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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6964360 No.6964360 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into visual art. Where should I start? Where can I learn about the concepts.

>> No.6964366
File: 363 KB, 1147x2955, pick your beg book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you start with drawing what you see

>> No.6964370

No, I mean appreciation. I have no interest in creating any. I just mean I want to appreciate the fundamental aesthetic elements.

>> No.6964413

in my personal drawer's opinion one cannot appreciate art without themselves being able to create. it is akin to students memorizing the summaries of mandatory literature instead of reading the books themselves and forming their own opinion based on the feelings evoked by the book

all these art professors, art critics, galleries curators and experts are just posers when they themselves cannot even doodle simple Loomis head. it is like soldiers who excelled at the battlefield and naturally rose through the ranks VS the aristocrat's children who went to military academy and got high rank without even firing a single bullet at enemy themselves.

>> No.6964418

Bullshit. I appreciated classical music for years before I created any. In fact it was by learning to appreciate it that I felt impelled to compose myself. Maybe it will be the same for painting. I used to draw porn in high school but now I'm a Christian.

>> No.6964423

Go into your local library and pick up some books about art and art movements. Lots of them are actually really interesting, especially the 20th century ones. Just reading about how they build on top of each other will give you some knowledge about the concepts. Or just do some internet research, whichever is more preferable to you.
Even though you do not want to become an artist, I suggest reading up a bit on art fundamentals like color theory, anatomy, perspective, etc. Knowing about these fundamentals will make it easier to appreciate them when you see them in action.
Chances are, there is probably some art out there you already like. A painting, a cartoon, an anime - whatever. Search up information about its production and circumstances. Do other works of the same era look similar? Does it react to anything?
And finally, seek out art and think about it. Go to a museum, follow artists on social media. Think about why certain things appeal to you while others do not.
Good luck! Art is lots of fun once you get into it

>> No.6964430
File: 12 KB, 151x334, download (73).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chances are, there is probably some art out there you already like.
I literally posted some. I also like Dali's religious stuff and some more intricate cubism.

>> No.6964442

Alright, that is a good start. As I mentioned, learning some art history and context could help you learn about the concepts. Start with reading up more about the stuff you like, and then through that, you can expand your taste.

>> No.6964443

Got any specific books in mind?

>> No.6964452

Unfortunately, my favorites are untranslated into english. But I really do recommend looking into your local library - they often have art sections. Or you can just search up Your favorite art movement + Book and you will see some books you can order. The cool thing about art history is that it has a lot of accessible resources you can learn from.

>> No.6964455
File: 32 KB, 720x644, 1701443527068933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks fren

>> No.6964456

Start with cave painting and work your way up learning about each era and the various artists therein.

>> No.6964466

Is this bait like start with le Greeks?

>> No.6964505

Obviously you can enjoy a medium without taking part of it yourself, but you gain further enjoyment out of knowing the little genius things that the majority of consumers will just not be able to take in.
Like the most basic example in art is if you look at that one Moses sculpture Michelangelo did where one of his pinky fingers is raised and you can see he added in the extensor digiti minimi on his forearm (a muscle which sole purpose is to raise the pinky finger)
So if you don't know anatomy you'll look at the sculpture and think wow what a great sculpture, but if you know anatomy you'll also enjoy the attention Michelangelo gave to really capture the realism of the anatomy.
Same in music where if you just like music but don't partake in it you'll most often miss the subtle genius things the composer/instrument player did unless it's super obvious.
It's about the depth of your appreciation not "you don't do X so you're below appreciating it, hmph"

>> No.6964515
File: 3.16 MB, 1400x1308, 1_GI_9vegZcsHjjezkb8dwzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964516

What do you think this thread is about, Baka?

>> No.6966772


>> No.6967660

Wtf I just raised my pinky a bunch of times and didn't see this. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6967704

How to visual art
Step 1: get some eyes
Step 2: watch stuff
Step 3: visualize what u want draw
Step4: ????

>> No.6967858

Lose some weight fatty

>> No.6967863

I'm rail thin. I assumed you need muscle or something.

>> No.6967866

Read the thread zoomer. I'm just trying to learn about paintings and sculptures. Maybe architecture too...

>> No.6967889

Then you're not looking in the right place

>> No.6967984

You want books on composition, that's the generic way to understand all kind of visual art. Then art history, but that's subordinated to composition.

Too lazy to answer specifically, google around, pick famous ones

>> No.6967988

I looked all over the fucker

>> No.6968402

you either have significant nerve damage or have literally no muscle mass there. i have a metal plate directly in the way of that specific extensor and i still see it raise when i move my pinky

>> No.6968981

Oh yeah I can see a wiggle but nothing that could be visually communicated in a static image like >>6964515

>> No.6968987

>the show is 30 years old
Ok buddy

>> No.6968997

What show?

>> No.6969000

Oh Underwear Gnomes? Well it's been a meme much longer and the problem with oldfag shibolleths is they constantly have "prove you are an oldfag" threads on variety boards, so zoomies learn about Girugamesh and shit anyway.

>> No.6969774

well if you can see a wiggle you dont have nerve damage and there is musculature there, but if it's not prominent then its just untrained. aka it means your a dyel lanklet, but it's ok pullups, carrying things [farmers walks], barbell exercise will grow it.

>> No.6970009
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna

>> No.6970629
File: 286 KB, 512x512, bubbadubba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, refuse to be your own perfect walking version of a reference all you want

>> No.6973032

I'd be spreading myself kind of thin if I was composing AND making hyper realistic art.

>> No.6975297

That's a pretty cool painting

>> No.6977231

Theres some guy on twitter making astrological correspondence to visual art.

Its huge as far as i understand it, about how many patterns of reality can be called "taurean" for example and in my opinion if it has some truth it gives an interesting perspective on art. (spigot
.substack. com)
Mentioning it because its interesting and in some art books , videos , art critiques the descriptions mostly feel dry as a realtors house tour, they put their own agenda, and/or are blind to the subtleties of the piece

Also theres this art historian, Carmen Bambach who has some training on art and details the old rennaissance workshop training, and that would be downright misleading would she not know the earthly details of art making and would speculate instead. Maybe if you find it more interesting that love may grow into learning to draw and it can help

So you could consider learning the basics of drawing, most books nowadays have a sort of approach derived from illustration approaches which emphatize speed and photographic copying. So its pretty approachabble to learn the basics, i recommend steve huston's book perhaps

Maybe making songs, writing , a poem about a painting,. its in part attending about it with keen interest and LOVE

>> No.6977243

no better way to do that than by drawing