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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6976906 No.6976906 [Reply] [Original]

25 here. I've been getting into drawing because vidya doesn't do it for me anymore as a hobby. I've got some drawing books, a sketchbook, and some links of drawing tutorial videos favorited.
Anybody here started late and improved nicely? How did you do it?

And some inspiration from late starters that improved well would be nice too.

>> No.6976917

just draw

>> No.6976929
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I'm 25 and I'm just drawing to distract myself from how much I hate my job dude

>> No.6976941

>starting at 25
go back to video games, you non-playable character

>> No.6976944

why is there a rat image like this on every board's catelog

>> No.6976951

I'm pretty stuck in the Sonichu comics tier artstyle right now but still chugging through.
I hate my job as well, dude. I need something that can count as "productive" and still be an entertainment to myself that's why I went with drawing. How long have you been drawing, anon? It never clicked with me to draw when I was much younger. and man this hobby seems like something one should have been practising since childhood.
Like I said. They just don't do it for me anymore, anon. I think I've grown out of them.
Do you prefer loads of cartoon frog pictures over rodent pictures?

>> No.6976953

art has not "productive" unless you cant to draft blueprints, and that is so much harder than any of the How To Draw Anime tier garbage in this catalog that you will require four years of schooling to do it
moreover the world has enough artists, a majority of them being total shit
go take up a hobby with actual practical use, like something you'd find in /diy/

>> No.6976966
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I not only started late (around your age) but didn't apply myself properly until much, much later besides. Improvement happens bit-by-bit but the struggle is real; there's just no coming back completely from throwing your life away on video games and the like.

However, nothing's hopeless either.

Resources I'd recommend:

Dynamic Sketching - exercises for rapidly developing drawing-related motor skills (use a clipboard, printer paper and a mechanical pencil, you don't want to waste sketchbook pages on this):

NKU Drawing Database - a college course in trad media by a professor covering a wide variety of topics:

CTRLPAINT - old but still some of the best content on digital painting/drawing around:

Fun with a Pencil, a book covering beginner/intermediate topics:

Bulk office paper
A mechanical pencil and ruler (Perspective)
Bulk graphite pencils (Figure drawing, portraiture and still lives) [https://www.dickblick.com/products/blick-studio-drawing-pencils/]
A large format wacom tablet for digital drawing (ebay, visibly lightly used is fine)

>> No.6976968
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go track down yatsuo otsuka's joy in motion and watch it

>> No.6977216

Just don't bother. It's a miserable hobby and it will take ages for you to get any decent. There's easier dopamine literally anywhere else. Get a better hobby where you can actually see improvement on a realistic timeframe
I'm 29 my skills are pretty decent with a sizable following. I've been doing this for years, and I regret it and want to quit every single day.

>> No.6977223

post work

>> No.6977240

(that's what I thought)

>> No.6977281

I was watching the Crumb documentary and one interesting thing is his obsession with drawing. From a young age he's carried sketchbooks and notepads everywhere he goes, and said if he didn't draw he'd go nuts. This obsessive tendency is something you feel in certain artists like Jung Gi or many Japanese artists. All questions of talent aside you just gotta draw a whole fucking lot. Pick that pencil up and don't put it down

>> No.6977284
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i started by drawing dumb shit like picrel, just draw retarded shit and post on social media.
the times when you can't draw are the good times where you make the funniest drawings, savour it
lie and wont post work

>> No.6977289
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also i made some comics too with 0 skills and they still hold up up because of the bad drawings, i'd say just do it and have fun

>> No.6977290

Why would be against someone starting a positive, creative hobby that develops discipline and many other skills?
>no don’t learn to play violin at 30, go back to watching goyflix

>> No.6977315

The goal of this board is to mislead and discourage anyone who wants to learn anything artistic

>> No.6977358

Thanks anon I appreciate it. Favorited your links.
>fun with a pencil
Nice. One more for my PDF collection.

>> No.6977402

I'm not a late starter, my whole teenhood was getting pumped with drawing for 1 month then losing motivation due to the lack of improvement and quitting for 3 more months. regardless, my advice
>estabilish a long term objective so you keep yourself motivated. find an artist you like and decide you want to reach their level, or maybe you want to draw a comic or something else
>try out different mediums. I drew traditionally all my early years but I wanted to learn coloring and there was no solution that was cheap and on the go so I bought a simple drawing tablet and fell in love with the digital art process and haven't felt unmotivated ever since
>if a specific resource isn't working for you, try another. don't force yourself studying a book if you don't like the drawings. people recommended I started out with fun with a pencil but I wasn't really enjoying it and skipped to loomis' head and hands and hamptons design which are books I love to this day. currently I'm studying rockhe kim's book

>> No.6977448
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This anon already gave a solid blueprint >>6976966

I just want to add some advices from personal experiences:

>Number 1):
You must to establish your long term goals, what kind artist you want to be, what kind of art you want to make. Do you want to be concept artist? Do you want to make comics? Do you like make environments? Do you want be mainly a painter or a draftsman?
This is important, because it will give a blueprint on what to study.

>Number 2):
Long terms goals aren't enough, if don't manage you psychological relationship with art, you going to end up studying fundamentals forever and burn out. Short terms goal are just as important, draw what you want, do little projects, fail, and see where you failed and focus on your weaknesses.

Peter Han's Dinamic sketching and https://drawabox.com/lesson/1 are good starters to give some basilar to your draftsmanship.

Check out Marco Bucci experience coming from 0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmUMhMs5vFE

Here's another blueprint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-CZGR5tja0&t=1s

Be also aware between the bidimensional (atelier, classical art schools) draftsmanship, and the tridimensional (construtive way of drawing: Loomis, Kim jung gi etc etc.)

Check this channel out for more blueprints for studies: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernDayJames

>> No.6977455
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I started at 24 and made good progress these are like 1 year apart
You can probably make good mileage if you just follow >>6977448 this, or just draw in general, I don’t think 25 is very late anyway that’s like young adult

>> No.6977485

Thanks guys.

>> No.6977753

Tho guy is the biggest crab of all. Thread carefully if you really want to learn to draw

>> No.6977755

no way these are just one year apart, holy shit

>> No.6977786
File: 295 KB, 600x588, 4] 2018 Gaming Jerseys Catalogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro tip: in order to master art you need to first master video games

>> No.6977818
File: 3.06 MB, 6158x8096, october 19th 2022 december 14th 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only a very small fraction of everything I've done since October 19th, 2022.

I started when I was 25, I'm 26 now.

(Original higher resolution image file of my progress) Decoded using a certain base of 64:

>> No.6978187
File: 54 KB, 700x1000, GMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it, we believe in you