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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 45 KB, 720x678, 1688313294492987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6994486 No.6994486 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe if you've already been drawing and discovered unique talents in the last 5+ years you might still have a chance at being an artist, but it is completely and utterly pointless to start learning now seeing the trajectory generative AI will have, UNLESS you have natural top 0.1% talent that may never be easily replicable by AI. Being average after working at it is not going to cut it.

Only individuals under a certain IQ who lack the ability to observe reality and project into the future disagree, but all the actual smart people say the same thing, human work and creativity will be heavily if not completely devalued in the coming decade. The floor for competency vs generative AI is rising every month and so is the ceiling of the skill level you need to compete, and not just with drawing. This is true for programming, writing, animation, even shit you would have never dreamt of before like therapy will be overtaken by AI because it's less biased than 99.999% of humans.

It's only a matter of time until the specificity problem is solved and people come up with algorithms that allow AI to think abstractly and solve visuospatial problems, then we're really fucked.

In any case, if you're thinking of starting now, what you should really be doing is looking for future proof jobs that will still have high demand for humans if you don't want to be government UBI cattle in the near future.

>> No.6994504
File: 4 KB, 344x146, 1000000699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW you only got into drawing for money and attention instead of actually enjoying art

Hobbyists stay winning

>> No.6994519

>i will make art because i want lots of money!
Said no one ever.

>> No.6994520
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 2p184fo1b9w51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've already made this thread
Lmao if I'm reading all that from a nigga just saying they're NGMI, your opinion doesn't matter.
>what's there to say honestly; Only GMI opinions matters here anon

>> No.6994521

If you didn't draw as a kid, then maybe you never should learn.

>> No.6994527

What kind of cope is this? Of course there are people who do things for personal fulfillment, but you are fooling nobody with the notion that no artist wants to make money or get some recognition from their work. There are literally millions of artists who try to at least make a living drawing for commission, selling their art, working for a company or doing other artistic work on for-profit projects, who are about to be decimated by AI.

>> No.6994532

the only thing that is getting decimated is your fundies.
go do another 100 loomis heads, 100 boxes and 100 Makimas.

>> No.6994533
File: 535 KB, 777x591, 384551418_356814963685603_8178626430738030518_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not dissuading anyone, chang. People draw because it's a hobby. If you happen to make some cash along the way that's a bonus.
Only the omega talented/naturally gifted make it anyway, and most of us realize the reality of that.
AI also can't be copywrited so jew companies will seldom use it anyway.
Also fuck you.

>> No.6994534

I know, what i meant is that literally all artists do it for personal fulfillment but obviously want some kind of stable income from it so they can keep doing it.

>> No.6994541

They're already saying that prompters are too incompetent for the AI so they're going to switch it all to chat GPT . And then using the data sets for people's interests are going to route that in there so it effectively you're going to get a stream of TaylorMade entertainment right to your phone / implant . All forms of digital media will be AI created AI driven and AI prompted. There will be no human interaction people are not necessary for digital entertainment . Sorry prompters your job's over too

>> No.6994551
File: 255 KB, 869x800, 1703728553565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I hope I get laid off for AI and then UBI passes so I can just devote my life to art without worrying about "making it" or whatevrr

>> No.6994552

you were never gonna

>> No.6994554

no one predicted artists would be hit by automation, how could anyone predict what careers will be hit by automation. If we are all going to get fucked we may as well get fucked doing something we love.

>> No.6994734

>Robots will do everything in the future
>Humans will just quietly curl up and die and not adapt to their environment and culture like they've been doing since the dawn of man
Okay doomer, I'm gonna keep doing what I enjoy doing and that's draw shit

>> No.6994741

I wonder what Indian Yellow tastes like.

>> No.6995095

said like 90% of the tweens and clout chasers who want this gig cause they think itd be easier than a 9 to 5.

>> No.6995127


The same people who defends and use ai. we're talking about real artist here.

>> No.6995153

>UBI passes
>here's your $73 big mac, sir
>uhm actually just because traditional benefits payments and stimulus are proven to cause inflation that doesn't mean this retarded-ass one will too

>> No.6995159
File: 434 KB, 1024x1370, give up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6995160
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>> No.6995176

What a gross person that made this. Talent is a thing, sure, but what this person has is anti-talent.

>> No.6995207

this trash is oddly similar to sissy humiliation infograph porn. which mental defective hikki made this?

could it be that these craboid retards from discord that constantly shill defeatism here are the same that spam BBC gooning humiliation material everywhere else?

>> No.6995229
File: 3.55 MB, 2880x2048, AAA blue period.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There absolutely is a point, more than one in fact:
1) you won't have to depend on a proprietary machine to make your ideas come true, and even if you did use AI it's the machine's interpretation of it, not yours;
2) you'll have the satisfaction of looking at your work and knowing it is the result of your personal concept and effort. I'll always have more respect for a child-tier doodle than the sterile fucking AI trash that's polluting the internet like a pandemic;
3) there are always better artists than yourself, this whole "but AI does it better" argument is just a new version of this tired and old excuse, the truth of the matter is that you simply don't feel like drawing at all and are looking for the first excuse that passes by to be able to rationalize you abandoning this hobby. If you don't wanna draw anymore that's fine, just stop bullshitting;
4) it is by continuing to make human created art that we resist the advent of AI art: if we capitulated to it and didn't draw at all, then we'd only have ourselves to blame for the "supremacy" of AI. Instead, it is specifically through human artists like us that we keep this tradition alive. AI "artists" are just glorified counterfeiting machines anyway, they wouldn't be able to create shit if they didn't steal from actual artists. I shit and piss on AI.
5) art is a way to escape from this shitty world, make one of your own making and float in it. If you find that prospect "cowardly" then you're not and never will be an artist: many have debated what the artist's purpose is, to me an artist's job is to let their creativity run wild and make themselves and the viewer forget about this world if even for a brief moment.

In short, just shut the fuck up and draw.

>> No.6995641

good post

>> No.6996265

Thanks bro

>> No.6996266

Don't take the next breath anon, it's okay, you can rest in peace.

>> No.6996276 [DELETED] 

The only diferente between crab propaganda and sissy/goon shit it's the content.

>> No.6996282

The only diference between crab propaganda and sissy/goon shit it's the content.

>> No.6996334

>It's only a matter of time until the specificity problem is solved and people come up with algorithms that allow AI to think abstractly and solve visuospatial problems
OP doesn't understand how AI works under the hood and that part shows it.
You need a completely different type of AI for that sort of thing to exist and we're so far away from it that we might as well pretend magic is real.

>> No.6996345

>"It's just drawing bro"
then they give up less than a month when they get bored of it; this applies to ai niggers

>> No.6996351

yes, is the fucking future and is great.
>learn to draw, learn to prompt and learn your bullet; 3d, code for videogames, cinema fundamentals, animation
>congratulations now you are in the future when you can make your own videogame, animation, movie, series, cartoon with just yourself and your knowledge, absolute creative freedom.
Feels good.

My bullet is videogames, just learn the thing the same way you dedicate with drawing, in 4-5 years i will be making simple videogames with great artwork because IA will speed backgrounds, items, gui, character sheets, everything to me just apply my style.

>> No.6996368

What happened to the "just do it for fun" narrative

>> No.6996398

Still works and always will. Having fun is the sure way for thriving and crabs don't have any of it.
>If I can't do it, no one can
Simple as, just miserable and pathetic fucks.

>> No.6996407

So why is /ic/ so obsessed about making it or whatever nonsense that means. Even this AI nonsense aside from feeding someone's work into an algorithm who cares what they are doing
Niggers stop worrying about the machine and just draw.

>> No.6996509


>> No.6996610

>Make it=famous and/or making big monies
Most of them wants to make it with little effort as possible and AI serves as 'filter' to them and 'bottom feeders'. In turn, they use AI as instant gratification and to demotivate anyone improving and enjoying the processs.

>> No.6996633

>Feels good.
Feels more like when RPG Maker came out and the internet was flooded by shitty RPG Maker games and only To the Moon managed to grab my attention among all that crap and then I would look away as soon as I saw a game was being made with RPG Maker.

>> No.6996646

>RPG Maker came out
>internet was flooded by shitty RPG Maker games and only To the Moon
u wot mate

>> No.6996657

>future proof jobs
Have you read your own post before sharing it?
It's either UBI or regulation. If none of these happen then people will riot.

>> No.6996663

I'm for regulation, it's time for the NEET niggers stop bitching and get a job.

>> No.6997077

What's a Makima? I googled and got a character from a chainsaw show.

>> No.6997543


>> No.6997562

We're gonna see inflation regardless if ubi gets here or not

>> No.6997583
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, 1697926221703167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you tankies legitimately believe that handing over literally the sole source of sustenance, that could be cancelled over any slights, to a bunch of corrupt pedo boomers is a good thing
Enjoy dying in millions like in every commie countries

>> No.6997588

if everything is overtaken by AI, what will humans do? The only things humans have left when they don't have to take care of any work or chores is fulfilling their basic needs and entertain or express themselves. AI might take over corporate art and be the next globohomo style, but it can never replace true art.
People also know how to appreciate manmade things, it's why mass-produced factory slop didn't replace restaurants and chefs, or why when you go on a trip to some third world country you buy a misshapen clay bowl with fingerpaint made by some natives, it's not because you need a functioning bowl for your kitchen, it's because you give a fuck about the craft and the memories/emotion associated with it.

>> No.6997598

>posts a pic clowning ukraine
>you tankies
fucking retard lmao, baby's first political discourse, people who are designated as TANKIES are universally pro-russian/anti-ukraine

>> No.6997604
File: 364 KB, 1079x1439, 1696510786230484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post about government incompetence
>zoomer couldn't get his mind off [current thing]
Top kek. Glad you'll soon all die off

>> No.6997615

Anon, you are, I presume, going to be alive for some time. You will have to do something to fill the hours between now and whenever you end up dead or incapacitated. People have been drawing for thousands of years. You might enjoy it. If not, do something else.
I am getting old and the world is changing too quickly for me to even want to keep up with it. The future can worry about itself. I will be happy to throw my phone into the sea and spend my days someplace quiet, reading old books, thinking, writing letters by hand, drawing and painting without a computer.
The human mind has its own pace; it needs time for concentration and reflection. We must un-plug for our own survival. Not all change is progress; or, to say it another way, not all progress is good.
The herd is running over the cliff. Will you follow?

>> No.6997686

How is Zelensky there instead of Putin lmao, the latter is still so obsessed by the way Gaddafi left this Earth that he's become paranoid too

>> No.6997697

It's a retarded policy, based on retarded studies

>hurr, giving a small fraction of what the most modest UBI proposals are to a few dozen people entrenched in a conventional economy of tens if not hundreds of millions of working people didn't affect anything, concept proven!

The fact is we already have "UBI" for coal burners, immigrants etc. and it's been fucking our shit up for years. The meme flu conspiracy "Covid Stimulus" and lockdowns could be seen as a temporary, isolated UBI experiment and it led to the most accelerated inflation rates experienced in generations.

>> No.6998196

I am genuinely speechless at the fact that someone is trying to post blackpills on an art board...

>> No.6998212

I'm glad you're posting here in this shithole instead of poisoning the rest of the internet with your retarded takes

>> No.6999313

/r9k/ called, he wants the schizocels back

>> No.7001688 [DELETED] 

i will never live on the pod
ubi will never happen
trannies will never be woman
ainiggers will never be artists
crabs will never post work
ic will never draw

>> No.7001689

i never will live on the pod
ubi never will happen
trannies will never be women
ainiggers will never be artists
crabs will never post work
ic will never draw

>> No.7001707

Russia would not be a good fit for the theme of "govs propped up to play geopolitical games", and would arguably be the single worst fit since most of those games were played against russia.

>> No.7001810
File: 1.86 MB, 581x542, 1605921778939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, but you should just not care anymore.
People vill consume ze infinite content and zey vill like it--- because they are cattle, in the very literal sense of the word.

>looking for future proof jobs that will still have high demand for humans
And shouldn't you already have projected into the future?
Everything will eventually be replaced by the machine.
You're witnessing the end of society and the human race; this implies economy, money, relationships, social media and internet money, etcetera, etcetera.

What you should be looking for is stop being a bitch and either draw or fuck off into the woods and go carve trees and learn to kill bears with your bare hands while either resigning yourself to an existence of pure solitude because no woman will ever give up the pros of "society" or simply blow your brains out.

>if you don't want to be government UBI cattle
You should think outside the coom box, anon.
What is the government going to do? Arrest me for not consuming content in my coom box?
They can't, because everyone that belongs to society will be trapped in the box.

>> No.7001827

Any excuse to not draw, eh?

>> No.7001854
File: 188 KB, 549x473, Yuuka violently sunsets herself (in Minecraft).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing 15 years ago, and the new NAI happens to emulate me perfectly since my art was reposted on the boorus. I'm blackpilled and mad at myself for not opening a Patreon in 2010s when people were begging to throw money at me but I stuck to "MUH PRINCIPLES, NO HANDOUTS FOR ME". I could really use that money today, I really blew it.

>> No.7002941

>the new NAI happens to emulate me perfectly since my art was reposted on the boorus
Now you can just generate a base and touch it up a bit and nobody will be able to tell :^)

>> No.7003858

yes, with more jobs, less bitching here

>> No.7003884

>believe that handing over literally the sole source of sustenance, that could be cancelled over any slights, to a bunch of corrupt pedo boomers is a good thing
How insanely retarded do you have to be where you can only critique the most ridiculous strawman you've ever created?

>> No.7004039
File: 14 KB, 200x211, 1646109778063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking this thread, but I think I dont know what "art as a hobby" is anymore.

After wasting three days of my life doing something for the sake of having fun, in spite of knowing it was a thing very few people were going to find interest in, I ponder about about how compromised my head is when it comes to making art, either drawn or written. Because I made something for me that only I was going to enjoy, then realized how much of a time waste it was because it simply wasnt something to bring myself closer to my goals of making money and having a name for myself.

It's a bad mindset and I know, but I cant escape it. I cant stop feeling the need to cope with the fact I did something to have fun, which ultimately resulted in me having fun at the expenses of wasting my time. I could've been doing commissions, I could've been grinding, I could've been farming my socials, I would've achieved something tangible... but instead I made a fanfic, and achieved nothing of tangible value.

Anyone ever felt like that?

>> No.7004058
File: 119 KB, 700x574, gtfo my sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's societal pressure and conditioning why you feel this way.
When everyone and their mothers are incessantly talking about
>how to be famous, make money, get followers, become an influencers, make content for others to consume so that they will give you money
One will inevitably get infected by that mental bug.
Especially when most people now only engage to consume and creators create to sell product.
>I could've been doing commissions, I could've been grinding, I could've been farming my socials, I would've achieved something tangible
And ask yourself what that would have done for you.
Would having followers now magically make you "worthy" when all you are is simply a content producer for content consumers that will completely forget about you when new content is released?

If you want to "make it", you have to purely and absolutely take your ego and feelings out of the equation.
Social media only rewards business and creating content for consumers only.
Do you really want to lead that life if you can't manage to draw for fun?
In general, just one look at the big accounts and see how miserable, mentally deficient they actually are and how desperate they are to stay relevant in the never ending spam of content or throw away their whole livelihoods because one tweet/video didn't meet their quota.
You'd be putting yourself in a golden cage for what, the premise of money and fame?
Unironically try living with no superficial crap then you'll start realizing what you really want.

>> No.7004081

Good point
I think that either UBI is low key an excuse to castrate the freedom of companies/business entities so they literally can't do things like put their burgers up to 73 dollars at will or else UBI will never pass because all those people who enjoy their large sensitive proverbial testicles will pull out all the stops to make sure it doesn't work, so it won't ever actually happen
I suspect we'll see at least one or two countries try to become UBI paradises and get comprehensively destroyed with every dirty trick, sabotage and lawfare method in the book

>> No.7004087

Picrel is relevant on a scale I've rarely seen before
What's a crown when you have a barrel?

>> No.7004139

>ainiggers will never be artists
It doesn't matter if they are artists or not, they still generate art. Faster than artists too. That's bad.

>> No.7004153
File: 68 KB, 1024x868, IMG_1511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no argument because you know I'm right (find a UBI "study" that doesn't reflect exactly what I just fucking described), but you still want to pearl clutch your zoomer tranny acronym. lol faggot!

>> No.7004197
File: 552 KB, 679x523, why the lantern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander the great said
>"if i weren't me, i would want to be Diogenes"
That's what you realize when you're at the top; that it is better to be a nobody and be free do to whatever you please without having to be shackled by other people or have your existence held hostage by the whims of others and social status.
Diogenes wasn't the peak example of purity, manliness or other virtues, but he was simply as true to oneself as one can be.

Imagine, Alexander the great envying some hobo in a barrel who just fucked with people for the fun of it.

>> No.7004276

You could be making simple games with great artwork right now, but like a typical ai shill you are sitting around doing absolutely nothing. Imagine wasting your life daydreaming about a future technology doing your “passion projects” for you instead of giving even the most basic effort to make it happen. Every ai bro I’ve known personally is like this.

>> No.7004290

this is such a retarded take. i love art in general, and im a fucking tattoo artist. thats all i need to do art for in general. you honestly think AI is taking my spot? classic AItard

>> No.7004310

>You have no argument because you know I'm right (find a UBI "study" that doesn't reflect exactly what I just fucking described)
Not the guy you're arguing with. He cannot find the study you want because the study you want would be impossible to organize. Given this, you just look even more retarded when boasting about how right you are.

>> No.7004331

Whether it's for money or recognition or even mere acknowledgement, everybody, outside of genuine autismos and extreme narcissists, wants something more out of their art than purely masturbatory self satisfaction.
I draw stuff for money, but none of that compares to knowing that people out there genuinely enjoy my art, be it strangers on the internet or my parents.

>> No.7004335

It's also funny how many times it's "muh indie game."

>> No.7004336

you are legitimately so fucking stupid

>> No.7004436

lazy niggers

>> No.7004448 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 1229x820, IMG_1677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit. There are tons of UBI "studies" that its proponents whose results claim to prove that the policy is good, and each one is a riot. "We gave 7 people $200 a month and they still worked and inflation didn't happen, UBI critics btfo!". Look into a few of them if you never had, what I'm saying can hardly be called hyperbole

Yeah well you're gay. How about that, huh?

>> No.7004458
File: 409 KB, 1229x820, IMG_1677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7004310 #
No shit. There are tons of UBI "studies" its proponents turn to, claiming their results prove that the policy is good, and each one is a mess. "We gave 7 people $200 a month and they still worked and inflation didn't increase over the two months the study took place, UBI critics btfo!". Look into a few of them if you never have, what I'm saying can hardly be called hyperbole.

>>7004336 #
Yeah well you're gay. How about that, huh?

>> No.7004566
File: 176 KB, 631x348, 1692502569261499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a worthless lazy fatass subhuman weakling. Lay down and die and let real artists take your place, faggot.

>> No.7005120

A lot of the logic of UBI is based on the fact that people who are already receiving some kind of dole/payout from their government are actively disincentivized from doing anything useful because if they try to do anything else/get a job they instantly lose the easy money that automatically comes to them
If they could keep their basic money and still earn more they would probably go out and do some work instead of just mindlessly abusing drugs and producing children of dubious parentage and proliferating their shit genes that way
A lot of UBI is basically an attempt to answer the growing problem of having a large useless underclass of low IQ but highly reproductive retards who take huge amounts of time energy to train to do even the most basic tedious labor, and who can only survive because of modern society where food and medical care is ultra easy to get (they'd literally die in childhood or before making any children of their own even 150 years ago)
I used to think this is only a problem in Western Europe (there's a common and hilariously wrong idea in Europe that people are basically allowed to starve in America if they don't work, which if true would reduce the American black population to <1% of its current value lmao) but I've now realized this is a serious issue in all the countries Europeans made and I expect it will reach crisis in less than ten years in many of them

>> No.7005128

I should add that automation is going to increasingly make these people even more worthless than they are right now, but they're going to keep mindlessly reproducing until they're killed
Meanwhile the groups of human beings who are capable of still being useful in an automation-heavy world (who are capable of setting up, monitoring and maintaining automation and the computers that will run automation) are a little like caged pandas. They very rarely breed voluntarily

>> No.7005142

It only needs some basic mathematics to realize that UBI would never work on the idealistic basis
>everyone gets free money
And would financially and socially destabilize any country.
People that work or have businesses, would pay a lot of taxes and receive almost no benefits or opportunities to grow legitimately.
Wages stagnate, prices go up, the class above exploits the class under them, work conditions get worse, etcetera, etcetera.

If people are "useless", you don't want to keep them alive or give money, unless you, as a government, can exploit their existence as to have a scapegoat whenever you raise taxes or shit goes wrong or can manage to force to work jobs for way less than a legal min. wage.
UBI would unironically only benefit the government and the fixed % of people who can live off nothing.
Germany is the perfect example of why UBI would not work.

>> No.7005144

*insane muttering*
I know. I know.
I also know what the solution is, but we can't have it :))

>> No.7005153
File: 117 KB, 334x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie, drawing for x hours alone to make something worse than what some algorithm can make up is a mood killer
>just dont draw then
yeah haha wish I could just "stop" ya know haha.....

>> No.7005159

I find it way more annoying when people go
>lol just include it in your workflow bro

>> No.7005165

Killing off the "useless" people, doesn't work, Anon.
Because who is to say you will not be deemed useless? And then you get tyrannical governments who can do what the fuck they want.

This isn't a population problem, it's purely financial and behavioral.
In the unemployed % you still have kids and stay at home parents, who do not take money out of the system, but rather put money into the system because they are consumers.

What you want to get rid of is criminals and scammers, and as a government, you should enable people to be able to have opportunities to make money without resorting to crime, but it become rather difficult for the average Joe if you have too many regulations and high income taxes justified by the "social net" you employ which actually aids to the problems while having a corrupt government who doesn't frown upon lobbying for corporations and basing your whole economic system on having the "social net" and also forcing people to work for less than 1k a month in the secondary/tertiary market.

If you work, and pay up lots in taxes, you should blame the government.
If you're on neetbux and don't work, you should thank and pray to god you never get forced to because working in these conditions is a death sentence where even wageslaves are realizing that there is no point in working because what you earn, is spent on getting you to work every month whereas you can just get neetbux and do what you want all day and maybe have even more money saved up if you don't buy useless shit.

Proto-UBI/neetbux is a scam and would never work no matter how small the population is because you still need people to pay into the system and sacrifice their earnings while the same issues arise;
>"it's the useless people fault why i must pay taxes"
while politicians drive around in luxury cars and strike deals with corporations for a few 100Ks a pop.

Sorry if long, but i'm pretty passionate about this since i am also a useless people.

>> No.7005223
File: 64 KB, 638x900, 1000071277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek someone actually took this time and dedication to write down all of their own insecure intrusive thoughts

>> No.7005595

Surprisingly no, that was not the solution I was referring to
However everything you said here is still pretty much on the money so go off king

>> No.7005788

The problem is that I got very demoralized, I'm too old, and I keep taking breaks for MONTHS learning nothing.

I just want to draw, without anything in return. I literally just want to draw. But I feel like I'm past the point of no return

>> No.7008091

>therapy will be overtaken by AI because it's less biased than 99.999% of humans.

It has been written by humans so of course it will be exactly as biased. ChatGPT is a tool developed in neo-communist San Francisco by engineers who were all brought into line by the same universities. It is useful for the deep state to conquer the sovereignty of opinion on the internet and thus stop any contrary criticism in the bud. One could also say that the big brother is finally complete and Newspeak becomes an international compulsory language.

>> No.7008113

Preferring automated media to human media says more about the consumer than the one who produces the media. That's all I will say.

>> No.7008140
File: 42 KB, 550x551, 1622172026_fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the same thing threatens basically all the other professions too. Due to robotics, even blue collars aren't safe.
I suspect that art-related jobs may still be among the last ones to disappear completely, despite the current hype surrounding image generators.
Anyway, might as well pick a hobby you actually enjoy. If you don't like art for its own sake, you most likely weren't going to make it anyway.

>> No.7008220

>Due to robotics, even blue collars aren't safe.
The blue collar jobs that haven't been automated yet will most likely not be automated during the next 100 years as well. A bricklayer for example is still using his hands to lay bricks, just as his ancestors were doing 1500 years ago. Anything that can easily be automated is already automated and anything that cannot be automated isn't (and will not be in the future).

>> No.7008223
File: 203 KB, 537x651, 1700358522010833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get into art with the sole intention of making money off of it i have bad news for you

>> No.7008252

Ironically those are ai shitters, they are people who quit art because it’s too hard or want ez clout

>> No.7008454

Funny they / you don't realize that most of the art jobs that actually bring you the money are also 9 to 5 wage slavery

>> No.7008531

Insert some clapping emojis in between those capital letters for more annoyance.

>> No.7009303

Similar situation here, got demoralized and slowed down but I'll never give up, can't let these leeches win. I'm not sure how old you are or what skill level but don't let these ghouls mess with your head to the point you give up, I know it's hard but you must have hope, you owe it to yourself. We got rid of slavery, we'll figure this out too. And once we have some protection from the Borgs' assimilation you wouldn't want to regret not having made any progress, so again: you owe it to yourself to believe there's a way out.

>> No.7009316

>Not going to lie, drawing for x hours alone to make something worse than what s̶o̶m̶e̶ a̶l̶g̶o̶r̶i̶t̶h̶m̶ THE MOST ADVANCED TECH IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, TRAINED ON BILLIONS OF IMAGES INCLUDING EVERY WORK FROM EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE TOP 1% PROS THAT HAVE EVER LIVED can make up is a mood killer

>> No.7009667

>tfw we will be left doing the hardest labor while everything easy gets automated
It was supposed to be other way around!

>> No.7009739

Chopping heads is not that hard, you shouldn't let billionaires steal your future.

>> No.7009759

holy mother of cope