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File: 81 KB, 796x1400, PixivEnforcesRestrictionsBasedOnLocation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6992822 No.6992822 [Reply] [Original]

Regarding the display of certain works in specific countries and regions
>Greetings from pixiv.
>As of December 26th, 2023, on pixiv's services, certain posts and works with content that may be deemed unsuitable by certain countries and regions will be subject to display restrictions in those locations.
>These measures are being taken to prevent violations of the laws in the various countries and regions where community members use pixiv.
>If you are resident in any of these countries/regions, we thank you for your understanding.


Because of this shit, they're now putting restrictions based on country. Fucking westerners & Twitterturds ruin everything. Oh & Merry fucking Christmas, you twats

>> No.6992825

The rope awaits you.

>> No.6992828 [DELETED] 

>westerners & Twitterturds
lol, this is the boomer government(s) all of you voted for. Meanwhile mossad freely distributes the real thing to all of them as part of israel's foreign policy :)

>> No.6992844

It's better than just outright erasing art for everybody just to please Canadians or whatever.

>> No.6992858
File: 16 KB, 305x340, 1694502278701304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read, niggers?
>if it's wrong, you can change it manually
They're just doing this to avoid Amerijews and Eurocommies from kvetching endlessly about their content, but you can still view the content if you "are" in Japan.

This is just a glorified "I am over 18 years old and wish to see the content." button put in place so that each country has to take action against "illegal access" by themselves if they care so much.

>> No.6992862

Yeah for now, but how long before they do more and more stringent censorship to appease the west and their payment processors?

>> No.6992893

Oh, I was hoping they were finally purging AI.

>> No.6992975

Oh no, someone's gotta protect the cartoons!

>> No.6992996

Where does this actually impact? I'm in the US and still see plenty of loliconography

>> No.6993031

About half the R-18 loli images are blocked in US. Searching the tag goes from 286.000 results in Japan down to 151,000 in US. Some examples that are blocked:

>> No.6993036

Not to be a victimfag but I wish westoids cared a fraction of the amount about real children being targeted to the same degree as they care about lolisho because maybe then I wouldn't have been diddled.

>> No.6993044

Well this sucks, and japs aren't going to leave pixiv over this since it doesn't affect them at all.

>> No.6993052

I switched my location to Japan and now they show. I wonder if this will please the people complaining about anime drawings.

>> No.6993057

seething pedos

>> No.6993059

Sympathies to you anon. People just want to feel good about the zero effort they're willing to put in. Big portion of the real problem is enablers who aren't willing to turn in molesters.

I think it is more to protect japanese artists from targeted harassment.

>> No.6993085

SEAbros and asiabros.. how does this affect us personally?

>> No.6993118

>I wonder if this will please the people complaining about anime drawings.
It won't. The moralfagging puritans are biggest hypocrites on the Earth. Today, it's anime drawings. Tomorrow, it may be edgy humor followed by politics. Censorship never stops at one place. Eventually it takes over until they have complete control over the person's free will.

>> No.6993124

>I wonder if this will please the people complaining
They don't want to be pleased. They want the thing they're mad about to be gone so they can find something else to be mad about. This is why you NEVER apologize to an outrage

>> No.6993125

Majority of the people complaining are westerners, specifically from Reddit & Twitter. Japan should ignore those people. Japan should also make its own version of Twitter that way they aren't as restricted. Somebody fucked up somewhere & a payment processing company complained.

>> No.6993145

>I think it is more to protect japanese artists from targeted harassment.
I'm willing to bet this is the real reason. Western Twitterniggers are to blame for this mess.

>> No.6993147

Based, this kills loli shitters. Hope they rope themselves next

>> No.6993148

It's probably a mixture of pressure from the UN, European laws getting more stringent on photorealistic CP, laws from UK, Canada, Australia as well as general US puritanism

One day the lolicons are gonna rise up

>> No.6993153

When did everyone become such a government bootlicker?

>> No.6993156

thanks AI

>> No.6993157

>rise up
aren't most people in power already rampant pedos behind closed doors?

>> No.6993159

> One day the lolicons are gonna rise up
Nope it will continue to get worse for you and those retards. Soon, loli shit will be heavily restricted or banned worldwide. Can’t wait to see the seethe

>> No.6993163
File: 404 KB, 1009x1601, AntiAnimeHypocritesExposedAsPeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-anime anti-loli moralfagging puritans happen to be the biggest pedos & kiddie diddlers on the planet.

>> No.6993165

Your kind wanted westerners banned and you don’t care about free speech in the first place, you retarded hypocritical weeb.

>> No.6993173
File: 371 KB, 431x512, 1639714432720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone confirm this but apparently it's JUST the US. If so that's fucking hilarious

>> No.6993180

IMO Pixiv is doing a smart move by doing this. The westerner pigs brought this shit on themselves. It's not our fault they're all low T, thin-skinned, & completely retarded when it comes towards hanging out in the Internet. It's not our fault they can't handle entry-level banter, edge humor, & seethe at the sight of cartoon. I never had a problem with the westerners until they brought they brought all their shitty art, shitty politics, shitty negrophilia over to this places. I hate to see US getting blocked to certain content, but it's a small price to pay to keep the cancel western pigs out.

>> No.6993183

Pedo judges have made western laws are MUCH harsher to the vigilantes than it is to the pedophiles and everyone hates it.

>> No.6993184

People were drawing that stuff long before the Internet was invented. Such thought policing will have an opposite effect & will only make the coomers want to draw the stuff even more.

>> No.6993186

In the UK, Indian & Muslim rape gangs get a slap on wrist for raping little girls while anime fans face prison sentences for drawing anime characters. In Clown World, real pedos never face justice.

>> No.6993194

There’s a difference between drawing it and posting it. No point in drawing more of it out of some autistic spite when you can’t post it though normal means.

>> No.6993199

oh no not the poorly drawn kid fucking!!!

>> No.6993201

Since when does those guys being pedophiles makes (You) less of one? I bet you are quiet as a mouse when finding out that lolifag no.39634 is pedophiles aswell, you two faced fag.

>> No.6993205
File: 40 KB, 641x527, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked up the "pedo" tag (assuming that's the most likely to go from whatever to 0 or just be blocked in the US version), results merely go from 23 000 to 13 000 when switching between Japan and the US/UK and it's still full of literal babies getting dicked.

Maybe it's also tied to physical location but I just searched for child porn six times in two minutes, I'm already on enough lists without using a VPN to keep at it.

>> No.6993215

Post names then.

>> No.6993229

wait stop. so all this is doing is limiting westerns from viewing loli but NOT removing the requirement for censorship even if you're in the west?

this is the stupidest fucking shit ever. stop making me censor shit if you're doing this to adhere by western law dipshits

>> No.6993241

>realistic AIslop CP starts to be produced in overwhelming numbers
>law enforcement doesn't know what to do about it, can't decide if CP AIshitters developed using real CP should count as CP or not
>in order to "protect the children" all images perceived to be of children, real or not, is deemed illegal
>2D loli gets tossed in there
I give it two years.

>> No.6993244

Setting region to Japan eliminates this. It is indeed pretty retarded, to the point that my own works weren't being displayed when I see my most recent submissions on a follower's following list.

>> No.6993272

I wish loli artists embraced crypto.

>> No.6993277

nice projection

>> No.6993282

Lolis/Shotas are just drawings. They are fictitious characters & aren't real children, therefore do not require protection. Real flesh & blood children require protection since they are being sexually exploited in human trafficking. If you can't understand this, then you are too retarded to use the Internet.

>> No.6993287

>It is indeed pretty retarded
This would actually be the perfect way for Pixiv to root out the crazies, if they were so inclined. Anyone who changes their profile to "Japan" and then complains about the images are technically violating their TOS by lying, so their accounts can be deleted.

>> No.6993300

Fucking CCP glowniggers are posting that garbage. If Pixiv simply banned AI, this wouldn't be problem.

>> No.6993367

Don't you know that child molestation only started happening when people started drawing anime girls? We gotta get rid of all of it so we can go back to a better time before weeaboos raped kids en masse.

I bet you're quiet as a mouse in a catholic church when the pastor is checking out the alter boys. Permitting two grown men to sit in a confessional talking about raping children without fear of legal repercussions is a bigger disservice to humanity.

>> No.6993422
File: 126 KB, 1024x1169, LearnFromUs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh noes will someone please think of the poor drawings
Fucking dumbass

>> No.6993511

I will join the chinease to slaughtering american puritan cunts

-affected leaf

>> No.6993611

Instant fix, also PixivUtil2 won't download all images from a profile unless you change your region to Japan.

>> No.6994126

This is motherfucking brilliant. One of the best news ever in this year. Japan is finally starting to make a move and give Amerimutts/Anglos the middle finger. If you don't understand why they do this, before bitching about Japan in your fantasy or playing the victim card, blame your own woke authoritarians in power and dumb woke troons and mainstream media colluding with them and credit card companies that have constantly been attacking Japan. Do something to them first. Japan just protects themselves from the woke army like you always do.

Needless to say, this is still in a test phase, is merely the beginning of the purge. It will be more and more tightener as time goes on.

>> No.6994132

>but how long before they do more and more stringent censorship to appease the west and their payment processors?
Let me guess: two more weeks?

>> No.6994203

Can't stop laughing. Many Amerimutts and their puppets on Twatter are seething lmao You made my day. They seem to believe they are entitled enough to get a free pass just because of being Amerimutt and liking loli or some shit despite living in the jingoistic woke hellhole and contributing nothing to Japan lol They should realise that from a Japanese perspective, literally, nothing of value was lost lmoa

God bless Japan. You've done a fucking fantastic job no other country would do.

>> No.6994251


>> No.6994257

>Dr. Pizza
And people try to make me an atheist.

>> No.6994269

So Pixiv is going back to roots of being a Japanese-only website?

>> No.6994344
File: 1.10 MB, 790x1366, IMG_2003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is real art. Also trans women are real women.
I’m a real woman.

>> No.6994347

>Enrages Twitter and the GrubHub industry.

>> No.6994364

Finally people are realizing exiling anglos from the internet is the solution.

>> No.6994368

Of course not, these people are fucking mentally ill.
We need to shadowban them into their own shitty internet where they can virtue signal at each other and leave us all alone.

>> No.6994423
File: 60 KB, 340x444, schizo thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds, bro.

>> No.6994452

The only thing that needs to be done about the west is drown it in nuclear fire.

>> No.6994454

I hope more foreign websites start exiling the anglo IPs into their own corner where they can't bother the real human users.

>> No.6994457

Ah yes! Japan's *reported* rape and sexual assault rates are so low, that mobile cameras are required to have an audible sound when taking a picture! They definitely got the whole pedo thing under control!

>> No.6994479

>implying other countries' *reported* crimes aren't lower than reality as well

>> No.6994634
File: 75 KB, 900x734, 2TroublemakingGroups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, you fucking cuck. It has a low crime & rape rate because it doesn't have a nigger & jew problem, you fucking newfag. Japan for the most part is an ethnostate & they are not sub 80 IQ race, meaning they can be civilized, peaceful, & clean, unlike the browns & blacks you cucks simp for.

>> No.6994655

I can't get over what a narcissistic faggot Shad is.

>> No.6995741

So what's the solution then, just change my account setting to "Japan" and that's it?