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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 62 KB, 738x703, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6968777 No.6968777 [Reply] [Original]

>mom doesn't give a fuck about my art
>even tried to get me to stop when I first got into it
>always shows my art and presents me as some sort of great artist whenever friends of hers or extended family come over

>> No.6968778

sounds like somebody who can go ahead and be a bystander when you git gud, not everybody deserves to be with you in your success as you are now learning

This is almost all of us btw, that's simply the reality of being an artist. Nobody really believes you'll make it until you do and that usually means start earning money with it - you gotta be your own support system until then

>> No.6968826

>my son is a doctor
>my son is a Lieutenant in the army
>m-my son...drew this picture *raises fake animator line drawing of a naked anime child on a blank background, 3/4 head profile staring into no mans land with an inhuman expression that depicts no life, no meaningful human interaction from the soul that etched her dainty pose on that day (he) felt a smidge burst of motivation to draw

>> No.6968846

you have to be over 18 to use 4chan

>> No.6970051
File: 77 KB, 500x500, Sub_Hardcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6970893

She's not complimenting you to her friends. She's saying "Look at what --I-- raised. Look how good --I-- am as a mother to produce such a talented person, it's all me."

>> No.6971109


>> No.6971120
File: 25 KB, 720x716, 20221004_153600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show parents my coom art because fuck it
>father is upset and lectures me about how pornography is bad and I shouldnt be drawing coom art
>later down the line he comments to one of his friends with pride that I draw coom art and encourages me to show it (which I dont)
which is it, then???

>> No.6971220


>> No.6971230

He only lectured you to save face in front of your mom

>> No.6971424

I'd die before I'd show my parents my coom art.

>> No.6971430

showing your parents your porn art (or anything porn related) is incestuous.
the fact you had no shame in showing your parents that is disturbing.

>> No.6971432

this >>6971430
parents are not the ones you should bond with over your pornography and them encouraging you while your underage is unironically CPS worthy

Get friends you autist

>> No.6971435

my sides

>> No.6971470
File: 936 KB, 1475x2212, Peters Lair 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom was dismissive of my art.

Her idea for me was to play tennis, "because I have the legs for it".

I was okay with this, since she was not my target market. However, after my father passed away, and she was living alone up in the backwoods of NewPensaJersey where New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are all within spitting distance from each other,and I resolved to move in with her,nightmare fuel the prospect always looming,now my unfortunate situation. I had just found the formula to properly synthesize Photoshop in comic creation, and this is the first page of a 16 page self contained story that happens after the first graphic novel. I was making something unforseeabe and new,and used the creation of the story to teach myself how to craft stuff from my Photoshop legerdermain assembly method,and I have yet to find anyone doing this. I imagine that there are,but back in 2004,possibly not. And my next project was to make the introductory story, rounding up the usual suspects and thrust them into a Complicated Thing involving Teddy bears,and a young child of the local grocer has contracted a mysterious ailment and only Jeremey Prickles knows that the missing toy is part of the mystery but no one will listen to him,except for the newcomer,and the everlasting friendship is resounded. Only vague ideas about the rest of the plot. I will make it up as I go along,and we will all see what happens.

>> No.6971545
File: 157 KB, 469x475, 162993295822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you autists talking about?
One thing is engaging in sexual activitie of any kind with someone (from flirting to fornication) and a completely different one is talking about sexual topics, there is nothing inherently sexual about the latter unless it's used in a sexual context, which was definitely not the case here.
The topic about coom art came up because I wanted to be transparent with my parents about the money I was making on commissions and that conversation went as smoothly as you can think of
>anon that is great and all, but Im not sure if this is something we'd like you to do in the long term
>anon porn is bad and you shouldnt be drawing this kind of stuff
All of this because, lo and behold, my relationship with my parents is extremely healthy where we can talk about pretty much anything without devolving into some moralfagging nonsense.
>and them encouraging you while your underage is uniro
okay, now you're just making shit up.

Honestly, what the fuck are you guys seeing? It almost makes me think you are the sick fucks for seeing sexual connotations in a place there isnt.

Funny, because my mother was less upset and more concerned than anything else, he was straight up outraged kek.

>> No.6971560

>my relationship with my parents is extremely healthy where we can talk about pretty much anything
I don't think it's a common thing on this site

>> No.6971605

armycuck mom seething

>> No.6971621
File: 905 KB, 960x960, 1598486161881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one thing telling your parents what you make money with, but showing kind of crosses a line you shouldn't. It might strain the relationship with your parents and give them something they can't get out of their heads not because of
>muh puritans moralfags
But because no family member wants to know what you jerk off to and that you even do.
>inb4 but everyone knows everyone jerks off
Yeah, and family ignores that fact to not make one uncomfortable as the same as every time you go take a shit. It's nature, but it is repulsive to anyone else.

and i dunno, if the other anons called you underage, i mean, they kind of might have a point since you clearly show you don't know this basic ass shit or seek to be "transparent" with you parents, meaning you might want their approval and you still live with them.
Your father's reaction might be indicative that you are because if you were old enough to be trusted and as you claimed you have a healthy relationship, i doubt he would have said that.
It is indeed disturbing that you would show your parents your porn.
wtf man lol

>> No.6971639

you have autism

>> No.6971646

out of touch maladjusted american detected

>> No.6971714
File: 38 KB, 680x679, 1294548959462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't show your parents the futa-inflation-giantess-foot-loli porn then you're out of touch and maladjusted
i take offense to being called american though

>> No.6971716

If your father doesn't support your coom journey then you're ngmi

>> No.6971722

Your kind is the reason why ipad kids are a thing and why 7th graders can’t fucking read.

>> No.6971733

>sees words “coom art”
>immediately thinks of futa-inflation-giantess-foot-loli porn
>I-I’m not maladjusted and out of t-touch

>> No.6971754

>he doesn't understand hyperbole
>witty comeback #956346564
Anon here has a point >>6971722

fucking twitter and porn done rotten these kids brains lmao

>> No.6971801

In what universe is a healthy relationship showing your mom what gets you hard ad what you decided to dedicate your drawing skills to because you like it that much. Guaranteed it's absolutely disrespectful to women to boot, yh surely your mom was fucking thrilled she raised an autist who thinks this is acceptable parent/child behaviour (CPS doesn't)

>> No.6971846

the only thing disrespectful to women is reality

>> No.6971853
File: 50 KB, 720x541, 988a44a4d5b65be4f219b4ea9e3b78f6443c903a17fe95f6d5ce7a1a9b4ab74a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be brief with this.
1. Families have their boundaries set differently, to some families certain topics are perfectly within boundaries to discuss in civil manner, to some even the most normal topics are taboo. I know my family boundaries and relationship well enough to open about the fact I *occasionally* do NSFW art that are *nude pinups at worst*, which, as might have not guessed, it didnt strain the relationship in any possible way.
2. Just because I opened about this particular topic with my parents DOESN'T mean that I actively and openly talk about my whole sexuality with people (parents included) or show them my NSFW art, or the porn I save or what I jerk off to. It also doesnt mean that I do not know the kind of information I shouldnt say to them or others and I have issues oversharing, as I know very well there is a time and place for everything.
3. Everything else you mentioned is baseless "look at me Im inside your head" speculations. You dont know the nature of my family (or myself), to make a confident judgement and I dont think you should even attempt to do that between anons of all people. Also online psychics are genuinely insufferable, so in good faith: Please dont do that.

>> No.6971916
File: 444 KB, 680x456, 15689253593899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, man, in good faith, i'm merely making semi-educated guesses with the information you relayed.

And when you're being so defensive over the internet over basically nothing, i dunno man, the anons might have seriously kind of touched a nerve there, not just meme wise.

Anon, who the fuck do you think you are that you need to justify yourself and set your story straight on an anonymous board while being an anon?
This is the same retarded underage brainrot shit as spamming nothing but inflammatory one-liners to farm (you)s.

What are you going to do when people willingly take everything you say out of context to fuck with you?

I'm not in your head, but what you post and the fights you pick tells a lot.... which kind of makes a fag assume you're underage.

>> No.6971935

Every thread you make on /ic/ is secretly about your parents not loving you and you, yes you, know it's true.

>> No.6971949

yeah they don't, i'm too good for them

>> No.6971958
File: 24 KB, 469x453, 160935116669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you are correct. You get so entangled by retards online that it's impossible to not become defensive one way or another. Damn right there is no need for me to prove anything to anons and act so defensive over retards saying this or that, they can talk shit, but god forbid you talk back because that is entirely on you for committing to a futile exercise. Lesson learned, which is why Im cutting short this line of conversation here.

Say what you will, think as you will, Im just going to move along and draw. You can continue replying and just stroke your ego about how much of a peasant I am or whatever, use the funny arrows, the strawmen... but Im going to ask you, is there really a point at the end of the day? After all you're just stroking your ego with anons online for the sake of nothing, you'd be no different than me acting defensive over a futile line of conversation, you're also wasting your time.
Cheers, anon, you won the internet today.

>> No.6971974
File: 12 KB, 500x301, ltONNyE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i will reply just like i did in the other thread
>"This says more about you than what you're accusing others of i.e. you're projecting"
I mean, man... if you're not underage, you got some emotional maturity to catch up on.

If i was about stroken me ego, i wouldn't waste my time trying to teach some sense with you as an example and telling you that no one gives a fuck about your personal life on the hacker forum.
>"oh no they didn't believe my story and are making assumption about me with the info i have revelaed! QUICK i must tell them it was different to defend my honor!!"

>lesson learned
And that was the point, Autismo.
There is no point in getting defensive about irl shit that happened to you,
maybe gtfo the discord full of trannies, you stupid nigger.

>> No.6974135


>> No.6974444
File: 256 KB, 1200x946, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where are you from, anon. But in my country, the old people or boomers came from a tough time. They can find it hard to believe make a living through art and sometimes can doubt that their children can do something like that.
Don't be so hard on your mother.

>> No.6974447

>[...] to believe that's possible to make a living

Consider it fixed.