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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6957049 No.6957049 [Reply] [Original]

With the advance of AI, manga and anime are becoming too vulgar to the point of being banal within the artistic world, even within the community of Japanese mangakas they are considering starting to use this as a full-time crutch to speed up work or rather Eliminate as many people and expenses as possible.
What would be the end of all traditional techniques in terms of real human intervention, we would simply be correcting AI errors temporarily, as advances this technology will not even need our corrections, both AMD and Nvidia are already interested in creating new technologies To facilitate this, let's remember that Nvidia was the creator of the quadro gpu for graphic design, well I don't know about you but every time I read this I feel useless or rather that I'm wasting my time, I'm not a crab I'm just trying to find some style that the AI cannot copy for now, Western cartoons seem to be safe from this robotic shit but their style is very poor.




>> No.6957057

retarded pajeet thread.
don't reply.

>> No.6957103
File: 1.55 MB, 640x610, gross-disgusted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the AI is Muslim approved shit and their leftist shit, only useless people use that shit.

>> No.6957109

Osamu Tezuka is rolling in his grave.

>> No.6957148
File: 44 KB, 628x429, 8c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957159

Breathing is a waste of time. You should consider stopping.

>> No.6957163
File: 978 KB, 400x400, tumblr_meoazvXBjx1rkffv3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw with my lungs

>> No.6957273
File: 76 KB, 221x240, 1694935194809327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the advance of AI
No copyright
No fair use
No platform

AI is already banned wherever you go.
And every site that allows AI dies.

It's a toy for playing around, not for producing anything of value other than scams

>> No.6957606

They said the same thing about photography
Turns out nobody gave a shit and people atill draw

>> No.6957609

yes and AI has nothing to do with it, or at most it's just the final nail in the coffin

>> No.6957613

>or rather Eliminate as many people and expenses as possible.
eliminate who? a bunch of assistants? some tweeners?

animation and manga are going to be easier to make than ever. and that's not a bad thing.

>> No.6957627

>oversaturation with shit every retard can now make and drowning out actually good work that deserves recognition is not a bad thing

>> No.6957633


Put it this way; humans love watching humans perform no matter what technology comes. Any retard can put together music in garage band but you still have homeless people with banjos and saxophones on the streets of NYC playing music in front of a crowd.

>> No.6957644

oversaturation was a thing before AI too. and you're assuming good work won't still stand out.
but i agree in a certain way, there will be a lot more of everything. a lot more shit, a lot more gems a lot more variety in general.
that's a fairly optimistic view though, i'm aware.

>> No.6957649

Im seeing quite the contrary, more and more artists are leaving platforms because their engagement qas ruined after AI, they just cant compete with AI accounrs like One Piece Girls, that post a titty AI drawing every hour and gets 10k likes

>> No.6957653

>Implying anime is a singular style
Why are people on /ic/ like this?

>> No.6957657

is drawing a waste of YOUR time?

>> No.6957661

stfu you know nothing about comics and animation. you just are an attention whore

>> No.6957875

Sooner or later
All websites will ban AI due to spam

>> No.6958006
File: 495 KB, 720x1000, ayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooner or later it will become impossible to detect if an image is AI or not.

>> No.6958018

If you upload more of than once every 3days, you are bust

>> No.6958029

You only make one sketch every three days?

>> No.6958034

Your scam is not going anywhere
Tag it properly or get banned

>> No.6958056
File: 848 KB, 1024x1024, 2760526921c249f4a086252784582813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the advance of AI, manga and anime are becoming too vulgar to the point of being banal within the artistic world, even within the community of Japanese mangakas they are considering starting to use this as a full-time crutch to speed up work or rather Eliminate as many people and expenses as possible.
>What would be the end of all traditional techniques in terms of real human intervention, we would simply be correcting AI errors temporarily, as advances this technology will not even need our corrections, both AMD and Nvidia are already interested in creating new technologies To facilitate this, let's remember that Nvidia was the creator of the quadro gpu for graphic design, well I don't know about you but every time I read this I feel useless or rather that I'm wasting my time, I'm not a crab I'm just trying to find some style that the AI cannot copy for now, Western cartoons seem to be safe from this robotic shit but their style is very poor.

>> No.6958067

Amazing AI art AI bro. It shows the hard working digital painter at work.

>> No.6958133

Maybe coomers who suck shit at drawing, but good artists aren't even competing with ai bots. Sane way somebody who makes 30 minute edited youtube videos isn't competing with chinese youtube shorts.

>> No.6958148

>Is drawing anime a waste of time?

Yes. Between all the japs drawing it and the weebs drawing it, it absolutely is.

>> No.6958158

Living is a waste of time.

>> No.6958166

Even high quality AI shit has less than 10 favorites on dA.
People are not engaging with AI, only AI engagement metrics that are high are the ones that are botted like shitter views.

>> No.6958201

I only draw for fun and because I have a weird schizo synergetic relationship with my drawings. I don’t plan on making money off art. My life is better when I draw cute anime people. So I would say it is not a waste of time for me.