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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6955469 No.6955469 [Reply] [Original]

How can I avoid this being me

>> No.6955494

why don't you go back to reddi1t and ask them
I'm being serious btw

>> No.6955889

two hours? that's a BRUH

>> No.6956953

Develop a filter and healthy amount of self respect. Then you can be aware when you make something cringy that you should keep to yourself. Especially don't be autistic. The autistic have no filter.

>> No.6956970

>don't be autistic.
he's already here, it's far too late.

>> No.6958627

Unrelated but I can't stop thinking about the fact that so many comic artists have wasted hours trying to make and died a no name but this one faggot is a nazi and he gets his name everywhere just by being a nazi. If I was a comic artist. I'm a hard leftist but if I was a comic artist I'd pretend to be a nazi for the drama and when SJWs came after me I'd cry victim and beg the rightoids for money and then I'd make millions off chuds not even having to draw good.

>> No.6958669

>Literalwhos trying to ride on someone else's infamy
Never change

>> No.6958761

>that took him two hours to do

>> No.6959106
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Anon, this isn't /pol/ where it's full of normies and rednecks playing identity politics and simulation facebook comments sections.

I'll tell you one good thing tho; you don't make good jokes if you're not willing to risk offending people.
Yea, i know, it's le 4chin nazi racist here but
we're not racist here, why do you need to be such an unreasonable nigger?

>> No.6959202

I hope you're using nazi as a joke. They have never once made a comic that hinted at national socialist views. What's wrong with national socialists? You don't like socialism now? That's the lefts thing. Too bad you'll never notice your supporters for left groups are actual Nazis like George Soros who in a interview once wistfully talked about the good old days he missed. Back when he sold Jews on the run to authorities.

>> No.6959296

PebbleYeet is recognizable because he has talent, appeal and updates often, not because he's a nazi. If he wasn't a fascist, he'd still be as recognizable.

>> No.6960920

Funny how rockthrow makes fun of rightoids more often than leftards and yet he's worse than Hitler.
Almost like fascists can't take any criticism against their ideology no matter how puny.

>> No.6960979

stonetoss is blatantly alt-right.
He doesnt criticise them as much, and his criticism against the right is usually that they aren't rightwing enough.
and Self-deprecating humor doesnt necessarily mean you hate yourself.

>> No.6960996

>PebbleYeet is recognizable because he has talent, appeal and updates often, not because he's a nazi. If he wasn't a fascist, he'd still be as recognizable.
yes and no.
a lot of his comics, especially some of the early ones, dont really have a punchline.
They're just saying "jews/blacks/homos bad". not even bigoted humor, just bigoted.

What I think really sets him apart is how he is minimalist (unlike a lot of other political cartoonists). He relies on /pol/ injokes and visual storytelling. /pol/ loves "dogwhistle" injokes so they love him. His art style is also pretty simple and clean.

>> No.6961014

But I thought the left hated jews now, ever since they were forced to choose between Muslims/the browns and Jews/relative whites?

>> No.6961018

The punchline is often hypocrisy/obliviousness. And he does criticize right wingers a lot. If you can't see it it's because you're so far down your rabbit hole you're completely incapable of recognizing criticism of the right that's not formulated within your DNC-approved talking points.
Right wingers are also cynical, because they actually believe in what they're peddling, they rarely kvetch violently at having a joke made at their expense.

>> No.6961024

You can find hundreds of comics from him going
>lgbt bad
>nonwhites bad
>jews and muslims bad
>immigration bad
His stuff is fundamentally right-wing.

I can think of maybe a single comic that criticizes the right off the top of my head, where the curent gop says
>The left is the real racists
and the future GOP says
>neo-leninists are the real transphobes
(he's saying that the right wing shouldn't cede ground to the left in regards to social issues, basically saying that they aren't right wing enough).
I vaguely recall 1 or 2 comics where he says trump doesn't deliver on his promises.

How many comics does he say racism is bad in? Or that gay people are good?
I can think of more politically neutral comics from him than comics criticizing the right wing.

>> No.6961027

seriously, I can think of a surprising number of comics from him that don't touch on partisan politics at all.

>> No.6961034

basically you can find him criticizing right wing politicians, but he doesn't really criticize right wing beliefs.

>> No.6961561
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It's not 2016 anymore, get with the times or go back to Facebook. It's Spiteful mutant longhouse biotrash vs. Aryan Steppe warriors now.

>> No.6961564

>but this one faggot is a nazi and he gets his name everywhere just by being a nazi

>consistently make comics about subjects people care about
>get an audience

It's really as simple as that.

>> No.6961574

the truth is racist

>> No.6961575

>I'm a hard leftist
how much cock do you inhale on a daily basis

>> No.6961599

Be as autistic and unfiltered as you can. Don't have sex to avoid getting #metoo and don't do porn to avoid a minor seeing porn accidentally so you don't get in trouble. Avoid politics. Turn your self into a lolcow. Watch kiwifarms thread about you. Watch out to not get doxxed. Collab with Chris Chan. Watch people make wiki and sagas about you. Get your own Liquid Chris and Clyde Cash. Also get your own Alog and Bluespike. Have ecelebs make 3 hour documentaries on you.
I want to do this, is this a good idea?

>> No.6961640
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>lgbt bad
>nonwhites bad
>jews and muslims bad
>immigration bad
The irony is that you're not allowed to openly criticize any of these groups or you're committing a thought crime, therefore the implications themselves are actually the joke and what makes them funny due to the current heavily left-controlled public mainstream opinions, that is actually pushing everyone into the """"right"""".

If critical thinking and questioning is "right-wing" then there is seriously something extremely wrong with anything on the ""left"""

>> No.6961704
File: 91 KB, 725x688, 9A566850-FF74-4898-80AD-929B3F3C5635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard leftist
so... What does that mean?

>> No.6961714
File: 157 KB, 478x463, what a sad story (laughs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is theft except stealing shit no that's peaceful protest
who comes up with this shit

>> No.6961715

>is a nazi
stonetoss is a black woman
you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.6961719

>He doesnt criticise them as much
That's because Nazis don't exist. They are a boogeyman, made up by your Jewish leaders to scare you into compliance.

And no, some rando on the internet saying "fuck jews lel" is not a Nazi.

>> No.6961724

Laborers are making money off the patron's infrastructure.
desu I have always thought people like this should be forced to rent the machines, warehouses, office buildings, vehicles, etc.
And if they damage anything they gotta pay it in full out of pocket or be sued by the amount of money they're preventing other workers from making while the equipment is replaced.

>> No.6961725

Usury (Interest) is definitely theft. At a certain point every major religion condemned it as evil. It's only relatively recently where it is looked at favorably, and it doesn't take much looking to see how that resulted.

As well, Adam Smith hated Rent seeking and condemned it in his writing.

>> No.6961727

Wouldn't be surprised, it really is just rich white women and effeminate bugmen who support this shit.
Asians are racist and anti-semitic. Hispanics are racist, homophobic and anti-semitic. Blacks are racist, homophobic, sexist and anti-semitic.

Only the weakest of whites bow down to an ideology that seeks their destruction.

That's why stonetoss has a larger audience than leftistmemespewer2000, the "nazis" are the silent majority.

>> No.6961732

Im almost certain Stonetoss does it as a strategy to bank off of the polarized political climate. He's made comics shitting on multiple different political positions. That said, it's possible given his history that his own personal views do align more to the right, however I don't take his comics as him expressing his actual opinions.
I just see him as an opportunist with a hint of irony with possibly a hint of actual likely more moderate right wing beliefs.

Clearly it's working.

>> No.6961736

>Laborers are making money off the patron's infrastructure.
So what does the infrastructure do if there's no one to work it?

>> No.6961743

The problem is people are so retarded they can't seem to realize there's alternatives to letting Larry Fink own all the money in the world or becoming a hippy commune.

The largest cooperative in the world is for profit not some socialist utopian bullshit. And private companies are consistently better places to work at than public companies because they can establish a long term work culture that's nut subject to the whims of loan sharks.

We don't need to eNdCaPiTaLiSm, we just need to ban professional share trade and other forms of usury.

>> No.6961746

And who made that infrastructure if not the laborers?

>> No.6961750

>ban professional share trade and other forms of usury.
What we need is an actual impartial and incorruptible party to enforce the rules already there. Rules are meaningless when the authorities are for sale.

>> No.6961752

Land accumulates worth.
Vehicles and machines get rented out.
A total workers strike is impossible because if farmers and distributors don't work people starve. So the owner class will always have the upper hand in this relationship. But that doesn't mean the relationship is as exploitative as commies think and communism itself proved it with how inefficient soviets were when there wasn't a managerial class getting paid more to make sure you weren't making too many hammers and farming too little potatoes.

As pointed out above, when it's just the worker and the owner money tends to be made fairly. It's when loan sharks enter the picture and steal all the profit from both the owner and the worker that shit goes sour.

>> No.6961768

> It's when loan sharks enter the picture and steal all the profit from both the owner and the worker that shit goes sour.
The biggest issue is that the owners and loan sharks get along very well. The owners don't have much incentive to absolutely ensure their workers are being treated well, and if you add the factor of Userers inventing money out of nowhere, things get worse for the workers and customers. It's why there needs to be so much regulation to ensure owners aren't feeding children in to machines, poisoning rivers, smogging up the air, and fleecing both worker and customer. A stroll down the history of Monopolies and Company towns should be enough to reveal that the owner class isn't not trustworthy.

>> No.6961771

> A stroll down the history of Monopolies and Company towns should be enough to reveal that the owner class IS not trustworthy.
Excuse me.

>> No.6961781

>owners and loan sharks get along very well
You'd be surprised how untrue that is.
Entrepreneurs are constantly and consistently getting stripped of companies they wasted their whole lives building up from the ground up. All it takes is having to take a loan to save the workers from layoffs and then a "board of directors" comes and takes it all away to scrap for parts and give themselves a bonus.

>> No.6961786


>> No.6961800
File: 235 KB, 640x640, 1568530331705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isn't that much money being a rightwing creative. When twitter lost 100mil from Apple for not banning "antisemitic" users, the biggest rightwingers in the YT sphere tried to put in for twitter but couldn't give more than 150k.
You can make a decent living with your niche and a dedicated fanbase, but you will never make mad bank. Stonetoss will never be as rich as Hasan Piker or whatever

>> No.6961805

I don't get what this is saying. Stonetoss has many clones and they're nowhere as popular

>> No.6961809

>Land accumulates worth.
Artificially. It's only worth anything because someone told you it was and you believed it. It has no intrinsic or even physically measurable appreciation at all

>> No.6961813

What you're seeing is class warfare between the middle-upper class "entrepreneurs" trying to move up the ladder, and the old moneyed class several thousand leagues above them smacking them down for getting uppity.

>> No.6961818

Land has intrinsic value, since that is where we live and what we grow food from. But the kind of people who can take advantage of the land aren't owners, but farmers who work it. If there were no farmers, owners who have land would not be able to do anything with it. If they didn't have people to build things on the land, they'd be stuck as well.

>> No.6961826

Intrinsic value, but not intrinsic appreciation. It does not accumulate value, the owners simply raise the price because they can, only based on the size of the lie potential consumers are willing to believe.

>> No.6961932

Professional shareholders are not old money, they're nouveau riche who got there through (((nepotism))).
They're the very face of corruption and every time people speak against them retards go "but my boss is bad tho".

True old money is way more benign than them since they rarely shove their hands into politics and psy ops. They own so much and have so many allies in so many places anything the peons do generates wealth for them. They can "lose" billions building stadiums just to have a world cup in their city, and completely ignore whatever the commoners or the media say about them.

>> No.6961935

Land is the one and only asset that has natural intrinsic appreciation because it's perpetually limited, constantly reducing in availability through natural causes and constantly increasing in demand through population growth.

There can be new energy sources and trade goods at any time, there will never be a new continent to populate.

>> No.6961949

>and he gets his name everywhere just by being a nazi.
I think it's because he's knows how to make a good comic strip

>> No.6961977

Art style really isn't that relevant. Impact and intrigue matters more. Stonetoss comics are inflammatory and baity, they are designed for terminally online people to react strongly.

There are different types of gruops you can appeal to that will make your comic more popular. fujos, teens, women, furries, racists, etc. Most people who try making comics will make something middle-of-the-road and normal, meant to get a sensible chuckle out of the average person. The OP is comparing that to stonetoss which is meant to get actually mentally insane people arguing over the same talking points just from being triggered by the comic.

Stonetoss is not even completely right-wing, he takes "shots" at everyone to maximize engagement, and some of the comics aren't even remotely a "gotcha". But I'm not fucking insane so maybe I don't see the layered jokes going on.

Nowadays its nearly impossible to get big with just a normal, decent story. Nobody wants to read something cool that they'll enjoy, put down, and move on from. They want something to rock their world or conform to their established taste.

>> No.6962025

This is not critical thinking in any way. Everyone knows transgender people have high suicide rates. Thinking "haha, good" is not critical thinking is just a trite joke and not a solution. Actually listening to their testimonies and what studies show about it is actually thinking critically.
Do you have any transegender friends? They can also make jokes. Here's one that a friend told me when she got denied hrt: "How many trans people does it take to change a lightbulb? One but it requires 3 specialists to sign off that the room is dark"

>> No.6962056

The solution is stop the tranny plague from spreading but you don't want that either.
You want kids to ruin their lives and end up killing themselves just so you can feel righteous.

>> No.6962069
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>thinking haha good
The joke isn't "suicide good". The joke is
>my picture frame is transgender, therefore it will hang itself
Are you autistic or just trolling?
>"How many trans people does it take to change a lightbulb? One but it requires 3 specialists to sign off that the room is dark"
Man, that's like a 3rd grader joke... not surprising since luring kids in dark rooms is what they're after.

>> No.6962096

What critical thinking is going on in this joke?

Why deny that he is right-wing? Is that a bad thing to you?

>> No.6962097

Nope, he's a man, and 99% likely to be white.
He was on a podcast years ago and had the most generic white dude accent imaginable.

>> No.6962101

Op here to be clear I was talking about not taking too long on something. I didn’t intend for this to become a political debate

>> No.6962102
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I'll tell a couple more:
What do clowns and trannies have in common? They're usually men dressing in silly clothes and people laugh at them.

What's the difference between a pedophile and a tranny? At least the pedophile will give you candy.

What do porn artists and a trannies have in common? They both target kids and are addicted to porn.

What do you call a mirror that belong to a tranny? A cum sheet.

What do vampires and trannies have in common? They can't look in a mirror.

Are you actually autistic, bro? Well, you don't seem to understand jokes, so yeah, no actual thinking going on in your head.
>why deny he right wing
politics is fucking gay and the terms have been blurred to shit by stupid niggers like you

>> No.6962103

>Im almost certain Stonetoss does it as a strategy to bank off of the polarized political climate. He's made comics shitting on multiple different political positions. That said, it's possible given his history that his own personal views do align more to the right, however I don't take his comics as him expressing his actual opinions.
>I just see him as an opportunist with a hint of irony with possibly a hint of actual likely more moderate right wing beliefs.
There is no way he's moderate right wing.
If he was an opportunist and just in it for the cash, he wouldn't have so many antisemetic and holocaust denying jokes.
He could have made a lot more money and his comics far more widespread if he didn't do that, because the mainstream right doesn't like overt racism.

to be clear, im not talking about him being anti-israel, i'm talking about him making numerous comics where the joke is jews controll everything and the holocaust didnt happen.

I've seen a tiny handfull of comics where he criticizes trump occasionally or people on the right, but he never seems to takes shots at right-wing beliefs.
(If he has actually criticized right wing viewpoints, i'd be interested in seeing it).

>> No.6962108

You should have reallly chosen a comic without stonetoss then.
you can always try deleting the thread or reporting it.

>> No.6962111

>Are you actually autistic, bro? Well, you don't seem to understand jokes, so yeah, no actual thinking going on in your head.
No, I get the joke. The joke is that the frames will hang themselves.

I'm asking, what is the critical thinking going on the comic? and how does it actually challenge the mainstream perspective?

>>why deny he right wing
>politics is fucking gay and the terms have been blurred to shit by stupid niggers like you
Well, how is he centrist or leftwing?

He's antisemetic, he's anti-immigration, he's anti-lgbt, probably anti-muslim, he believes that certain races of people have genetically lower IQ. He's pro gun. He's anti-abortion. and so on.
Forget whether you agree with him or not, or whether you think his beliefs are good or not. These are all things that the the far-right tends to believe.

>> No.6962112


The punchline in that one isn't trans suicide good. But stonetoss has made a lot of ones that portray trans people negatively or implied that them killing themselves is good.

>> No.6962114
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>I'm asking, what is the critical thinking going on the comic?
Your ability to figure out the joke.
>nd how does it actually challenge the mainstream perspective?
it don't, is just a joke
>is he centrist or leftwing
who cares? Funny joke make make funny joke
>he anti
It's jokes.
if they don't risk being offensive, then they would just be pure cringe

I say nigger and faggot all the time, but i'm not racist nor hombophallic
How do you explain that?

>> No.6962117
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Oh nooo poor baby the poor trans """people""" got portrayed negatively
Oh no lets ban criticism of tranns people oh no no one should be allowed to portray child diddlers negatively oh no

>> No.6962119

>who cares? Funny joke make make funny joke
He's a political cartoonist. He describes himself as this, and he talks about politics on twitter all the time. You can't separate political messages from his art.
>if they don't risk being offensive, then they would just be pure cringe
It's absurd to this kind of blanket statement.

>> No.6962122

he stands out from the rest of the leftists by being hard, he doesn't have ED like the other 95%

>> No.6962124

Whether or not you agree with him, the point is that stonetoss does hate transgender people.

>> No.6962126

good nigga, so do I

>> No.6962127

This isn't really offensive, and it is kinda funny.

>> No.6962128
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>many antisemetic and holocaust denying jokes
anon its actually impossible to bake 6 mil cookies in 4 bakeries within 4 years even if we assume they're at max efficiency from day 1
not to forget the war on two-fronts and it's effects on supply lines
the 6 mill number has religious significance in accordance to the prophecy in the torah
as much as you like it is very normal and suprisingly common for people to not buy the holocaust myth
holocaust denial is a moderate view not a le fringe extremist schtick
just cause the jews control and censor its mention on social media doesn't mean people wholesale buy the 60 gorillions number
a vaccum of opinion isn't equal to a silent consensus

>> No.6962132
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>political messages from his art
and your point being?
sometime art just is ykow
doesn't have to be a finely crafted purposfully lab tested memetic weapon designed specifically to behead jewish babies and incite a race war
joke are just that, jokes
they're symptoms not the cause
as much as you'd like even if you were to censor symptoms it wont erase the underlying condition itself
you are barking up the wrong tree if you think he is engineering his audience into hateful bigots
he's simply popular because average people are """hateful bigots""" i

>> No.6962133

>Are you actually autistic, bro? Well, you don't seem to understand jokes
This cowardice is disgusting.

>> No.6962135
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>"the joke man who make jokes with political relevant stuff also makes tweets"
Bro, i don't care.
If the joke is funny, it's funny. The political beliefs or private life of the artist don't matter.
Based on what? Trannies being offended at offensive jokes?

I like this comic.
Does it portray violence against a child? Yes.
Does it mean it supports violence against children? No.
Does it mean the artist beats/hates children? No.
Then how is it funny? It's because of the absurdity or the situation and the dry, flavorless delivery.
>uuuuuuuuuuhm u dont want to give ME the answer i'm baiting for? wow what a coward
Bro, just kill yourself or fuck off back to pleddit/twitter or whatever discord you came from.

>> No.6962137
File: 1.27 MB, 202x196, t.actualdancing cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but stonetoss is moderate at best
just cause you're detached from reality doesn't mean everyone else is and extremist
your redditoid friends in your echo-chambr might agree with you
but it's you whose the fringe extremist living under false assumption that you're the gold standard for *moderate politics™*

>> No.6962154

Is this GIF real?

>> No.6962155
File: 383 KB, 960x672, ujEAPQg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real question
outside dysgenic predator types and vapid white women who actually likes troons?
no cap who unironically *likes* troons?
aside from being a protected class on social media irl most troons are a boiling pot of mental and physical disorders
so on principle they're incredibly unlikable as people even if we were to ignore the cross-dressing
who ouside fags with coom-brained fetishes actually likes troons?

my personal measuring stick for this is asking if i would wish this condition onto children?
its just like downs syndrome/rape/cancer/polio
like sure people afflicted with them are still human and deserve to be treated with decency
but i sure as fuck if given the opportunity would stop said afflictio from being inflicted upon children if i could
get what i'm saying?

there's pity for them sure but mockery is also a way of acknowledging the tragic situation at hand
laughter is a coping mechanis after all
so seriously is it really such an extremist thing to not want to play along with the fantasy larp and just acknowledge that troons are incredibly unfortunate people yet that does not make them immune to mockery?

>> No.6962158

>muh left wing muh right wing
this is dialectic brain rot, get help

>> No.6962170

Are you saying he's far right or far left?

>> No.6962171
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>man mock bad thing
>why not mock good thing also
>this make man somehow bad
>me think am very smert
nigga please
take yo reddit ass back to yer echochamber
this is /pol/ country we smoke mid-wits like u for breakfast

>> No.6962188
File: 376 KB, 529x637, troon menace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stonetoss is moderate
and the anon i replied to is definitely inflicted with some strain of mid-wit lefty syndrome probably egged on by heavy involvement in either reddit or some leftypol discord server
normal people get why something is funny (even if they don't agree with it) and then move the fuck on
it takes a special kind of dysgenic pedantic contrarion fedora-tipper to bitch and moan about "but much problematic implications" of a 3 panel comic strip
he's probably the kind to harass and dox artists for drawing blacks/brown caracters a slightly lighter shade in fanart
these people don't care about art or the medium no its all about boiling things down to "le good thing" and "le bad thing" and then going ham onto people either creating or enjoying something they arbitrarily claim is "le promatic"
do not take them lightly or bend to their demands you give them an inch and they'll take your fucking arm off

filthy tourists that they are
go ahead and ask em to post their work and watch as they go awol

>> No.6962191

>Bro, i don't care.
>If the joke is funny, it's funny. The political beliefs or private life of the artist don't matter.
His political beliefs matter because he's discussing sociopolitics in almost all of his comics.

If we were talking about a persons autobiography, then their personal life of the artist would matter. The same principle applies here.

Just because you don't care about it, doesn't mean it isn't relevant to discussion. He's not a guy drawing pictures of birds and still life, who happens to listen to tucker carlson in private and vote republican.
>Based on what?
He's regularly makes comics depicting transgender people as ugly caricatures, he's depicts them (and gays in general) as predatory towards children, so its safe to say he probably dislikes them.
>I like this comic.
>Does it portray violence against a child? Yes.
>Does it mean it supports violence against children? No.
>Does it mean the artist beats/hates children? No.
>Then how is it funny? It's because of the absurdity or the situation and the dry, flavorless delivery.

Lets compare this guy to stonetoss?
Does this guy regularly make comics about beating children, or is it a one off joke? Does he argue that children deserve to be beaten, and depict them as gross degenerates?

>> No.6962194

>>man mock bad thing
>>why not mock good thing also
>>this make man somehow bad
>>me think am very smert
If he thinks far right beliefs are good and left wing beliefs are bad, then he is probably far right.

You are the one describing right wing beliefs as good, yet calling it bad to be right wing.

>> No.6962205

>stonetoss is moderate
how the fuck is he moderate?
Prove that moderates believe this.

>> No.6962207

>nooo why do people who oppose our evil psy ops live happy and successful lives reee
Have you tried not being a literal demon?

>> No.6962213

It's a common opinion wherever anonymity prevents persecution for wrongthink.
ime discussing history with drunk or otherwise unfiltered people, normies believe the holocaust happened, but it was slave labor not death camps. And the victims were 1-2M jews, 2-4 million gypsies and circa 2 million political dissenters, mentally ill, disabled, homeless and other undesireable white europeans.

>> No.6962220
File: 322 KB, 591x509, 1635616253584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His political beliefs matter because he's discussing sociopolitics
is joke, not discussion
>If we were talking about a persons autobiography, then their personal life of the artist would matter. The same principle applies here.
Is joke but as comic, no.
>Just because you don't care about it, doesn't mean it isn't relevant to discussion
It isnt relevant, you're trying to build a strawman.
>He's regularly makes comics depicting transgender people as ugly caricatures, he's depicts them (and gays in general) as predatory towards children, so its safe to say he probably dislikes them.
It's more real than whatever argument you're trying to make.
>Does this guy regularly make comics about beating children, or is it a one off joke? Does he argue that children deserve to be beaten, and depict them as gross degenerates?
I don't know and it don't matter.
It still wouldn't change the comic.

If i made a joke about raping women, but i am not a rapist, does that make me a rapist and misogynist because i made that joke?
Alternatively, if i was a convicted murderer but made a joke about killing people, would that just automatically become a legal statement that i should be put in jail for it?
In this discussion you're trying to pursue, your intent kind of becomes questionable and relevant, because you're really trying to get specific answers, not actually discuss, because you're being also highly irrational and subjective and that is a no-go if you really want to argue about shit.

>> No.6962224

>it takes a special kind of dysgenic pedantic contrarion fedora-tipper to bitch and moan about "but much problematic implications" of a 3 panel comic strip
its surprising that you are posting a troonjak, yet you cant get that stonetoss also hates them. Sure its not obvious from that specific comic, but anyone whose familiar with the rest of his work would be aware of it.
>he's probably the kind to harass and dox artists for drawing blacks/brown caracters a slightly lighter shade in fanart
Theres a massive difference between disliking someone who hates trans people, and being willing to dox someone over a far smaller "slight".
>these people don't care about art or the medium no its all about boiling things down to "le good thing" and "le bad thing" and then going ham onto people either creating or enjoying something they arbitrarily claim is "le promatic"
He's talking about the political message of a political work. By the nature of the genre, people will probably think of the message as good (in your case) or bad (like in his case).

>> No.6962226
File: 134 KB, 1200x813, 20230909edbbc-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related just a joke or does it have a sociopolitical message?
(Ignore whether you agree with the assumptions in it or not.)

>> No.6962227
File: 252 KB, 964x1501, t. da joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah boo hoo the internet funny man made jokes relevant to the modern era
what a fucking travesty
how dare he commit wrong think amirite

you mislabelling moderate view "far right" doesn't make them so anon

>how the fuck is he moderate?
he's popular
if he were a fringe extremist he'd be obsecure and irrelevant
especially with social media censorship leaning to heavily towards leftists views
sorry not sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.6962231

>Alternatively, if i was a convicted murderer but made a joke about killing people, would that just automatically become a legal statement that i should be put in jail for it?
In some cases, it would.

>> No.6962239

>yeah boo hoo the internet funny man made jokes relevant to the modern era
>what a fucking travesty
>how dare he commit wrong think amirite
This is totally missing the point. It doesn't matter that you agree with him. It doesn't matter whether I agree or disagree with him. It doesn't matter whether you like or dislike him.

There is no cosmic rule that a jokes (or art) can not have a political message. The point I am making is that it is political.

>> No.6962241

It's only political because it's against your politics.
If it was pro deranged leftist talking points in "joke" form you'd just call it "common sense".

>> No.6962243

Do you have a source for this being the typical belief?
I am also asking you to provide evidence that the average person believes jews control the media or what not.

>> No.6962245

No, I would call it political, even if it was leftwing.
See this post I made here:

>> No.6962246

It's a joke.
exceptions don't make the rule

>> No.6962247
File: 144 KB, 480x360, 1570899440493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stonetoss also hates them
yes retard i agree he hates them like every normal person on this planet
what are you on about

>difference between disliking someone who hates trans people, and being willing to dox someone over a far smaller "slight"
same difference you bumbling faggot
not liking troons is a completely normal and dare i say natural response for a healthy sane individual
i takes years upon years of indoctrination from social media and school to make troons a tolerable concept
you're the fringe extremist wiedo not stonetoss

>people will probably think of the message as good (in your case) or bad (like in his case)
congrats on realizing how media works
welcome to the club
jesus you spell it the fuck out like its some arcan forbidden knowledge us lesser folk can't grasp
yes his art emblematic of a very normal response the normal human psyche has when confronted by the manmade horro that is the modern troon

its the whole egg or chicken parable with you lot
you think his art work gaining popularity will make people hateful bigts
cause you think umans are blank slates that can conveniently be imprinted upon very easily

mwanwhile i simply pointed out how his popularity is simply proof that his views are the very epitome of moderate everyman's views
he isn't the extremist you are
he's a symptom not the fucking cause of wha you so dearly fear and label as "le hateful extremist bigotted ideas"

your very paradigm is incredibly warped and biased
the very foundation of your argument is built upon false/wrong pretences

>> No.6962253

>yes retard i agree he hates them like every normal person on this planet
Do you have evidence that every normal person hates them?
Moderate doesn't imply good or bad.

>> No.6962256

for some one named 'existential comics' I have yet to see a single comic of theirs but I have seen them kvetch nonstop about shit they know nothing about.

>> No.6962258

>mwanwhile i simply pointed out how his popularity is simply proof that his views are the very epitome of moderate everyman's views
This is a flawed assumption.
It's possible that people following him aren't aware of all his views or that they find it funny despite disagreeing with them. Or they may like some of his comics yet dislike others..

>> No.6962264

And even saying something like he has 400,000 followers on twitter, therefore everyone agrees him is flawed.

There are trans-influencers with just as many or more followers.

>> No.6962271
File: 50 KB, 200x203, 1693361715161401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga ever been outside of america or europe where the rest of the human population resides?
moderate does imply good since having that idea is indicative of a superior survival rate
just how good ideas like fire/cooking/numbers/wheels or any other invenion spread across human communities
like i or not every belief has its upside or it wouldn't persist within people

not wanting mentally ill cross dressers anywhere near children or polite society is a completely normal thing since it minimizes the chances of further kids being molested
most lgbtq people are damaged goods who were molested/groomed as children in a manner such that their sexuality was irreperably warped
and such damaged goods dont exactly reproduce well or if they do they don't rear children well
the atomic family unit is the building block of a stable civilization ostracizing and discriminating against any outliers of said building block is a very effective albeit crude hot fix for the issue

hence why i said he is very moderate
the average everyman does not draw a strict party line regarding the media he consumes
the fact that in absense of censorship he thrives in popularity is proof that he is moderate at best
jesus christ you fags are dense
not everyone is a terminally online armchair activist like you fucks

>> No.6962279

you did not just daw and equivalency between a comic artist and an "influencer"
might as well wear sign saying "IM A RETARD" around your neck

>> No.6962289
File: 267 KB, 1248x1328, transopinionusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes retard i agree he hates them like every normal person on this planet
>the very epitome of moderate everyman's views
>he isn't the extremist you are

this is not true / backed up by any kind of evidence. while a majority of people (using USA statistics at least) think gender is 100% determined by sex at birth, the majority support anti-discrimination laws for transgenders, which would not be supported by anyone who felt complete abject disgust/hatred at the concept. even among republicans, the demographic with the least favorable view, 33% think trans activism has either "not gone far enough" or is going "just about right" in modern society.

by all means, to the median american, someone who vehemently hates trans people will come across as a weird extremist. sure, most people arent hardcore liberal transgender activist protestors or whatever, but it's far more common to either be sort of okay with it or just not care.

you probably either live in a republican area or just don't talk to anyone outside of the internet

>> No.6962293
File: 164 KB, 958x600, 1612-Support-for-Trans-FIG-1-e1586464876412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& inb4 u tell me this is just US-centric mental illness, here's a similar 23-country survey that shows many in europe are also either moderate or supportive, and younger generations lean trans positive. on a scale from 0-100 of general positivity towards trans people, even the lowest score (from russia) was over 40. it's from 2016, and obviously trans issues have become more controversial since then, but still representative of the average person's thinking imo.


>> No.6962298
File: 90 KB, 330x256, where do i even begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's far more common to either be sort of okay with it or just not care
correct, poking fun at someone doesn't mean you must absolutely hate them
hence my claim that stonetoss is a moderate
the way you people rabidly rally against him like he's literallly hitler is just plain wierd

let me reierate what i said in simpler terms
stonetoss is a milquetoast moderate
you're the hyper-sensitive wierdo
screaming and pissing yourself over three panel comics poking fun at your precious gender retards
god forbid somone acknowledge how dysfunctional the dysfunctional retards are
sane people dont go getting their genitalia butchered in the name of mental lllness
neither do normal people usually want to play along with irl larping that is "muh pronouns"
if somone is regulalrly making fun of the dumb pretnce you fags attempt to enforce on normal people to protect your dulsional gender retards then perhaps you might the problem not the guy pointing fingers and laughing at you
ever thought of that?
ever fanthomed the possibility that maybe these big pharma fags shovelling hormones down impressionable kid's throats and butchering the bodies of mentally ill people instead of treating their illness might not actually have you best interest at heart

trans movement will be looked upon as the equivalent of asbestos filled homes/lead-lined utensil of our era
you're delusional if you think this is an intersectional muh right-wing vs muh left-wing thing

>> No.6962306

If you get enough money for a retairment and don't spend it all in random crap yes, otherwise no.

>> No.6962311

funny how u accuse me of being an oversensitive sjw screaming & pissing myself bc i took like 2 minutes to post some graphs & nothing else, but uve been writing essays in this thread about how anyone who disagrees with you is retarded for around 3 hours now.

is this what you do with all of your saturday afternoons?

>> No.6962314
File: 156 KB, 960x960, unbothered and flourishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also can we address the term "trans rights"
you faggots keep mislabelling privileges (how ironic) as rights cuz its easier to get the normies on board that way but lets drop the fucking act you fucks want privileges
you want the common man to forced to play along with your larp on threat of law enforcement
you fags want the tax-payer's money to fund your fetish body modification
you fags wanna enter women's spaces without consequence or concern for the women's safety

all of these demands are the anti thesis of right they're privileges you want to create and worship a protected class of people who in your eyes "transcend the binary" when in reality they're mentally unhinged perverts drawning in their own sauce
they're disproportionately more likely to have been molested as children and or are disproportionatley more likely to molest children

these aren't people who should be granted social acceptability
if anything the trans momvement has been living proof that the bible-thumpers screeching about the slippery slope way back when were absolutely correct in their assumptions
and here you are to continue your immoral moral quandries against an artists pointing out the obvious fault in you idealogy
like rabid dogs you use every opportunity to try and suppress/justify censorship those who see you for what you truly are

>> No.6962316
File: 58 KB, 600x760, 1695045012994564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nigga pointing out how passionate i am about art is somehow an epic own for you?
knew you were a filthy tourist
woud ask you to pyw but we both know you're can't into art

>> No.6962318

Contrapoints is a youtube essayist and has more followers than stonetoss.

>> No.6962320

>nigga ever been outside of america or europe where the rest of the human population resides?
>moderate does imply good since having that idea is indicative of a superior survival rate
>just how good ideas like fire/cooking/numbers/wheels or any other invenion spread across human communities
>like i or not every belief has its upside or it wouldn't persist within people
>not wanting mentally ill cross dressers anywhere near children or polite society is a completely normal thing since it minimizes the chances of further kids being molested
>most lgbtq people are damaged goods who were molested/groomed as children in a manner such that their sexuality was irreperably warped
>and such damaged goods dont exactly reproduce well or if they do they don't rear children well
>the atomic family unit is the building block of a stable civilization ostracizing and discriminating against any outliers of said building block is a very effective albeit crude hot fix for the issue

Moderate does not imply good.
The concept of washing your hands to avoid getting sick is a relatively new invention. The average person only learned about it recently.

Can your provide a study or other research that shows that the average person hates transgender people?

>> No.6962323

>also can we address the term "trans rights"
>you faggots keep mislabelling privileges (how ironic) as rights cuz its easier to get the normies on board that way but lets drop the fucking act you fucks want privileges
>you want the common man to forced to play along with your larp on threat of law enforcement
[citation needed]

>> No.6962324

yeah and he also wears dresses and makes belief that he's a woman not exactly an icon of mental stability
beside its a false equivalency
i dare you to name a lefty comic artist who makes more iconic memes

and as a rebuttal to your argument pewdiepie the literal biggest grass roots youtuber is a straight white male who has a loving wife and kid
ofc this is also a false equivalency but goes to show that two can play at that game
clearly ur not arguing in good faith
im simply here to point out that fact

>> No.6962332
File: 974 KB, 1516x1029, now post yours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passionate about art
if u were passionate abt art u'd be painting instead of getting into circlejerk arguments abt stonetoss on 4chan

>woud ask you to pyw but we both know you're can't into art
here's my sketches from this afternoon, while i was drawing & u were throwing a tantrum in this thread. i may be a /beg/ who only draws gay porn, but at least i was productive in the last 3 hours lmao

>> No.6962335
File: 3 KB, 128x128, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huh the sky is blue ?
>you got a source for that
>got fact-checked and peer-reviewed study for that
nigga look at Canada or the UK where they unironically have hate-speech laws landing people in jail for not following the larp
are you retarded?

you might personally be a moderate but this is the agenda you're paving the road for by pushing for troon acceptability when as you yourself admitted:
>it's far more common to either be sort of okay with it or just not care
you aren't the le epic chungus wholesome right side of history activist you think you are
sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.6962337

>nigga look at Canada or the UK where they unironically have hate-speech laws landing people in jail for not following the larp
>are you retarded?
Could you post examples of people who have been convicted for calling a transgender-woman sir or he/him?

>> No.6962345

How often does pewdiepie talk about politics and lgbt?
How is it a false equivalency? You said stonetoss being popular shows that the majority of people hate transgenders, but there are transgender people on twitter more popular than stonetoss.

What makes his case special for indicating the average persons views?

>> No.6962347
File: 161 KB, 1090x1280, 1693596277619194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the art
ofc ur a twink porn degen fag pushing the troon agenda
the joke writes itself
do both you and your parents a favor and just neck yourself already

>u'd be painting instead of getting into circlejerk arguments
right back at you faggot
why aren't you making counter meme comics to support troons instead of bitching about stonetoss
you're taking action to fulfill your agenda "enforcement of the troon cult"
im simply gate-keeping you from the discussion altogether

>> No.6962363
File: 23 KB, 326x237, IMG_6384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every anti-trans Nazi has 12,000 gigabytes of futa and child porn on their hard drive.

>> No.6962365

for canada use google 4chan wont let me post direct links :

UK is mostly arrest for hate-speech (edgy posts on social media) just use google and look up uk hate speech arest
but it's under the same umbrella classification
also uk news is a bitch to keep track of but you get the point
the agenda your'e pushing is overtly anti-freedom to protect and play along with gender delusions of literal retards

like an elephant your idealogy has one set of teeth for display and another for the actual chewing

>> No.6962368
File: 24 KB, 300x199, SChloP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally the mask slips as the troon is spotted and cornered
funny that you pivot to calling me a nazi for statng incredibly normal talking points
i'm literally a brown-skinned third-worlder and still have a better grasp of your socio-politics than you seem to have

>> No.6962370

He wasnt arrested for misgendering someone, he was arrested because he was ordered not to discuss a court case in public.
This is about contempt of court.

He wasnt arrested for saying there were only 2 genders. read the source, He was arrested for tresspassing after being suspended from school.

Could you point to a law saying that misgendering is illegal.

>> No.6962372
File: 193 KB, 961x817, you're a dumbass, pyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note how he doesnt post his own work, just calls me a faggot. i guarantee u exclusively draw soulless chickenscratch loli/futa porn, if u draw at all. i imagine that w/o friends, family, a lover, a career, or any real hobbies, arguing on 4chan is ur only outlet. keep coping man. calling me a fag wont make your mother any less disappointed. nor will it make ur art any better.

btw, the other guy ur seething at isnt me.

>> No.6962377

Funny thing you pivot bringing up your race when there are thousands of AI underage dick girls on your computer

>> No.6962383
File: 56 KB, 606x603, FzzF4P5aAAot7mJ Missles inbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes his case special for indicating the average persons views
because despite social media user base having a disproportionately higher percent of the terminally online basement dwelling filthy troons in their userbase stonetoss still manages to remain relevant and cause untold amounts of butthurt everytime he draws another comic
with a footprint so profound that there are sub-reddits and discords dedicated to making edits of his art and track and dox him
one does not prompt such vitriolic response without hitting a nerve

and truly a nerve he has hit with what one might ask? with simple 3~4 panel comics
he's a truer artist than any forced lefty meme maker every will be

>they weren't arrested for x
>they were arrested for conveniently closely related reasons pertaining to x
atleast with the kid's case he was simply protesting
it is beyond over-reaction to have a kid arrested
go waste your evening on google looking for specific article if you so wish
I simply pointed you in the direction the general zietgeist i'm tackling here
i can only lead a horse to water not make you drink it

as for a specific law just look at hate-speech laws in canda or UK
they're just loose enough to be conveniently weaponized once you troonfgas shift the overton window far-left enough

in my defence /ic/ does not have poster ids to keep track of

>pivot bringing up your race
well yeah i hear being a nazi has very strict race-requirments that i obviously don't qualify for
hence why your pivo to calling me such required me to make the distinction

something tells me you have the object permanence of a goldfish

>> No.6962386

>leftypol is leaking again

>> No.6962391

>because despite social media user base having a disproportionately higher percent of the terminally online basement dwelling filthy troons in their userbase stonetoss still manages to remain relevant and cause untold amounts of butthurt everytime he draws another comic
someone else could easily claim something else, that social media has a disproportionately higher level of terminally online basement dwelling nazis, which is why stonetoss has so many followers.

Trying to judge how popular an opinion is by how many followers he has is futile. You should post actual research or survey on the topic.

>> No.6962403
File: 3.76 MB, 1627x1798, never be a bluman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basement dwelling nazis
that's practically an oxymorons man
but clearly you have difficulty with labels so let me do you a solid my mentally challenged friend
basement dwelling faggots who larp online as nazi are very much like troons
they borrow and parade around the aesthetics of said group and in some case believe said delusions
but us as normally fuctional people know that they will never be card carrying hugo boss wearing re-arm band wearing meth chocolate chewing nazis
they just like troons are mentally ill LARPERS
and these larpers are to be made fun of not celebrated

but clearly you don't understand the difference between larp and irl so i understand the confusion
hopefully i have helped you discern delusion from reality and given your sad politically charged life a new paradigm
no go be free and make good art my friend politics be damned

>> No.6962410

you are totally missing the point:
>Trying to judge how popular an opinion is by how many followers he has is futile. You should post actual research or survey on the topic.
Unless you want to post a study, we should stop talking because this discussion is pointless.

>> No.6962412

>atleast with the kid's case he was simply protesting
>it is beyond over-reaction to have a kid arrested
He was told previously that if he came back they would charge him with tresspassing: https://www.eganvilleleader.ca/breaking-news/student-arrested-for-trespassing-at-st-joes-following-non-disciplinary-exclusion/

but thats separate from whether it is reasonable to protest at a school or not, or whether he should have been allowed to do so.

>> No.6962421

i like how you moved the goal-post my friend very leftist much progressive

as for your statement
we are talking about him arent we?
you are ready to bitterly die on this hill are you not?
he has already made a big enough of a wave o get your panties ina bunch hasn't he?
well i rest my case nigga for my truth in this case is literally self-evident

>> No.6962426

a kid was suspended for making a statement in class
you don't think thats an over-reaction for mere words?
not like homie burned an effigy and showed up decked ou in full kkk grand wizard uniform
he made a statement and the staff reacted by having him suspended?
they thought it was the right course of action to get the law involved?
you don't see anything unreasonable and concerning about that escalation?
you fags have a milder reaction to a teacher molesting a student
but someone committing blasphemy against your troon cult?
lord forbid that happen
that's where you draw the line
never really took you lefty fags for boot-lickers

pathetic rhetoric
concede defeat
first it was we just want right then it was the arrest never happen now its ooo it was completely justified arrests
way to keep falling back you no-principle leftist scum

>> No.6962435
File: 39 KB, 600x600, F0bYHuHXoAEWb0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before i leave let me make some prediction
one of these pathetic cucks will return a few hours
make inflammatory dodging post maybe move the goal-post a little
and then larp like they totally big chungus epic schooled me
typical gloating fanfare really as is their filthy slimey nature

or immediately reply to this post shitting and pissing themselves seething at being called out
but to my fellow com/ic/ artists be mindful of there bumbling sub-brick iq tourists and their mid-wit takes
this is the only avenue of persnal happiness they have
please don't play along lest they begin to believe themselves to actually be geniuses

>> No.6962445
File: 219 KB, 725x774, quickshot_231202_223316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but to my fellow com/ic/ artists...
Culture warriors are no one's friends.
I'm glad I started filtering this prattle.

>> No.6962533


You can't. It takes time to craft and develop ideas. People look at this and think "2 hours? I can draw that in 2 minutes!" and they're imagining copying the comic.
It is true that you can redraw that comic much faster. Some people here could even make it more detailed in a fraction of the time. But what they're missing is that they didn't have to come up with it. They don't realize how much time is spend developing ideas and forming composition, comics are especially hard for this.
If you want to be a good artist, you're going to spend 80% of your time thinking, and 20% drawing. There is no getting around this. Actually drawing something directly is the EASY part.
on the contrast, a beg spends 90% drawing and 10% planning. They are practicing to learn how to get things right, personal vision is less important. This isn't bad, it's just how things are.

>> No.6962587

>Culture warriors
is that what ur calling yourself now
way to be edgy lil bro
hope you win the culture war or whatever king
clearly you sorely need a win

>> No.6962780

>nigga ever been outside of america or europe where the rest of the human population resides?
didn't read this thread but come on anon, poltards don't consider any of those people human so they don't consider your argument. Unless its against trannies, the only boogeyman worse than minorities.

>> No.6962830

>two hours
it's over

>> No.6962904

>>they weren't arrested for x
>>they were arrested for conveniently closely related reasons pertaining to x
I remember someone mentioning that police broke windows in trucks during those Canadian trucker protests and then fined the drivers for it, but I could remember it wrong.
Getting someone arrested/fined for "something different" sounds like an obvious tactic when you don't want to cause a stink about making a political arrest.The fact someone would believe government is going to be honest is baffling to me.

>> No.6962929

Violating court gag orders gets you arrested in almost every context. The court and your lawyer are going to make it clear that if you violate the order you will be punished and possibly found in contempt of court.
In the other case, the kid was warned ahead of time, that he would be arrested if he came back to school while suspended.

This isn't the type of situation where you are arrested for resisting arrest, when they can't find anything on you.
These guys were both directly warned ahead of time, not to do what they were doing or else they could be arrested . (Of course you can debate whether the orders were reasonable, but that's another topic).

>> No.6963007

>left-wing: i demand scientific proof that my degenerate fetish is healthy despite it causing psychological harm on myself

>right-wing: you literally cut off your dick. that's all the proof you need.

>> No.6963023

This is basically an ad-hominem, "look how freaky they are". It's an appeal to disgust.

Is all surgery bad because its gross? (I'm sure you don't think that). So what is special about dick surgery?

You are saying it causes psychological harm, do you have a study about that?

>> No.6963029

are you seriously asking for proof as to 'why' people are disgusted by things?

>> No.6963031

I'm not asking why someone is disgusted. I'm asking you to provide research showing its bad.

Unless you are saying being disgusted by something means its bad.

>> No.6963032

>Unless you are saying being disgusted by something means its bad.
it usually does, doesn't it? i dont think most people like the idea of contracting diseases, do you?

>> No.6963034

If you are disgusted by seeing blood, does that mean someone getting a blood transfusion is bad?
Is open heart surgery bad, because it involves cutting open people's flesh and getting blood everywhere?

>> No.6963039

> oes that mean someone getting a blood transfusion is bad?
it can be if the blood type is incorrect.
>Is open heart surgery bad, because it involves cutting open people's flesh and getting blood everywhere?
it can be if the person performing the operation doesnt know what they're doing.

>> No.6963045

That's unrelated to visual feelings of disgust.
The harm isn't determined by the feeling of disgust but by other factors.
Most transgender people do not get surgery. Less than 1% who get the surgery, regret surgery: https://archive.is/KdDwz

>> No.6963046

>That's unrelated to visual feelings of disgust.
debatable. if you know the outcomes of an event lead to something reprehensible, its perfectly normal to feel disgust at the possibility, as its the body teaching you to avoid something not-so-great in order to prevent possible infections or diseases.

>Most transgender people do not get surgery
that's pretty obvious. most of the time, they go about their day-to-day lives living with androgynous behaviour dont they? aren't there different 'tiers' of transgenderism? discrimination even amongst that community, similar to what goes on with people who identify as cis?

>> No.6963065

Instincts can also be wrong. This is really tangential to whatever point is being discussed.

>> No.6963071

>Instincts can also be wrong.
true, and it can also be true that an individual may be mistaken to assume they're trans or not. thing is, how do you determine that?

>> No.6963083

They have to go through a psychological evaluation before getting hormones or surgery

>> No.6963084

What's next? A claim that cars don't exist because a bunch of plastic and metal wouldn't be able to move by itself? Or maybe claim those "cars" aren't cars, but merely sophisticated carriages?
Are you a literal robot or some sort of psychopath? Do you really asking for somebody to explain something so non-mathematical as human psychology?
No one ever has a real reason to cut their dick off unless they have severe mental illness or some actual disease rotting it off.
You must be a literal alien at this point.

>> No.6963091

really? and how does that work? are they able to tell if the person is just in it for the attention and aesthetics vs actually being trans?

>> No.6963092

So do yoo have a study showing it causes psychological harm to them?

Our discussion is likely a waste of time otherwise.

>> No.6963093

Same way they can tell if anyone else is telling the truth about their health conditions

>> No.6963094

>(Of course you can debate whether the orders were reasonable, but that's another topic)
First could be understandable, but second is retarded especially considering it was supposedly a catholic school that is supposed to be conservative on that stuff. The poor kid was attending a heretical school, basically.

>> No.6963097

well, that would depend if the doctor was being just as honest and making sure the patient is getting the best treatment possible.

>> No.6963104

I'm not the one who was talking about psychological harm, but the harm most likely happened before the guy cuts his dick off because otherwise he wouldn't be so insane enough to do it and there will be harm after because not everyone will want to play that retarded game of pretend. Those types are self-destructive enough to mutilate themselves and be loud/public about it, so they might be unhinged enough to also hurt others, so anyone smart enough will stay away.
Anyone sane who would have those feminine inclination would just go the trap/crossdressing route because sure as hell he would know you can't cheat biology in long-term, so he can just go back to being a dude when he gets old.
Yes, yes, I get it, you want some bullshit studies because common sense isn't a thing among you folks. After all, wanting to cut off some vital part of body for no emergency reason doesn't always mean a mental illness.

>> No.6963120

This guy literally thinks that 6-year-olds get their dicks cut off with hedge clippers the second they touch a Barbie doll

>> No.6963121

Can you provide research based evidence for your hypothesis?

>> No.6963122

ummmmm, anon? you can't say things like that without backing it up with a source or media-approved scientific studies. its kind of bigoted yknow ://///

>> No.6963123

Saying it’s common sens isn’t a good argument.
Common sense can be wrong.
Common sense would say being exposed to radiation is bad, yet sometimes we use radiation as a treatment for cancer.

>> No.6963126

common sense would agree that mutliated yourself for the sake of a fetish is pretty compared and provides no scientific benefits to the overall medical system, contrary to radiation therapy where it actually has a practical usage outside of the artificial laboratories or away from the hands of machines.

>> No.6963130

What’s with the anti-intellectualism? How do you propose we understand the world without research?

>> No.6963132

this might surprise you, but you can understand the world without being absorbed in science 24/7. its some crazy shit. you guys should try it sometime.

>> No.6963137

>Common sense would say being exposed to radiation is bad, yet sometimes we use radiation as a treatment for cancer.
If that means you will take a trip to Chernobyl reactor and hug the Elephant's Foot, then yeah, I agree.

>> No.6963143

> It found that transgender people who had received one or more gender-affirming surgical procedures had a 42% reduction in the odds of experiencing past-month psychological distress, a 35% reduction in the odds of past-year tobacco smoking, and a 44% reduction in the odds of past-year suicidal ideation.

>> No.6963144

And hasan will never be as rich as most right grifters like, all those daily wire assholes, think-tank propaganda spewers, and conspiracy peddlers. If you want actual money from oil barons just say you were once leftist and now you believe anything their think-tank says on Prager U. Or that you wanted to be in Hollywood but got canceled due to conservative values. Then say the same think tank lines. Profit ez.

>> No.6963145

Research appears to indicate your common sense is inaccurate

>> No.6963152

short term relief to prevent potential suicide, but what will be the effects longterm? and without surgery, what would the means be of them living in content?

you also forget a lot of these surgeries require an insane amount of money to even perform, and the medication and prescriptions needed to maintain the new operations is ridiculous to the point they're on drugs for the rest of their lives.

now if that is not your idea of hell, then idk what you should think.

>> No.6963155


>> No.6963234
File: 29 KB, 600x733, ya got a single fact to back that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao /pol/laks don't venture to /ic/
way to out urself tourist

lmao ur reddit-spacing is showing anon
allow me to demonstrate what you sound like
>calling me a poop eater is ad-hominem "looks he eating poop"
>is poop cuisine ba because its gross? whats so special about cooking and eating poop anyway?
>you're saying its unhealthy to eat shit, do you have a study about that?

i get it you live in an echochamber that fooled you into thinking mentally ill faggots wanting to larp as women is normal behaviour
but don't expect the average man to sing along man
it might be a bit confusing but your indoctrinated mindset isnt the norm in the world
i'm sorry you had to realize this way

lmao did you just compare cosmetic troon procedures to honest to god heat surgery?
one's integral for the person's survival and other's a vapid cometic modification
you're kidding me right?

the ungodly suicide rate is about where i'd start
then there's the origin of the term gender with the megel-esque experiments John Money did on the underage twins
then there's the demand to compel speech from others unrelated to their gender dysphoria
its a mental illness that needs to be treated not some pre-existing spectrum being "le explored"
you're glorifying mental disorder that is detrimental to both the individual and societ at large

i love how you urself can't think of a better analogy to troonism than radiation
a better analogy would be
re-contructive plastic surgery on a acid burn victim is help-ful
but that doesn't mean women getting fake tits and silicone injection is a good thing either

anon how many troons live past their late 40s?
oce their sex drive dies out how many make it to old age?

i reiterate this whole troon shit will be the asbestos wall insulation/lead-lined utensils event of our age

>> No.6963247

There are studies showing its unhealthy to eat poop.

>> No.6963313

and are there studies showing its unhealthy to irreversibly alter your genitalia and repurpose your entire identity primarily centred around you being the opposite gender to what you were born as?

>> No.6963323

there don't have to be
scientists are just as fallable as politician
especially in the """social""" sciences
i didn't need a scientist to tell me that eating shit is retarded i guess you do

i swear the way you retards defer to scientists when confronted is very religious
the scientists are your beloved priests unfallable and true
the science (the convenient ones) are you gospel you hammer people on the head with
troons are your version of saints
if i didn't know any better i'd call you fags cultists

>> No.6963326

So, why should I just believe what you say without evidence?

>> No.6963338

wanting to be the opposite sex and engaging in drastic cosmetic surgery isn't mentally sound behaviourjust like how getting a dog neutered doesnt actually make it into a bitch
or how painting an apple orange doesnt make it an orange
you arent making a sound argument by doubling down on the "but muh studies" n "muh verified and totally not agenda driven sources"

if you knew anything about p-hacking in data sciences you'd know basicly all your gay self-reported survey based studies are definitely flawed if not malicious misrepresentated to fullfill an agenda

>> No.6963340

Then prove the studies are p-hacked or otherwise unreliable.

>> No.6963341

But did they precise which poop? Maybe bear poop is good for you? You could try eating it, find out and become a scientist yourself! Imagine the engagement on Twitter!

>> No.6963342

There's studies already brought up in the showing the opposite of what you claim:
And there's tons more studies out there indicating HRT lowers suicide rate and improves mental health.

>> No.6963343

Bear stool contains parasites and bacteria which are known to be unhealthy for humans.

>> No.6963345

A variety of stool has been studied for various reasons. For instance, people sometimes used manure as fertilizer in growing crops. And that can spread bacteria (or other pathogens) from the stool to the crops.

>> No.6963347

the onus is on you my friend
I'm not the one claiming mental illness is actually very cool hip and trendy
provide true proof that mutilating genitalia on mentally ill kids is super ethical actually
you make a ridiculous claim and expect me to do all the leg work?

jesus christ man look into a mirror you act and talk more and more like a cult member in denial

>> No.6963354

If you claim there is a problem with the studies posted, the burden of proof is on you to show that the problem exists.

>> No.6963363
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 1579460844377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga have you posted a single study to begin with?
look into John Money and his experiments on David Reimer
idk what modern study you post the very genesis of this whole transgender idealogy nonsense was a harrowing case of unethical human experimentation
you're pretty slimey if you wanna quitely sweep that under the rug

>> No.6963366


The David Reimer case isn't comparable to someone who wants to have gender transition. It's a totally different circumstance.

some studies posted earlier in the thread:

>> No.6963391
File: 18 KB, 326x322, 1664741105189587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a totally different circumstance
its literally not
the only difference is that david reimer wasnt bombarded with modern troon propoganda and porn addiction from every social front

You've moved the goal post from "uhm ur a nazi" to "uh child mutilation is normal ok" to "ok its not normal but its beneficial" to "you dont have studies to explain ur common sense" to now "but can us disprove my oceans upon oceans of faulty agenda driven """"studies""""
do you genuinely expect me to engage in acedemic grade review of your studies?
my claim is that the very diagnosis is a faulty process let alone how said diagnoses are tracked documented and arranged into comprehensible data-sets
I have not enough time nor agenda-driven research fund money to dedicate actual work hurs to dissect your literal medical-grade misinformation

I need not do all that when the truth is so mind-numbingly self-evident

>> No.6963401

its notable just how akin to the typical evangelist you are
you cite you made up gobbledigook gospel when confronted by cynical heretics
you're a cultist in denial

>> No.6963426

If you don't want to point out issues in the studies and you don't want to provide your own evidence that contradicts these, why should I believe what you are saying?

David reimer didnt want to be a woman. Mtf Transgenders want to be women .

>You've moved the goal post from "uhm ur a nazi" to "uh child mutilation is normal ok" to "ok its not normal but its beneficial" to "you dont have studies to explain ur common sense" to now "but can us disprove my oceans upon oceans of faulty agenda driven """"studies""""
You are putting words in my mouth. Where did I say those things?

If you think they are flawed, could you respond to a single study?
Whats wrong with them?

>> No.6963437

>Mtf Transgenders want to be women .
And cutting off your dick won't turn you into a woman. You're literally coded to be a man starting with very basic shit like chromosomes.

>> No.6963440
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>evidence that contradicts
my evidence is in its essence an appeal to normalcy
nigga exceptions dont make the rules
mental illness is mental ilness no matter how much you attempt to PR whitwash the situation

>David reimer didnt want to be a woman. Mtf Transgenders want to be women .
have there been historical cases of such behaviour?
sure fetish-based cross-dressing has always existed but have there been troons before?
most historically gay cross-dressers have been militantly masculine in their identity
this behaviour isnt something that naturally occurs within healthy humans
my guess is its a mixture of early exposure to pornography/ molestation at a young age/modern troon propoganda but it could be induced by a myriad other reasons
either way the argument is that these so called MtF and FtM individuals are not mentally sound people

>putting words in my mouth
im assuming ur the same fag from before you might not be
in my defence there arent poster ids so you might as well be
besides i wasn't calling you out specifically
simply pointing out how the argument has escalated and evovled
its kinda telling how you took that as a personal attack

>If you think they are flawed, could you respond to a single study
this isnt something that should require a fucking peer-reviewed study
my point is bringing up p-hacking was that these institutes you blindly have faith in are just as likely to bend over and be subverted if there is an idealogical incentive
in essence i discredit the very notion that some self-evident truth need be proven by a flawed system of study
the truth makes the study viable not the other way round nigga
you cannot in absence of self-evident truth retroactively construct a truth to fulfill your mentally ill agenda

>> No.6963444

>most historically gay cross-dressers have been militantly masculine in their identity
btw this is just a very cursory look of things
lets not forget the histoical origin of gay male relattionships is heavily rooted in pedestry wherein older greek gay males would groom a younger boy into their ideal partner
this shit very deeply rooted in same-sex pedophilia
hence why we have historic precedent like NAMBLA in america and Bachibazi in afganistan
the lgbtq agenda despite its bells and whistles is in its essence rooted in pedophiliac tendencies

>> No.6963452
File: 23 KB, 540x600, 1579623519234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope now i've layed this dumb gay (lol) argument to rest and we can return to discussing stonetoss and comics in general

>> No.6963484


>my evidence is in its essence an appeal to normalcy
>nigga exceptions dont make the rules
>mental illness is mental ilness no matter how much you attempt to PR whitwash the situation
Appeal to normalcy is a logical fallacy.

>have there been historical cases of such behaviour?
Yes? Similar behavior existed way before the internet or even computers:

>this isnt something that should require a fucking peer-reviewed study
>my point is bringing up p-hacking was that these institutes you blindly have faith in are just as likely to bend over and be subverted if there is an idealogical incentive

p-hacking doesn't apply here. There are multiple different studies with similar findings.

>in essence i discredit the very notion that some self-evident truth need be proven by a flawed system of study
>the truth makes the study viable not the other way round nigga
>you cannot in absence of self-evident truth retroactively construct a truth to fulfill your mentally ill agenda
You can't just say something is a self-evident truth. Someone else could easily say the opposite is self-evident.

>> No.6963486

If you don't want to provide studies or disprove the studies already posted, why should I believe you?
Anyone can claim to be saying the self-evidence truth.

>> No.6963500
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a good majority if not the entirety of the """interpretation""" of BC era artefacts is just willful projection and you know it

the rest is more akin to what this post mentions: >>6963444
the unethical grooming and indoctrination adolescent that didnt know any better
its predatory barbaric shit akin to dated practices like child marraige
not exactly proving ur point here

>can't just say something is a self-evident truth
have you ever seen a sentient species perform similar behaviours?
there are some that can morph between male and female but they're clearly distinct from human physiology

you are describing mental illness (aka significant deviation from the nrom to the point of being detrimental to normal functioning) and expecting people to accept it wholesaleas normal behaviour when its not
you're the one demanding a significant modification other people's speech thought and behaviour to enforce the gay larp of mentally ill perverts who end up killing themselves right about the time their sex drive dies down

you're clearly arguing in bad faith yet fail to in any way justify yourself outside pushing every onus on the normal people


>> No.6963507
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>why should I believe you?
right back at you friend
you aggressively invade communities and enforce ur idealogy via fear/censorship/spam
why do you feel the need to do so
why do you so vehemently die on the trannyfaggot hill everytiime this topic is even tangeantially bought up in common discussion
ur the stick in the mud here
dont blame us for calling you out

>> No.6963509

>HRT lowers suicide rate and improves mental health.

like a lobotomy?

>> No.6963512

and sometimes, that fertilizer isn't good for the human's after the food has been grown. what shit (unironically) are you trying to pull here?

>> No.6963513

I've posted numerous studies to support what I have said, how am I arguing in bad faith?

>> No.6963517

You got no retort to chromosome thing

>> No.6963519

Lobotomies are still a part of medicine. Well, to be more specific a type of surgery that is based on it and is more advanced. The issue was they were given to random people who didnt want them.
The point is that people should be able to provide evidence for their claims when asked to do so.

>> No.6963522

There are women who have XY chromosomes and have given birth.


>> No.6963523

>he's defending lobotomies now

>> No.6963524

he really doesnt
he doesnt wanna admit that his mental illness indeed is mental illness
he'd rather play mindgames and dodge reality

>> No.6963525

exception are not the norm retard lmao

>> No.6963526

Is brain surgery evil, because lobotomies were given to people who didn't want them?

>> No.6963530

Transgender people are also very rare.

If there are women with y Chromosomes, we can't say that simply having a y Chromsome means someone is not a woman.

>> No.6963536

ur saying troon butchery is akin to brain surgery?
are you really comparing honest to god brain surgery to your cosmetic cock mutilations?
surgically turning a persons cock inside out or using harvest flesh from a limb to make a faux penis are comparable to life-saving brain surgery to you?
its the sunk cost fallacy at work for most troons who realize that theyve damaged themselves too far to back out now

ever wonder why de-transitioning is a thing?
you're either retarded or straight up[ evil for pushing this shit onto kids

incredibly mutations isnt representative of the rest ofthe fucking species
are you dense or just plain slow?

>> No.6963537

>you are my strongest marketer

>> No.6963541

No matter what you think of stonetoss, this is at least partially true.

>> No.6963547

Detransition is very rare, around 1%

>> No.6963552

if you seriously think stringing question like that together is perfectly normal, you're a fucking psychopath.

>> No.6963554

>Detransition is very rare, around 1%
yeah those the rare few courageous one the others end up killing themselves you bumbling moron

>> No.6963570

brain surgery techniques exist because of the amount of experimentation done on thousands of innocent people who didn't want them, so by your definition, yes, it is pretty fucking evil.

>> No.6963571

A "woman" with a y chromosome is a hermaphrodite.

>> No.6963683

>And hasan will never be as rich as most right grifters
like who?

>> No.6963689

I like stonetoss just solely for the fact that his existence make lib cancer boil. They got used to have a power to silence everyone they want so much that the one guy who manages to keep going making them piss themselves out of anger.

>> No.6963698

>I've posted numerous studies
>every study which doesn't say trannies le good is banned and the people who made it fired

>> No.6963707

So, you think we should ban brain surgery?

>> No.6963729

Ok, do you have any evidence to counter the studies posted? Do you have any examples of methological issues in them?

Consider that Ray Blanchard is still making studies and worked on the DSM-V

>> No.6963732

it shouldn't be used as a first resort to fixing mental health problems, just like cutting off your own dick or drowning yourself in HRT to change your entire gender shouldn't be the first option.

>> No.6963736

What other working treatments are there?
Pretty sure you aren't going to get surgery without being on HRT. You can't get HRT without multiple doctor's appointments.

>> No.6963752

I don't know what studies you posted I came here 5 minutes ago and I'm not even sure what you retarding about, but if it's "muh studies show trannies are le natural" then just know that if you didn't spend your life acquiring specific degrees you can't prove or disapprove any "studies", you fully rely on them being unbiased and honest to the public. In a current socio-political climate, with the increasing pressure on free speech, increasing censorship and witch hunt on "wrong opinions" I simply cannot afford to believe that your agenda won't trick me into believing lies. We're not equal, we don't have a debate on fair ground. All the censorship was made specifically for occasions like this so people like you can oppress people like me. We can debate in the future, when we will be equal, but for now you are just the oppressor, and therefore I will only say go kys trannie

>> No.6963789

anon, can i give you some advice?
if you legitimately have gender dysphoria and are looking for the medical industry to reaffirm your identity, i would advise you not to. they're the last place you want to be to have any semblance of confidence in your own body.
im not saying this just to see you live miserably, but im telling you to find your identity elsewhere without using them as a crutch. it wont do you any good.

>> No.6963816
File: 85 KB, 625x605, 1677530518464283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
I just think he makes funny comics

The joke here, since many people can't seem to understand his comics is that the goat, the Muslim, and the middle eastern architecture makes it seem like he's having a vacation in a middle eastern country. And it's funny because the punchline is that it's France which is currently undergoing an immigration crisis that's causing a cultural identity crisis in the country.

>> No.6963847
File: 309 KB, 413x507, 1588620051582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's racist and misogynistic.
Now please m'ladies, date me, for i am an ally.

>> No.6963917

The truth is modern transgender identity was created in 1966 by John Money through an experiment everyone involved wishes had never happened. And for 50 years psychiatrists symply kept gender dysphoria under the rug by giving the extremelly few people who actually showed true signs of it (aprox 4M in the whole damn world) the same antipsychotic they give to anorexics which pretty much erases the mania.

Then in 216 satanic politicians lost the culture war to a t.v. clown and have been doubling down on destroying the world in revenge ever since.

>> No.6964397

>And for 50 years psychiatrists symply kept gender dysphoria under the rug by giving the extremelly few people who actually showed true signs of it (aprox 4M in the whole damn world) the same antipsychotic they give to anorexics which pretty much erases the mania.

>> No.6964424

>I don't know what studies you posted I came here 5 minutes ago and I'm not even sure what you retarding about, but if it's "muh studies show trannies are le natural" then just know that if you didn't spend your life acquiring specific degrees you can't prove or disapprove any "studies", you fully rely on them being unbiased and honest to the public.
You don't *need* to have a degree to disprove a study in some cases. You can point out methodological issues, statistical issues, or logical flaws. Of course that could be hard for someone who hasn't studied those fields.

But, remember what you said here applies to you as well. You are just some random person online. You aren't an expert, and you haven't presented any research on the matter to support your point of view. People don't have any reason to believe what you are saying. They have no way of knowing that you are unbiased and honest.

But like you said you don't want to debate, so I suppose all that is besides the point. Talking with you more on the matter would be a waste of your time. Have a good day.

>> No.6964462

It’s not because he’s a nazi. It’s because he’s clever and talks about the elephant in the room without actually saying it. You should study it.

>> No.6964501
File: 219 KB, 500x635, Txt_Hope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learnt so much from this thread about efficient drawing practices and speeding up my workflow. Thank you fellow artists.

>> No.6964709
File: 83 KB, 319x340, 1672642478235379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You aren't an expert
no nigga i am an expert normie
and i can tell you with complete certainty that even with le certified studies no normie thinks troons are natural or mentall sane

you'll never magically become a woman by chopping your cock off
neither will you magically become a man by making a faux cock outta harvested arm/thigh flesh
even if you believe in your heart of hearts makebelief fetish porn it won't change reality nigga
its just don't work that way man

>> No.6964711

If he wasn't a nazi he'd be even more popular. No mainstream conservative publication will touch him because of his opinion on things like the holocaust denialism, the JQ, israel, and race realism. Otherwise they'd probably be printing him in newspapers and have his comics in a corner on their websites and tv channels.
you should make another thread with a better image in the op.

>> No.6964715
File: 41 KB, 717x514, Pimozide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pimozide no cap

>> No.6964716

Surveys indicate otherwise. Normies are fine with them:

Also, not a tranny.

>> No.6964720

he's the conservative equivalent of punk
like it or not rebelling against the establishment is how you become a punk
not by blindly agreeing with all the propoganda the mainstream pumps you with

>> No.6964722

Sample size of 1, and the individual had a learning disability:


>> No.6964723

how tf did it take this nigger two hours to draw this slop

>> No.6964724

>Normies are fine with them
normies are also fine with random retards being meth addicts/alcoholics/hard drug abusers
normies only show strong emotions when a close one is affected
cmon nigga it aint rocket science you'r just nit-picking an otherwise solid argument outta butthurt

>> No.6964726

hell beats chopping their cock off and causing developmental stunting via "le hormone therapy"

>> No.6964735

>le hormone therapy
funny how that works btw
since troons wanting to get their neo-gina need to basicly tunr their cock inside out surgically the hormone stunting the growth of the cock actually fucks them over in the long run since then the "surgeons" don't have enough material to work with

even troon therapy is self-contradictory

>> No.6964737

GeoidFling's comics do have a punchline, you know it's true when even hardcore leftists like Vaush admit it.

>> No.6964738

There is more evidence that the hormone and surgery is effective treatment, than there is for the pimozide.

>> No.6964745

>GeoidFling's comics do have a punchline, you know it's true when even hardcore leftists like Vaush admit it.
I'm not talking about ALL of them, just some of them (usually earlier ones).
Some of his comics do have obvious jokes, like where black santa steals a kid's bike.
But don't really have anything to make you laugh. Like the one where he goes
>look at this graph, it must mean non-whites are inferior

>> No.6964787
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>hormone and surgery is effective treatment
so we are in agreement that troonism *is* a mental illness
good god you finally you admit it
alright so you think barbaric cock mutilation (that require """dialation""" to keep the axewound from closing in on itself) is a normal thing that should be done to anyone mentally ill or otherwise?
Or how about chopping tits off women and then turning either on of their limb into a drum stick to construct and attack a neo-cock, is that ethical in your mind?

like we all agree that mentally ill people aren't capable of consenting in any meaningful way to this since their mental faculty by definition is compromised
you really think trusting greedy fucks who have monetary incentive to encourage this shit is a good idea?

are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.6964799

The pimozide patient didn't kill themselves and neither did the patients that were treated with olanzapine in the 00's.
>but muh small sample size
There can't be a large sample size, true gender dysphoria is absurdly rare and there's less than 4 million people suffering from it. Most of them living in China and India, and most of them 30yo or older.

The millions of kids with "gender dysphoria" in the west don't have GD, they're being psychologically abused for the sake of deranged leftist politics.

And most older American troons are not suffering GD either, they're autogynephile pedophiles using the fashionable "identity" as a shield from criticism of their predatory behavior.

>> No.6964801


>> No.6965410

Ben Shapiro, crowder, peterson, tucker, literally all of the Prager U and fox news regular guests who just get paid to repeat think tank lines. Crowder threw a hissifit over a multimillion dollar a year contract. Look into who funds daily wire or Prager u

>> No.6965419

They all have more money than Hasan collectively or each and every one of them is richer than Hasan?

>> No.6965430

Stonetoss is the only one I know out of those four. I like him. He has great comedic timing.

>> No.6965439
File: 184 KB, 1500x500, 456789345534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stonetoss is cool

>> No.6965468
File: 802 KB, 250x270, 1550518841769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words words words words words words words

>> No.6965472

How come interest and rent are theft but taxation and inflation are not?

>> No.6965477

Taxation is theft is like the #1 things I see my leftie punk friends saying all the time.

>> No.6965480

Are you sure they aren't libertarian?

>> No.6965481

he lost his cool when he scammed his fans with nfts
he's also pro AI

>> No.6965511
File: 23 KB, 400x400, url(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taxation under socialism is seen as a redistribution of wealth from the bourgeoisie (the only ones who own anything worth taxing) to the lower class instead of the state taking 20% of your shit for no reason and blowing it on whatever they please. In practice a socialist state takes 55% but that's how the theory goes.

There are also apparently two types of inflation (wage-driven and price-driven), one of which benefits the poor as their income raises faster than the landlord can raise rent but this one hasn't happened since the 40s.

>> No.6965516

Don't use his fucking name.

>> No.6965520

Crowder rejected a $50 million offer from Ben Shapiro's organization because he wanted twice that ammount. What do you think?

>> No.6965523

>Look into who funds daily wire or Prager u
The Jews?

>> No.6965536
File: 498 KB, 1754x1080, stonetoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of retarded and pointless political bickering which serves to distract us from the REAL question, that is, is stonetoss secretly a furry? If so, how much furry porn do you think he jerks off to on a daily basis? Does he have a secret fursona? Please discuss.

>> No.6965539

leftists love taxation and they believe you shouldn't be allowed to own anything. The government must own everything.

>> No.6965541

Anarchy and punk are right wing now, not because they're conservative, but because the left has become an authoritarian regime of nepotist bureaucrats empowered by their subservience to the party not their worth to society.
The left not only is not against taxation, they support total economic oppression measures like cashless cities and social credit.

>> No.6965546

Anarchy and punk are right-wing, and feminists support hijabs and Hamas. World is upside down

>> No.6965548

The left is evil, simple as.

All it has is "support for minorities" but in reality the right does not hate minorities. They hate minorities being used as meat shields for the old white rich cunts who own the DNC and other "leftist" parties and their satanic bullshit.

I live in a walkable city with good social security, large worker cooperatives and low crime. It has been run by a right wing party for close to 60 years straight. We don't need "revolutionary" governments ruining everything to get the fair and dignified living leftists claim to want. Right wingers and moderates have the same goals, they just try to make sure not to be unfair to the people who've already achieved success while building infrastructure to help the rest catch up.

>> No.6965553

The Stonetoss-Shmorky theory is just getting more real every day.

>> No.6965555
File: 3.45 MB, 1250x1250, GOODESTGOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steintossewitz makes trannies and leftists seethe so much they must literally go on a dead board to character assassinate that fag by a bunch of random screenshots with no concrete evidence
You want us to hate the fag? Actually do some digging.

>> No.6965556

I wouldn't call it right-wing. But punk hasn't been left-wing since the 90s if not earlier.

>> No.6965572

>the right does not hate minorities
Visit pol for a bit and come back please
So many "n* hate threads" and "KILL ALL N****" posts literally everywhere
And posts on why race mixing is bad. You are literally just lying about right wingers

>> No.6965724

I don't know. I don't know how much money Hasan has. Do you? I just don't understand if right wingers are so rich and powerful why everyone is shitting on them without consequences and they are basically social rejects everywhere they go. They are not accepted in any education institutions, in any workplace, on any social media. How do they manage all this?

>> No.6965809

You dont know anything yet you are quick to repeat the lines fed to you by the right wing which are literally crafted by think-tank institutions. You say they are rejected everywhere yet they have a lot of institutions, lobbying groups, political power and representatives, oil propaganda prager-u is now accepted in education by Florida. The right wing are just good at crying loudly and you just believe it without checking. Look at how "canceled" someone like Dave Chappell was, yet he's still making bank and featuring billionaire musk in his show.
Their culture wars are all irrelevant made up grievances anyways when it comes to actual policy, both democrats and Republicans are on the same page. I don't care about the woke agenda when both parties will still fund the same wars, give the rich benefits and bail them out when they need. The cultural wars are just spectacle.

>> No.6965905

Ok. So how much money Hasan has?
Also I'm not American so I don't understand what institutions right wingers have and what are they lobbying, but only a blind retard or a biased faggot would not see that right wingers are on the losing side.

>Dave Chappell
He's openly left wing, he just told a joke about trannies. Jokes about trannies make you right wing? Lmao.

>> No.6965909
File: 1.16 MB, 2341x1168, 1636057973559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hating niggers is political
Minorities/non-white =/= niggers
That board is mostly non-white too.

You will have the extreme case of sister fucking rednecks saying a bunch of shit or the nth redditor/shill trying to "how do you do fellow racists" but you should lurk moar
pol is like the least racist board once you remove election tourists, shitposters, shills and newfags. At best it used to be just different nationailities performing banter on each other and people autistically talking about political ideologies.

/ic/ is far more genuinely racist because they discriminate against anyone who doesn't have huge social media followings or draws anime while not being Asian.
>why is race mixing bad?
Because mixing the races "en masse" leads to psychological, social and cultural disasters, for the kids first of all, since most will still struggle with their cultural identity well into adulthood, and most likely be left out of any social groups of their peers or be bullied.
And now the kid will start to hate their parents for mixing, doesn't know where they belong and will probably turn to crime, isolate themselves and fail at society.

If accidents happens and your mutt needs a transplant or something, the chances to find a compatible donor are slim, since it could be most likely that even you as the parent, could also be incompatible with your own child and your child's system could reject the donation.
This is the case with bone marrow btw; mixed people can only receive that from other mixed people of the same heritage.

But race mixing heavily depends on your own heritage.
If you're Eurobean, you can pretty much mix with white Americans and all of EU without much problems, since heritage and culture is not that different and it won't be a burden on your kid.
When you start going into different heritage, that's where the issues start.

But in current year the truth is racist or something. Worship science btw fellow 4noggers

>> No.6965917

>Look at how "canceled" someone like Dave Chappell was
So much effort, so much time spend in this thread fighting ideological opponents, only to make a little mistake and expose yourself as a seething trannie. So unfortunate

>> No.6965962
File: 13 KB, 530x501, BURHGRU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in honor of a thread about efficient drawings

>> No.6965964

dis nigga nucler choke-slammed the trannie so hard he might've legit 41% himself

>> No.6966033
File: 55 KB, 1000x500, FNAF according to Neo-nazi extremist BoulderYeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bruh....bruh.... fo realz? omg no waaaaaaaay~~

>> No.6966143

>society provides infrastructure and services that benefit everyone through the government
>people who become wealthier thanks to society are expected to put more into it
>leftists claim society should be given more to provide more services in return
>autismos online are thoroughly confused by this

>the right does not hate minorities
Lying is bad. American leftists might be retarded in many ways, but this is just disingenuous.

>> No.6966201

Nigger rich people pay $2.8T of the $3.5T yearly revenue and we still don't have sensible services. That is the problem. You keep clapping like a trained seal everytime they fuck you in the ass.

>> No.6966224

So, you don't have any counter evidence other than insults?

>> No.6966226

Your post image shows you lack media literacy.

Also, going to need sources for all that.

>> No.6966232

basically the analysis shows that whoever made it is bulshitting or isn't familiar with either cartoonist.

There is clearly an idea being mocked in horseys cartoon. It's just not as specific as the stonetoss one. He's calling right wing beliefs such as Q all brawn and no brains.
The image comes from a opinion article which explains it further: https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/big-guns-small-minds/

Stonetoss regularly depicts his political opponents in dehumanizing ways. (like every cartoon he makes about trannies).

>> No.6966237

>Anarchy and punk are right wing now, not because they're conservative, but because the left has become an authoritarian regime of nepotist bureaucrats empowered by their subservience to the party not their worth to society.
And the right wing hasn't?
>The left not only is not against taxation, they support total economic oppression measures like cashless cities and social credit.
Whats wrong with cashless cities?
and social credit already exists, its your credit score.
>Anarchy and punk are right-wing, and feminists support hijabs and Hamas. World is upside down
What's wrong with the Hijab outside of people being forced to wear it? Shouldn't they have a personal choice in that regard? What percent of feminists support hamas?

>> No.6966274
File: 41 KB, 446x559, troon smackdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opposing the drugging and mutilation mentally ill children doesnt really need proof mein nigger

>> No.6966283
File: 80 KB, 750x662, Chad chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stonetoss regularly depicts his political opponents in dehumanizing ways. (like every cartoon he makes about trannies)

jokes aside that infograph is a bad example since it uses a cartoon for comparision and not a meme
most lefty memes on the otherhand are badly modified RW memes or usually literally amount to "kill terfs uwu" and "kill phobes uwu" and the classic "be gay do crime" where the punchline is that the troon steals from big name stores and is proud of it

>> No.6966299

>the classic "be gay do crime" where the punchline is that the troon steals from big name stores and is proud of it
That wasn't a political meme, that was just a comic with a flawed MC.

>> No.6966306

How common is what you are saying?
Why should I believe your framing is accurate and why doesn't it need proof?

>> No.6966377
File: 164 KB, 768x590, get in the car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image bad because muh boogeymen literal whos
Found the nodraw tourists

Dehumanizing the opposition or a group is what children do and what children understand, Usually the meme is
>"the left can't meme"
Which is 200% true since they can only insult their opponents with everything they make wich mostly boils down to
>"you're a poopyhead"
>"you have wrongthink"
They do this because ironically is what 300% works on them.

On the other hand, mocking an idea is fair game only when you can show why it should be mocked without resorting to
>virtue signaling
>the """"correct opinion"""""
>branding the opposing idea as wrong
>ad hominem
Saying one uses dyed hair an identifier is "dehumanizing" is somewhat of a stretch and begs the question if you're mentally retarded or get paid to post this absolute garbage by some jewish organization trying to "btfo the natzees" and police the internet.

The dancing niggers in my head
also it isn't esoteric knowledge
Just google it, tranny

now lets get to 300 cuz this thread is a nigger

>> No.6966423

>Saying one uses dyed hair an identifier is "dehumanizing" is somewhat of a stretch and begs the question if you're mentally retarded or get paid to post this absolute garbage by some jewish organization trying to "btfo the natzees" and police the internet.
I didn't say died hair is dehumanizing, I said something different:
>Stonetoss regularly depicts his political opponents in dehumanizing ways. (like every cartoon he makes about trannies).

>> No.6966438
File: 182 KB, 741x833, averagetrannoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitive statement
>no examples of what he mean
>"uuuuuuhm he does that because... he just does ok?"
What's next, kiddo, you're gonna accuse me of being his fanboy?
Or you know what would really "WIN" the argument; calling me a hypocrite?
btw pic related is you

>> No.6966476

>everyone i disagree with is a tranny

I think you haven't read stonetoss's comics because you'd recognize what I was referring to.
He regularly depicts them in ways such as ugly hairy sexual predators. You can make some nitpicky remark like "but thats true tho", but its still a negative caricature.

>> No.6966488

trannydom is a social/political issue
he makes a joke around it
that's all there is to it

it doesn't have to be deep

>> No.6966510

What do you mean that's all there is too it? Like in that comic, can't you see he's saying that accepting trannies is bad?

>> No.6966661
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>it's true
>but its bad because... you shouldn't criticize groups or else your anti-semitic-homophobic or some shit
Man, tell me to fight off verbally challenged niggers for a whole day but even i can't handle this mental illness
We're not arguing, you're genuinely mentally challenged

And you're a tranny or some other type of freak, yes

>> No.6966693
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 1623565646352645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember gaise
>it's dehumanizing if you portray a negative thing about a group that is true
this has to be the most absolutely dogshit retarded statement in history
even if you're baiting and trolling, you have to absolutely have no intelligence to even let this shit slip

These type of posts are what completely and morally justifies genocide

>> No.6966695
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 16546584651654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>critique is bad and you're a crab if it hurts my feefees, even if the critique is fair
its the same fucking energy
holy shit

>> No.6966698
File: 35 KB, 600x626, 14546514787645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also remember
>Criticizing anything the sexual deviants do is bad.. because then you're just a nazi and truth is racist

>> No.6966702
File: 67 KB, 653x701, 1625464866105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lastly
>discord trannies don't exist and if you say so you're a schizo seethe cope ratio fr famalam senpai meltdown yikes tldr wall of text

>> No.6966721

What you are bringing up is irrelevant.
What you claimed here is that stonetoss doesn't depict his opponents in a dehumanizing way:

But as I showed, he does depict them as negative caricatures. Whether one agrees with him or not is irrelevant to the point being made about how he depicts them.

>> No.6966727

The point of my post is that the analysis is wrong and that rockfling isn't that different from the other political cartoonist he is being compared to

>> No.6966865
File: 189 KB, 1050x990, look at what you made me do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depict them truthfully
>the truth happens to be negative
>"uuuuuuhm its not the action that's negative, only the one who points it out is bad"
If pebblethrow is "dehumanizing", that would make me literally the God of misanthropy.

>> No.6966888

So, I could say the same thing about horsey here:

The point is that the cartoons aren't that different.

>> No.6966901
File: 130 KB, 530x554, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could, but you'd be wrong, because the point isn't about which one of the political cartoonists has the bigger dick.
Because, first of all; my dick is maximum.
Secondly, you're completely missing the point of what that image entails and outs you as being a consumer, not a an artist.
Thirdly; your lack of rationality either points out to you being mentally deficient or outright just trying to get (you)s.

And lastly; politics is for retards. Identity politics is for subhumans.
Kill all trannies because they're fucking disgusting.

>> No.6966904

So stonetoss is for retards then?
Whats the point of the image?

>> No.6966906

>And lastly; politics is for retards. Identity politics is for subhumans.
>Kill all trannies because they're fucking disgusting.
Did you just call yourself a subhuman retard?

>> No.6966914
File: 62 KB, 1188x846, average tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is that you should
>lurk moar
>go draw
>being disgusted by inhuman abominations is now political
>because only ""right-wing"" boogeymen would say that
>"""no u"""
No, i just genuinely and rationally despise the modern people.
Breads and circuses are not my thing.
Also, you know what my political alignment is?
Everyone else is a stupid nigger.

>> No.6966966

No, the right wing is not pro redundant bureaucracy that behaves like aristocrats. If there's anyone who can't stand having to speak with more than one person at the same level of authority to solve an issue, it's right wingers.
The right is also considerably less authoritarian than the left. You can get away with way more shady shit in redneck appalachia than 24/7 intrusive surveillance hives like London and Los Angeles.
>and social credit already exists, its your credit score
Your credit score is how well you can manage the loan metagame. Not how much party cock you suck. That so many people are unable to understand how credit cards work but demand we be micromanaged by bureaucrats is not a surprise. You're literal retards willing to give up all your freedoms just so daddy guvmint will send some social wokers to change your diapers.

>> No.6966969

Proving >>6962241 right.
If it's right wing it's politica.
If it's leftist it's "just normal".
This is why moderates lean right.

>> No.6966980

Socialist cope by saying nazees wasn't muh real socialism just because they incorporated nationalism into it. Or worse, they cope by inferring that Hitler only used socialism to become a dictator and pretend that isn't another bone in the pile as to why socialism is the problem itself. Just post a picture of a political compass with categorizing political ideologies in their respective quadrants and watch them seeth and cope over why Nazi's are placed usually just left of the right/left line and scramble to justify their own false left/right dichotomy.
>inb4 any socialist sympathizers give me a (you)
nothing justifies the means and Hamiltonians are just tyrant apologists

>> No.6967055

How is that pro tyranny? I just said canceling is ineffective, picked Chapelle because it's recent. But pick any other "canceled" person if you want. The trans ones are particularly funny, like Rowling is laughing at her cancelation from a literal castle.

>> No.6967097

See this post:

You could call the new guy meme from the same author more political.

>> No.6967103

Republicans aren't pro small government. They just favor different restrictions than democrats.
They are against drug legalization, against abortion, in favor of harsher prison sentences, against LGBT rights, against certain stuff being taught in school, school vouchers, etc.
Whether or not you agree with their positions, these are all restrictions that require government action.
(libertarians aren't going to be elected, so they can be ignored)

Trump was remarkably nepotistic, and has his children working in the white house. (of course trump doesn't really represent classical conservative ideology that well.)

>> No.6967131

Why do you think its bad to be right wing? Do you think advocating genocide isn't political?

>> No.6967273

>They are against drug legalization, against abortion, in favor of harsher prison sentences, against LGBT rights, against certain stuff being taught in school, school vouchers, etc.
Translation: "I wanna be an aids ridden junkie living off the working man's dime, never take responsibility for my actions and force my ideology on children".

Why don't you faggots every ask for things that actually make a sane person's life better?

>> No.6967349
File: 225 KB, 882x838, lol women lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you assume what i'm thinking and try yet again to find out on which consumeristic spectrum i belong? Have you no reasonable arguments?
One could safely say that branding anyone as xyz-wing is used as an argument by ideological zealots to discredit any opposing voice while validating their own beliefs, without the risk of being wrong, and also weaponized by them in a matter of
>"if you're xyz wing, then you must believe xyz to be true/wrong"
Which does yet again lead to nothing but the one saying this shit as trying to validate their own beliefs like the autogynephilic tranny he is.

And honestly, it pretty much shows the lack of mental capabilities if any discussions has to be about which side one is on.
>genocide is political
Maybe political in a vague and broader sense, semantically even, but no.
Depends on the context.

A barely edgy and flat statement is also not advocating for anything, and calling it that is kind of a stretch.
But also given that you showed that you logic is basically;
>"if something bad is true about a specific group, the ones pointing it out are dehumanizing them"
This is just trying to silence any opposition and damage control.

If you want to know what i think is that; politics aren't for kids and have always been a shitshow of cultural sabotage, political celebrities and USvsTHEM to keep the cattle occupied as to not go and revolt against the politicians abusing their offices to lobby for big industries and personal profit.

btw am i guilty of anything for responding with words? Just tryna make sure i am not being resin homoamphibian

i love people of
they are just like human bean, just lesser than

>> No.6967438

You are missing the point. THe question isn't whether their rules are good, the question being debated was whether they are infavor of government intervention in people's personal lives:

See this post that I was responding to:

>> No.6967443

>One could safely say that branding anyone as xyz-wing is used as an argument by ideological zealots to discredit any opposing voice while validating their own beliefs, without the risk of being wrong, and also weaponized by them in a matter of
Where have I said being right-wing implies that any argument put forward is wrong?
You are infact guilty of this, you accuse people of being a tranny inorder to ignore what they are saying.

I am against circmcision for infants.

>>"if something bad is true about a specific group, the ones pointing it out are dehumanizing them"
>This is just trying to silence any opposition and damage control.
So is horsey dehumanizing his opposition?

>> No.6967447

You are the one who brought up right wing boogeyman here as a negative:

>> No.6967590

Dace Chapelle is a bad example exactly because he is actively and openly pro-left and pro everything else(and not only black but also has a strong background of supporting his black community, so there's just a lot of arguments to protect him), he just made a single joke about trannies and it already was enough to disown the yesterday's ally. Same with Rowling, actually. She literally wrote an antifa power fantasy about magical Hitler and his squad of KKK members being magic-racist. It only took her saying that "universal" terminology used to describe women is anti-feministic to be banished from good people club. Again, a single word against trannies and you are done. And you are dishonest to say she's laughing. She's constantly being threatened with death, they literally camp her castle to "say hello", she's cut from every connection to work of her life and the whole fandom hates her permanently. But she has a lot of money tho. Yes.
The people who do not show previous bootlicking of left liberalism are fired from their jobs, blocked everywhere they can be blocked, doxed, threatened and have their career ended. Should I say "thank you for not killing them as well"?

>> No.6967599
File: 274 KB, 925x875, mild laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where have i implied

>but is horsey true? hehe r u trolled yet
Do people have microscopic heads, you dumb faggot?
>b-b-b-b-but they dumb
That's all he's doing to brand the opposition.
The comic expresses nothing but;
Anon, how much longer are you gonna bait for a gotcha?
You're wrong and you're a tranny, it is obvious.
>you call others tranny to ignore what they say
No, i call you a tranny because you're legitimately mentally retarded, i explain it to you, yet you still hark about retarded shit and making absolutist statements without explaining anything.
If you're trolling, nigger, not only are you not being succesful with it and if you're arguing seriously, maybe buy yourself some IQ points with the free (you)s i've been so graciously giving to you.
>illiterate nigger is illiterate
Are you gonna post this on r*ddit later? post the link i bet is gonna be so epic and funny 4chud btfo cumpilation fellow 4channer hacker anomynouse

fucking newfags holy shit

>> No.6967644
File: 56 KB, 570x520, victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 waaaah greentext bad i didn't say it
and the whole canned replies i've read a million times.

What you niggers have been doing since the beginning is outright trying to assign beliefs and a political spectrum to others, make nothing but statements without elaborating anything at all which has the obvious intent of accusing anyone of being "the enemy", which is a telltale sign of someone who wants to argue in bad faith i.e. a shill, a plant or is legitimately retarded and the stereotypical trannoid sjw and shill behavior.
How is one's beliefs and who the ecelebrities are even relevant to a discussion? They aren't, and your persistence in moving the discussion to retarded shit, is only proof of you niggetry.

Politics has been turned into normie territory where it's all about which team one belongs to, much like sports.
You're sportstrannies; men who need to live through the accomplishments of the side/team they choose to support, but instead of sports, it's politics.

I don't personally mind though, this is just brain exercise to me.

>> No.6967829

>What you niggers have been doing since the beginning is outright trying to assign beliefs and a political spectrum to others,
Isn't that what you are doing?

>> No.6967865

>no u

>> No.6967867

>How is one's beliefs and who the ecelebrities are even relevant to a discussion?
That's what this entire discussion was about.

>> No.6967878

So, you're mentally challenged then.
Shit talk. I win though.

Now you have to 50%. It's the rules.

>> No.6967882

>Do people have microscopic heads, you dumb faggot?
Does every transwoman have died hair and a more prominent 5 o clock shadow than every man on the planet?

He's pointing out the irony of how the masterminds behind terror attacks are often morons and/or calling them dangerous because they are stupid and heavily armed.

>> No.6967885

So what was this discussion about if it wasn't stonetoss? (It kinda drifted away from the OP image instantly)

>> No.6967888

>nothing justifies the means
So you aren't allowed to kill in self defense?

>> No.6967893

>No, i call you a tranny because you're legitimately mentally retarded, i explain it to you, yet you still hark about retarded shit and making absolutist statements without explaining anything.
What absolutist statements have I made?

>> No.6967904

(you) need to read the thread then
>Does every transwoman have died hair and a more prominent 5 o clock shadow than every man on the planet?
Yes. Exceptions don't make the rule.
And the caricature isn't the whole point.
>He's pointing out the irony of how the masterminds behind terror attacks are often morons and/or calling them dangerous because they are stupid and heavily armed.
Cool, but you're still arguing the wrong things here.

Maybe start posting your work, Anon-kun.
All you did was statements, never arguments.

i doubt you'll get this since you appear to be as dense as dried up cum

>> No.6967910

What separates a statement from an argument in your eyes?
a statement is not the same as an absolutist statement.
Is providing evidence in support of a claim not an argument?

You make absolutist statements here:
>>Does every transwoman have died hair and a more prominent 5 o clock shadow than every man on the planet?
>Yes. Exceptions don't make the rule.
>And the caricature isn't the whole point.

>> No.6967915
File: 169 KB, 240x197, EasyKeyClownanemonefish-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still going
holy shit anon-kun
you really only interacted with kids and trannies
holy fuck
>is providing evidence in support of a claim not an argument?
Well, i am still waiting for you to provide evidence to whatever retarded point you're trying to make.

>> No.6967921

like here:

>> No.6967924

Why are you incapable of explaining your point and instead choose to resort to ad hominem?

>> No.6967935

Ok, what does it have to do with this? >>6965909
Nigger, this is an art board.
Take your tranny illness back to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.6967940

Also, don't say i never provide evidence
Trannies are disgusting freak

>> No.6967946

improper generalization from a single example

>> No.6967950

oh no, a single example?
oh no

>> No.6967953

>Ok, what does it have to do with this? >>6965909

I did make posts explaining the issue in that image.

>> No.6967954

Which missed the point by a mile or you moved the goalpost on purpose to be a faggot
(you) want more examples that provide support for my generalization?

>> No.6967957

Your videos are chosen selectively, It's cherry picked data.

>> No.6967961

Bet Stonetoss did a comic about that

>> No.6967979

>Which missed the point by a mile or you moved the goalpost on purpose to be a faggot
So what was the point of the image?
You didn't explain how I missed the point, you just started flinging insults.

>> No.6967990

>Why should I believe your framing is accurate and why doesn't it need proof?
can you prove i did not fuck your mom last night?
got any proof she doesn't have my cum in her whore mouth rigt now?
got any verfied studies that she didn't gulp down mouthfuls of my piss?

>> No.6968007

Yes, I know where her ashes are.

Why is it allowed for you to dismiss evidence out of hand, without a counter argument?

>> No.6968013


>> No.6968018
File: 313 KB, 810x580, 1671186091444351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on an art board, shouldn't that be self-explanatory or could it be that you don't draw? No way someone would be on an art board to talk about politics.

>> No.6968019

They've made themselves really hateable

>> No.6968028


>> No.6968042

>>huh the sky is blue ?
>>you got a source for that
>>got fact-checked and peer-reviewed study for tha
