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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 119 KB, 480x640, 8247 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6967441 No.6967441 [Reply] [Original]

There is not a single artist out there who started from rock bottom as an adult and made it. Zero. No matter how many hours of practice and study. It has literally never been done before.

>> No.6967445

Depends on definition of making it. Obviously you will never catch up to people drawing their whole life but there's space for mediocre artists out there

>> No.6967446

Johnathan hardesty. Look up his journey on Vimeo.

>> No.6967448
File: 384 KB, 900x562, 353e9fa311a60899feb9f6f9e1df0a51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6967450
File: 114 KB, 662x249, spooon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this is rock bottom

>> No.6967455

The video isn't perfectly chronological. Keep watching for 10 more seconds and I'm sure you can agree there are rock bottom images there.

>> No.6967480

nothing in that vid qualifies as "rock bottom" unless you count the intentionally bad "anatomy" drawings made with circles

>> No.6967485
File: 38 KB, 229x128, Girl_DM - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought me a huion ink 320m for like 50$ or something
>downloaded me blender
>gonna be sculpting ass and titties all christmas while jacking off with my left hand
I don't know how to draw, but how difficult can it be when the all the artfags say talent is optional?

>> No.6967486

Show me what you think rock bottom is? Why are you ignoring those portraits that look super prebeg?

>> No.6967491

"rock bottom" means bad strokes. Lines that are a very wobbly and/or miss their target by a wide margin. Hardesty magically never has this issue

>> No.6967496

how about instead of another worthless crab thread we post a comparison between our first artworks and our newest?

>> No.6967504

because it takes like a week to not have that issue if you're not retarded

>> No.6967506


>> No.6967510

It's hard to understand why someone would, from "rock bottom," get into art in their 20s and 30s, without ever having nurtured an interest in it in childhood. I'm not saying it's impossible to understand, just hard to.
I think if you're doing it for "pure" reasons, for self expression or curiosity, like Miles Davis did late in his life, it can be richly rewarding. But so many late starters clearly want to "make it," and are more attracted to the apparent prestige of it. Social media and personality threads outnumber actual drawing threads 2:1. Paradoxically, being this way makes you a really shit artist who probably won't make it.
I mean, you decide what you are, and what you're going to be.

>> No.6967514

Miles Davis the jazz musician?

>> No.6967516
File: 191 KB, 900x767, miles-davis-artwork-2_ycmbod-e1495146790849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, he got into painting in his 50s or 60s or something, I think to cope with other stresses in his life. He wasn't doing it to impress, and it's bog standard abstract expressionist work in that regard. But he still found personal value in it.

>> No.6967519

Useles bait thread #34643643346
Saged and hidden.

>> No.6967520

what am I coping with?

>> No.6967522

Ilya Kuvshinov

Want me to name more? And all posted here in the past

>> No.6967523

Cryptcrawler would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6967527

Mark making is the bottleneck that prevents most people from learning to draw. Whatever fine motor skill you have is set in stone past the age of 10 (you can read all about that here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07303084.1998.10605614))

Everything else in art is declarative memory, which doesn't decay until your 60s. Anatomy, perspective, shading, all declarative memory. This is why people are able to improve or "learn" art into adulthood, even when they appear to be a complete beginner, they drew in the right ways when they were a kid and developed the motor skill, without developing any of the other skill. Without fine motor skill, though, all that other skill is completely worthless.

Most artists barely remember when they were 9, so they just assume everyone has the same fine motor skill they do.

>> No.6967529

Kuvshinov literally had art academy training from a young age

>> No.6967535

Do you have a link to his work?

>> No.6967537

>fine motor skill
In all my years of drawing, I've never been able to overcome scratchy lines. I can write incredibly small (and still completely legible), to the point that I absolutely can't break my finger drawing habit.

>> No.6967540

Tfw literally tied fleas with a copper-filament lasso when I was 6 because we had cats and I watched flea circus on TV and drew till I was like 18
Now I just gotta get the fundamentals down and I will literally be int or pro in a year or two
This thread is the greatest motivation I read on 4chan, thanks OP and thank you anon for the info

>> No.6967542

Oh that's pretty cool, I thought you meant he started late into being a musician at first

>> No.6967544

Right you are OP...If I could go to the past I would tell my past self to not waste his brain's plasticity on video games.

>> No.6967574

They got workarounds around that, why do you think Vilppu teaches you to use your wrist and shoulder when drawing? You achieve the fine dynamic there and you use a more primal part of brain for drawing. You literally unlock your artistry dna and draw like your ancestors who only had the fine motor skills to pick berries and chuck spears at animals.

>> No.6967576

it's weird, there doesn't seem to be this whole "i'll never make it i will never be an artist i have no spark i have no ligament i am a perma/beg/ twisted by loomis into a cruel mockery of nature's perfection" within the 3D community. is perspective just the great filter?

>> No.6967579

see >>6967527
3d modeling doesn't require fine motor skill

>> No.6967593

Memes aside, I have nothing else going for my life. I've lost all my friends, and I have no will to live anymore, so I considered drawing because I used to enjoy doing it as a kid. Drawing is the only thing I do apart from working with my father.
I wasted my teen years doing generic useless stuff and didn't build any hobbies or personality. I'm probably never gonna make it, but I don't care; I have nothing to lose, so why think about it?

>> No.6967594

This kind of cope is so sad

>> No.6967598

>fine motor skill
>Fine motor skills is essentially getting your earpods out of their tiny little box
>there are people who can't do this properly
I'm calling bullshit on this.

>> No.6967608

>implying everyone who can get their earpods out of their case can draw a perfect line every time

>> No.6967609

define a perfect line. We talking straight as an ruler or non-jittery?

>> No.6967616

Starts and ends exactly where the maker intended, following the exact path the maker intended

>> No.6967620
File: 85 KB, 636x571, Nigger speak sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. You're one of those ,"assholes", I've heard so much about, aren't you?

>> No.6967625

No one has the fine motor skill necessary to make the perfect line every time, and you dont need it either. Lines don't need to be perfect, they just need to convey the same information as the line you intended to make. If a line is very jittery, misses its mark by a wide margin, or goes too far off course, it wont do that

>> No.6967626

>Ilya Kuvshinov
What's the point of lying?

>> No.6967631

3D is for talentless losers pretending to be artists, so not very hard.

>> No.6967636

Lefty died. I was just pretending to be him to get mikusama to reply to me.

>> No.6967647
File: 1.72 MB, 400x400, Smug Anime Faggot cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't into 3d
>he has to visualize his 2 d drawing and then trace it like a retard
Sad, many such cases.

>> No.6967655

What happened to mikufag?
He used to post here a lot. Do you havw a link to see his latest artwork? The same goes for lefty. Is he still under pills?

>> No.6967658

>There is not a single artist out there who started from rock bottom as an adult and made it
Plenty of Japanese animators did that, but they get paid starving wages so I'm not sure they made it...

>> No.6967661

It's a shitty drawing of a fucking spoon, stop looking for excuses and draw something.

>> No.6967663

>Writefag my whole life so far
>want to try comics
>Drawfags are expensive because "muh living wage muh bills"
Even if my art is shit and I go in on commissions/AI I figure it'll give me a better understanding of what I want and how to ask for it.

>> No.6967671
File: 103 KB, 720x444, IMG_20231206_181701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't he still in high school or something?

>> No.6967680

>drawing becoming something people do for fun
Shock. Horror even. Existential terror, if you will.

>> No.6967686

He was an adult when he started if I am not mistaken

>> No.6967688

did he actually start or did he "start taking art seriously" as an adult

>> No.6967695

He had a thread on a popular art forum back in the day, called Algenpfleger learns how to draw ir something like that

>> No.6967720

> Mark making is the bottleneck that prevents most people from learning to draw

Thats not true. Lack of good relational seeing ability is the problem most artists have. Proportional intuition, perspective.

Even if mark making was a bottle neck, that would be a good thing, because mark making is the easiest thing to train
Thats what things like draw a box are for. Draw straight lines, practice hatching,
Building mark making mechanics is as easy as going to the gym or learning to jump rope. It just takes practice doesnt even take any problem solving

>> No.6967733

>3D is for talentless losers pretending to be artists, so not very hard.
Guess who's gonna get replaced first.

>> No.6967741

You could have not made a retarded thread.

>> No.6967773

I like challenges, learning, and getting good at things. Had not even the slightest clue about what I was really getting into though

>> No.6968113

If you can write, you can draw. If you can paint a wall, you can paint. If you can cut your steak, you can draw. If you can brush your teeth, you can brush your canvas.

>> No.6968180

the cope is real
I cum to 3d renders & animations 10x more than I do to 2d ((art)))

>> No.6968182

that's because you're a peabrain

>> No.6968191

That's because I'll be the first one.

>> No.6968201

>It's hard to understand why someone would, from "rock bottom," get into art in their 20s and 30s, without ever having nurtured an interest in it in childhood.
Shitty parents, maybe?

>> No.6968202

yes, that is absolutely rock bottom. or are we pretending that rock bottom means the person was kept in a bubble for 30 years and released with zero knowledge of anything at all?

>> No.6968229

Didn't Dave Rapoza grind for like 2 years because he had no other options? He's a felon or something

>> No.6968247

>It's hard to understand why someone would, from "rock bottom," get into art in their 20s and 30s, without ever having nurtured an interest in it in childhood

Im doing that, because i realized i;ve always wanted to be an artist but just assumed you needed "art talent" to do it
I thought i was a math and science person, not an art person, so i became an engineer
But i realized this year that art is just a matter of developing mechanical and perceptual skills, and practicing to apply them.
Anyone who can commit to learning anything hard can learn art
Most people fail to be artists, but most people fail to do anything thats diffucult, art isnt special

>> No.6968262

I quit as a kid and regretted it for years because I was duped by the "talent" bullshit. After a decade I just can't take it anymore and started drawing again. I'm not sure I'm doing it for such pure reasons but after knowing what it's like to quit I don't want to let it go and give up again either.

>> No.6968271

It's okay anon, we all know that you're gay. Thanks for making a shitty thread that I need to hide. Here's to your bump limit, cheers.

May you ever be a faggot, OP. I hope you never make it!

>> No.6968272

3D modeling is for monkeys.

>> No.6968311

You are literally me with same profession and all. It is funny how you think is also same to me.

>> No.6969026

>mark making is the easiest thing to train
easy for you because you already had it

>> No.6969045

and you're getting cucked by AI.

>> No.6969055

3D is getting cucked by AI tho

>> No.6969061
File: 66 KB, 381x256, OHOHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D fags are getting cucked by AI t-too
So? Can't wait till AI can do a 3d model from scratch with just a picture/drawing. It'd save me hours of work.

>> No.6969310

Jeremy Hoffman

>> No.6969381

meme artist

>> No.6969386
File: 85 KB, 500x500, vincent_van_gogh_self_portrait_painting_musee_dorsay_via_wikimedia_commons_promojpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6969394
File: 305 KB, 1024x736, Vincent_van_Gogh_-_87_Hackford_Road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

van gogh's starting date is indeterminate at best

Alot of people place his starting date at 1881, but he made picrel in '73 (when he was 19), and he may have even earlier works that were lost to time

>> No.6969396

How do you go your entire childhood without drawing?

>> No.6969406

Not OP, but I mostly did :(
I didn't know it could be a job or something, and my parents did not push me for this, despite they saw me trying to mess with watercolors, tempera and clay. I wish it all went differently...

>> No.6969414

try drawing a spoon from reference
you might see that it looks different from the spoon you're looking at but remember, its a fucking spoon. show it to someone else they'll still think its a spoon

>> No.6969452

He means artists will draw out of love while all the crooks and cronies will be replaced by an idea guy shitting out ai gens.
Basically none of you will ever make it cause there'll be no "it" left to make.

>> No.6969458

Yeah, now he's a standard others are judged by.
Mid 30's poor, unemployable and uneducated. But unlike OP and all these coping faggots, not a bitch.

>> No.6969469
File: 81 KB, 381x505, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is quite literally the only industry that will never go out of business. No matter what happens.

>> No.6969477

>Shock. Horror even. Existential terror, if you will.
This but unironically. Things become inherently less impressive, less valuable, the more they are mass produced. The easier it is to obtain, the less precious it is. Therefore, masterpieces being churned out one after the other is a depressing idea. Only hedonistic midwits fail to comprehend such a thought, as to you and them, more """fun""" equals a better life, when in reality, more """fun""" leads to oversaturation, leads to boredom and the rehashing of the same ideas over and over again.
So, have fun drawing in the future when there is no one left to be in awe at your work, since AI will do it faster and potentially better than you will. You will be on the same level as someone who collects stamps for """fun"""; you get your little pleasure from amassing a collection of paintings, but in the end, your collection is worthless.

>> No.6969485

I took up art as an adult with 22, now with 30 I am a full time artist. It's not a luxurious or glorious life and I struggle to make ends meet but I'm happy. If you like being alone, spending most of your time drawing and are okay with having little friends, little money and little time for stuff like video is then being an artist might be for you.

>> No.6969491

>art is just

>> No.6969495

pyw from today and when you were 22

>> No.6969584

You don't want to be an artist. If you wanted to be an artist you would be an artist.
You have no excuse, you are not an artist because you won't draw, because you don't want to.
Stop lying to yourself and stop making shit threads.
In my opinion you're not even human and don't deserve the joy of creation. But stone cold reality is that everyone who truly wants to draw can draw.

>> No.6969585


>> No.6969591

>There is not a single artist out there who started from rock bottom as an adult and made it. Zero. No matter how many hours of practice and study. It has literally never been done before.
You will look for literally any excuse to not practice, so here goes my official permission:
you can quit, forever. Don't draw, don't post, just go away.

>> No.6969612

mindbroken by the TRUTHNUKE

>> No.6969752
File: 147 KB, 1200x1651, Go do a Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only hedonistic midwits fail to comprehend such a thought
Art quality is what defines a masterpiece. That and the rich trying to hide money from the taxman. To think anything else is beyond pretensions.

>more """fun""" equals a better life, when in reality, more """fun""" leads to oversaturation
Retarded stoic take. You can't see it all so it might as well not exist. People circle around things they like anyway.

>leads to oversaturation, leads to boredom and the rehashing of the same ideas over and over again.
Unironically and absolutely seriously: this is a skill issue.

>So, have fun drawing in the future when there is no one left to be in awe at your work
Twerking asses will always be fun.

> since AI will do it faster and potentially better than you will
So? There is a chink who does better art faster than you right now. There's millions of them in China.

> You will be on the same level as someone who collects stamps for """fun"""; you get your little pleasure from amassing a collection of paintings, but in the end, your collection is worthless.
You got a flagpole up your poop chute, don't you?

Your entire viewpoint exists because you were exposed to centuries of gaslighting by art galleries convincing you that art is actually worth something. You may as well coom over a japanese flag on a canvas. What you're looking for is pretentiousness, nigger.

>> No.6969771

A computer can run several dozen orchestras, where I can only play one instrument. A computer can solve hundreds of sudoku in seconds, while I spend hours on them. A computer can read thousands of books the time it takes me to read one. And yet I still enjoy spending hours playing music, solving puzzles and reading. Because it's fun. A computer drawing will not stop me from drawing

>> No.6970687

my spoon drawing wouldnt have almost perfectly smooth edges

>> No.6970696

what if you went really really slow? you know what smooth edges look like, you have an eraser, just try until it's smooth. You don't know how long John spent on that spoon, or if that was his first or 10th, he signed it, so he was clearly thinking about it more seriously than a throwaway study.

>> No.6970716

>mindbroken by the TRUTHNUKE
Yeah, OP must have been hit by it pretty badly.

>> No.6970722

Miku still posts here, she's just paranoid and crossposts to /b/. Lefty is dead, though.

>> No.6970791

>Ilya Kuvshinov

just steal and trace, thank you anon

>> No.6970800

You'll never be an artist Shad. Just stick to writing.

>> No.6970802

>He's unironically into cuckery
Anon... You should've mentioned that eaelier before people waste their time on you.

>> No.6971337
File: 119 KB, 288x370, Take the shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first thing that comes to mind when he read porn is cucking
Seethe, cope, mald. GPUs are the artists now.

>> No.6971345
File: 411 KB, 3168x3080, 1688883615937679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People told me the same thing when i was 30 about 3 years ago about chess and i'm 2000 ELO OTB now.

Truth is, capable, resourceful or smart people will always find a way.

>> No.6971346

literally nobody would tell you that irl unless you only hang out with psychopaths

>> No.6971347

You have no idea how vicious teachers, kids and their helicopter parents can be.

>> No.6971350

perhaps. i just can't imagine a situation where you would talk to somebody about your hobbies and then they just relentlessly try to crush your ambitions out of nowhere.
guess I've always avoided people that give the slightest hint of psychopathy. (except on the internet)

>> No.6971367

Midwits are obsessed with the "25 is your cutoff date for devolving new skills. It's all downhill from there." I believe this Anon >>6971345 when he says they told him not to try.

>> No.6971368
File: 630 KB, 2049x2826, 82BB6514-25AA-46AE-B680-7293D4409364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine

>> No.6971371

Plenty of shit tier artists do it full time, it's about marketing. There are literal permabegs from this board like that Shinda guy who don't draw any better than a random person from /beg/ but do it full time because they have a target audience and they churn out constant soulless slop for them to eat up.

>> No.6971375

You'll never be an artist

>> No.6971376
File: 629 KB, 433x818, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright at first i thought this post was jealous seething but hold up what the fuck is this shit???

>> No.6971395 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 403x498, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. It's high time "creatives" discovered just how easily replaceable they actually are. Imagine "art" being your only job, because you don't have another skillset.

>> No.6971465 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1129x229, Assmad artfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So assmad he had to cry to the jannies.
I'll take my tripple moca vannila grande coffee with actually milk and onions milk, brushmonkey.
Go cry to the jannies again nigger.

>> No.6971491

Kek, didn't cry to them, but glad they agree. Stay mad 3D shitter

>> No.6971492
File: 120 KB, 431x415, 1697726535588956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post nothing but senseless snark and flaming
>only derails any discussion
>"ahaha look at me and how i'm OWNING the artistses!!! haha EPIC! im going to do this 24/7 I AM SO WITTY SEETHE COPE MALDING WOWOWOWOWOW"
>janny is based for once
>"waaaaah y u crying u so mad!!! u so mad keep crying"
All i see is the nth twittermonkey trying to farm ego.
Do they bully you at school that much that you have to try to flex on others with AI generated dick?
Do you even prompt or do you just copypaste pictures? lmao
lol even

now say your line

>> No.6971498 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1049x556, Anon_cried_to_the_jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't cry to them
Sure you didn't. Go cri again.

>> No.6973573

Great gains anon

>> No.6974395

>what if you went really really slow
I thought that makes wobbly lines because youre always course correcting? don't you have to go fast to make smooth lines?

>> No.6974756

prove it

>> No.6974814

Try it. people paint smooth lines by going slow(and sometimes using a mahlstick), you can treat graphite the same way. you don't have to commit to the line straight away with strong pressure, you can build up to it.

>> No.6974832
File: 174 KB, 859x675, rafi-perez-art-82-4050299766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens all the time. The guy who painted this disaster left a corporate job and started posting his stuff online. He has a growing YouTube channel, gets commissions, has done many gallery shows, and recently bought a new house. Skill isn't the most important thing to making it. You just have to convince normies to buy your shit.

>> No.6974834

I can't. I have shame.

>> No.6974845
File: 182 KB, 768x768, rafi-perez-art-2016-39-2495442034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what holds back most artists from making it, more than anything. While you wallow in shame and obscurity, this guy is making a living off his stuff and feels great about it. He doesn't do studies, probably has never heard of loomis or

Get over yourself and out of your own way anon.

>> No.6974854

>Get over yourself and out of your own way anon.
I don't know how...

>> No.6975012

Not that anon , but I got in to 3d because of how hard 2d seemed to be. I don't think that mindset really exist because other 3d artists resign themselves as different
,even after reaching the point where they would have to learn 2d anyway.

>> No.6975138


>> No.6975344

>doesn't read the linked article
>"you're wrong because you just are, m'kay?"

>> No.6976592

Really? Damn what happened to him?

>> No.6976782

I remember my drawings from when I was a child. I chicken scratched the fuck out of them. I started paying attention to markmaking at age 23 about a year ago and I have seen improvements. I can only speak to my experience but if you consciously practice making lines you will see improvement.

>> No.6977580

>I started paying attention to markmaking at age 23 about a year ago and I have seen improvements.
>no i wont post it

>> No.6977591

Why the fuck are these gay threads even a thing. Do crabs think it's their god given mission to spread """""TRVTHNVKES"""" or whatever? Who cares if nobody who started late has never ever ever improved, do it anyway.

>> No.6977612

>Who cares if nobody who started late has never ever ever improved, do it anyway.
If every attempt at improving late has failed, why should i believe my attempt will be any different?

>> No.6977637

What a bunch of faggots in this thread. While you spend thousands of hours per day coming up with excuses and reasons why you can't you could have just been having fun making art.
As long as you're alive you can just try again. It's better than the self indulgent faggotry of inviting despair into your heart

>> No.6977670

Dude, even if God himself came down to me and told me that I'll never improve and I should give up drawing, I'd still draw. Because I still really want to do it. If I can improve, great! And if not, that really sucks but I still want to draw

>> No.6977677

because the MODS SUCK ASS
and because it gets attention, thread could have been "what artists started from zero and made it" and died with less than 10 replies
starting a thread with a topic like this is literally clickbait, this thread is 100 posts of the same pointless argument because retards can't help themselves
it's going to live to bump limit too, 300+ posts and 90% of them will be "you can do it", "i can't do it", or a shitpost

>> No.6978152

You niggas are so obnoxious, just fucking draw already and stop whining, are you 12?

>> No.6978339
File: 159 KB, 1200x730, 1200px-Palmer_Method_sample-625476391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint: business penmanship. Full grown adults can learn how to use their whole arm to draw out tiny letters instead of using their fingers like normal people. This was common practice among business writing 100 years ago and did not require any talent, only a lot of time dedicated to excruciatingly boring accuracy drills that are way more rigorous than the mark making activities I see in Draw A Box. If anything required ingrown talent, it'd be that, but random business men learned how to do it all the time because otherwise your hand got really tired when you wrote. Seriously check out the Palmer Method and imagine that fuck loads of businessmen were learning how to do this, and you will realize that humans can be trained into doing some really impressive shit with enough repetition.

Pic related was written using the whole arm instead of the fingers.

>> No.6980544

cursive writing has only 52 marks you need to memorize (2 for each of the 26 letters), whereas drawing has an infinite number of unique marks you may need to make, too many for simple muscle memory.

>> No.6980605

>"i'll never make it i will never be an artist i have no spark i have no ligament i am a perma/beg/ twisted by loomis into a cruel mockery of nature's perfection"

Being honest, I don't even see this outside of /ic/

>> No.6980607

>It has literally never been done before.

You're typing this like it's better to give up but why not strive to be the first one to succeed in that case?

>> No.6980614
File: 956 KB, 1524x2048, Caravaggio_-_Boy_Bitten_by_a_Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Caravaggio start out in poverty due to the plague or something?

>> No.6980910

you need to realize that the "anyone can learn to draw" lie was started by someone trying to sell overpriced art books

>> No.6980917

Is this anyone-can-learn cabal so powerful that they can afford to hire thousands of actors to play artists who started from 0 and got good through the decades? And how close are the pro-AI warriors of freedom and truth to winning against this conspiracy right now?

>> No.6980956

Artists sincerely believe it and perpetuate it because they feel the effort they put into improving their art would be invalidated if it wasnt possible, no malice intended

>> No.6980982

Enough cope, kys crab nigger.

>> No.6981180

Muscle memory is a more flexible than that which is why the moment you learn how write with your arm, you don't need to learn how to do it again if you want to change the way your letterforms look. Once you can write accurately with your whole arm, learning new letterforms does not take anywhere near as much effort as learning the first time. Basically, the hard part, learning to write accurately, is done. The same principle is true in drawing. you can learn to do proper mark making as an adult.

>> No.6981247
File: 246 KB, 1630x2037, IMG_1555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even want to make it. I’ve read every recommended book, put in the pencil mileage, and watched a ton of instructional videos. I ended up a 10+ year journey being average at best. I look back at my old art, and some is better than others, some is downright bad for the amount of time and effort I put in.

What I want more than “good” art anymore is just to enjoy the act of drawing again. At some point it became painful to just put the pencil down. You know the end result isn’t even going to make you happy as you can’t draw like the people who you learned from, and now you’ve got so much various pieces of instruction in you that you can’t even draw like yourself anymore. I wish I could sort of “go back” before hitting gud became such a focus and just focus on the act of drawing and enjoying that rather than getting to the end result. I just want to enjoy drawing again. Feeling your love for your passion die is a miserable feeling.

>> No.6982720

the older I get, the better i get the grasp of concepts and techniques.
that and the vast resource repository that it's the internet.
I feel I can get a PhD with the amount of information you have available

>> No.6982746

Thought of trying oekaki on /i/? the limited tool would stop you overthinking/feeling like it's a commitment. It's a slow board, but sometimes pretty fun threads come around(this year the 100 character challenge being a highlight personally) if you ever used to do oekaki in the 2000s it's a bit nostalgic too.