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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6970020 No.6970020 [Reply] [Original]

"Appeal" = low iq buzzword

There's always some nonsense trend going around on this board as if everyone's just following fads, flavour of the week, repeating popular arguments.

Right now it happens to be appeal this appeal that, it's usually used in the context of the commenter not really wanting to use more complex concepts to explain their reasoning.
Basically it's just a shortcut to "objectively good looking".
Appeal doesn't mean anything, that's just another way of saying aesthetically pleasing and it's trending right now because you guys are constantly trying to crack the mystery of what makes an image aesthetically pleasing.

It depends entirely on what you're doing, there is no objectivity in art as a whole, something can be objectively good or correct within a context.

Is technical accuracy important in architecture?
Not always, for engineers yes bit for someone renting a flat it's not so important when showcasing the layout of a residence.

What is good anatomy depends on the context as well, donald duck would look creepy with realistic proportions while michaelangelo would look dumb with cartoony gesture.

It depends, a shitty stick figure drawibg would be mich better fitting for a childrens' book illustration or dank memes than renaissance nude drawings.
Context largely defines the value and appeal of most art.

Art is all about balancing elements to make the illustration fit the narrative.
Most artists fail to understand this.

Cultural and historical context matters too, 1800s hyperrealism from Vienna would be very valuable and respected but who gives a fuck if some chinese antbrain did it outside of any artistic movement or historical scenario.

Renaissance art by some 4chan /ic/ discord incel? nobody cares.
Stick figure comic art in by some pioneering boomer who made a name before it was cool?
People care.

If you tend to follow trends it's safe to assume that you're not capable of pioneering at anything.

>> No.6970024

Now your coping with power

>> No.6970028

I agree with this post.
I think it has a meaning on /ic/ that is not found elsewhere, with a tendency toward simpler styles, popular anime, or approved older anime, some technical proficiency but doesn't have to be perfect.

>> No.6970036
File: 53 KB, 737x706, incredible drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like, lately "Appeal" is being thrown around by permabegs that don't know what they're even talking about and confuse it with "Well made", "Looks good for me" when it's all about the charm.
For example I consider this fine drawing extremely appealing and fascinating.

>> No.6970040

Fuck off, Dobson.

>> No.6970071
File: 983 KB, 750x1188, IMG_7734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an official piece commissioned by the NFL. It got 21k likes. Let that sink in.

I’ve come to the conclusion the average non-artist doesn’t care if something looks like shit, because that’s the same quality they would produce

>> No.6970079

This isn't about the art, it's about the content (recognizable athletes) and the context (posted by NFL). If you changed either, then no one would care.
It's incidentally true that normalfags have abysmal taste though

>> No.6970090

You should draw for yourself if it really itches so much that other people wants to draw from *stickman art* just for having numbers instead of doing useless coping threads.

>> No.6970172
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It's literally just one autist making all those posts about appeal
In fact it's so obviously one retarded dude doing it all this thread was probably made by him as well just to make it seem like there's actual discourse about his stupid fucking idea about appeal and not just one person raving like a madman

>> No.6970176
File: 72 KB, 580x659, 1501795528498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Dobson bros.

>> No.6970187

I was once commissioned by a well known NFL team to do something similar like this. I thought I had finally made it since it was a known “brand”. Little did I know this was the kind of quality these teams usually put out. Kinda made me doubt my skills as an artist.

The only quality stuff I’ve seen are “gameday” posters and specifically for the Philly Eagles and the Seattle Seahawks. Lately Pittsburg Steelers have been hiring quality artists too.

But social media shit it the most basic mediocre shit

>> No.6970200

You're going through a denial phase after realizing that technical skill matters very little. Its okay, we all go through this. Its cute that you think you have it all figured out, though.

>> No.6970234

This is the reason why shitty fanart and bland crap like Funko Pops sell. The content is more important than the quality. A buyer doesn’t care if your obscure anime fanart is shitty, only that it exists and is recognizable.

>> No.6970265

You’re right the people spamming about appeal are braindead, but it’s not because it isn’t real. It’s completely real and handwaving it away because art is “subjective” is just as braindead. Art is only subjective from an abstract theoretical perspective, but objectively some design tropes and ways of expressing your subject are more appealing (better-received) to the statistical mass that is the audience. The part they get wrong is their dumb idea that it’s somehow genetic, when just like construction or perspective appeal is actually a trainable skill, even if it’s a higher order skill.

Saying it doesn’t exist is a cope. Saying it can’t be helped if you don’t have it is a cope too. No wonder because the nature of human beings is to cope

>> No.6970282

Anon how retarded are you. Please don't start your own business, you will go bankrupt if you can't understand why that post was popular despite "poor quality"

>> No.6970308

Didn't past the title read but you're just basically admitting you are unattractive and have never any positive reaction from the use of your appealing quality since you have none. Therefore cannot imprint appeal into your work.

It's very simple. If you're ugly and/or dumb you should not do art. You're not human, you have no right to the blessed act of creation.

>> No.6970315

Social media is throwaway shit, of course they hire the lowest of the low for that.
You made it when they hire you to design their next uniform or make a mural in their stadiums that'll last 45 years.
The internet has given us the false impression that there's more freelance jobs for artists out there but in reality the only jobs worth getting are the ones that already existed way back in the 60's like magazine covers and billboards.

>> No.6970366

Those are snapchat avatars, it's not supposed to be custom artwork

>> No.6970459

>Social media is throwaway shit, of course they hire the lowest of the low for that.

Well at least they pay well. Got $1500 for the gig.

>> No.6970845

>magazine covers

Eh, idk anyone who really buys magazines anymore. Book covers are a different story, although it seems like AI is taking those jobs away.

>> No.6970856

everyone here is a nodraws. what do you expect

>> No.6970911

Do people really buy books anymore either? Short form content fried the last of everyone’s attention span.

>> No.6971343
File: 36 KB, 387x384, 1702113305710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Appeal" = low iq buzzword
>proceeds to write a wall of text, verbosely overexplaining "appeal"

>> No.6971353

>Renaissance art by some 4chan /ic/ discord incel? nobody cares.
in what word does this even exist?