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6999037 No.6999037 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel like NSFW artists are more prone to mental breakdowns and quitting social media entirely?
Many times it's not even because of a controversy. It just happens out of the blue.

>> No.6999060

Not just NSFW artists, but all freelance artists in general are living on the edge. they could go homeless at any moment without warning

>> No.6999083

Sounds awful. It really is rough
I've seen artists lose hundreds of patron subs over the past few months.

>> No.6999100

most people who quickly make it big aren't capable of handling the amount of negative and non-constructive feedback that they get from their newly acquired and massive audiences.
a decent amount are probably still young and have never posted enough on non-hugbox social media to be able to deal with absolutely vile trolls and shitposters.
now just imagine the amount of shit you would get from coomer pajeets.

>> No.6999102

being sane just won't cut it, and if you're normal you'll get bored of it eventually. That's why most artists are mentally ill in some way, shape or form

>> No.6999115

They get doxxed behind the scenes

>> No.6999132

I don't know how true that actually is. I think you only hear about it happening to coom artists because coom artists are far and away the most popular artists on those platforms.
I think this anon >>6999100 is probably the most on-target. And I would add that the issue is exacerbated by the fact that most people who have these mental illnesses are also the people who tend to embrace illogical, untenable ideologies that can only really foster when surrounded by yesmen enablers. Porn in general very much leads to brainrot.

This is honestly more because of economical conditions than anything. A dude's gotta eat, and the first to go is coomer "art" whose entire purpose (triggering the primal unga bunga caveman parts of your brain into arousal) can easily be replicated by an AI algorithm anyway.

>> No.6999139

Variety of reasons

>They want to move on from NSFW art onto something "more mature" and "serious" because they've convinced themselves they've never liked drawing big boobs until they eventually remember they like big boobs and start drawing them again
>They're afraid their NSFW art is gonna ruin their chances at a better financial opportunity with their art and since they never bothered separating the two they feel like they need to delete their work again
>They realized that for all their drawing they never got any of their ideas off the ground and they're just known as "The porn artist guy" and that tends to fuck with people who think about what they'll leave behind
>They're just dumb and don't consider that maybe perhaps people would prefer they'd leave their shit where it is before ditching the internet for something else
>They don't like their old stuff and want to get rid of it despite the fact that their following is built around what they were drawing at the time
>They're genuinely mentally ill because you'd have to be mentally ill to be drawing some of this stuff

>> No.6999225

My guess is they got jobs in the industry and dfe so it's harder to tie it to them

>> No.6999235

>they never bothered separating the two
Tips on doing this? Sounds simple but also sounds like the kind of thing someone can easily fuck up.

>> No.6999286

>NSFW artists are more prone to mental breakdowns and quitting social media entirely
how do you know your feelings about it is true?

>> No.7000565

there was an /a/ drawfag who left the internet simply because trump got elected president

>> No.7000766

Well, you see OP. Sometimes WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER ARTIST
All we want is life beyond the Drawingdome

>> No.7000818

because every second of the day is a decision between drawing or not drawing. And my stamina levels each day gets less and less, but the pain of falling behind gets greater and greater. I can't just draw for hours anymore, I used to but now I can't even manage 30 minutes before needing to scream at a wall or watch something mindless on youtube. My brain has become like an old computer that can't even load a website anymore.

>> No.7003258

I'd imagine post under a pseudonym with two distinct styles, and if people still somehow connect the dots just ignore them or the Streisand effect kicks in.
Pretty sure most employers either won't care unless you're drawing illegal shit, or will simply look at the portfolio/website you send them and not investigate deep enough to find out anyway.
One of the official Olympic mascots was drawn by an actual furry porn artist, and speedosausage got a music video gig, for example.

>> No.7005695

Feel ya.
Also wanna see who got the GET

>> No.7005702

>anon discovers that porn addicts are not mentally stable