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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 137 KB, 800x450, IMG_5182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6986520 No.6986520 [Reply] [Original]

Easy one Shadman

>> No.6986521

Asanagi is garbage

>> No.6986522

My own.

>> No.6986525
File: 62 KB, 500x354, IMG_5183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Examples? Also another easy one. Rcdart.

>> No.6986527

I’m not looking up hentai. Trying to stop jerking off again

>> No.6986529

van gogh

>> No.6986530
File: 44 KB, 978x640, 1700802767006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever happened to that lil nigga? last I remember they deleted their social media but idk if they still have any up or are in the public in any capacity.

>> No.6986544

She stopped posting her art online. Her style is too recognizable.

>> No.6986546
File: 880 KB, 736x736, 2BPRpkvl1JIwYIkY3zP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new "jelly art" style that zoomers on tiktok are obsessed with, as a zoomer, its just embarrassing.

>> No.6986551

Why don’t you like it?

>> No.6986553

wasn't she going to calarts? I vaguely remember hearing that she was. just curious to see her recent work if there's any available. not a big deal either way.

>> No.6986555

She went to Calarts and that is the result.

>> No.6986559

right but after getting shat on to the point of deleting your social media I can see how that might have changed her style (aside from normally developing your style over time). perhaps she just wanted to avoid all of the negative attention but kept the same shitty style, that's possible too.

>> No.6986633

These people don’t change. They only get worse.

>> No.6986635
File: 879 KB, 4096x3852, 20231221_084541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch ass nigga

>> No.6986637

My own

>> No.6986640
File: 1.51 MB, 1918x1110, 1900277372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painterly corporate style. Shit like league of legends or overwatch splash art. It's usually very well drawn and rendered and compositioned, but still feels bland and soulless. It's completely safe and doesn't try to do a single interesting thing, just depict the characters and that's it. It doesn't give me a visceral reaction. It's just lame and I hate that it is.

>> No.6986643

it's good and it's perfect for the intended purpose.

>> No.6986652

At least Gabe posts his work. More than I can say about you and other Gabe hate-posters
I see what you’re saying, but what exactly is the alternative? What “interesting” things are you expecting from splash art?

>> No.6986656

>t. Gabe

>> No.6986660

Personally I don't need or expect anything adventurous from promotional illustrations but despite it being objectively well-drawn and rendered like you said, I really dislike the plastic-looking aesthetic all of these companies have decided to collectively adopt.

>> No.6986661


>> No.6986672
File: 150 KB, 421x237, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To elaborate, It has to share a screen or a webpage with a ton of text and buttons and other pictures and graphical effects and even animations.
Calling it plastic-looking is about right, but if they were going with more texture and detail instead of keeping it smooth and straight forward, then it'ld be a clusterfuck when it starts getting cropped and covered by the other things.

>> No.6986682
File: 247 KB, 636x960, mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika Pikazo
I honestly don't know why people like her art so much. It's just visual diarrhea to me.

>> No.6986689

There's always a lefty waiting to jump dive in front of criticism of a soulless corporation because they occasionally wave a rainbow flag

>> No.6986692
File: 87 KB, 1004x549, nvIEk7ip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6986695

I despise this whole aesthetic in general. The art is boring, but looking at a screen like this makes me want to vomit. Maybe instead of designing a plastic artstyle so that they can splatter it all over the screen, they could make some more appealing UI and make intentional use of interesting art. I know that this style appeals to nodraws and it's what sells, but that doesn't stop me from disliking it.

The thing is, this isn't some style that's exclusive to corporate art. I see styles like this on twitter and especially art station a lot. It's the western equivalent of the over-rendered cookie-cutter anime art that gets to the top of pixiv charts all the time. I don't expect any deep message or environmental story telling from splash art, but I'd like the style itself to be interesting. Some sort of grit, something that makes it memorable. Look at some of the art from Disco Elysium, Red Dead Redemption, even fucking Fortnite. Maybe these examples are not great comparisons (I don't play or look at many games so I don't have much to draw from), but I'm sure the style doesn't have to be so bland. Though it's not like they can change it at this point.

>> No.6986701

i hate it so much it makes me want to mass shoot people

>> No.6986711

take meds

>> No.6986716

You should do it anon

>> No.6986723

this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.6986736

nah shadbase is top tier goon-kino, everyone who "hates his artsyle" is a jealous beg

>> No.6986780
File: 94 KB, 275x183, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my own

>> No.6986782

Anyone can draw his style.

>> No.6986845


>> No.6986856

The reason why we dislike it is because Shad ruins what otherwise would be pretty and nice girls by making them trashy whores. If we wanted to see that, troonshit like this >>6986525 or this visual puke >>6986546 that most likely came out of a woman's brain we would just go to a college campus.

For all of its shortcomings at least Gabe's art is wholesome.

>> No.6986865

> style that zoomers on tiktok are obsessed with
Anon, shitters no older than 15 likes this. The oldest you see draws that is 18.

>> No.6986895

>hating on shadman

yes, they've been wringing any character out of the game for years now just so they don't scare off any retarded muh graphix zoomer coomers or 30 year old disney adults. of course now it's just artstation chinaslop but ten years ago it was cool.

no they had several better functioning clients with way more soul before


>> No.6986897

>I don't play or look at many games
Obviously not. Most game client menus are a background texture + buttons setup that only a programmer could love. And if there's art outside of buttons/icons, it's just in-game assets or cutouts floating in a void.
>they could make some more appealing UI and make intentional use of interesting art
That's what they're doing, you would preferring a more graphic style is kind of irrelevant to this part of it. Some tabletop games feature a lot of full illustrations, but not many vidya shops try to.

>> No.6986965
File: 2.32 MB, 640x464, 1702271673478235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic way of thinking

>> No.6987017

This style reminds me heavily of the korean style of fan art that you see a lot for kpop and anime that i always disliked but I could at least respect that when I saw art like this I could guess it was a korean or malaysian artist 90% of the time, now that westerner teen girls are imitating the style it's even more monstrous

>> No.6987041

shadman is based
asanagi is based
seethe more

>> No.6987058
File: 214 KB, 1571x896, patrick-in-chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old fantasy artwork in the vein of Frazetta, Vallejo etc
It's the 20th century equivalent of modern artstation slop

>> No.6987064

Ok so if something is made by a gook I could detect, like the females are just traced from their gookpop shit, or the freakish proportions of their males
But how do I know if something is made by a malaysian??

>> No.6987073

any north korean artists you'd recommend?

>> No.6987092

he used the meme words

>> No.6987103

Anything anime looking, adjacent, related, or hinted at. I don't think it's so much the art, but the types of people (white Americans in particular) that tend to draw it.

>> No.6987107

Sakimi chan and all her clones at every artist alley on the planet.

>> No.6987125

Normies care more about color than composition

>> No.6987129
File: 182 KB, 1360x1338, o9UXrIr-4141978148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean "anime" art. They always put blurry ass eyes. Always reminds me of pic related.

>> No.6987181

they don’t care about either

>> No.6987222

I would not say they're making appealing UI. Look at the amount of buttons on that fucking thing. Color and design choice is good enough to recognize what's clickable or not, but as someone who has never played this game I don't even know where to start to look. There's so much glow everywhere that it's very unclear what's important or not. The cosmetics showcase is bigger than (what I assume to be) the queue button, though this is a conscious choice I'm sure. As far as I know at least Overwatch has decent UI design. But other than that, yeah, it's kind of just my opinion that the style sucks. There isn't much objectively to criticize about the art in the examples posted itself.

>> No.6987357

I never understood why.

>> No.6987360

>muh soul
And 0 works posted. Soul is a meme retards.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6987365

Based, boomer art in general sucks ass.

>> No.6988132

>soul is a meme
T.soulless faggot

>> No.6988215

ok, pyw

>> No.6988224
File: 227 KB, 2048x1638, ena pomni2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate what I call "minus8 bait" styles, like these two pieces of bandwagon meme shit.

>> No.6988258


discord tranny faggot who needs rope

>> No.6988266

Styles, anon. Styles. Not content. Learn to differentiate between the two.

>> No.6988278
File: 37 KB, 400x400, ilya-kuvshinov-c-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Ilya Kuvshinov's style because every single one of his illustrations look like the same "OMG LE JAPANESE CITYPOP SO LE RETRO AND LE TRENDY" sameface girls, and it aged like milk because now it looks like generic AI slop lmao.

>> No.6988280

eww this reminds me of overly realistic artstyle, but anime-fied it.

>> No.6988282

What's up with that lower eyelids? Seriously. All cosplayers had it. Dont have to add those little bug bites at the bottom of the eyelids too. I hated that.

>> No.6988285

"Wamu" and all his copycats

>> No.6988286

Who's wamu?

>> No.6988294

lmfao AI fucked the most popular innernet artists, huh

>> No.6988306

I was watching a bit of Hotel Transylvania (or one of the sequels). All the character poses and faces annoyed the fuck out of me. They screamed "designed by some twitter calarts cunt".

>> No.6988322


>> No.6988329

Korean beaty standards leaking in through K-pop and Korean illustration

>> No.6988346


>> No.6988347
File: 207 KB, 790x1280, 1694821288406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy draws so good but the colors and faces are horrible, it really makes me angry

>> No.6988352
File: 403 KB, 1100x1130, 1-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, the geometry of his faces looks just bizarre

>> No.6988354

Probably the reason why I hated it. K-Pop is full of fake and plasticky beauty but tried to pass it off as 'le real'

>> No.6988357

His style is designed around figures and 3D models. That's how you make an anime character in 3D.

>> No.6988358

Fuck I want to beat to that body but the moment my eyes go up to that face my dick just went limp

>> No.6988359

still don't like it but good to know

>> No.6988362


Different strokes I guess. His faces have soul and aren't just generic looking slop to me.

>> No.6988365

Jinusenpai used to draw pretty okay, but over time, his drawing devolved into hyper garbage.

>> No.6988400

Doesn't seem like they really changed all that much to me. At worst they've got some hyper asses but they've always exaggerated their asses.

>> No.6988420

probably one of the sequels they go overboard with it the original had a lot of strong goofy poses but they felt more inline with that cartoony feel they were going for and not just doing it for the sake of it like in the sequels

>> No.6988425

He is trying too hard to force an Asian look on a white woman.

>> No.6988428
File: 111 KB, 248x233, 1698599374550438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those fat butts

>> No.6988470
File: 233 KB, 1443x1981, GA5Lzd4aYAAfZgD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand usa37107692's style. The gross inflated thighs are the most offending thing, but it's also bad that there's a general lack of care given to the anatomy.

>> No.6988473
File: 484 KB, 1536x2048, 1703263587857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westoid anime art

>> No.6988478

What I like about those threads is that it's filled by anons with shit tastes posting the artwork I happen to like the most.

>> No.6988482

>there's a general lack of care given to the anatomy.
That's a vast majority of artists though and they get away with it because a vast majority of people who look at art don't really give a shit about good anatomy. They only care about what makes them horny.

>> No.6988484

I'd ask you how it feels to have no self-awareness, but y'know... you wouldn't know...

>> No.6988485

I-is that Aladin's leggins? kek

>> No.6988489
File: 85 KB, 256x256, Th06Remilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had soul

>> No.6988493

well, I like the upper part, especially eyes

>> No.6988507

To play devils advocate, I don't mind the thighs. But I have the opposite stance as this anon >>6988493 the upper part seems entirely lifeless and just plastered on.

>> No.6988512
File: 93 KB, 800x1067, aoi-ogata-v76b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell something is made by a SEAbug if it looks like someone tried to mash together the korean jelly artstyle and face beauty standards with the japanese style and created an uncanny result that you can feel isn't from a korean or yapanese artist, pic related is from the phillipines. Some SEA artists lean more into the japanese/korean/chinese styles rather than try to mix and those are the hard ones to spot

>> No.6988516

"They" hate the style because they're unable to render at that level >>6986546

>> No.6988546

This mogs /ic/

>> No.6988566
File: 32 KB, 700x496, 1-photoshop-smudge-tool-shortcut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6988611
File: 150 KB, 1440x1800, ben_eblen_design_1660654486_2906102920064571277_1635332403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate would be a strong word but
i dislike Ben Eblen style because he did really cool cartoon-style drawings but rendered it in a clean realistic style that popped the form out and makes it look oddly disgusting

>> No.6988624

i see this style on instagram a lot lately a a lot of them seem to be industry pros too, wonder whats the reason for that trend

>> No.6988628

what the fuck is going on with those calves aaaaaa

>> No.6988642

I only use gimp.

>> No.6988644


>> No.6988657
File: 982 KB, 3792x1334, 1694814569817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is right an improvement on asanagi?

>> No.6988661

Yes. I hate the lumpy trend. Girls should be smooth and thin not bulgy and emaciated. Hand position on the pipe is worse but the toes look way more natural. The neck looks off in both of them though.

>> No.6988737

Cartoons with realistic render is the hardest style to get right. Cartoons are done with flats for a reason.

>> No.6988770

you are either a woman or have women taste, get help

>> No.6988774

She looks ill. Pink eye, jaundice, facial swelling. Grotesque

>> No.6988799

Like Aislop

>> No.6988818

As the AI keeps getting better, we are reaching the point where 100% of all drawn art will look like "AI slop". How do we counter this grim prospect, drawsisters?

>> No.6988819

>AI keeps getting better

>> No.6988824

Why say this like it was a normal statement?

>> No.6988850
File: 970 KB, 528x820, GH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another easy one

>> No.6988859

This feels like Riot/LoL splash screen artstyle. To be fair, if that's what the consumer wants then thats what the artists are going to pump out.

>> No.6988865

Based. Cuckzie Pop! tongues my anus.

>> No.6988871
File: 588 KB, 3220x4096, FgaIu2DWYAEie9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boring colors.shittier anatomy. i have no idea how Idolomantises as like almost 500k followers on twitter. I'm guessing its the comics.

>> No.6988881

lol the one on the left has hentai doujin rendering.

>> No.6988887

Uoh! Huge fat thighs!!!
The laziness on her left arm and hand is agregious though.

>> No.6988904

Cartoony art like that is so stylized that it needs an equally stylized form of rendering. I don't get why people gravitate towards this kind of style other than "good render = wow!"

>> No.6988917
File: 207 KB, 983x1436, 77e214997d372872c15e87f339c35a44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your brain on Bridgman

>> No.6988919

It is hearthstone/legends of runeterra art, it works there because the art is confined in a smaller scale inside the cards

>> No.6988921
File: 39 KB, 683x530, 1699057315330958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao holy shit its almost the same pose too

>> No.6988942


>> No.6988954
File: 2.07 MB, 3283x4096, idolomantese mothmilfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had so much potential too

>> No.6988956

I hate how fuzzy it looks. Feels like I need glasses when looking at it.

>> No.6989112
File: 189 KB, 1440x1800, ben_eblen_design_1667216783_2961151457564924098_1635332403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is hearthstone/legends of runeterra art
it works because the art style is not some wierd cartoony caricatures mix

>> No.6989138

have good ideas
be more ambitious with projects
have good ideas
focus more on composition, rendering, and character design
did i mention that ideas will eventually be more important than technical skill?

>> No.6989212

it's an asian thing
they like petite women but they also want a a thicc girls at the same time

>> No.6989215

>ben eblen

tf that guy is a straight clone of Max Grecke

>> No.6989222

Gokumer noooooo

>> No.6989258

Goku would not look like that and would not say that
However, I do

>> No.6989311

those eyes looks like corpses.

>> No.6989368

>we are reaching the point where 100% of all drawn art will look like "AI slop".
You clearly lack creativity.

>> No.6989547

I think most of you hate those art style because y'all can't created something as iconic and those perspective artist did. This might be a skill issue. And the hate is something internal.

>> No.6989644
File: 1.16 MB, 714x1024, image_2023-12-23_101324052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should draw more cool edgy armors.

>> No.6989649
File: 748 KB, 755x566, image_2023-12-23_101508344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't say hate, but I'm definitely tired of these faux "retro-anime" pics.

>> No.6989688
File: 17 KB, 270x201, IMG_3239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No explanation needed.

>> No.6989692

Looks like shit geez

>> No.6989710

somehow are 90% nip artists are allergic to giving them asses.

>> No.6989714

i like most of these artists

>> No.6989731
File: 73 KB, 800x449, 4261964-the man with no taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6989790

Hi Gabe. Merry Christmas.

>> No.6990186

she posted this 3 years ago https://vimeo.com/431334663
i think her online presence just consists of her LinkedIn

>> No.6990244

this is pretty well done and artistic in expression, just not for the loomis wannabe artist anonbase. more instagram twitter stuff. nothing like shad or rcdart's ugly ass bad proportion, bad rendering, ugly subject matter.

>> No.6990252

It's funny because I love Frazetta but generally can't stand a lot of Vallejo's fully rendered pieces

>> No.6990255
File: 174 KB, 1200x600, 1695747857634023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6986640 >>6986643
i think this style technically speaking is quite good but soulless, it's the kind of art AI could replace without anyone noticing, because it doesn't say anything, at least the fortnite splash art cameos tell a story about the character/loose theme and have unique art styles corresponding to the artist they come from, not all trying to do the same safe looking corporate-style safe for advertiser paintings with 10 trillion guidelines.

impressive how they can draw anorexic looking children but at the same time overweight women, this isnt appealing to people who like a bit of belly nor those who like very flat petite figures, who is this for?

filtered by AI will be a good meme, it will push for more and more creativity to stand out against it, renaissance of digital art.

I quite like this one

>> No.6990259

>filtered by AI will be a good meme, it will push for more and more creativity to stand out against it, renaissance of digital art.

So basically a total digital genocide of /beg/ to medium-intermediate artists? lmao
Only the strong, skilled creativeCHADS will thrive in the post-AI era, and even then many will fall to the temptation of using AI shortcuts. I've been scrambling to learn animation to have an edge over the AI, but the other day the Misato dancing AI-generated video that went viral buck-broke me.

>> No.6990265

AI used as a shortcut or crutch isnt a terrible thing, it will genuinely help those who struggle with specific steps, however for those who already produce twitter slop (hordes of fanart and softcore porn) there will be no need to post anymore.

The good thing is that it will put creativity over technical skill, so even bad scratchy art that has something unique to say will come out on top of all the AIslop

>> No.6990303
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, DrGlVP-U0AAxqAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BlueTheBone has left an immeasurably awful impact on impressionable artists. His stuff is a far cry from the type of style he claims to be imitating. It's like someone prompted "anime girl standing retro" in an AI and plastered a bunch of crummy filters on top. The worst part to me is the lifeless composition. Very little thought was given to make it look like an authentic anime screenshot.

>> No.6990365

people like this take an exercise or practice and upload it as a finished piece, it gets 10k likes and they settle for that and stop improving

>> No.6990367
File: 31 KB, 400x400, COSTANZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i think in the end if youre not a whore for actually drawing and let your ego get too well fed by art school "uwu i guess I AM AMAZING!" type thinking, you might end up a polished turdererererer. who loops. who loops. and just just shilll for $ for like.

drawing is about exploration, these people found a loop that they like, and stopped develop bwain.

bwain pwoblems. bwain like to solve pwoblemws bwut wen bwain no get no stwimwuwation bwain bwain bwain bewain pwobwems

>> No.6990370

its some societal economic pressure thing, when i worked at a sweatshop it was the same thing "dont get hung up on details and perfection" then they put out some horrible shit ugly ad, when i take a month on my proposal they use it for half a year after i quit (no bonus or anything like that lol) the immediate impact of repeated quick changes cannot compete with the result of dedication and hard work

>> No.6990599
File: 2.01 MB, 3928x3261, shut up and draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3rd Worlder? My PhD dad and Programmer Mom had to sell basset hound puppies and batteries illegally according to CCCP law at the time to get by when the soviet union fell in 1992. They said they had to GTFO when this "kefir" that was literally the only thing my fatass baby self apparently ate dissapered. Luckily i had a based aunt who immigrated to America and my family made it luckily.
MY parents really a are success story, 31 years later theyre still together and combined the smartest people I know when it comes to , well fuck everything. STEMparents are great when your an art kid, ngl, even if you gotta deal with the fact you get 0% respect for how difficult Art is compared to Science™.

Anyways Anon, I guess my parents grew up poor and made it so hard I wouldn't have to, but I have a deep profound respect for y'all who gotta bust a nut 24/7 for shit pay. Don't think nobody is watching, and just hone your craft, day after day, and one day, you'll sit back on your shitty 1st world patio and go goddamn.
We all GMI, I'mma make sure that reality it is true, at least by being authentic on /ic/.

>> No.6990800

This artstyle could be saved if she ever bothered to do line weight variation imo

>> No.6990803

It's based on cats.

>> No.6990805

It's like zbrush sculpts but because it's a "finished" look it looks gross. Just soften the blocky parts and it would instantly look far better like a real finished sculpt would look like.

>> No.6991655

this thread is just westerners shitting on anime out of pure envy

>> No.6991771

I guess your npc brain can’t handle your animu getting shit on, but your fine when western art gets shit on. Also those aren’t even good anime art, get better taste you retarded fuck

>> No.6991853
File: 1.20 MB, 681x644, IMG_9689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991858
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 1621065624905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with identity politics
>it's the leftists that support corporations
confirmed tard

>> No.6991864

Are cat features supposed to make women more attractive?

>> No.6991877

I don't personally believe so, but people seem to be.

>> No.6991880

the amount of canned buzzword replies this got must mean anon said something that really hurts

>> No.6991890
File: 2.02 MB, 1965x1324, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is definitely an easy one too.
I actually appreciate a lot of different artstyles, but this one just... godawful. I can barely look at it, I just hate it more than any other style possible.

>> No.6991903
File: 47 KB, 563x532, b10936ef3922fb001fe91de947418e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt say i hate the art style, but i really dislike the new zoomling girl style where they put a line across the nose. it makes me nose itchy. it is an improvement from the steven universe sausage style a lot of young girl artists used to draw, though.

>> No.6991962

When the special ed kid starts screeching, every looks at him. Not hard to understand

>> No.6992051

cause alot of western art is trash and its obvious you faggots are seething at japan cause almost all the art getting hate here is anime or imitates it

>> No.6992071
File: 81 KB, 590x787, 1602439279819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds more like a whole factory of copium than anything else
if he was that special ed, you'd ignore him instead of going out of your way to spam and highlight his post

>> No.6992090

vast improvement from le Tumblr but there's an worse version of this style where its y2k scene core style is cranked up to 11 and its simply just unappealing.

>> No.6992101
File: 118 KB, 900x900, 1000049389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone can agree about this one, right?

>> No.6992103

it was indeed painful reading that post.

>> No.6992141

lol, lmao

>> No.6992144

actually based schizo
cry lol

>> No.6992151

I mean so do all modern "professional artists"
that's what all the fuss is really sbout

>> No.6992182

Exhibit a

>> No.6992301

Kinda sad he's resorting to samefagging to save his ass

>> No.6992328
File: 25 KB, 400x400, max-grecke-halloween-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i feel about max grecke

>> No.6992361

thanks for the nice sentiment bro, i quit my job because furry porn is far more profitable if you compare the hourly payout, so im doing that for now and i get to practice and learn art as a "real" job. Also bosses are assholes that don't know or care to learn what the artistic process entails so f that

>> No.6992378

i get that he renders his shapes like that because he's an instructor and that style makes it very easy for students to see the methodology/technique behind the figure crafting/painting process but i feel like an important capstone of the lesson is missing if you don't eventually use what you've learned to push realism. like eventually you're gonna have to grind into your head what the shadow shape of the abdomen actually looks like on the human body if you don't want all of your drawings to look like they're made of legos

>> No.6992379

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6992421

lmfao rendered so hard it looks like that halloween witch movie that plays on cartoon network every hear

>> No.6992436

Lol. I already blocked this cunt on newgrounds and now I see this shit for the first time in a long time here.

It's like they practiced drawing women with their own sister's face and keep using the same face again and again and again. Fucking repulsive

>> No.6992719
File: 110 KB, 1400x1399, 1692095351020660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soulless globohomo art
I swear even my uni is using it, the government, it's every fucking where.

>> No.6992779

you're so right im a weeb faggot i love japan i wish i was japanese i want to be a anime person i love japan!!!
thing japan!!!! waoh!!!!

>> No.6992805

of course people hate that style
for something called alegria it sure is joyless

>> No.6992826

>starts sperging out when the anon only wrote 2 words
based autismo weeb

>> No.6993109

ironic considering the etymology of alegria.

>> No.6993112

it’s literally designed so that people who can’t draw (/gd/) can draw it, it’s the bob ross of figurative art
>inb4 bob ross is not ugly

>> No.6993116
File: 396 KB, 1440x1080, GCQn41Ka4AAp4o4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he doesnt know

>> No.6993240
File: 2.47 MB, 1000x1779, __ouro_kronii_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_saruei__5e9f20fd264079f1d66517c0f0d2da3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this super shiny generic anime style that was super popular in the early to mid 2010s. seems to have died down now but it gave me soulless generic AI slop vibes before AI art came around

>> No.6993254
File: 2.58 MB, 2448x3264, 17036373038773988991077006661458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bright colors, crazy perspectives, out of control disproportions and everything to see the logo bigger than the illustration itself. I may be a boomer but at least I appreciated the drawings of Boris Vallejo, Plum, San Julián, John Bolton, DiTerlizzi, Geofrey Darrow, D. Alexander Gregory, Cliff Nielsen, Donato Giancola, John Avon, Terese Nielsen, Ariel Olivetti, and I can continue like this...

>> No.6993361

Very easy one. The goal of that style and ones like it is to make something ugly. Not to find beauty in ugliness, just straight up pure ugly. It's rancid.

>> No.6993412

Political cartoonists, most of them, they are especially awful in my country, there is one in particular that his art is so repulsive it makes me want to draw just so my drawings don't ressemble his, it is like wanting to go jogging after you see a really fat obese orc person. i'm not talking about stonetoss here, just to be clar

>> No.6993416

political cartooning is the lowest form of art, it's beneath furry anal vore

>> No.6993418

Most styles posted here are either hated because of (identity) politics or a lack of character/mediocre skill rather than a Bad style, the only artists I think are actually bad or revolting itt are >>6986520 >>6986525 >>6988470 >>6988850

>> No.6993448

I don't hate the style itself but he's an obvious bandwagon jumper, a fucking phony, a fraud.

>> No.6993470
File: 1.53 MB, 250x200, 1703345766500279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure poser model art

>> No.6993502

Every porn artist 4chan likes. Calarts style. Tumblr style. Generic anime style. Generic furry style. Generic newgrounds style. Generic fantasy. Generic sci-fi. Alt-anything. Roastiecore.

>> No.6993506

I want to bash this art’s head in with a brick

>> No.6993664

Sarueis art is always so recognizably lifeless and sad

>> No.6993665

I only knew her art because of vtubers. She refrained from the color vomit when she tried to pitch her idols (kotodama tribe) and she failed miserably.

>> No.6993696

this makes my hard af boi

>> No.6994342

Unpopular opinion for sure, but Yoshitaka Amano's art has always been unappealing to me.

>> No.6994577

>jelly art
what is this? what does it mean? what defines it?

>> No.6994611
File: 276 KB, 950x1297, IMG_6207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate sakimichan’s art, her anatomy is always pretty off but since her rendering is so detailed the average person doesn’t notice and she somehow has amassed nearly a million followers on twitter

>> No.6994637

you are going to have to die

>> No.6994684

post the sakimi render with the tiny arm

>> No.6994698

Old League had soulful arts
Looks fine if it's an experiment or something
Low effort meme shit
This slavnigger is a hack
Cut the head off
Cool shapes but not coomable
Reddit incarnate
Rendermonkeys in general spend so much time rendering they forget about the rest.

>> No.6994729

Which one?

>> No.6994745
File: 54 KB, 558x1000, IMG_9477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica Rabbit type hour glass figures that have to have a misshapen pelvis to achieve the waist taper.

The rib cage looks like it’s bulbous because of how much the waist has to shrink beneath it. The limbs don’t look like they’re made of flesh.

It’s such an exaggerated version of the most generic “hot woman” traits that it’s both physically disgusting and pandering.

>> No.6994762
File: 211 KB, 750x485, archie-the-gang-print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love classic Archie comic art. I hate, HATE, Dan Parent's art
I can't read Archie comics anymore because they're all full of his terrible stiff art

>> No.6994812

>oversaturated colors
>vague, blurry shading with zero definition or depth
>almost no line weight
>those fingers

It's like going back to deviantART 20 years ago. How does this person get paid for this slop?

>> No.6994818

I don't hate any art styles because I do not care enough to "hate"

>> No.6995134
File: 96 KB, 971x1400, 1593099654796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked the CSR brushstroke style. Despite a lot his art and imitators showing muscle definition their art never felt very 3D to me, a lot of the characters come off as if they look way to light and weightless. This style also tends to skimp out on the faces I feel, you've got this detailed and toned body with a very flat anime face slapped on top of a generic anime pentagon head.

>> No.6995209
File: 734 KB, 563x884, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "drawn by 14 year old girl who found her father figures in tv shows" kind of style. They always draw them large noses and some weird attempt to mimic western cartoons of 00s while also factually despising them

>> No.6995656
File: 184 KB, 1280x835, tumblr_ol0cn2vRM51ul2hq6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon my first thought was 'I have seen TF2 fanarts in similar style" which was correct because artist is TF2 fanartist. They draw them large noses because they find these attractive, don't think it's that complicated

>> No.6995668

i like these styles i feel western action cartoons and comics could learn a lot from them to fix that stiff facial expression problem they have

>> No.6995712
File: 101 KB, 784x1035, Art+of+the+101+Dalmatians+B+-+39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's even less complicated and it's just disney style.

>> No.6995821

That's repulsive indeed, I hate any art that just tries to be what's popular with trends from instagram and tiktok models and emulates their look.
Frankly western women media is just trashy as hell.

>> No.6995827

Subject matter aside this looks good

>> No.6995861
File: 1.14 MB, 800x1440, Ikoreanhungarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6995915

Her output increased tenfold when the AI rolled out. Definitely not sus at all, nothing to see here!

>> No.6996742

if you struggle with certain steps then youre already ngmi in a post ai art takeover world

>> No.6997088
File: 64 KB, 600x623, va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i would never think that i hate so many styles

also hate this

>> No.6997140
File: 43 KB, 474x355, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the Rugrat's artstyle. It's so damn hideous & ugly, even when it's trying not to be.

>> No.6997190
File: 60 KB, 735x453, a209f7af712a24bb9d09d19463952263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam yang and everyone else who draws all female characters with the same coombait anime face. it's lazy and overdone by twitter artists who only care about muh online engagement.

>> No.6997193

i get what you mean but that's not an anime face its more of rendered disney princess face

>> No.6997256

>grownass man with soft neotenous eyes and subtly uncannily cute-ified face proportions
THIS drives me up the fucking wall. Nothing in the world looks more disgusting.

>> No.6997382
File: 2.50 MB, 1822x927, 1682510471172381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just that they can't draw, it's that they can't dimension and conceptualize the world, I don't mean this in a leddit le smart way. if you look at more examples of this art style you can see 2 distinguishing features;
1 is that all these convey is something extremely simple, 99% of the time it's a happy person doing a single task or activity, but their happiness doesn't derive from doing something meaningful, it's the same kind of 'happy' that a dog feels when it's eating dog chow, it's a primal emotion, they're never intrigued, or focused or troubled.
2 is that they all exist entirely within the context of the drawing, there isn't something greater or larger than the focus, the focus of the art IS the entire world, there's no sense that they exist in a real place outside of this flat color void they inhabit, for a clear comparison I'd like to bring up the Stańczyk painting that says so much more than you could ever point out in a single paragraph, dimension, meaning, history, context, etc. you get what I mean, there's more to the art than just a happy cattlenigger eating onions meal replacement.
You'd be pressed to find real world examples of alegria that have any amount of depth either.
thats exactly what he said anon lmfao

I hate when characters all look like they're 24/7 covered in oil

you didnt read the second part of that post

>> No.6997386

m8, it’s not fine art, it’s generic low skill illustration of simple concepts by design
that is literally the entire idea
all things you don’t like about it are pros to its intended purpose, ie being simplistic depictions of the text they’re accompanying while needing minimal resources and skill to develop, meaning no need for actual illustrators on the employment roll since you can just dump in the graphic designers you’ve already employed
you need to be autistic to compare it to a painting that took months to paint

>> No.6997398

an amateur landscape has more to say than this shit, the whole criticism is that it-s low effort minimal resource garbage, that is the entire problem with it, it was just contrasted with something on the other end of the spectrum just to show how much it lacks

>> No.6997485

I thought they were a woman who traces over photos of herself, that's why all the faces are identical and the shading looks off in areas, like some parts will look very painterly and have visible brushstrokes, and others look like straight up airbrushed photos.
I think they post side by sides art/photo on their patreon sometimes too.

>> No.6997495

If you ever watch one of her process videos you'll realize just how gross and soulless her style is. She doesn't even really sketch or plan things, just use lasso tool + fill and do some basic shading, it's why 99% of the edges on their limbs seem to just suddenly end, like they were badly cut with scissors off of some magazine.

>> No.6997552
File: 389 KB, 1200x1200, E7G5k5OXMAgX5d_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude. I get that it's meant to be exaggerated and somewhat "ugly" but it's not appealing at all.

>> No.6997673

it's absolutely fucking ugly tumblr style shit

>> No.6997818

>as a zoomer, its just embarrassing.
as a millennial, just give up bro. People will hate our generations no matter what

>> No.6997829
File: 285 KB, 1294x2048, aromasenseiirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these seething, prudish faggots.
Aromasensei is more talented than any of you will ever be. She's hot as fuck irl, and uses herself as reference for her stylized coom art, which makes absolute bank.
Crabs gonna crab.

>> No.6997835

literal faggots

>> No.6997839

Grow up kid, we're talking about art not boobies.

>> No.6997844

she looks slavic

>> No.6997863

Your only standard of quality is the coomfactor. Two balls on a stick figure would satisfy your needs. Your opinion is worthless.

>> No.6997970
File: 19 KB, 1152x762, ear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when zoomers draw ears like this. it makes my blood boil

>> No.6998027

the style on the right is one of the few over simplified zoomies style of drawing that I dont actually hate

>> No.6998028

This was more of a borderline millennial teenage style. I remember my friend drawing exactly like the one on the right in middle school.

>> No.6998029

sam yang got raped by AI into irrelevancy so in the end it all worked out

>> No.6998032


>> No.6998035

that was my attempt at drawing the most generic simple bland face to empathise the ugly ass ear
it's closer to what i actually draw like

>> No.6998077

>an amateur landscape has more to say than this shit,
It is not meant to have anything significant to say. It's a product/editorial illustration.
>the whole criticism is that it-s low effort minimal resource garbage
Your whole criticism completely misses the point of why these images were made.
>it was just contrasted with something on the other end of the spectrum just to show how much it lacks
It does not lack anything it's meant to have, that's the point. It's not fine art, it was never meant to be. You have got to be on the spectrum yourself if you can't comprehend this.

>> No.6998561

>she's hot therefore her art is good
jesus christ, jump off a building you fucking simp

>> No.6998569

I can easily tell this one just radiates the darkness of the soul. There is something inherently evil about it. The person who made it finds ugly beautiful, hence its the opposite of good.
Its like calarts, but infused with malice, as it opposes life, but without the peace of death, its just evil.
Even if I saw it for the first time of my life, I could tell its jewish.

>>6992719 is made by the pseudo-eunuch types. The cannon fodder type of people who only exist to be a serf, and be replaced by AI. A couple of hundred years ago they would be castrated.

>> No.6998577

Holy shit, how many leftoids got triggered by this, lol

>> No.6998579

>jelly art
>makes anons jelly

>> No.6998704

I was just thinking the same thing. I love magic the gathering cards because I could just admire each drawing.

>> No.6998712
File: 92 KB, 486x640, baf5dc8c330c287291e8f17025b3fbb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously high s o y levels detected. Go read some pulp fiction until you want to wrestle a wild animal shirtless. It's the only cure.

>> No.6998881

I hate tattoos & piercings on characters. No matter how good an artstyle is, the character is always ruined with tattoos &/or piercings. People like Shadman just happens to be an example of an artist who loves to add ink & piercings to the characters, making them look worst than before. I don't care if its your taste. Its shit taste & you should feel bad for having such a shitty taste. When you add tattoos &/or peircings to the characters, they look like slags.

>> No.6998885
File: 1.01 MB, 811x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate when artists go full korean-face on all of their realistic works

>> No.6998886

I don't hate it but yeah it does nothing for me, i feel no love in her eyes

>> No.6998902

You realize she's tracing, right?

>> No.6998987
File: 653 KB, 564x513, yuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any art style that involves the use of Chromatic Aberration (or as I like to call it, Chromatic Abhorration) as a generic effect. Instant 0/10 for pieces that are otherwise fine. Very few exceptions.

>> No.6999087
File: 12 KB, 183x238, 1699021834828571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6999148

Everything a corporation touches becomes soulless, if it wasn't for them this would feel like real art

>> No.6999150


>> No.6999152

It looks like AI because AI ripped him off
Now all AI looks like his stuff

>> No.6999242

what happened to these artists that ai ripped off did they adapt somehow or are they still doing fine doing the same thing

>> No.6999251

I like shadmans artstyle but dislike most of his pieces.

>> No.6999274
File: 97 KB, 791x444, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all talentless husks of failure who wouldn't know art if it face fucked you and came in your retarded face, y'all will always be that way you should have been swallowed by your cunt slut of a mother.

>> No.6999294

They are handsome

>> No.6999298

>>6986525 isn't gonna fuck you

>> No.6999299

The face is probably based on a girl he really likes, so he takes her wherever he goes, it's understandable. It's just a guess though.

Voluptuous women dressed up as primary schoolers doesn't make sense. Even early bloomers don't have massive tits like those.

>> No.6999301

That's exactly why he hates it.

>> No.6999742

the art style itself is ok, I don't like the usual degeneracy it is involved in

>> No.6999777
File: 2.50 MB, 1536x1536, 00092-[TFT]-302708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000055

I used to like Atahuta's style but after he sold out by only drawing vtuber stuff I dislike his style.

>> No.7000108

>new "jelly art" style
This isn't new, I've been seeing people draw this way speedpainting for years.
They do it because it's "EZ" and your style never really changes with it.

>> No.7000117

It almost always is

>> No.7000175

sometimes i parody shit i find particularly repulsive and turn it to stuff that makes me chuckle heartily, but i can NOT bring myself to parody the flat design "art" style. i just can't, won't. it doesn't make me an elitist, it just reassures me that anyone can do it so i don't have to. also it's literal blobs of vomit and i'd rather die poor than make a single dollar doing it.

>> No.7000190

>implying gacha girls are any better

>> No.7000232

It's crazy how this niggas artstyle has suddenly become so common in mainstream animation..

>> No.7000253

I too, also dislike this in a way. It's good art but the artist usually whines and wants to change up the materials they choose to imitate.

>> No.7000273

I like this style.

>> No.7000323

>poor grammar and spelling
Yep, it's tourist time

>> No.7000326


>> No.7000377

>the signature tumblr/twitter style of drawing
>most of the replies are positive towards it
So the rumors were true that after porn ban on tumblr the refugees came to /ic/. So this is why this board is now filled with trannies and coomers. Everyday there's one less place to hang out on the internet. Maybe some day I won't use it at all, maybe it's for the better.

>> No.7000379 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 678x525, 1652632280072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the replies are positive towards it

>> No.7000409
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, f1280x720-25785_157460_5050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever artstyle "Arcane" is made. I fucking hate those chiseled characters. It legit looks terrible.

Also not an artstyle but I guess a trend/fetish ... nosebleeding characters, what the fuck is up with that shit? Do they get horny with a running nose or what, or do they think bleeding from the nose is cool or something? legit interested to know if that people is mentally disabled or what.

>> No.7000430

nosebleeds are taken from kawaii desune animes, they mean a character’s horny

>> No.7000435
File: 116 KB, 680x827, 33479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some I have saved.

>> No.7000438
File: 112 KB, 1200x1800, 33473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000440
File: 38 KB, 720x697, 33477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000445
File: 805 KB, 1346x1581, 1569813705-Kidmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sameface and the ayy lmao eyes in gook slop.

>> No.7000452

it was a way to show a guy was horny without actually showing the erection, but it's a trend I've not seen being used in at least a decade.

>> No.7000647

Anime and Digital. It’s so gay. It’s like how gay people get a strange accent all of a sudden.

>> No.7000876
File: 1.04 MB, 640x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000935

I hate Sakimi so much, I hate the way they render the most, it's so muddy and cheap looking.

>> No.7000973

I wonder if there's a way to make this art style more appealing.

>> No.7001144

thank you, anon, another day made!

>> No.7001147

That tiny arm, shit that anon was right the rendering distracts you from the body proportions.

>> No.7001278


>> No.7001394
File: 84 KB, 369x592, Dood292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7001445

A different head and giving characters a neck would save this guys art

>> No.7001498

I miss her

>> No.7001505


>> No.7001514

All the seething replies mean it must be true.

>> No.7001515

No use keeping the thread alive for two more replies

>> No.7001519

Does this bitch even have lats? Or a ribcage?

>> No.7001758
File: 139 KB, 765x540, family-guy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one posted family guy or any other adult animated sitcom artstyle, I particularly find this one distasteful.

>> No.7002168
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, 1703689732910135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is one in particular that his art is so repulsive it makes me want to draw just so my drawings don't ressemble his
Well now, at least namedrop him, that's hilarious

>> No.7002465

What is the reference here?

>> No.7002676

It's not too bad in a vacuum but I hate how it's become the standard for formulaic adult sitcoms. It's become intensely unappealing by association

>> No.7003128


>> No.7003277
File: 774 KB, 3197x2397, gettyimages-590696434-1--16c66ebc63b20af9591cbdeb0b083ac0dc053bd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epstein and his ex

>> No.7003318

Thank you

>> No.7004297
File: 11 KB, 185x272, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you call Moon Over June style

>> No.7004299
File: 416 KB, 786x317, Demfaces_moonoverjune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7004307

More hateable than the rest of the thread combined.

>> No.7004308
File: 72 KB, 960x960, tumblr_n18044QF0Q1r2mbpmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't get how you make art so repulsive and just never realize it or decide to improve.
This can't have been her goal

>> No.7004315
File: 360 KB, 500x481, e9d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7004316
File: 10 KB, 258x196, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]