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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6976466 No.6976466 [Reply] [Original]


i'll try to translate a bunch of the pages itt.
>Effective use of AI
>Creation of basic data
>Proposal (idea)
>Quality improvement

>> No.6976468
File: 839 KB, 1291x716, 1683171084298218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Layout proposal for image visuals
>Generate a layout plan using AI (Stable Diffusion)
>Rough design created based on layout plan Brush-up Completion

>> No.6976470

winning eleven bros? our response?

>> No.6976471
File: 1.04 MB, 1285x716, 1699514740344504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art: Proposal of background art
(1) Propose background art by AI (Stable Diffusion) (2) Brush up by adjusting details
(2) Brush up while adjusting details and use as a reference material for the world view

>> No.6976472
File: 710 KB, 1280x717, 1695936507110579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D] Propose a layout of the map (space)
(1) Create images of rooms from a provisional 3D map
(2) Generate various room layouts based on the images using AI (Stable Diffusion)
(3) Project (2) onto the 3D map and use as reference material for 3D layout

>> No.6976473
File: 988 KB, 1281x723, 1694365635279431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Art] Layout of game title screen
(1) AI (Stable Diffusion) generates layout plans
(2) Create illustrations that match the world view using the layout as a reference
(3) Create a video based on the illustration Completion of game title screen

>> No.6976476
File: 868 KB, 1277x718, 1687264730670716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D] Proposal of 3D taste
(1) Prepare study materials for target characters
(2) AI (Stable Diffusion) specifies various patterns of materials and prompts, and generates images of proposed atmosphere and texture.

>> No.6976477
File: 1.00 MB, 1264x658, 1675805560796512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Art] Automatic generation of background art materials
(1) Generate backgrounds of large crowds and buildings using AI (Stable Diffusion)
(2) Composite with character illustrations to create image illustrations

>> No.6976480

This seems like using AI for the sake of using AI. Was AI really needed to come up with the idea of characters in a ring around the logo?

>> No.6976482
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there's also other mentiones of usecases like
>chatgpt, copilot etc for webdev stuff
>voice AI for temp voice placeholders
that i won't bother translating

as well as pic related.
>(1) AI (Stable Diffusion) generates a stage design for an event using 4-sided LEDs
>(2) AI (Stable Diffusion) generates a stage design for an actual event

>> No.6976486

Pretty much.
Japs using AI is the most retarded thing they could do since it gives every other country the incentive to make their own anime using AI.

>> No.6976491

probably not. but they probably generated a whole host of ideas and picked that one in the end. which is the part you don't see.

but as of right now, >>6976466 seems to be pretty accurate. the brainstorming, the "proposal of ideas" is one of its best uses.
look at >>6976472 where it's used to come up with random interior designs.

not a single one of these even proposes using AI directly for anything other than upscaling. or creating filler material like crowds.

the most direct useage was fro background art in >>6976471, where they actually brushed up on AI gens. other than that most of these show AI replacing concept artists.

>> No.6976493

oh look it's the tripfaggot that plagiarizes from /ic/ poster's work using AI. kill yourself


>> No.6976494

japan hates anime and most of the work is outsourced to SEA countries anyway, so who cares

>> No.6976505

>put on trip
>immediately some retard posts something utterly retarded and wrong about me.
i replied to you in the other thread.

>> No.6976509

Should have taken the hint that you should keep it off. Unless of course you enjoy being called a faggot retard attention whore on sight.

>> No.6976515

>say something retarded
>it's your fault!!!
why should i not use it just because you're too retarded to not post something stupid the moment you see the trip?
i'm winding down on its usage anyway if you look at the OP, but that's not the point.

>> No.6976520

It was nta. It just outs your attention issues. No sane retard would ever want to snowflake this bad on an anon site. Its just an incentive not to take you seriously and shitpost. This obsessive need to make yourself known now made this a shitpost thread. Congrats retard lmao.

>> No.6976521

You're schizoing it off and on for some reason?

>> No.6976531

>Illustration layout Mockup
Not exactly an amazing or original layout design, but I suppose quickly testing to see if it'd look good, and having a colour test is nice.

>Background generation
Yep, I can agree that's a good use of it. Ugly and dull grey background though

>3D room layout
Could they not just quickly scribble something? They've already laid out the room for the most part with just the textureless 3D stuff in image 1.

>Game title screen layout
This is by far the worst one. So boring, you'd be shocked to discover someone used an AI to generate the layout and idea. Even more so when it seems they deviated so far from their source you have to ask why they even bothered with it in the first place?

>Quickly turning a 2D image into a mockup of a 3D image
I really like this use case, seems like a fun way to test out if your design works in 3D, or just have fun rendering your image in such a way.

>Using AI to render complex small background details
A good use of it, though I feel it lacks the charm of coming up with more creative solutions and visual tricks. Why try and simplify when AI can make the overly complex thing for you?

>AI makes stage design
And yet again, some of the most basic bitch shit I've seen.
"Whoah, it added MORE SCREENS!".... Fuck off.

Overall, I like the use-cases and it makes me more hopeful that AI is being used as a tool by artists, rather than as a replacement for human creativity.

>> No.6976533

it's literally all in your head. i never talk about myself. it's you people that keep attacking me in one retarded way or another. just like in this case once again.

my issue is just i keep replying to you. but it's hard not to given the idiocy and the shizo theories you shitters come up with.

as you can see, i am slowly retiring the trip anyway. but i suspect i will keep living in your heads rent free as i have been.
it's not my issue, it's your issues.

>> No.6976534

You literally just put your trip on to claim that >OP btw
then you immediately took it off. The other anon calling out your attention issues was spot on

>> No.6976537

the only reason i didn't use it from the get go here is because of people like you. the only reason the thread is derailing is because of people like you.
look OBJECTIVELY at this thread. does it look like i wanted to talk about myself?

again, this isn't my problem, this is your problem. i live in your heads rent free.

>> No.6976541

Japan has no idea how good they have it.

>> No.6976543

>thread starts
>things going as you'd expect
>suddenly ITS ME OP IM X
>does it look like i wanted to talk about myself? This is your problem!
Are you actually stupid or just pretending?

>> No.6976545

Ok? But you said you were retiring it anyway so I don't know why you had to point out the fact you were the tripfag by putting it on in the first place. No one else shills AI here as hard as you anyway so people would've known

>> No.6976546

Japan just hates their employees

>> No.6976550

>Even more so when it seems they deviated so far from their source you have to ask why they even bothered with it in the first place?
but that's the entire point of it. of concept art.
it is usually only a starting point. or in group projects, it is to get people roughly on the same page.

also without it, the entire idea might have gone into a different direction, or would have been less explored maybe.

>> No.6976555

>Buy an ad

>> No.6976558

>concept art.
If that's what it was meant to be, fine enough, however the translation post said "game screen layout", which means something different to me.

Even then, to use AI for layouts OR concept art and end up with the most generic Mecha game screen possible is lame. Might as well just used the first line of images from google images of anime robots as your concept art or layout design for how original the end result was.

>> No.6976559

honestly stay in your anime containment chamber that you claim to have made
>or go to Reddit where you fuckin belong

>> No.6976560

It would probably be faster to cut out magazine pages and make a collage.

>> No.6976563

>entire idea might have gone into a different direction, or would have been less explored maybe
Yes and a different idea would be born and explored. That literally sounds like using AI for the sake of using it.

>> No.6976569

deepl translated it as "layout plans". i think it's just talking about composition. so basically they were just looking for a general layout of things to follow.

also apparently the end result is a "video". so it's a bit more than just a title illustration.

>Even then, to use AI for layouts OR concept art and end up with the most generic Mecha game screen possible is lame.
i think it's a pretty lame kids game anyway. the title screen is probably more evocative than the entire game here

i think you're underselling the process of having new ideas borne like this.
for example maybe he could have made a space illustration without AI. AND THEN he might have realized it's too tranquil and made it more fiery and energetic like he did here. but that first step would have been somewhat of a waste of effort.

meanwhile if he does it in AI, he can see right away what kind of impression is being made without much effort (since it's AI), and he can skip those wasted steps.

>> No.6976571
File: 74 KB, 720x365, IMG_20231213_032656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if tripfag made this thread since this one was made
>tripfag literally being the AI defender
>not even letting a day go by trying to shill "use AI"
>or mentioning his name like it's a reliable source

>> No.6976572

/ic/ was ai free for a whole week since his last ai thread till he showed his face again today

>> No.6976573

He can't help himself can he? It's on his calendar.

>> No.6976575

>"meanwhile if he does it in AI"
>implying using AI is always better
fuck off tripfag you can't go a day without sounding like a fucking shill

>> No.6976578

>for example maybe he could have made a space illustration without AI. AND THEN he might have realized it's too tranquil and made it more fiery and energetic like he did here.
>wasted steps
You are literally pulling that out of your ass at this point. There is no "right away". It doesn't exist. You can't equate the generated dopamine hit of a "complete artwork" to "that's exactly what I was after". It doesn't work that way. You wouldn't have gone to that result yourself and you have dismissed your own potential ideas for AI made ones without even exploring them.

But AI is always better, right? What's the point. Waste of time.

>> No.6976580

>Are you actually stupid or just pretending?
are you?

the irony is that this trip exists so i can argue in good faith without other anons muddying the waters.
but you people are SO delusional and hate AI SO much that now it's more like i'm a symbol you have to rally against. see >>6976493

see? literally rent free.

i'm pretty sure there was a huge thread on AI that only just died recently. it had a generic korean girl looking OP.
(and no, i did not post in there at all)

but that's not what i'm implying? where did i say ALWAYS? are you okay?
or is my mere existence destroying your mind again?
take deep breaths.

>> No.6976583

>literally rent free.
wait, trip is a tranny? sorry for the misgendering.

>> No.6976584

>There is no "right away". It doesn't exist. You can't equate the generated dopamine hit of a "complete artwork" to "that's exactly what I was after".
what are you even talking about?

he MADE those outputs because he was LOOKING for ideas (or a "layout", if the translation is to be believed). it's the same as looking into your ref folder or googling shit.

it is the whole idea of reference. it is what concept art is for.

>> No.6976585

Would be a good explanation for their blatant mental illness

>> No.6976587

You've genuinely ruined AI discussion on /ic/ and you only have yourself to blame. Don't talk about "good faith"

>> No.6976595
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1685593847290401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what??? do you relate that phrase with trannies or some shit? really?
my god you people are so mentally ill it's not even funny. maybe you should get off this site, you're easily manipulated and you clearly cannot handle it.

don't kid yourself. there was no good faith discussion on AI anywhere here. or i wouldn't have this trip to begin with. and that barely even changed.

>> No.6976598

>there was no good faith discussion on AI anywhere here
Then why do you keep coming here? Maybe you should take your own advice and get off the site

>> No.6976600

That is not even what you were arguing. You legit are disconnected from any creative and artistic endeavors brother. No wonder you get called a faggot.
>inb4 what is "art" to you then?
legit leave.

>> No.6976603
File: 108 KB, 1000x772, 7a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what??? do you relate that phrase with trannies or some shit? really?
on 4chan, yeah? Are you pretending you didn't know?

>> No.6976606

>hahaha you're all so stupid
>I knew it all along
>it's all about AI
Seethe over being labeled a retard has started. Now we wait for smileys to make him feel better.

>> No.6976607

Honestly, it's your personality

>> No.6976610

you have zero idea what i even said in both of my posts.

this is why i quoted this
>There is no "right away". It doesn't exist. You can't equate the generated dopamine hit of a "complete artwork" to "that's exactly what I was after". It doesn't work that way.
it has nothing to do with what i said to begin with. you're literally arguing with your own mind constructs.

huh, so you think 4chan means you have to sperg out about trannies?
yeah, that sounds about right for nu4chan

are you mad for being called a retard? :)

i can't help it.

>> No.6976614

This is lame, how long until the AI nails it perfectly and no additional work will be needed? They might as well fight for the ability to copyright AI generated content at this point.

>> No.6976615

>huh, so you think 4chan means you have to sperg out about trannies?
>yeah, that sounds about right for nu4chan
s-sperg out? I said like 6 words and you blew up with 3 sentences. seethe and dilate.

>> No.6976616

What??? Do you relate my personality with annoying personalities or something? Really? My god, you people are so pathetic it's beyond belief. Maybe you should get off this site, you're weak and gullible and you clearly can't handle it. You're probably just envious of me because I'm so much more intelligent and sophisticated than you. You have no clue what it's like to be me, to have so many desires and impulses that make me the master of my own destiny. You're just a worthless piece of meat who spends all day online, trying to make yourself feel better by hating on others. Well, guess what? You're not fooling anyone. You're just exposing your stupidity and insecurity. You need to get a clue, seriously. And stop being so rude and mean to me, because I don't care. I'm a smart person, okay? I'm a cultured person. I'm a superior person. And you should be honored that I even waste my time talking to you, because you're nothing but a potential meal for me. So just shut up, okay? Just shut up!

>> No.6976617

>it has nothing to do with what i said to begin with.
Because you are unable to read and comprehend that with "complete artwork" was meant the reference it generated. Because obviously the thing it generates is "complete". It put the idea in your head.
>But that's what references do.
Not to that extent, no. Not at all.

>> No.6976618

Taking the brainstorming away from actual humans is peak dystopia, anyone who ever worked on a finished piece of art knows that the inital stages are the most entertaining

>> No.6976619

>constantly (YOU)ing everyone making fun of them thinking they're owning them
>says "your implying" about their shilling
>It's literally all they do
"tripnigga" will you write another 30min speech on your how (your opinion wrong I'm right)

You already written so much shit before that honestly I recommend text to speeching your posts or long ones.
When you usually average about a 30min speech every thread, I'm gonna tell (YOU) right now I'm not gonna read all that shit especially if I know it's (YOU)

Fucking make a YouTube channel or go somewhere else if your gonna be spending this much time writing all that crap. Just to shill on anonymous bird watching forums

>> No.6976620
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>> No.6976621

It was all about himself in the end, wasn't it

>> No.6976622

Where is this from?

>> No.6976623

what would some old guy know? AI makes me a better artist. die mad about it.

>> No.6976628

that's the reason he's shitting it so hard. he's been on /ic/ for a decade according to himself and they're still garbage so they're pushing for AI acceptance. same reason why mikufag loves it too and then this guy >>6976623
it's all very telling really

>> No.6976630


>> No.6976631

people brainstorm using references already.
people get their ideas from wherever they can.
AI refrencing is just tailor made reference.

have you ever worked on a finished art piece?
maybe if you're inspired when doing personal work. but otherwise, more often than not you will look up things to inspire you or for reference.

>> No.6976633

20:44 for anyone interested.

>> No.6976634

Isn't tailor made reference the thing you should actually avoid if you want to get creative and gain original ideas and skills?
How are you exploring if you only go where you know what to expect?

>> No.6976636

But the fun really starts after you've looked up those things, *if* you need to do ot because you want to or it is requested of you. The thumbnailing stage, the one where you're thinking about how to pose your characters and composition and values, the stage where you're solving problems and your brain is on fire. Removing that from an artist is lame.

>> No.6976637
File: 21 KB, 871x97, 1684484655656197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i'm shit, then what are you?

the guy has literal assistants. if it was so damn fun, he'd be doing all of that himself.

the reference is only a base.
i mean you literally see it in >>6976473 one anon even complained about this. about how the result is nothing like the refs.

>> No.6976640

>if it was so damn fun, he'd be doing all of that himself.
He said in the video that he ends up redoing their shit lol.

>> No.6976641

context: https://mangabrog.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/naoki-urasawa-and-hisashi-eguchi-talk-about-manga-in-the-70s-and-80s-mostly-otomo/

Urasawa: I’m drawing almost everything.

Eguchi: What?! Even the backgrounds?

Urasawa: I pretty much do up to the rough draft of the backgrounds.

Eguchi: How many assistants do you have? Otomo only had two at most, and it’s true that manga starts to look blandly generic when you’ve got six or seven assistants working under you, which isn’t good. Isn’t it hard to control that?

Urasawa: I’m working with five assistants at the moment, and I go over everything with all of them closely along the way, one-on-one.

Eguchi: That must be tough. Normally when you’re using that many assistants, you delegate more of the work to them.

Urasawa: But it wouldn’t be my art if I do that.

Eguchi: Do you ever touch up what your assistants have drawn?

Urasawa: I do, but more often what I do is have them redo things until it’s more like what I have in mind. I think I’m a hard guy to be an assistant for.

Eguchi: So you do touch things up at the end, then. Tezuka was the same, I think.

Urasawa: It’s really tough using assistants. It requires a sort of talent different from what you need as an artist — you need managerial skills, which is something artists obviously don’t have.

Eguchi: You’ve had your assistants around for a long time though, right?

Urasawa: They’ve all been with me for over ten years now.


>> No.6976642


Eguchi: So you must pretty much be in sync with them and not have to even tell them that anything.

Urasawa: Actually, as I tell my assistants a lot, I can’t have them getting too comfy with the way we’ve done things before, because a manga artist changes a lot in ten years, and I need them to keep up with me. If they’re still doing things the way I taught them back when they first started working for me, they’re behind. With five people I can get a division of labor sort of thing going on — I’ll have one guy doing the crosshatching, one guy drawing the plants and trees, et cetera. The problem is, they just aren’t getting good enough.

Eguchi: (laugh) Are you sure you want to put that so bluntly?

Urasawa: When manga artists get together and drink, bitching about their assistants is all they do. (laugh) In the same room as my assistants I have butter them up and encourage them, worrying that I might’ve sad too much to them. I’ll go back and forth in my head for a good two hours — “I was in the wrong just now… no, wait, actually yes, he was the wrong one!”, et cetera.

Eguchi: Doesn’t sound fun. (laugh) Why not work in a separate room from your assistants?

Urasawa: I did try that. It didn’t work. When I don’t check their work until they’re finished, they end up having to redraw a lot of stuff.

Eguchi: So you really have to be there face-to-face with your assistants, then.

Urasawa: There’s also the matter of whether assistants are capable of drawing New Wave manga.

Eguchi: It is tough. I suppose that’s why the artwork in your manga isn’t very New Wave at all anymore.

Urasawa: True.

Eguchi: It’s just not possible when you’re doing a series.

>> No.6976645

Yes mangaka use assistants. What's your fucking point? I rather have assistants myself than use AI. At least you're working with others that enjoy art as much as yourself. I don't know why you think that working in a team detracts away from the fun

>> No.6976651

if you can not see the parallels then i don't know what to tell you. it's even down to the idea of "the more you use it, the less it will be your own"

>Urasawa: I pretty much do up to the rough draft of the backgrounds.

>Eguchi:..and it’s true that manga starts to look blandly generic when you’ve got six or seven assistants working under you...
>Urasawa: But it wouldn’t be my art if I do that.

does any one of you genuinely think urasawa would enjoy doing his own backgrounds? even if he wasn't on a tight schedule? do you think taking years of your life to do a single measly volume in high quality is "fun"?

you people are so naive and doe eyed about art, it's disgusting.

>> No.6976654

>the guy has literal assistants. if it was so damn fun, he'd be doing all of that himself.
Imagine spamming all that shit and missing the point this bad. You really are an incarnation of stablediffusion thinking in keywords solely for efficiency and production. Zero awareness.

does any one of you genuinely think urasawa would enjoy doing his own backgrounds? even if he wasn't on a tight schedule?
Yes. Genuinely. You don't seem to think so, obviously, which is why this is so outlandish to you.
>you people are so naive and doe eyed about art, it's disgusting.
Holy shit lmfao we have hit a new low. You have the shittiest takes on art this board has seen in a while.

>> No.6976656

>does any one of you genuinely think urasawa would enjoy doing his own backgrounds?
Yes? He loves drawing. There are plenty of mangaka that do their own backgrounds. Why are you trying to create parallels when there aren't any simply because you can't understand that some people genuinely love all aspects of drawing unlike yourself.

>you people are so naive and doe eyed about art, it's disgusting.
Then fuck off already? /ic/ doesn't fucking care about your AI trash if that wasn't clear enough. Mentally ill freak

>> No.6976663

>the guy has literal assistants
Who do you think enjoys that work more, him or his assistants? The answer depends on which stages are the most entertaining. The solution to make the experience more enjoyable for his assistants is not removing Urasawa, but letting them work on their own projects with their own assistants. AI is not the assistant here.

>> No.6976665

>but letting them work on their own projects with their own assistants
They usually do that. Some assistants end up becoming Legendary Assistants and work for multiple mangaka at a time. There's bound to be multiple people that love drawing backgrounds and getting paid for that. The assistant thing in general is just a great way to help train up artistic skills for a next generation. If it was removed and replaced with AI usage then what happens?

>> No.6976674

it's almost like....
whoa wait....
it almost sounds like.....
no that can't be.....

......that almost sounds like he's doing the work that is fun. the work that he wants to do, he HAS to do. and lets his assistants do the work that isn't as fun, or as important. such as drawing random plants.

if any of you fucking shitters had ever drawn a background in your life, you'd know what is fun or isn't fun. sketching and drafting is fun. inking, especially inking backgrounds, isn't much fun. it's just a lot of work.

yes, what do you think happens?
if everyone gets access to actually useful AI assistants.
genuinely, what the fuck do you think will happen?

>> No.6976677
File: 29 KB, 512x512, 43256747843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd know what is fun or isn't fun

>> No.6976678

>if any of you fucking shitters had ever drawn a background in your life, you'd know what is fun or isn't fun. sketching and drafting is fun. inking, especially inking backgrounds, isn't much fun. it's just a lot of work.
lol, just admit you don't find drawing fun outside of scribbling.

Then they'll all be as awful at drawing as you. I love how you glossed over the statement before that. All you care about is the final product, you've proven yourself to be the most naive one about Art here. It's just pathetic at this point. I bet you would've shilled for photobashing too but that takes quite a bit more skill than prompting

>> No.6976680

>isn't much fun
tell that to tsutomu nihei.

>> No.6976681
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>> No.6976685

what statement? do i really need to adress it?
you're not very bright are you? because i'm saying that if everyone has an AI assistants, then they'd just skip the assistant step and make their own manga from the get go and gain experience in that way.

instead of slaving away for a guy like urasawa, who at the end of it all, will say shit like this about you:
>They’ve all been with me for over ten years now.
>The problem is, they just aren’t getting good enough.

you're correct in saying i don't find drawing fun. i only find very specific things about drawing fun. things you wouldn't be able to tell from what you've seen from me.
but are you better than me?
or are you just living in ignorance, having fun with your own scribbles?
because a lot of anons i've seen in these kind of threads were like that. proud about their quirky "style". but without substance.

>> No.6976688

>things you wouldn't be able to tell from what you've seen from me.
like what?

>> No.6976691
File: 640 KB, 955x1331, 1679635150351141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsutomu nihei
have you seen sidonia?
or pic related, from something newer. maybe he SHOULD get some damn assistants..
(although sidonia was still nice, nothing against the manga itself)

>> No.6976692

>skip the assistant step and make their own manga from the get go and gain experience in that way.
Which is much less efficient than learning while under someone else don't you think? Or are you that up your own ass that you think AI can teach us art better than those that came before us.

>The problem is, they just aren’t getting good enough.
Some people just don't want to truly put in the effort much like yourself.

>> No.6976694

Everyone already had access to so much shit yet you still find niggas bitching about needing more.

People with less drawing skills made more meaningful works with their scribbles yet (YOU) still want to insist AI will be able to make everyone and their mother be successful

>> No.6976697

Not the guy you're replying to. My guess is his point was: if you're going to have other humans do the thankless, grueling work for you while you get to sign it and be widely known as the author, why the insistence on not using AI? The argument is: clearly, the point is convenience, and there's no issue with the largely invisible assistants, so what's the issue with using a machine?

>> No.6976699

you're doing assistant work. you're not necessarily the same as being an apprentice who gets taught. you get to see the whole process but the goals are different.
whether you learn more slaving under someone or making your own manga, it would depend. on your own skill, where you're at, what you're lacking, etc.

i never said the point of making your own manga would be so that the AI teaches you.

nope. you're still arguing with a strawman.
i never said that AI is even necessary. just that it is valid. that it is a tool that can be used.
and you don't believe that it is, do you? otherwise you wouldn't screech at me everytime like this.

>> No.6976702

The latest I read was aposimz, He seems to want to reinvent his style a bit with each manga. I don't think he'd have inked Blame! to the extent he did if he didn't love it.

>> No.6976705

i just think he's just lost in how to use the digital medium properly.

>> No.6976709

such is the fate of boomers I guess...

>> No.6976710

>then they'd just skip the assistant step and make their own manga from the get go and gain experience in that way.
Gain what experience? The one you skipped? Last I checked you don't learn to draw by not drawing.

>> No.6976713

>arguing with a strawman
>"yes, what do you think happens?
if everyone gets access to actually useful AI assistants, genuinely, what the fuck do you think will happen?"
doesn't make you sound anything other than shill, and cutting out more people just so you have to do everything yourself must be real inspiring then.

You'll never get work with no one with experience or get feedback. Plus it sounds like dumping the work of multiple people onto one and expecting it will somehow improve the quality of things

>> No.6976723

>just that it is valid
So that's why you're here. Because you want to seek others to see you as le valid. kek

>> No.6976726

He's already admitted to as much. In fact most things people accuse him of being or doing he ends up admitting to.

>Okay maybe I am a narccisist with some mental issues
>I am lazy and do find a lot of aspects of drawing boring
>I am shilling AI on /ic/ for mass acceptance so my trash is appreciated

These threads always end up being more of a character assessment of the tripfag than whatever they were meant to be about

>> No.6976734

why are you still pretending not to understand?

even if someone like me is here, posting nonstop about AI assistance, you're still pretending as if drawing and AI can't be mixed, as if it's water and oil.

if you're making a manga you'd obviously be drawing.
a lot. assistants/AI or not.

>oh noooo, i'm cutting out the grunt work that i or someone else would have to do oh noooooo.

lol. no. i'm valid regardless of what you think. previously, when i posted my work, people would never fail to ask for my blog. it's not like i care about ANY of that. i just want a healthy discourse, this could be a pretty interesting age of discovery. instead we have

what i care about is for people to not throw an automatic, EMOTIONAL shitfit when they see AI, especially artists.
this is what i mean when i say i want acceptance. just the bare minimum of seeing AI for what it actually is. not the utterly delusional stigma you have of it in your head.

>> No.6976740

Go to /g/ than or any other board than else people deserve the right to shit on or crab you here

>> No.6976743

>drawing and AI can't be mixed, as if it's water and oil.
My brother. One is drawing. The other is prompting. One is drawing. The other isn't. You can spin it as a tool all you want but it is not drawing. You are not getting drawing experience out of it.
sure bro keep telling yourself that. you drew some of it. extreme validation.

Nigger at what point are you going to get that you're not having these "healthy discourses" with your fucking personality issues and on a board about drawing that you don't give a fuck about. Congrats you know about AI. Congrats you read articles on how it works. Have a star. Now go seek acceptance in your jap discord or reddit or wherever because apparently everyone but you are delusional.

>> No.6976749

the only japanese company that can make video games is fromsoft so who cares. ill stick to my western games and japanese anime.

>> No.6976752

>My brother. One is drawing. The other is prompting. One is drawing. The other isn't. You can spin it as a tool all you want but it is not drawing. You are not getting drawing experience out of it.
....and that is not at all an argument for why it can't be mixed, you giant retard.
you're still arguing against strawmen. it's all you know to do.
as if i ever said that using AI is the same as drawing? come on anon, get real.

the analogy of using assistants isn't new to this thread either, i brought it up countless times before.
that too, isn't drawing. and people do it. because it's fucking nice to have assistants. to not have to do everything yourself. it depends on the artist but it's a valid thing.

>> No.6976755

it's more photobashing if anything it be /gd/ technically though you'll still want it here for some reason

>> No.6976768

>the analogy of using assistants isn't new to this thread either, i brought it up countless times before.
>that too, isn't drawing. and people do it. because it's fucking nice to have assistants. to not have to do everything yourself. it depends on the artist but it's a valid thing.
sure, that's a team. We don't post our art on /ic/ that was made with assistants. seems counter to the point, posting "your" work. sure it might be ok to share a comic you worked with a team on one day, but beyond that is a bit strange.
Use AI, fine, I'm not worried. but it's not for /ic/ and will never be, there is no point, it's not drawing.

>> No.6976779

>102 replies and only 17
Another thread of the samefagging ai shitter, even the users on coom sites hate ai garbage being spammed. Useless trash

>> No.6976785
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I forgot that I said I was gonna stop replying to him. and I also forgot my herbs. logging off now.

>> No.6976788

artists don't need to like ai if they don't want to

>> No.6976796

do you call coloring or rendering a sketch "photobashing"? again, why are you people so willfully blind?

so if i draw something and then use AI to make the grass on the ground, the image is suddenly not mine anymore? does that make sense in your head?
again, why are you pretending to be stupid? how many examples have i shown of AI combined with sketches or painting? and yet you're STILL here, saying the same dumb shit as day1.
why are you still pretending as if they can't be mixed? why?

what samefagging? where?
definitely take your pills, you mentally ill shitter.

do what you want. but don't sperg out at the people who do want it.

>> No.6976799

his reading comprehension is getting worse. not worth it.

>> No.6976803

it's as valid as your reasoning behind it. if you're some mangaka who can do shit but is strained by deadlines and wants to make a living, they need to. also the mutual benefit of giving some newbie a chance to work with you.

if you're a rando who thinks drawing is a waste of time, you want to. you're just being a hack because you never really gave a shit and sure as hell won't now. such people don't really get assistants anyway due to no passion, so AI is perfect.

Those are probably the same thing to you because both scenarios involve the prompt "assistant".

Artists who give a shit want to draw a picture. You don't want to draw, but want a picture. You right now are among people who want to be able to -draw- art and not getting it by any means necessary.

>> No.6976811

don't sperg out at communities of artists that don't want anything to do with it

>> No.6976815

>if you're a rando who thinks drawing is a waste of time, you want to. you're just being a hack because you never really gave a shit and sure as hell won't now
You're just describing mr tripfaggot now. It's sad that he thinks the rest of /ic/ is as lazy as him and can't comprehend why we don't want AI discussion in a place where people are meant to be learning how to draw, he really is just a person of bad character

>> No.6976817

Everything done with AI is on the computer and most the fucking features basically involves using filters or retouching or editing shit

you need to fucking Reddit already tripfag
>Inb4 use it for references
even though someone can they don't want to you'll still screech going use AI

>> No.6976842
File: 839 KB, 256x255, 1693292409530372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "the same 4 people shit their diapers over a free tool" rerun
all of you need to be medicated

>> No.6976852

If you read the thread, really it's just people tired of trip, more than ai. I use ai pretty often I just keep it in sdg.

>> No.6976854

You first mikufag

>> No.6976857

turns out people aren't too fond of shills even if it's for something that's free

>> No.6976860

>for something that's free
god help this nigga

>> No.6976867

>he thinks shilling is exclusive to paid entities

>> No.6976869

>removes his trip again
You're the one that needs to be medicated

>> No.6976874

>alot of apps and games are also free
doesn't mean they can't be shilled

>> No.6976877

>it's almost like....
I agree, you're quoting the wrong guy.

>> No.6976883

said apps and games have in-game purchases and advertisements which drive income, which this free software does not have.

>> No.6976886

trip has his own welcoming party to make him feel right at home every time.

>> No.6976888

you can also get free version of drawing apps.
>anons will still say shill me on (X) app

>> No.6976890

>>anons will still say shill me on (X) app
yes, they're retarded for doing so.
i don't see why this is a gotcha.

>> No.6976912

your pills, anon?

so you want AI to be more of a hush hush thing? just like 3d models, references are?
honestly, all this just helped me realize how i never should have given a shit about any of these in the first place.
none of it matters or has ever mattered. there are no rules. the more rules you make the more you restrict yourself. and that's all you're doing. pointlessly, for interenet clout and empty "whoa you're so skilled!" points from people who don't understand what you do anyway.

>> No.6976919

and now the trips back on, sad attempt at gaslighting. how many times have you put your trip off and on throughout this thread by now?

>> No.6976927
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you're such a incredibly sad sack of waste. take your pills.

>> No.6976935

>gets caught out
>i know I'll tell him to take his pills that'll show him
it's funnily ironic that you love telling people to take their pills or medication so much

>> No.6976937
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>gets caught out
i genuinely can't do anything but laugh at you at this point.
my god take your pills you fucking shizo.

>> No.6976942

it seems you've lost it as you always do when your pathetic threads don't go your way. it's really sad but since you're legitimately mentally ill you wont stop trying. i genuinely only feel pity for you

>> No.6976946

>i'm the one losing it
you already lost it before this thread started. by believing in your shizo delusion about me.
and then you fully lose it once you see my trip. i don't even want to know what i did to you for you to behave this way.

i'm a simple guy and i'm pretty open with what i'm trying to do with my posts.

you? you're a shizo. and you're just annoying at this point.

>> No.6976952
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nta but I also use it.
I keep it separate because that's just the current flow here. I come here to shitpost about drawing because that's what I do too and can relate to shit or maybe help fags with broken limbs sometimes to best of my ability. But dude how is it a hush hush thing? Xitter is filled to the brim. Plenty threads on various boards. What grapes do you have with /ic/? I just go to /g/ (yes, evil), r*ddit (yes, fuck me) and xitter to chat, get news, see what people make with it, shitpost coom and am happy on both fronts. What difference do 5 people on this board make? /ic/ is a drop in the ocean. Maybe in a year you'll come back and see things normalize or maybe we're actually getting a board. It's a waste of energy for everyone now.

>> No.6976978
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hush hush among artists, i mean. you say "current flow" but that's the problem. i don't find it right that artists have to "hide" because OTHER ARTISTS (or maybe just a bunch of shitters) lose their minds in self righteous outrage whenever they encounter the topic.

you say go to /g/, but if you've seen the kind of things i want to talk about, it's not REALLY g-shit either. i don't feel like it belongs. they don't necessarily have the same goal of having to preserve an existing style or vision.

>> No.6976991

Have you not been around from the early 00s to late 10s? People (by that I mean online hobbyists) spent literal months arguing and obsessing over using reference, shaming anyone caught doing it and trying to get by without it. Then the topic fell out of fashion and everyone just moved to using them. Almost all communities online have a share of people who try to outdo each other in how "pure" they are, as well as naive people who need to hold onto their ideal of how things should be done. This kind of panicky obsession isn't anything new.

>> No.6977000

>Thing that didn't happen.
Go back to /g or reddit for your daily dose of validation.

>> No.6977004

Even if what you say is true using reference and using AI to make most of the picture for you or even the whole picture are two vastly different things

>> No.6977005

imagine being scared of pic related, aitards never learn

>> No.6977023

That's just how it's going to be for now since shit's still new nobody has gotten used to it. Even if it's not right what are you going to do? It's just going to be loops of arguments until mouth dries out. Discord has some servers that I heard also host challenges for something more intimate. You can try making a xitter account for it and if your posts are quality and maybe you can get something out of it. You think when tablets became a thing everyone welcomed them with open arms? Lmfao it took years.

Talking about /g/, unfortunately it also allows the average shitter to churn out infinite amounts of porn so anything of substance is pretty easily drowned out and disregarded as such. You'll either have to wait it out until spam fags get bored of it, trad fags accept it or until a combo community materializes. Being an in-between right now is pretty shit as you can evidently see lmao.

>> No.6977027
File: 20 KB, 186x208, 1701892668837433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have a folder like pic related only smug anime girls tripfag for rebuttals

I generally find your need to (YOU) every last person and their mother more telling of yourself than others

>> No.6977034

>Talking about /g/, unfortunately it also allows the average shitter to churn out infinite amounts of porn so anything of substance is pretty easily drowned out and disregarded as such. You'll either have to wait it out until spam fags get bored of it
Do you think it will get better or worse in that regard?. Especially if you take into account the improvements of the AI tech

>> No.6977035

i mean the purism mindset is still in place till today when it comes to reference and any and all kind of "crutches" like that.

and i used to believe in those, subconsciously at least (which discouraged me from using 3D, refs and anything other than my own imagination). but with AI i'm slowly starting to realize how flawed all of those stances were too.

what discords? what's the discourse like in bigger more established art discords? i used to be in some. what's the consensus on AI?

>> No.6977038

so anon will filtering it out be the only/final solution then
>gatekeeping will be mandatory

>> No.6977074

>You think when tablets became a thing everyone welcomed them with open arms? Lmfao it took years.
[Citation needed]
Pretty sure it was the cost that prevented people from adopting it.

>> No.6977143


>> No.6977150


>> No.6977185
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Some nice use cases. It's weird how Japs are both very tech-forward and tech-backwards in different ways.

>> No.6977219

That is sad. I loved Level 5, even learned Japanese and I'm almost getting an EE degree(for more options after uni) just so I could work there. And now they are using AI shit.

>> No.6977330


>> No.6977333


>> No.6977344


>> No.6977550

Boomers love ai. They are senile pieces of shit and I can’t wait for them all to die.