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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 900x689, F8XNktQW8AA3_-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990911 No.6990911 [Reply] [Original]

>Porn artist that reposts so many fucking "free palestine" posts it clogs the entire timeline
Nothing hotter than seeing children dying and people begging for what little money I have. Yeah you're really making a difference by retweeting so much child gore it clogs my tl mr 300 follower porn blog. Porn blogs that talk about ANYTHING other than porn need to fuck off and die.

>> No.6990920
File: 2.01 MB, 640x800, 1699736671380638.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Porn blogs that talk about ANYTHING other than porn need to fuck off and die
I'm not defending porn or those who make it, but this will never happen. if you don't like them, block them/unfollow them and go for a walk homie. then get out your pencil (not your penis) and draw.

>> No.6990928

People who keep bitching about their own art or constantly putting themselves down.
It's either onions-level confidence, or a feeble attempt to appear "modest". Either way, it's annoying as hell.
If you really hated your art so much, then just don't draw anymore? Even worse are the sycophants that slurp it all up and affirm the artist's self-bitching.

>> No.6990934

Apparently this site censors words. "Onions" is supposed to be s o y

>> No.6990936


>> No.6990937

>get out your pencil (not your penis) and draw.
Either they both come out or neither does.

>> No.6990939
File: 238 KB, 1200x1029, 1700076831394713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you really hated your art so much, then just don't draw anymore?
I can get annoyed at the self-loathing types too, but in fairness, at least for some, the other side of it is that they ultimately want to be good at art but aren't there yet. some of them just want the attention I'm sure, but others I imagine want someone to console them and/or simply have a hard time regulating their emotions and so just naturally ridicule themselves. there was a DAD who would constantly make those sorts of posts, but he recently quit it seems.

>> No.6990946
File: 37 KB, 720x477, canada-goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell this. I was following this really good artist once that I initially had a lot of respect for but they would NOT. FUCKING. STOP. They'd make at least five posts a day about how "worthless and depressed" they were. I cannot even put into words how pathetic it is to not only do that in general but to also look for validation among people who only know you through cranking it to your drawings. They wanted to be friends with me at one point but I declined due to that, there's simply no way I'm not gonna be used as an emotional tampon 24/7.

>> No.6990956

>nooooooooo how dare you fight jewish media monopoly and show me things I’m uncomfortable with!? just let me get my daily dopamine fix before I have to go back to working for mr shekelberg reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6990958

Same with "save sudan" and shit like that. I'm not here to save the world I'm here to stroke my cock. If you're not gonna help me with that I have no reason to continue paying/ following you.

>> No.6990966

>0 followed users
>no likes/retweets on the timeline
>no text posts
>only posting art with a short description
why can't artists just be like this

>> No.6990967

we both know you didn’t pay them in the first place, you kike

>> No.6990975


>> No.6990979
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 168965236132546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>always do the correct things™ over the years with multiple accounts
>don't retweet
>don't talk
>just post art with a short description
>maybe get a few likes
>never any followers across multiple sites
>see literal kids doodles get way more interactions and followers than i ever could
Artists do those things people seem to hate because it actually works.
This is like puritans complaining about why people like and only follow porn accounts.
Retweeting and posting random shit just works.

>> No.6991001

>Apparently this site censors words
Lurk moar

>> No.6991006

artists who are huge drama magnets or go on cancel sprees or whatever

>> No.6991014

You can turn off reposts for specific people anon, click the 3 dots

>> No.6991023

>posting art unrelated to what I followed him for
>random le relatable chatter
>contemporary liberal drama, including but not limited to: BLM, LGBTQ, "free palestine"
>"here's my gofundme because I'm a queer polyam furry who needs top surgery after being kicked out of xir parent's house :((("

>> No.6991029
File: 817 KB, 320x180, 1703456438074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn artist draws piece with 2 female characters getting touchy
>futa/non futa variant
>it's always either both are futa or neither is futa

>> No.6991047

the real crime is when they are spamming video game / gacha slop related posts

>> No.6991049
File: 39 KB, 490x350, 1667928335555590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.6991058
File: 39 KB, 413x550, andy boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always do shit like this to encourage people to load MS paint or GIMP and edit my shit until it looks like the version they want.

That's how I got started myself, it the lasso tool was enough to graft every horse cock into every Vtuber I'd still be on /a/ crying about entitled drawfags not doing my alts for free

>> No.6991062

This assumes people save, catalogue and edit the porn they like when the reality is if they don't like your piece they just swipe to the next image or ignore you completely.

>> No.6991066
File: 140 KB, 1080x1091, 1681008267398030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really like artist worshipping. Like for instance, in discord servers an artist with 20k follows is basically worshipped, even though he barely says anything. Numbers DO have an affect on our brain!

>> No.6991075

newfags OUT

>> No.6991113


>> No.6991243

So you want one futa one female?

>> No.6991268

Go back.

>> No.6991271


>> No.6991278

>He doesn't know how to mute or block
Do you enjoy living like that?

>> No.6991280

Oh yeah, those artists that kept on having self pity. Hate those. Wish I could just say they sucked straight to their face but I'm not asshole enough to do it

>> No.6991290

>I can't do it
>Try this
>That's too hard!

Then kys idfk why did you whine about it if you didn't want help

>> No.6991356

Yes that's the implication.

>> No.6991368



>> No.6991891

Leftist issues are inherently shalom pilled even if it's against isreal. Believe me those buggers got the leftists wrapped around their little finger.

>> No.6991937

Suck hamas dick harder fag, they'll still behead you.
Count yourself lucky atleast you don't have tits they can cut off and play ball with

>> No.6991942

obnoxious bio especially on the gender bs.
social media link spams.

>> No.6991946

kys kike, pay for all the foreskin you stole

>> No.6991979

Artists that spam reply with GIFs. Really annoying when I see a good piece of artwork online, decide to check out the artist's media tab and it's just stupid reactions. I always associated those with millenials and older, but I guess zoomers use them too.

>> No.6991985

> Retweeting and posting random shit just works.
This is so fucking true. I would retweet art or mutuals art every now a then and this would give me 40-100 new followers. It just works

>> No.6992007

Beautiful artwork, but the artist put the light source behind the character, so the female's face is shaded and/or it gives her a 5 o'clock shadow. No pictures in fashion magazines ever make this mistake.

>> No.6992242

oy vey remember the masturbation machines

>> No.6992263

it’s not a mistake, begtard, it’s a common deliberate convention to avoid having a full value scale in the face with stylised head geometry while letting you model the tits

>> No.6992279

Tbqh I can't stand anyone who does this shit. Even if they are genuinely depressed or whatever. Like, ok, one post about it is ok, but if it's a constant stream of it that can be off-putting to people and causes people to want to stop interacting with you. The ones you do end up attracting aren't the best people either.

Like, at that point, please seek help otherwise it just comes across as attention seeking versus genuine. Like, I have issues as well, but I'm not going to post about it all day long.

Like, go to the fucking therapy at that point.

>> No.6992280

It depends on the context and what you are going for!

>> No.6992528

And don't forget that once you reach 50k+ followers your only means of growing is searching for victims that you can accuse of hate crimes or being a nazi hater xyzphobe rightwinger or something, then play the victim card for the only reason of mobilizing your white knight army or clown on them so that you can show how epic based and funny you are.
Or come here, make a thread about yourself and then cry on twitter that the nazi 4chuds are being racist against you while of course denying that you post here and acting all smug about it because the racist 4chongers are just jealous of you and all the kiddies following your porn account validate you, while you also farm engagement from other clout chasers and drama whores.
Or just posting how horny you are and how sex images make you horny.

If you look at most of the big accounts posting histories, if they don't delete their posts once they have fulfilled their purpose, It just seems to work.

>> No.6992544

the one that uses the glitchy blue-red retarded epilepsy filter on their art.

>> No.6994862

That how it be sometimes

>> No.6994914
File: 245 KB, 958x1254, mossa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologizing when they have done nothing wrong because a cry bully attacked them and got justifiably cooked in the replies.

>> No.6995432

people who bring social media drama into an art community

>> No.6995475

Anon, he didn’t want the kid to get bullied and this knows that a little shit would not be worth to go after.

>> No.6995510

Makes him look like a weak pussy and enables retards in the process

>> No.6995514

Motherfuckers who post once every two months and complain that they don't get twitter numbers and then go on their other accounts and talk about how much they hate everyone.

>> No.6995515

>Makes him look like a weak pussy
It's just twitter, anon
No response would have been "Strong"

>> No.6995700
File: 225 KB, 1000x808, Simeon-Soloman-Reverie-pastels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually weird how leftists choke on Soros cock but like it when brown Mizrahi Jews get burned alive by billionaires.
It's almost like they just worship ethnic billionaires, whether it be Soros or Hamas

>> No.6995988

The only people who know anything about Soros are mentally deranged people such as yourself.

>> No.6995989

This is me, but it's because I just suck it up and use my work to get jobs instead.

>> No.6995997

Yeah, if you want your art to carry you, post on gallery sites like Pixiv or something. If you want to post on Twitter, your odds of "making it" go up the more you engage and play the algorithm game. I know I have a fan who runs a "fanboy"/community account and he seems to get good traction just by making 'community" posts and liking/retweeting shit.

>> No.6996643

Is it really weird knowing shit about Soros and other corrupt faggots? I had to learn about him in an economics class and used to get emails from various leftie organizations with speeches from him

>> No.6996707

This is why I either edit or don't save pics of sexy women with crosses. Regardless of belief, I don't want to have a naked dying man in my head when I have my dick in my hand.

>> No.6996719

>Passive aggressive posts about no one liking and sharing their art
>Whining about art being hard
Unfollow on sight. Those retards still wonder why they lose followers

>> No.6996724

>ethnic billionaire
son you got the stupid

>> No.6996725

Should let the retarded kid have a taste of their own medicine. Maybe they would do research next time.

>> No.6996730

Ignore or block. Responding to people stirring shit up only leads to more drama and negative attention.

>> No.6996755

The leader of Hamas is Semitic (like most Middle-Eastern people because Semitic does not include just Jews) and has a 4 billion dollar net worth
It's all available on the Internet

>> No.6996772
File: 437 KB, 1465x702, IMG_5613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>net worth
>It's all available on the Internet

>> No.6996776

Top kek, but Hamas fags and most terror organizations are actually headed by billionaires. That's how they can afford to get poor sandniggers to do monstrous shit for them and get creamed

>> No.6996779

Ah yes, art and drawing. I love drawing. Good thing that this thread isn't filled with turbo autistic /pol/ tards, that would be terrible.

>> No.6996795


>> No.6996829

No one else even mentions him, but people like you.

>used to get emails from various leftie organizations with speeches from him
Sure, asshole.

>> No.6996946


>> No.6997040

And who are people like me ?

>> No.6997175

hate this shit, just stfu and keep drawing
It's not that difficult

>> No.6997296

I don't mind this unless it's some 100k+ artist doing it

>> No.6997337

>Like, ok,
>Like, at that point,
>Like, I have
>Like, go

>> No.6997354


>> No.6997394

>4 billion dollar
Doesn't sound like much when you want to start a war against larger country.

>> No.6997483

if you take the first letter of every sentence, ignoring the word like, it spells “TotaI g”

>> No.6997499

people who pretend to be Japanese

>> No.6997502

>character is flat chested
>porn artist's fanart drew it way bigger

>> No.6997577

>character is big breasted
>porn artist's fan art drew it way bigger

>> No.6998377

>artist streams but never announces stream, no schedule, never saves vod
I would 100% get it if they turned around and sold the process vids or were in a country with shitty laws.
Clearly you are fine with people seeing, because you stream at all.
I just don't get why be all secretive about it.

>> No.6998482

engaging with the community...... le works???!

>> No.6998485

I'm instead going to talk about artist shit I love:
>japanese r18 artist posts two variants of the same illustration (shit like a different facial expression while everything else is the same)
>the bar censors are different in each one on purpose (basically where one part of the image has a bar censor, in the other image the bar censor is moved to the side
>you can take the images into photoshop and essentially make it uncensored

>> No.6998488

therapy only works if you genuinely want it to. I hate faggots like you that just say "go seek therapy" under the assumption that therapists have a magic fix-it button that will make all your problems go away.

>> No.6998489

that's not even a thing anymore with the recent twitter changes, are you living under a rock?

>> No.6998540

I don't make porn because it's degenerate and gross and illegal in any God-fearing state. I make novelty items. Anyone who calls me a porn artist will be blocked for 24 hours.

>> No.6998555

>Oh are you bringing more awareness to the actual extinction of a race and telling me how i can provide aid? Not on my watch BITCH

Do /ic/fags really?

>> No.6998558

A hero among men

>> No.6998567

Have you tried sucking less terrorist cock

>> No.6998578

maybe they don't see it as valuable preserving as other people do

>> No.6998602

>all crows are black and all crows are birds, therefore all birds are black
Did I get that right?

>> No.6998606
File: 9 KB, 480x360, realshitnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants bitches sucking dick
>go to porn artist
>the dick sucked is the Palestine one
>with artist being the bitch

>> No.6998625

yes, more artists need to draw White Phoenician cocks.
I'm tired of black ones being pushed by slimy yids.

>> No.6998632

no one said that, did we hurt you?

>> No.6998716

He apparently believed he was going to steal the rest from Canada.
Top kek.

>> No.6998747

This is my old art school roommate’s twitter feed, except instead of porn, is Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fanart

>> No.6998748
File: 743 KB, 2165x2192, Average Artist Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artist things you HATE
Not sure if hate is the right word, it's entertaining but I hate how pathetic it is.

>> No.6998766

Check their bios and profiles for political and virtue-signal shit before following, always helps.

A smarter decision would be to just outright ditch using Shitter/X, that site isn't even worth using at this point.

>> No.6998770

using their art blog as their personal blog. so you need to scroll through 20 post pictures of food and their cat before seeing their latest artwork. i'm glad boorus exist

>> No.6998816

so porn?

>> No.6998909

It's like saying "Just draw."
You can't just draw anything, it just means that no matter what you do, whether it be learning concepts/fundies, figure drawing, etc. the point is to just start. Talking and worrying about it isn't going to help you start drawing, but drawing will.

Even with this example, obviously, the true answer is way more nuanced than that, but the core message of someone telling you to seek therapy, because it's obvious to everyone BUT you that you are fucked up. Even if you aren't working hard at therapy even more people are going to continue telling you this, because you are fucked up. If therapy isn't working either get a new one or maybe seek out a psychiatrist instead because it might be something else.

I mean yeah sure you can go to the doctor for diabetes or whatever and get the meds, but if you aren't also helping your situation then yeah, it's only going to work but so far, too.

Do you need all that shit spelled out for you? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6998922


>> No.7000564

>over 30k followers and complaining like this

>> No.7000571

>Porn artists are gay and retarded?? Wtf?????

>> No.7002411

>Getting this ass blasted over some butthurt
Go seek therapy

>> No.7002466

stopped following tons of artists for doing this crap, they also tend to be involved with pointless drama

>> No.7002707

Oh good! A vent thread! I needed to get something off my chest.

I don't like the whole "anti" scene. I understand that drawing hardcore porn and gore and posting it on a place that's easily accessible to kids without so much as a nsfw tag is can be a problem, but I've been noticing that there are people running some public art sites that allow nsfw with the tag are going insane.

I just went to a public drawing website that will go after you if you draw tobacco on the sfw boards, and even though the pages rules don't state any specifics, you can get banned for anything that triggers the mods even if you draw it in a designated, private, friends only nsfw room.

I find that kind of culture to be coddling and particularly unacceptable in the art world. I find that limiting artists to subjective moral standards hinders creativity. Some of the best and most successful artists draw heinous shit and I don't see why suddenly now it's an issue.

What are your guys thoughts?

>> No.7002722

Artists over 10K acting like ebeggars

>> No.7002761

>We live in a stratified world where a certain clique of people control the money supply and public opinion through the media.
Everyone agrees
>Now let me tell you who those people are
Big fight.

>> No.7002794

>We live in a stratified world where a certain clique of people control the money supply and public opinion through.
> you're getting closer.
>the media.
i almost forgot this was the Q-contrarian basket weaving website

>> No.7003900

I 100% agree artists should be free, let people judge if they want to consume their art or not after the fact, but the process of creation itself should be unhindered.
Also, name and shame that drawing website you mention, sounds like a place to avoid.

>> No.7003904

>Shippers and similar deranged individuals, like the ones who decide a male is now canonically trans and will only draw them as trans and refuse to see reality
>Artists who release a batch of different character drawings but all are obviously the same exact fucking drawing with different clothes/hair
And this isn't really something I hate, but I much prefer artists who abide by it.
>Drawing characters without respecting who the character is, for example, drawing Tracer from Overwatch without her stability machine thingy

>> No.7003932

At what point do I get to look at my Art and be happy with it.

>> No.7003938

I am, actually. Why do you think I suggested it in the first place?

>> No.7003941

I have heard of 'anti's in the shipping crowd. A lot of them come off a bit unhinged.

>> No.7003942

I agree with this also. People with a ton of followers acting as if they only have 10 are really annoying. It's the equivalent of Elon Musk complaining that he's poor/broke. Talking about lacking self-awareness sometimes.

>> No.7003948

Never, because as your skill improves so will your ability to see the remaining flaws, there is no end to it. The only solution is learning to be happy with "good enough" and keep flaws in mind for future improvements rather than critiquing the current piece.

>> No.7003951

It's like a nevernending cycle. I recall watching Yoh Yoshinari comment about how much he hates his work and is constantly working on trying to improve it.

>keep flaws in mind
One of my biggest flaws.

>> No.7003963

My biggest one are artists who constantly have to share their political opinions and beliefs despite their work rarely reflecting any of it. Their work always seems to border on the most 'safe' and non-offensive shit ever yet they are the first ones to start blasting out opinions.

It comes across as insincere and that they are just saying shit to look good rather than actually believing any of the bullshit they are sprouting.

>> No.7004091

This. Also, mixing politics with art is damaging long term, even if you are a leftoid

>> No.7004098

Mixing politics with everything is damaging long term
There's a cycle at work here
1: Politics is separate from everything else
2: Politics begins infecting every single other thing in human life in a progressive disease
3: Every single thing is political. People will literally kill their own mother over political differences
4: Society can no longer function and breaks down because of this (happens once every 80 years or so)
5: Society is rebuilt but politics is caged and chained in a box where it belongs so it can't interfere with human life. People with diametrically opposed political beliefs will be friends and get married again
6: Time passes
7: People forget that politics metastasizing into other matters around it always ends badly and begin to believe they can bring politics into everything without consequences again
8: Cycle repeats
9: Endlessly
There may be an underlying cyclical shift in average hormone levels which drives this process somewhat or at least synchronizes with it and leads to a massive war/societal breakdown every 80 years or so

>> No.7004106

Great points, I pointed out art because it fucking sucks
>gets bombarded by this crap all day
>tries to avoid it
>wants to see some art to relax
>artist is also partaking on this shit
>effort goes down the drain

>> No.7004107

It is very draining
I engage very little with artists on social media but I do read a lot of books and very fast
>I read a book set in a fantasy universe
>It keeps mentioning muh bigotry and muh skin color and even occasionally uses the word "privilege" and generally makes it clear the author is completely mind broken and full of lefty political brainrot
>I realize I have no interest in exploring the fantastical world this mind devised
>I literally burn the book and don't order any sequels
>I order some high fantasy novels from the 80s or self-published works instead since self-published people can't afford to be too obnoxious or else their work will fail and 80s high fantasy wasn't pozzed

>> No.7004108

Exhausting how many hypothetically intelligent people seem to genuinely think there can be no possible universe that exists outside of the scope of their personal beliefs about how the world works

>> No.7004114

I honestly love when artists like this gets fucked over political crap
>spews political shit into art
>friends and family tries to warn
>some followers tries warn
>they double down
>lose everything because of it

>> No.7004121

Something new I've noticed is that artists on Pixiv are starting to censor the anus for some reason. Hate it.

>> No.7004154

Not all shippers are deranged
Shipping is just the normal way autistic girls tend to engage with media. They find a relationship and they fixate on its dynamics and storyline. Most autistic girls literally have "relationships" as a special interest, owing to them being female
Like all autists the gamut runs from borderline normal to beyond the psychotic. You're talking about the Chris Chans of female autism here
Most of them are not like that and just go bananas over their favorite couples in games lmao, it's actually a little cute once you figure out that shipping is the W40K mini painting of fem autism

>> No.7004155

I hate when they post about anything other than art, make a separate personal account ffs

>> No.7004159

it isn't even really autistic, women have been watching soap operas and reading romances forever. they even root for their friends and kids to be paired up which is the non-autist version since it affects reality.

>> No.7004168

The ones who are really obsessive about it are definitely autistic (and take it to levels that normie girls can't even conceive of)
When you find a 20k word essay on someone's tumblr detailing her analysis of Rey and Kylo's relationship you can bet your bottom dollar she's fem autist

>> No.7004176

Yeah that's the kind of shippers I meant in my original comment, especially if they go for nonsensical pairings of characters that'd hate each other, or haven't even shared a single scene. Bonus points if they fight in the comments to defend their opinions, or say things like "it's canon to me shut the fuck up"

>> No.7004179

Whether or not that annoys me depends
If they're pretty straightforward that "this is my version of the universe with my own interpretations of these characters that differ from canon" there is nothing wrong with that
On the other hand I've seen people like ur describing literally try to usurp canon and patrol social media communities they're part of trying to make others who are following canon of something they're into conform to their version instead, which is wild
"Death of the author" try author skinwalking what the fuck
Like I said, some of them are really like the fem equivalent to Chris Chan and their antics can be unbelievable in their own female way

>> No.7004815

Why do you care though?

Also, don't most of those shippers sometimes become authors with book deals?

>> No.7004817

>On the other hand I've seen people like ur describing literally try to usurp canon and patrol social media communities they're part of trying to make others who are following canon of something they're into conform to their version instead, which is wild

Yeah, that is too much. Everyone is allowed to their own interpretations and opinions, because everyone is different.

>> No.7004838

E.L. James was an outlier and should not have been counted

>> No.7004919
File: 874 KB, 1278x2158, 8743875987345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malmal. Avoid that shithole like the plague. It's like a middle school in there. The jannies are easily some of the worst I have ever encountered. They would make a reddit mod blush

>> No.7004985

I made it like 5 sentences before I started skipping and reached
>"Do NOT stAnD iN fRonT oF tHosE WhO aRE nOT wiLlINg tO See THe Right Of THE lIgHT"
If someone spoke to me in this kind of pretentious waffling bullshit irl they wouldn't get very far before I broke their jaw

>> No.7004994

Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.7004997

yeaahhh. This is just a fraction of what they sent. The premise of the site was cool. But the owner abandoned it a couple years ago and the jannies there went feral. It's pretty much a dying site with maybe 200 active members are 7 jannies that circle jerk one another while drawing their shitty yaoisonas cutting themselves.

>> No.7005050

>It's like a middle school in there
How is this board any different?
It's like middle school, but porn is allowed.
>breaks the rules
>gets banned
>omg literal middle school
Yeah, it's obvious you're in the wrong there.
Now i guess i am one of the mods or users there, right?
Because that would totally be functioning adult reasoning.

The line about the light was pretty cringe tho

>> No.7005056

>Yeah, it's obvious you're in the wrong there.
Read the screenshot he posted
People who choose to communicate in the way those jannies do are fundamentally incompatible with being in the right
They are always wrong, no matter how much power they have or how hard they try to argue

>> No.7005061
File: 136 KB, 295x333, 16546546556564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who choose to communicate in the way those jannies do are fundamentally incompatible with being in the right
yeah right

You might assume its some fat 40 y.o. who is too much into fantasy larping but
how in the piss does it make any sense?
Anon broke the rules, and he got banned.
Shouldn't have broken the rules, mate.

>> No.7005066

Rules are made to be broken
And so are people who follow them

>> No.7005067

Based middle schooler
Now go to sleep

>> No.7005072
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While I would normally see where you are coming from, the rules weren't being broken. I was drawing NSFW in a NSFW room. The website that has the rules does not list any specifics as to what isn't allowed in the NSFW room. I was never provided with any sort of alternative website with a list of rules as to what is or isn't allowed in NSFW. The jannies just make it up on the spot, which you have to admit is kind of shitty.

4 chan is different because they actually have the rules written down for each board.

>> No.7005082

Reminds me a lot of people who put "nsfw dni" in their twitter profiles, especially those who are underage.

I myself don't like porn, but this type of thing is really, strange. The main issue is that, normal people don't need to do this. Normal people don't have such an issue of interacting with porn artists where they need to put something in their profile. If it's really an issue, sorry, but YOU are the one who needs to stop interacting, because clearly you are inserting yourself into circles where porn is common. Because a lot of the time, these people are imbeded in some type of furry roleplay "community", or they draw sonic fan art all day, or something else like that, and that's why they are at risk of interacting with porn artists. That or they just see other people who have the same thing in their profile and think they need to put it in theirs too.

It's also a weird self-created sort of drama. People who get all worked up over stuff online, who are in all these little discords and shit like that. They don't know how to just be normal, and want something relatable to complain about, so they pretend that seeing porn on twitter is this massive problem for them. It's not, and if it was, like I said before, its their own fault for being in those types of circles in the first place.

This is pretty rambley, but everytime I see something like "nsfw dni" what could possibly be going through that person's head where that would ever in a million years be something they actually need to put on their twitter bio.

>> No.7005087
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Mate, it quite literally specified. You can draw nsfw subjects, but not go into "explicit/suggestive/graphic" material.
I would side with you, depending on what your drawing was.

>> No.7005092

I do every single thing mentioned in this thread.

>> No.7005094

>seeing porn on twitter is this massive problem for them. It's not, and if it was, like I said before, its their own fault for being in those types of circles in the first place.
Twitter algorithm don't work like that though.
You're going to get exposed to adult content whether you like it or not because of bots or the algorithm pushing it unto your feeds by virtue of being connected or having engaged/liked a post by another user as a recommendation/suggestion.

You could quite basically get posts recommended because you follow someone that follows/likes/engages a specific content.

>> No.7005095

I was drawing nsfw in a nsfw room I created. It doesn't say anything about not going into explicit/suggestive/graphic material. Literally all the rule says is that if I want to draw anything explicit/suggestive/graphic/controversial etc, is to create a board with a nsfw tag. Which is what I did. If I hadn't then I would have been in the wrong. They were literally just pissed because I drew nsfw they didn't like.

Its crazy because I see these people go after people who tag their work as nsfw as well. If someone really didn't want to see nsfw you can literally filter tags.

>> No.7005097

>It doesn't say anything about not going into explicit/suggestive/graphic material.
Ok, lets cut to the chase and post what you drew.

>> No.7005098

I drew porn of an aged up but canonically underaged character.

>> No.7005104
File: 20 KB, 768x576, 1635665641446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok if i were a mod, i would also ban you for baiting anons to make this shitty joke

i laughed tho

>> No.7005200

Yeah but that's not really what "nsfw dni" is for though. Bots don't read twitter bios, the warning seems to be targeted toward actual users who might see it. Because it's only something I see in bios of people in almost-fetish type art circles. Always some type of autistic. Paired with a poorly drawn sonic oc type profile pic, and a "list of mental illnesses" type bio. Never see a regular joe shmoe, or even regular artist, have "nsfw dni", because regular people DON'T have an issue with it, and if they do see something they don't like, they mute/block, not make it a thing. Again, you have to ask yourself, what kind of circles are you in where this is an issue?

It's just an autism thing. Half children who shouldn't be online in the first place, and half adults who have the mental capacity of children. You see their shitty self-drawn pfp, and vaguely-nintendo related username, and it's a coin toss if they are 14 or 24.

>> No.7005736

Listen, not OP but..., I understand you have a cute cat and I also understand that we should not avert our eyes to the truth just because we cannot handle it.
if I am looking at porn, I have my cock out and I am masturbating, at that very moment, I might even be cumming. If I am looking at your porn account, it is very likely I am doing that.

When I scroll down, I hope to find more porn.
I do not want to masturbate to your (literal) cat, neither do I want to orgasm while looking your pet dog or lizard or whatever the fuck.
I especially do not want to masturbate while looking at pictures of dying children and wailing women with a gun to their head, even for a split second.
I am ok with seeing these in any other context, but not while I am furiously stroking my shit.

I think most people are with me on this one
Keep the porn account and the personal account seperate

TL:DR Consider the what someone is doing when looking at porn.

>> No.7005755

>artist that reposts so many fucking
Honestly, just artist in general that clutter their media feed and posts stuff other than their art. If I follow an artist, it's for their art, not their political opinion or to know what video games they're playing.

>> No.7006068
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>things that you HATE
this kind of behavior

>> No.7006070

lol whats wrong with him, even his @handle is retarded

>> No.7006492

basically the same thing >>6996719 said

>> No.7006577

He just wants more interactions with people that enjoy his art. That's not too big of an ask, is it?

>> No.7006578

Artists who genuinely see nsfw artists as lesser people, but when you ask them to pyw they prove that they have the skill to back up their obnoxiousness

>> No.7006590

What's wrong with that? I'd love to get rid of the brainless coomers that like my art along ai shit and post retarded memes under my posts

>> No.7008165

I saw this so many times, it will always be funny

>> No.7008169

does he interact with every picture he sees/likes? I have twitter but only for looking, I don't touch.

>> No.7008176

i regularly check BLM instagram and look who follows this that i follow - then i unfollow.

>> No.7008702

Based, also check bio for pronouns or 'neurodivergent' shit

>> No.7009478

Especially if it's for HRT

>> No.7009490

it's on days like these that I actually feel thankful of being an actual schizoid, I am probably twice as lonely as this loser and yet I feel happy and motivated just working on my art every day and consuming media that inspires me, it's comfy

>> No.7009555

this but with japanese artists and their ramen/sushi/beer photos

>> No.7010220
File: 38 KB, 720x405, IMG_3749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but not just specifically with Palestine.

If you don’t like hearing about the JQ you’re a faggot who can’t face the truth and would rather live with his head buried in the sand.

>> No.7010223


>> No.7010529

thanking God daily for not making me like this

>> No.7010618

>why can't artists just be like this
There are a lot but you don't notice them.
Funny that

>> No.7010639

Just make fun of them for taking cartoons too seriously or compare them to Chrischan like they believe in the dimensional merge.
Just ignoring them also has a 100% success rate but might take slightly longer.

>> No.7010837

>it's just an upset kike

>> No.7010838

whiny faggottory is the worst kind of sin

>> No.7010881 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1024x1024, anime girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Porn artist that reposts so many fucking "free palestine" posts it clogs the entire timeline

And that's bad how, Moshe?

>> No.7010914

>People bitching to not leave critique unless asked
These people will never "accept" critique and will never improve

>> No.7012869

And conversely
>People hurling insults as "critique"

>> No.7012886

>Artist friend asks for critique
>Spend a good amount of time looking at their art and writing what they should work on
>They say thanks then proceed to not even consider these things in the future
>Happens with several other artists to the point where you just stop wasting your effort trying to give critique
>Only "critique" you get is not about rendering, composition, anatomy, but just to draw it more how the "critiquer" likes (ex. Make the lips bigger, make the tits bigger and saggier, make the hips and waist fatter)

>> No.7012896

Don't bother with it again, let them fall on their own traps. Also, the last one pisses me off so I tend to ignore the faggot.

>> No.7014221

lost some """friendships""" by giving honest critique when asked for it

>> No.7014234

>Artist things you HATE

the constant bandwagoning of twitter fags for the new flavor of the month anime to get their dopamine dosis.

faggots that ngmi outside of fanart and coom.

>> No.7014245

>Happens with several other artists
maybe your critiques just suck

>> No.7014257

Same. It comes in pangs though where you realise how utterly alone you are and start contemplating how life will pan out for you..
Regardless I've been much more productive since I chose to be alone.
Less drama, less anxiety, not having to deal with peoples egos or feelings, drama, competitive nature and manipulative behaviors.
I can just focus on my work and not get sidetracked because someone had a bad day and chose to use me as a personal punchingbag or worry about some woman conveniently not picking up the phone on a friday night..

Been burnt too many times to let myself go there again.

>> No.7014379

I decided from such experiences that I can't help people, unless they are in dire circumstances and begging for help, and even that's iffy.

>> No.7015516

or maybe his friends are just cunts

>> No.7015865

Pron artists.

>> No.7016010

the trick is to be happy while making it

>> No.7016059

I considered this but it's more like they don't want critique that goes beyond adding highlights or something simple like that.

>> No.7018476
File: 1.08 MB, 1536x2800, Lucien-Devy-Dhurmer-Silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews are the good guys. Nazis wanted to euthanize people with autism and Muslims like to rape lolis
Jews are God's chosen race so they fight them

>> No.7018479

porn artists who just spam their feed with whatever game they're playing. NO I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT SHITTY GACHA OF THE MONTH OF MONSTER HUNTER UNLESS IT'S MONSTER PORN

>> No.7020248
File: 158 KB, 580x680, c1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artists rambling about how much they are entitled to fame
>Whine about less skilled artists being more popular
>Being an narcissist in general.

>> No.7020309

>Has all the energy to get into drama, sperg about politics, and post memes
>none for art

twitter was a mistake gyx0

>> No.7020372

Lmao this guy doesn't deserve to complain. Go sell clip art to microsoft office 2003.

>> No.7020395
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x1659, 0470ea901eb5cd879ef08f47f32953fe011047078db2177ac0fc896d973ffebf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought about this as being more tragic than it seems that first glance. It's all too commonplace for people with poor skills to get a lot of support from their family, friends, or random people who have decided they deserve it because they're "not good at art". They get a tremendous ego boost and depending on how they handle it, they may decide it means they don't need to sacrifice any piece of it in order to get what they want (consumers) And become disillusioned when the truth comes out. In this case, sacrificing ego would mean figuring out how to appeal to people other than yourself.

Now, the REAL tragic part about all of this is that people who draw this way (the sunday funnies style) on top of not realizing the only people who like this sort of thing are old people and autistics, sometimes both, IS THAT THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BE FUNNY to begin with. You will find thousands of comics just like his and not a single good joke between them. People will forgive a lot if something is genuinely entertaining, even this art being unattractive as it is would not be a distraction if it made everyone laugh.

I think it's fair to feel bothered when people aren't getting the interaction they desire, a lot of people feel that way. The internet is ironically a pretty lonely place. But I like to think about why a guy like this would blow up in this negative way and there are important lessons to take from it if more attention is something you want.

>> No.7020425

Holy shit get the fuck out Twitter tourist

>> No.7020432

>therapy only works if you genuinely want it to
Not to mention it isn't free.

>> No.7020468

Social media links in their bio is a good thing.
If it's littered in their artwork that's a different story.

>> No.7021259

>implying the board isn't already plagued by them

>> No.7021312
File: 297 KB, 600x473, Screenshot from 2024-01-17 10-39-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of post

>> No.7021313

You mean the jellyfag? I also hate this shit.

>> No.7021316

Yes, I was like that in the past and this affected me so much...thankfully some friends helped me to get over this kind of behavior, but my progress with art suffered so much with that.

>> No.7021945

he was fucking right tho
when everyone thought twitter was going to ban porn and every 100k+ follower artist started whining and crying about losing their fame

>> No.7022709


>> No.7022722

>wasted talent
how fucking low can you set the bar

>> No.7022723

as if they would lose money and be on the streets

>> No.7023911

>be raceplay artist
>talks about racism

>> No.7024651
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>> No.7025158

>the full paywall faggot
my satisfaction reaches orbit when downloading their leaked stuff, they deserve it

>> No.7025225
File: 709 KB, 781x634, dwqdwqdqqw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's her talking.

>> No.7026257

you must be trash at art. every artist has room to improve. go fuck yourself

>> No.7026457

You did not comprehend.

>> No.7027265


>> No.7027593

Not the anon, but I guess he mean the hypocrisy of the artist doing x thing and talking about y thing

>> No.7027606
File: 200 KB, 1100x1007, 1657965239813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doomposting about AI is really fucking annoying, talking about posts like
>oh god some mobile game company is using AI art we are fucked we must protect the wholesome artists
usually made by some anime pinup retard
Just ignore it lmao

>> No.7027624

Doomposting in general sucks, but the AI bitching really is something else. The best way to counter this is unironically just drawing.

>> No.7027632

just some stableboys desperately crying out, before the steam locomotive drove them all to utter extinction.

>> No.7027644
File: 437 KB, 839x768, lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care whether the slop normies chug is made by a computer or not. At least it helped me build my website thoe

>> No.7027657
File: 56 KB, 640x425, IMG_7298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027785

And I'll do it again

>> No.7027810

I have to remind myself not to do this because literally nobody wants to see it

>> No.7028224

Constant soapboxing or venting, instant block for me

>> No.7028259
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists befriending and interacting specifically with bigger artists is a pet pevee of mine. Like, cool that you can make friends with so many noteworthy figures of the field, but at a point it becomes a pattern in which it seems you're solely looking for their numbers and how they can benefit you rather than making genuine bonds. It makes you look disingenuous, it makes you look like a leech. I met someone like this and it was certainly unpleasant to see someone being so shamelessly unethical on their interaction choices.

>> No.7028408

I find it being more about principles than worrying about market demand, any talentless retard, with time on their hands, watch a Youtube tutorial and start shitting trash images on their computer, but they can't keep it to themselves: they need to spam it everywhere they go, every board, every thread, create a pixiv, artstation, patreon, "hey guys I will generate AI art based on your requests".
The real problem about AI is that there are faggots feeling and behaving like "artists" now with their new toy, and I prefer to filter out trash when I am consuming art. Art was and will always be elitist, like reading books was and is even to this day. Only goats consume everything like it is grass.
Btw nice frogposting.

>> No.7028444

I have several online friends I made that dwarf my follower count by several times. It's just called having similar inter3ests and just being a pleasant person to be around. Having them retweet my shit is just a bonus

>> No.7028710

twitter artists need to stop calling shotas twinks/femboys and vice versa

>> No.7028792

It's all fucking algorithm based, so I just follow Mr. Beast's formula on Twitter. I got 120k followers in 17 months and still rising fast, and my art looks advanced beg at best.

>> No.7028801

It's also funny seeing *nsfw dni* on a profile, then you see they still follow nsfw artists if they're big enough. *cough* colodraws *cough.

>> No.7028829

To be fair attention is definitely a good motivator. Or demotivator for that matter

>> No.7028918

what is the mr beast formula

>> No.7029272

> this retarded strawman again
> implying creative works are on the same level as transportation
It's a shame AI can't do anything about your mental retardation.

>> No.7029505

>Porn artist acts like a clout-chasing whore
oh no the humanity! how could this be happening! I am literally shaking right now!

>> No.7030136

let them cope, for more two weeks

>> No.7030625

>they can't just look underage, I need them to be specifically labeled as underage

>> No.7030661

yes- i know what you mean
a lot of people call bullshit on this because it sounds fake or paranoid until you actually experience it first-hand
ive had multiple short-lasted friendships with others i met on twitter that slowly faded once id realize every interaction they had with me and most of their actions in general were attempts to grow their worthless social media page.
ive had plenty of pleasant interactions/friendships as well and i give as much benefit of the doubt as i can each time, but there really are motherfuckers out there who genuinely, truly, only care about online numbers, and its unbelievable to watch them manipulate so much for something that means so little
its the same motherfuckers who complain about never being happy or art not being fun
actual mental illness, steer clear

>> No.7031113

used to be really insecure like this (because was genuinely depressed, was not fishing for attention) until i realized people found this annoying, & stopped. still regret not realizing this sooner but it comes with the shift from having a small audience to a larger one where you can't really treat your page like a personal diary about art struggles anymore and to just talk about that stuff out of the public eye. i feel like a lot of artists still don't get this. since then i've avoided posting anything besides artwork. now if only a lot of the people i follow would realize this as well...