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6997422 No.6997422 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these stylistic eras do you remember?

>> No.6997423

Frutiger was so annoying. Everything felt promising, like it was alluding to a better product, but you would indulge the item and find it empty of soul

>> No.6997435

Nothing is worse than current flat design. NOTHING. Purple noodle people literally exist to suck your soul.

>> No.6997439

I miss skeuomorphism

>> No.6997498

Frutiger was the best

>> No.6997505
File: 36 KB, 564x564, 7af901f3e251ee6d98c3bc0b5a874507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad at le corporate art style
it's literlaly already out of fashion and anyway y2k has been the main visual trend for the past 2 years in every area of popular culture that is not for hyperboomers

>> No.6998180


>> No.6998184
File: 66 KB, 700x700, 1649313948680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y2k is back
You're not just fucking with me to get my hopes up are you?

>> No.6998186

Pretty sure those cups in the Memphis design were around in the Y2K era.

>> No.6998189

They started in 1992, but lasted a long time

>> No.6998197

Yeah fucking hate at those soulless purple noodle people all because le corporation is afraid of potentially offending one single mother nigger with a pet rock.

>> No.6998243

Will there ever be another Sony console design as great as psone?

>> No.6998245

why is frutiger aero called FRUTIGER aero. the aero part i get but “frutiger” fully sounds like a latin word for a particularly bad strain of skin bacterial infection with flappy tags and nasty suppurating bits or something jesus fuck ew

>> No.6998250
File: 190 KB, 1280x800, abstract-34ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y2k and frutiger aero was kino, it looks pleasing and shows lot of effort

if you are fan of flat design i'm sorry you're a faggot or braindead zoomer

>> No.6998252

he's just talking about zoomer fashion. It's not really back

>> No.6998255

Adrian Frutiger

>> No.6998308

I believe the children are the future

>> No.6998371

It's surface level, none of the hopeful futuristic polished fresh and positive feeling of y2k is back. People back then were fucking jazzed that the world didn't end, we had iPods and new gadgets coming out all the time, cassettes had turned into cds had turned into mp3s. People felt like we could do anything between the years like 1998-2001. There was a certain positive feeling about it that depressed zoomies aping the style just can't capture. And worse is when they go for the xd rofl scene culture from like 2007 mixed with early y2k stuff. And they never address the R&B turn of the century Apple Bottom Beyoncé hip hop culture that was arguably way more influential on culture at large than the emo scene shit. It feels like people wearing a skinsuit of my memories and it freaks me out

>> No.6998374

>Which of these stylistic eras do you remember?
Was too little for Memphis Design, mainly remember Y2K onwards. Unlike others in this thread, it's Memphis and Flat that I find more appealing, but that might be because I grew up during Y2K and Aero and find them cringey because of it.

>> No.6998383
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You can measure the degeneration of design by the cartoon network eras

i've made this little comparison

>> No.6998385
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>> No.6998386

none of these really matter to someone who actually draws

>> No.6998449

i remember all of it because i'm an old fart.
>floppy purple noodle flat shit everything is a cutout
i'll tell you what happened that contributed to the decline of the visual arts and the influence advertising has done to us that has spread like a cancer: the widespread use of the internet. almost everyone has access to it, and many have softwares that allow people to edit images and crap with little to no effort.
fast, easy recognition, without allowance for the consumer to imagine the depth of the product. fast, efficient, fast. it's what zoomers are. everything has to be fast, quick, easy, easy to use, hold little connection to said things.
the era of educated and cultured artists and designers is over. always being hired are young kids with little to no knowledge of the fields they say they're proficient in.
hiring newbies is cheap, get rid of them in a day, be on your way. cheap, soulless, no care no attachment to their work.
look at old disney cartoons from the 1920s-50s. all soul, effort was put, draw and paint by hand. these kinds of old tech are too rare, not hardly anyone has been trained how to use a printing or letter press. it's expensive and takes time to perfect.
the younger the generation of artist, the less educated they are, have no concept of the progression of tech and becoming a better artist. why learn from the past when you can crank silhouettes out like bunny pellets?

>> No.6998686

Memphis will always be my favorite.

t. oldfag

>> No.6998722
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>> No.6998727

This here is the beginning of the degeneration, I took note of that back then.

>> No.6998729

I'm more of a MySpace emo sorta guy

>> No.6998737

It's literally a grey quadrate with a cylinder what are you smoking bro

>> No.6998765

Some moviefag I played a game with was keeping track of remakes entering production in his profile. You could see the tidal wave of shit rolling in from a couple years away as it grew from 1 or 2 to multiple pages.

>> No.6999249


>> No.6999259

Smoking my childhood? Idk it's appealing. Cute. The lighter color was alluring. At a time when every console was sharp and bulky, this little fella showed up looking fresh.

>> No.6999277

transparent stuff team

>> No.6999365
File: 52 KB, 550x400, g01_2000nenga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frutiger Aero but I prefer I Y2K aesthetic. Frutiger Aero is Bittersweet to me since it reminds me of how I realized that the things I enjoyed weren't really being made anymore.

>> No.6999392

Not to mention corporations don't want good designs, they want acceptable ones at the lowest cost.
Internet/Globalisation is a bane to anything art-related.

>> No.6999437
File: 1.66 MB, 1600x1008, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I expected when I started clicking random early 2000s japanese art blogs, but I wasn't properly prepared.

>> No.6999445
File: 84 KB, 938x768, 1613145702347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frutiger Aero, I think the Nintendo DS Lite might be peak handheld console design. The flat design I liked was the Windows Phone 8 era

>> No.6999450
File: 183 KB, 150x200, profile3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn! I only really looked at english sites back then. if I only knew...

pic rel found on Katsuya Terada's site lol

>> No.6999814

same. this minimalism trend is so boring

>> No.7000036

Monkey paw. It's not really back, just an imitation of it with a completely different soul

>> No.7000262

>that tangent on the teen titans go picture
actually maddening. i never thought i'd see such a teenager tier faux pas on something airing on tv