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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 627 KB, 1218x1621, 1700445033440453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6973719 No.6973719 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping (you) from artistic success, anon?

>> No.6973726

Besides arm it's pretty okay

>> No.6973730

Fundamentally, my problem is that I'm a fucking retard
Existential skill issue

>> No.6973733

Lots of skilled artists are brain dead

>> No.6973737

Not having a specific goal. Sometimes I’m more into painting, sometimes into comics, lately into figure drawing. In the end I never accomplish anything and I’ve been like this for years.

Yes, I focused on painting fundies for a while but I’m back to self doubting on everything.

>> No.6973739

I overthink everything and end up paralyzed by fear

>> No.6973740


>> No.6973741

I don't have an apple iPad Pro 12.9
means I simply can't draw finished rendered artwork 24/7
I am forever stuck on either merely thinking about drawing, or making meaningless scribbles

>> No.6973743

depressed and unfocused

>> No.6973758

Marketing, time, a real girl to keep me in check from complacency and being pain-free generally is a great idea for making art.

>> No.6973759
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because i need to work harder
I gotta learn how to color better

>> No.6973760

The fact you color at all puts you ahead of most anons here

>> No.6973766

>a real girl to keep me in check from complacency
that'd be nice. companionship to shoot the shit with while i did art.

>> No.6973770
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>> No.6973783
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Being lazy? I'm not sure.
There are days or even months when I consistently put out 5+ hours of working on my art, but there are also months when I can't force myself to draw at all. I've been trying out different methods to motivate myself (like betting real money on if I can keep up a streak of drawing daily, meditation, journaling, self hypnosis, reading and going through exercises in self-discipline books, trying Atomic Habits, joining /dad/ etc). Some of these work in the short term, but nothing seems to be working in the long term. For some reason even promise of getting payed isn't working for me. If someone here had a similar issues and managed to solve them, please share. At the moment I'm working on dividing my drawing process into a series of extremely small steps (~1-5 minutes for each step), to make it less intimidating and easier to do when I have limited time/energy.

That being said, I've already managed to sell one of my traditional paintings (pic related) and several digital pieces. So in a way I am more successful than a world-famous artist van Gogh ;^)

>> No.6973789

monetary success? I really don't like to be bothered.
artistic? I am doing alright, many victories had, many more to come.

>> No.6973814

>I can't force myself to draw at all
It's not about forcing. There is a thing in your brain that if you find will enable you to put effort without being tired.
However it took me over a year of trying to find it. Or 23 years if count my entire life of unawareness.
I turned from a person who was a textbook example of adhd with INTENSE executive dysfunction(which was pretty much the only real issue) to a man who can do anything on a whim with barely any effort once it clicked to me. All ideas along the path were giving max 50% or so increases, while now I'm over 2000%(over two thousand percent, over 20 times) more efficient and productive over weeks that came.
For the first time in my life I am myself, and I love it.

I don't know how to put what I do mentally using words. It never worked to take someone's advice anyway.
Do not rely on external stimulation. In fact, do not rely on stimulation at all. "Meditation" is what I started with, but not really. I was coming up with methods that felt like they were slightly pushing me towards doing things, eventually realizing that what I did back then was meditation. You cannot do meditation if told to meditate, it only works(although nearly not as much as to change anything in your life, but observably it became easier to start, just not sit through) if it's internally originated.

I could write a ton more, everything in detail even, step by step my struggles, but 4chan has a character limit and I already plan to do that elsewhere in somewhat more appropriate place.
Keep your determination for as long as it takes, but get to it on your own, it's your brain, you will master it at one point and you will be alive, none suggestion will make it for you. Be analytical of your behavior, look at your efficiency/productivity very precisely even if you don't have the strength to write it down. It is going to look like nothing is working for over a year if you're just like me, but it likely will wary in duration.

>> No.6973831

>I could write a ton more, everything in detail even, step by step my struggles,
>I already plan to do that elsewhere in somewhat more appropriate place.
Alright, I'm hooked. Blog? Where are you planning to post that step-by-step plan? I want to follow you and read it as soon as you post it

>> No.6973876

I didn't want it to feel like an advertisement though.
Really all you need is to follow on ideas to fix it that are coming from yourself, judge their effect if any, and extend or not them into further ideas until you will find it. It was like I was constantly trying, but only sometimes could put motion into my decisions, and not nearly as much as I should. As long as you keep trying and pulling towards being able to, you will eventually land there.
Don't ask or search for someone's solution, find the specific (to yourself) solution yourself.

I'll give some more me-related tips that may or may not be applicable.
I've tried A LOT of sleep, diet(vitamins, blood tests, etc.), living conditions, etc. based methods but none of those worked. Some were based on doing things regularly which I was failing day one. Those were really destined to fail from the beginning. It's a "if you fixed your problem, you can use it to fix your problem" kinda advice.
Really most of online methods are suggested for people who already are normal. Like "put your devices away/turn off distracting apps" or other useless trash info from people who've never had any issues. It's like "eliminate the results of your problem" kinda treatment, but with the cause still there you won't do anything anyway.
That's why I say never listen to outside advice.(Ironic, I know, I advice to not listen to advice, but you know what I mean)
You can straight away ignore all of that and just focus on the mind. Someone tells you you need vitamins or some other bs? I was being told that all the time too. Nobody will ever know how you feel and they will be trying to give you advice they never had a chance to try out on anything remotely similar themselves.
Find something that you know you almost never can do and it's infinitely hard to force yourself to do it and keep it as a benchmark.

>> No.6974005
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>I've been trying out different methods to motivate myself (like betting real money on if I can keep up a streak of drawing daily, meditation, journaling, self hypnosis, reading and going through exercises in self-discipline books, trying Atomic Habits, joining /dad/ etc).
What about...liking what you draw?
I'm serious. You're basically playing little mind games right now. Nothing's going to stick like WANTING to draw, because you like what you do.
The answer isn't in a self-help book, the answer is in you: "Why do you even want to draw? What do you even want to draw?" If you can't answer those 2 question, you very probably don't want to do it with any seriousness or consistency, and there's no shame in that.

>> No.6974033

>What about...liking what you draw?
>I'm serious. You're basically playing little mind games right now. Nothing's going to stick like WANTING to draw, because you like what you do.
This person has obviously never had your issue.
Do these people seriously think that if you want to do something you will?
I wanted to do everything I now do for my entire life. If it was this simple I'd never have this issue in the first place.
You can have all the want, all the motivation, all the "just do it"'s, all the stimulation, all the rewards, all the people counting on you, it does NOT MATTER for that issue.
You're basically denied being yourself by it.(which is why I said before that "For the first time in my life I am myself, and I love it.")

Being as I am now, I also could just come to them, say "look, I just do it", do the thing, "why don't you just do it???", make them even more depressed or whatever they feel due to that issue and leave thinking I was the good guy trying to help.

>> No.6974064

I‘m a lazy retard and probably just not cut out for self study
Like I know that I need to learn anatomy and construction for figure drawing but am just unable to properly figure out how to

>> No.6974072
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Honestly, wasting time on shit like games and stupid ass threads like this

>> No.6974107

I'm in a real slump right now, and I might have ADHD because even when I don't have a depressive episode and feel good, I just can't act. Like there's a knot in my mind, preventing me from doing anything really, even absolute basics such as eating the food right there in my fridge when hungry. But some days, a switch is flipped and I am a tireless beast that gets things done. Reading your post gave me hope that I can find that switch. For now I'm stumbling in complete darkness, hitting my head and toe and can't find orientation; but when I find it, I will make sure I always know where it is like an inner compass. Compassion for myself is something I should also improve on.
Thanks, and Godspeed, anon.

>> No.6974111

my wageslave job

>> No.6974115


have you ever drawn or painted anything besides this?

>> No.6974118
File: 139 KB, 850x1020, __original_drawn_by_avogado6__sample-b71495e333d4dfb39c64be747f600650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. I just am not there yet, because it takes time.

>> No.6974122
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Lack of talent.

>> No.6974136
File: 3.53 MB, 4377x3307, shibuya_rin_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_matsuo_yuusuke headchart officart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep studying, im@s anon

>> No.6974139
File: 2.89 MB, 4424x3276, shibuya_rin_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_matsuo_yuusuke flbd stand officart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6974174

internet addiction

>> No.6974186

Digital painting. I need a way to figure out how to do that easily

>> No.6974216

OP just goes to show how far renderfagging can take you.

>> No.6974229

Yes, your mom fucking your dog.

>> No.6974242

>Portrait of a White Woman

>> No.6974254
File: 173 KB, 1644x655, 1549314838099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon, once february comes around i'll make the annual SHIBUYA RIN general.

>> No.6974430


>> No.6974515
File: 100 KB, 232x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what da hellllllllllllllllllllll

>> No.6974579
File: 175 KB, 1200x922, garbageartist_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974592

This hurts on an emotional level.
I feel you anon

>> No.6974599

Not being consistent, fucking being too autistic to do studies properly and not breaking out of my comfort zone.
Also lacking self confidence and being based. Y'see I wanna draw hentai but I'm a traditional artist and I don't want others to see the shit I draw so they aren't even more convinced I'm a degenerate. Sure, I hide it but I also don't want my partner to catch me drawing porn.

>> No.6974604

Colouring is the only fun part about art though, creating the sketch is the hard and frustrating part

>> No.6974812

i will report in when the time comes

>> No.6977745

hell yeah more SHIBUYA rin for the SHIBUYA rin collection

>> No.6977762

i'm a jackass who never practiced consistently kek

>> No.6977764

i'm too hesitant to do proper studies, i spend too long refining sketching instead of having a more iterative approach, i spent a year drawing the same shit over and over instead of exploring different things, i never do finished pieces. i'm too firmly rooted in my comfort zone and i'm too recalcitrant to do anything about it.

>> No.6977767

I can't just draw. It takes me hours to build motivation. I usually just lie down and do nothing all day, I dont even consoom.

>> No.6977793


>> No.6977877

Working shit hours.
Having more hobbies other than art.

>> No.6977885

I bought a used one on a marketplace that had an option of paying in installments and here is a spoiler: it didnt get better

>> No.6978193

I reinvent the wheel each time I draw and try a new method instead of honing something further

>> No.6978202


>> No.6978210


>> No.6978756

I don't know what artistic success entails other than being recognized and paid for my artwork. I enjoy the boundlessness of painting murals too much to commit to other media, but I feel like I have to if I'm gonna strike out on my own.

>> No.6978847

>Not having a specific goal. Sometimes I’m more into painting, sometimes into comics, lately into figure drawing. In the end I never accomplish anything and I’ve been like this for years.
Damn this shit is relatable. I'm like you anon but add animation, game art, programming, music...

>> No.6978869

>a real girl to keep me in check from complacency and being pain-free
You guys are weak as shit.
>I need a companionship because otherwise my dreams will never come true
I can't believe that I just read that garbage and I'm on 4chan of all places. Inc*ls truly are shit.

>> No.6979151

Being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.6980432

Me. It's me who is stopping myself from artistic success. Hopefully there is some sort of afterlife where I can spend an eternity in agony for only being granted one singular chance and wasting it all.

>> No.6980558

Nah, it's me. I'm stopping you from artistic success, Barry. Every time your anatomy fell short, it was me, I tampered with your scales when you weren't looking. I transformed your arms the wrongest way possible every time you blinked. Every shortcoming of your life is caused by ME.

Now get to work you lazy nodraw.

>> No.6980612

Being stupid and on meds

>> No.6980731

I can't remember shit to save my life

>> No.6980752

color takes too god damn long and i'm bored of the drawing long before it turns into anything reasonable, i'ld rather just crank out sketches.

>> No.6980766
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i avoid learning from others like the plague so i can focus on having fun, but whenever i get burned out it hits harder because i dont have any learned discipline to draw successfully anyway.

>> No.6980778

I have ADHD

>> No.6982078

Real lmao

>> No.6982131
File: 339 KB, 649x728, 1702843297022684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck and I'm a "hospitalize this person" kind of crazy

>> No.6982164

laziness and migraines and drawing with a mouse (no mouse is not bad it just takes way too long)

>> No.6982166

what’s going on with her hair

>> No.6982212

I dont want to draw NSFW
But waifus showing boobs is the only thing popular, I dont know what to do

>> No.6982289

This guy looks exactly like me but with longer hair.

A real girl will keep me in check because girls tend to be conservative and keep me on track. I'm a little autistic so I can go too wild and too far. It is not like I need a girl in order to do art. I do art because I love to do art.

>> No.6982296

she pulled a Britney? idk

>> No.6982297

I could say that it's because I don't draw well enough, since I can always get better, but the simple answer is that my work just isn't appealing enough. Nobody cares because....... nobody cares. And that's fine - I've long since decided that I'm just telling stories out loud to myself, and if anyone else wants to walk a little bit of the way with my work I'm happy for it.

>> No.6982336

literally everything else except the "Draw" part
>talking to people like (You)
>drama PR
>graphics making
>video editing
i literally do not give a fuck, i just want to draw

>> No.6982364
File: 74 KB, 860x1130, art stuff 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]