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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 236 KB, 735x1000, Bridgman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6982012 No.6982012 [Reply] [Original]

So all I have to do is copy this nigga Bridgman twice and I'll go from /beg/ to /int/? If it's really that simple, why doesn't everyone do it?

>> No.6982016

no, bridgman is a meme

>> No.6982019

>If it's really that simple, why doesn't everyone do it?
Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.6982029

(also it will at best bring your figure drawings from /beg/ to high /beg/), Bridgman doesn't cover anything other than figures and there is so much more to this shit. You need the timeless versatility of Loomis and the Authority of Hogarth to achieve your goals.

>> No.6982055

It takes a lot of stamina, plus the results are not overnight. This filters 90% of the human race

>> No.6982056

>if it’s really that simple, why doesn’t everyone do it

Because it takes a long, long time and a lot of dedication. I started my first run a little over two years ago, and I’m still not done

Bullshit. He literally has a section dedicated to drapery, heads, and every individual body part. Doing Bridgman will increase your figure drawing skills immensely

I also think it’s hilarious you’re calling Loomis timeless when his art is clearly a product of the era. He’s still worth copying, as is Hogarth, but no need to put Bridgman down

>> No.6982059

+ Bridgman incorporates perspective into a lot of his drawings, which is necessary for more than figures. You’re tripping

>> No.6982065

David Finch's most misunderstood advice. It's to strengthen your anatomy knowledge so you go from intermediate to advanced.

>> No.6982073

Only if you want to draw ugly tranny-faced capeshit.

>> No.6982086
File: 73 KB, 1290x1518, ineUKgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really hideous waste of time for people who don't think. In fact, all these "rep games" are for people who don't think.
There isn't anything significant in the number 2, or 3, or 5, 6, 10, 100, 1000. Drawing is to a great extent an intellectual exercise, and you can't flatly map weightlifting regimens onto it and expect results. Of course you need to put in the time however you can, this should be obvious, but thoughtlessly copying is not a good use of your time, especially when you don't even understand what is that you're copying (Bridgman is notoriously confusing for beginners).
Identify a problem, and fix it. Hands suck? Find a few Bridgman hand drawings and study them alongside photos of hands, your own hands, clean anatomy drawings of hands, or artistic simplifications of hands. You'd get so much more out of studying 3 Bridgman hand drawings with a specific goal in mind, than you would copying his entire oeuvre of chicken scrawl like an automaton.

>> No.6982153

Copying over 1000 drawings, twice. Yeah. You will be well on your way... To being good at copying bridgman, and maybe have a leg up in drawing figures from life. But that's not the advice. That's just the meme. It's part of David Finch's roadmap. You are meant to be familiar with anatomy already before you start bridgeman, and you are supposed to be always drawing your own shit the entire journey too, not just studying.
It's retarded to wait to be good before you start drawing what you actually want to draw "when you are good", you aren't retarded are you anon?

>> No.6982170

Copying over 1000 drawings twice, plus from imagination, will give you a leg up not only in your figure drawings, but in your shape knowledge, perspective knowledge, general anatomy, etc. You don’t just “get good at copying Bridgman” and you saying this proves to me you haven’t even started this.

>> No.6982174

you can also do that from a good book like Xiao Wei Chun

>> No.6982178

Well of course. Thanks for introducing me to that

I just disagree with the whole “you only get good at copying Bridgman point” because it’s just so untrue. He teaches a lot of general knowledge that can be applied to life drawings and other subject matters too. He isn’t a meme at all

>> No.6982224

Absolutely useless advice as always.

>> No.6982226

go ahead and waste your time for nothing, retard

>> No.6982231

Quit giving stupid advice, retard.

>> No.6982232

>Absolutely useless advice as always.
I'd consider these good advice. One goes into mindset and the other into the meme vs Finch's intent.

post your advice (you wont)

>> No.6982238

I bet you're the same retard who tells people to just draw.

>> No.6982246
File: 13 KB, 216x225, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there always a true believer mouthbreather like you, who gets offended when someone dares criticize your meme method? Have you done this retarded mindless copying exercise, to provably good results? What exactly gives you such confidence in it? Because a "pro" said to do it?
I want to move beyond the meme and see empirical results, because I've yet to.

>> No.6982251

Quit giving stupid advice, retard.

>> No.6982252

The automaton, ladies and gentleman

>> No.6982255

The only reasonable reply to your retarded comments.

>> No.6982256

>he didn't post advice
Thanks for conceding. My advice is good.

>> No.6982259

its not a book for beginners

>> No.6982260

Happy with your art progress?

>> No.6982265

This got no attention but it's very simple and true.

>> No.6982282

You missed the point, this is a response to the meme advice, copy Bridgman twice. Not the Finch Advice.
I don't think someone copying it twice from /beg/ without doing anything else will become /int/, especially not if they skip the memory drawing part of the original advice(notice how you added that memory bit in? I didn't include it because the meme omits that).
I had already studied Jeno Barcasy, Bammes and Kevin Chen, before I studied Bridgman.
Knowing anatomy beforehand makes Bridgman a great resource, not knowing it could make you frustrated as a beg.

>> No.6982294

You won't get to /int/ just by copying Bridgman Twice. The whole book can be copied in a week if you're really dedicated. The memory pass takes 3 weeks. 1 month isn't enough to be anywhere near good at drawing.

>> No.6982295

>The whole book can be copied in a week
No it can't, especially not by a beg

>> No.6982301

Interesting how this thread has a lot of opinions and no works posted. Makes it absolutely useless.

>> No.6982302

>The whole book can be copied in a week if you're really dedicated. The memory pass takes 3 weeks.
I would LOVE to see what your Bridgman drawings look like if you're blazing through this book twice in a month.

>> No.6982307


>> No.6982311

Post your Bridgman copies done in a week

>> No.6982319

1000 drawings, 142 per day, 7 days. at 8 hours a day, 3-4 minutes per copy and you could be done in a week.(math checks out)
Begs would not be fast enough to copy all the lines in the more involved drawings in 4 minutes though, so might have to push the hours up.

(not financial advice)

>> No.6982322
File: 30 KB, 500x500, Bridmgan-Thumb-Phase-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think an int or even a pro could do this in 4 minutes?

>> No.6982323

That isnt a bridgman drawing you gigantic faggot

>> No.6982333

lol page 138 must not exist

>> No.6982337
File: 98 KB, 768x768, rgt43tg35h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting Point:
Get “How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way” by Stan Lee and John Buscema.
Learn basic shapes that make up a figure (e.g., a vest shape for the chest, underwear shape for the pelvis).
Draw a proportion diagram.

Gesture Drawing:
Start gesture drawing using comics or photographs as references.
Make it a part of your daily study routine.

Start learning anatomy.
Use good anatomical references or books.
Draw different parts of the body each day (arms, legs, torsos, backs, necks).

Bridgman’s Guide:
After you have learned to draw all the muscles, Get a copy of George Bridgman’s Guide To Life Drawing.
Draw the entire book twice, once directly copying, and once looking and drawing from memory.

Time between needed before advancing a stage will vary person to person. This is also not an exhaustive list to "getting good".

>> No.6982338

Not to mention, most of the drawings are just fragments of figures. Hands, torsos, thighs, the book is actually very sparse on content. Copying Hogarth would be 10x harder

>> No.6982343
File: 286 KB, 482x1181, 341341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? I think a pro could do it in maybe 10 minutes. it's one of the most complex in the book outside of a ribcage drawing.

>> No.6982355

You're not supposed to copy the lines, that would be an unbelievable waste of time. You're supposed to copy it using construction. Also, you're not supposed to copy the "rendering" (more like smudges and eventual hatching), just the tridimensional forms.

>> No.6982360
File: 245 KB, 851x1188, asdsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to copy it using construction
"construction" is vague. What do you really mean by that? I just picked a random page, what is your process for copying this? at most I might do a few light lines to keep proportions in check.

>> No.6982367

this is why you don't skip "How to draw comics the marvel way" lol

>> No.6982383

I actually wanted you to explain *your* construction process. I know many ways to do construction, and don't really think it's needed for copying bridgman. You are the first person I've seen suggest that. Dave Rapoza said he would copy the lines, sometimes up to 18 times for a single drawing. no construction involved.

>> No.6982389

*just occurred to me proko said this, who you are probably parroting. I'd take his advice with a grain of salt. I don't think he studied bridgman much, nor internalized form well. He can copy sure...

>> No.6982391

i want you to listen the "many" ways you do construction. no, seriously, please do it. tell me how each method is distinct from one another.

>> No.6982400

I'm the poster you were responding to. The answer is in the image. You're supposed to draw the bones as a structure and build up from there, drawing the individual muscles with attention to their respective insertion points. I am not the only one to say that, I'm pretty sure you can find David Finch and Jeffrey Watts saying that on lives. Also, how the fuck would you copy the lines in the memory pass? Makes no sense. Another thing that makes no sense is practicing in a different way that the one you're used to drawing. When you do life drawings, or draw from imagination, do you draw line by line? If not, how the fuck copying Bridgman line by line would have any effects on your art?

>> No.6982402

Also, this is so evident that most books don't even explain that, on account of not deeming its readers retards, but it's still obvious from the images. Take Morpho, as a contemporary example. You see the construction lines in all the drawings. Do you really think you're supposed to copy line by line instead of emulating the way the artist drew them?

>> No.6982403

>used to drawing
I look at references, close my eyes, conjure up the image in my head, quickly scribble something down which us a hodgepodge of gesture and contour, then do refining passes until it looks how I want. Is this how you'd propose I copy Birdgman?

>> No.6982407

>many? waaaa!!!
Ok, here is 6 ways. stick figures, gesture, boxes/basic forms, contour, massing.
maybe you don't consider some of these "construction"?
I'm not going to waste my time explaining how these are different, ask chat gpt.

>> No.6982409

So when David finch said copy the book cover to cover, he also meant build up the drawings so the result is more like >>6982322 ? how does that make sense? and what is the memory pass in that? I know Dave Rapoza copied line for line, I remember his sketchbooks. it helped him develop a sense for drawing those body parts from his head in an appealing manner.

>> No.6982410

if your understanding of drawing is that shallow you have no right to be telling others how to study bridgman

>> No.6982416

I am responding to others saying how, I'm questioning their methods. I didn't say only copy, I posted >>6982337. copying only without understanding will not help as much.

>> No.6982417

This thread should be nuked to avoid the risk of a beg reading this and getting permanent brain damage as a result, impairing forever their ability to draw.

>> No.6982418

>if your understanding of drawing is that shallow
nta but could you elaborate on this? what could be said that would indicate deep understanding?

>> No.6982423

What do you think someone would take from those posts? there is no advice there. just questions, that anons seem to be unable to give straight answers to.

>> No.6982429

lol, yeah, /ic/ is the dumbest board on this site.

>> No.6982434

>lol you dumb
>refuses to elaborate
Indeed it is.

>> No.6982437
File: 367 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_3921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but when someone tells me to do “contour” and “massing” i immediately label them as a brainlet.

Nicolaides-tier slop

>> No.6982450
File: 427 KB, 551x765, dfgwefbwwhwfhhwrrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6982454

You’re pissing on Baumann’s name if you think he agrees with what you stand for. Nicolaides’ book should be outlawed and burned from all libraries

>> No.6982456

I clipped that face from his mass drawing video a few weeks ago.

>> No.6982459

Massing is not shadow massing. Theyre two different concepts which once again proves to me you have a low resolution view of the art world

>> No.6982464

Ok, you got me, I have not read nicolaides, I was asked for some methods, I listed some I could think of(not endorsements), and shadow massing was on my mind because of Stephen's vid. what is "Massing" in nicolaides?

>> No.6982467

Ok where do I start if I can only draw stick people though?

>> No.6982469

Here. >>6982467

>> No.6982470

If you actually want help, post your bridg copies and maybe an experienced anon can help. This argument we’re having is totally unproductive

>> No.6982472

Too late LMAO
I've seen so many dumbfuck retards, here and everywhere like shitcord, mindlessly copy this kike's scribbles with 0 understanding of anything because they're JRPG NPCs.
Wasted effort. But gets rid of potential competitors so I let that happen.

>> No.6982476

nobody there said to copy them mindlessly.
questioning one method is not endorsing the other. use your brain.

>> No.6982481

Shut up, retard.

>> No.6982485

... I just asked a question about nicolaides. if you'd answered it straight, there would have been production here. I'm assuming it's some kind of silhouette block in. I did a quick google but nothing came up.

>> No.6982788

most legit advice in the thread

>> No.6982804


>> No.6982835
File: 148 KB, 908x636, ic cool guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6982840


>> No.6982875
File: 26 KB, 720x719, RDT_20230728_1629404389016438744477814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is an insufferable self-sabotaging fuck. Do you really think you wont see ANY improvement from copying a whole book from a master of anatomy + doing your own drawings?

>> No.6982878


>> No.6982887

if a different book works then so be it? i just personally like bridgeman. ive tried hampton and vilpuu and couldnt stick with either. if xiao ling works for you who am i to tell you its wrong?

>> No.6982889

Anons here will literally do anything but draw, and if they do draw it's only by being dragged kicking and screaming until they shit out a /beg/ level naked cartoon girl.
I'm gonna be real OP, the majority of the population is fucking retarded. We still have a peasant class and it will never disappear. Getting food at 2 things makes you more competent than 80% of people, and mastering something puts you in the top 1%.

>> No.6982891

Why are you mad at a strawman?

>> No.6982902

what is the strawman? OPs question? I just think more nodraws here give shitty advice on what they think is right when there's really np one objective answer. Copy bridgeman if you want. Or dont. Youre not NGMI because you didnt. You might just learn something or gain a new way on how to go about the figure. Cetainly "well of course not its a /BEG/ trap and you should do x instead!" just muddies the water and makes it more difficult for someone to apply themselves

>> No.6982911
File: 660 KB, 1500x1133, 87295c75fa85a54549186cde226f6c1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need at least 2 executive functions to GMI:
1. the self-awareness and self-criticalness to narrow down the total range of *possible* solutions to a subset of *probable* *successful* solutions
2. the willingness to test all sorts of hypotheses, even those that may prove wrong, and in spite of what others think; i.e. trial and error proneness, aka the Just Fuck It Let's Go approach

Thus, you can veto any advice you deem retarded, no matter who from, if your will and self belief are strong enough. And you may turn out to be right! The issue is that it often feels like anons are just not thinking like the captain of their own ship, they're slavishly going through the motions because some fag in big britches told them to. Go into each task with more of an exploratory mindset where anything is possible, and plans can be radically changed in response to newly uncovered information, rather than committing to the arbitrary idea of copying an entire book 2 times.

>> No.6982918

To put it simply, anons may be conscientious and committed enough, hard working and methodical, but are inflexible in their thinking. They're not running a constant self-diagnosis script to see if ERROR ERROR ERROR is coming through. They can't adapt to new incoming info, which is fatal in all creative endeavors. It just wastes a ton of fucking time and energy using the same failed strategies and calcified channels when they're clearly not cutting it.

>> No.6982957

i think a bigger issue here is most people dont practice enough to know what works and what doesnt they'd rather sit on /ic/ discussing the best tactics for the best gainzzz

>> No.6983024
File: 90 KB, 1270x1417, 1505174642119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredible that even though bridgman naturally has a chinkman counterpart you'd all rather worship this anime-adjacent book of fake diablo concept art instead as the zenith of anatomical prowess, mindfucked the lot of you

>> No.6983025

>Anime board
>Anime site

>> No.6983032

i dont care he's still retarded or a shill

>> No.6983034

Yeah I'm sure he gets commission every time that book gets pirated

>> No.6983038

+25 grains of guandong rice have been deposited in your food account

>> No.6983049

upboated kind stranger!

>> No.6983070
File: 659 KB, 1024x1362, copy bridgman twice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6983077

uhm, no sweetie, you are the reddit here

>> No.6983134

>why doesn't everyone do it?
Because copying it once is not enough, you have to do it thousands of times, spending 5 or more hours a day.

>> No.6983163
File: 27 KB, 290x463, general Giap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the average advice thread on /ic/ would benefit from /adv/fags also posting their work along with their art advice. I would much more quickly weed out who is and isn't worth listening too.

>> No.6983250
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1695071688767214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel any advice from an anonymous group masturbation forum is only worth more than a grain of salt if real people have endorsed it. Like how David Finch, Frank Frazetta, and Dave Rapoza have done the same excersize, and even fucking Loomis has studied from the book. If you have to question the validity of this book, which is the foundation of artistic tradition in America coming from France, then you should probably keep touching yourself

>> No.6983388

I refuse to use capeshit as reference

>> No.6983410

This, taking advice from the deviantART tier begs in here is like taking car advice from someone that doesn't even know how to change their tires.

>> No.6983470

Pyw (I know you won't)

>> No.6983473

It blows me away that people actually say the book can be copied in a week. If you’re rushing and not trying to learn anything, absolutely. A majority of people doing this won’t do it in a week though, that’s ridiculous

>> No.6983482

I would’ve said the same thing as you before, but the “big” bridgman book doesnt actually have that many diagrams in it. Try it for yourself, it’s a very short book. It has the same amount of content as two small Bridgman books

If you want everything Bridgman ever did, get the smaller books. They amount to about 5x the content

>> No.6983485

Not the same anon, but which ones?

>> No.6983495

Constructive anatomy
Human machine
Hundred hands (actually has like 700+ hands)
Life drawing
Head drawing

The “1000” diagrams number for the big book includrs every little thing including the pulleys, fingers, mouldings, etc. wo its actually closer to like 500 significant plates

>> No.6983499

>i need to copy some schizo's drawing twice to draw my big booba anime girls
it's so over

>> No.6983503

HMMPH, that's a ton of books, anon.
Not that I'm opposed to studying them all (I have a dayjob :C), but which one would be the most all-encompassing if I want to copy Bridgeman twice?

>> No.6983518

then copy your favorite manga twice instead you fucking retard

>> No.6983523

Got a link?

>> No.6983525

Not that anon, but this is the one I’m using.


>> No.6983529

Probably a stupid question but when doing the 2nd pass or the memory pass for Bridgman, do you have to straight up draw the figures from complete memory from start to finish without looking at the book? Or copy a figure again then try to draw it from memory?

>> No.6983531

read the roadmap

>> No.6983533

David Finch says the former. Drawing the figure and then drawing it from memory could be helpful, I just think that the second time through your goal should be to sharpen your imaginative drawing skills and that may hinder it, especially since you already drew those drawings the first run, so you’re really doing 3 runs by copying them again lol

To each their own though. Just do what works for you.

>> No.6983534

Let me also add that you’re supposed to look at the figure and then draw it from memory, not completely guess what it looks like. Just read the roadmap.


>> No.6983552


>> No.6983553

so i'm supposed to just draw each drawing? multiple times or just once then move on? seems like a fun thing to do on days where I don't know what to draw

>> No.6983558

i don't get how this will make me better

>> No.6983569

do you know what will make you better?

>> No.6983571

currently? i've been learning how to break down anatomy into simple shapes. been helping me so far

>> No.6983578

Draw every drawing in the book, ideally once (you’ll probably burn out if you try doing them multiple times, it’s 1000+ drawings)

Then the second time through, look at the drawing, then put it away and draw it from imagination.

>> No.6983584

Sorry for all these spoon-feedy questions, but what exactly should I be getting out of it? I'm having a hard time believing just copying all those drawings will make me better

>> No.6983588

Thank you, fren!

>> No.6983604

It's a proxy (i.e. bruteforcing) for learning the 'simple shapes'. You're internalizing the solution Bridgman uses for abstracting anatomical forms.

You can figure them out yourself but for the average /beg/ brute-forcing it like this takes less work and thought.

>> No.6983635

You sure are insufferable. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.6983663

>I'm having a hard time believing just copying all those drawings will make me better
It will help build your muscle memory the more you do it so you can improve your own drawings in the future.

>> No.6983798

Yeah, Bridgman is way too obscure for begginers. I've browsed it yesterday and it has some interresting ideas despite being a bit blocky and/or too much stylized to my taste.

>> No.6984547

>too obscure
what does this even mean? are lines scary to analyze now?