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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 226 KB, 510x500, tumblr_nsayam7S0G1t9wwivo4_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7000843 No.7000843 [Reply] [Original]

at least not real art. What do I mean by that?
Go to Google, YouTube, heck even /ic/ and the vast majority of the artwork from young "artists" is just anime, video games
or anime-style fantasy drawings. Maybe 95% of all "art" is just that. Anime drawings.
I looked on YT if there are some serious artists who published an art book and the process behind it, and literally, all I saw were crappy comic books/manga/anime/video game "artbooks" and it´s all the same. Do people have any talent for real art, or any kind of original thought on their own or is art reduced to Anime and video game tribute drawings which basiclally all look the same and suck.

>> No.7000844


>> No.7000846

its your algorithm, retard.

>> No.7000854

define real art

>> No.7000856

As opposed to what?
Realistic style fantasy drawings?
Realistic style sci-fi drawings?

>> No.7000861

It really does feel like everyone is endlessly trying to appease an algorithm now
It's particularly bad with those teenagers that can only draw anime women with thighs of the size of a pig
I realized i was falling on those pitfalls (the only chasing the anime trend thing, not the oversized thighs) and began changing my own style to something i actually like to draw

>> No.7000864

anything that isn´t related to copying bland anime/manga characters over and over again.

>> No.7000865

Its going to take a while until the anime trend is over buddy

>> No.7000868

I just wish people would do more various art. IT doesn´t have to be groundbreaking or new, it can be anything but I wish people would stop or at least reduce this anime/manga hype.
Do some watercolours, impressionist art, ink sketching, do classical art, something with collage, some sculpting or anything that isn't related to retarded fantasy/anime/manga/video games

>> No.7001087

Plenty of artists do all of these things. You’re on a board with a bunch of shut-in weebs, of course it’s going to be all anime art

>> No.7001165

we are in an age of boring-in-boring-out. being exposed to the same shit over and over again, younger artists are going to think anime/manga is the one, true style.
broaden the knowledge, expose self to cultural things, diverse styles, old tech, new tech...it's all about what we're exposed to. dull minds not thinking outside the box, not making a stretch of the imagination. not reading books of fiction and nonfiction. boring brains not making connections with the abstract and realism. faces in pixels, screen time high.
take away the screens and tv, vidya. imagine a world that is described with only words, draw it. there will be variations. just not enough thinkers out there, mostly consoomers.

>> No.7001166

Be the change you want to see then you lazy sack of shit

>> No.7001170
File: 283 KB, 2048x1901, captain pacito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists like these exist, you just suck at finding them.

>> No.7001191
File: 761 KB, 2048x1900, seasideIIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what makes anime art (that isn't FOTM/coom slop) not "real art"? What separates it from other art other than being stylistically different?

>> No.7001250

And whose idea was it to only use 2 nukes, mutt?

>> No.7001282
File: 182 KB, 439x402, 34535345435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least not real art. What do I mean by that?
Go to Google, YouTube, heck even /ic/ and the vast majority of the artwork from young "artists" are just backyard birds, waterfowl
or Audubon-style bird drawings. Maybe 95% of all "art" is just that. Display drawings.
I looked on YT if there are some serious artists who published an art book and the process behind it, and literally, all I saw were crappy pigeon/duck/robin/parrot "artbooks" and it´s all the same. Do people have any talent for real art, or any kind of original thought on their own or is art reduced to poster charts and James Audubon tribute drawings which basiclally all look the same and suck.

>> No.7001297

at least not real art. What do I mean by that?
Go to Google, YouTube, heck even /ic/ and the vast majority of the artwork from young "artists" is just studies, or girls in voids. Maybe 95% of all "art" is just that.
I looked on YT if there are some serious artists who published an art book and the process behind it, and literally, all I saw were crappy comic books/manga/anime/video game "artbooks" about girls in voids and it´s all the same. Do people have any talent for real art, or any kind of original thought on their own or is art reduced to Anime and video game tribute drawings of the titular heros in voids which basiclally all look the same and suck.

>> No.7001303

Im not american

>> No.7001319

Fine art has no economic value and while learning you're basically burning money. Digital on the other hand is quicker and computers are multipurpose tools. Economically viable art like illustration and animation was never considered real art anyways. It’s just about making good-enough art to go with the product while being at a level of quality that matches the competitors

>> No.7001323

go make some real art then howie

>> No.7001332

The world would be a very, very boring place without Japan.

>> No.7001353

theres plenty of that still being made you just have to look for it and stop letting the algorithm feed you

>> No.7001379

This exists, just much harder to find online for obvious reasons

>> No.7001426
File: 93 KB, 243x247, 1642915016160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and why do you care so much? nobody's ponting a gun at your head and forcing you to draw stuff like that
if you really feel like your art is that different and innovative, I'm sure others will agree

>> No.7001786

Your entire problem could be solved if you just made "real art", then you'd get to see it all the time. We live in the only time in human history where you can hop online and compile all the best art from the past thousand years and work from that. Stop whining and be the change you want to see in the world, dipshit.

>> No.7002037

So what's the proper move, use real life references and develop your own style? Maybe information is just more easily accessible for drawing anime-style? Also doesn't help you that anime is huge right now, haha.

>> No.7002089

post an example of what you think real art is

>> No.7002277


>> No.7002344

art for video games is rarely any of that and you complained about it

I don't think your stuck in your anime bubble or some shit as I don't see any of what you listed apart from on /ic/ which can't be helped