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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7010221 No.7010221 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

Previous >>6988220

>> No.7010864
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I went through severe dilemas about my art caused by me giving in to my inner demons and having fun writing a fanfic. I had no audience to write for, no peers to critique me, very few people cared. Anyone would've told me my endeavor was a total waste of time and so I believed it, but I was genuinely happy about it and looked forward for more, for once I was enjoying something.

Later down the line I realized it was exactly the lack of anyone caring what made writing the fic so enjoyable. Suddenly that idea got me thinking how I was unable to feel like this about drawing. I figured it's because nowadays, I draw out of compromise, because I have to, Im expected to. I should make the most of my drawing time grinding, farming numbers, drawing what people expect the way they expect it. Suddenly I was not having fun anymore and thought I was too far gone to make a change.

Then a conversation about joining communities and how being on your own has it's benefits got me thinking, I just have to mind my own business and not listening too intensively what other people says, let myself enjoy art and make art not because I have to, but because I want to.
Forget about the audience, forget about the peers, forget about what's hot, just draw what you want to draw no matter how retarded, or samey or uninteresting it is. Draw because you want to, not because you have to.

I come back from a long absence from this board and, with those ideas in mind, I see clearly now that this place as a whole is a complete trap, a prison of bitterness that will just sink me into thinking I not allowed to enjoy drawing and I must do it because I have to and in a specific way. Im lurking this place less as a result.

Sorry for the blogpost, I wanted to share those thoughts. I still havent drawn anything this year, but Im considering making a small trad painting of my blondie to enjoy drawing again. Also thanks to everyone that told me to enjoy my fics in peace last thread, that helped a lot.

>> No.7011008
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I readapted a fanfic I wrote into original characters loosely based on mythology, and it doesn't even seem like it was a fanfic.
I'm happy with that.

Also I found a new artist to be jealous of. I'm really tired of being so damn slow with my art... I want to start making manga already but I'm too slow to produce pages of decent quality.

>> No.7011015
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Any of you guys work out?
This going to sound stupid and crazy, but I feel kinda jealous when I see art of these hot, fit dudes.

I feel like I wanna get fit too, especially since my 9hr+ office workdays has made me so unhealthy and stiff, but every time I work out I have this feeling of
>I could be drawing now
>I could be studying now
>I could be working on my comic now
Especially when I spend all day at work thinking about drawing...

>> No.7011021

Lift and stretch in a mirror to become an expert on anatomy. You’ll really understand the insertions. Study difficult parts.

Know that working out will give you energy for art and increase your capacity for focus. At the very least, some periodic push-ups and body weight squats to break up the sitting while drawing.

>> No.7011036

I'm very grateful for my month of progress in art

>> No.7011589
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who /enjoythejourney/ pilled here ?

>> No.7011635

This isn't a vent thread, but it frustrates me that I have so much time I could be using to improve, and I simply don't. My job gives me so much free time, and I just hardly utilize it.

Venting aside, I created a skeleton for a chapter of a comic. Now I'm going trying to think about details a bit more so I can redraw a lot. It took me quite a while to do, but maybe with so much of it lined out for me, when I get going, I'll really get going.

>> No.7011700

I’ve been lifting seriously the last 3 years. Exercising is one of the best things you can do from your health, and the mental/physical/emotional boost from it will probably help you draw better. That being said, you likely won’t end up looking like the pic you posted but you will certainly look better exercising than not exercising. I get mistaken for a football player/wrestler in the college town where I live

>> No.7011703

Me, but my life doesn't let me enjoy it at full capacity

>> No.7011704

I used to be decently /fit/, but I hurt my back with a herniated disc almost a decade ago. A lot of the damage and pain has healed, but I'm waiting for things to get a bit better before I head back to the gym. I'm still decently fit, but I did gain about 15 lbs I need to earnestly replace with muscle once I ramp things up. Been looking at some membership plans at gyms near me.

>> No.7011899

>watch a process video
>starts with a completed sketch
>they very slowly ink it in random points super close up

>video starts with a blank canvas
>they immediately start drawing details and the pose instantly without thinking or using any kind of reference

>video starts in the inking phase
>they don't draw a single line, they literally just hatch the entire thing with tiny dashes.

I'm not learning anything watching these, oh well.

>> No.7011972

Yeah, finding a good vid is a miracle.

>> No.7012108

After nine months I decided to learn the style of Horikoshi (BHa) thanks to the fact that an illustrator I met a while ago recommended that I choose an artist that I like to learn from his works and in that way learn his style and make it mine (if that has sense)

It's a lot of fun, but it makes me feel stupid for not having decided on a style to learn from the beginning (I've been 8 months since I left university and I wanted to learn to illustrate)
And yes I understand that it is very difficult to make a living with art but during my 22 years I always thought that making the people around me happy would bring me my own happiness (serious mistake).
I don't have children, I don't have a partner and I have the support of my parents for the moment since I think they have the idea that one can become a great illustrator in one year (I asked them for 3 years to give me the opportunity to study self-taught way)
Since all the art universities I know cost an arm and a leg.

I have managed to make faces in almost all angles and at the moment I am learning construction of the human body and perspective.
I just want to vent, I'm sorry if some part is not written well but my English is awful.

>> No.7012529 [DELETED] 
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So I heard this is the blogposting thread.

>> No.7012540

Today I sharted at the Walmart and it was a huge fucking shitfart or something like that.

>> No.7012542

>starts with a completed sketch
you just know they are embarrassed by the process it took them to make that "quick sketch".

>> No.7012543

Does anyone else have trouble making posts when someone else has negative vibes? Like when they start being rude about your artwork.

>> No.7012544
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Sounds crazy but do you draw much

>> No.7012545 [DELETED] 
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>Does anyone else have trouble making posts when someone else has negative vibes? Like when they start being rude about your artwork.

>> No.7012549

Rude. I can’t find my anime folder so I’ll describe the avatar I’m thinking of. Green hair, red or maybe black tie, white button shirt, pretty

>> No.7012557

Fuck off with your sojaks fag

>> No.7012600

I've been ignoring Loomis for years because I thought I was "good enough" at drawing heads but I decided to sit down and study some Loomis recently and holy fuck. I'm a retard. Loomis is amazing. Everything makes sense now.

>> No.7012607

The only good process video in existence is syd mead's gnomon series. Unfortunately or fortunately, it's an extremely old fashioned process.

>> No.7013457

Those were the dark days when only a few courses were online at the time.

>> No.7013470

after drawing for like an hour or two, i always wanna take a big nap afterwards. the process just takes so much of my brain space and feels mentally exhausting. this can’t be normal, can it?

>> No.7013475

big agree. as much as i’d love to make a living from this, the process alone is just so exhilarating. i’m still just /beg/ but i can see myself getting better, even if only incrementally.

the main thing i like to keep in mind is that drawing is another form of communication. no one masters a new discipline in a day, a week, or even a month. it is an ongoing process, and as long as i enjoy the process, and focus critically on what it is i’m trying to communicate, and doing my best to communicate effectively, i’ll improve.

>> No.7013605

I want to start using loomis in the drawings that I already do to have a more accurate anatomy, but I'm afraid that it's like starting from 0 all over again.

>> No.7013609
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>> No.7013631

Pick up and dropping methods is like starting from zero, yes.

>> No.7013693

Fuck, can't I mix it with what I already know in some way?

>> No.7013715
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>friends with this girl, in fact she's my only art friend
>sometimes we see each other daily, other times we disappear for weeks
>we don't go out either, she just comes over to my place to read manga/novels and chat while I draw
>It's actually really fun. I have someone to show my art and OCs and stories to snd she gives really good critique
>We had sex
And uhh, that was it... Any of that stuff I mentioned before? We don't do that anymore.
She shows up, we fuck, a bit of chitchat but that's it. She's just not interested in hearing about my art-stuff anymore.

I'm not trying to blame it on her either, like when she comes on to me I just can't say no... Part of it is she's the only woman in my life and I'm afraid of disappointing her. But I'm also a lonely, horny guy and if a pretty girl says she wants me... Well, you know.

We're not dating or anything either, I tried to talk to her about it and apparently we're just "fun".
Like, honestly I wouldn't date her, but finally having a friend I can talk to on the same level was just something I didn't know I needed...

>> No.7013721

Try not to get too attached anon, she belongs to the streets. Sounds like you should try friendzoning her but I doubt you have the self control for that.

>> No.7013729

Tell her while you fuck her about your art

>> No.7013850

just enjoy your pussy dumb bitch

>> No.7013955

I both envy you getting sex and understand you feeling sad about your hobby being ignored.
I do wonder how she managed to be friends with you for apparently months without jumping you. It's like her personality switched the moment you started having sex. Was she playing the long game for some reason? Did she have a boyfriend earlier?

>> No.7013969
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>> No.7014011

congrats on the sex, i didn't read any other line of the post

>> No.7014015
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i am actually seething so hard right now. some people actually get to have it all. imagine being good at art and also really fucking hot. meanwhile im mediocre at drawing and a 5'6 ugly ass incel. like i cannot even fathom how good it must feel to not be ugly and to not have ugly art. it must be amazing but all i'll ever know is being a dysgenic looking freak hunched over his mediocre garbage art

i do earn a mediocre living off art which enables me to stay away from society so at least i have that, for however long it lasts. being an incel at home is a lot better than being incel in public, thats for sure.

>> No.7014027

if your mediocre by your own admission why should you deserve anything more than a mediocre result in life? The world doesn't owe you anything, less seething more drawing.

>> No.7014029

ive actually been doing fine art wise but its being incel that i cant get over. mediocre or not i earn enough from commissions and p*treon to survive which despite being mediocre to my inner critic is pretty much above average.

there is no drawing exercise that will make me taller or fix the dying alone situation haha

>> No.7014031

Congrats btw you kinda already made it by ic standards, you get to draw for a living which is more than 90% of everyone here can say

For the incel thing
Try shaving, showering, brushing your teeth, chew gum, lift weights, touching grass, and of course learn to talk to women/people in general, spend time practicing and building a quick rapport with strangers over and over, (like how you got good at drawing) and eventually you'll find someone who will be interested or at least share the same interests.

>> No.7014032

also read this book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKAfKprBXQc

You'll be fine anon

>> No.7014042
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Anon, she literally just puts a filter and paints over her own pictures 100%.
>draws porn of herself
>has no shame in posting her face while nude
>probably running low on attention, patreonbux and simps
Such an existence you should not be seething over, let alone compare your own to a female's, which will always have it easier than you.
Even the most disgusting lardass crackhead fujos with down syndrome will have it easier than you.

As far as not getting pussy goes; Who the fuck cares? Rub one out, get a hooker or buy yourself a doll.
All your problems stem from "wanting" pussy because every male without a life, interests, personality or hobbies uses as a measure of value and a substitute for ego, not "not getting it".

If you're drawing and making something out of it, you're already doing better than some guy who collects stds.
Read the sociopath's guide>>7014032 but to protect yourself

>> No.7014062

i do all of those besides talking to people. talking to people feels like my brain is being dipped in acid
i tried to go to live model drawing but it was a horrible experience, being around other human beings gives me a fight or flight response. i know nobody cares, im not special, etc, but to me it feels like im dying.

i sort of have ebbs and flows of feeling like i am shit at art then feeling like i am a shit human being for not getting pussy. basically whenever i get "enough" external validation for my art my brain falls back on "yeah but you're still incel tho"

the whole reason i put so much effort into making this art shit work is because i wanted to isolate myself due to being ugly/short. i mean i also love drawing but i feel as if i would have kept it casual if i didn't have that fire burning under my ass, i knew things would be even worse if i had to put up with normies for 8 hours a day.

ive achieved most of my goals but no matter how i look at it im an ugly ass dude drawing in a concrete box. i know that in an abstract sense it is more respectable than collecting stds but damn the loneliness is so brutal and it overwrites any objective value judgement i try to make. i am usually quite good at coping with being incel but sometimes ill have a dream about some girl i liked 10 years ago or just catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and i will feel so unfathomably shitty for the rest of the week

>> No.7014068

Welcome to the human experience; we all feel like shit sometimes for the silliest reasons or because we have regrets.

Unless you look like a total alien abomination with eyes bulging out of your sockets and the physique of a daily buffet eater on his first break after devouring the entire cake section i.e. the average American football coach, you shouldn't worry about looks.
>ill have a dream about some girl i liked 10 years ago
It's been twenty plus years and i still think about my childhood crush and how things would've actually turned out if things didn't happen.

You oughta let it go and stop overthinking.

>> No.7014075

You've got bad social anxiety. You could try doing the supplement route with lemon balm to soften the edge. As long as you smell acceptable and look clean, your perceived uglyness isn't going to hit people as hard as your mind tells you it will. Your height is just your height.
What mediums do you prefer to work with, anon?

>> No.7014602

Have to lrn 2 code today and I'm stalling because I'd rather be drawing :-(

>> No.7016167
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>Realized at the last minute that I copied the corruption of champions logo style for a business project
god if that got out i would have fucking killed myself

>> No.7016174

Try getting a male straight friend. They won't try and jump on your dick.

>> No.7016251

>be me
>be apparently retarded
>see water color thread
>look at thread
>everyone talks about all random shit but water colors
>/ic/ sucks
>two threads later
>realize it actually says water cooler talk and not water color talk
>mfw i realize i'm retarded
>mfw i have no face
jfc, i feel so dumb

>> No.7016253

it happens to the best of us

>> No.7016310
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How to cope with being a 20 year old /beg/

>> No.7016311

wait 10 years

>> No.7016321

you are like a baby
thats all

just keep practicing, you have 50 years of life to go

>> No.7016329

You're going to be a 30 year old /beg/ if you dont start now

>> No.7016345

do execise, seriously, if you never exercised consistently, yes you will get tired at the beggining, but later you will gain more energy, and you will be more actiive in all the things of your everyday.
Dont think on get fit, think on get healty, you will be more happy because you will make take an habit for your life, so no pressures, no time limits, no expectations, only yourself and be more healty.

try to insert instances to draw in your work if you have that free time, if you can't use a computer or electronic device, use a notebook, if you need to move or be in places, use a tiny one, easy to buy and made also. You can do the basics with that; live drawings, sketchs, fast shape drawings, exercises.

>> No.7016440

Can you draw if you have autism and you're not a savant

>> No.7016451

No. There's your confirmation you were looking for. Go and do something else.

>> No.7017381

Does anyone else feel like this board sometimes just drains your will to draw anything

desu you're fine anon
t. 28 year old permabeg

>> No.7017390

Imagine yourself in the future being a 30 year old beg if you don't keep practicing

>> No.7017544

Looking up guides on how to draw right before drawing saps any joy from it.

>> No.7017566
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I'm planning on making comics and selling them online (and printing a dozen copies or so to sell physically) is Comixology a good place to sell comics?

>> No.7017937
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I thought of a neat comic idea, based on some character designs I thought up, but honestly I don't know if it's too high-concept...

Like the initial idea was reverse-trap X sporty hot guy. She's in an all-boys school, friends with the MC, he confesses (thinking she's a guy) but gets rejected right at the start, but she picks him to bunk with for some reason...

But then I thought, like, there's way too many reverse-trap/tomboy stories out there, plus I'm not too crazy about drawing women.
So I thought, why not make it a guy?
But then, there's no "twist" there it's just a BL. It takes apart the basis of the story being the "secret identity".

So, uh, my next thought moved towards some secret she doesn't want revealed...
And my thought was -like- what if she was a he, but he had a cunt?
Like it's a decent source of personal conflict (man born without a dick, shame, misunderstanding MC's gayness) but I'll be honest... It feels kinda iffy.

First, cuntboy is a genre just not one I'm very into. The people I know who are into it are mega-cringe.
Second, I feel like a story like this just doesn't have much of an audience. Like there's a "Romance" audience and there's a "BL" audience, but "Cuntboy" is a subset of a subset.
Third, it invites discussion about transsexuality and I just don't enjoy that discourse.

There needs to be some form of "secret" he has to hide, something he's ashamed of enough that he'd reject relationships.
In the original it was "I'm a girl", in the 2nd pitch it was "I have no dick"... I'm trying for a 3rd shot here

>> No.7017954

Can't you just make it I'm a girl but also I have a scar that I don't wanna show anyone because of a trauma like an assault or car crash which makes it understandable to keep it a secret other than not wanting to show your privates or whatever. She could have a whole arc about not wanting to be treated differently or defined by her injury/scar and then takes it to an extreme by pretending to be a guy to be even less vulnerable but that one guy who confesses to her and gets shot down decides to just befriend her and they slowly get closer and he becomes the only one she can open up to via romance or bro talk or whatever you choose.

Just an idea though (I think it's better than cuntboy but feel free to shoot it down)

>> No.7017962

wanna transition so bad, fuck /gif/ mindbroke

>> No.7017971


lol, lmao even

>> No.7017981

everything in art feels like "rules for thee but not for me". so I just draw what I like now and stop worrying about errors.

>> No.7018010

That's an idea my head went to right after but honestly it feels pretty weak-sauce unless I make the scar a -major- deformity and stuff like that can get pretty annoying to draw in a comic..

How does Gender-Bender sound? You don't see that genre much these days desu.
Something like boy-by-day girl-by-night.
I don't know WHY we don't see GB stories anymore but it feels like it has promise. I'll brainstorm it, thanks anon?

>> No.7018538
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>starts developing my artstyle after noticing the popular trends on big accounts and going against it
>after some time a ton of new or experienced accounts starts taking a similar stylistic path i did
>suddenly im sick of it and start changing my own art style
>this has happened atleast 3 times
How do i stop being a contrarian

>> No.7018615

That's normal, in fact, even after you've established your "style", it's more than likely going to change after a few years

>> No.7018618
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Only one man will dare to tell you that there are no rules, only tools.

>> No.7018871

it definitely is that way if you take criticism too seriously. i spent so much time tryharding to have perfect anatomy but would still get nitpicked everywhere, but kept noticing that a lot of successful artists make a lot of atrocious and downright unforgivable anatomy mistakes that nobody even notices. that was when i realized that people care about the work a a whole more than they care about some foot in the corner being slightly small.

just make the pictures you want to make

>> No.7018943
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>start learning a new technique I'm absolutely ass at
>get incredibly discouraged
woof, usually I have strong mental but this shit's kicking my ass. Pray for me bros

>> No.7019084

I really really really hate women who do this with a burning fucking passion. She is seeking something can't find it, find someone that has the same hobbies and passions as her. After awhile she bites the bullet and finally pushes for sex. You can tell something is off you know for a fact asking for a relationship she would instantly brush you off and get annoyed if you bring it up.

She finds the sex better than being with you and sharing shit with the hobbies you both enjoy.

Tl;dr you are being used.
>I wouldn't date her.
Sex without passion is cringe, what is it with people being deadly afraid of commitment now JFC. "You wouldn't date her" because you're scared the sex would go away and clearly you really like this person and don't want to anger/displease them.

I srsly fucking hate women who do this with a passion. Having dealt with this shit in my 20's an being scared to enter a relationship because it hurts so much getting dumped after 2+ years of being with someone. It really really does hurt, especially when you find out said person has cheated on you more than once. Especially when EVERY GOD DAMN WOMAN HAS SAID A the sex with you is honestly the best I have ever had(because I have a large dick because I love being touchy and feely because I truly enjoy pleasuring someone being told your lips are really soft and you're a good kisser I feel like a pre-teen/doing something wrong) B says all this wonderful stuff towards you that you start to build that feeling of I'm starting to really trust this person might feel legit love again. C you know you are being used and manipulated but cant stop because you just hope this person will open up and realize humans are meant to form real relationships.
Not dating a girl just seeing them they say all these nice things towards you to the point even their friends are saying they are jelly due to saying how much you pleasure&please them.

>> No.7019093

Yet you find out they are seeing other people and are complaining to their friends how none of them treat anything like you do or worse yet cant even make them cum yet still see these people for sex and attention. Or fucking etc etc etc imagine its 4am raining and this girl is kicking you out of the house. All because shes going to see another guy in the morning for brunch and later you find out her friend was also their and it was just weird she leaves they go over to his place have sex wtv and she bitches to her friend about how bad it was and how he was treating her like shit as if she was just a hole. And the next time you speak with this girl after being told all this. You go no, like fuck this I am better than this I am not putting up with this shit anymore man I just cant take. I am not giving giving giving with nothing in return or even being fucking respected and treated fairly it doesn't matter if we're not dating you cant treat someone like this or use someone like this.
So many god damn times man, and its not even LE NICE GUYtm shit. Its literally almost every woman you meet it was the same shit. You get near them you have some hobbies/etc in common enjoy them together go out and do X related to it. And then all this person cares about is sex and attention nothing else.
I have been told by an old GF that the sex with me was addictive like really addictive the way I would make her feel was the main reason why she did not break up with me even tho she did not want something to last so long at 20.

My point is after this autistic rant. Don't let people use you because you're scared that shitty petty basic feeling of sex will be gone. Don't enable people like this man. This shit is not healthy for society like at fucking all, hook up culture/tinder is even worse.

>> No.7019104

>She is seeking something can't find it
She thinks she looks for someone with same hobbies as her who will have wholesome sex with her and stuff, but she actually wants hard guy who just does his thing and drags her along and fucks her rough. Or maybe art hoes are insane.
If the girl doesn't actually to be a gf then you might as well keep looking while hooking up with that fwb.
At least I theorize so, I'm just a jaded virgin.

>This shit is not healthy for society like at fucking all, hook up culture/tinder is even worse.
With current laws anywhere near western world you might as well not bother with marriage. You cannot just reduce humans to statistics and play god, this shit doesn't work if you want anything resembling a long-term plan.

>> No.7019110

Speak with this person man find out if they truly care about you, or if all they care about is shitty unpassionate sex.

Or else you will become a jaded bitter REAL INCEL. Someone that does not fucking care for sex anymore. Someone that has gotten older and does not want to put up with the bullshit. Its even worse when you start thinking of children and the future.

Like imagine seeing a girl for a month, tad longer. And they get really mad you dont want to have sex. That you would rather just hold them in bed kiss their neck rub your finger up and down their back. Imagine this happening more than once, imagine them getting super super mad that you dont want to have sex. Imagine them rubbing your underware pulling it down biting on their lip going you got a really big dick and you tell them to stop jerking cause its sore, you think you have a bladder infection/ something is wrong with the urethra. You still kiss their tights and shit eat them out(to calm them down). But they end up just getting so mad you dont want to have sex.

Because this person does not care about you, they are petty, they view you as an object, they honestly do not give a fuck about you. They are just looking for their newest toy to play with till they are bored then go look for the next toy.

Once again anon speak with this person really speak with them poke and prod if they do not view you as a legit person and someone they care about. Its not worth letting someone use you, "it feels good" but when its over you will feel worse then breaking up with a long term relationship. Nothing feels worse then coming to realization that you have been used over and over again no matter what you do or try it just keeps happening. You realize you why you were so scared of forming a relationship. Its because this is how society is now and its horrible.

If you find someone who legit wants to be with you(love). It takes two people to be in a relationship, communication is key.

>> No.7019132

>With current laws anywhere near western world you might as well not bother with marriage.
Yeah this is sadly true and beyond retarded. These laws really need to change, this shit was set up in the past where a woman would have nothing. It was a punishment, even if it was very abusive. These funds were so a woman could live since like fuck she had no skills. Granted even back then this was beyond retarded when no children were involved.

Marriage is stupid its just a court paper man. here if I live with a woman for like 3 years we automatically become common law. Doesn't mean she can take me to court. Its really sad how the legal system has ruined marrirage . Why does a woman automatically get 50% min of everything with no kids they work they're able to live their life and not suffer. Its created a fucking horrid system look at how many children are with a single parent . Look at what this has done to society as these children grow up lacking a strong male/female a lack of family/bonding then throw in the shit education how teaching youth logic and skills poof tossed out the window.

Honestly what the fuck has happened. Even wanting to be in a relationship with someone for over 2 years its becoming rarer. Its viewed as pointless, everyone is so selfish. Then you have all these women getting older and ooof its even worse now with the manipulation. Oh now you "want" kids and a family now you want a real relationship a bond a meaning. Oh whats this you failed as a mother after a few years are angry have been lazy as fuck cheated on said person. And got a lawyer probono who till take the case and worry about the cost afterwards. That is once he managed to suck away 75% of a dudes wealth and said scum fuck gets to keep 45% for himself and she gets the 30% plus some monthly money. She gets the kids, and the kids are crying as they suffer because this person is not a mother they're a selfish child. Most the money is gone she pissed it away.

Why man.

>> No.7019148

Imagine having sex

>> No.7019251

Your English is fine. If you have a great portfolio then that counts for much more than a degree, in many professions. Rather than settling on one style you might consider the opposite as described by this guy, and get good at putting on arbitrary styles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jsZGeaWkhE

>> No.7019289 [DELETED] 

pain to know I knew how to break down the body efficiently back in 2018 but at the time I didn’t have the brain matter to push further so I flopped around with useless tutorial that derailed me

>> No.7019624

I hit close on any art tutorial with a vtuber in the corner.

>> No.7019627

Same. vtubers after kizunaAi were a mistake.

>> No.7019917

I finally found a really good open drawing app for Android called Linwood Butterfly. It has all you need for basic digital work.

>> No.7019942

I fucking hate this place and its infinite amount of crabbing
Fuck you /ic/
I will draw my anime girl on a white void BG and I will enjoy it

>> No.7019949

that's the spirit!

>> No.7019967

Ok but prepare yourself for the >>7018871 experience because there's nothing else to do but nitpick the 1girl

>> No.7020018
File: 371 KB, 1684x2384, GD2_UVYbQAA0Ig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there been an artist that has stagnated more than automaticgiraffe? seriously, the guys been posting everyday for the past year almost and it's always been the same <fandom here> anime girl in void with two literal circles for buttcheeks plainly rendered in an incredibly uninspired style thats grown stale with no signs of improvement or innovation. what gives? how do some artists that post this consistently choose not to challenge themselves and try to improve? how to do you get this complacent?

>> No.7020021

/ic/ tends to be nitpicky, but at least you can be sure everyone else will be less critical.

>> No.7020099
File: 65 KB, 463x451, 1705406914059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna sound pathetic but: I'm addicted to VR porn.
Like, specifically the "intimate" kind where a cute girl speaks softly to you during sex...

I should have never gotten a VR headset, this shit plugs directly into my brains it can be so realistic man.
Just a sad fucking state to be in.

>> No.7020109

I can't believe it /ic/ is having sex instead of drawing. Also, I know a lot of art hoes are in this thread, if you put it out, it is not anybody's fault but yours. You let a man have sexual intercourse with you, which ever hole he used, you allow him to enter you, and his DNA will be part of your brain. A literal meaning of cum-dumpster, for every guy you have sex with, you collect his DNA in your brain. If this is not a sign for promiscuous women to die off, I don't know what is. Art hoes tend to be left-wing so they tend to cheat, tend to be an easy-fuck.
>but..but anon, she is gonna catch them all
Yeah she is.

>> No.7020126

>entire paragraph of incelbabble
never change ic

>> No.7020133
File: 112 KB, 1200x1800, 1704153076984100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be DNA repository
>society crumbles after large population decrease
>able to rebuild society from clones of all the sperm cells living behind our eyes
Sounds like you don't enjoy being based.

>> No.7020143

The moon was so cool yesterday (at least from where I am). Had a sinister look to it. I took photos but no matter how many photos I keep taking the phone camera just doesn't do justice from what my eyes are seeing. I don't know if the iphone camera is shit (how is this possible?) or I need to use a DSLR camera but it seems nothing really will ever come close to what the human eye is seeing.

I'm trying to take a photo of the moon with a hazy dark cloud covering it and the camera brightens the entire view no matter what setting I set it to. Or I'm in a dark area at night looking up and it's not capturing what I'm truly seeing and experiencing. I guess this is why artists do plein air.

>> No.7020219

How did I shit so much? I didnt even eat that much the fuck

>> No.7020314

advertisers know too much about my preferences

>> No.7020324

I read this as "watercolor talk", lol

>> No.7020349
File: 201 KB, 1221x749, shzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing I could think of after reading that...

>> No.7020374

No really though, what the fuck

>> No.7020405

Eat more veggies to help regulate your bowels anon.

>> No.7020408
File: 133 KB, 960x1280, 7B71E7FB-728C-48C3-AE2D-5826D67EE8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really happy with my progress these past several months. I'm still firmly in mid-/beg/ according to the tier list thread (which if anything is a bit generous imo), but I've been really enjoying the grind. Things are starting to click.

>> No.7020442

I came to the same conclusion after deleting my insta art account, my work is now way more personal and I’m glad I can experiment on it. Godspeed anon.

>> No.7020484

Maybe it was old shit that didn't go the last time?

>> No.7020551

Stop worrying about tier list faggotry
"/beg/, /int/, /pro/, /adv/" none of this shit matters, the best way to measure how far youve gone and how good you are currently is seeing you older work (it can be 1 year old or 2 weeks old)

>> No.7020708

>the best way to measure how far youve gone and how good you are currently is seeing you older work (it can be 1 year old or 2 weeks old)
I mostly agree. Relative to my art skills a year ago, I'm much better now. I just think the tier is helpful to a degree (at least early on) to both see where to go from here and get a relatively-unbiased outsider's perspective.

>> No.7020878

I'm starting to have weird faint intrusive feelings of "omg what if I woke up tomorrow and completely forgot how to draw", what the actual fuck is wrong with my brain I actually want to pick it up and powerbomb it

>> No.7020882

Stress probably. You might need a break or just to find a different distraction for a couple of days before you burn out on anxiety

>> No.7020893

I HAVE been pushing myself pretty harshly lately, I'll try taking longer breaks and maybe watch some stuff, thanks man

>> No.7020911

Ahh, I got some granulating watercolors for Christmas that I'm very excited about and at the same time am afraid of "wasting" while I figure out how to work the granulation. Looks like a trip to youtube to watch some 40-70 year old women use/explain the process.

>> No.7022190
File: 142 KB, 500x488, here-breathe-in-some-cyanide-gas-thank-you-jesus-973530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things are starting to click.
Been stuck with this feeling for multiple years, maybe some day it will actually click.

>> No.7022386

nta, but what works for me (not saying you haven't tried or that it'll work for you) is to try to subdivide what I'm having trouble with into smaller parts and work on those parts individually.

>> No.7022633
File: 962 KB, 3130x4096, 20240111_124823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how good kissing feels.
It's like a brain power-off button built into my face.

>> No.7022889

Feels like I'm talking to bots on this site lately.

>> No.7022949

>inb4 it's Indians
They're probably cheaper.

>> No.7023440
File: 132 KB, 499x531, 1705632447701302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commissioner decides that they are my friend
>don't want to block in case they comm me again
God fucking damnit leave me alone

>> No.7023452
File: 78 KB, 725x1009, GEIYt3SagAA1DIa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out is the ultimate male glow up you can possibly do to improve your art.
>take pics and draw your penis
>Send penis pics to hot girls who draw
>Rizz them up so bad they fall for you
>Have hot sex with them
>Don't forget to take pics as reference
>HAve more sex
>Go draw rinse and repeat

>> No.7023750

Have you ever tried talking about your stories/OCs to someone who couldn't care less? It's the most cringe thing in existence, and why meeting someone who engages with it is feels so special.
I do have other male friends, it's just that none of them are creative in any way. We hang out, play vidya, some do sports together... But none are artists, so they wouldn't get it
I don't think so man, she's not that dishonest of a person. I think she just enjoyed the sex and it became her primary interest.
For me... Yes I enjoy the sex, I do find her attractive, but I also liked how we talked and shared our interests before even more than that.
Like, I actually enjoy drawing a lot of romance stuff, some of it even BL. She's the ONLY person (not online) I've ever shown that kind of stuff to that's how much I enjoyed sharing my work with her

Honestly I read through your whole comment and, while I get you I think you're dealing with something else entirely...
You seem to want an emotional connection, you have feelings for this person that aren't being reciprocated.
-I- don't feel a romantic connection to her. To me, she's a close friend and someone I opened up to in terms of my hobbies and interests something I've always been secretive about.
Ever since we started banging I feel like we've lost that level of connection I enjoyed before

>> No.7024326

Soft edges and lost edges and proper smooth blending in general that doesn't look like shit continues to elude me.

>> No.7024335

A good way to blend is to put graduating values and marks right next to each other so it optically blends when you view it from a distance.

>> No.7024337

how much did they pay you

>> No.7024339

>shit that never happened

>> No.7024374

i cant concentrate anymore, idk i think there is no way out here

>> No.7024377

fuck im actually so old it's so strange

>> No.7024541

Me either but I know the problem, longstanding depression. I'm not sure if laziness is even real.

>> No.7024781

Rest from painting. Watch my future wife draw, is this the best min-max ever?

>> No.7024813

Theres a jew mod on /ic/, we are fucked

>> No.7025810

What are your thoughts on drawing people you see in public without telling them?

>> No.7026007

Should not be a problem if it's a well adjusted individual you're drawing

>> No.7026036
File: 132 KB, 680x899, 1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7026054

That's not limited to drawing though, if you even so much as look at someone and you're that hideous then they'll think you're up to no good. Get plastic surgery

>> No.7026055
File: 35 KB, 588x476, 163761613417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes have this weird thought of undermining other people's tastes when it comes to enjoying my works. Someting along the lines of
>People who like my stuff have no tastes or dont know what real quality is like. Anyone with any grasp of actual quality never gives any consideration to my stuff.
It sucks to think like this because Im putting down the +20 people that have paid for my stuff over the last 3 years, but I cant help but think there's some truth to it, I rarely get any real compliments coming from people who are better than me, and no one that is better than me has put my stuff in very high regard, it's always the minimum for the sake of politeness of friendliness.
Im not actively complaining about it, I think the most logical step would be to simply shut up and git gud, it's just kind of sad things are like this and I cant quite brush off the feeling.

Go back to the grind, I suppose... or not, Im supposed to be finding enjoyment in drawing right now as opposed to external validation.

>> No.7026558
File: 410 KB, 1250x2000, fig_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be better at figure drawing/illustrations, but my gestures are all wrong and my anatomy is wonky at best. I don't feel flow, my constructions are stiff, I'm extremely slow, and it just all looks bad. I try not to compare myself to others since I'm fairly new, but it's embarrassing to share my work when others are just so much better. It sometimes feels like I'm a toddler using finger paints surrounded by talented professionals, the gap is so wide. I've been going through a book focused on simple anatomy to learn and sure, I can copy from it decently, but when I go it alone (with refs and examples from inspirational artists), I really fall apart and it's like nothing clicks with me (picrel is my latest attempt at sketching out a figure before getting frustrated). I worry at times that I don't have what it takes to make it and that really saps a lot of motivation from me. I don't intend to give up, but it scares me that all the effort put into this could be for nothing because I'm incapable of understanding.

>> No.7026563

Nah, I get that feeling too. People I've shared my art with personally have said they liked it, but I cannot shake the nagging voice in my head it really is simply because they don't want to come off as impolite. Online, only one person who I consider to be way better than me likes my stuff.

>> No.7026645

Draw 100 10 minute timed figures, post results.
draw for 90 minutes and take a break and nap for 20 minutes, then continue to draw for 90 more

here are some websites to use


>> No.7026830
File: 2.10 MB, 2000x1500, 10_gesture_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, this is my best attempt at 10 minutes each. I usually do 2-3 minute gestures but honestly, these are about the same quality.

>> No.7026975
File: 489 KB, 2764x1990, less guidelines draw what you see.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 down 81 more to go ,
Try not to use the same technique for every single one. see if you can start the outline for some and draw without guidelines for others

A lot of this is just getting a feel for it, when you go to sleep for 20 min your brain replays what you've done, helps you learn faster. I wasn't kidding when I said take a nap and after 20 min wake up and draw again for another 90.

The sketch bit even with guidlines shouldn't take you longer than 2 minutes, the rest of the 8 min should be used for blocking out the form n values of the figure

Keep it up anon

>> No.7027039

>feel like my 60s gestures are getting more difficult the last few days
>it's actually line of action bug giving me 30s instead of what i selected

>> No.7027213

>Almost ready to draw
>Extreme pelvic/abdominal pain
>Hobble out and drink some water because i realize the only liquid I've had today is a cup of coffee
>Sit back on my throne
>Painfully shit some softies
>More cramping
>Blood pressure is ok, gums aren't white, not dizzy, little nauseous though
>Get over myself and get in bed and grovel some more
>Eat le bagel and drinky water
Watching x files and writing this now that it feels better I hate when my body retarded

>> No.7027325
File: 25 KB, 256x341, 1636327081402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost 26
>Only just starting to feel like I'm drawing okay despite drawing for 7 odd years
>Not a single finished short comic, despite starting like 3 last year and failing at them
>Nowhere near my early retirement goals
I seriously just want to quit my job now. I just don't want to be working for the rest of my life.

The best art gains I ever made was in the 6-ish months I was a NEET, between graduating Uni and getting a job.
I just want that life back, I want it back so badly man.

>> No.7027498

I spent the last 4 years drawing constantly and grown to hate it. I skipped out on college and have barely any work experience. I think I funneled myself into linear path. Now I'm struggling to find a basic stocking/register jobs. I think I have no other choice but to continue art because it's the only thing I have.

>> No.7027501

The juxtaposition between anons

>> No.7027513

Scully, I think this anon was visited by an extraterrestisl for the sole purpose of messing with him.

>> No.7027880
File: 57 KB, 658x523, 1652843307556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a smoothie and bagel right now it really does feel like my stomach is haunted. I feel a lingering presence. But i'm sure it's fine.

>> No.7027893

Did you know there are consequences for living a life of extreme physical inactivity?
Stop trying to "focus on art to the exclusion of all else" go join your gym and a sports club or two or three and become an athlete
Trying to cut out all other activity to have more time to draw does not work. You will end up having less time because you will continuously deteriorate and your capacity to draw will constrict so all the "free time" you have is worthless to you.
I did my best drawing while coated with a layer of sweat from vigorous activity and I still do. Nothing quite gets my visuospatial noggin joggin like elevating my heart rate and releasing exertion endorphins
Basically, no six pack no mention in the art history books. Off you go to google to find out about your nearest gym now! I recommend swimming to get out of the sedentary weakness and gymnastics or crossfit to start building up real power! Remember fresh eggs are the best protein, accept no substitutes!

>> No.7027906

>x files
I used to skip this show every time it came on as a kid, getting into it now, great background show to work/study/draw to.

>> No.7027910
File: 186 KB, 1000x1091, 1645640376055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop trying to "focus on art to the exclusion of all else"
I don't do this, you're assuming a lot about my life lol.
I also do try go exercise on occasion. Waiting on weights to arrive in the mail.
I also have eggs every day. My problem is being too skinny, i've accidentally lost weight before (I've been like 90 pounds). I don't eat like an american. My abdominal pain is also probably more likely linked to having a UTI within the past month or so. But I have no idea, I'm glad this is not a regular thing I experience, it was just a one-off.
Also, there are better forms of protein, I try to eat as much red meat as I can.
I want to be more physically active though. It's weird, I don't get extremely exhausted from physical activity, my boyfriend is much stronger than me but he gets winded going for a fucking walk with me.

>> No.7027920

>I also do try go exercise on occasion. Waiting on weights to arrive in the mail.
This alone tells me you think you're going to be That Guy who does the schizoid hikimori bodybuilder thing and does all workouts in his own home without ever leaving the house
Stop being retarded and do not be That Guy, go to a fucking gym
Get your stinky boyfriend to go with you and make a pact that if one of you bitches out the other has to pester, bully and blackmail them into doing it
We love a gay gym couple on this board, don't we anons???
(The red meat is a good idea but it still lacks numerous things that eggs have)
(Red meat is literally just muscle tissue, the egg is meant to give rise to a fully formed entire body and it has the nutrients to do it. Eating organ meats is better than red meat but red meat + a fuckton of eggs covers pretty much everything)
Literally who needs a million stupid supplements when you have unlimited modern access to refrigerated chicken periods

>> No.7027922

>I don't do this,
Many do
Fools, all of them

>> No.7027929

>schizoid hikimori bodybuilder thing and does all workouts in his own home without ever leaving the house
>go to a fucking gym
Again, getting weights. I'm fine with going for a run or something but I will never exercise in a gym.
>We love a gay gym couple
If he lived closer I would actually do this. Neither of us want to go but it would be tolerable together.
I'll go do some body weight exercises right now, just for you.

>> No.7027933
File: 943 KB, 264x320, 1455159479693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched xfiles as a kid
>time slot was right before bedtime

>> No.7027936

>Again, getting weights. I'm fine with going for a run or something but I will never exercise in a gym.
Literally why
Do you think it's a hostile environment anon?? Half the people there are either homosexuals or at least vaguely homo-erotically oriented and youd be surprised how intelligent and thoughtful the kind of people who are interested in developing themselves like this actually are. The concept of the room temp IQ meathead is a Hollywood myth
You might actually make friends, terrifying, fucking spooktacular

>> No.7027944

I don't like being around people, especially when I am skinny and retarded.

>> No.7027950

Neither of these things are the major criminal offense you think they are to others
This is the problem with (us) artcels, we're too fucking neurotic and anxious and we have a nasty tendency to think everyone is judging us and that our presence in public is some kind of mortal insult to anyone who sees us
In reality you'll barely be noticed. Other gymgoers will react to you in one of two ways in my experience
A: Polite indifference, paying absolutely no attention to you and what you're doing and subjecting you to no scrutiny whatsoever
B: Offering you help or advice in some way
No one is going to be sneering at you for daring to exist as an as-yet-not-shredded subhuman and at no time will the Physique Inspector pop out from behind the weight rack to deliver a scathing assessment of your physical decrepitude through a megaphone and make you feel like those dreams where you went to school naked. That doesn't happen

>> No.7027953

I'll think about it
>make you feel like those dreams where you went to school naked
Can I only escape this feeling by forcing myself to go over and over

>> No.7027961

You won't have to go that many times before it sinks in that being in a public gym is not necessarily* an activity that draws attention to you and that you're allowed to be there whenever you want and no one cares
*No promises if you're one of those goofballs who insists on grunting like a pig giving birth while throwing a rep and then dropping the weights on the floor so hard the ceiling shakes That does tend to draw a few eyeballs, it's true
Btw, it obviously helps to go to a big gym that is well populated throughout the day
If you live in a small town with one small gym then obviously it's harder to disappear into the environment. A city gym with tons of people and lots of places to be and lots of equipment so people aren't queuing up to use most of shit is better if you're anxious and don't really want to be aware of others registering your presence too much (even though as I've said already they either have no thoughts about your existence or welcome you, fellow new gym rat, into the nest)

>> No.7028840

I hate everything here. This thread is one of the few things that are good in this board.

>> No.7028930

Nobody cares at the gym. Nobody. Cares. Everyone is too busy trying to get their reps in.

>> No.7028948

>what /fit/ told me 10 years ago must be true!

>> No.7028951

The real question is why you think anyone else at the gym cares. So go on, prove that they do, you're the one claiming it. What does /fit/ have to do with anything? I've gone to the gym my whole life, across several different franchises, and I've never seen a single instance of anyone making fun of anyone else or giving anyone else a hard time. If you just want an excuse to not lift weights, just say so.

>> No.7028953

/fit/ has constant threads about “types of gym people” shitting on any and everyone who doesn’t fit their ideal gym-goer mold. Videos are posted across the internet mocking people for “doing it wrong” as they are secretly recorded.

>> No.7028955

DNA doesn't mean they are good ones, guess what, it is just residue. Probably the reason why promiscuous women can only feel lonely is because they have destroyed their pair bonding ability. They feel even more lonely after a while and then fuck more men to feel even more lonely, the endless cycle of filling her gaps will never be able to fill the void of true love. The worst part is, they are never going to experience true happiness, only the temporal cheap fuck they gain from cheating or some adrenaline mix dopamine exercise, like using a vibrator during a spinning class, etc. That is the best they can hope for.

>> No.7028961

That some people do it doesn't mean that a substantial group does, or even a substantial minority. Some people act out in restaurants and record their antics, do you just never go into a restaurant again? Some people secretly record others getting what they think are bad haircuts, you never getting a haircut again just in case? Stop caring what people do or don't do.

>> No.7028963

I was once fit and went to the gym a lot, I will say the more you lift, the better your art becomes, not because lifting is some kind of magic filter. Better health also means better mental capacity, working out means allowing all the oxidized stress to go out, lowering cortisol, improving hormones, controlling insulin levels, gaining a better quality of sleep, and physically looking better too. Especially if you are doing compound exercises, you train your mind to focus on breathing and focus on form. This focus is rare, it requires intentional mental focus. All leads to an increase in neuroplasticity, if you add knowledge of a controlled diet, you will pretty much become an art God in months. I injured my back during a bad fall, and haven't been lifting for years. Going to fix that soon.

>> No.7029162

how am i supposed to deal with the fact that the idea of making art for someone else even for money makes me profoundly miserable but its also my only marketable skill and i dont want to be stuck in wagie hell

feels like i should just kill myself instead

>> No.7029216

And yet you neglected to mention that DNA "residue" has had strongest evidence of coming from having pregnancies and/or birth of sons. If you're saying that it probably destroys the ability to pair bond, that would mean that with each pregnancy occurring (whether resulting in natural miscarriage, abortion, or birth) would further disrupt a woman's ability to maintain a bond with a partner. What's more commonly found is evidence that it plays a role in dementia, autoimmune disorders, or cancers.
>they are never going to experience true happiness, only the temporal cheap fuck they gain from cheating or some adrenaline mix dopamine exercise, like using a vibrator during a spinning class, etc.
I don't recall seeing anything about it creating dopamine-seeking akin to a substance use disorder. Usually just detrimental health effects. You could be right, but you'll believe you are no matter what.

>> No.7029224

not true. i've had it happen with two of them.

>> No.7029270
File: 1.73 MB, 1021x1333, 1706043285458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw women but I can't figure out why. It's like I freeze up and completely forget everything I've learned.
Sketches look like ass, drawing are wonky, the inking is bad... I'm just off my game.

When drawing guys they turn out just fine, like at my skill level.
It's just females.

>> No.7029276

Shame it got silly later on.

>> No.7029287

I'm drawing a man for the first time in any serious way, and I get it. It's gotta be frustrating as shit that even the basic part of the whole deal feels off though. Are you using references?

>> No.7029348

I just realized the internet is what keeps me from drawing. I have to turn my back to the literal infinite wealth of knowledge and stare a fucking white canvas for an hour to draw anything. I just can't stop browsing information online. How do I turn social media addiction to drawing addiction?

>> No.7029644

Use Pureref and put your references away from the internet pages it's on? Don't know if you're already doing that

>> No.7029667

I'm nearing 100 followers, you guys did anything cool when you hit a milestone starting out?

>> No.7029668

Open an onlyfans and give free nudes.

>> No.7029764

Based and truthpilled

>> No.7032189

Learn to be grateful.

It is true, pregnancy too however, biology dictates that the mother will love the son, most of the time. Having many sexual partners destroys the ability to pair bond with other males. Not the son she produces, I will bet, it will probably be easier for a mother to abandon her child if she has many sexual partners.

>I don't recall seeing anything about it creating dopamine-seeking
it is not dopamine seeking. It is filling the void with addictive behaviors and women's sexual promiscuity is an addictive behavior. Their promiscuity is instant gratification to relieve themselves from the pain of loneliness, instead of seeking fulfillment through the time-tested gender roles set forth by the patriarchy, the same patriarchy that benefited the women of today. Those promiscuous women seek to be destroyed and to destroy, not only their pair-bonding ability but the patriarchal society itself. They are the epitome of feminine chaos, a dragon eating its tail. Their self-destructive behavior is not only celebrated but is championed as women's rights. More sex, more abortions, more deaths, more destruction! And they wonder why all the first-world countries are importing immigrants. That the first world isn't producing enough children.

>> No.7032318

fuck me my notes are worthless
I wrote down "dr. extreme" with no sketch and zero additional information, what the hell is that?
this better not have been the golden idea that would have let me finally make it

>> No.7032348

I'm burning insane amounts of energy constantly constructing and sketching things that end up not working out or the composition is shit so I have to scrap it. Its like I'm physically incapable of having a good idea. And I can't get that time or energy back so it was a waste of time. Fapping would have been more productive.

>> No.7032476

You need to touch the grass and do some flower arrangement. Have fun doing flower arrangement. It will help you understand composition.

>> No.7032498

just did a drawing. then one of my inspos retweeted some stuff and it jumped from 100 to 2k

>> No.7032989
File: 14 KB, 116x128, 1705264429279363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'm proud of you anon.

>> No.7033004

I drew nearly every day last year, but so far this year I've barely picked up a tool.

It kinda sucks, but I've just been supremely bummer out.

Gonna try to kick myself back into the habit of nightly drawings today. But I really want to focus on more complete drawings rather than a few half assed sketches just to say I "drew" that day.

>> No.7033158

I can't make an accurate copy to save my life. I don't know how to observe. I should've listened to all the people who told me to give up

>> No.7033166
File: 541 KB, 488x1162, fit_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful there, anon. It's a dark path!

>> No.7033182

>I don't know how to observe.
Finally a new howie arc.

>> No.7033191

What do you mean?
You just look at it.

But seriously, you know that whole pencil thing you always see in movies and shit that artists do? Do that.
That point is to look at things very objectively and literally. The pencil as you hold it straight up gives you accurate angels to compare things to, instead of drawing an object you're drawing things by angle and proportion to your static point.

So look at an object, pick a point, and then draw everything at the correctly measured angle and distance from there extremely methodically using your pencil or similar tool to find said angles and proportions.

>> No.7033197

I will try this

>> No.7033217
File: 23 KB, 514x352, 1705761144478766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on this board for just a day and I already feel my motivation to keep drawing draining rapidly.

Why are you fags so busy with constantly demoralising eachother? It seems like the only thing you can learn from this board is that drawing is nothing but endless suffering and grinding and even then you'll still never be good enough. I'd rather learn other things.

>> No.7033222

stop visiting 4chan if you're not able to sift through 90% of posts being trolls.

i mean that in the nicest way possible, you'll be far more productive if you just block the website.

>> No.7033249

99% of this board are beginners. Combine that with the edgy teenager that is your average 4channer and you get this board.

>> No.7033256

I used to try and give sincere advice and give constructive or positive (you)s. But my good will has been obliterated by the negative assholes but almost even more by the “positivity trolls” who don’t let anyone critique anything and just want everything to be a circle jerk.

>> No.7033265

does anybody under the age of 25 even use this website

>> No.7033276

Do you mean over?

>> No.7033292


>> No.7033302

How many of us are approaching(or god forbid, over) 40. And why does that seem sad?

>> No.7033314

It's pathetic. I'm 42. Worst of all, I still take advice from anons seriously.

>> No.7033355

Why are the majority of artists braindead leftists?
I regret trying to make online friends at any cost out of desperation, I kinda pigeon-holed myself into walking on eggshells on what I can and can't say and draw

>> No.7033357

Maybe stop being such a /pol/nigger and bringing politics everywhere.

>> No.7033360

>and draw
Wtf are you Not drawing anon?

>> No.7033366

/pol/ autism aside, it's because the circle that artists normally run in (high society, twitter, art websites) tend to be more progressive leaning. because as it turns out, people who are into expressions of emotions tend to be bleeding heart liberals.
and even if you're not into the whole sjw political spectrum of bullshit, if that's the crowd you're in, it's who you try to appeal to or avoid pissing off. it's retarded to go out of your way to insult or demean the people who buy your art.

>b-but i want to be right not nice!
then take the typical stonetoss route and be a political douchebag and get notoriety there. but then you're entire existence is tied to being a political douchebag contrarian.

>> No.7033369

expected this awsner
I'm not a /pol/fag I just hate hugboxing and peer pressure
violence, rape and satire themes

>> No.7033375
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Would you feel like you were walking on eggshells showing your drawings to your family?

>> No.7033388

What prompted me to make that post is that I described someone as fat and then I got lectured on fatphobia and queerphobia
You can never relax around these people
These are these are things that didn't even register in people's heads some years ago until people started making up problems
I probably shouldn't have used leftists since I already triggered several posts with predestined biases that hardly have anything to do with it, but it still describes them well

>> No.7033391

>someone got mad at me on twitter so i cried about it on 4chan
yeah typical.

use the block button you dumb faggot and get over yourself.

>> No.7033398

You can't really relax around any community anymore. Why did you get lectured on queerphobia for describing someone as fat, though?
I like the idea of "community" in theory, but I have filter issues and a tendency to dig myself deeper into an expertly designed and crafted hole. I don't know, but going places that are supposed to be fun and constantly dreading being chastised is bullshit. If you're desperate for it, try to keep at it for longer and dig around for more relaxed groups.

>> No.7033401

Oh shut up. You do it too.

>> No.7033414

>someone complains on the complaint general
It >would be easier if it was a twitter stranger though
That's the cost of not having many places (that have some staying power) where you can be readily nerdy about the shit you want

>> No.7033421
File: 100 KB, 316x360, Untitled225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are communities of people who are so far removed from danger and those dissimilar from themselves who absorb propaganda from the internet.
I'm been in lefty servers full of fucked up people, but they were never preachy, they were definitely odd and the server would be labeled as a far left tranny server, but the difference between them and obnoxious fucking servers is that they had thoughts and feelings based on experience and reality. A server where you get called homophobic for calling someone fat is full of people who have friends and family that have always made room for them. They come from stable homes and have rigid beliefs that they view as a religion.
It's no different for righty servers. I'd say the server I'm in at the moment is mostly somewhat right winged, but they never impose themselves on others. They don't have tranny derangement syndrome, they don't whine about the niggers, even if some of them like to make comments. I'm sure a lot of them don't like/understand trannies but everyone is pretty respectful, and more importantly they're thoughtful of others and life itself.
Anyone who preaches on the internet isn't basing their views on reality 90% of the time, it's just their form of being a dictator while playing house. Right or left.

>> No.7033453
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>I regret trying to make online friends at any cost out of desperation, I kinda pigeon-holed myself into walking on eggshells on what I can and can't say and draw
I can bet you anything that this is 100% a (You) problem. I dont like to speculate too much, but I have the slight suspicion that you either dont know how to speak your mind in a way that comes off as civil discussion, or you dont know how to walk away from certain topics in spite of knowing the outcomes.
>inb4 "whaa get out of my he-"
Im just speculating, calm your tits.

The internet is full of entitled, preachy, obnoxious retards from all sides of the axis, but m ost of the time you are the one walking right into problems when you have the chance to either shut things down, discuss things in a civil manner or walk away while still staying your ground. It's not being a "coward", it's knowing your boundaries and respecting other's boundaries.
If you cant stop picking fights with randos online about things you really dont need to discuss, that's your problem. I for one have never had the need to walk on eggshells or conceal my opinions. Quite the opposite, I have discussed touchy topics in civil ways, voice my terrible opinions like a preachy bitch and come out unscratched while also making friends with similar ideals. I also avoided conflicts and people that werent worth my time or energy. I dont see why you couldnt do the same.

Also this.

>> No.7033456

/pol/ faggots always manage to be the drama whores they accuse others of. Man, shut the fuck up.
>But you're doing it too
Kill yourself, everyone kill themselves. I need to take a piss.

>> No.7033460

>preachy virtue signalers are well adjusted people with good families
Don't think so

>> No.7033470

Usually yeah. They may not have the best lives, but generally they aren't in a position where they have to look at themselves. They're children with divorced parents, white trash, but those who preach to others about how niggers are ruining society or how everyone is an oppressor are the types to fuel family drama and feed off cruelty.
People who are self centered pompous dickheads are like that because they Like it.
Insane people who aren't subterranean narcissists are generally not the ones who are telling you how to live your life, they have their own problems.

>> No.7033485

not that anon, but the left side of the aisle gets really bitchy and dumb virtue signaling bullshit.

i see so much drama and shit flinging over the dumbest shit, and it's always by them.
>you characters aren't the right skin color!
>she's too attractive and sexy you need to stop!

the right just gets bitchy about perceived censorship and acts like dicks

but one goes out of their way to attack me for my art, the other doesn't.

>> No.7033487

VR porn kind of helped me with my porn addiction. If I jerk off to normal porn I get very horny in less than 24 hours again but if I fuck my fleshlight rolled within a weighted blanket + VR, to make it as pathetic and close to realism as possible, I won't get horny for up to a week at times. I'm definitely still a coomer but not a gooner anymore. In the past, I used to almost give into the temptation of ordering a sex doll but nowadays I'm just chilling. I'm satisfied.

>> No.7033488

I don't want to dismiss you, good post even, but this wasn't about picking fights online
It's more about whether it's worth it to enter a "community" that you are not majorly mentally compatible with, nothing to do with voicing opinions

>> No.7033495

I just finished my first commission and a fanart that I drew got fanart itself lol. I feel accomplished!

>> No.7033498

oh quit fucking crying about it you baby

>> No.7033514

If you draw something that a deranged conservative server doesn't like, you will get shat on. But, artists are less likely to be conservative, which takes us back to the original question as to why this occurs.
Circular discussion getting us nowhere. It occurs on both sides, you just see more from the left because the left is larger within the art community because drawing and design is for emotional faggots and pansies.

>> No.7033532

>why aren't her tits big enough
Why natural anatomical variations in breast size are beyond comprehensive abilities for some people is beyond me.
There are entire countries with predominantly smaller breasted women. If anything, they're being ethnically insensitive to body type variations.

>> No.7033541
File: 990 KB, 1500x1299, Untitled374_20231216101957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get told i draw ugly men and women who look like men. If i draw something that doesn't fit into a western perfection it's viewed as grotesque, stupid, and not art.
Same shit happens if you draw sexy women in a sheltered lefty server that thinks sexualizing women is objectifying them.
I never get shit flung at me by lefties my art doesn't directly oppose their views.

>> No.7033556

It's fucking hilarious that they would complain about the women looking like men. That's poetry, really.

>> No.7033561

Conservatives uphold gender roles, yes.

>> No.7033563

nigga these are men.

>> No.7033572
File: 67 KB, 800x800, fdsfrsgfrdsgfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will stop spamming now

>> No.7033638

Having a masculine appearance as a woman isn't upholding a gender role, it's upholding whatever genetic tokens they were given. That said, I thought anon was talking about leftists shitting on them for drawing women that looked like men.

>> No.7033673
File: 60 KB, 549x462, tong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that anon, I was referring to right wingers.
Physical appearance can defy someone's view on gender roles. Being fit can be a violation of what someone thinks a woman should be doing, being a skinny male is being a pussy, being tall and broad shouldered as a foid means you are either ugly or called male despite still being genetically female, no matter how masculine you are- which is seen as an inherent negative if it's a 'violation' of someone's perception of sex or gender rather than a natural difference. Calls into question how feminine a man can be or how masculine a woman can be before it turns into being viewed as grotesque, or how we should view intersex people, and the hot question nowadays being where is the divide between sex and gender. Larger discussion not worth having here.
My only reaction to having my oc referred to as a man is why is it cool to draw a girl and call it a boy and not the other way around.

>> No.7033683

I love drawing. Let me emphasize I FUCKING love drawing. I painted till 3am yesterday, totally drain. I wake up 9am and I'm like, let fucking do this again!

>> No.7033688

I'm currently working on a extensive character design sheet for a race I made up.
It will probably be 20 pages at least and I hate being a /beg/ because it will inevitably look very bad

>> No.7033690

>you'll be far more productive if you just block the website
This isn't true, the so-called "addiction" stems from something else usually, shitposting is often just a symptom. People always blame some kind of hindrance for lack of productivity, find the actual root cause, address it and then you'll be more productive. Or just douse it with drugs.

>> No.7033691

Nowadays the kids are so idiotic and NPC. They think disagreement is a personal attack because they base their entire personality and identity on ideas fed to them. People who succeed in conflict avoidance are women and lesser men who never learn from challenging themselves with different points of view.

>> No.7033693

People exist in different states. That's not just now, that's throughout history. We all enter states of illness or maybe injury. We enter transitions into advanced age, maybe pregnancy. We enter stages of increased activity and maybe less food consumption, altering our body fat levels and how muscle shows through. Being able to capture various states of people existing is just another facet of observation turned into creative expression of art. It's just peak smoothbrain shit to assume that someone doesn't look masculine or feminine enough to look like their sex because it doesn't meet a specific set of guidelines. We were still lusting after skelly dudes with tuberculosis, still lusting after bread baker mommies with impressive arm musculature from kneading. Somehow that's neither traditional, nor meeting expectations for the picky autists.

>> No.7033702

Well put

>> No.7033709

>maybe pregnancy
No, men don't get pregnant. There is no maybe. It is wrong. Everything you stand for is wrong. Grow up.

>> No.7033712

They don't? That's crazy.
You fucking trog, I was talking about as a general with men and women in various states. How could you not glean that from the paragraph?

>> No.7033714

If you use the word "we" I will assume you imply both sexes can get pregnant. There's no maybe for men. Be precise.

>> No.7033717

>create an account on a strange social network to upload my drawings
>a couple of weirdos keep sending messages daily
>one of them asks if I want to know how he became who he is today (apparently it is related to the orphanage where he grew up)
>think to myself "shit, this is awkward as fuck"
>tell him "if it doesn't bother you, yeah, sure"
>expect some uncomfortable tragic story
>weirdo sends me a crappy smut story instead
I want to tell him that I think his story is bullshit and that I don't like talking to him, but I think I'll just send him a relatively polite message.

>> No.7033718

I said "we" because I can get pregnant, and I'm not going to assume the gonadal statehood of whoever I was initially replying to, therefore "we" works. You're being nitpicky and gay, fuck off.

>> No.7033726

"We" implies our species is capable of being pregnant.
There are many stipulations, including but not limited to, having a womb, having eggs that can be fertilized, having eggs that are accessible to sperm, having enough energy to carry out the pregnancy.
They also said that we enter advanced age, and I wonder if you made it past 13.

>> No.7033731

>Talk about people
>Use "we"
Now that I got your attention, being masculine or feminine is a learned trait. Most people lean on what works for them individually. Take, for example, my mother, she has traits of masculinity for she lost her father at a young age. Her "self" decided to pick up a father figure, and she became very decisive and strong-willed. I love my mother for exactly that, how strong she had to become due to circumstances not of her own doing. The masculine or feminine traits therefore can be learned and unlearned. To uphold the patriarchal society, one must choose to do the right thing or risk destroying the fabric of society. At the end of every empire throughout human history, men and women are confused about their genders, and gender roles are destroyed. It is wonderful, that every time it falls it is due to a bunch of masculine women who became so power-hungry, that they bite the hands that feed them. When the empire collapsed, the patriarchy was built based on the recent events and subduing feminine chaos once again. Order and chaos on repeat for the last 10,000 years of known history.

>> No.7033734
File: 1.94 MB, 330x186, orly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

States of being are just as external as they are internal, they cannot be separated. How someone reacts to external stimulation is a result of their development- what they are made of, how the things we are made of order themselves through time, through experience. Masculinity and femininity are tied to physical realities we cannot deny, which also change over time through circumstance and chance, and reflect our personalities, which are given, taught, made, and present themselves however they do.
This is so fucking retarded. Replace masculine and feminine with "funny" and "nerdy" and there is no difference.

>> No.7033735

Why do some people who experience the same form of abuse and mistreatments have different reactions? Why do we have different personalities? Are all of our emotional traits actually just social traits? Is everything we do performative, is there no true self?
The answer is a little bit, sometimes, maybe, who knows, yes and no.

>> No.7033750

>Tied to physical realities.
You need to travel and meet more people. When you do, try your best to observe and understand, that you will meet men who are hyper-masculine, monstrous, muscular, and physically a threat. However, the same man has the most feminine traits, gentle, loving, understanding, and high in conflict avoidance. Probably because he knows he can destroy you. Life can be unkind, and full of adversity, and if you are unlucky, you will meet a hyper-masculine woman with no understanding or compassion for others, she seeks power, control, and dominance, by any means necessary, if she can't have it, nobody can. She will leak of jealousy, hatred, and malice, and will go out of her way to seek and destroy, to feel she has the upper hand and the last laugh. The kind that causes empires to fall. That is where the left wing got it right, you can look feminine doesn't mean you are feminine. You can look masculine doesn't mean you are masculine. Learn and unlearn, order and chaos. Circumstances can change, an empire can fall, people can lose their power and people can change.

>> No.7033756
File: 14 KB, 664x488, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you're insufferable
How you are Perceived because of your Physical traits influences how you Behave but that doesn't necessarily mean Every Single Male Is Masculine because "Masculine or feminine traits can be learned and unlearned" is both true and untrue, it's a massive sliding scale.
You are completely unable to think abstractly.
I guarantee that you are a man who has experienced few adversities in life and preach online that men are given all of the responsibilities in the world and being female means you are treated like a goddess and no one views males as human beings.
>you will meet a hyper-masculine woman with no understanding or compassion for others, she seeks power, control, and dominance, by any means necessary, if she can't have it, nobody can
You see this in men too, you see it in non humans.
You do not understand masculinity, you do not understand femininity, and by god you do not understand history.
Go take some estrogen nigga.

>> No.7033757

There's no such thing as social traits. There are only masculine and feminine traits. You can pretend to be either to meet some social needs or means. In the end, it is a mere dance, life is a stage, play it or not. It all will come to an end, meanwhile, have fun and have no regrets.

>> No.7033760

I already read your contrived paragraph about current societal failures and duties towards the good of the patriarchy earlier on in the thread when you replied to my (somewhat snarky) explanation of microchimerism in humans. Both cases just involve you blaming every instance of civilizational collapse on uppity women that don't know their place, neither involved evidence of your understanding of nuance.
I won't get into an argument with you over the nature vs nurture question, mostly because I don't respect anything you have to say regarding even social "science" after reading the regurgitated cuck fetish garbage you tried to claim as fact about DNA.
Back on topic. The discussion was about states of appearance (for men nd women, masculine and feminine) through different conditions of the human form, conveying that through artistic means, and how others react. Do you have anything to contribute to that?

>> No.7033762

There are no facial features there are only male and female faces. When you take a shit is it like a girl or is it like a boy? When you masturbated were your cum stains feminine or masculine. Did you tie your shoes like an efficient strong correct male or were you a little cute like a girl. Did you look at your balls in the mirror today, if you did that means you're feminine for caring about the perception of the self. If you thank your waitress you're feminine, but actually it's masculine because you're stimulating the economy.

>> No.7033769

>How you are Perceived because of your Physical traits influences how you Behave
Is this perceived by others or the self? Because if it is from others, why let others decide who you are? If it is from the self, then you are a villain of your own making. I look monstrous, I look into the mirror, I see pure evil the material of chaos. Others regard me as a monster, and society sees me as a threat, should I, therefore become and behave like a monster? Should I behave as I look? A look genetically given by chance? I could but I don't want to. You see, free will is beautiful, God made it that way, and the devil needs the prayers the most, and even the devil can change.

>> No.7033775
File: 139 KB, 640x480, society views me as a monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this perceived by others or the self?
Both nigga
>Others regard me as a monster, and society sees me as a threat, should I, therefore become and behave like a monster
Maybe, maybe not, maybe a little, maybe completely, it varies completely by the individual. Nature vs nurture.
>>I look monstrous, I look into the mirror, I see pure evil the material of chaos

>> No.7033792

>Both cases just involve you blaming every instance of civilizational collapse on uppity women that don't know their place, either involved evidence of your understanding of nuance.

Let me give you some nuances. There are feminine men who in their desperation for power, control, and dominance seek to destroy all that stands in their way. That is usually nipped from the butt by other men. A good talk or a good beating usually fixes that. I'm not condoning assault and I don't think it is necessary. But when a man steps out of line, the boys are very quick to put a stop to it. If that were to fail. Society, the law, and culture will fix such a man, putting him in his rightful place. On rare occasions that such a man rises to power, murder or war happens. The reason why it is always women is simple. Women are valued. Society, law, and culture are biased towards women. Besides being the weaker sex that needs protection. The double standard is rightfully justified by their ability to produce life. On top of that, men desire love from women and seek women for sex and validation. As of today, you can no longer discipline women nor can you criticize women no matter how valid or justified it is. If you are to do so, they label you a sexist and destroy your reputation. For politicians, it will be political suicide. This feminine chaos will be left unchecked and lead to the fall of the empire. This feminine chaos isn't gender-selective, weak men too can embody such chaos. Those weak men are already in power, enabling these women. It is only matter of when, and when it does happen. A new patriarchal society will rise again. Nuance enough?

>> No.7033816

where do I find an artist boyfriend? the never go outside and when I go to art related gatherings its full of really annoying people or ones who do not vibe

i want an actual decent one, like someone who can draw convincing figures and make gripping landscapes

>> No.7033824

Do you deserve one?

>> No.7033825

You will never will find him. He doesn't exist, give up, don't go break another man's heart. Do you know why? If you go to an art-related gathering and all you felt was annoyance, maybe it is not them but you. Everyone has something to teach you, and you taught me what not to be like during an art event. Get cat(s) or change yourself.

>> No.7033855

As a guy that goes to art groups I feel that anons pain.
There’s 2 people I like in my group, a few I’m neutral about. But the most talkative people by far are the sjw autists who never shut the fuck up. And every other person introduces themselves by immediately talking about their pronouns and all the special snowflake sexuality labels.

I just wanna fucking draw. If it wasn’t for the 2 people I actually like there I’d never go.

>> No.7033857

>brings up same tired, bullshit m versus w argument
>but this time I blamed the men too, see?
>ignores major contributory factors to the failure of human health, behavior, fertility, and environment
>Nuance enough?
Nothing you said was profound. You're stunlocked, concerned about evil women that don't want to drop trou to create the next generation of well-behaved taxpayers. It wasn't feminine chaos that created the global scale byproducts of petrochemicals that have been embedded into not only everything we consume, but everything in our environment and the very tissues that compose our bodies. It wasn't feminine chaos that developed organizations pretending to operate around human innovation and progress, but instead push for cheapened labor, worthless education, and mindless consumption on a global scale. Anyway, both men and women are experiencing significantly diminished fertility, worsened access to liveable wages, to healthcare (or health at all), to conditions that are safe and optimal to providing a home to raise a family. That's one branch on the towering pine tree of things going against civilization.
None of that has anything to do with the other discussion about how masculine and feminine features are digested by particular groups when consuming works of art. Have you experienced a problem with the way people or communities see your art? Do you create art at all?

>> No.7033858


idk it's just a lot of peak art intern vibe or just unemployed vibes it's not sexy if they don't have a job. an art degree is actually very flexible, and you can find jobs with it, but I've been taught that they make 0 money. probably my biased mindset from years of societal conditioning.

i know there's actual artists with careers and do it on the side. this is what i'm looking for.

i want someone past their drug and hipster phase in life.

what r your thoughts??

>> No.7033864

>follow artist because they draw cute stuff
>despite them never drawing nsfw can't shake the feeling that they're probably a pedo

>> No.7033938
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1500, 20240127_135939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some new chicks. 5 Silkies, 5 Bantams
Hoping this batch goes well

>> No.7033941

I love silkies. Are you going to let the chicks do some feets art with non-toxic paint?

>> No.7033967


>> No.7033989

holy projection

>> No.7033990

more like pattern recognition

>> No.7034006

every election tourist is 26+ now.

>> No.7034027

You are in the wrong crowd, my dude. I know it is hard out there, to find friends. But if you do, you will find what you need. Try new activities and hobbies. But if everyone you meet is annoying, then I'm afraid you are the problem.

>> No.7034032

Yes, an art degree is shit nowadays. But if you want to find a rich bf who is in art, I'm afraid they are out of your league. There's a reason why you are in your current circle of art gatherings. The elite crowd is full of snobbish people but once you see past their flaws, they can be quite charming, generous, and interesting. Such gathering are invitation only, your circle of people need to expand. Good luck!

>> No.7034068

I'm mutuals with an actual pedo who draws pedo shit, I followed her back initially because she always liked my posts but now...

>> No.7034091
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But now what, anon? What are you and your friend doing?

>> No.7034093
File: 47 KB, 600x600, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn her back to the right path, impregnate her.

>> No.7034107

Are you being honest?

>> No.7034118

I’d consider myself friends with one of the girls there. I don’t know if it’s reciprocated but she’s a cool chick.

There just ain’t much going on around me. Everyone at work is married and doing couples things, and all my hobbies are pretty sparse or filled with autism.

I do kick boxing and there’s people there but again, it’s just the wrong crowd. Not that I dislike them were just clearly very different personality wise and outside of punching each other we won’t have much in common.

>> No.7034124
File: 1.45 MB, 453x344, giphy-3150056238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe /wct/ will be a nice casual place to tal...

>> No.7034147

You fucks on this board should look in the mirror sometime, the rant you idiots go on make it pretty clear who's more than likely the problematic variable. And I don't even know you. But if you go on a long tirade with a laundry list of reasons for why something is happening and it's mostly complaints? Yeah dingle breath, more than likely it's a (You) problem. I'm autistic as the next guy but I also have enough self-awareness that it's me being autistic.

>i want someone past their drug and hipster phase in life.
You sound underage, ngl

>> No.7034148

why do I keep getting shadow banned on twitter I don't get it

Do I need to use a new device? Feels like they banned by device fingerprint or some shit.

>> No.7034232 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 708x900, 1696692997261669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to sleep angry and upset. Had awful dreams again. About the person who molested me, and more. Woke up to an email from my 12 year old self from futureme and a massive essay over text from my dad about his ptsd and shit, and how he can barely go on working anymore.
Dear god, I want to kill myself.

>> No.7034236

Holy shit is this the water cooler or the Myspace bulletin?

>> No.7034446


>> No.7034467

I'm an artist who is improving their skills.

What do you bring to the table?

>> No.7035017
File: 140 KB, 667x470, 1690937145506514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn to be grateful.
yeah that's probably it. i hate feeling indebted to other people because i want to do everything on my own without relying on others but that's probably why im such a shitty person to be around

>> No.7035193

I get that you're badly educated and terrified, but the first person possessive is "my", which is still safe to use.

>> No.7035241

Find a new hobby, go to church, wait outside a hospital for Nobel nurses. Whatever it takes man.

>> No.7035256

everyone else can just plop down some lines without thinking and it has appeal.

I have to carefully pinpoint and grind and improve and fix every little mistake and draw absolutely PERFECT just to draw something half-shit.

>> No.7035281

Good luck imperfect human, after 32 years, your level will never reach mine and I'm already as perfect as I could be, even then, I am imperfect.

>> No.7035395

It's weird how my brain knows where my drawing glove is at all times. It's like it subconsciously saves where I put it in the most random spots.

>> No.7035756

I think I'll follow a drawing course in my city, maybe it's the push I need to start studying properly

>> No.7036141
File: 952 KB, 1366x768, 1566315782780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unlearned how to enjoy drawing and now all my scribbles feel like torture. Drawing so many requests over the years has stripped my self-starting creativity too. I just wanna relax and draw, but it's like I've been hit in the head with several bricks and fuck, dudes. I can't be burned out, I've hardly drawn in weeks.

>> No.7036151
File: 59 KB, 611x784, 1458144954537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm turning into a crazy person, despite trying to be more dedicated to studies it really doesn't feel like anything I'm doing is being absorbed and coming through in my regular drawings. I don't know what the hell to work on so I'm just trying to do gestures and figures every day atleast, but shit like anatomy makes me want to gauge my eyes out. I want to draw everything and anything so it drives me mad that none of my ambitious ideas can be done justice when I'm mediocre still, I'm just lost.

>> No.7036232

> I've hardly drawn in weeks
Just Draw

>I don't know what the hell to work on
Draw to learn

>> No.7036249

Get some sunlight

>> No.7036378
File: 676 KB, 653x653, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual pedo
>always likes your posts
anon I...

>> No.7036389

Be hard on yourself but also be open to accepting help. Sometimes you need to learn to accept what you cannot control and try your best to receive help when given. Being able to accept help when needed is being humble. We are all flawed and from time to time, we can't climb up the ditch without a helping hand. You will find that others aren't as bad as you may think. Sure, there will be bad actors, but even then, they have something to teach you. Anon, don't give up on friends and friendship, and most importantly, don't give up on yourself. Just draw, stay safe and good luck!

>> No.7036397

>There are entire countries with predominantly smaller breasted women.


>> No.7036461
File: 69 KB, 765x234, Screenshot_20240129_194322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for Taiwan, for some reason, average Taiwanese girls have the biggest booba and looks wise, more beautiful. I rank them #1 in scale of beauty. If you like dark meat or caramel, India or Malaysia. Enjoy!

>> No.7037906

God fucking damn I love coffee

>> No.7037912

If you have the chance, you should make some simple syrup out of orange rind and add just a little bit to your coffee. I know it sounds weird, but I tried it once at a fancy coffee house and was blown away at the flavor combination. Just don't put in too much.

>> No.7037928

It doesn't even make me more alert or awake, just keeps me going for like another 30 minutes from the time I finish a cup. I still drink it though in the middle of the night when I'm drawing for the aesthetic. I'm such a fucking poser man.

>> No.7037940

It doesn’t give me energy like it used to but it calms me down and maybe a little bit more focus

>> No.7037950

That sounds pretty good and I just got a bunch of oranges since they're in season so I'll be trying this, thanks man.

>> No.7037955

I hate coffee because I'm a manchild who can't handle bitter stuff at all. The duality of man

>> No.7037967
File: 33 KB, 480x640, 2F9EE386-797A-40E9-B407-F0D117DD14B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of coffee, fucking Mc Donald’s coffee has a bunch of residual coffee powder in my cup. You can’t see it in the pic but if I tilt it far enough there is a pool of it at the bottom of my cup. I’m just going to make my own coffee from now on.

>> No.7037971

There's a citrus vanilla coffee soda that I like here by Slingshot. Surprisingly nice taste. There's a brand that does sample packs of 5 floral syrups that make for really interesting coffee combos too. Putting a teaspoon in with a little half and half to my heated foamer makes for very tasty, not expensive enjoyment.

>> No.7037974

How the fuck does that happen. Doesn't it just piss out of the machine itself.

>> No.7037977

they don't clean their machines

>> No.7037979

Any speedpaint which skip the sketch process screams insecurity from the uploader

>> No.7038044

So basically this is the third time in a row I lose a job against someone that's worse than me. And it wasn't any job, it was something that could have been my breakout hit, with a really big usa publisher.
I can't continue like this, it's fucking ridiculous. Working in comics is a fucking joke, not a real job.

>> No.7038081

Maybe nobody like working with you.Technical skill is only half of your hireability

>> No.7038197

>make a twitter account to follow artists and post my own art that i've decided not to tag for now
>post nothing but simple sfw portraits and retweets of other people's art
>get suspended after a month with no indication of why
>appeals do nothing
>had 0 followers and 0 views on my untagged art so i must have gotten whacked by automated moderation
Goddamn I can't even passively exist on that website

>> No.7038245

Hopefully I can go back to drawing more than crappy doodle after this exam. Pray for me anons

>> No.7038246

That's debatable when you talk about actual industry publishers with last day deadlines, but apart that, at this stage of a project there's zero contact between you and them outside the material you're presenting, and I'm such a nobody that there is really no way they know me.
Also, the inside dude I know that hooked me up for this gig straight up told me that they discarded everyone else except me and another guy, and in the end they decided for the other literally because his stuff looked worse and more generic. So it's not really me being insufferable.
I mean I am, but it doesn't really matter here
Anyway I'm going to take a break from drawing for now. I need to sort my shit up

>> No.7038259
File: 49 KB, 388x379, 05b9faf6328de31bd3c9024d26781887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manage to regularly fuck a girl who's not a hooker and is interested in me
>all my sorrows and worries melt away
>feel energized and happy every day and far more productive
I know this isn't the effect of the pussy itself, but rather my brain simply telling me to be happy.
But I hate how dependent this is on something as fickle as another's love and desire for me

I wish I could be happy by myself but I always end up sad sack of shit

>> No.7038286

You're not some historic fantasy stoic, you're just a dude. If you got the pussy and there is no foul play or toxic bullshit happening then you got half your life figured out. Don't think too hard about this kind of stuff man, it's fine

>> No.7039295
File: 119 KB, 1935x2048, 34527437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering because of AI instead of it replacing animators it's used to create a new type of medium we're just not seeing yet. Visual novels but with AI you can load up as much CG sets as you want, a lot more sprites, and even short animated scenes. PLUS because it's in a VN format the producers could get away with a lot more that you can't do in TV animation (uncensored blueray is a thing of the past). It also means you can adapt a lot more of the original source.

Of course, they'd still use A-list voice actors. That would cut the trash anime that's put out with bad animation each quarter while

1. getting to adapt 2, 3, 4...the entire source up to current a lot faster
2. bring quality over quantity back in 2D animation (pre 2010 era)
3. better working conditions for animators

What do you think?

>> No.7039352

I think you should kill yourself, like immediately.

>> No.7039368


Really, I think it's a neat idea to consider. Use your imagination for the possibilities.

>> No.7039378

To be clear I'm not saying to outright just use the AI, but to generate stuff to draw over or build off on/touch up.

>> No.7039508

Just use ai. Sincerely, I don't see a point anymore in being a purist. I don't see a point anymore even in being good at drawing outside your own enjoyment of it.
The only people that actually care about art are the ones that want to be artists. Nobody else gives more fucks than can fit in thr three seconds of pause in their scrolling. Nobody actually thinks that art has more value than, say, paw patrol or an ad with cool graphics.
I feel like there is no point in being an "artist" anymore, not because ai surpassed human art, but because the audiences accepted it without flinching. Like fucking pigs that can eat gourmet stuff and maggot infested shit without any difference. Just do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.7039763

>see my meme sketch posted in a thread
>confused for a second; Wasn't the thread I posted it in archived?
>check again
>someone actually saved it and reposted it
I have officially made it.

>> No.7039788


It's a good tool to like paint/draw over. But my idea is that if there are loads of seasonal anime that are already literal powerpoint slides you might as well just make an adaptive visual novel but let the AI animate scenes here and there and keep it uncensored. There would be no excuse not to adapt an LN all the way to the current volume.

It wouldn't be a video game you buy off steam but maybe like through an app you get a few chapters slow dripped. This type of format could KILL webtoon. Absolutely murder it. I know I'm onto something.

>> No.7039792

Slow drip it because that would kill weekly episode discussion? I dunno. Netflix model of dumping all at once is cancer.

>> No.7041068


>> No.7041155

Bye anon, take care of yourself.