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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 22 KB, 673x900, GAPqWSFbkAA234Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6962288 No.6962288 [Reply] [Original]

>shitty garbage ugly art

>> No.6962291

>He has never heard of soulmaxing
>He's still grinding boxes on an obscure frogspawn farm
Not gonna make it.

>> No.6962295
File: 66 KB, 519x442, gibfolow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6962300

I don't blame him.
His old stuff was awesome, but people don't have the attention span to appreciate it.

So he goes for the Lowest Common Denominator, as is necessary if you want to succeed.
He just happens to be able to do it with lower effort, which should be thought of as being lucky, be happy a fellow anon succeeded without porn for once.

>> No.6962304

this nigga is not making more than $20 a month off his "Art"

>> No.6962308

He's got some commissions from what I've seen and, more importantly, an audience for future growth, should he try to do something more ambitious.

Even merch might not require much extra effort.

>> No.6962328

You’re right, he’s making a couple hundred a month

>> No.6962344

is he a literal prebeg or is all that on purpose?

>> No.6962356

>meanwhile, OP is a permabeg crying about him to /ic/

>> No.6962369

>being overly critical of your fellow artists
>not having a sense of humor
>giving a shit about social media numbers
Are you ngmimaxing anon?

>> No.6962400

Oh My Freakin' G, the poorly drawn anime girl is making a reference to internet meme that I know, but she's taking it LITERALLY? Yep, this is epic, we will be clicking that follow button for more of this exquisite High Quality content.

>> No.6962430
File: 526 KB, 720x718, 1691451152261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with the guy OP posted and I think his stuff is tolerable (usually), but other artists like him piss me off so fucking much. I know i shouldn't let it get to me but my hatred for these retards defies all logic.
btw picrel is supposed to be Lain

>> No.6962450
File: 113 KB, 1080x1337, mildy_suspicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is once again a fag and once again an appeallet who is STILL grinding fundies and think that's all it takes
If you can't understand why that artist has 50k followers you should unironically give up on making it as an artist online. You have no idea what people find attractive, funny or relatable. You have no idea how to get someone to experience an emotion when looking at your art. I laughed out loud when this guy >>6962295 showed the broken perspective of the OP pic. His utter inability to understand why people like that type of art, so the only thing he could criticize was the technical side: The only thing guys like him know and have experience in. Keep grinding your anatomy, perspective and boxes, anon. While others draw art that people find joy and appeal in you'll keep soaking up more technical knowledge and continue to feed your delusions about one day making it. I promise, even if you attempted to emulate that artist's style and humor, your art would still pale in comparison because you are an autist who is unable to understand people and how they work. You are a complete and utter soullet and you should give up NOW.

>> No.6962455

you know I'm really not sure what compelled you to make this, but truly I hope that you don't ever stop doing what youre doing

>> No.6962456

Oh the fanboys are out here in full force

>> No.6962460
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>> No.6962490

don't care about other people
>the only thing he could criticize was the technical side
no shit?
>projection and fanfic
would you kindly post your work

>> No.6962504

it should piss you off
these freaks draw bad on purpose since people like >>6962291 will always praise these artists as being "soulful," just because its a cute anime girl intentionally drawn bad.
theyre unironically all mentally ill and draw exclusively for the attention of retarded online strangers, never for themselves. someone who thrives off that attention will never have enough of it. thats why they this type of artist always eventually breaks, whether its suddenly disappearing, constant breaks, public stunts for attention, or mental breakdowns.
theyre constantly drawing unfunny memes even they dont like- its complete soulless trash with no value

>> No.6962508
File: 355 KB, 500x457, 1498758739603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seething constructoid screams and he strikes you.

>> No.6962521

/ic/ lately had been full of these mindbroken constructoids that hate everything about art. Like people who lifted hard for months only to see no results, and are venting online about all that wasted time and energy. Maby because it's the end of the year so people failed to reach their goals.

>> No.6962524

>doesn't care about other people
>created daily threads bitching about other artists
Don't tell me to dilate. Don't say seethe. Look at yourself. Actually LOOK at yourself and be honest about what you want in art. of you truly do not care about planet earth then your art should be for you only and whatever happens on Twitter should not even be on your radar.

>> No.6962527

where where you when a 5 min mspaint doodle utterly BUCK BROKE /ic/?

>> No.6962528

"Just draw" was the phrase that ultimately buckbroke /ic/ into a never ending butthurt.

>> No.6962529
File: 54 KB, 665x433, 1642102346343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem I've ever had with this type art is its naked, exhibitionistic inauthenticity. It's the social media equivalent of publicly prostrating one's naked body for the appeasement of the crowd, for laughs. Far from being "soul", it rather has the superficial characteristics of Soul, but is in fact is algorithm-slop at its most desperate. Like I give a shit that it's "badly" drawn. I enjoy some tkmiz. I'm a huge homo queer for eccentric and outsider styles. I just can't stand how easy this is.
Total trendnigger death etc.

>> No.6962532 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 464x848, 1701365930129.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I’m not sure

>> No.6962534
File: 958 KB, 1214x1720, d6f95eef719fbf8efef930f61f88651e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6962535

Go draw.

>> No.6962536

>what is luck?
>what is appealing to the right audience?
>what is trends?
>what is marketing?

less skilled artists gaining more fame than more skilled artists, happens all the time.
what do you think were more popular in the 80s?
>dragon ball
>fist of the north star

>> No.6962538
File: 276 KB, 1071x1500, cdaf07036d1869cd795ad28ea979a20b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying Toriyama is a less skilled artist than whatshisface?

>> No.6962589

He's a major constructoid.

>> No.6962594

Seethe you crab

>> No.6962599

sounds like you're just jealous lmao

>> No.6962600

They're basically like Shad Brooks if he hasnt fallen into the AI rabbit hole. They hate the process of art, but for some reason still pushes in anyway for the recognition of being an artist. Why dont they just get a different hobby if that's the case?

>> No.6962613

>it's an /ic seethes because an artist with innate appeal flexes hos God given gift

>> No.6962656

>posts a competently drawn anime girl
The irony.

>> No.6962669

lainfags are the worst

>> No.6963281

its pity and concern
i love drawing and know those people probably used to as well, but social media gave them the opportunity to trade it in for meaningless attention to fill some kind of void or with making money as the primary goal.
this specific type of artist went all in on it
if they had no social media and their only audience was themselves and the people in their life, similar to how most of us would draw for fun as kids, they simply wouldnt draw anything- especially not what they draw now

>> No.6963319

does anyone here even enjoy drawing? you always get so mad at people just doing silly little drawings. why do you draw?

>> No.6963350

Why is that relevant to what YOU do?

>> No.6964037

We need more lain abuse

>> No.6964291

because i project my life onto others and wish I could draw better as I have no other purpose in life

>> No.6964372

rip OP

>> No.6964374

you should be taking notes instead of seething

>> No.6964380

>Actually produces and posts work on social media instead of complaining about other artists on 4chan
Ueeeeh why do they have 50k followers

>> No.6964406

Thanks social media

>> No.6964464
File: 384 KB, 741x478, oed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about it logically and how social media is currently evolving and what it takes for someone to gain a s shred of a following nowadays
These are you options
>draw good, steadily improve = post one work every few weeks, get your posts drowned out by all the other spam, high risk of alienating a huge chunk of normies because the image requires actually looking at and they will ignore because looking at an image for 2 seconds is too much for the average consumer
>draw the bare minimum, do low effort crap like fake wholesome shit or woe is me trash in flat styles = post every single day maybe multiple times and get a following because people see it more often and they think an active account is worth following because """content""" and images are incredibly easy to read so it's an instant neuron activation and gets the average normie to engage/like
Social media artists who focus on getting a following don't care about the craft or getting good, they just want to reach something with their art so they can get validation and possibly money from retards and normies.
>it's complete soulless trash
Normies loooove Kitsch though.

You have to realize that that type of art is all highly "commercial" in a sense
>It isn't too complex to look at
>probably has some anime girls in it
>it is more or less bland and lacks personality that the average npc doesn't get alienated from it and can safely and quickly gorge itself on it
Don't hate the player, anon, hate the filthy goonsumers.

Also, if you're going to post art for free, put as much effort as you're getting paid for.

>> No.6964467

I guarantee you most people in this thread never heard of this artist, including me

>> No.6964468

i laughed. maybe it is you what has the problem.

>> No.6964469

Holy shit you baited everyone on this board so hard. /ic/ might legitimately be among the lowest-iq boards unironically. What the fuck lmao

>> No.6964530

skill issue

>> No.6964621

This post gotten this guy 10k+ followers over night. Quit bitching and maybe you’ll get some attention that you wanted.

>> No.6964623
File: 308 KB, 803x983, IMG_3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964635

that's actually good though

>> No.6964697

millennial humor

>> No.6964833

Frankly, who gives a shit? Despite it being of lower quality, it makes us for it with appeal, even to the lowest common denominator.
If people love an artist posting random doodles into the void that is social media, so be it

>> No.6964841
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x2048, 1654635463132125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new lewd artist out of nowhere
>decent skill ngl
>but it's just some female body with a cube head
>instant 10k in one simple post
perfect timing to post this

before you negros start shitposting; i don't feel anything, i'm just noticing patterns

>> No.6964933

Because cute and funny

>> No.6964938

What is his old stuff?

>> No.6964943
File: 371 KB, 975x1024, 1604748600421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody got so asspained they went out their way to edit and create this image
I was in that thread with the original comic strip and it provided a boon of delicious butthurt.

>> No.6964947
File: 174 KB, 1910x2048, FEQyylSXsAI9j4n.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit you baited everyone on this board so hard. /ic/ might legitimately be among the lowest-iq boards unironically. What the fuck lmao

>> No.6964961
File: 3.47 MB, 320x320, IMG_3138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach, just look at puppychan lmfaoo

>> No.6964964

Roof Girl webcomic:

And some funny doodles here and there that were still silly/relatable but less meme-of-the-week.

>> No.6965083
File: 34 KB, 753x1137, 106671347_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this was from him

>> No.6965090
File: 72 KB, 193x236, IMG_3144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically trve albeit

>> No.6965101

this is actually funny

>> No.6965111

i don't get it....

Front towards enemy what?

Is that a bomb...?

>This is why I'm not popular shit.

>> No.6965135
File: 31 KB, 540x540, pathetic_fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6965223

>Enjoy screenshots of my videogames
shit comic, but too true.

>> No.6965231

The humor is funny and connects with the masses. The shitty MS paint art adds to the humor. If this was drawn with good art, it wouldn't be half as funny. Learn to comedy, noob.

>> No.6965456


>> No.6965463

Jealousy: The Thread

>> No.6965469

Genuinely sound advice though, I’ll be using this thread’s envy to get popular drawing furry softcore

>> No.6965470

Okay anon but do you know how technically skilled “autists” could get popular? I’m guessing you don’t know much about that

>> No.6965474
File: 711 KB, 910x910, IMG_2950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post popular waifus saying sunny shit: Get profit!
What’s so bad about this

>> No.6965497


>> No.6965542
File: 439 KB, 778x800, f765924f-1841-4c02-9e0c-1407c09e2da0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soulful cute art

>> No.6965750
File: 587 KB, 547x794, youfuckinmakeitthen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6965764
File: 40 KB, 707x594, tezuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just draw le seggsy Newgrounds OC bro! XD
I do far better, far more technically skillful, far more creative shit than this, with "appeal" even, and while I have gotten some positive reception, it's always been inconsistent and certainly not overnight. Porn really is ultra easy braindead retard mode. It's fine, it's fine. Say I'm coping if it helps you cope, but this is why you learn now to take shitter seriously. I pray for you soul if you do.
Gonna cut you off right there, anon-chan: no

>> No.6965772

>popular waifus
Do not use words you don't understand.

>> No.6965776

There's even layers!
>invasion of Poland
The slightly smarter NPCs will get a kick out of it.

>> No.6966808

If you really were better and didn't care about twitter numbers, you wouldn't be seething this hard.

>> No.6966815
File: 116 KB, 1126x1314, 1688788601529287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But pyw tho, Anon-kun

I want to be your friend

>> No.6966819

I value delusional permabeg faggots that say this shit and still post their work far higher than you, cowardly trash.

>> No.6966950

Ms paint has always been popular on twitter. This doesn't mean high quality art is unacknowledged. Its just a different market. Its like saying "why do meme repost pages have more followers than me!"

>> No.6968159


>> No.6968340
File: 209 KB, 600x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968348

>what is natural appeal
Whenever you see an artist who has works which just make you, an artist, go "uh actually sweetie that's beg-tier art, look ar this perspective this anatomy this bad hand this blahblahblah" but then see they have lots of followers, the answer is that they were blessed with artistic appeal. People don't look at their body of work and see the mistakes you (rightly) see, they just see images which make them happy on a fundamental level.

>> No.6968353

this is such sour grapes, it's fun and appealing mspaint, not everything needs to be super amazeballs art— believe it or not— it's not about the art all the time


>> No.6968365

It makes me sick to my stomach that shit like this can get over 50k followers while I put my heart and soul into my pieces and barely get 10 likes.
I'm so fucking glad AI art is taking over so these low skill fuckers can go out of business and find real jobs and let the actual good artists finally get what they deserve.

>> No.6968367

They'll actually be the ones who survive because they're reliant on their natural appeal. AIslop will primarily impact high skill/low appeal artists.

>> No.6968372

what time do you post?
what do you make?
do you follow trends ever?
do you post your work anywhere else?

you cannot expect to go far if you're throwing work into the void, praying to randomly blow up

>> No.6968810

AI can replace skill but will never replace SOVL

>> No.6968811

>it's just appealing! It's just funny! The skill isn't a factor at all because of these.
Well, personally I've found none of the jokes funny or clever at all. It's a repeat of BaalBuddy's incredibly unfunny shtick but now there's no technical skill behind it either. I guess this is the power of normslop.

>> No.6968813

They are just numbers, they don't mean much other than there's a bigger audience for that kind of content that isn't solely focused on your skill as an artist, instead be thankful someone enjoys your art never take it for granted.

>> No.6968894

>Why dont they just get a different hobby if that's the case?
You kind of answered your own question:
>pushes in anyway for the recognition of being an artist.
"Artist" is a coveted status, at least in the West. People like to be seen as special in some way, and this is just one of the ways for them to do so.

>> No.6968961

Nah, that anon >>6962295 is funny and his pic is hilarious and you are a projecting faggot. Try typing all this without tears in your eyes.

>> No.6968964

If you want to grow your art account you need to do fast stuff, that appeals to normies and everyone.
It is what it is.
Go to draw

>> No.6969125

>he just like me fr

>> No.6969162
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 665CAB3A-6D23-4433-A040-77F53B90066B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969619
File: 16 KB, 800x639, 20231208_104129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is their birthday today

>> No.6969622

Honestly when I first saw this guy his stuff was pretty funny, made me realize the importance of appeal over technical skill if you wanna build a following

>> No.6969677

>try so hard to correctly show form, anatomy, perspective
>try really really hard
>seriously burning calories like crazy while drawing
>its still and boring
>someone just draws a bunch of haphazard lines
>its full of soul and appeal

I give up.This is no different than "dude just be yourself and ask her out". I am not allowed to win, even if I follow all the rules and do everything right. Meanwhile others break every rule and instantly win.

>> No.6969685

You're trying to be something you don't want to really be
You're drowning out your personality in favor of "skill" and approval, and it shows in your art and how you approach art

>> No.6969846

You just need to grind creativity. Read books and look at cool drawings.
>i give up
Yeah ok fuck off then

>> No.6969875

get good retard

>> No.6970524

>full of as many trendy memes as possible
how annoying
and motherfuckers dont believe me when i say these people are insincere

in my eyes, "soul" is art that clearly has hard work, time, and love put into it, even if it doesnt have immediate and broad face-value appeal- which is ironically the complete opposite of these deceptive twitter trend artists that draw the equivalent of fast food.
theyre allergic to hard work and improvement, and instead opt to churn out generic anime girl meme pictures because normies will always eat it up and praise it as "soulful."
theyre "winning" and getting the attention they wanted, but would you really be happier if people knew you for making meaningless, low effort trash that caters to unfunny meme posters on twitter?
focus on yourself, dont compare yourself to them, and keep drawing.

>> No.6970548

> focus on yourself, dont compare yourself to them, and keep drawing.
First step, delete all socials and don’t post your “art” online. 2nd, delete all vidya game you have on you, and last step quit bitching, you just admit you only draw for attention, while op pic does drawing for fun and people vibed with
That. A lot of you shitters would bitch about fotm and soso, you’re suppose to have fun with dropping, not focus on numbers.

>> No.6970552

Drawing* fuck

>> No.6970604

You're souless and have shit taste

>> No.6970608

You’re full of envy and spite that someone is doing better than you, just quit drawing

>> No.6970651
File: 29 KB, 772x1164, FqRX6CAagAAX8Cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow that artist but this comic made me laugh

>> No.6970761

>you only draw for attention, while op pic does drawing for fun

>> No.6970805

I love it when tryhards autistically trying to get everything right but still ended up failing.

>> No.6970814

oh my god who the fuck cares. even more pathetic is this old man going all snobby because some kids' drawings made some numbers on the internet. fucks sake, you're jealous, and these long rants are your cope.

>> No.6971013

>only insults
go back to drawing your coom art

>> No.6971249

What's the joke here

>> No.6971282

You see it's all a matter of perspective

>> No.6972568
File: 1.93 MB, 2800x2004, Typical Zoomer Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
