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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 622 KB, 828x1008, IMG_3319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7009557 No.7009557 [Reply] [Original]

Artist are quitting digital art, this might be the rise of trad art.

>> No.7009562

I am fine with this.

>> No.7009563

Before calling me a pajeet (i'm not) tell me when does digital art becomes cheating? there must be a line right, I mean i've lost the count of how many times i've seen people drawing on digital and they fuck up the angles proportions and everything, on trad you'd have to erase and redraw it but they just click on the resizing tool and boom
seems like cheating desu, they became too reliant on technology and now it has bitten then in the ass

>> No.7009567

> they just click on the resizing tool and boom
People ctrl+z the lines and redraw it until it’s not shitty. Closest you’ll get on “cheating” is photobashing

>> No.7009569
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I'm trad artist by myself, but aren't there like alternatives to Wacom?
Or does Wacom have totally monopoly in digital art?
I just have feeling people are exaggerating this Wacom AI thing.

>> No.7009570

it won’t be, trad is oversaturated already, this will just kill it as a trade for the goyim without connections
the only way out of this going forward is strict regulation and preventing everyone from unregulated dataset building, making all dataset distributors go through a regulating body and not giving the general public the ability to make their own
eventually new popular art styles would emerge and AI producers would be reliant on buying image rights for the datasets

>> No.7009573

So sick of these histrionic sexy-girl renderers publicly throwing their little temper tantrums over AI. If AI can replace your lame Peach thot art, consider if you were doing anything valuable and either doing something actually goor or quietly leave.

>> No.7009574

Can you imagine being this big of a fucking pussy?
>waaaah a brand used something I don't like I'm quitting!!! :(

>> No.7009577
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>Artist are quitting digital art, this might be the rise of trad art.
1 artist, a literal who at that, and one that was probably already looking for a way to shed the nsfw persona.
Enough e-celeb drama, draw this cool dude

>> No.7009578

AI can replace everything lol

>> No.7009582

wacom's monopoly ended like 5 years ago. Every big tablet manufacturer has used AI in advertising though. The only one that cut ties with the ad agency was xp pen

>> No.7009583

ai couldn't even replicate some dudes fire goblin.

>> No.7009584

What a faggot, good riddance if true.

>> No.7009585

Why do begs think ctrl+z and liquify are so damn hax? They need to be there just because of how shitty and clunky digital input is compared with trad, especially on screenless tablets.

>> No.7009589

It can't even make good cartoons, shitter. It shits and farts all over itself the moment you prompt outside its extremely narrow window of sexy anime girls and hyperrendered concept art. Normalfags like you have abysmal taste and have trained the entire algorithm on the Gelbooru and ArtStation catalogs. You keep saying it "can" do anything, but I'm looking at what it actually has done 99% of the time.

>> No.7009591

it doesn’t need to replicate anything, you low iq monkey, it just needs to make something acceptable faster for free
>It can't even make good cartoons
neither can westerners

>> No.7009592

A revival even.

>> No.7009593

it is kinda cheating, there has to be a treshold, the bullshit saying "no cheating, only tools" is what led to AI

>> No.7009594

you're still the person in charge of identifying and correcting mistakes. lassoing and transforming are functionally equivalent to erasing and redoing. the onus is still on you, as an artist, to complete the work to your requirements.
if your only criteria for "cheating" is technical proficiency in accurately capturing the subject without mistake, then using erasers is also cheating, which is a frankly ridiculous belief to hold.
this obsession with "cheating in art" is ultimately pointless and can only result in dogmatic thinking. the true issue with AI generated content has and always will be one of ethics of the labor market.

>> No.7009595

>something acceptable
but it couldn't. That's the point. It utterly failed with like 3 different pajeets trying for hours.

>> No.7009596

This is what you get if your only reason for drawing is numbers and followers. AI is simply not an issue for people who just enjoy the act of drawing.

>> No.7009598

It didn't fail, you just don't have a good eye for that sorta thing which is fine.

>> No.7009600
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>neither can westerners
here comes the cope
Westerners fucking invented toons, AI makes atrocities like this

>> No.7009601

some of them make money of these followers anon their livelihood is being effected

>> No.7009604

>you're still the person in charge of identifying and correcting mistakes. lassoing and transforming are functionally equivalent to erasing and redoing. the onus is still on you, as an artist, to complete the work to your requirements.

That is exactly the argument Shadiversity used to defend AI. I agree that one thing is different from the other but besides a gut feeling I can't say when it is not art anymore.

I've heard someone saying that is not a question of it is art or not, because it is art. It is a question of workers rights

>> No.7009605

The task was to make that guy's character.
Not one proompter succeeded.
what's the point of this """tool""" if it's impossible to actually control the output?

>> No.7009606

if i use an eraser to erase my lines on paper am i cheating?

>> No.7009607

AI can't replace my art, I use my menstrual blood.

>> No.7009608
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fucking easy

>> No.7009610

Yeah until more and more people tell you to quit drawing and start using ai, because drawing is a “waste” of time. You’ll be shunned for actually drawing once ai art becomes more acceptable, it’s already has when fucking drawing tablet companies or art program are using ai shit for ads.

>> No.7009611
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>> No.7009613

Life has been getting steadily more convenient for the past 700 years. We're cheating by simply existing, compared to out ancestors. What's your point? No one ever made good art with just crtl+z or we wouldn't have topic after topic of begs melting over their own incompetence year in and year out. Use your damn head.

>> No.7009614

That’s their fault they put all their eggs in one basket and for not being aware of the consequences of choosing a career where the risk of losing your income is so high. Or did they think making cook art on twitter as your only income was sustainable?

>> No.7009615
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the ammount of work to erase a line and make a correctt one is much bigger than making an incorrect line and resizing it to make it right, let's not even talking about a whole head for example that you can shrink the whole thing to make it right

Here is my point, when does something becomes cheating or not art?
Why is drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil universally considered not cheating but AI is? When in the gradient from paper to AI does something becomes cheating?
I think the inability of people to define this point is what lets AI people to get away with it

>> No.7009616
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Bing and SD are a bit behind the curve.

>> No.7009617

what's the point of this? It was a specific character. This is like asking an artist to draw your specific dnd character and they just give you a generic elf ranger.

>> No.7009619

What's up with Japanese companies and their rampant push for AI? Square Enix, Capcom, now Wacom.

>> No.7009620

Are runners and swimmers shunned just because cars and boats exist? Did artists get shunned when the camera was invented? Are carpenters and craftsmen being shunned because factories and mass production exists?

>> No.7009621

aijeets are unbelievably retarded what the fuck

>> No.7009622

hey idiot, stop making hand crafted furniture, ikea exists yknow. Stop cooking food, you can buy cheetos at Walmart.

>> No.7009623

>Did artists get shunned when the camera was invented?
They did lose alot of work, from the top of my head I can think scientific articles and books

>> No.7009624

stay on topic, sweaty.

>> No.7009625

>hurr ai can replace princess peach drawings
>n-no it can’t replace o-other characters s-shut up
cope, retard
I could just controlnet the exact fucking character in 10 different ways
it’s absolutely over for purists

>> No.7009627
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Again, more generic ArtStation crap. Not even a good version of it either, looks half finished. Show me something exciting and different.

>> No.7009628

> Are runners and swimmers shunned just because cars and boats exist?
Those are sports to test human physical abilities to the absolute. Those are even comparable in the first place. Better if you have said what’s the point in racing when self driving cars are becoming a thing.

>> No.7009629

artists made up non-realist movements so they would have something to do that cameras couldn’t
the difference is that now you can just take whatever artists come up with and feed to ai to do the same thing

>> No.7009630

what the fuck are you even attempting to say?

>> No.7009631

"the exact fucking character" according to your 0 standard tasteless liking aka "close enough"

>> No.7009632

read it slowly, esl

>> No.7009633

Yea ai shitters are retarded for telling you to quit drawing because ai

>> No.7009635
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point on the gradient where it becomes cheating

>> No.7009636

don't care still gonna draw
cope seeth and dilate AItranny

>> No.7009637

>ai couldn't make that guy's fire goblin.
>oh yeah??? I made A fire goblin! Checkmate!!!
>but that's not the same char-
>AI wins chud cope cope seethe cope!!!!!

>> No.7009638

it's just the wacom US branch's marketing dept being ignorant

>> No.7009639

you’re just bad at prompting lel

>> No.7009642

Is AI the ultimate artist litmus test?If you're only in it for the money and attention, and not personal satisfaction, you quit. If you actually like to draw regardless of income recieved and clout, you'll continue.

This might end up being a revival, abeit in atwisted way.

>> No.7009644
File: 1.01 MB, 960x1248, IMG_6721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's definitely worse at that, but for how long?

>> No.7009648
File: 2.88 MB, 1452x2186, 1697747034358882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the aijeet argument always how easy it is to prompt, and ai will "democratize art?" but then in the same breath they say it's actually really skillful and nuanced.
here's the guy's picture, go ahead and prove your proompting ability.

>> No.7009650

lmao, no thanks
“artists” can have it

>> No.7009651

Tracing 3d models. Using them for pose reference is fine

>> No.7009653
File: 26 KB, 2288x626, 1704728168703451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically tracing shit that isn't yours. it's that simple.

>> No.7009654

>heh, ai can do ANYTHING.
>do this then.
>pssh I-I could, but I j-j-just don't want to.

>> No.7009657

6 of those involve creating and therefore skill growth. 1 does not. with AI getting better at prompting is superseded by newer AI.

>> No.7009661
File: 991 KB, 500x257, tumblr_m5dfj8ohjA1qceiz6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly not that bad. The issue with AI is that inherently lacks specificity. When I'm starting a piece, I have a specific idea in mind, it NEEDS to look a certain way with certain things in certain places. Unless AI can link into my neural pathways and read the information in my electrical impulses, in my goddamn feelings themselves, it's never going to approximate my vision.
So it ends up pleasing normies with no vision (no expectation), who just want to look at a pretty picture, and failing artists while also aiming to displace them. Thus very generic art begins to populate the net, because again normalfags are tasteless, they don't know what they want. You need artists to reveal new possibilities and not just rehash the same old things.

>> No.7009662

there's absolutely no skill growth from photobashing or mindlessly tracing over someone's 3d model.

>> No.7009663


>> No.7009664

are you gonna draw that tasteless garbage?

>> No.7009666

their work is a derivative of some popular nsfw pinup artist. nothing of value was lost

>> No.7009670

Irrelevant, ai has speed, output and cheapness on it's side, which is unfortunately all companies care about

>> No.7009671

if a client wanted me to, sure. your point was that ai could do it, but then refuse to demonstrate that and expect people to just take your word for it.

>> No.7009672


look at this video, this isn't ai, but I completely believe this is cheating. If this kind of shit is allowed, AI will be allowed, this is a grave artists dug long ago by allowing this kind of crap

>> No.7009673

I absolutely agree, which is why I do not use it. I was just curious about how the latest midjourney update might be at that sort of image, so browsed the discord, where I grabbed those pics.

>> No.7009674

ok, pay me $100 and I’ll do it or do it for free first and then I will

>> No.7009675

This is the thing that kills me about these AI whiners. It's not even original smut! I immediately thought it was unfinished Gloss sketches. He isn't even drawing a different *subject* from Gloss, it's Peach. I saw an inputwo clone seething about AI as well. Like goddamn these fags have less than zero self awareness and social media keeps enabling them.

>> No.7009677

ehh, not as much, but you can't just photobash day 1 and become a matte-painter for ILM.

>> No.7009678

compare to this


which is absolutely not cheating

>> No.7009681

so you can't do it.

>> No.7009682

so you can't do it.

>> No.7009683

Normalfag Exhibit A.
Challenges an argument about AI's worrying and problematic lack of true creativity, with statements about AI's economic viability and corporate utility. Misses the point. As long as he gets his digital tendies, all is well. A true corpo cocksucker and slop consumer.

>> No.7009684

Dude knows form. I think photobashing is unappealing. but if you are making concepts for live action/fabrication it's not a problem.

>> No.7009687

I don't like photobashing or traced 3d models but they still clearly require skill. Ai art is pretty much just typing on a glorified google image searchbar

>> No.7009688

>AIfag NPC says the exact same script for 2 years now.

>> No.7009689

>Honestly not that bad. The issue with AI is that inherently lacks specificity. When I'm starting a piece, I have a specific idea in mind, it NEEDS to look a certain way with certain things in certain places.

Your argument doesn't hold ground when you can edit AI pictures to look the way you want, that is exactly shadiversity's point.

You're going to lose this fight because you can't refute him

>> No.7009690

give me a list of any digital tool and i can give you a trad equivalent
the trad equivalent of ai is getting someone else to do the work for you

>> No.7009691

you were the one that boldly claimed you could
>just controlnet the exact fucking character in 10 different ways

>> No.7009692

I think you must be shitposting, to invoke Shad in a positive light. But correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.7009693

>Ai art is pretty much just typing on a glorified google image searchbar
but what if you edit over it?
If you photobash you elimnate a step, if you use AI you eliminate another by putting the photobashed pictures in place, you're just left with the details

>> No.7009695

>another AI bait thread
Can this guy get a life? He makes threads constantly on every fucking board.

>> No.7009696

I could, yeah

>> No.7009697

circle back to

>> No.7009699

I don't like what shadiversity said but your post doesn't break his argument. His whole point is

>I can make AI art to look the way I want by editing it on photoshop

Using "the problem with AI is that I can't get especifically what I want" doesn't hold ground, if artists are going to go against the use of AI in court you're going to need better arguments
That is my point

>> No.7009701

who cares
just draw or don't

>> No.7009703

so are you gonna do it or are you saying you couldn’t?

>> No.7009704

if no one cares why is AI a problem?

>> No.7009705

his pictures looked horrible. if that's what he wanted to make, then he's just a shit artist.

>> No.7009706

it's just slop

>> No.7009707

nah I can't. I can't draw.
now prove you can and totally own me, it would be a huge win for AI.

>> No.7009708

good news, with AI, you can

>> No.7009709

Why do you niggers keep invoking economic and legal arguments? Do you not get what my beef with AI is? I'm not trying to get it banned, I'm not denying it will replace sweatshop labor. My problem is that I find it overwhelmingly tacky, lacking in critical capacities expected in a human artist with a human brain.
Mentioning Shad's shit art certainly won't convince me. Showing how well it imitates popular anime won't convince me. But this >>7009644
...is at least something I haven't seen before, hence due credit was given.
Now if it could theoretically translate one's exact compositional thoughts, I'd be on board, a true convert. But it's always going to be off by definition, unless we can get the neural uplink running.

>> No.7009711

so do it.

>> No.7009712

>then he's just a shit artist.
that is subjective, and you're admitting that he is an artist

This is why I think that if people want to stop AI to be use commercialy and taking artist jobs, using "it is not art", is not gonna. If it was me I'd try approaching it by point of view that it is copyright infringement and the models are stealing machines

>But it's always going to be off by definition

you don't know that, and you again, you can make it look right on photoshop

>> No.7009714

>that is subjective
no anon, there is objectivity in art. his art is bad on a technical level.

>> No.7009717

that’s the beauty of AI, you don’t need me to, you can do it yourself
art has been democratized

>> No.7009720
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>that is subjective, and you're admitting that he is an artist
by mere technicality since he used to do art before AI
even so he's objectively /beg/ tier

>> No.7009721

I know it fucking is but do you think the demented grandma in the jury will say this?
You can't fucking hold your whole argument with shit like "it is ugly"

I want AI shit gone but the people I see trying to stop this shit use arguments like "muh fee fees", please, what i'm trying to do is to make this shit illegal

>> No.7009722

>you can do it yourself
no I can't, because ai can't do it. prove to me that it can.

>> No.7009725

You’re right, that’s why ai slop has no copyright :^)

>> No.7009726


you dumbass. it's a tool made for artist to speed up their process. anyone can use undo's and liquify but no anyone can produce god tier work of art.

AI on the other hand is not a tool. It was made to be a tool. It was made by greedy people who found a way to exploit the creatives.

>> No.7009732

>but do you think the demented grandma in the jury will say this?

>> No.7009737

People here forgot the difference of a tool and crutch.
And AI sucks as both.
>Verification not required.

>> No.7009740
File: 12 KB, 275x183, C14AE910-2823-41DC-B526-A458E18A2505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No AI could ever replicate the genius talent of Hunter Biden.

>> No.7009743

Do you use an eraser anon? Because that's cheating.

>> No.7009745

1 digital artist you know quit, because they are too weak minded. So this means all artists are going to quit?
Amazing logic there anon.

>> No.7009750

you need to source two shittermedias to call it artists plural.

>> No.7009757

Keep being smug like this, it is working wonder

>> No.7009761




>> No.7009763

>rise of trad art.
What if they start doing AI trade art...?

>> No.7009765

if youtubers can get away with reaction channels how will artists be able to defend their jpgs from being used by billion dollar companies

shit is so fucked

>> No.7009770
File: 88 KB, 768x432, 5ecd33aef8b8e30001d8b19e-image_c7d5b83f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about these whiny internet points chasing Zoomers. I will continue to draw until I'm on my deathbed. Did trad artists give up when digital art was invented??

>> No.7009773

Yep, shit is so fucked. Reaction channels used to be widely hated, but now it’s fucking accepted. As time goes on, creativity and hard work is dying, while content slop farms are becoming more popular. Seeing someone’s videos being taken and being edited with some subway surfer gameplay to “avoid” auto copyright bot is fucked.

>> No.7009774

they've been doing that for decades. nobody cares.

>> No.7009775

I'm so tired of these twitter niggers and their constant whining

>> No.7009776

What did Wacom do with AI?

>> No.7009777

They and many other tablet brands used ai slop for their ads, except maybe xp-pen.

>> No.7009778

>Ah yes, let me just "lasso" my pencil sketched mistake
I don't even care about the argument but seeing the replies is fucking funny.
Also I thought art is about having fun.

>> No.7009780

Will you show me a printer than anon...

>> No.7009781

in the context of industry work, they absolutely did

>> No.7009783

Nice trips. But why should I or anyone care about how the shit people of wacom promote themselves? Just don't buy their product.

>> No.7009786

>Did trad artists give up when digital art was invented??
Yes, they got pushed out of their jobs for slower turnaround. Either you had to learn digital or you found another job. Either you embraced computers or switched careers

>> No.7009789

and now the biggest studio you might be seeing is YouTubes self made stuff. How big were you expecting to make it without prior work experience. Even than most things have gone self made at this point

>> No.7009790

what the fuck are you attempting to say?

>> No.7009794

Well anon when asking children today or zoomers who are their inspiration or intrests for art/art related stuff how many will give you someone from the current big industry vs a youtuber or older works

>> No.7009795

learn english, monkey

>> No.7009798

>the biggest studio you might be seeing
what youtube studio is bigger than disney?

>> No.7009799

where are you from

>> No.7009800

> But why should I or anyone care about how the shit people of wacom promote themselves?
Because integrity, you retard. You right about not buying their products though.

>> No.7009806

I'm saying your prob better going trying to make in YouTube or Patreon now than aiming for Disney because that's top 1%.
It's easier now more than ever do self made stuff yet you prob still complain about it. Unless you that 5yr or 10yr industry record on you at hand

>> No.7009811


I think zooms see anime/cartoons/marvel/disney and get inspiration there, might not know the artists behinds them.

>> No.7009835

>half of her posts is her selfies, dogs or too many wips of the same pic
i hate women

>> No.7009837
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>> No.7009841

oh no not duolingo.

>> No.7009843

Sorry but i think that are quitting are acting like babies, this along with refusing to use wacom and other drawing tablets just because they use ai is really childish. As an artist you have to get with the times, art is updating and you need to update with it.

>> No.7009847

Quitting is based.
>art is updating and you need to update with it.
They don't want to be a cleanup bitch for AI

>> No.7009849

You know you can play that game forever

>> No.7009852

yes sirs I agree completely thank you sirs

>> No.7009854

this was already terrible, you have to guess if you use tu or vous in french

>> No.7009855

why would anyone need duolingo then?

>> No.7009856

How come /ic become even worse now? What the fuck is this thread?
You don`t even fucking draw- whole fucking thread doesn`t draw.

>> No.7009859

Neither do you AIjeet

>> No.7009869

as soon as you remove understanding of perspective, form, anatomy and shading from the equation

>> No.7009870

Will you say this in 2050 when robots can objectively replace living life? Why have biology when soulless metal outlives carbon?

>> No.7009877

AI Derangement Syndrome.

What a fucking drama queen. He sounds like he would have used any excuse to not complete any work

>> No.7009881

literally who cry baby, yeah another western dev L

>> No.7009882

an artist with that level of skill has enough passion/backbone to actually acquire a skill and therefore feel how that skill is being devalued since they actually put int he effort, something terminally loser copers like you just don't understand

>> No.7009885

you don't draw.

>> No.7009886

>You’ll be shunned for actually drawing once ai art becomes more acceptable,
This definitely will happen when AI becomes the majority as the younger generation doesn't take up art like it used to. AI is the greatest harassments tool against artists too

>> No.7009889

neither do you, not in any real capacity, you have some vague idea of doing it but that's about it

what I said was 100% true and you know it

>> No.7009891

>that skill is being devalued
how? i thought artists kept saying ai was overrated and couldn't affect actual artists.

>> No.7009892

>thoughtful and concise reply
>you don't draw lol
kill yourself

>> No.7009896

that's just copers who choose to live in their troonbrained fantasyland instead of facing the real world as it is

I have absolutely no problem admitting that AI is taking over the trade and it fucking sucks

>> No.7009897

Even though on what said is retarded, but that might actually happen. People now a days are having less babies

>> No.7009898

the has software updated and updated since then and will continue to update and get better

>> No.7009902

>Those are sports to test human physical abilities to the absolute.
I didn't know swimming's only purpose was for sport instead of fucking survival or self enjoyment.
The fact the only mindset that comes from pro aifags is something connected to money proves why you're all subhuman.

>> No.7009903

>thoughtful and concise
it was neither thoughtful nor concise. you said a bunch of shit that isn't based in reality and no one cares about.

>> No.7009904

Not surprised tourist are using this statement. Leeches and non-artist want to fit in so badly for some reason

>> No.7009905

Why the fuck would anyone have smelly real children when you can raise an immortal AI android from scratch?

>> No.7009908

>the has software updated and updated since then and will continue to update
sir thank you for your reply.

>> No.7009909

what did he say that was wrong? are you saying that people don't care that they're skills are being devalued by AI?

>> No.7009912

Sounds like youre the one coping.
Lets see how much your "passion/backbone" stacks up against the greed of corporate America and BIg Tech you fucking clown.

>> No.7009913

Everything before Ai requires your hands to directly alter the image, with the second to last being used by people that can't draw themselves but can remix a existing image and calling it all their work
AI is just photobashing without the human touch. It's the final destination of soullessness.

>> No.7009914
File: 1.14 MB, 1210x1016, mydreamgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will never stop me from achieving my dreams. Tradchads stay winning

>> No.7009915

I'm not coping I'm literally understanding why one chooses not to fight the losing battle even when it's a very tough thing to face

>> No.7009916

no one's skill is being devalued by AI, and no skilled artist with passion and backbone is saying
>oh nooo the ai looks marginally better than the horrendous slop from before, I'm just gonna quit now :'(

>> No.7009917

you're missing the entire point of that incredibly simple post
so you're legitimately retarded, no wonder why you replied with >lol no draw

>> No.7009918

Ok, so why would you have any issue with what I said...?
You did a complete 180 from "understanding" to reacting like yet another seething tranny with AI Derangement Syndrome
oh look, theres another one.

>> No.7009920

See defenition of coping, you coping twat. Try not to seethe the next reply (you can`t).

>> No.7009921

looks more like a nightmare

>> No.7009923

im so glad all my degenerate art is fingerprint protected

>> No.7009924

I have no issue with what you said other than explaining that I am not coping but instead accepting the reality of the matter
actual coping is dumb shit like deluding yourself into believing things that are more convenient for you, grow up

>> No.7009930

1. this is NOT some beginner loser looking for an excuse to give up
2. this is someone who actually had the drive to learn how to properly draw as a profession, actually facing a very difficult choice of giving up a hard earned skill because it's being made irrelevant, that's the sort of difficult shit men have to go through in their life if they want to overcome suffering, that is to say you recognize even the most inconvenient realities instead of crawling into some safe space in your mind and coping until your inevitable suffering

>> No.7009931
File: 23 KB, 360x330, 1578299484810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so fucked.

>> No.7009932

>this is NOT some beginner loser looking for an excuse to give up
yes it is.

>> No.7009933

that's very competent artwork, you're a deluded trannyfreek

>> No.7009934

the maids come around too much
parents ain't around enough

>> No.7009935


>> No.7009936

THIS. At least some sane people on /ic still.
/ic is a sjw`s, sirs, tourists, underagefags and redditors cespool now? Wtf is this shit?

>> No.7009937

Procucks roll over and die so Hobbychads keep drawing

>> No.7009938
File: 1.24 MB, 1486x1132, dreamgfWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be better when I'm done. Trust. It's just a WIP rn. My final pieces are a lot better.

>> No.7009939

Show work that’s not beginner level then

>> No.7009940

no one gives a shit about hobbyincels, you're basically just a loser who's going to keep being one, wow you lost nothing because you had nothing

if you actually had the ethic to learn this shit you'd had done it by now and therefore it'd be your profession :)

>> No.7009941

Nobody fucking cares whether you keep drawing or not. You can keep that shit to yourself. No need to inform everybody else. The world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.7009942
File: 1.07 MB, 602x1366, theproartistman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an attention whore whoring for attention and sympathy likes. it's literally just a woman fishing for people to say
>nooo don't quit you're so perfect and wonderful!

>> No.7009943
File: 115 KB, 277x205, ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7009944

Thats only says about your level if you consider it competent and anything beyond that.
>deluded trannyfreek
Nta btw.

>> No.7009945

Remixing is just technical art. More souless than real art, but because it's hand crafted, it's still more soulful than Aislop: the removal of human hands. It's the difference between a hand built car, a machine produced clone based on a blueprint made by human design, and when the Ai takes all car designs ever existed and mashes them together but then the "owner" of the bot claims they revolutionized car design.

>> No.7009948


>> No.7009949

>you’ll be shunned for actually drawing once ai art becomes more acceptable
actually put a fucking bullet through your head, god was the most offensively desperate attempt at bait I've ever read, actual mental retardation

>> No.7009950

>actually facing a very difficult choice of giving up a hard earned skill because it's being made irrelevant
ai is only making monetized coomer fan-art irrelevant. it's not smart enough to make up truly appealing and unique designs or do any sort of world-building or personality for your characters.
helltaker dev built a small game to showcase his art and characters. he's wildly successful because of it. in the same vein, ena blew up immensely because of how appealing her design was.

artists are just forcing themselves into a bubble for no reason instead of utilizing other skillsets to make them stand out.

>> No.7009951

>an artist with that level of skill
Nigger, he's a shitty Gloss copycat. A devaluation of a devaluation. He lost the game before reaching the starting line. He lost before reaching the right area code.

>> No.7009954

God I hate artists who spam reaction memes

>> No.7009953

>anything less than KJG is not competent
no you're just incredibly naive and deluded, your work is definitely vomit yet you think you will not only acquire the skill of the OP artist but surpass it too, meanwhile you're on the board for stagnated losers

>> No.7009956

They should learn to code.

>> No.7009957

she's hot so I dont give a shit. twitter is just a porn site for kids anyways

>> No.7009959

for a lot of people tons of the fun in producing art lies in the actual draftsmanship and there's nothing wrong with that

the idea side of the shit can be toyed around with in AI just the same

>> No.7009960


>> No.7009964

she's a topless stream away from being a copy pasted twitch thot.

>> No.7009966

I see competent use of colors and values, form and composition etc. it looks like actual thought and effort is put into it

>> No.7009967

Lolcow (You)
Op pic is a low level average artist. Oekaki guys can draw better than this. I already said it and i will repeat it- It only says about your level and delusions. Cope.

>> No.7009969

pyw, oh wait that would mean exposing yourself as subhuman apparently since the OP qualifies for entry level artwork on your scale

>> No.7009971

>I see
Check your eyes then or taste.

>> No.7009972

Do you know Gloss? The porn artist? This guy is an blatantly copping his style and content with not a single innovation or personal touch to speak of. Stop letting renderfagging fool you. Nothing of value was lost here.

>> No.7009973

you're some generic insufferable fart sniffer who can't even draw a box

>> No.7009976

>OP qualifies for entry level artwork on your scale
On scale of any artschool and old /ic. Now gtfo from muh board ngmi tourist. Did you joined last year? And you still that bad? Damn, ngmi generation indeed.

>> No.7009977

the fundamentals are competent I really don't care about the stabilization itself, it's competent

and no I don't know who you refer to

>> No.7009978

>Do you know Gloss? The porn artist?
no idea who that is
googled it
wish I hadn't. extremely unappealing art.

>> No.7009979

back to twitter, nigger
you type like a tranny

>> No.7009980

not posting your artwork exposes you just the same

>> No.7009981

Terminally online. Youre the kind to pay for onlyfans and enjoy disney slop. Nice taste, did your boyfriend gave it to you?

>> No.7009982

You surprised? Half the board is filled with brain dead fucks that don’t draw or shitpost instead of drawing. Even this thread proved it

>> No.7009983

unironically closer to death than art

>> No.7009984

you can cut the crap consider where we are, you're going on a pointless tangent now
not at all, it's delusion and cope

>> No.7009985

sports are the same, but everybody already knows only less than 1% of athletes can actually make a living out of it. the others just have to play it for fun.
to me, art is just a vehicle to bring out larger worlds and stories. i don't really see the appeal in treating it like a sport when i can just go out and jog to get a greater feeling.
>the idea side of the shit can be toyed around with in AI just the same
only on the surface level. even chatgpt can't remember a lot of details or keep things consistent. you'll still need to flex your writing skills if you want to captivate an audience.

>> No.7009988

>the fundamentals are competent
>doesn't care about the style or content
You really should. That's the actual art part. There are a million rendermonkeys out there. Ideas, originality holds more weight. It's the one thing AI can't defeat currently.

>> No.7009989

>Did you joined
do the needful

>> No.7009990

What kind of art do you like?

>> No.7009991

>how...is skill being devalued?
This is how, it takes 10,000 hours of grinding to get good at expert level. It's called the 10,000 hour rule. The reward for learning how to draw, is that you can make your imagination a reality. Now AI can do that, bypassing the 10,000 hour grind for anyone.

>> No.7009993

there's aspiring pros just the same

also sports are more of a competition so it's like chess where a computer doesn't remove the core of it

with artwork you're actually dealing with a product

>> No.7009994

Oh that`s your boyfriend...

>> No.7009995

style is subjective, I simply notice it's competent and appealing which means the artist put in actual effort to acquire the skill, you're a fucking nigger

>> No.7009996

if you’re not living from it, you’re not an athlete, you stupid nigger

>> No.7009997

Exhibit a

>> No.7009999

Shouldn't have wasted your life drawing boxes and Loomis heads then

>> No.7010000

none of this changes that it's just a woman fishing for compliments, a tale as old as time.

>> No.7010001

Checked, but hindsight is 20-20.

>> No.7010002

>I simply notice it's competent and appealing
Appealing and competent to (You)
>you're a fucking nigger

>> No.7010005

oh did this artist already backpedal or are you just injecting your incelshit into this?

>> No.7010006

>shouldn’t have wasted your time drawing
Why are you here?

>> No.7010007

let's see your artwork, I bet you have the most novel style out there, not derived from anything else and I bet your fundies such as sense of form in space is unmatched while your knowledge of rendering is basically flawless

>> No.7010008

you're thinking of being a professional. athletes are just people who are good at sports, anon.

>> No.7010009

Tranny leaving context outside of greentext... ONIONS!

>> No.7010010

>he reward for learning how to draw, is that you can make your imagination a reality. Now AI can do that
ai can't do that, it only does fan-art well. it might be able to do it once we get brain scanning technology, but that's a breaking point for humanity that will affect all fields outside of art as well.

>> No.7010011


>> No.7010012

>none of this changes that it's just a woman fishing for compliments, a tale as old as time.
quads of truth

>> No.7010013

well you seem to have literally just injected your headcanon into this

>> No.7010015

Don`t argue with idiots.

>> No.7010018

>ai can't do that, it only does fan-art well. it might be able to do it once we get brain scanning technology, but that's a breaking point for humanity that will affect all fields outside of art as well.
Imagine /ic at that point in time, hehehe! Funny thread.

>> No.7010019

>artist quits drawing
>nothing indicates that this isn't actually the case
>losers on 4chan cope by inventing their own headcanon without a shred of evidence

>> No.7010024

met already showed electrodes on your head measuring your brainwaves and it being decoded into an image of what you imagine by a generative AI

>> No.7010025

>Sjw zoomer retard goes to 4chan
>Shits himself

>> No.7010026
File: 91 KB, 933x930, 1670800082418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the exact mouthbreather audience that AI trash is for. That's what it puts the fear of god in you. You can't even decouple superficial "style" from genuine artistry. It's always about muh appeal muh dick muh pretty colors with you.
*You can not separate art from skill*. If you use your skills to make trash, you have no skill. The gorillion Sakimichan copycats make worthless trash, their skill is worth fuck-all and AI has simply proven that. There's no sense in pretending this cheap smut had artistic value before the robots came along to dick it down.

>> No.7010029

you're a nigger
all this "normies eat this slop I am super duper special" cringe shit doesn't change anything about it taking over in practice, you just want to feel special even though you're not

>> No.7010031

Based, highfive!

>> No.7010032

to replicate "imagination into art", the AI needs to have access to every neuron into your brain and be powerful and smart enough to process what you actually want instead of what you visualize in your head.

>> No.7010034

You are a brainwashed attentionwhore ngmi manchild.

>> No.7010035

I am sad about AI superseding human artists but the silver lining in this is that it also dunks on the insufferable pretentious third worlder permabeg retards on this board, I hope you kill yourself and I hope hell exists

>> No.7010036

>to process what you actually want instead of what you visualize in your head.
Elaborate, nta.

>> No.7010037

I don't care that McDonald's workers lose their jobs to robots, and I don't care that shitty copycat smut peddlers lose theirs. I think if you do, you're an idiot.

>> No.7010038

>artist quits drawing
she's not quitting drawing and has explicitly said so.

>> No.7010039

yeah bro you can translate your entire brain activity onto paper with the power of your hand, I believe in you! jesus fucking christ the cope is unreal

as if your baby brain idea of anime tits has any inherent worth over an algorithm spitting it out in the first place

>> No.7010041

Samefag gtfo

>> No.7010042

you're talking to yourself

>> No.7010043

>yeah bro you can translate your entire brain activity onto paper with the power of your hand
yes, that's literally what creating art is.

>> No.7010045

>No u
No, im talking to (insert pronoun)

>> No.7010048

why are you unable to doodle boxes then? oh wait maybe there's actually a translation layer that has to be developed and distills information down (therefore lossy)

>> No.7010049

i'm not a neuroscientist, but i doubt our brain is actually capable of visualizing any type of imagery in an actual sense. it's more like phantom thoughts and dreaming.
an ai will still need to do a lot of guess-work if it wants to actually perform the epitome of "imagination into art".
if it has access to all of the information in your brain, your thoughts, your memories, your tastes, your intentions; it will be capable of doing that.
it's just an elaboration of what needs to be done in some hypothetical future technology, not an explanation of existing technology. calm down, bro.

>> No.7010050

>yeah bro you can translate your entire brain activity onto paper with the power of your hand
just draw

>> No.7010051

yeah, good enough to compete, imbecile
name one athlete who doesn’t compete professionally

>> No.7010054

>why are you unable to doodle boxes then?
why are you projecting your inability to draw onto me?

>> No.7010055

almost every school athlete, including most college athletes?

>> No.7010058
File: 7 KB, 839x668, 1699808849823710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well let's supposed you can doodle a loose freehand box like this in a few seconds, why are you unable to draw on a professional level? still the same question

>> No.7010062

Nice, less competition

>> No.7010063
File: 19 KB, 1603x819, 1685278838314541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems good enough

>> No.7010066

that’s called a student-athlete
because… wait for it… he’s training to be an athlete
retired athlete also means one who retired from competing ie being an athlete, and not someone who is in retirement but good at sports, you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.7010068

>i'm not a neuroscientist, but i doubt our brain is actually capable of visualizing any type of imagery in an actual sense.
Well that`s what ai can "interprent" if it`s possible most likely more precise than as it works now with words.
>it's more like phantom thoughts and dreaming.
Spatial intelligence. The problem of it is consistency and it is trainable. That`s why aphantasia memes exist. GI yet again said that he can visualise like 70% and transfer it to paper, as i remember.
>an ai will still need to do a lot of guess-work if it wants to actually perform the epitome of "imagination into art".
Sure. But that would still be far ahead from rn, if it would work of course.
I also remember there was video interpretation of a cat vision and how it sees our faces on yt. I`d guess it would work simmilar to this with ai.
>if it has access to all of the information in your brain, your thoughts, your memories, your tastes, your intentions; it will be capable of doing that.
Well again as far as art goes 100% vizualisation probably not possible. So there still would be guessing treshold somewhere above 50- 60 percents depending on a person.
Fun topic non the less.

>> No.7010071

Based. Fuck the trannies! Sounds gay tho... KEK

>> No.7010073


>> No.7010074

at least for me I can visualize in some abstract sense but in no way is it the same kind of experience as seeing things with my eyes, so I never understood the aphantasia apple meme

>> No.7010076

>if it has access to all of the information in your brain, your thoughts, your memories, your tastes, your intentions; it will be capable of doing that.
We will be fucked as a society in general if machines can access our thoughts, putting art aside.

>> No.7010081

>he’s training to be an athlete
no, he's training AS an athlete. he's already considered an athlete if he competes in the sport seriously.
>and not someone who is in retirement but good at sports
yes, if you're taking my words literally. i know there's a distinction between somebody who is good at sports and somebody who is currently not playing sports.

also, what the fuck are you trying to argue. are you just nitpicking me for fun?

>> No.7010085

Concentrating on the same vision and shaping it more as you progress. That`s how most artists do it. From a thumbnail stage and further progress you kinda correct and make your mental image more clear and defined. So yeah, probably 100% recreation isn`t possible at least because it isn`t 100% shaped at the initial stage of planning. That`s again why there is a threshold in the first place.

>> No.7010091

it's inevitable, since we kinda need the technology to cure cancer and disease.
just hope that we purge all forms of large-scale capitalistic greed from our society before we reach that point.

>> No.7010092

>he's already considered an athlete if he competes in the sport seriously
he’s considered a student-athlete

>> No.7010093
File: 21 KB, 1076x353, 1700704825348729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant that for me it's not some dumb image but instead it's more of experiencing some abstract spatial feel for the thing I'm visualizing

I really don't understand what the fuck pic related is getting at, seems fucking retarded to me desu

>> No.7010096

a student-athlete is also an athlete. there is no formal skill requisite for what makes an athlete an athlete.
it's the same for student-artists and artists.

>> No.7010099
File: 24 KB, 2288x482, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010100


>> No.7010101

Pic related is wrong at least in a sense that its not about details or shape, it`s about the clarity and consistency of the mental image. Its like being blind or partially blind vs having perfect vision.

>> No.7010103

You both ain`t /fit wtf is this shit?

>> No.7010105

it's the sperg olympics where the arguments revolve around irrelevant semantics

>> No.7010112


>> No.7010120

this isn’t reddit

>> No.7010121
File: 3.42 MB, 400x300, seu-madruga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.7010129
File: 170 KB, 507x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you see

>> No.7010131

Oh sweet summer child...
>He doesn`t know

>> No.7010132

People have no idea how common this is, computer animation already caused a mass extinction event like 20 years ago, many artists were suddenly flipping burgers because one skilled animator with a pc could now do the work of several dozen 2d animators.
AI is just the next step, those who survive and adapt shall bask in glory.

>> No.7010134

/Thread, should end on this note here nothing toping it

>> No.7010135
File: 661 KB, 1309x1621, xtycgyxtduyg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna keep drawing

>> No.7010137

>AI is just the next step, those who survive and adapt shall bask in glory.
Based gmi.

>> No.7010141

Why do beg lvl drawings than get popular still

>> No.7010144

Cause there is such a thing as a personal taste which is "discussed" somewhere above in the thread.

>> No.7010148

Even before that photography was another mass die off, lots of portrait artists either had to skill up and become illustrators or go hit the markets.
The science based competition has been raising the market floor for centuries.
Trying to mass produce art, commercialize it and just turn it into another cog within the capitalist game, such is the way.
You look for art as an escape?
They see it as another source of revenue and you are too inefficient, AI doesn’t sleep, doesn’t get art block, doesn’t need any salary nor commission money.
It’s a raw tool, now whatever your attitude is about AI, remember, AI may improve the process efficiency but it cannot replace artists.
Just like 3D computer animation and photography couldn’t do it, AI popularizes the artistic process and game.
In fact it may result in even more money flowing into the art industry.
Don’t let AI doomsay get you, they just want you to drop out and have one less mouth drinking from the bowl

>> No.7010152

Appreciate it, best of luck anon

>> No.7010155

Yep, good luck.

>> No.7010157

>20 years ago was an extinction event
But anon what do you call early newgrounds and YouTube era than

>> No.7010162

source for that? the 2d animators just used 3d then or went on to make animation in other productions
even today there is still 2d animaton made

>> No.7010170

go back

>> No.7010172

Where? To /fit/ nah it died when rep count threads died.

>> No.7010176

Much smaller scale fren, look up angryanimator.
Once shared his experience at the studios, had this coworker who failed to adapt and move 2d digital animation, failed to find work for several months and simply dropped out of the game.
Do you see much 2d animation done with pencil and paper beyond those flip books?
Just used 3D, just moved to digital animation.
Not everyone is capable of that.
Sometimes all an animator can do is inbetween mindlessly, now he has to deal with layers and timing on his own computer, heck even owning a computer wasn’t such an easy thing back then, it was a deep plunge and if you had no experience using one it made it all the much harder to learn and adapt to the new demands of the animation market and more importantly to stick to your team’s schedule then you had to submit the files to the supervisor on time of course. No hints or helping hands from fellow inbetweeners or advice from the key animator.
Like before that you could go home and work things out, now if you are out of the office no more access to the sweet pc magic.
You fall behind deadlines once, twice and boom you are suddenly laid off along a few others.
Oh well, what a pity.

>> No.7010208

You do know thats pointless, right? The only Stable Diffusion people use is 1.5 still to this day because when you remove half of all artists and nudity from dataset, it becomes dogshit unsurprisingly. But that does not matter, LORAs and other shit still works on the old version. When SD released it was truly can being let out of the bag because even the first version was possible to build on easily.

>> No.7010250

SD 1.5 is garbage and a threat to nobody, you’re delusional if you think it’s endangering anyone’s income

>> No.7010428

I kneel

>> No.7010449
File: 966 KB, 1078x797, IMG_6279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. AI cannot possibly recreate this B)

>> No.7010732

If a company using ai really causes you to become this dejected, you probably should just give up. I get that it's especially gay for a company that makes drawing tablets to use ai art, but still, its a company, what does it actually matter to you personally? It's worth it to think about next time you're buying a tablet, but besides that who cares what wacom is doing? People who are online too much always get so worked up about things, but this could also just be a case of woman brain.

There are at least a couple viable alternatives to wacom, so no they definitely don't have a monopoly. They are still the biggest, but just because of legacy, not any big advantage they hold. People are worked up because art people on twitter love to mald over ai. I think ai is gay and retarded just as much as the next guy, but I just don't really care enough to get worked up over every little thing. Also, this wacom thing doesn't actually matter until you are going to buy a new tablet. It's not like their drivers take screenshots of your art to upload to an ai database, they just used an ai pic in a tweet. Getting so upset you quit digital art doesn't make any sense. You already own the tablet, are you going to throw it away? Just get a different brand or buy used next time you need a new tablet if you really care.

Yeah this is just twitter brain, "I want attention now"

>the bullshit saying "no cheating, only tools" is what led to AI
Similar to how a lot of people crying over ai now are these gay twitter people who are also the types to say "nothing matters just enjoy things". To anybody with a brain, things actually do matter, but it's funny in a way for being too cool to care about anything to blow up in their faces. Suddenly art is objective again and you can't get away with being ass.

Ultimately a side effect long term of ai art is that real art actually has to be good.

>> No.7010943
File: 115 KB, 1024x836, Congo_5_Congo-offered-multiple-colours_1957-1024x836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject technology, it's time to return to monke

>> No.7010959

monkey see, monkey do!!!!!!

>> No.7011010

If you're all quitting, then I'm asking admins to change this place to the /ai/ board.

>> No.7011257

Fuck off mikufag

>> No.7012641
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 1703514812760746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual female mindset lol
>m-my coworkers are mocking my hecking hobby! i must find another one!! i need validayshun!!

>> No.7012932

AI is taking over everything that's not in trade.
It will only get worse.
At least it also hit the smug techniggers who were celebrating AI fucking everything over, so that's a plus