> No.7011470

Copy your favorite artworks instead

>> No.7011475

Do those taco point drawing books even have an english version somewhere or just AI translated pdfs

>> No.7011476

whats *your* thoughts on AI generated images? not the op, nor any other anon, just saw this post and i'm curious what you feel about it

>> No.7011504

>I am tired of my shit looking flat and boring
None of those books are going to help you with that. Get some books by artists whose art inspires you and copy them instead, their style, shortcuts, tricks.
You DO have an artist like that, don't you?

>> No.7011537

Kinda boring I guess more so than anything else.
Taking the different aspects of drawings you like and incorporating them into something uniquely appealing to yourself in the most minute ways is like my faborite part of art and using AI kinda skips that very enjoyable process, even if the end result can look decent. That process is most of the fun honestly so I might as well just go on pixiv or whatever and look for art I like rather than prompting stuff.

>> No.7011578

do you reckon using AI generated images to gather simple poses from for reference (if you're already trained in art, that is) is an acceptable practice?

>> No.7011610

I don‘t have any sort of moral issue with it or anything of the sort, I just want the final product to be something made by me for me even if the quality may be worse than someone else‘s art or something produced by AI.

>> No.7011612

completely understandable — i've had a lot of talks with my other friends and acquaintances and it typically boils down to, "if it's made by a machine, it has less value." which, really, i do agree with. anyhow, sorry to interrupt the thread with this, was just curious about the opinion from someone who 'copies from other artists styles' since that's essentially how AI images work lol

>> No.7011614

>if I buy more books I will surely become a better artist!
>w-what? you want me to actually open them?
>and DRAW???

>> No.7011617

i just buy books and line them up on my shelf so when i invite random girls to fuck i can pretned im an intelectual kinda guy.

>> No.7011622

thank god a girl has never asked you to spell the word intellectual

>> No.7011624

Copying stuff you like is pretty integral to learning any sort of creative hobby and also just a fast way to improve. I certainly wouldn‘t suggest stopping st the point of being able to do convincing copies of your favorite artist, seems kinda pointless unless they stopped posting or something, but rather add their style into your own and add in other stuff you also like.

>> No.7011625

13 year old hands typed this

>> No.7011641

Use a mirror, idiot, unless there is some reason you avoid looking at yourself in a mirror?

>> No.7011650

i am not the subject of my own drawings, you fucking jackass

>> No.7011655


You have the same muscle groups and poseability of any other guy alive today or ever.

I mean if you're just using it for "simple poses for reference", right?

>> No.7011657

i don't draw humanoids

>> No.7011663


So you're going to trust an AI to generate accurate animal poses instead of idk turning on planet earth?

>> No.7011666

did i fuckin say animals

>> No.7011667

Short answer NO, long answer YES, only if you choose to draw daily and be self-critical with your work, if you do not have self-criticism or artistic vision (good taste) look for a mentor, he can tell you how bad you are and why you are

>> No.7011670

It is only acceptable to use that method if you already know and master anatomy, otherwise you will learn invented anatomy of a body that does not exist, there are thousands of pose books by real people, you have pinterest, because reinvent the wheel? Do you have crazy poses? Take a photo and use it as a reference, ALWAYS use real things.

>> No.7011672

This mfer draws knick knacks and doodads

>> No.7011673

What the hell do you draw that requires simple references and isn't Human or Animal?

Fish? Buildings? Japanese people?

>> No.7011677

non humanoid aliens, mechs, abnormal architecture, shit i just generally pull from my dreams and hallucinations

>> No.7011680

Okay so by

"do you reckon using AI generated images to gather simple poses from for reference (if you're already trained in art, that is) is an acceptable practice?"

You meant to say

"Is it okay if I use AI to generate random Aliens, Mechs and weird architecture for me to draw?"

>> No.7011682

yeah but the simple poses was referring just to weird alien physiology so yeah i guess saying Simple was incorrect

>> No.7011686
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I'm honestly not trying to shit on you, I use AI for cool patterns that I can add to my work or just doodle but if it helps you in drawing then go for it.

I just think for the original question for realistic anatomy a mirror is 10x better than AI.

>> No.7011689

>shit i just generally pull from my dreams and hallucinations
>By dreams and imagination I mean I have a computer come up with everything worth a thought of course

>> No.7011690

i sketch rough forms that i can recall, throw it through img2img a few times to visualize it a little better, then re-sketch it with the direction
not saying it's skilled to do it this way, but it's helpful to ease the process lol, you can get mad about it all you want but it's generally helped me a lot (burnt my creativity out with stimulants when i was young so i need to supplant it with help from the hitler machine)

>> No.7011915
File: 71 KB, 635x826, Bridgman's Complete Guide To Drawing From Life_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The master of the permabegs

>> No.7011919

the worst /beg/ trap

>> No.7011928

Books are important but life drawing is infinitely more important.
Aside from niche topics, figure drawing books basically cover the same topics, the only difference being how clear they are in their explanations and the quality of their examples. I wouldn't bother investing in more books until you've absorbed all there is to absorb from what you already own. Hoarding your own collection of virtually untouched drawing books is a trap unto itself.

If you're putting in the mileage and aren't mentally handicapped you'll do fine.

>> No.7011947
File: 2.07 MB, 332x215, 70.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, using Bridgman you will never get out of permabeg

>> No.7012033

Perspective Made Easy is a game changer. Taco is good but more of a supplement to fundies. Not sure about the others.

>> No.7012048

>it would be for free
Crazy amount of work. And it's not like it's an OC you're begging people to look at, they will take it and repost it.

>> No.7012234

Dude have you seen an actual drawing of someone who owns books like these? They all draw just like you, a permabeg. It's the same as someone just hoarding courses for no reason.

>> No.7012243

I buy books cause I like owning books but I always just use the pdfs as reference

>> No.7012445

just draw cool stuff look at it and then draw it again while fixing mistakes

>> No.7012492

Is it true that by copying this dude twice I'll get out of permabeg? Please say yes as I am already halfway through the book.

>> No.7012570

no, bridgman makes people stay in permabeg doodling with messy lines, sorry son

>> No.7012758

Do the same with your favorite manga or something instead

>> No.7012801

Please post an example of your work. I'm curious to see where you're at

>> No.7012877
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>> No.7014040

are you a permabeg because you never draw or do not draw because you are a permabeg?

>> No.7015280

I am ashamed of my mediocre work.

>> No.7015842

It's anonymous, anon. Post thine work.

>> No.7015844

from here I can smell the nodraw aura. Look how pristine those books look.

>> No.7015899

This is it >>7015844 isn't it, anon? You have NO work to post. For shame. You could at least try drawing for more than 5 minutes a week before asking questions like this.

>> No.7015907


>> No.7015944

Do yourself a favor and through all those pigma fineliners into the garbage can and get some copic fineliners instead. They are terrible.

>> No.7015950

No. AI aggregates to create images. It takes thousands and thousands of images and sorts through them for common elements, selects and then mushes them together. You can't build a good feel for anatomy that way, you have to look at real people OR drawings of real people other humans have deliberately created. Maybe one day AI will be able to aggregate well enough to be used for reference but right now it can't. Don't gimp yourself

>> No.7015954

He bought MORPHO...
It`s already over man.

>> No.7015986

Why is it bad or why should I copy twice?

>> No.7016004
File: 269 KB, 1781x1080, real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those books and tools
>still a blank page
Made me laugh, thanks

>> No.7016962

you can learn about a sport all you want but you're going to be dogshit until you spend many years doing it

>> No.7017225
File: 559 KB, 2892x3562, IMG_20220918_161240539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while.

>> No.7017234

Books for permabeg but for (Sprites)?

>> No.7017830

Fittingly enough, no one here is able to give actual advice, let alone draw.

>> No.7018360

Not OP but do own like a box of 12 of those and just refilled them with Higgins ink so i am kind of curious as to why do you think they are bad.

>> No.7021446

>Nobody fucking draws.

>> No.7021453

>the worst /beg/ trap
Tie with Rinotuna

>> No.7023320
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>> No.7023346

>fat and skin folds
new fetish unlocked

>> No.7023915

>need books

>> No.7024842

Who told you to buy all that? Where did you hear about these books?

>> No.7025173

Redpill me on Morpho and Bridgman

>> No.7025251
File: 458 KB, 870x1088, 1676013306605244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons of easy to understand drawings to study. Minimal text, most of the pages are drawings.
Crude drawings but teaches you how to actually apply anatomy to your drawings. Requires basic understanding of anatomy to get the most out of it.

>> No.7025253
File: 312 KB, 500x550, 1679037644760749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, just realized I overused the word 'drawings'.

>> No.7025299

>tl;dr is that Loomis/Hampton/etc style construction actually works but you have to learn how it works by taking apart a lot of reference examples and learning what shapes they’re ACTUALLY made of, you can’t just draw random boxes and spheres and then get surprised that it’s not working.

that... sounds like the most obvious thing. If you're looking for books videos etc to spell this out for you and you have not seen it anywhere, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.7026821
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How do I really "use" physical books to learn how to draw? I can kinda copy things but the perspective that occurs from the book being flat on the table + curve of the page always makes it hard to really use

>> No.7026896

are those your sketches or some super secret chinese superidol book?
remind me of morpho but not actually him.

>> No.7026912

You need to sharpen up on your perspective knowledge then. Still, try not overthinking it and try drawing a page of a book from different perspectives or take pictures if that makes it easier. Drawing the table first also helps since that’s the ground plane for the book.

>> No.7027616
File: 433 KB, 1088x761, 1686124511415652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the morpho artist. I think I got it from his instagram.

>> No.7027772

Why not just look up artists that draw non humanoid aliens? Meandraco is one I like.
Ai already shits the bed with human anatomy sometimes, it's gonna get worse if you try to generate creatures with very uncommon shapes.

>> No.7027773

damn I was on the right track. it's just that that figure had a passable face so I had my doubts

>> No.7027777

>The science of art and drawing
>2 weeks
>I'm 2 weeks in and 1/3 through the book

>> No.7028253

Relax and do it on your own time, don't fret

>> No.7028387

I don't know about the rest, but read Norling, and you will be here in a few months asking stupid basic questions about perspective since you have no foundation whatsoever.

>> No.7028479

norling doesn't help nearly as much as just going to a big box store and autistically studying the boxes and aisles

>> No.7031170


>> No.7031511

help us

>> No.7031597

is the james gurney color book worth it? need to start actually playing with colors and paints

>> No.7031606

They are good for someone experienced with painting and wants to go on the specifics of light's characteristics. Get the video from cgpeers on craig mullins schoolism, he goes over the very basics

>> No.7031616

The Quran

>> No.7031670
File: 316 KB, 550x376, image_2024-01-25_111331516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you have doubts your favorite artwork will actually make you better, because it's very stylized

>> No.7033002

>keys to drawing and/or drawing on the right side?
esoteric bullshit

>> No.7033018

>learn gesture before anatomy
I tried this, couldn't quite grasp the whole "dude feel the movement" thing everyone was spouting so I just ended up subconsciously copying the outline of the figure.

Never quite understood it or how to apply the teachings properly.
It was just
>Look at this drawing
>Read this theory that doesn't explain how to draw perspective
>Now draw in perspective
I feel like it was missing a few crucial steps to get a decent end result.

>> No.7033949


Can someone please ID the fourth book he mentions, its titled VISION and its supposed to help you set up your drawing

>> No.7033950

>filtered by gesture and perspective
Ngmi. Just quit.

>> No.7034017

Vision: Colour and Composition for Film

>> No.7034469

thanks anon

>> No.7034612
File: 389 KB, 1172x1000, 1705903017662743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle so much with basic cubes and cylinders. The angle of my lines is always fucked, the convergence is wrong, the proportions are wrong

>> No.7034622

how to draw + how to render by scott robertson

>> No.7034623

stop grinding this shit ffs
draw legs and asses, it's still shapes but at least it's something you know about as a human
art is about reality you will never get anywhere by grinding abstract shapes
once you understand how to draw ellipses and understand vanishing points please draw real shit not these stupid shapes, they're meant to be a guideline for actual things

>> No.7034628

I don't think I fully do understand ellipses and vanishing points.

>> No.7034666

read >>7034622

>> No.7034680

I got filtered pretty badly by scott robertson

>> No.7034684

you can do it anon, it's a good book

>> No.7034687


>> No.7034713

I understand he moved on to greener pastures but he drew that shit by hand traditionally on camera when I bought the book

>> No.7034811

OP, not a single one of your books looks like it's been even opened

>> No.7038328

u won't pussy

>> No.7038950
File: 18 KB, 518x165, Screenshot 2024-01-30 233049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "instead". There is "do these other things also" but not instead. This implies you ONLY need to do one thing or another, which is a bigger trap than anything else. People don't learn like this, you need to read books, copy life, copy media you like, study, imagine, do all of it.

>> No.7039005

Sometimes I wonder if just copying an artist you like over and over again until you think that now is a good idea to read one book or another teaching you to draw is better than going straight to those books. Most of them are fucking boring and doing all those exercises kill the fun of drawing. Besides, I have yet to see someone that is not a permabeg that start drawing with those "how to draw" books. They are not bad, just that they should be used as a side dish and not the main course.

>> No.7042697

>side dish
only works if you somewhat have a grasp on drawing, on the same note, overgrinding doesn't works either

>> No.7042747

If only Coloso didn’t cost a million fucking dollars, some of those courses seem like they’d be a good way to learn.

>> No.7042753

>robertson's how to draw/render
>color & light
>visions by hans p bacher
and a lot of figure drawing and observational studies

>> No.7043180

I get frustrated seeing Scott Robertson recommended. Reading it filtered me so badly I quit drawing for a year because I just could not wrap my FUCKING head around it

>> No.7045202


>> No.7045213

>by that whore Betty Edwards

>> No.7045312

color and light is a coffee table book

>> No.7046192

>Scott Robertson is bad because I'm too fucking stupid to understand it
Try killing yourself, maybe you'll reincarnate as a white person

>> No.7046213

im actually well into studying the figure and want to try that book again. filtered me as a prebeg too.