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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 202 KB, 1024x1024, 1698907154052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6997806 No.6997806 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else feel inspired by AI. Much like ChatGPT serves as a more direct replacement for google search, AI generation serves as a replacement for google images.Now, instead of having to search through tens or hundreds of images to find an ideal reference, AI can instantaneously generate a pose from a description of tags, or the average of the pose your trying to reference. Say you want to render something, with img2img you can plug in a bare-bones sketch and instantaneously get a near finished product to reference. If you want an idea of anything, such as how to render a drawing, poses, or even the group consensus of the way a character or a your OC is supposed to look, you can use AI.

How can anyone look at this and not be thankful. Just as digital art democratized drawing for those unable to try out digital. AI is democratizing art for those who can't dedicate thousands of hours watch tutorials on digital art, and instead serves as a shortcut for proficiency.

>> No.6997808

Nah, if you didn't spend time making your image, why should I spend time looking at it?

>> No.6997822

These developments never raise the ceiling, only the floor. As things become more “democratized” the average level of expected effort lowers, and the influx of unskilled /beg/gars lowers the average quality of what you’ll see online. This doesn’t improve art by giving more unique views a voice, it drowns out art by flooding the stage with noise.

>> No.6997823

total ai nigger death

>> No.6997825

My only issue with it is that generally it just sucks, but occasionally there are some good results. It's not reliable and there is no control.

>> No.6997828
File: 240 KB, 1063x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone not embracing a.i. is a ngmi and will actually never make it

>> No.6997838
File: 375 KB, 598x440, 0 85qxOGJkCNCpsGBT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that work? ngmi because why? what art is valued?

>> No.6997849
File: 1.74 MB, 1194x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever seen cars 3?

>> No.6997851


>> No.6997852

If you really think about it, digital art was a mistake that only benefitted media companies and not artists themselves. Digital art made art accessible to everyone, which in turn made it easier for AI image generation to be invented because there's tons of data for it to scrape. Combine that with the fucked up social media algos and every AI improvement will only make things worse and increasingly difficult for new artists to get seen. None of this would've happened if traditional art were still the preferred medium.

>> No.6997926

im not thankful. i avoid it because i dont want it to influence me. when i come up with a design i want that to come from my imagination and i want it to belong to me 100%. feels like shit to actually use anything from it knowing i didnt create it. also it doesnt help that people will now take everything you do under a microscope and every drawing or design you make can be accused of being done with fucking ai. its annoying that recording the drawing is the only way to prove you did it yourself.

>> No.6997928

I don't fear AI, you know why? Because I know how its tech works (LLM)
Most Aifags don't know jack shit about it and they base their predictions on Terminator and other outdated sci-fi movies.
I'm sorry kids but conscious AI like in the movies is a pipe dream, all you have is a complex code pretending to be alive like a human, it's just a simulation that will never surpass humans, we need a real AI for that.

>> No.6997941

This trash has been peddled for four fucking years now and we still don't have useful procedural generation of worthless shit like grass, clouds, dirt, etc for 2D.

All it's doing is flood servers with shit so that we'll soon be charged to image search to "pay for the increased traffic".

>> No.6997959

I will say though, I have gotten some inspiration and ideas by inputting in a prompt and getting back a visual picture of it. Of course I'm not going to say it's mine but I can use it as a starting point to sketch out something

>> No.6997975

>Digital art made art accessible to everyone
This is completely false. For $5 you could start drawing with pencils and paper

>> No.6997976


>> No.6997979

Engineering =/= art

>> No.6997981

Too much retarded text. That picture looks like shit, go poo in the loo.

>> No.6997987

Diffusion models are not LLMs though, and image synthesis is not limited to just diffusion models either.

>> No.6997997

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.6998008

>Instead of ignoring it I will instead train myself to create imitations of AI art instead.
Talk about setting yourself up for failure. AI is just a prisoners dilemma at scale, the winning move is to ignore it and hope enough people do the same.

>> No.6998024

>Hope enough people do the same
Sorry anon but that's some strong coping there

>> No.6998030

>ChatGPT serves as a more direct replacement for google search
lmao are all aijeets terminally retarded?

>> No.6998041

It's worked for me so far and we're how many years into this shit now?

>> No.6998044

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.6998059

Theres more than enough people who will. Doesnt matter of you specifically dont.

>> No.6998062

Anybody else feel like OPs a faggot? Anybody else just draw for the fun of it and not care what other faggots do with ai? Anybody else like posting anybody else threads so we can circle jerk over OP like anybody's else?

>> No.6998068

this is the only reason I'd use ai, to make stuff like grass, buildings, rocks, and even then I'd still draw over it.

>> No.6998115

>AI generation serves as a replacement for google images
Why the fuck would I ever want that? Search engines are becoming more polluted with this garbage that I can't find what I'm looking for.
>captcha: HS0YVT

>> No.6998138 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 590x1096, IMG_20231230_163934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've made this thread already

>> No.6998266

>Theres more than enough people who will. Doesnt matter of you specifically dont.
There's more than enough people who won't, so they specifically matter to me and are my preferred audience.

>> No.6998701
File: 100 KB, 520x572, Screenshot_20231231-132056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine fearing AItards
>Lmao even

>> No.6998706

one thing i like about this whole ai thing is that it immediately lets me detect tastelet retards
aifaggots should be exiled to an ai-slop only existence since they love it so much

>> No.6998726

I dunno, I’m sure it has its uses. Like >>6998068 and >>6997941 are talking about. Basically you’d be using an AI the same way that mangaka use assistants. I don’t think that would be unreasonable. I’m not good enough to really feel like it’s something I should personally investigate yet, because I don’t want to cripple my abilities by using a crutch too early. But one day, maybe.

>> No.6998809

Rarely have i ever said /thread, but this is basically it, put as succinctly as possible

>> No.6999134

To hide reality away from the masses

>> No.6999173

>Say you want to render something, with img2img you can plug in a bare-bones sketch and instantaneously get a near finished product to reference.
Been doing this and it's a lot of fun. I usually grab a reference image, define controlnet rigs for the characters on their own layers, the start sketching and the AI puts out suggestions in real time. We live in the future.

>> No.6999177

If an amazing artist can make a fantastic image by hand in 3 seconds does that invalidate the work? Do you inquire on the effort taken before looking at any art?

>> No.6999185

It's possible now. You can real time draw and get suggestions based on your prompt in specific areas of your canvas. In skilled hands it's super powerful.

>> No.6999187

will eventually be good for artists and hybrid artists/writers/animators/game developers that need to create thousands of assets for large projects.
bad for artists that make profit out of doing individual pieces.
it won't affect true hobbyists at all.

sketch to image capabilities need a lot of improvement for it to be useful currently though.

>> No.6999188

What if I want color? Paint?

>> No.6999202

an AI artist stops being an artist once they lose access to their computer. a learned artist can draw with a rock against another rock or draw in the dirt

>> No.6999233

They spent decades getting good enough to do that. That's time.

>> No.6999243

How do you know they're not just naturally gifted for something you think is difficult? Do you ask every artist how long they've been drawing?

>> No.6999248

Can a digital artist work with color in the same way they do on a tablet if given color pencils? Or do you think they're dependent on the brushes, filters, and AI assisted tools that have been a part of Photoshop for over a decade?

>> No.6999253

Then it's a different matter, I might admire both the drawing and the brain. General idea is that "ai artists" put no effort in, and when they do put effort in, they are retards like shad. There are exceptions that prove the rule out there perhaps, haven't seen it.

>> No.6999255

Some can. It's a massive headstart. Drawing is drawing. The first attempt might not be up to their standard, but it might still look good.

>> No.6999256

Every top artist spent a ton of time practicing to get there. There are no exceptions. They may have talent but they'd remain very amateur if they never put the work in. I get the feeling you're trying to imply plagiarizing using AI is justified because there's some gifted elite that were born that way so its only fair to use AI? Nah. You're leeching off of their hard work.
I mean yeah? They understand color theory and it applies the same with traditional mediums. Learning to mix paint is the only small hurdle. Colored pencils are a bad example for you to use because its one of the things they'd instantly have a handle on.
>AI assisted tools that have been a part of Photoshop for over a decade
Lol again, clearly you're tripfag or somebody like him trying to imply that digital artists are hypocrites for dunking on AI. There's nothing nearly like generative AI bullshit in PS except for smart fill which is VERY primitive and doesn't do anything for you except lay very basic colored blobs. It doesn't do much and as for the rest of the digital crutches, they don't amount to much. Any genuinely good digital painter is going to do great traditional work with minimal learning curve. Somebody riding AI cock is going to horribly fail because they flat out don't understand fundamentals.

>> No.6999269

Linked the video with AI sketch to image generation that can run real time. Do you think that's enough effort?

>> No.6999271
File: 142 KB, 1024x512, strange_conjurations_windowart_by_jeremeyprickles_d6i7ysd-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love an AI to help me make comics,like Tony Stark and Jarvis.

I would feed it my artwork and new stuff as required, and the AI would visualize the scenes that I would add the dialogue to. It's database would have my imagery to draw from, so its output would still be an artistic work of mine. I have been doing that in Photoshop years ago, like this picture, an assemblage of diverse parts into the Final Draft. My goal is to tell stories, and an intelligent Photoshop chatbot to help me do so. And if she wants to entertain me with dirty pictures after hours,then that's on her.

>> No.6999272

>Top artist
Not talking about "top artists". Just artists that you think are good and automatically assume they spent decades. It's all opinion based so whatever you feel is fine.

>> No.6999275

Possible currently if you have a decent GPU to train a Lora on your own art. Totally offline and running local means nobody but you has access to that training data and resulting model.

>> No.6999278

>Do you think that's enough effort?
Effort for what? The video is worth more than the resulting picture. Only because of the drawing part.

>> No.6999280

*Thought you might have linked a different vid with more drawing. The vid you linked is lmao

>> No.6999284

>automatically assume they spent decades.
Time, doesn't have to be decades. Nobody is good off the bat.

>> No.6999293

The other anon said decades. How long is long enough?

>> No.6999345

Every few months i visit this board and i come to laugh. But now its just sad. Art is done, its over. Normies, big tech, even anime japan is against you. No one has your back.

>> No.6999348

Who is the original artist tho?

>> No.6999350

why do alot of the pro AI comments sounds like complete retards needing that have givin up on doing anything, also actual coomer brain rot
>"And if she wants to entertain me with dirty pictures after hours,then that's on her."
>inb4 its tripfag/discordfags

>> No.6999355

also anon is that your work or some other anon you decided to use

>> No.6999356

>How long is long enough?
how long is a piece of string? :/

>> No.6999364

I wonder if that furry fucker honestly made this thread because I remember that nigga heavily wanted to use 3d models for everything and was also really pushing for an "AI" general like tripfag

>> No.6999700

they're all bored, retarded nihilists and letzter menschen who go through life chasing the next unhealthy, instant, artificial dopamine shot. whatever dreams they might have are coopted by the mediocrity of ai.

Source: I know several of them IRL.

>> No.6999703
File: 465 KB, 686x1029, 1692625534978679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work. A pencil grind that I added black pen to. And this picture. Is mine as well.

Back in the late 90s when I encountered Photoshop 5.5,I figured out its capabilities through making experiments of all sorts. Then I began to focus on what to do with this incredible tool in aiding my primary aim:the telling of stories. I realized that my job was crippling my hands,and when I drew,I could do well in short instances, or parts of drawings would be good but the rest of it made its existence pointless. But with a scanner and Photoshop, I could do all sorts of useful things to increase productivity and output. Take the seats behind the characters for instance:I see the mistake in proportions when I was assembling these panels.but I didn't have to draw it twice,but draw it carefully once with the intent of it being converted into a library of stock imagery that will be recycled in future comics. Background elements, important props,character poses,even chunks of characters when things demand pre-assembled parts. I tried color at first,trying to make all characters directly in Photoshop, playing with Alien Skin filters, trying to simulate fur,attempting a faux 3d look,some successes, but the characters too inconsistent to go beyond experimenting.
Then I decided on black and white,and the symphony of textures I could produce. So I made a 16 page story to teach myself how to craft stuff in this manner,then started the graphic novel that was supposed to be in 20 page issues Chapters, and got as far as finishing 40 pages.

So why shouldn't I dream of an AI assistant to help craft comics with me? It's using my vision as its guide. It's getting the story made that compels me,and any tool that works to that end is welcome.

>> No.6999721

AI is only ever useful as workflow tools, like lasso selection, automatic flatting or neural upscaling.

Delegating your creative choices to a computer vomit of the art of other people unwilling participating is bad and should feel bad.

If you didn't put in time to make it nobody should waste time looking at it.

>> No.6999774

Nobody knows how much time it took you.

>> No.6999785

it's just a given though, that real art took "some" time and AI images did not.

>> No.6999791

shill threrad

>> No.6999843 [DELETED] 

why are the faigs going turbo mode now did AI take another L again since this happens when their thing gets attacked.
>also janny do your actual job with the spam

>> No.6999852 [DELETED] 


>> No.7000162 [DELETED] 


>> No.7000862

ofc >>6999644 was deleted. can't have people besmirch holy AI. Janny is compromised

>> No.7001054

They both took "some" time though, it's entirely possible the AI image took longer. But I think the point is that nobody cares about how long it took.

>> No.7001058

an AI image can take a 100 hours setting up nodes and shit, and a drawing take 15 seconds. the 15 second image is worth my time to look at. the AI one is not, because they didn't make it, the computer did 99% of the work. simple as.

>> No.7001062

Meanwhile this and >>6999671 threads stay up lmao

>> No.7001084

ikr, janny is a transartist

>> No.7001497

you know it's dire when /g/ has more sensible input about art than /ic/
you should all kill yourselves pronto

>> No.7001516

/g/ nor you understand what art is in the first place. Its really funny watching you guys lecture us on something you don't understand.
>you should all kill yourselves pronto
All the mean artists rejecting your bullshit stolen art has touched a nerve, huh?

>> No.7001522

>/g/ nor you understand what art is in the first place
and neither does /ic/ evidently if you retards think even for a second that art can be machine made in this capacity and still be called "art"
kill yourself

>> No.7001543

What? I agree with you then? I'm confused. /ic/ is overwhelmingly anti ai, we just have a problem with a few vocal autists and a janny that apparently loves ai and leaves threads like these up.

>> No.7001546

suffice to say ai is NOT being developed to help the common man, even if it looks like it is

>> No.7001577

That's your opinion, which is fine.

>> No.7001869

>That's your opinion

>> No.7001981
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1694437977334921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChatGPT isn't a "substitute for Google search", you bug-munching zogbot nigger.

ChatGPT is a last resort now that Google has been dumbed-down and finding any basic information has become 10 times harder. So you tell ChatGPT to do a statistical sweep of the available data and come up with an error-prone, censored conclusion about whatever topic you were trying to understand.

Normal Google > Your cum breath > ChatGPT > Nu-Google

>> No.7002299

>its annoying that recording the drawing is the only way to prove you did it yourself
Someone will make a model that generates an image and along with it generates a video of the image being created, based on the thousands of timelapsed drawing videos online.

>> No.7002311

Yes, that would probably be a long way off. Recordings of ai using the cursor and software itself to draw might come before generated video of such an act.

>> No.7002316


>> No.7002346
File: 55 KB, 680x510, url(16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average level of expected effort lowers

I actually expect people to stop giving a fuck about human /beg/s. The AI already mogs a ton of people and there's so much of it honest attempts by beginners now look like outsider art made by serial rapists.

>> No.7002353

Using AI crap as reference or source of inspiration is fine. That isn't the problem.
It's idiots generating crap, claiming it as their own and flooding every space to the point nobody wants to look at anything.
99% of AI shitters don't spend any effort and expect to be praised for it.

>> No.7002358

>Normal Google
It's called DuckDuckGo. Or Brave. Or Yandex.
Or literally any other search engine than fucking Google.
Google isn't the only game in town, or the best, and hasn't been for years.

>> No.7002360

Nice cope, they're as inefficient and fuzzy.
They're only a little less strict with copyright infringement results.

>> No.7002709

>naturally gifted
Regardless normies that find out that you used ai to make it 3 second will lose interest because they will just go generate their own image and immediately forget about the image you showed them.

>> No.7003134 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 2880x2160, 1687610813302329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of the anti-AI guys have real arguments against these companies?


I remember when Google was trying to steal all the books in the world like 15 years ago and I think they were gay to do that(since they wanted to get rich and it was just really shady in general), but I see literally nothing wrong with AI and how it works and these arguments seem unassailable both in terms of logic and in regards to the law.

>> No.7003137

>ChatGPT isn't a "substitute for Google search", you bug-munching zogbot nigger.
It can be though. If you're looking for INFORMATION instead of clickbait shit like you seem to think all google is good for.

>> No.7003153

this is cool

>> No.7003155

>a learned artist can draw with a rock against another rock or draw in the dirt
An AI artist can do this too.

Your idea of artist is purely mindless egoism. You aren't special.

>> No.7003159

"Onions meat can be a replacement for red meat if you want to get some real food instead of feces that they started to serve us."

This is how you sound.

>> No.7003160

>food analogy that makes literally no sense

>> No.7003163

>no lateral thinking
Ask ChatGPT to interpret basic text to you, anon. That's all you phoneniggers are good for.

>> No.7003192

>but I see literally nothing wrong with AI
ofc, you're not an artist, just a consoomer as proven with your god-awful pic.
>hese arguments seem unassailable both in terms of logic and in regards to the law.
just begging for new laws to be tailor-made for this.

>> No.7003212
File: 336 KB, 1200x888, 1684754688409431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply like a man and not like a little bitch.

>> No.7003213

good morning sirs
do we summon?

>> No.7003241


I could see how AI could be used as a reference, but wouldnt that defeat the point of creating your own art?

I guess AI could be useful for people learning how to draw? I know a lot of people use the excuse that they have no imagination, or no ideas to draw, and thus, they don't draw.

AI art could be a simple shortcut, but with all shortcuts, there is a catch.

The artist would lack their own style, their own sense of creativity, and the ability to come up with their own ideas to draw, and this can lead to less drawing.

the short answer:
AI can lead to some very unimaginative artists.

>> No.7003261

>reply like a man and not like a little bitch
>anime posts saying that
NTA but do you also want to be associated to people as if there speaking to a woman anon, or even more so a teenage girl

>> No.7003267

NTA but art usually about expressing your self, if it's not about yourself than what are your motives in doing it then, cause there are degrees to which people will only believe your just trying to sell them something your advertising

>> No.7003279
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, 1682473110129392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would depend on what kind of art you're trying to make. Implying that using references somehow goes against most types of art is retarded too.

Also AI artists can develop their own styles, even across different art styles you can often feel them by looking at the content and presentation. And sorry for getting tribal here but there is far more imagination in AI art threads than on /ic/, stop acting like you're blind. Cry all you want about quality but the ideas are blatant and styles are varied.

>continues to act like a little bitch, afraid of cartoons

It doesn't matter what it's usually about. There are all sorts of reasons to make art and you can express yourself through it.
The vast majority of AI artists don't give a single fuck about money and embrace the idea of completely free art. 90% of this drama is because artists want all the money. and are trying to sell you courses or a patreon subscription.

>> No.7003315

go back to /v/ to shill your ugly generated elf slop

>> No.7003320

Why are you so immature? It's just sad.

>> No.7003322

you really don't deserve any serious replies given your history of trolling on /v/

>> No.7003334

>develop own styles
all their prompts include in the stlye of and they can not even produce said works without it
your basically giving me filters at that point.
I could ask you stop sucking your own dick or AIs for a sec but for as far I could tell this prob mikufag since you already posted the ff tactics shit before

I could ask whether you even played the game, though you likey just saw the art someone else posted and wanted copy it

>> No.7003346
File: 453 KB, 768x448, 1676438224518904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What history of trolling? I always post seriously.

You mix styles to create new styles. Prompting a name doesn't give you that artists style, it pushes the model's core style in the direction of that artist but every model has it's own style, and every artist has it's own weights too. And you can adjust those weights.
>[Albert Lynch], Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Sophie Anderson, (Jeremy Mann),
This is a very old prompt but it's an example of a blend of styles that created something new.

This is why people should, if they haven't, tell you to use AI before babbling about it. It's infinitely more complicated than you think it is.
>I could ask you stop sucking your own dick or AIs for a sec but for as far I could tell this prob mikufag since you already posted the ff tactics shit before
Who the hell is mikufag?

>> No.7003353
File: 96 KB, 1024x1024, 1687717783200314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies randomly deleted a post without giving me a warning
lol I guess he didn't have an argument

Do any of the anti-AI guys have real arguments against these companies?


I remember when Google was trying to steal all the books in the world like 15 years ago and I think they were gay to do that(since they wanted to get rich and it was just really shady in general), but I see literally nothing wrong with AI and how it works and these arguments seem unassailable both in terms of logic and in regards to the law.

>> No.7003357

>Anybody else feel inspired by AI
AI art is very inspiring to me, a lot of it looks simply awesome and more stylish and energetic than 95% of human art I've seen
If I wanted to make money by creating art it would be discouraging, but since I don't, AI art just makes me want to draw.
I get a similar effect from looking at Frazetta illustrations

>> No.7003358

>pls take me seriously
>pls reply
>pls argue me
>lmao no argumememes
I mean, i could just go type my arguments into chatgpt since that's all he does.

>> No.7003359

>lurk more
>or stay on /g/
the machine does it not you. that doesn't even qualify as a "new" style even it looks similar to a bunch of other shit I've seen. And saying your the artist is retarded with that if you just show someone you prompted it

>> No.7003364


>> No.7003367
File: 626 KB, 1552x2320, 1677987953760818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that doesn't even qualify as a "new" style even it looks similar to a bunch of other shit I've seen
All similar styles are the same style, you heard it here first. Anime? One style. Classical? One style.
And you call yourself an artist.

>> No.7003371

Your gens are literally ripping off Akihiko Yoshida's work, Elf-tard.
Not only are you a hack, you're also a thief.
How fucking low must one sink to be like you?

Holy lmaos.

>> No.7003373
File: 855 KB, 1344x1664, 1702511495563643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are, there's even a "like yoshida fanart" tag on danbooru, lots of people do it and none of us are thieves lol. No one owns an art style you shiczo.

>> No.7003374

I wonder why aifags like to go all leddit "debate me on le free marketplace of ideas" mode

>> No.7003377

>no one owns an art style
What a surprise, the hack and thief doesn't know how the law works.
>massively replicating an artist style and works that are protected
>uuuuuuhm its not stealing because i say so
Nigger, just please shut the fuck up.

>> No.7003381

>anime--->mass market
>classical, mostly commissioned however subject matter is depicted differently also personal at times
also painting the people you dislike in hell

>> No.7003385

are any of these even yours or did you just get them from somewhere else you useless fagget

>> No.7003387

because they have too much to prove and too much to gain

It's like pedophiles posting the graph with the lolis as a deus-ex-own against any arguments against fucking children, because they can validate their own mental illness and show others how they won the argument therefore more people should think like them.

I really hope social media starts getting monetized soon so this fags have to at least pay out of their pockets to spam their mental illness around.

>> No.7003394
File: 116 KB, 768x1152, 1673582703212143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a surprise, the hack and thief doesn't know how the law works.
lol yes anon, no one owns a style, copyrights don't cover this in any capacity.

>> No.7003395

whys there's some nigga named @elf_anon that link these there that much of a fagget honestly

>> No.7003398

He wants to be viewed as a real artist

>> No.7003401

>been living rent free in this dude's head

>> No.7003402
File: 2.40 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00111_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who does these rules btw


>are any of these even yours
wait.... is this b8 or will we no longer get b& from /ic/ for claiming ownership. nice.

>> No.7003404

wouldn't be surprised its him since they sound the fuckin same honestly. maybe next time too he won't use anon in his fuckin twitter name

>> No.7003405
File: 70 KB, 613x680, 1702358151045449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more bait
this guy

>> No.7003406

imagine being so much of a faggot you noreply

>> No.7003407

It's quite funny to see. I also find it more hilarious that they don't realize the more people pick up AI the less notoriety they'll get themselves and they'll just be lost in the flow of digital AI slop. Meanwhile genuine artists will be fine recognition wise, even better if they do traditional art

>> No.7003409
File: 444 KB, 1344x1664, 1688433281196766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling he was baiting me into enraging a janny which I have done before, so I didn't reply to him lmao.
Love that one.

I just wanted to talk about major corporations having good arguments about art but the janny did warn me about that link so fair enough.

>> No.7003410

it honestly gets boring always having shitty bad faith arguments non-stop

can't you aitardos do something fun for once?

>> No.7003415

what do you mean

>> No.7003416

just barely looking at that nigga twitter you could see how much of a fuckin shill he is nonstop. If he is also on here as well doing it I think more so he's might be an actual fuckin bot account or hired telemarketer

>> No.7003417

i dunno
maybe draw some funny stuff and run it through the slop machine?

no one cares to argue about this shit anymore
you milked it dry

>> No.7003419

>major corporations having good arguments
But they don't. They're only ever in it for themselves till the law fucks them over for it. Tech companies are the shadiest fuckers with data handling. Greentext their arguments

>> No.7003421

raiding/discordfags ewww

>> No.7003423
File: 236 KB, 800x640, 1683469649283658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I came here in hopes of discussing something serious and all I got were angry apes replying to me so I think people still want to argue.
Does /ic/ allow AI threads like that yet?

Did you read them? I wanted real arguments against what they said in order to get perspective. The link is here >>/ic/thread/6997806#p7003134

>> No.7003425

I'm not reading them till you greentext the main points here. And /ic/ doesn't take kind to AI because we're an art drawing board with the main goal of learning to draw and paint not use software that replaces that notion

>> No.7003426
File: 102 KB, 720x473, Screenshot_2024-01-03-18-51-00-54_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga

>> No.7003427
File: 764 KB, 3000x3600, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00103_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how the concept of training models has warped the definition of stealing in so many peoples minds. If I see a piece of trash on the street, is it stealing to put it in my car? Everyone's a moron in that pic DESU

Yeah, all corpos are in it for the money. Which is why if it becomes illegal to train a model without explicit permission from the artist, the only ones with the liquid to do so won't be the average Joe. Wouldn't it be better if everyone could use it rather than just globohomo?
All the reasonings I skimmed are total corpo bullshit lol

>> No.7003428
File: 601 KB, 1088x1304, 1688221528846630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so lazy? And it says artwork and critique up top.

>> No.7003429

They don't seem to want it to become illegal. Those companies anyway.

>> No.7003432

Critique only counts for your own work, sorry bud

>> No.7003433

Where's your art?

>> No.7003434

>i came here 2 years ago to spam and spam and spam and spam
Every active anon on this board knows who you are

Brother, you have serious issues
AI won't help you

>> No.7003435

you may be able to fool /ic/ retards, but real ones know those probably arent your gens. real ones know what the filename should look like.

>> No.7003436

He doesn't have any. Just gay ai shit. Either an agenda or mental illness. Either or it's annoying, just ignore him

>> No.7003437

eating canned chicken rn do not reply

>> No.7003440
File: 1.22 MB, 765x2365, 1688455072638644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the tranny mods here aren't artists and they want us to accept this shit here

>> No.7003441

AIgens don't belong on /ic/ either way
especially if this is the type of niggas you f"AI"gs want to roll with

>> No.7003443

hmmmm there is almost a comparison between ai and transgenderism to be made

>> No.7003445

they want you to really know about them transitioning in any way possible

>> No.7003447

all women are disabled compared to men. we don't need their voices to be heard any more than we do now

>> No.7003448
File: 800 KB, 784x984, 1676100135196826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have serious issues. Please get well.

>> No.7003450

Anyone that repeatedly comes to a place that doesn't accept something in a vain attempt to try to get them to when there's multiple other places they can discuss said thing is the one with issues really.

>> No.7003451
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, render, cartoon, b&w, black, monument, man woman, _00002_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the machine does it not you.
who tells the machine how to go about it?
>you're just commissioning art at that point
computer =/= human

if anon had an easier time taking on new information that challenges their current worldview, these threads would be a lot better.

>> No.7003453

>who tells the machine how to go about it?
Couldn't you set up a bot to rng prompt things? The human aspect isn't needed at all after the bots are set up correctly

>> No.7003457


>> No.7003461

>world view

>> No.7003462
File: 1.77 MB, 1024x1456, 1673781346236673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with trying to level with fellow humans as we share a common interest. Too bad you're trying to act like a sub-human.

You can, but it's still you doing that. You're setting it up with variables to prompt, there are many factors that go into that.
No one said making AI art was exceptionally difficult. It absolutely does make it infinitely easier to pump out art. But it's still a person using the tool to do that.
You can automate other things too, video and 3D for instance.

>> No.7003465

No it's a bot doing it, not you. You're not needed for AI generation at all. Social media companies can create their own bots that specifically prompt popular trending franchises and auto post the generations. It's really hard to call it anyone's creation in that case other than the whatever AI produced it. >B-But my decisions
Honestly it's no different from commissioning someone, which in turn is still not art you've created

>> No.7003466

>fellow humans as we share a common interest
are hardly call your robotic replies "human" let alone listen to some curry nigga who's prob an ESL

>> No.7003467
File: 1.38 MB, 1104x1200, white, fabric, avian, torch, complex, pyramid, yellow, illustration, render, earth, purple, sketch, intricate, frame, man, _00001_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't you set up a bot to rng prompt things?
sure. a version of that without bots would be using wildcards i suppose. but everything involved around that would constitute a human aspect. once you know whats going on with imggen, it's trivial to differentiate individuals skills and styles. and again
computer =/= human

yeah, it doesn't have to be exceptionally difficult and at the same time the ceiling is so fucking high. nice image btw, id guess this model has some expline mixed in, or is just that and some loras, but im pretty inexperienced with anime models.

>> No.7003469

janny honestly too need to get off their ass because its obv these are just drama whoreing fuckers

>> No.7003470

sorry anon, but people increasingly don't like AItards

>> No.7003471
File: 2.01 MB, 1024x1536, 1680363729077274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DarkSushi something, I was trying to get that Shiwasu no Okina style down since the lora is really shitty and that model worked pretty well for it.

>> No.7003473

>its all one anon vendettafagging the whole board because he got btfo by begs and banned multiple times for spamming ai images

>> No.7003474
File: 623 KB, 516x704, least virgin AIbugman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with trying to level with fellow humans as we share a common interest.
you're a brain damaged consoomer. there's no common interest

>> No.7003476
File: 2.85 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00122_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!! forgot about that one, thanks. ive been working on a custom mix for a few days, gunna add that one and see what happens. fucking model blocks, what do they mean? in which blocks are which concepts located? we will never know

kinda feels like all the anons bemoaning ai have the vendetta

>> No.7003477
File: 1.43 MB, 1152x768, 1691106800909435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is cool btw.

I like art. Thinking about it I don't think you actually do, that's the problem.

I was mixing some models the other day and yeah who knows lol. I found a darkness slider in the supermerge extension, that was cool. Made me wonder why most models are so bright.

>> No.7003478
File: 144 KB, 962x830, cat AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda feels like all the anons bemoaning ai have the vendetta
go back to Twitter bugman

>> No.7003479

why are AIniggas honestly this evangelical about it and that desperate to go you should like it too like you see pedos and trannies do at times
>I should be allowed gaslight others
>you can't stop me

>> No.7003481

>I like art. Thinking about it I don't think you actually do, that's the problem.
you like to consume computer generated content, and you're not making any kind of art. even if you enjoyed art and artists, you'd still not belong here. hence, you should fuck off from /ic/

>> No.7003482

See, it's always this "I am simply enlightening your plebeian libtard mind with my Free Speech (you're not allowed to disagree with me btw)" with all the reddit r/libertarian faggots

>> No.7003483

Yeah, aren't you epically trolled for the 1656516135412th time in a month yet?

they obviously have some sort of issue with the board itself or some specific anons

>> No.7003486

>who tells the machine how to go about it?
if I tell an artist how to "go about it", I'm not the one making the art

>> No.7003492

If this god-machine is as amazing as it is, why can't they just let artists flock to it naturally? But no, they HAVE to proselytize or Emad Musk won't allow them on the slop-utopia
>It's not enough that you know about it, you have to use it and like it as well
>If you don't use it you will die pls pls pls pls use it and worship it
>I'm doing this because I care about you I promise

>> No.7003495
File: 2.30 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality, b&w, bone, gold, --_00034_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually dont care anymore if you use it or not. i just come to /ic/ because i presume (you) know more about art than the average /g/ tard. i wont claim to know more about art history and trad skills than you, so don't try and claim you know more about how imggen works lol

ty anon
>darkness slider in the supermerge extension
nice ill check it out

>> No.7003499
File: 794 KB, 3000x3600, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00104_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another from that batch. started with

>> No.7003500

>just come to /ic/ because i presume (you) know more about art than the average /g/ tard.
Made me chuckle. Anyone arguing you can't use AI to make art doesn't know a thing about art.

>> No.7003507

>troll cease
>beg thread gets bumped
huh look at that

>> No.7003508
File: 43 KB, 600x450, skinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comes to /ic/ doesn't care about learning just wants to spam or "debate"
>why I'm i hated

>> No.7003509
File: 3.06 MB, 1280x1920, 1674996554532562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I saved them all.


>> No.7003510
File: 490 KB, 750x738, fd0d44c2aa4b1411fac2ce09be681645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans that appreciate art do so because they know a human crafted it and made all the decisions to bring his creation to reality and express his vision. Even stuff that's just kind of boring like those hyper-realistic ballpoint pen portraits are appreciated because at least it's a display of skill and you can respect that.
I see that image and I simply don't care, at all. Good day sir.

>> No.7003511
File: 47 KB, 404x384, tumblr_975ea950440f95bb88752e92348f56fa_e39812be_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so fucking retarded kill yourselves

>> No.7003512

I'd rather find an actual photo or original drawing I enjoy to reference, or take my own reference shot, or even pose my own 3D model. A generated image is objectively worse than any of these other options.

>> No.7003517
File: 2.87 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00126_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right? like didn't the art community already go through "what is art and what does it mean to be an artist"?


im implying i want to learn more about art, from you, but if you dont want to discuss art on /ic/, thats your choice to make after choosing to go out of your way to noreply you pussyfaggot lmao

>> No.7003519

How are you learning about art by spamming image generation slop? You're just here to troll and cause drama. Seriously go to /g/

>> No.7003521

I'm sure ShartGPT works fine for really basic stuff, but as soon as you get into anything technical, it is bound to be frought with errors, because just because something is common knowledge doesn't make it correct. One of my other hobbies has a certain point about which the internet's apparent common knowledge is simply wrong - I see it all the time, on YouTube videos, reddit, wherever, somebody will post the thing in question, and immediately will get upvoted comments which say "don't do this thing with that, or bad thing is going to happen!!" when that bad thing won't happen - the belief is based on a somewhat similar, but fundamentally different, thing. Relying on distilled knowledge from the broad internet is stupid, and I'd rather find a somewhat trusted source and evaluate from there, instead of hoping that an AI model is just so happening to scrape its data from said accurate source.

>> No.7003523

>i want to learn from you
>omg fucking luddite low iq fuck you my image generation can do better lets talk about the future of ai and how it will make me a vr robogf
honestly, i just come here to laugh at these replies
i dont care to argue

>> No.7003524
File: 2.93 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00125_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not wish to do that. maybe once everyone cools off, /ic/ ai threads will be like what i imagined them. the only thing that could be construed as trolling is when i correct an anon whos repeating a false statement based on dogma or simply the wrong information.
when i start saying dada and impressionism are the same, or something gay like that, you have every right to call me a faggot.

i have unironically never posted any of these things

>> No.7003529
File: 793 KB, 320x180, 99a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he wants to learn
>just prompts
>doesn't attempt to show any work that can actually be critiqued
>spams and double fellatio's other prompt troon how "good" their prompt pic is
>demands for c(YOU)m

>> No.7003544

I think we are the only people that give him attention. He most live a sad life to keep coming on /ic/ to go fishing for (you)s.

>> No.7003548
File: 5 KB, 640x480, 1696125748662755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because I know how its tech works (LLM)
obviously you don't because stable diffusion is not an LLM

>> No.7003558
File: 3.01 MB, 1000x1200, lowres, low quality, worst quality,--_00130_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they know a human crafted it
sure, you and me care about the person behind the piece. but first impressions go a long way for everyone else. initially i thought generated images were inherently better, as in i would learn its ai and find it even more pleasing - but now i realize ai and non-ai just have different strengths and weaknesses. nothing more. neither is better or worse. now the only time im really impressed by a gen is when it leans into what makes ai different from other mediums (read: lots of controlled hallucinations).
>because at least it's a display of skill and you can respect that
are you meaning if you were able to differentiate the skill levels of anons doing imggen, you'd be able to respect the ones with the higher skill? or do you feel no matter how much of that is involved, its meaningless?

yeah i havent dove at all into llms, that anon is dumb lol. but lets not make this a tech thread.

>> No.7003563

>Humans that appreciate art do so because they know a human crafted it
Humans recognize other humans both make and use AI to create art.

>> No.7003568

they recognize them the same way they see some guy that commissioned a piece from someone else

>> No.7003569

You really live that pretending to be a retard life huh

>> No.7003574

the difference is one prompts the commissioner while the person using the ai generator, oh...

>> No.7003583


>> No.7003588

The lack of a comeback is delicious nigger kek

>> No.7003634

Yeah. I check my followers, and when I see an artist follow me, I feel honored, even if they're prebeg. When I see a bunch of AI images in the follower's gallery, I feel no different than when I'm followed by "ffsttrrrtt2636" and their empty gallery.

>> No.7003802

>here is far more imagination in AI art threads than on /ic/
Is that really surprising? This is /ic/, remember, no one here is an artist. The posters here barely draw. Hell I'm probably the only in this thread with an actual job as an artist and I mostly just post in AI threads on /b/ these days. And the reason is clear. Say, I had a good original idea and spent 20+ hours to paint artwork in my own style, the last place I would post it on would be 4chan.
AI slop is low effort enough and anonymous so I don't mind throwing it to the swine.

>> No.7003806

This is so bullshit and you know it. How many times this place freaked out because an artist used a 3D pose model as a base?

>> No.7003834

>Is that really surprising?
Kind of, after thinking about it. But I wasn't making that point I was just stating a fact.

>> No.7004138

lmao i remember this guy from /v/
you can even see the drop of his twatter likes on his "art" as the interest in the technology waned
what a fag

>> No.7004151

What went wrong in your life to care about likes on twitter?

>> No.7004160

my life? nothing, i don't even have twatter
his life? a lot, evidently, since very obviously being recognized as an artist is his reason d'etre and he goes grossly out of his way to normalize ai art on multiple boards
ultimately i'm trying to point out how mistaken he is for thinking there ever was any interest for his 1girl, masterpiece, best quality, elf, large breasts, <lora:ARTISTNAME:1.0> apart from the software, which he has nothing to do with, being a technological marvel

>> No.7004162

t.malding aifag

>> No.7004173

>imploding over a literal who
What did he do to you?

I don't use ai.

>> No.7004175

>What did he do to you?
you must've missed when i said that i remember him from /v/

>> No.7004184

>No one owns an art style you shiczo.
Regardless of law. Using someone else's art style is just that, not yours, thiers. There is an ownership. There is nothing, not a smidge, of you, when you use someones art style in a prompt because it is to your liking, your taste. Compared with say a DBZ fan artists attempting toriyama's style, there is always something of the artist no matter how they try. You are basically nothing, a non element. Trip is at least something. You are a glorified Pinterest board/Tumblr page collecting stuff you like.

>> No.7004191

I fully agree with OP. Been using SD to generate all sorts of inspirations for poses, designs etc and I've found an artist mix that I like that I use for reference on occasion. AI is a great tool that people are sleeping on. Of course you can't heavily rely on it because it WILL fuck things up and draw impossible poses n whatnot but it's still a great resource.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as the final image was made 100% by my own hand then it's my own original work, there's nothing wrong with using AI for reference

>> No.7004195

Sounds good, care to post any work you made from ai ref?

>> No.7004200


>> No.7004248
File: 783 KB, 2698x894, 1675156578224053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nothing, not a smidge, of you, when you use someones art style in a prompt because it is to your liking, your taste. Compared with say a DBZ fan artists attempting toriyama's style, there is always something of the artist no matter how they try.
AI can't copy styles perfectly and there are a billion different ways to get a style into a million different models, and it mixes with other things in the prompt(ie other styles). A style also isn't a monolith, it changes constantly even if being drawn by the man artist behind it. The content of the images besides the style is also a part of an artist's signature and that will be different too.
>fanart, that picture, FFTA, FFT
They're all different.

I shouldn't have to tell you this but it's okay to be inspired by and to create similar things to others. That's basically what art is in a nutshell, a transfer of ideas. And no one owns those ideas. We can only have some ownership of our physical work.

>Trip is at least something.
What does this mean?

> You are a glorified Pinterest board/Tumblr page collecting stuff you like.
Aren't we all. This is a fine analogy of modern human life.

>> No.7004252

The fate of all AIfaggots

>> No.7004253

To be envied by drawlets.

>> No.7004268
File: 438 KB, 512x512, 13461346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, instead of having to search through tens or hundreds of images to find an ideal reference,
No? The fucking references are dogshit, what are you talking about? Moreover when I'm searching for real references my google search is filled with ai dogshit slop with zero character and flavour, especially when you look up historical shit and such you are met with picrel. Half of mesoamerican search results are fucking awful ai dogshit

>> No.7004271

>Blah blah blah style this that
Not relevant to what I said
>What does this mean?
Trip, out resident ai promoter, incorporates his sketches with ai.
>Aren't we all. This is a fine analogy of modern human life.
No? I have my own ideas. I experiment, explore, right on the pages.

>> No.7004279
File: 46 KB, 799x1027, 1687723692337054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is time stamped. AI is objectively better for generic references than anything else.

>Not relevant to what I said
Completely relevant, you're just ignoring it because you want your point to land. But you said somethin retarded.
>Trip, out resident ai promoter, incorporates his sketches with ai.
What's his twitter? And I see, you don't know how AI works and think there's no control but there is. And you're overrating the pencil!
>No? I have my own ideas. I experiment, explore, right on the pages.
I do all of that too. I was turning that into a wider analogy of peopleing enjoying things that people enjoy though, but whatever.

>> No.7004287

You are twisting everything I said. You are not listening. I give up.
>What's his twitter? And I see, you don't know how AI works and think there's no control but there is.
See? How did anything I say give you this idea? Trip sketches, then uses controlnet and such to color and render his lineart, sometimes painting on top and refeeding it to ai for further refinement. He is anonymous, but uses a tripcode here

>> No.7004294
File: 1.05 MB, 768x960, 1698250772128032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are twisting everything I said.
You said AI doesn't have unique styles, it just copies. I explained how that is wrong and attempted to amend your misunderstanding. It was a proper reply to what you said.
>See? How did anything I say give you this idea?
You were comparing me to him so I thought he might have one. Sorry for misunderstanding you.

>> No.7004300

that's a search engine problem. stop trying to defend google.

>> No.7004304

Ah, confusing me for another anon. I lead with saying prompting your tastes as a mix, is not adding anything of you to the result/mix. Aka Pinterest board.

>> No.7004305
File: 386 KB, 512x512, 522457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't make it any better

>> No.7004313

so what are you using to make these images and where can i get my hands on it.

>> No.7004318

Age of empires 5 devs in shambles looking for ref. Got to go to the library...

>> No.7004328

>AI is democratizing art
democracy is when the government gives political power to the general populace, so that's kind of a nonsensical statement.

>> No.7004329
File: 135 KB, 498x880, shadiversity-farming-more-ls-by-saying-his-art-skills-are-v0-u39k5snmz4tb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What most people not seem to understand is how difficult it is to make actually great pictures with AI
pic related

>> No.7004334

Damn didn't know he is an ai shill, quite enjoyed his videos back in the day

>> No.7004337

this has to be bait

>> No.7004338
File: 215 KB, 768x1280, 1676355062234197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.
I disagree with that and I would urge you to use AI yourself and spend a lot of time trying to refine something unique and to your tastes. And then think about someone else reaching that style without your help. It's not as shallow as you believe.
The simple act of weighing and intermixing styles is a process of expression. It may not always visually manifest itself but it can. Drawing a style has that same aspect too, like off the top of my head Fairy Tail looking like One Piece. My 200 variants of Yoshida's art is sort of similar to that. None of them are the same as his or each other but they're all in the same vein. And I'm doing it for myself. If I'm not in there who is? It doesn't appear from the void, I spent time on it.

Don't get me wrong though I don't think I'm doing anything special. But I am doing something and I hope you are too because it's fun :)

He's kinda cringe with his tastes but I really liked his AI videos especially the first one. He invited a bunch of comic vet boomers on and it got pretty heated at times.

>> No.7004342
File: 825 KB, 1728x2080, 1692741112476136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dead serious. If his work didn't look so generic I think a lot more people would have taken him seriously.

>> No.7004355

Almost as if people who were never interested in art in their whole lives don't have a vision worthy of putting to paper

>> No.7004357

just lol if you reference AI art, crippling you long term

>> No.7004359

I genned a lot of images. I know what it's like. The tech is cool. I have local SD and bing'd a lot.
I'll say there is something there, "nothing" is an exaggeration. But it's not the same kind of something as when an artists hand is directly involved. Not really something to feel any kind of accomplishment. It like finding something.
>Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed.
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>> No.7004364
File: 410 KB, 1440x1024, 1689040354659871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a life long regular artist who now uses AI. I actually like his normal art better than his AI work lmao, but he likes that final render best so I find it really odd seeing artists froth about him so much.

>> No.7004377

I've paid a stupid amount of attention to AI art this past year and a half and have without a doubt seen the rise of artists with very personalized prompting styles that even carry across art styles. I can them recognize in a thumbnail. One example is an anon called @TheRRRealist, whenever he posted on /g/ you could instantly tell because he nailed a certain photorealism no one else has managed to.
I do understand what you're saying because most people, especially if they're using Dall-E, are making random stuff. But that isn't everyone. Even some Dall-E users managed to round up a style that lets you recognize them in threads.
>It like finding something.
You looked for it though. That's a process, a path to a style similar to drawing and figuring out your own style. Just way easier and with practically no commit. But you can refine it.
And if you want to feel accomplished doing something you achieved, what's the problem?

>> No.7004390

>Just way easier and with practically no commit. But you can refine it.
I guess it's this, since it's so easy, You could stumble into a recognizable style with completely random words, nodes and whathaveyou, decide it's "your style" and be known for it in your little community of ai users. And if you share the settings and prompts(which I always do when asked) it's now anybodies, what made "your work" unique is completely replicacable to the tiniest factor with ai. Not so with human art.

>> No.7004408
File: 544 KB, 768x512, 1694885817598399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess it's this, since it's so easy,
At the same time there are naturally talented artists that draw easily or artists who are expressing themselves with random shit like cans of paint. There are really technical forms of art that aren't really skill based too, that are arguably easy to get into. Effort has fuck all to do with art, lots of people like lazy made slop and that's fine, just because someone spent more effort on something else doesn't mean it's more valid.
> You could stumble into a recognizable style with completely random words, nodes and whathaveyou, decide it's "your style" and be known for it in your little community of ai users.
That's all expression is. Your style isn't something you made and own it's something you like and that feels good for expression. There are lots of copycat artists out there without defined styles. This is fine.
> And if you share the settings and prompts(which I always do when asked) it's now anybodies, what made "your work" unique is completely replicacable to the tiniest factor with ai. Not so with human art.
I will always argue that this is AMAZING and I fucking love it. As a long time modder that kinda considers that an art form, I love when people share their mods and tools and hate people that don't. How isn't this a great thing? Gatekeepers can get fucked and people can cooperate in the things they love. Bouncing prompts, models, loras, and other things between each other is a very magical thing and it's absolutely my favorite thing about AI. It's not like artists don't make guides and brushes and stuff too, even physical tools like the paintbrush are a primitive form of sharing prompts if you think about it.

>> No.7004415

god, shut the fuck up
you will NEVER be accepted as an artist
fuck off

>> No.7004424

>can't even act human
Your ego is so flimsy. Post your work.

>> No.7004427

it is VERY human to be fed up with your ceaseless bullshit trying uselessly to fit in
you are not among peers you useless ape
now fuck off

>> No.7004428


>> No.7004434

>That's all expression is. Your style isn't something you made and own it's something you like and that feels good for expression.
I didn't choose it, it just comes with time. There are other artists with styles I like more than my own. Even blending the artists I like would not create a style I like more than any individual one.

>> No.7004435

>you are not among peers you useless ape
nobody is among peers here

>> No.7004438

anti-ai fags just cant handle how much enjoyment we get out of this. it makes them FURIOUS that they arent enjoying it with us. look at the replies.

>> No.7004442
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1280, 1690706262841420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refute me if I have bullshitted, doesn't seem like you're capable of that though. I'm not trying to fit in I'm trying to give you a wake up call lol. I'm giving you perspective on something you don't understand.

You're the 19th century painter seething about photography or the 90s videographer seething about CGI or the 80s animator seething about photoshop.

That's kinda what I meant to say, it just kinda comes out and feels natural.

>> No.7004445

Actually I am enjoying it. I just enjoy real art more. I give new milestones a whirl when they come and get bored quicker and quicker each time. Still waiting for a tool that makes 3d modelling for games a breeze, god damn retopo, uvs and weight painting... Those parts are not creative and just need automating perfectly.

>> No.7004450

anon is so mad lmao

>> No.7004451

Based. This fucking AI slop spam really belongs on /g/. Letting this kind of faggot proliferate here will just bring more spam

>> No.7004461

shut the fuck up, mongoloid, and stop with the "artists do x and y" bullshit, cause first of all you don't know what the fuck they do, cause you're not one, second, your promptard nigger shit is as close to self expression as a fucking commission, you retarded neanderthal, don't even THINK for a ZEPTOSECOND that ANYTHING you promp is a reflection of you as it is the equivalent, from your perspective, of giving someone else instructions on what you want to see, a portrait of you is not a portrait made by you, third of all, you don't choose your style, which you would know as a matter of course if you even once in your miserable life picked up a pencil, fourth of all, you're not educating anyone on fucking anything cause you're the most ignorant monkey i've ever fucking seen in my entire life
you're WAY out of your depth, fuck off

>> No.7004462
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, 1696889267993934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still waiting for a tool that makes 3d modelling for games a breeze, god damn retopo, uvs and weight painting... Those parts are not creative and just need automating perfectly.
I wonder how artists will think about that. When their styles enter the world of 3D without their permission, and when 'copyrighted data' no longer has any meaning since you could create a 3D model/scene and use that to train an art model haha.

I'm not going to.

>> No.7004463

>im so lonely
>please argue with me

>> No.7004464

It won't because ai already peaked

>> No.7004465

>stop with the "artists do x and y" bullshit, cause first of all you don't know what the fuck they do, cause you're not one
real artists aren't engaging in pointless arguments with schizos on a mongolian basket weaving forum. they're drawing.

>> No.7004466
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, 1679245162133547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying 3D AI won't come out? There have been new tech demos a couple times aa week for a while now.

>> No.7004470

They also argue on X. The anti-AI activism almost feels like the pot for the next social justice movement.

>> No.7004473

I'm saying it already peaked retardo

>> No.7004475
File: 450 KB, 1024x1024, 1679460833816191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assure you it hasn't. It's barely started.

>> No.7004478


>> No.7004484

true. artists shouldn't have to worry about ai. it's not capable of threatening real artists.

>> No.7004487

reading this makes me think that you're really mad

>> No.7004493

It's probably why the aifaggot feels the need to spam his shit on /ic/

>> No.7004496
File: 1.04 MB, 587x1057, rrrealist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can them recognize in a thumbnail. One example is an anon called @TheRRRealist
what exactly stands out here?

>> No.7004500

Not having 6 limbs like all other ai slop

>> No.7004510
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1624, 1687353953209230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn his style went to shit, he used to post better pictures on /g/

>> No.7004514
File: 1.71 MB, 1024x1536, 1694759742407376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7004531

>his style
more like the software he used got an update lmfao

>> No.7004548
File: 134 KB, 1000x667, donutsteel_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's my work.

>> No.7004555

>*steals this art*

He uses SD which is offline. It was an intentional change.

>> No.7004586

>pic related
Man, that anon really did a number on you

>> No.7004592

I thought he was here and tried to bait him. Do you remember what his name was? He deleted his twitter and I can't remember it lmao.

>> No.7004601
File: 11 KB, 533x97, THE MOST EPIC TROLL OMG KUJEESH BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me though.
>tried to bait him
Anon, i'm kind of bored with this.
People are going to argue you and you're just going to say
>omg u so mad cope seethe artist bad
You can't do this shit all the time, kind of takes a toll on your psyche and honestly

Trolling is about timing and being subtle, not spamming and pretending to be retarded nonstop
And i've humored you enough because
you might be legitimately mentally ill no offense but you're weirding even me out

>> No.7004607

Too easy. Why did you delete your twitter?

>> No.7004608

Because i was bored with it?
Or is deleting your twitter akin to suicide?
>too easy

>> No.7004611

I wanted to see your progress is all.

>> No.7004614

Yeah, but why do you assume that was my actual work and that i would waste my work on wasting time while being openly hostile towards a spammer with apparently no life whatsoever?
Are you genuinely hoping to go somewhere with this shit hence why you assume anyone with a twitter profile does too?

Do you believe people are that retarded?
Genuinely asking, bro.

>> No.7004621

I want to thank you for taking the bait so magnificently because I found it very funny but I don't want to have a conversation with you. You're weird, obsessive, and don't make sense.

>> No.7004624

You should just ignore the retard and do something productive instead of wasting your time on him

>> No.7004627


>> No.7004631
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1700529748328529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, good luck, bro.
I was just curious about where he stands with the spam.
I had my share of fun.

>> No.7005621

>But if I used the same prompts and got the literal same image, it wouldn't be?
copying someone else's prompt is the same as tracing their art

>> No.7005623

No it isn't. Using the same seed would be. What you're saying is that drawing a copyrighted character is tracing.

>> No.7005645

No one cares about prompters feelings, I'm not sure why you want to appeal to emotions honestly

>> No.7005661


>> No.7005665

wasn't this thread already done

>> No.7005668


>> No.7005671

what's with all the sudden changes too captcha been changing alot too

>> No.7005673

fuck off nigga

>> No.7005674


>> No.7005676

Not sure why janny sucks this much to allow AI spammers that blantely don't care about learning

>> No.7005677

Jan's useless desu

>> No.7005679


>> No.7005680


>> No.7005682

It honestly seems all he does. I think to he written at least 50 unironic pages about it

>> No.7005684


>> No.7005685

ain't reading all that

>> No.7005686

no one will honestly care desu anon
>enjoy your communism

>> No.7005688

>Mr Krabs and general basic anime waifu/Loli is creative

>> No.7005691


>> No.7005706

You have no idea how much work, thought, experience, and iteration goes into actual professional promptcrafting. The finished prompt is itself a form of art. You would expect artists of all things to understand. Admittedly it is relatively easy to reach a BASELINE acceptable level of quality if that's all you care about, but getting the most out of an idea through mastering its prompt is absolutely a skill that some of us have spent thousands of hours honing.

>> No.7005804


>> No.7005879

weak bait

>> No.7006478

that isn't bait

>> No.7006493

>t. never seen a typical comfyui workflow

>> No.7006514
File: 2.93 MB, 4096x2224, IMG_20240102_072734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful on using that word anon, I don't think you know the typical workflow you'll find on 4chan

>> No.7006803

All I see is someone too lazy to do even the basic level of cherrypicking to avoid posting obviously fucked up hands or bad compositions. Otherwise it's just the basic quality you'd get out of any SD photorealism model.
I can guarantee you that if this guy wasn't a namefag you would never know he exists.

>> No.7006823

Lol super retarded take. Did bootlicking AI replaced your brains too?

Because they can’t? Show me an artist doing a nice full color piece in 3 seconds. This level of idiocy is really something.

>> No.7006873

You're wrong. You're just seeing what you're seeing and not believing me because you have a bad personality.

Replace what he said with 3 minutes then. People can do that.

>> No.7007010
File: 18 KB, 418x378, looking_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this really look okay to you?
Something worth posting to public?

>> No.7007058

I didn't say anything about how good it looks.

>> No.7007070

>One example is an anon called @TheRRRealist, whenever he posted on /g/ you could instantly tell because he nailed a certain photorealism no one else has managed to.
If that was supposed to mean that fucked up hands and anatomy are unique to his works, that would also be false.

>> No.7007214

for once a janny did his job